phase 3 evaluate plan assignment

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCP/DRP) Plan – Phase 3 – Evaluation

This is the third assignment of the phased group activity. The objective is to simulate a test of the group BCP/DRP plans, evaluate the results, and improve the plan. The following activities will occur during this phase:

  • The instructor will rotate plans among the groups for evaluation.
  • The instructor will provide a man-made or natural disaster scenario for students to “test” another group’s plan. The group will determine how well the plan can be executed to handle the disaster scenario.
  • The group will make recommendations for improvements to the original group. In this way, the original group can modify in preparation for submitting it as its final product, when due.
  • The groups will provide a short but concise written evaluation of their evaluation to the instructor.

Your evaluation by the testing group must address the test scenario and effectively analyze the protection of business operations to the extent possible.Your evaluation should provide the rationale for noted findings and any recommendations for improvement. Your level of evaluation and analysis will be evaluated by the instructor.

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e learning for training and potential barriers 1

In Chapter Five of the textbook, e-learning as a method of training is discussed. In Chapter Six, potential barriers of e-learning readiness to implementing e-learning as a training method are examined. In a two page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), examine e-learning and the barriers. Include the following in your paper:

  1. Describe e-learning as a training method.
  2. Describe the potential barriers of e-learning readiness.
  3. Analyze how e-learning readiness has affected your success at school
  4. Explain what a trainer can do to prepare learners for e-learning.

Your paper must include in-text citations and references from at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook, and be formatted according to APA guidelines

text book:

Kopp, D. M. (2014).
Human resource development: Performance improvement through learning [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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email inbox exercise

The scenario

Your name is P Smith and you are the Marketing Manager of a company named Reeder. Your boss is Janet Clifton. Reeder is a retailing company specializing in sales of foods and pharmaceutical products that has branches through the country. Its head office, where you work, is in San Jose and its CEO is George Wilkes.

Reeder hired you because you are an ambitious, positive thinker who’ll make things happen. Read each question and consider the suggested courses of action. Then write an email or letter in which you implement the action you feel to be most appropriate.

Spend no more than 90 minutes on this exercise, and record your answers in a word-processing document with each response labeled as follows: “Response to Question 1,” “Response to Question 2,” etc.

Good luck!

Question 1 – Conference Confusion

From: George Wilkes

Subject: Innovations in Drugs Conference 21st October

I’ve just had a phone conversation with Frank Fielding of Kemiko, who are the major drug manufacturing company organizing the above conference. He tells me that there is going to be a presentation by the manufacturers of Supranine, a revolutionary new drug for hay fever sufferers that has just been approved for sale over the counter by retailers in this country. I’ve read several reviews of this new drug, and it looks set to take a very large share of the overall market.

I feel that the market in hay fever remedies is one that we have never properly got to grips with in this company, and since the size of this sector of the market expands every year, we must do something about this. We also regularly see drug sales plummet in the spring and summer months when cold remedies are not selling – increased sales of hay fever products would help to reduce this.

I’ve arranged a meeting with Karen for the week after the conference to discuss this, but she is on holiday the week before and therefore cannot attend the conference itself. I want you to make sure that you bring back a copy of all handouts relating to this product and any other information that you think we’ll need when coming to our decision as to whether or not to market this product.

What do you do?

A – Attend the conference

B – Send someone else

C – Don’t attend but order material to be sent

Question 2 – Company Car

From: R. Patel

Subject: Delivery of new company car

I’ve completed final negotiations with the dealer supplying your new company car. They’ll have it ready for pickup between 3 and 5 pm on Thursday, October 21st, so I would be grateful if you could arrange for it to be collected at that time. They have agreed to include the sunroof, remote alarm and the CD player at the price we originally agreed. I’ve also arranged for your old car to be collected from the car park at Head Office on the afternoon of the same day.

Please let me know immediately of any faults that you notice. When we’re paying this amount of money for a car it should be perfect!

What do you do?

A – Collect the car yourself

B – Arrange to collect the car another day

C – Arrange for someone else to collect the car

Question 3 – Legal Action

From: susan.yu@grabit& (the company’s attorney)

Subject: Impending legal action by Kwono of Japan

I’ve been notified by our office in the Far East that Kwono is seriously considering taking legal action as a result of your high profile launch last month of Fango toothpaste. It appears that the name ‘Fango’ was registered by Kwono three years ago and has been used by them for a highly successful cream to treat athlete’s foot in Japan and throughout the Far East. Last year ‘Fango’ was apparently the most popular over-the-counter foot care product in Japan, and they have plans to market the product in Europe. Kwono is very unhappy that another product has been launched under the same name.

