history packet

Smithsonian of Natural History Field Trip : You will the Smithsonian of Natural History to observe both biodiversity in the animal kingdom and conservation concerns.

answer the questions given in the pocket ,12 times new roman

all in trust thank you

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solve the problem please 3

The whole question is on the picture. Please answer them correctly with full works. You can write them down and scan but please make sure a clear hand-writing.

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leadership through ethical decision making and cultural difference

While personality is the relatively permanent part of our behavior, values arise from our experiences and are rooted in our upbringing. Personality is a large component of effective leadership.

  1. Do experiences that are influenced by strong cultural values and a strong family system lead to much stronger strategic decision making? Do they lead to stronger leadership skills? Explain why or why not and back up your claims with research.
  2. Personal Application: Think about your own background? What significant experiences shaped your values? How do those values play out today in the workplace, and how do they determine the decisions you make each workday? How do they affect you in terms of your leadership approach and effectiveness? If you are not working, how might these experiences affect you as a future worker or leader?
  3. Global Application: Consider you are a leader and conduct business in a global community. You are responsible for all decision making in the organization. How would you ensure your decisions are considerate of the ethical and social cultures in which you conduct business?


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special population 2


This course includes a thorough analysis of special populations in the American criminal justice system: women, juveniles, racial and ethnic minorities, and mentally ill individuals. You explore these populations with regard to three unique criminal justice roles: professionals, victims, and offenders. This Final Project allows you to synthesize this information to draw conclusions and make recommendations to improve the American criminal justice system.

Select a special population within the criminal justice system included in this course that is of interest to you. Reflect on the information provided throughout this course related to this population.

Assignment Length: 10–12 pages (not including title page and references)

Your Final Project must include the following elements:

  • Introduction:
    • Describe the special population you selected.
    • Explain challenges of this special population related to the roles (professional, victim, and offender) appropriate to that specific population.
  • Body:
    • Describe any organizations, policies, procedures, or processes that continue to exploit, discriminate against, and/or neglect the special population.
    • Explain changes you might make to the current criminal justice system to address challenges faced by this special population in each role you analyzed.
    • Explain any resources, organizations, policies, procedures, or processes you would use or implement to promote fairer treatment of the special population.
  • Conclusion:
    • Explain how the changes you suggested might impact society as a whole.
    • Explain how the changes you suggested might contribute to social change.

Although the Final Project (10–12 pages) is not to be submitted until Day 7 of Week 11, you should become familiar with the project requirements and have them in mind as you proceed through the course. Many of the Discussions and Application Assignments relate to and can be of use to your Final Project.

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development plan 5

For this assignment, you will complete an 750-word individual development plan (IDP) for either your current job or the job to which you aspire.

  • Think about your current job, or the job to which you aspire.
  • Consider the questions below as you prepare to complete an individual development plan (IDP) for yourself.
    • Questions about your current or desired job:
      • What aspects of your job are you best/worst at?
      • Which job activities would you like to engage in more/less frequently?
      • What types of knowledge, skills, and abilities are required by this job? What is your current degree of proficiency in these areas (e.g., high, adequate, poor)?
    • Questions about your job satisfaction:
      • What can you personally do to increase your level of satisfaction with your job?
      • What performance improvements would increase your level of job satisfaction?
    • Questions about your professional growth:
      • Where do you see yourself professionally within the next 2 years?
      • Where do you see yourself professionally beyond the next 2 years?
      • What must you do in order to realize this vision?
      • What new responsibilities or challenges would you have to undertake in order to achieve this vision?
    • Questions about your skills and capabilities:
      • In what new jobs or roles would you like to increase your proficiency?
      • What new knowledge, skills, and/or abilities would you like to acquire?
      • What types of training, qualifications, or certifications would you like to obtain?
    • Questions about your potential:
      • What could you do to make a greater contribution to your organization?
      • What responsibilities or challenges could you undertake that would support your growth and development?
      • What skills could you learn to ensure you are better equipped to do what you would like to do?
      • How can you make better use of the knowledge, skills, and abilities you currently have?
      • What would need to happen for you to reach your potential?
  • Include a minimum of one source, which may consist of readings from the University Library, your text, and other selections.
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summarize the book

Please take note of the following Assignment expectations:

Each Assignment has a specific due date identified in the Course Summary at the end of this syllabus.

Each Assignment is to be uploaded as one MS Word file into the appropriate Class identified in the Course Summary.

Each Assignment must conform to the following presentation standards:

Pages must be white, 8.5 x 11 inches.

Type is black, Arial 10 point font; double spaced.

Margins are one inch top, bottom, and left. The right margin is 1.5 inches.

Each page is to be numbered at the bottom right.

Four pages are required for each Assignment. No title page is required.

The first and third pages must include these headings in bold underlined:



The first two pages present your discussion of the assigned reading from “The Fifth Discipline”.

The third and fourth pages present your discussion of the assigned reading from “The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook”.

Grading of each Assignment will be according to the following rubric:

Correct Content = 2 points

Correct Number of Pages = 2 points

Correct Headings = 2 points

Significance of Thought = 2 points

Late Assignments will not be accepted for grading.

to read the books:


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PW: nado2010*

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international business foreign exchange market paper

Write a 5-page paper addressing the questions and instructions for both Exercise 1 on the spot and forward markets for the Japanese Yen and Exercise 2 on currency exchange rates.

I will provide the username and password info to access the school Dashboard once a tutor has been confirmed.




