anthropology essay 3 1

Word count 750, not outside resources needed. Make clear citation


This paper will offer your reflection on Edith Turner’s There Are No Peripheries to Humanity(post in file) and the concept of “framing process” discussed on p. 355 of Essentials of Cultural Anthropology.

Throughout her article, Turner describes how Inupiat people sought recognition that their disproportionately high rates of cancer and cancer deaths were due to radioactive dumping and poisoning of their land and water. Turner started her research with the Inupiat with one goal: to study healing. In that process, the ravages of cancer became an overwhelming reality not only for the Inupiat people of Point Hope, but for Turner as well. This led her to join in their fight for justice, and to question the role of the anthropologist and anthropological research.

Throughout, we are offered different frames for understanding cancer in Point Hope and the role of the anthropologist. These frames include those of U.S. government agencies, the people of Point Hope, and Turner herself. While Guest’s definition describes a “framing process” as the “creation of shared meanings and definitions that motivate and justify collective action by social movements” (Guest, 355), anthropologists often encounter framing processes among government officials and others in power, as well. These are often similar to what Tett describes in the excerpt from her book “Fool’s Gold”: that those in power also frame issues in way that may serve their interests, such as by acting on shared ideologies and assumptions that permit one set of facts to be public, but keep another set of facts quiet or hidden. In relation to cancer in Point Hope, at least three groups, U.S. government agencies, Point Hope residents, and the anthropologist, Edith Turner, were engaged in framing the issue and their role in it.

First, using the expanded discussion of a “framing process” above, write 750 words describing how:

  1. U.S. government agencies initially framed the high cancer rates in Point Hope (or what justification they offered for not exploring the possibility of radioactive pollution);
  2. The people of Point Hope framed their position vis-a-vis the government and their high cancer rates (or what shared understandings did they create that motivated action);
  3. Edith Turner framed her role as an anthropologist, and how that changed over time. Did she come to accept the frame offered by the U.S. government or that offered by the people of Point Hope? Why?

Finally, describe how the balance of power shifted over time, that is how the people of Point Hope were able to convince U.S. government agencies to pay attention to their frame and clean up the pollution.

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japan s rise to power after world war 2

Please discuss Japan’s rise back to power as a first-world country after the Second World War. How did they do it? How far have they progressed after that time in history? This essay needs to be at least 500 words.

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prep assignment 1

There are three written assignments in the course, in which you will use the same organization to analyze the culture and make recommendations. Therefore, it is essential you start to think now about your company selection. Consider selecting a company you work for, a company a family member or friend works for, or a civic organization.

To ensure your selection sets you up for success in all three assignments, be sure that your company:

 is one you are familiar and can draw on internal processes the public (outsider) is unaware

 has true issues that need to be resolved

 allows for realistic and enforceable solutions for the organization to be successful

1) Identify the company that you want to research for the three written assignments in the course.

2) Describe the organizational issue in your chosen company.

3) Explain why the issue hinders organizational efficiency.

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can i please request assitance with a paper on ten principles of economics and the data of macroeconomics

Assignment Steps

Resources: National Bureau of Economic Research; Principles of Macroeconomics: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

Scenario: Your organization’s CEO is concerned that members of the strategic planning committee are not familiar with current economic thought and principles.

Prepare a 1,000-word worksheet (please use worksheet attached below to complete paper) for the members of the strategic planning committee explaining the following information:

  • How economists are both scientists and policymakers and what principles society uses to allocate its scarce resources.
  • Using the circular flow model, explain the flow of money and goods in an economy.
  • How the economy coordinates society’s independent economic actors.
  • A country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and how it is defined and calculated.
  • How the consumer price index (CPI) is constructed and why it is an imperfect measurement of the cost of living.

Fill-in the attached worksheet. Make sure your final submission is formatted according to APA guidelines with an APA title page, APA citations within the text and a final page with APA formatted references.

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question help 23

My class discussion question needs to be answer with at least 150 words with example. I would like for it to be in your own words. If not please cite in text with reference, No plagiarism please. Doesn’t need a title page.

Class Discussion–Let’s focus for the moment on the “S” in SWOTT by taking a look at a popular corporation…Wal-Mart! One of Wal-Mart’s strengths is its logistics operation. After reading the information at the following link, can you explain what gives Wal-Mart the competitive edge in this area?

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residency reflections

Assignment 1: Residency Reflections

As you know, throughout the residency, you were advised to keep a detailed learning log that describes your experiences, summarizes the sessions you attended, and analyzes what you learned from them. Now add your reflections of the entire residency experience and its contributions to your growth as a doctoral learner.

In developing your reflections, address the following questions.

  • What were the most important things you learned during residency?
  • What were the most beneficial components for you?
  • What would you tell a new Argosy doctoral learner who wants to know about residency, what to expect from it, and how to prepare for it?
  • After completing residency, what questions do you now have about your doctoral program?

After editing and proofreading your work, submit it to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Name your file W7000_M7_A1_lastname_firstinitial.doc. Then, through the end of the module, join in a discussion of residency experiences with your classmates, using the Discussion Area provided below.

Note: The reflections document will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Please make sure you review the elements of the grading criteria and associated points carefully and make sure your assignment has addressed all the elements and in enough detail to merit full points.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
Documented reflections on the entire residency experience and its contributions to your growth as a doctoral learner.