What do you do?

A – Immediately forward email to Janet Clifton and George Wilkes for them to action

B – Reply to email seeking legal advice, ‘cc’-ing it on to Janet Clifton and George Wilkes

C – Reply to email seeking legal advice

Question 4 – Charity Calls

You receive this letter:

FROM: National Society for Handicapped Children, Washington DC

TO: Head of Marketing, Reeder Ltd, San Jose, CA

Dear Sir or Madam,

As you know, we are one of the leading charities presently helping children and young people who suffer from a wide range of handicaps. There is a vast amount of work for us to do to bring some hope into the lives of many thousands of children, but unfortunately we find that our funds are not enough to enable us to do what we feel needs to be done. We rely very heavily on support from the public, and in particular from corporate sponsorship and donations to enable us to carry on with our work. To this end we have arranged a major fundraising concert on December 12 to be held at Symphony Hall in Mountain View, featuring the City of San Jose Symphony Orchestra and Choir.

In order for this to be the success that we hope for, we are asking local businesses to support the event with sponsorship or a donation. We would be grateful for donations of whatever size, but if you feel able to contribute $1000 or more we would be able to arrange some corporate entertaining for a party of you and your guests at the concert.

Businesses have told us in the past that they find this type of entertaining a very pleasant way of thanking customers or staff for their support. I do hope that you will feel able to help us in this way. If you would like any further information about our organization or the work that we do, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Smethhurst

(Head of Fundraising)

What do you do?

A – Refer to Janet Clifton

B – Refuse donation

C – Give donation or sponsorship

Question 5 – It’s big news!

Reading the paper on the way to work you see this article…

CVS for Safeway

Retailing giants CVS and Safeway yesterday announced a deal which will see the pharmacy chain’s Health and Beauty shops opening on supermarket sites. Initially the openings will be on an experimental basis in seven stores, but if the experiment works, observers believe that the format could be introduced widely throughout the Safeway superstore chain.

Both companies were being cagey about the project’s potential yesterday. A Safeway spokeswoman would only say that if successful it is hoped to extend the trial into other stores. But one analyst said: “This has potentially enormous importance in the longer term.” Initially the experiment will be restricted to stores in Sunnyvale, San Bruno, Pleasanton, Milpitas, Santa Teresa, Los Gatos, and Santa Clara; Safeway will provide space and charge CVS rent.

CVS’s downtown shops have been under pressure from Walgreens and other competitors who have undercut CVS on perfumes, sun creams and condoms. But CVS’s spokeswomen could not comment on the company’s pricing strategy in the experimental concessions, and it is not known whether prices would match those in other health and beauty shops. Safeway already has five concessions with Lloyds Chemists, and 12 Sketchley dry cleaners.

What do you do?

A – Email summary of article to Janet Clifton

B – Find article online and send link to Janet

C – Email summary and link, along with your recommendations for Reeder’s response to the news

Question 6 – Drinks do

You receive this email from Fred Hill, a manager at your level and working in a closely related area:

Subject: Drinks Do: Old Bell, Queens Rd, This Friday

As you may have heard, Marianne and I got engaged on Saturday, and we will be celebrating this at the Bell and Anchor on Friday. We hope that you will be able to join us at about 5.30 after work for a few drinks, and then to go on for a Chinese restaurant at about 7.30. We need to make a reservation at the restaurant, so please let me know whether you will be able to come. Boyfriends/girlfriends/husbands/wives are very welcome of course!

The following post-it note also arrives on your desk:

Your girlfriend/boyfriend phoned while you were away from your desk and asked me to give you the message that he/she has managed to book theatre tickets for the Regent Theatre on Queens Road for Friday night. Performance starts at 7.45pm. Please call back to confirm whether or not you can make it.

What do you do?

A – Go to Fred’s drinks and theatre

B – Go to Fred’s drinks, meal and theatre

C – Go to Fred’s drinks and meal

D – Go to Fred’s drinks only

Question 7 – Business Development

Minutes from a Business Development Committee meeting:

1. Proposed extension of range of ready meals.

F Hill reported back to the committee on this matter. There appears to be considerable evidence that ready meals are becoming increasingly popular, particularly in the larger towns and cities where the main buyers appear to be office workers who buy meals during the day to save cooking for themselves in the evening. These products have a high margin. The potential problem with them is that they have a very short shelf life. Foreign foods and “healthy” foods

appear to be more popular than other types. G Wilkes proposed that a detailed costing exercise should be carried out. F Hill suggested that customer opinion could be sought in branches. J Clifton agreed to arrange this. Further discussion was deferred to the next meeting.

