strategy and technology

This assignment covers chapter seven, Strategy and Technology, and chapter eight, Strategy in the Global Environment.

Chapter 7 Questions

  1. Describe standardization, format wars, and how standardization can lead to a format war.
  2. Once standardization occurs, how does the industry benefit?
  3. During a format war, describe how competition occurs and how a price war can take shape.
  4. Define first and second movers. How do these two entities interact within and industry, and who learns what as the industry takes shape?

Chapter 8 Questions

  1. Why do companies go global? Once a company has decided to go global what entry modes could the company leverage to break into the global market?
  2. What additional benefits from economies of scale does a company receive from going global?
  3. Describe the main strategies available to an organization going global. Describe why each strategy may be chosen.
  4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different entry modes a company can use to break into the global market?

Instruction : please write up everything in your own words. don’t copy from text book. don’t copy from any article

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2 questions for the week read instructions

Please write a long Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order and References updated up to date.

Adolescent pregnancy is viewed as a high-risk situation due to the serious health risks that this creates for the mother, the baby, and society at large. Describe various risk factors or precursors to adolescent pregnancy. Research community and state resources devoted in adolescent pregnancy and describe at least two of these resources. Research the teen pregnancy rates for the last 10 years for your state and community. Has this rate increased or decreased? Discuss possible reasons for an increase or decrease.

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system recommendation report

System Recommendation Report (SRR), Section I – Organizational Analysis and Requirements

Section I of the SRR document contains an organizational analysis and identifies ways in which an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system can help the Wasatch Family Clinic to meet its strategic goals.The next step is to identify data and functional requirements for the EHR system.This analysis lays the ground work for the rest of SRR, as the recommendation for an EHR must support the Clinic’s strategic goals and meet its functional and data requirements.

Stage 1 Assignment Instructions

Using the case study, the overview above, Course Content readings, and external resources, develop your Introduction and Section I: Organizational Analysis and Requirements.Recommended lengths for each section are provided and you should be sure to include all pertinent information.

Introduction– briefly describe (at a high level) the organization in the Case Study; provide a context for the rest of the document.(one to two paragraphs)

  • Organizational Analysis and Requirements
    • Introduction – Introduction to this section describing what is included. (3-4 sentences)
    • Strategic Use of Technology – Using the Strategic Goals section of the Case Study, list three strategic goals that have been identified by the Wasatch Family Clinic, and that can be supported with an EHR system.For each, explain how an EHR system can be used to support the goal.(Introductory sentence and list of three strategic goals with one to two strong sentences that explain how an EHR system would support the strategic goal and justify your position with specifics from the Case Study.)
      • Strategic Goal 1 and explanation:
      • Strategic Goal 2 and explanation:
      • Strategic Goal 3 and explanation:
    • Components of an Information System – An information system is comprised of people, technology, processes (or organizational components), and data.Explain each of the following in relationship to an EHR system to support the Wasatch Family Clinic:

    1. People – List the people who would use the new EHR system by name and role, and identify two things that person needs (functions) the system to do to help them with their job. Consider our discussion on people involved in an information system. (Provide an introductory sentence for Section C, and a sentence on people followed by a list of the people who will use the system and their roles.)

A. Person 1 and role, and two functions

B. Person 2 and role, and two functions

C. Person 3 and role, and two functions

    1. Organizational Processes – List three processes that are used at the Clinic that would be supported by an EHR system and explain how the processes would be improved using an EHR system. (Provide an introductory sentence and list/explanation of three processes.)

A. Process 1 and how it would be improved

B. Process 2 and how it would be improved

C. Process 3 and how it would be improved

    1. Data – The new EHR system will need to collect, store and process data. An example of needed data is “Name of Patient.” The case study provides insight into the kinds of data that will be needed.First, insert an introductory opening sentence for this section.Then identify ten (10) critical data items for this EHR system solution.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

Data Items Needed for EHR System

    • Functional Requirements – The next step is to identify the essential requirements for the EHR system.Review the processes and data items you listed above and create a list of ten (10) requirements. Each requirement is one sentence in length and addresses one thing the system must do.The requirements are documented in a table, as shown below.For a full requirement specification, there will be many requirements statements; you only need to provide ten.The requirements should be derived from the Case Study; an analyst should not “invent” requirements.(Provide an introductory sentence and copy the table and insert information within.)