Participated in discussion of residency expectations


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation



Module 7 Overview

Presented a quote by Scott Adams,
Provides the learning outcomes on which the readings and assignments for this module are based.
  • Engage in ethical scholarship and utilize appropriate citation and referencing skills associated with dissertation and scholarly writing to avoid plagiarism/matching text.
  • Apply advanced academic writing skills and the American Psychological Association (APA) style to develop a literature review based on the chosen research question.

Near the beginning of this module, your instructor will provide you with feedback on the draft of the literature review that you submitted as M6: Assignment 1. There may also be areas that you plan to revise. A point to remember is that revisions are not just for writers who do not write perfectly the first time. If you have read about any well-known writers, you know that revisions are an important part of the writing process. Every writer, regardless of the writing level, spends time revising and rewriting. The final copy of your literature review is due at the end of this module.

During this course, you have written critiques and annotations. You created a research topic and wrote a literature review as well. Undoubtedly, throughout this course, you met challenges. Was it worth the effort? Reflect on your starting point when you began this course and consider what you have learned in this course. You endured, and the course is nearly complete!

Note: Students who participated in the MWL Learning Path must complete the Mastery Check in this module. Once you complete the Mastery Check, please inform your instructor, for your grades for the M1 Assignment 2 to be updated.



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country report outline

You will be responsible for writing a report on a country. Compiling a country dossier is standard practice for geographers who are area specialists.


As per the syllabus instructions on the country dossier, you will be responsible for writing about a country’s domestic or foreign conflict, dispute, or other issue of your choosing and my approval. You are free to choose a country and must get approval from me. However, there are a few ground rules for the selection of your country:

  1. You cannot choose the United States.
  2. If you decide to choose a territory, then you must provide justification why you want to write about that location. If you are unsure whether a “country” is independent or not, then I highly recommend one of my favorite websites on all things geographical–The CIA World Factbook. Just type in a country name and all sorts of information is listed. Go to the Government>Government Type for info on sovereignty.
  3. If you are having difficulties choosing a country then there a few more websites I recommend:
    1. The BBC News Country Profiles weblink is wonderful because not only do you get a listing of countries and territories by region, each country’s page describes history, facts, and current issues.
    2. The Fragile States Index.sponsored by the Fund For Peace, website is an excellent source for identifying whether a country is undergoing a current economic, social, and/or political crisis.
  4. I will allow only three students to pick the same country. First come, first served.

You must choose one current domestic or foreign issue for your selected country. For example, you can choose the on-going Syrian Civil War from a domestic standpoint such as Assad versus rebel forces; however, do not include Russian or United States intervention in the Syrian conflict.

Answer the Following Questions

  1. Which country did you choose. (1 point)
  2. Why did you choose this country? (4 points)
  3. Briefly explain what current domestic or foreign issue you want to write about (10 points)
  4. What sources will you use as references? (5 points)
  5. What must you do in order for the paper to be due by 1 July 2018? Include a brief timeline. (5 points)

(After writing this outline, if you think you can do well on this report, let me know. The final paper would be a maximum of six pages, double-spaced. )

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simulate your circuit using ltspice 1

drew the circuit and Simulate your circuit using Ltspice and prove that the circuit you designed meets all design requirements

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question and answer 16

Please answer the following questions with references no older than 5 years old

Question 1

With filtered resources, the literature on a topic has already been searched to provide the best answer to a clinical question or practice issue. Choose all the appropriate means that experts have:

Question 1 options:

located all the available evidence they could find on a topic from individual studies and reports

analyzed the validity and reliability of the studies to determine whether each study should be included

summarized the findings from the available research to present the dat

summarized the conclusions and recommendations for clinical questions and nursing practice based on the best available evidence

Question 2

Which of the following online evidence sources is most likely to provide preappraised evidence?

Question 2 options:




The Cochrane Library

Question 3

Which of the following sources of evidence would be the best evidence to use to suggest a clinical practice change?

Question 3 options:

A well-designed randomized controlled trial

A systematic review that encompasses multiple studies

Expert opinion of experienced and educated nurses

A case study that addresses a similar clinical situation

Question 4

Which of the following is the sequence in which you should use a database?

Question 4 options:

Limit dates of papers; print out full text papers; read abstracts; enter search terms

Print out papers; read abstracts; limited dates; determine search terms

Determine search terms; enter terms into database; limit dates of papers; read abstracts; print out full text papers

Read abstracts; limit dates of papers; determine search terms; print out full text papers

Question 5

The most appropriate professional to assist with a structured search would be:

Question 5 options:





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drug case study 1

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

As a group, create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-12-slides (slide count does not include title and reference slides) that associates psychological theory with substance use. Include the following in your presentation: methylenedioxymethamphetamine)

  1. As a group, choose a drug that is often abused. Briefly introduce the drug or substance.
  2. Using the Biopsychosocial Model, explain why someone uses drugs. Include biological, psychological, and sociocultural influences as they relate to using substances.
  3. Address how media influences substance use (i.e., music, social media).
  4. Discuss the health hazards associated with the substance.
  5. Identify psychological treatments/techniques used to treat addiction associated with the substance. Include an explanation of how these treatments/techniques are implemented.
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