2. Introduction of lockable display cabinets.

K Milward reported that she was very unhappy about the introduction of lockable glass covers over many products in branches. Although the committee had approved this three months ago, she felt that it was acting as a considerable deterrent to customers buying products, and sales had suffered accordingly. K Milward agreed to provide further detailed analysis of the fall in sales by line and the effect on profit. R West agreed to quantify the fall in shrinkage levels since these cabinets have been introduced. The matter would be further reviewed in the light of this information at the next meeting.

3. New branch opening.

J Clifton stated that arrangements for the opening of the new branch in Milpitas on November 18 were well in hand. All the normal publicity had been arranged for the event with exception of the 2-page spread in the San Jose Mercury News, which has not yet been arranged because they do not accept advertisements more than 1 month in advance of publication. The design work for the spread has been prepared. It was planned to appear in the November 12 edition. It was agreed that P Smith would arrange this.

4. Seasonal fluctuations in pharmaceutical product sales.

G Wilkes stated that he was concerned about the low sales in pharmaceutical products over the summer months that are experienced every year. Although this is due to very low sales in cough and cold remedies which yield high profits in the winter months, he felt that there were areas that we could expand which would compensate for this to some extent, such as insect repellent, hay fever treatments and skincare products. He is currently reviewing a number of possible products and hopes to have further information available for the next meeting.

5. Results for last month.

GW congratulated everyone, particularly the food sales staff, on very good results.

6. Any other business.


What do you do?

A – Arrange branch opening publicity immediately

B – Organize customer research immediately

C – Arrange branch opening publicity and organize customer research

D – Delegate branch opening publicity

Question 8 – Synchronized Sponsorship

You receive this letter…

FROM: The Synchronized Swimming Society, West Valley College

TO: Marketing Manager, Reeder Ltd, San Jose

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing on behalf of our society, which was formed last year, in the hope that you will feel able to sponsor us on a tour of the Hawaiian islands. We hope to tour the islands next May for two weeks with a team of about 10 people. We plan to give demonstrations of synchronized swimming in the sea and swimming pools and to raise the profile of the sport in general by our presence.

We will be able to display the Reeder name and logo prominently on our swimwear, thus giving a high degree of exposure to your company. We will also be able to publicize the use of some of the food and beauty products that you sell, for example waterproof cosmetics and slimming products (as several of our team have recently been on diets and will happily attribute their success to one or more of the diet programs that you sell).

We would hope that you would consider a figure in the region of $8,000 reasonable for such sponsorship. We look forward to hearing from you and feel sure that this arrangement will be very beneficial to us both in the future.

Yours faithfully,

Alison Worth


What do you do?

A – Refer letter to your boss, Janet, with a recommendation

B – Accept sponsorship

C – Write a declining letter

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writing sicence

Using the news story you chose complete the following:

  • Develop two questions that might be of interest to a natural scientist based on the information presented in the news story. As you develop these questions, consider the information presented about scientific questions. For example, if you were to build off the article on volcano eruption that you reviewed, your questions might revolve around predicting volcano eruption or the causes of volcanic eruptions.
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unit 4 assignment 1 1

Security Management

Implementing basic security management is an important task for system administrators, as security is important to today’s organizations. IT specialists are on the front lines of protecting a company’s systems. A system is only as strong as its weakest link; fortunately, IT administrators can perform simple tasks to ensure the safety of a company’s computer system.

For this assignment, create a presentation in which you explore the security tasks that systems administrators should be knowledgeable about.


Create an 8–10 page PowerPoint presentation in which you discuss the following:

  • Identify unique ethical, legal, and policy issues associated with the administration of systems and networks.
  • Explain how to administer basic user and group security from within an operating system.
  • Explain how to implement virus protection.
  • Describe how to configure a network-based firewall and configure proxy settings.

Refer to the Security Management Scoring Guide to ensure that you meet the grading criteria for this assignment.

There also has to be a reference page at the end with a minimum of 3 references and the cover page slide

Security Management Scoring Guide

Due Date: End of Unit 4.
Percentage of Course Grade: 15%.

Security Management Scoring Guide Grading Rubric






Identify unique ethical, legal, and policy issues associated with the administration of systems and networks.