Functional Requirements

    • Summary – briefly summarize the content of this section and tie the information together for the reader.(3-4 sentences)

Formatting Your Assignment

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In third person, the writer avoids the pronouns I, we, my, you, your, and ours. The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, the “self,” out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinion, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and thus more informed.The Report is to be written for the Wasatch Family Clinic, and reference should not be made by name to individuals who own or work in the Clinic.

  • Write a short concise paper:Use the recommendations provided in each area for length of response.Content areas should be double spaced; table entries should be single-spaced. It’s important to value quality over quantity.The body (Introduction to the report and Section I) of the assignment should not exceed 6 pages.
  • Ensure each section has an introductory sentence or two that sets the stage for the information to follow.
  • Ensure that each of the tables is preceded by an introductory sentence that explains what is contained in the table, so the reader understands why the table has been included.
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writing milestone 1 gathering and citing sources

If you decide to accept this work, please consider you will be available in the future to finish the rest of the part. This writing exercise have total 3 part combined together. Now, you just need to finish the Milestone#1, I will invite you for the future part if I chose you as my tutor. please see the file attached.

Milestone #1 involves selecting a topic and finding at least 10 sources on that topic to support your paper. The following requirements and steps will guide you in selecting your sources.

  • Select a topic and be sure to state what it is – almost anything that has to do with physical geography (natural hazards/disasters, water resources, climate change, etc.) is fine
    • One example is introducing earthquakes in general, then using the rest of your paper to discuss a specific earthquake in more detail
    • Another example is comparing and contrasting two phenomena, such as two hurricanes, after providing some background information on hurricanes in general
    • Your textbook’s table of contents is a good place to look for topics
  • Find your sources – all sources must relate to your topic and contain useful information
    • Your sources MUST meet the following criteria
      • You must have at least 10 sources (you may have more)
      • At least 4 must be from peer-reviewed scientific literature
      • Only 2 may be from newspaper articles (online or print)
      • The rest should be from other reliable sources (educational, government, etc.), or additional peer-reviewed sources
      • All sources must be credible (none from opinion pages, etc.)
      • You can use your textbook as a source, but it does not count toward the 10
      • Ask me if you are unsure whether or not a source meets the requirements
    • Good places to look for sources include:
      • Google Scholar (
        • Almost all peer-reviewed sources; just search for your topic
      • Zahnow Library Databases (
        • Not all peer-reviewed, but all reliable sources
        • JSTOR, Science Direct, SpringerLink under “Geography” are good
        • Scott Mellendorf (, 989-964-7052) is an excellent librarian who is awesome at helping students – be sure to give him a call if you need assistance with anything
      • Use Interlibrary Loan to get any articles that you cannot see or access through the databases or Google Scholar (don’t ever pay for articles)
  • Place your sources into an alphabetical, formatted list with your topic listed at the top
    • Use 1″ margins, 12 point Times New Roman font, hanging indent, single spacing
    • Be sure format based on the “Sample_Paper_&_References” document on Canvas
    • Pay attention to detail when listing your sources and recheck them several times before turning them in (submit to Written Paper Milestone #1 assignment on Canvas)
    You will have a 3-part writing exercise during the semester. The milestones are 1) gathering
    sources for your paper, 2) making an outline, and 3) writing the paper itself. You will also
    have a chance to revise your paper and improve your grade if you think it is necessary. Each
    step (milestone) will have a deadline that you must meet and these deadlines are listed in the
    course schedule at the end of this syllabus. The instructions for all milestones will be available
    at the beginning of the semester. The paper will be graded based on the “Writing_Rubric”
    provided in Canvas and must be submitted through Students agree that by
    taking this course all required assignments may be subject to submission to for

    the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such.papers.

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employee centered environments 1


For this assessment, you will identify a company with a reputation for an employee-centered work environment and write a 3–4-page analysis of what has earned that organization the reputation for being employee centered.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

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  • Competency 1: Analyze HRM programs and other related systems within an organization that support employee engagement and commitment.
    • Define employee-centered culture.
    • Analyze the specific programs, systems, practices, and structures of an employee-centered organization.
    • Evaluate at least one way that further development of specific HRM programs and structures could enhance employee engagement.
  • Competency 2: Examine evidence-based HRM best practices among organizations that demonstrate an employee-centered culture.
    • Explain the established HRM best practices that are utilized in an organization.
  • Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs.
    • Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs.
Competency Map

Check Your ProgressUse this online tool to track your performance and progress through your course.