Foreign Exchange Market

BSA480-B733-SU18-International Business

Tanesha Lockett

Professor, Lyle E. Cady, Jr.


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answer the following questions 148

METR 112


Module 3 Homework

(60 points)

Chapters 3 and 4

*Before you begin this homework assignment, make sure you read Chapters 3 and 4.


Electromagnetic Radiation


Answer the following questions:

Note: Please use complete sentences with correct grammar and spelling, where necessary. Proper writing and clarity of thoughts are important in getting full credit. Show all of your work in numbers 6-7.

1. (fill in the blank) The Sun’s temperature is at approximately ________ Kelvin and most of its radiation power and energy fall within the ______________part of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. (2)

2. (fill in the blank) The Earth’s temperature is at approximately ________ Kelvin and most of its radiation power and energy fall within the ______________ part of the electromagnetic spectrum. (2)

3. The temperature of an object goes up by 1 K. How much did it go up in degrees Celsius? How muchdid it go up in Degrees Fahrenheit? (3)

4. One night you look up in the sky and you see two different color starts next to each other (however many lightyears away from earth). One star is blue and the other is red. Which star is at a hotter temperature? How do you know? (3)

5.You can dim an incandescent bulb by decreasing the temperature of the filament. What do you think happens to the color of the bulb as it dims? (2)

6. If you leave a 100-W light bulb on for a week, how many joules of energy will be consumed? [hint: it is just a simple conversion] Show your work. (3)

7. How many Joules does 1 regular-size Snickers bar contain? [1 food calorie = 1000 energy calories] Show your work. (3)

8. Why are incandescent light bulbs being phased out in many countries (including the United States)?(3)

9. Your bank account has the same balance on April 1 as it did on March 1. Your friend suggests that this means that you did not deposit or withdraw any money for the entire month. Is that correct? Explain why or why not. (2)

10. List 3 things in your lives that you use every day that require radiation to work. (3)


Earth’s Energy Budget (34 points)

Directions: Watch the following video to answer these questions below:

1.When talking about Earth’s Energy Budget and its balance what are the units that are used for

each process?

2.Approximately, how much energy does 1 square meter of the sun emit outward toward earth?

3.Approximately, how much of that energy reaches, on average, 1 square meter at the top of Earth’s atmosphere (TOA)?

4.In general once solar radiation reaches our atmosphere, it has 3 fates. Ignoring scattering of the light, It can be ____________, ________________, or ________________.

5.What gas absorbs most UV light coming from the sun in the upper atmosphere?

6.What are 2 things in the atmosphere that the video mentions causes sunlight to be reflected back out to space?

7.What percentage of the incoming solar radiation (341.3 W/m2) gets reflected directly back to space?

8.What 2 major things in the atmosphere cause this reflection?

9.What percentage of the incoming solar radiation gets absorbed by the atmosphere?

10.What percentage of Earth’s atmosphere makes its way through to the surface of Earth?

11.What 2 surfaces on Earth does the video mention are good at reflecting solar radiation?

12.What is the percentage of the incoming solar radiation that gets directly absorbed into Earth’s surface?

13.What is the percentage of sunlight that gets reflected right back out into space?What percentage stays in the atmosphere and earth?14.

What would happen to Earth’s surface temperature or the atmosphere if it continuously

absorbed 239 W/m2 ? Think of a microwave.

15.Why does the answer to 14 not happen to a dramatic extent though?

16.What is the total amount of W/m 2 entering Earth’s surface from direct solar radiation and absorption from the atmosphere?

17.Show your work and describe, based on the specific numbers (to the nearest 0.1 W/m2) that the video provides, if these quantities show if there is a balance in the overall Earth/Atmosphere system at the top of earth’s atmosphere. Is there an actual balance? If there is not a balance, what is that number and how much energy is staying within the Earth/Atmosphere system and how much is leaving?

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corrections needed

Please make the necessary corrections based on the scoring feedback provided for criteria 3,4, and 5 from PDF File. Please follow the Distinguished scoring format only and highlight any corrections in yellow.

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vision statement 2

This assignment asks you to analyze various companies’ mission or organizational vision statements to determine how such statements guide leadership practices within an organization.

Select a mission statement or organizational vision statement from one company that professes to practice servant leadership and one that practices a standard leadership model. Some well-known companies that practice servant leadership are Southwest Airlines, REI, and Aflac. Conduct additional research to locate others.

Once you have selected two companies, write a 1,000-1,250 word analysis that addresses the following:

  1. Compare and contrast the mission and/or organizational visions statements of the two companies. What are the similarities and differences? How do you think these statements impact the culture of each organization?
  2. What servant leadership principles or values are either explicitly or implicitly apparent in the mission/vision statement of the company that professes to be servant-led?
  3. Explain how you see the principles expressed in the statements manifested in each company’s public reputation, and how they treat their employees in the services they provide, their marketing, etc. Provide a few specific examples to demonstrate your points.
  4. Do you think each company is living out the values/principles expressed in their statements? Why or why not? If the more traditionally led company adopted a servant leadership model, what revisions to their mission/values statement would be warranted? Be sure to comment on your understanding of how such mission/vision statements can or should guide a company’s treatment of its employees and clients.

Include the mission or organizational vision statements of the companies you selected in your analysis.

You are required to locate four articles that support your selected organization’s mission or vision statement. Two of the selected articles must be peer reviewed journal articles. Include information from the articles in your discussion.

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