final project 132


This assignment will be based on the following scenario about the Lucky Shoe Company:


In 1985, Lucky Clover Shoe Company was started by John Kingsley as a small custom shoe store in Nowhere, SD. Innovation and determination evolved the single employee shoe store into a regional brand.

For years, Lucky Clover Shoe Company has thrived without an online presence. Based on a recent market analysis by Marketing Manager Reginald Jones, the company must have a website that promotes their brand as well as, if not better than, their printed marketing materials in order to stay competitive. Their staff tends to have a flair for being humorous in small ways, such as nicknames in e-mail signatures, but they want a professional looking website to promote their brand. Skip Williams, IT Manager, has determined that it is more cost-effective to hire a company than assume the creation and maintenance costs. They want to leverage your expertise and have contracted your company to present a complete web site solution. You must provide a fully documented solution that outlines your proposed services, design process, estimates, and Weebly.

For the Final Project, you will write a web site solution document that provides an opinionated approach and incorporates customer branding. You will also create a 5 page prototype web site in Weebly that demonstrates what a hosted site will look like. There are sections of the document where you can reuse previous text, but most sections will require you to write content specific to this customer; sections with reusable text will have a note in Web Site Solution Document Components.

This project will leverage skills and knowledge acquired throughout the course and create a comprehensive web site solution document. This is also a good exercise in dealing with customers that outsource to experts and if you ever perform independent contracting.

Customer Profile

Stakeholders / Management Team

President/CEO: John “High Top” Kingsley

Marketing Manager: Reginald “Cross Trainer” Jones

IT Manager: Skip “Loafer” Williams


Colors: Green (#C9F8A9) and White (#FEFEFE)


Quality footwear that makes you feel lucky

Customer Goals:

Increase brand awareness

Increase sales

Capability to offer e-commerce in the future

Writing Guidelines:

Prepare a web site development proposal that will be 10-20 pages in length (not including a title page)

Use a “12” point font (Arial or Times New Roman)

Use single-spaced lines instead of double-spaced

Use APA style citations for any references

Cite any information referenced from another source

Use correct sentence structure and grammar

Web Site Solution Document Components

Title page contains a heading of “Web Site Solution” at the top of the page.

Title page lists who the document is prepared for (Lucky Clover Shoe Company) and who prepared it (your name and NAU e-mail address).

First section called “Introduction”. Thank the customer for their interest in your expertise in designing their web site. Discuss how you plan to meet the customer’s goals with a professionally designed web site.

Second section called “Process”. Discuss the benefits of user experience design for a quality product. Discuss how personas and prototypes provide value when researching customer requirements and building the “right” product. Discuss how responsive design can provide a consistent user experience across desktops and mobile devices.

Third section called “User Research”. Create three new personas or reuse the three personas from the LP4 Assignment. Discuss how these personas represent the customer’s target audience.

Fourth section called “Branding”. Select a color scheme from Adobe Color Selector ( Copy and paste the color palette swatches and the RGB codes for the proposed scheme from Adobe Color Selector in a screenshot. Discuss your reasons for selecting the color scheme, such as emotions or perception. Identify a primary color and two other colors as accent colors.

Explain that Open Sans font will be the default font for the web page. Select a serif font for headings that is available in the list of fonts in the Weebly Theme editor. Discuss how a sans-serif font is better for body text and a serif font is better for headings.

Fifth section called “Prototypes”. Create a mockup of a comments form, using, where site visitors can contact the customer. The form requires a person’s name textbox, e-mail address textbox, and comment textarea. Create desktop, tablet, and mobile views of the comments form. For each view, paste a screenshot of the Moqups page and discuss the responsive elements of that page. Identify any content that is hidden for each view and explain how that impacts the user experience.

Sixth section called “Information Architecture”. Include the site organization for Home, About, Contact, Promotions, and Blog pages. For each of the pages, discuss the purpose and type of content that you propose adding. Briefly discuss the 5 stages of the content lifecycle phases. Discuss how your company will manage all content for the customer and how it will add value. Discuss the benefits of blog articles for the customer. Discuss the benefits of search engine optimization for the customer.

Seventh section called “Hosting”. Discuss the benefits of using a hosted site builder. List popular features in Weebly that will make this implementation a success. Explain that you have created a demo site to demonstrate the value of Weebly. Paste the URL of the Weebly site created for this assignment in this section.

Eighth section called “Estimates”. List fictitious prices for the various services proposed for content management and web site design. List prices for Weebly hosting based on their real hosting plans.

Ninth section called “References”. List at least 5 web sites that your fictitious company designed. You may list your favorite web sites for simplicity.

Weebly Site Components

Create a new web site in Weebly. You cannot reuse your web site from previous Learning Plans. The additional site is still free as long as you use a Weebly subdomain.