Does not identify unique ethical, legal, and policy issues associated with the administration of systems and networks.

Lists potential ethical, legal, or policy issues associated with the administration of systems and networks, but does not include all three topics.

Identifies unique ethical, legal, and policy issues associated with the administration of systems and networks.

Describes unique ethical, legal, and policy issues associated with the administration of systems and networks.

Explain how to administer basic user and group security.

Does not explain how to administer basic user and group security from within an operating system.

Identifies how to administer basic user and group security from within an operating system.

Explains how to administer basic user and group security from within an operating system.

Analyzes how to administer basic user and group security from within a specified operating system.

Explain how to implement virus protection.

Does not explain how to implement virus protection.

Explains how to implement virus protection, but the explanation is incorrect.

Explains how to implement virus protection.

Explains how to implement virus protection, and details a specific process.

Describe how to configure a network-based firewall.

Does not describe how to configure a network-based firewall.

Lists steps included in configuring a network-based firewall.

Describes how to configure a network-based firewall.

Describes how to configure a network-based firewall, and how to configure proxy settings.

Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities.

Does not communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities.

Communicates in a manner that is somewhat scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities.

Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities.

Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities; written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

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write a final and one more tri week report based on the file i submit


Title Page

  • Name of student, area of specialization, name of agency and agency supervisor,
  • dates of internship, semester and year of registration.

    Evaluation of Student’s Goals and Objectives

  • Identify the 10 objectives listed in your initial report.
  • Rate each objective as met, partially met, or not met.
  • Explain each response regarding your accomplishments or lack thereof for each
  • objective. Include a copy of your initial report with this document.

    The Internship Experience

  • Description of internship focusing on your evaluation of what you learned and
  • how it has assisted you with your professional development. Point out highlights

    and disappointments of the experience.

    Career Preparation

  • Thoroughly analyze the experience reflecting on your future in the workplace.
  • Describe your strengths, interests, performance, problems, needs, and concerns

    after reflecting on your internship experience.


  • On separate pages make specific and well thought out recommendations to the
  • agency and to the school for consideration regarding the internship program.


  • The notebook MUST be a three ringed notebook (NO smaller than 1” ring)
  • Include all materials that represent your internship experience (the more the
  • better).

  • Include evidence of your short and long term projects, along with the evaluation
  • sheets

  • Include copies of all forms and assignments submitted to the Internship Program
  • Coordinator

  • The notebook should include tab dividers to separate the sections of your
  • notebook. Place all hardcopies into a three-ring binder with document protectors

    to hold the forms



    Internship Tri-Weekly Report

    1. Describe the evaluation period’s experiences (include learned skills, knowledge, and abilities). 2. Identify attended meetings and conferences (include formal and informal meetings with your agency supervisor and topics discussed.) 3. Cite any areas of special concern at this time (include any issues related to the internship experience). 4. Proposed agenda for next three weeks (include agency assignments, short and long term projects, accomplishment of internship goals). 5. This assignment must be typed on a separate sheet of paper to address these previous points and attached to this form.

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    construct simple small three dimensional art work


    Art Work Assignment

    Create a three dimensional piece of art, using the material of your choice. For example, you could create a sculpture using clay, wood, stone, metals, plaster of Paris, or other materials. Your artwork should demonstrate thought about its design and skill in the tools used to create the artwork.

    When you have finished with your art piece, take a digital photograph of the piece. Insert the photograph of your artwork into a word processing file and answer the questions below in the same file. The file with the photograph of your artwork and the questions should be submitted to the dropbox for this assignment.

    1. Describe the sculpture you created, including the material you used to make it. What tools did you used to create your artwork?
    2. What was your inspiration for the piece? What meaning does it have?
    3. Identify two elements or principles of art that relate to your sculpture. Discuss how these elements or principles of art affect the mood or feeling of the sculpture.
    4. Create an art critique of your three dimensional piece of art, using the four steps of describe, analyze, interpret, and evaluate.
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    presentation 123

    Scenario: The check (denominated in pounds) for last month’s exports just arrived. Mr. Logan

    normally deposits the check with his local bank and requests that the bank convert the

    check to dollars at the prevailing spot rate (assuming that he did not use a forward

    contract to hedge this payment). Logan’s local bank provides foreign exchange services

    for many of its business customers who need to buy or sell widely traded currencies.

    Today, however, Logan decided to check the quotations of the spot rate at other banks

    before converting the payment into dollars.