  • Toggle Drawer


    Employee engagement is a key factor in building organizational effectiveness. The success of organizations has been linked to fostering a culture in which employees are connected to the mission and goals of the organization and its present and future success. Employees must be viewed as human assets for the organization, bringing expertise and value to the products or services through an ongoing relationship with the structures and human resource management (HRM) programs that lead to an organization’s success. Employee engagement brings increased communication among employees and management staff. As a result, the culture and leadership climate of the organization revolve around employee satisfaction and involvement throughout the functions and processes in which employees are major stakeholders. As engaged stakeholders, they will provide valuable contributions and experience long-term commitment that serves as a powerful force for innovation and performance. Effective employee engagement only occurs when organizational leaders take proactive actions and execute specific programs designed to reach each employee and work to obtain their affiliation and dedication to the organization.Employee engagement is a complex process that requires specific plans, actions, and behaviors by the organization’s supervisors, managers, and executives. When employees think about an organization’s management, these three groups of leaders are prominent in their minds. Their leadership style, managerial skills, attitudes, interests, and relationships with individual employees and the organization at large define the atmosphere of engagement.

  • Toggle Drawer

    Questions to Consider

    To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

    • What are the characteristics and attributes of employee-centered organizations?
    • Why are certain HRM programs more successful than others at enhancing employee morale and satisfaction?
    • What are common attributes of HRM programs, and what are effective employee outreach efforts that lead to engagement and high employee performance?
  • Toggle Drawer


    Suggested Resources

    The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.

    Library Resources

    The following articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course:

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    Course Library Guide

    A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the MBA-FP6242 – Building Organizational Effectiveness Library Guide to help direct your research.

    Internet Resources

    Access the following resource by clicking the links provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permission for the following link has been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.

    Bookstore Resources

    The resource listed below is relevant to the topics and assessments in this course and is not required. Unless noted otherwise, this resource is available for purchase from the Capella University Bookstore. When searching the bookstore, be sure to look for the Course ID with the specific –FP (FlexPath) course designation.

    • Macey, W. H., Schneider, B., Barbera, K. M., & Young, S. A. (2009). Employee engagement: Tools for analysis, practice, and competitive advantage. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
      • Chapter 1, “Engaging Engagement.”
      • Chapter 2, “The Feel and Look of Employee Engagement.”
  • Assessment Instructions

    Use the Capella University Library to find profiles of companies with reputations for employee-centered work environments. Choose one specific company to focus on in this assessment.Consider what defines and creates an employee-centered environment. Then, analyze what has earned your selected organization its reputation for being employee centered. Include the following in your analysis:

    • An introduction that includes your definition, based on your research and professional experience, of an employee-centered culture.
    • An analysis of the ways that your selected organization is or is not, in fact, employee centered. Your explanation should include reference to specific employee programs, compensation systems, managerial practices, administrative procedures, and organizational structures that make it employee-centered. Cite the sources that support your explanation.
    • An explanation of the established HRM best practices that are utilized in the organization.
    • An evaluation of at least one way that an existing HRM program or practice could be expanded or modified to be even more successful in your selected organization, or of how a new HRM program or practice might be added to further enhance what is already in place. Note in your evaluation how the change you suggest could further enhance employee morale and satisfaction and, by extension, company success.

    Be sure to cite all sources including scholarly references, trade publications, and news sources from different media. And remember when sharing personal and company-related information, share only what is appropriate. Respect confidential information, and when writing about personal experiences, do not identify actual companies or individuals.

    Additional Requirements

    • Written communication: Your writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Your paper should be formatted according to APA (6th ed.) style.
    • Length: 3–4 typed and double-spaced pages.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
    • Print