Site must use the theme called Birdseye.

Site Title must be “Lucky Clover Shoe Company”.

Site Title must use serif font chosen in Web Site Solution Document.

Headline text must use serif font chosen in Web Site Solution Document.

Headline text must use primary color from the Web Site Solution Document.

Headline text must display uppercase.

Paragraph text must use Open Sans font.

Blog Post Titles must use an accent color from the Web Site Solution Document for hover color.

Site must contain 5 menu links for Home, About, Contact, Promotions, and Blog. Delete any other pages within the site.

Home page must contain a heading of “Welcome”.

Home page must contain a brief welcome message that you write. You cannot use lorem ipsum text.

About page must contain the company history paragraph from above.

About page must display an unordered list of the Lucky Clover Shoe Company management team.

Contact page must contain a contact form with a map to the right.

Promotions page must contain a heading of “Promotions”.

Promotions page must contain a paragraph of lorem ipsum text.

Promotions page must contain a blockquote that displays the customer’s motto from above.

Blog page must contain a list of blog posts for the site.

Site must contain a blog post with the title “Lucky Clover” and a paragraph explaining what tools and skills that you found most valuable during the course.

Submit this assignment to the dropbox “LP08.2 Assignment: Final Project.” You can navigate to this dropbox by clicking the “next” arrow at the top right of your screen. This assignment is worth 300 points and will be graded according to the scoring guide below.

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assignment 763

As a counselor, you will be making decisions on how to select evidence-based treatments. In your essay, demonstrate the decision-making process that you will use to choose one evidence-based treatment over another. Write a 1,000-1,250-word reflection essay on how to effectively utilize research in order to guide decision-making processes in the counseling profession. Include the following in your essay:

  1. A discussion about how qualitative and quantitative research reports guide the decision-making process.
  2. A discussion about the key characteristics of effective writing and publication in counseling and psychological research. How do these characteristics guide the decision-making processes?
  3. Select a diagnosis and include an example of how research could assist in treatment.
  4. Include a minimum of three scholarly resources in addition to the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

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trs assignment 1


The Wailing Wall/The Gospel According to St. Luke 21: 37/The Glorious Qur’an

  • ❖ In the accompanying packet, you will find three Jewish texts and three Christian texts.
  • ❖ For each of the religious systems:
    1. Select one of the texts and explain why you have chosen it as most representative of the religious system;
    2. Address the reasons why the other two readings were not, in your assessment, as representative. You may use outside sources to make your case.
  • ❖ All the information you need to construct your critical apparatus (in-text citations, footnotes and bibliography) are in the packet. If you need help with this, see me during Office Hours or visit the Center for Teaching and Learning. FORMATING:
  • ❖ Calibri 11pt; double-spacing; 3 ENTIRE pages (minimum and maximum).
  • ❖ Use in-text citations for direct quotes from sacred texts (Book Chapter: Verse; e.g. Jb 38: 4), and Chicago Manual of Style for all other textual references.
  • ❖ If not using Answer Sheet: files should be .doc/.docx or .pdf. No .pages files.
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feedback on video

feedBack on video below, make sure its first person (i)… Include what you thought and what the video talks about and what you find interesting about it. Theres a few objective below for a little help as to what to look for. Shouldn’t be longer than a page…

Objective 1:The students will recognize the role of genetics and natural selection for behavior

Objective 2: Students will correctly identify all major types of learning

Objective 3:Students will be able to recognize a behavior or learning type from a given example

Objective 4:Students will be able to point out examples of higher mental behavior like insight, planning, altruism, and empathy) in non-human species

Objective 5:Students will recall and be able to evaluate the major conceptual points of sociobiology

Objective 6:Students will be able to differentiate between proximate and ultimate causes of behavior

Objective 7:Students will be familiar with the concept of memes and the role of natural selection for behavior

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20th century philosophy paper

Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you research and identify three prevailing philosophical perspectives at work during the 20th century. For example, you may select Existentialism, Objectivism, and Value-Ethics.

Provide an overview of each of the philosophies–where it arose, who created it, and its major tenets.

Explain how each of these prominent philosophies of the 20th century reflected the changes in industry and the individual

Use Support Reading Doc as needed.

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4 powerpoint slides on case study

Please read the attached case study on “Seven-Eleven Japan”.

Provide 4 PPT slides:

2 slides: Alternative solutions

2 slides: Recommendation, Implementation Plan, and Accountability Plan (i.e. what benchmarks will you use to evaluate the success of the plan, and to make mid-course corrections?).

Also attached is a sample that I completed for a previous assignment. Please follow this format. Let me know if you have ANY questions. This is for a master’s level class so please do not bid if you do not have a firm grasp of the English language.

