paragraph 1 long paragraph

Please write a long Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

A person’s health is a product of their environment (Ashby & Pharr, 2012). My idea of a healthy community would be an active one that provides easily accessible activities; such as a safe place to play, trails to run, hike, and bike ride. Options need to be offered in a safe place to participate and facilitate use. Ideally, it would have a good economy, be financially stable, well-funded, and with adequate community services to assist the needs of the population. The health of our communities is critical to the growth and development of our region (Ashby & Pharr, 2012).

Healthy communities are ones in which all residents have access to quality education, safe and healthy homes, adequate employment, transportation, physical activity, and nutrition, in addition to quality health care (Ashby & Pharr, 2012). By considering these essential aspects, we realize the relationship between someone’s environment, their behavior, and their health (Ashby & Pharr, 2012).

To create a healthier community, you would initially need to assess what is causing it to be unhealthy. If it has potential but is unsafe to use, I would establish a neighborhood watch to show that crime is not tolerated. Being neighborly, helping, and watching out for each other is one way to show a presence to deter unlawful activity. Growing healthy food in a community garden, reduce neighborhood waste by recycling, shop locally to increase community economics, be a community volunteer, plant trees, reduce energy use are all things we can do to create a more healthy environment (Stevens, 2017).


Ashby, D., & Pharr, J. (2012). What is a Healthy Community? Retrieved from…

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login and complete chapter 8 excel

Login and complete Chapter 8 Excel already have the login info

Complete the last three…concept exam, skills check, and project

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statistics probability 13

Attached is the quiz on probability. Check the correct answer. I need a good grade so please be more coutious

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pcn 644 week 3 discussion questions

DQ 1

Discuss the importance of using the MMPI-2-RF when assessing the emotional status of a client. Can the MMPI-2-RF be useful in assessing mental status as well? Why or why not? Provide specific examples to support your position.

DQ 2

What are some strengths and challenges of Beck’s Depression Scale for assessing emotional status? Do you feel that this scale is a good method to assess emotional status? Why or why not? Provide specific examples to support your position.

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2 pgs choose either question 1 or 2

Kindly read the instructions and do as it says. I will not accept plagiarised work or work that does not make sense. Remember you are to choose either question 1 or 2

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two discussions 6

1. Think of a time (in your current or past place of employment) when you created a business report. If you have never created a business report, think of a potential situation relevant to your field of study in which a business report would be needed. What kinds of Internet research could you do to gather relevant information? What search terms would you use?

2. What is the purpose of an executive summary? What items need to be included in an executive summary?

(each more than 150 words)

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how hris software can support human resource departments

Before implementing a HRIS, organizations need to fully scrutinize the advantages, disadvantages, and cost-benefits. Conduct some research using available resources from library databases (such as Business Source Complete, Business via ProQuest, and eBooks via EBSCO) and from credible webpages, examine how HRIS software can support human resource departments, and answer the following questions:

  • What are the advantages of implementing a HRIS?
  • What are the disadvantages of implementing a HRIS?
  • What are some of the ways that HRIS software can strengthen HR departments and aid them in supporting organizational goals?

Your assignment should be 4-5 pages, in APA format, and include correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar usage. Use and cite at least 3 credible research sources. For more information on APA, please visit the APA Guide.

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answer questions 129

1. Show the derivation of a demand curve from the underlying fundamentals of consumers solving their problem. In other words, show a budget constraint and indifference curve that shows a consumer solving his problem. Then change the price of good 1 (either decrease or increase it) and show the new amount of good 1 consumed (assume the indifference curves are basically parallel and behave “nicely”). Change the price one more time (in the same direction) and show the new amount of good 1 consumed. Plot your three (Q, P) points on a separate graph to reveal your demand curve.

2. Write down the newest producer problem.

3. Use the tools we have developed this semester to show the graphical solution to the consumer problem for Ramen noodle soup (x-axis) and steak (y-axis). Then, using the same graph, demonstrate that Ramen noodle soup is an inferior good.