      Employee-Centered Environments Scoring Guide

      Employee-Centered Environments Scoring Guide Grading Rubric
      Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
      Define employee-centered culture.
      Does not define employee-centered culture. Defines, incompletely, employee-centered culture. Defines employee-centered culture. Defines employee-centered culture; includes concrete examples from personal experience and scholarly literature.
      Analyze the specific programs, systems, practices, and structures of an employee-centered organization.
      Does not analyze the specific programs, systems, practices, and structures of an employee-centered organization. Identifies programs, systems, practices, and structures within an employee-centered organization, but does not analyze these elements. Analyzes the specific programs, systems, practices, and structures of an employee-centered organization. Analyzes the specific programs, systems, practices, and structures of an employee-centered organization; explains, clearly, how these elements contribute to culture of the organization.
      Explain the established HRM best practices that are utilized in an organization.
      Does not explain the established HRM best practices that are utilized in an organization. Lists some established HRM best practices that are utilized in an organization, but does not explain them. Explains the established HRM best practices that are utilized in an organization. Explains the established HRM best practices that are utilized in an organization; supports explanation with citations from scholarly literature.
      Evaluate at least one way that further development of specific HRM programs and structures could enhance employee engagement.
      Does not evaluate at least one way that further development of specific HRM programs and structures could enhance employee engagement. Identifies an area for further development of a specific HRM program or structure, but incompletely evaluates its connection to enhanced employee engagement. Evaluates at least one way that further development of specific HRM programs and structures could enhance employee engagement. Evaluates multiple ways that further development of specific HRM programs and structures could enhance employee engagement.
      Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs.
      Does not communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs. Communicates in a manner that is inconsistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs. Communicates in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs. Communicates in a manner that is professional, scholarly, and consistent with expectations for HR professionals and master’s level programs; adheres to APA guidelines and communicates appropriately for publication.

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    one nation under walmart 4

    One Nation under Walmart

    Read Case 4.3: One Nation under Walmart, located on page 144 in your textbook. Next, choose two (2) of the five (5) discussion questions located at the end of the case. Formulate and post your response. Respond to a peer who answered at least one (1) different question than you did.

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    week 1 self guided quiz and textbook problems

    Week one self guide is the Microsoft Word


    Write a brief response, 30 to 90 words for each question.

    • Text Problem 1-20
    • Text Problem 1-21
    • Text Problem 2-18
    • Text Problem 2-21


    1-20 (Objective 1-7) Five college seniors with majors in accounting are discussing alternative career plans. The first senior plans to become an internal revenue agent because his primary interest is income taxes. He believes the background in tax auditing will provide him with better exposure to income taxes than will any other available career choice. The second senior has decided to go to work for a CPA firm for at least 5 years, possibly as a permanent career. She believes the variety of experience in auditing and related fields offers a better alternative than any other available choice. The third senior has decided on a career in internal auditing with a large industrial company because of the many different aspects of the organization with which internal auditors become involved. The fourth senior plans to become an auditor for the GAO because she believes that this career will provide excellent experience in computer risk assessment techniques. The fifth senior would like to ultimately become a certified fraud examiner but is not sure where the best place is to begin his career so that he can achieve this long-term goal.

    • a. What are the major advantages and disadvantages of each of the four types of auditing careers?
    • b. What do you think is the best early career choice for the senior interested in ultimately becoming a certified fraud examiner?
    • c. What other types of auditing careers are available to those who are qualified?


    1-21 (Objectives 1-6, 1-7) In the normal course of performing their responsibilities, auditors often conduct audits or reviews of the following:

    • 1. Federal income tax returns of an officer of the corporation to determine whether he or she has included all taxable income in his or her return.
    • 2. Financial statements for use by stockholders when there is an internal audit staff.
    • 3. A bond indenture agreement to make sure a company is following all requirements of the contract.
    • 4. Internal controls at a casino to ensure the casino is in compliance with federal and state regulations.
    • 5. Computer operations of a corporation to evaluate whether the computer center is being operated as efficiently as possible.
    • 6. Annual statements for the use of management.
    • 7. Operations of the IRS to determine whether the internal revenue agents are using their time efficiently in conducting audits.
    • 8. Statements for bankers and other creditors when the client is too small to have an audit staff.
    • 9. Financial statements of a branch of the federal government to make sure that the statements present fairly the actual disbursements made during a period of time.
    • 10. Federal income tax returns of a corporation to determine whether the tax laws have been followed.
    • 11. The computer operations of a large corporation to evaluate whether the internal controls are likely to prevent misstatements in accounting and operating data.
    • 12. Disbursements of a branch of the federal government for a special research project to determine whether the expenditures were consistent with the legislative bill that authorized the project.


    • a. For these 12 examples, state the most likely type of auditor (CPA, GAO, IRS, or internal) to perform each.
    • b. In each example, state the type of audit (financial statement audit, operational audit, or compliance audit).