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courtroom tv paper 3

Research the Internet and find a celebrated criminal prosecution case to analyze, such as a criminal case that received media attention. This case must have proceeded to trial; it cannot have been plea bargained or dismissed before the trial phase.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you address the following questions:

  • Summarize the criminal procedures that occurred in this case, from arrest through appeal, if applicable.
  • What was the crime the defendant was alleged to have committed? What are the elements of that crime? Is there sufficient evidence to believe the defendant guilty of this crime beyond a reasonable doubt? Explain.
  • Identify the legal defenses used in this case. Explain what the defense entails and if it is viable.
  • Based on the evidence, should, or did, the defense apply to either exonerate the defendant or reduce his sentence?

Format your answers consistent with APA guidelines.

The essay should have six paragraphs.

The first paragraph is your introduction. It should provide background for the reader and then set forth a thesis statement that tells the reader what four topics will follow. Do not use first person “I.” Use headings before body paragraphs.

The second paragraph should summarize the criminal procedures. It should provide examples, references, and good information.

The third paragraph should define the crime, set forth its elements, and discuss the evidence. Use examples and details.

The fourth paragraph should identify the legal defense. Again, use examples and details.

The fifth paragraph should discuss the sentencing: should the defendant have been exonerated or should his sentence have been reduced. Use third person–do not set forth your opinion. Do not say “I believe…” or “In my opinion.” Use details and examples.

The sixth paragraph should be your conclusion. It should restate all major points from the body paragraphs and be at least five sentences.

Don’t forget to include a reference page. Do not use wikipedia as a reference ever. It is unreliable.

Do not use contractions. Do not use “I”, “we,” or “you.”

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literature review 150

In this assignment, students will pull together the change proposal project components they have been working on throughout the course to create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. At the conclusion of this project, the student will be able to apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Students will develop a 1,250-1,500 word paper that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Problem statement
  3. Purpose of the change proposal
  4. PICOT
  5. Literature search strategy employed
  6. Evaluation of the literature
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures
  9. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome
  10. Appendix section, if tables, graphs, surveys, educational materials, etc. are created

Review the feedback from your instructor on the Topic 3 assignment, PICOT Statement Paper, and Topic 6 assignment, Literature Review. Use the feedback to make appropriate revisions to the portfolio components before submitting.

Background section is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Problem statement is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Purpose of change proposal is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

PICOT is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Literature search strategy is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Literature evaluation is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Theory utilization content is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Implementation plan is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation with a discussion component is present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Appendices are present, complete, and incorporates additional relevant details and critical thinking to engage the reader.

Evidence of incorporation of research critique feedback and revision is comprehensive and thoroughly developed.

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

All format elements are correct.

Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

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healthy communities essay

1 page Essay


2 source

  • Based on the required reading, which features of a healthy community are most important to you? Why?
  • What would you tell the mayor about the health of your community? For full credit, be sure to mention ways your community is and is not healthy. Let us know which community you are writing about.

Module 1 – Background


If you are unsure which database the publication is in, try ProQuest first, then EBSCO.

Required Reading

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] (n.d.) Healthy Community Design. Retrieved from…

[Please watch the Healthy Community Design Streaming Video linked at the top and read the Healthy Community Design Fact Sheet linked under “Additional Resources.”]

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2010). Determinants of health. Healthy People 2020. Retrieved from…

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016). Healthy People 2020: Leading Health Indicators. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (2014). Public Health Learning Modules-Module 1: Using Healthy People 2020 to Improve Population Health. Part Two: What is Healthy People? Retrieved from…

[Note: Video runtime is just over 7 minutes]

World Health Organization [WHO] (1997). The Jakarta Declaration on Leading Health Promotion into the 21st Century. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from…

World Health Organization [WHO] (1986). Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Retrieved April 1, 2013 from…

[Note: the WHO readings are landmarks in the transition from disease prevention to health promotion, so they provide a historic perspective to the field

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research an article pertaining to motivating employees please include proper citations

I want to focus on how to motivate employees who are hesitant to apply themselves as the issue and the overall problem as production could use improvement.

Describe ways the team overcame barriers to creativity to identify solutions.

Locate 1 to 2 articles from the University Library about the subject.

This is a team project my part is to only do research on motivating and come up with a couple ideas with citations. Also to describe ways the team overcame barriers to creativity to identify solutions.

Prepare a 700-word discussion of the business situation. The discussion should include the following: DO NOT NEED 700 WORDS

  • Summarize the issue
  • Identify the problem
  • Explain why this is the underlying problem
  • Relate the research to the problem
  • Explain how a clearly defined problem could help with solutions

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

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