watch the video in the link below and do task 1 one paragraph summary and task 2 three paragraph essay

1-First task:

Please open the above link and watch the video. write a ((one-paragraph summary)) of the speech

2-Second task:

Please watch the above speech and critique it in a(( three paragraph essay)). Please give examples to back your points, for instance, “I think Malala did a great job including her audience members in her speech. For example

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a hot air balloon is filled with 1 49 106 l of an ideal gas on a cool morning 11 c the air is heated to 115

A hot air balloon is filled with 1.49 × 106 L of an ideal gas on a cool morning (11 °C). The air is heated to 115 °C. What is the volume of the air in the balloon after it is heated? Assume that none of the gas escapes from the balloon.

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the trial of the stranger jury have you reached the verdict


The Trial of “The Stranger” – Jury: Have You Reached the Verdict?

Charge: We all know that M. Meursault is guilty of killing a man on the beach. But this is not what this trial is all about. The charge we are concerned with is not murder but whether or not M. Meursault is evil.

As a Juror, cast your verdict of M. Meursault:

Guilty, or Not Guilty of Evil

Post your verdict and any compelling reason why you believe as you do.

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legal safety and regulation requirements paper

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that examines the effect of legal, safety, and regulatory requirements on the human resources process. Your paper should focus on employee-related regulations established by the United States, such as the Department of Labor, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Department of Homeland Security.

Include your thoughts on the following statement:

“Common sense and compassion in the workplace have been replaced by litigation.”

Include at least 3 references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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evaluated the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state

Choose any case study. PAPER MUST BE 5 PAGES.

MN551-4: Evaluate the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic and temporal variables

Select one of the case studies below, and include in your discussion an evaluation of the presence and effects of alteration in the homeostatic state secondary to gender, genetic, ethnic, and temporal variables.


  1. Make sure all of the topics in the case study have been addressed.
  2. Cite at least three sources; journal articles, textbooks or evidenced-based websites to support the content.
  3. All sources must be within 5 years.
  4. Do not use .com, Wikipedia, or up-to-date, etc., for your sources.

Case Study 1

Structure and Function of the Respiratory System

Brad is 45 years old and has been working as a coal cutter in a mine for the last 25 years. He likes the job because it pays well and the same mine had employed his father. Like many of his colleagues, Brad has had problems with a chronic cough. He has avoided his annual checkups for fear that he will be told he has “black lung,” or coal worker’s pneumoconiosis. The disease causes fibrosis, decreased diffusing capacity, and permanent small airway dilation. In later stages, pulmonary capillaries, alveoli, and airways are destroyed.

  1. How can the disease described above create a mismatch between ventilation and perfusion? Use your understanding of alveolar dead space and physiologic shunt to explain your answer.
  2. Individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have more difficulty exhaling than inhaling. Why is this so?
  3. In general terms, what mechanisms in lung disease can affect diffusing capacity across alveolar membranes? Use the Fick law to explain your answer.

Case Study 2

Respiratory Tract Infections, Neoplasms, and Childhood Disorders

Patricia was called at work by a woman at the local daycare center. She told Patricia to come and pick up her son because he was not feeling well. Her son, three-and-a-half-year-old Marshall, had been feeling tired and achy when he woke up. While at daycare, his cheeks had become red and he was warm to touch. He did not want to play with his friends, and by the time Patricia arrived, he was crying. Later that afternoon, Marshall’s condition worsened. He had fever, chills, a sore throat, runny nose, and a dry hacking cough. Suspecting Marshall had influenza, Patricia wrapped him up and took him to the community health care clinic.

  1. Why did Marshall’s presentation lead Patricia to think he had influenza and not a cold? Why is it important to medically evaluate and diagnose a potential influenza infection?
  2. Describe the pathophysiology of the influenza virus. Outline the properties of influenza A antigens that allow them to exert their effects in the host.
  3. Marshall may be at risk at contracting secondary bacterial pneumonia. Why is this so? Explain why cyanosis may be a feature associated with pneumonia.

Case Study 3

Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange

Emmanuel and his mother live in an urban community housing complex. The building is worn down and dirty from the urban dust, cockroaches, and mold. Emmanuel is five years of age and has suffered from asthma for the last two years. One evening, his mother poured him some milk and put him to bed. Shortly afterward, Emmanuel woke up wheezing and coughing. As he gasped for air, he became more and more anxious. His mother ran for his inhaler, but he was too upset and restless to use it. Emmanuel’s skin became moist with sweat, and as he began to tire, his wheezing became quieter. His mother called 911 and waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive.