    2-18 (Objective 2-6) Sarah O’Hann enjoyed taking her first auditing course as part of her undergraduate accounting program. While at home during her semester break, she and her father discussed the class and it was clear that he didn’t really understand the nature of the audit process as he asked the following questions:

    a.What is the main objective of the audit of an entity’s financial statements?

    b.The audit represents the CPA firm’s guarantee about the accuracy of the financial statements, right?

    c.Isn’t the auditor’s primary responsibility to detect all kinds of fraud at the client?

    d.Given the CPA firm is auditing financial statements, why would they need to understand anything about the client’s business?

    e.What does the auditor do in an audit other than verify the mathematical accuracy of the numbers in the financial statements?


    If you were Sarah, how would you respond to each question?


    2-21 (Objective 2-6) Ray, the owner of a small company, asked Holmes, a CPA, to conduct an audit of the company’s records. Ray told Holmes that an audit was to be completed in time to submit audited financial statements to a bank as part of a loan application. Holmes immediately accepted the engagement and agreed to provide an auditor’s report within 3 weeks. Ray agreed to pay Holmes a fixed fee plus a bonus if the loan was granted.

    Holmes hired two accounting students to conduct the audit and spent several hours telling them exactly what to do. Holmes told the students not to spend time reviewing internal controls but instead to concentrate on proving the mathematical accuracy of the ledger accounts and summarizing the data in the accounting records that support Ray’s financial statements. The students followed Holmes’s instructions and after 2 weeks gave Holmes the financial statements, which did not include footnotes. Holmes reviewed the statements and prepared an unqualified auditor’s report. The report did not refer to generally accepted accounting principles or to the consistent application of such principles.


    Briefly describe each of the principles underlying AICPA auditing standards and indicate how the action(s) of Holmes resulted in a failure to comply with each principle. Organize your answer as follows:*

    Brief Description of Principle

    Holmes’ Actions Resulting in Failure to Comply with the Principle

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    policy issue assignment

    Assignment Details Below:

    Provide instructor with a team policy issue that you would like to read and address. Once you submit your team’s topic, read the scholarly journal article and address in a two page paper the issues in an essay with your partner.

    Make sure that your essay is two pages.

    The questions below can help you and your partner with addressing your essay. You do not need to use each question. However, you may find it useful as it relates to essay consistency.

    1. What is the definition of a policy? (Please cite using a scholarly journal article).
    2. What is the policy issue that you will address?
    3. Why is this issue policy issue important? (Please cite using a scholarly journal article).
    4. How does your scholarly journal article correlate to the policy issue? (Cite article)
    5. What other scholarly journal articles did you use to support or oppose the policy issue? (Share what the purpose of the other articles has to do supporting or opposing your policy issue)?
    6. What is the problem(s) or issue(s) of concern?
    7. What is a limitation or limitations in the study?
    8. What future research should be conducted? (Examine quantitative scholarly journal articles).
    9. What would you do to address the issue? List two or three possible solutions.

    Use APA format when completing this assignment. Please include a cover page, abstract, body, and a minimum of three in-text citations from scholarly journal articles. Note: Your in-text citations should also be reflected in your reference section.

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    3 paragraph work

    3 paragraph work, see attachment

    3 paragraph work, see attachment
    3 paragraph work, see attachment

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    digital dashboard assignment

    Section 1 – 500-700 words (50%)

    Decide on the organization you want examine; it can be the organization you’re studying for your Communication Assessment Project or simply an organization you’re interested in. Select two of these three channels: Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.

    Insert screen captures of these channels (using the printscreen function or the snipping tool).

    Then review the metrics displayed in socialbakers. What patterns or trends do you think are strong indicators of the performance of the two social channels you have selected? Include 3-4 screen captures to illustrate these patterns or trends and be sure to provide some interpretation of what you observe. Also compare and contrast the performance of the two channels.

    Section – 500 words (30%)

    Assume that you are the digital media manager for an organization, overseeing the performance of several social channels. How would you make a case to the VP of Marketing and Customer Engagement for subscribing to a digital dashboard service like socialbakers? Highlight three benefits.

    Writing quality, research, organization, documentation (20%)

    You should reference course readings and other sources for this assignment. Be sure to properly document in-text references and provide a reference list at the end of the paper.

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