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ethical and moral in policy


  • Mrs. R., an 87- year- old patient, has a past history that includes coronary artery disease, a previous stroke, and advanced Alzheimer’s disease. Ten days ago, Mrs. R. was hospitalized for aspiration pneumonia and has been ventilator dependent since being admitted to the intensive care unit in a small rural hospital. Family members visit daily and have repeatedly voiced their concern to the nursing staff about the continued ventilator support that Mrs. R. is receiving, most notably the fact that Mrs. R. would never have wanted such care. They also note that Mrs. R. has not recognized them in past months and that they plan to visit less in future days, but can be contacted should any change in Mrs. R.’ s condition occur. Her primary physician has practiced in this community for multiple years; he is well known for his reluctance to discontinue any type of life support for any patient. When questioned, Dr. G.’ s consistent response is, if this were his frail 92- year- old mother, he would prescribe the very same treatment for her. Dr. G. has now requested that the nurses talk to the family about moving Mrs. R. to a major medical center, where she can receive more advanced care, including vigorous rehabilitation and physical therapy, so that she may eventually return to a long- term nursing care facility. How might the nurses in this scenario respond to the physician’s request? How would this scenario begin to cause moral distress among the nursing staff, and what are the positive actions that the nurses might begin to take to prevent moral distress?
  • Read Exercise 4.1 (Guido, p. 44) and apply the MORAL model to resolve the dilemma.
  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 3. Examine the above scenario from the perspective of health care policy. How would you begin to evaluate the need for the policy and the possible support or lack of support for the policy from your peers, nursing management, and others who might be affected by the policy? Do the 10 questions outlined by Malone (as listed in Guido, p. 50) assist in this process? Draft a proposed policy to address the issue you have identified.
    • What compelling right does this case address?
    • Whose rights should take precedence?
    • Does a child (here, a competent 14-year old) have the right to determine what will happen to him? Should he ethically have this right?
    • How would you have decided the outcome if his disease state had not intervened? Required Textbook:
    • Guido, G. W. (2014). Legal and ethical issues in nursing (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 978-0-1333-5587-1
    • Pozgar, G. D. (2013). Legal and ethical issues for health professionals (3rd ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1-4496-7211-9

    Recommended Textbooks:

  • Smith, M. H. (2012). The legal, professional, and ethical dimensions of higher education (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott. ISBN: 978-0826199539
  • Grace, P. (2013). Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice (2nd ed.). Boston: Jones and Bartlett. ISBN: 978-1449667429
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research and data collection

Research and Data Collection Methods

The purpose of this exercise to help you think through the research methods and data collection approaches you might need if you were going to actually operationalize your project and had the resources to use these various methods. You will get that opportunity in your final CAPSTONE course but this is simply a planning exercise. Not all research projects lend themselves to every research method and data collection approach so think carefully about the method and approach you choose so that it is reasonable and realistic.

We recommend that you copy the below questions into an MS Word document, answer each question underneath.

1. State your course research project’s specific research question.

2. State whether your project would be more suitable for a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods approach.

a. If you use a quantitative approach, list the dependent and independent variables from your course research project’s hypothesis and provide a short explanation about how you would go about analyzing those variables.

Dependent Variable:

Independent Variable 1:

Independent Variable 2:

b. If you would choose a qualitative approach, what is your working definition of the central phenomenon or idea that you are studying? How are you going to explore this idea or phenomenon?

c. What other qualitative approaches would be useful to your study? These could include content analysis, case studies, or any other of the approaches in your week’s material. Explain the value of this approach to your research objective.

3. If you were going to conduct surveys, how would a survey contribute useful data for your course research project?

a. What is the population for your survey and what is the corresponding sample size you would need for a 95% confidence level in the survey results?

b. Provide a short discussion of how you would carry out such a survey. What process must you use to conduct any research on human research subjects?

4. Interviews or Focus Groups:

a. What special considerations must you consider when conducting interviews or focus groups?

b. Who would you want in your focus groups (what types of people as far as backgrounds, experience, education, etc.)?

c. What data could one or more focus groups contribute to your course research data collection that could not have been collected using intensive interviews?

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