  1. Emmanuel uses a corticosteroid inhaler for the management of his asthma. What is the mechanism of action of this drug? How is its action different from the β2-agonist inhalants?
  2. Why does someone with severe asthma become physically fatigued during a prolonged attack? What are the physiological events that occur during an attack?
  3. One of the complications of respiratory fatigue is the development of hypercapnia. How does the body compensate for an increase in CO2? What are the effects of hypercapnia on the central nervous system?

Assignment Requirements:

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • Ensure you have written at least four double-spaced pages.
  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA 6th Edition format.
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see below with attachment

Please create a response proposal to Don’s request regarding his hospitalization for knee replacement (see reading). I will provide link to reading below.Reference your source(s) supporting your response intervention . Sources can be from readings in this course and/or from other sources.…

Your initial response will address 2 of Don’s requests below

1. “No needless Death”:- Don’t kill Don

2. “No needless Pain”- Don’t hurt Don

3. “Relieve my Pain”- Reduce Don’s pain

4. “No Helplessness”- Don’t make me feel helpless<

5. “No Needless Waiting”- Don’t make me wait

6. “No Waste”- Don’t waste money

B) The second part of question is article attached in regards to the vap paper u are doing

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agency memo outline


For this assignment, you will complete the first installment of your agency memo assignment (see Instruction section below).


In one to two pages, complete 1, 2, and 3 below ONLY by downloading and using this Memo Outline form.

1. Population

Describe your target population and problem or issue experienced by members of that population (see examples below). In all likelihood, the information you will use to describe your target population will come from some government source such as the U.S. Children’s Bureau (Child Welfare Information Gateway), the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), or the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), or some advocacy organization such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA), or the Children’s Defense Fund (CDF). Be sure to include appropriate citations in your response.

MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT – individuals with end-stage renal disease who have been on dialysis for a long time and who are experiencing severe depression (problem or issue here is severe depression).

2. Available interventions
Identify at least three and no more than five evidence-based interventions that could be used to address the problem or issue faced by members of your target population. Be sure to document the evidence for intervention use in your response.
3. Evidence for intervention use
Select two interventions from the group identified in the previous step that show particular promise for addressing the problem or issue experienced by members of your target population

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unit ii project 3

Unit II Project I

  1. Unit II Project IUse the Pareto chart template provided below and the information presented in the “Running Case” on page 352 of thetextbook to complete the following task for the Recreation and Wellness Intranet Project.After analyzing the survey information, your assignment is to create a Pareto chart to see which types of recreational programs and company-sponsored classes generated the most interest. Using the data provided, modify the Pareto chart template linked here to reflect the survey data in the table below. Make certain to list the most frequently requested programs or classes first. Check your entries so the resulting chart looks similar to the one in Figure 8-7 on page 325 of the textbook.

Requested Programs/Classes

# of Times Requested

Walking Program


Volleyball Program


Weight Reduction Program


Stop Smoking Class


Stress Reduction Class


Soccer Program


Table Tennis Program


Softball Program


Save your document, and submit for grading.

In Unit VII, the Pareto chart you created in this unit will be integrated into Section of the IT Project Management Plan (PMP) template, which is located in the instructions for the Unit VII Final Project.

Unit II Project II

A project manager is ultimately responsible for the planning and execution of the various phases and activities associated with a project. One of the primary documents a project manager uses to capture and document the specifics of a project is the Project Management Plan (PMP).

Use the quality assurance plan template provided here, and provide a detailed paragraph of 100-150 words for each of the elements in the template, addressing the key concepts discussed in your textbook and other sources you may locate by using the CSU Online Library.

Save your document, and submit for grading.

In Unit VII, the quality assurance plan you created in this unit will be integrated into Section 3.1.6 of the IT Project Management Plan (PMP) template; the PMP template is located in the instructions for the Unit VII Final Project.

Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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select and describe


  1. Select and describe a specialty that has evolved in a different direction from that of advanced practice nursing (e.g., informatics, administration, health policy, and/or forensic nursing).
  2. What key differences do you see in this evolution as compared with developed APN specialties?
  3. Describe the future vision and goals each role and relate to emerging healthcare trends and needs.

Your paper must be presented in a single Word document. The paper must be between 2 to 3 pages in length, not including the title and reference list pages. The paper must use proper APA Publication Manual, 6th Edition formatting, including title page, running head, and reference list with properly formatted citations in the body of the paper.

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can you help me with this global business negotiations report

The instructions are listed in the attachments along with some references. Please use APA style format with in-text citations. Please contact me if you have any questions.

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