    1. Mr. Logan wants to know whether your firm thinks that this is a worthwhile

    thing for him to do so. Specifically, will he be able to find a bank to provide him

    with a more favorable spot rate than his local bank? Explain?

    2. Do you think that Mr. Logan’s bank is likely to provide more reasonable

    quotations for the spot rate of the British pound if it is the only bank in town that

    provides foreign exchange services? Explain?

    3. Logan is also considering using a forward contract to hedge the anticipated

    receivables in pounds next month. His local bank quoted him a spot rate of $1.35

    and a 1-month forward rate of $1.3435. Before he decides to sell pounds 1

    month forward, he wants to be sure that the forward rate is reasonable, given

    the prevailing spot rate. A 1-month Treasury security in the U.S. currently offers

    a yield (not annualized) of 1%, while a 1-month Treasury security in the U.K.

    offers a yield of 1.4%. Does your firm believe that the 1-month forward rate is

    reasonable given the spot rate of $1.35? answer the Questions based on the above Scenario

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    see the description 57

    The Future of Energy: Guiding Decisions with Evidence

    To reduce the negative environmental impacts of an ever growing human population and increasing demands for energy as technological advances continue, individual countries, states, cities and even households could shift their energy sources to those that are renewable. However, not all locations are equally amenable to any form of renewable energy. For this Assignment you will assess your own location, existing energy use, the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources, and ways to reduce energy demand through conservation.

    Be sure to explore the following resources to begin your research and to support your ideas with accurate facts. While the provided resources focus on the United States, you are welcome to explore the energy situation within your own state of residence, one that you would like to live in or have visited in the past, or an international location. To focus your discussion, only use one region for your entire argument.

    Review the following Assignment resources:

    For additional information on different energy sources review the following Science Center Resource:

    Your Assignment should be written in an essay format, with an introduction and conclusion. The paper will require you to include details from research including the course materials and sources you locate on your own. Use APA format to cite your sources of information, both within parenthetical citations and also within a reference page at the end of the Assignment.

    Your paper should include all the following parts.

    • Assess your own energy use: Provide five different examples of how you use energy throughout your day. Identify each energy source and whether it is renewable or nonrenewable.
    • Using the provided materials, determine, and discuss the renewable source of energy that would be the most and the renewable source of energy that would be the least appropriate for use in your chosen location. Explain how you arrived at your decisions so it is clear why one is the most appropriate and why one is the least appropriate.
    • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the energy sources you currently rely on as well as the two renewable energy sources you identified above. Include both the economic (costs/benefits) and ecological impacts of each.
    • In addition to using alternative forms of energy, energy conservation is also a significant way in which ecological impacts can be reduced on the environment. Identify three new ways in which you can reduce your energy use at home, work, or in other areas you engage in on a regular basis and explain how the changes would reduce your impact on the environment.

    Basic Writing Expectations:

    • At least 1000 words not counting the title or reference pages
    • Include a title page, double space, font size 10 or 12
    • Use a minimum of five sources
    • Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content
    • Demonstrate superior organization: use logic
    • Free of grammar and spelling errors
    • No evidence of plagiarism
    • Use the APA style for all citations
    • No more than 10% of your assignment should be taken verbatim from any outside sources.

    Be sure your essay analysis is clearly written, uses correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and that the writing is well ordered, logical, unified, as well as original and insightful.

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    help with this paper 7


    Evaluate system-level interventions, high-performing systems, and system approaches.

    Scenario Information

    An American Internet Technology company has merged with a Canadian Social Media company. Because of this merger, performance is not as optimum as the executives would have hoped; morale is low, and stress is up. The new company has decided to hire you as an Organizational Development consultant. They have tasked you with finding out the issues and what they should do next to get back on track.


    As the Organizational Development consultant, the company has requested you to design a System 4 Management model for the newly merged company. You will need to create and record this as a presentation to be presented to the executives of the company. You can use any Webware/Software of your choosing for the voice recording.

    Note: You need to record yourself giving the presentation; you will need your voiceover (audio) with the PowerPoint, Prezi, etc. In your presentation, you will want to address the following areas:

    1. Introduce System 4 Management.
    2. Discuss what a learning organization is, and how it can foster positive change.
    3. Assess some common mistakes or problems that may happen if other management systems are used.
    4. Provide suggestions for best practices their managers can use to incorporate System 4 Management to become a high-performing company.
    5. Conclude your presentation with your recommendations.
    6. Consider using graphics in your presentation that represent the System 4 Management model.


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