gb590 unit 1 discussion

Discussion Topic: Information Used in Your Belief System

Identify a neutral event in your life. This can be something as simple as an acquaintance being late for a meeting with you, or a flat tire on the freeway. How many meanings can you give to this event? Can you change the context to make the event good, bad, a blessing, or devastating? Describe the event and contextualize it as many different ways you can think of. Use the information in Chapter 1 of your text regarding neutral events, and apply as appropriate.

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part of my business plan

If your business is a service business, focus on your location, overhead, and labor force productivity.

Discuss your management team. What technical skills, business skills, and experience do the members of your management team have? How do the skills of the team complement each other? Include in this milestone a brief job description of each key member of the management team.Your outline should include an organizational chart and resumes of key managers may be included.You should also discuss how the key managers will be compensated.Finally, you should outline which management training your key leaders may have had and what type of training might still be needed.This milestone should be from 800–1000 words in length.

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ch 13 and 14

Complete questions 14-1 and 14-4 in approximately 30 to 90 words each.

Use Microsoft Excel

14-1. Identify which level(s) of government regulate(s) NFP organizations and identify the source of authority.
14-4. What are the distinguishing characteristics between a public charity and a private foundation? What is a public support test and how does it relate to public charities and private foundations?


Ch. 13 Exercise: Recording Revenue and Related Expense Transactions

Complete the following questions in Exercise 13-20, p. 570:

  • 1-5
  • Be sure your journal entries are properly formatted.
  • Use Microsoft Excel

Recording Revenue and Related Expense Transactions. The Shannon Community Kitchen provides hot meals to homeless and low-income individuals and families; it is the organization’s only program. It is the policy of the community kitchen to use temporarily restricted resources for which the purpose has been met before unrestricted resources. The Kitchen had the following revenue and expense transactions during the 2017 fiscal year.

  1. Unrestricted cash donations of $25,000 were received. A local philanthropist also contributed $3,000, which was to be used for the purchase of Thanksgiving dinner foodstuffs.
  2. A local grocery store provided fresh produce with a fair value of $100. The produce was immediately used.
  3. Volunteers from the local university contributed 100 hours to preparation and serving of meals. The estimated fair value of their labor was $750.
  4. The Kitchen received a $5,000 federal grant for the purchase of institutional kitchen appliances.
  5. At Thanksgiving time, the Kitchen spent $4,100 on foodstuffs for preparation of the Thanksgiving dinner.


Make all necessary journal entries to record these transactions.

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discussion 2 nature vs nurture


Prepare for this post by listening to the audio clip from NPR’s “All Things Considered” – ‘Identical Strangers’ Explore Nature Vs. Nurture. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. After listening to the program and reading Chapters 1 & 2, explore the following topics in your initial post:

1. How much does nature vs. nurture contribute to differences between Paula and Elyse? Provide examples from the story and support from the textbook.

2. Why were the researchers so interested in studying twins raised apart? How does this type of study help us understand the nature vs. nurture debate? Provide examples from the story and support from the textbook.

3. Why were the results of the study never published? Why would a study like this never be allowed to run now? Provide examples from the story and support from the textbook.

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unit 3 db theory and policy

The Discussion Board (DB) is part of the core of online learning. Classroom discussion in an online environment requires the active participation of students and the instructor to create robust interaction and dialogue. Every student is expected to create an original response to the open-ended DB question as well as engage in dialogue by responding to posts created by others throughout the week. At the end of each unit, DB participation will be assessed based on both level of engagement and the quality of the contribution to the discussion.

At a minimum, each student will be expected to post an original and thoughtful response to the DB question and contribute to the weekly dialogue by responding to at least two other posts from students. The first contribution must be posted before midnight (Central Time) on Friday of each week. Two additional responses are required after Friday of each week. Students are highly encouraged to engage on the Discussion Board early and often, as that is the primary way the university tracks class attendance and participation.

The purpose of the Discussion Board is to allow students to learn through sharing ideas and experiences as they relate to course content and the DB question. Because it is not possible to engage in two-way dialogue after a conversation has ended, no posts to the DB will be accepted after the end of each unit.

Your supervisor informs you that each criminal justice agency in your community has to develop a new crime fighting strategy for the coming fiscal year that must be based on a crime causation explanation to be presented to the city council for funding your department. Using the library and other available resources, prepare a brief summary of a policy linked to a theory that you would proposed.

In your response, please address the following:

  • The purpose of the policy
  • The theory guiding your policy
  • Anticipated benefits
  • Benefits and disadvantages of your policy
  • The implementation plan

When commenting to other students’ posts, consider the following:

  • Do you agree with the viability of their policy?
  • Do you see any additional advantages or disadvantages to their policy?

In your own words, please post a response to the Discussion Board and comment on at least two other postings. You will be graded on the quality of your postings.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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questions about philosophy 1

Each Question only need 250-270 words.

1. Are business ethics futile?

Are ethics courses like this ultimately B.S. for improving the ethical behaviors of the business community?

2. Apologies in Business

Are all corporate apologies meaningless? When can apologies be meaningful in the business community? What are the worst examples you can heard? What are the best?

3. Biotech Markets and the Future of Humanity

It seems entirely likely that future technology will allow us humans to be smarter, bigger, and stronger. It also seems likely that we will be able to live for a very long time, if not forever. Will there ever come a time when would should cease such “progress” and accept ourselves as flawed mortals? Should the government steer or restrict technology development or should market forces determine the sorts of technology drive future markets toward “progress”? Should we ever restrict markets in biotech, or should we follow markets wherever they and their technology take us?

4. Ethics of Automated Labor

When is automation beneficial for humans, and when is it not beneficial? Do employers have a moral responsibility to hire humans even if robots can do the work more effectively? Is there anything likely to stop robots from taking all jobs? Are you spending college learning skills that will be obsolete because of automated labor? To what extent can governments control the advance of automated labor? Should governments attempt to control and regulate the labor market, or should we take a more libertarian approach and let markets sort it out—even if the vast majority of humans become unemployable compared to robot labor?

5. AI, Capitalism, and/or Socialism?

Should capitalist or socialist markets steer the future of AI? Does emerging AI strengthen capitalism or undermine it? Will China, the U.S., or some other entity have the world’s most powerful economy and military in ten to twenty years?

6. Reparations

Should reparations for African slavery be provided by the United States government and/or U.S. corporations proven to have benefitted from slave labor. paid to the descendants of those slaves in amounts roughly equal to the value of the life and labor stolen from those slaves?

Some questions to consider:

Do we have a moral duty to repay this debt? Who is “we” here? Does a debt like this ever expire?

(Continued on reverse…)

If we can inherit wealth from our ancestors, should we also inherit debts of this sort?

Some estimate that the amount owed, adjusted for inflation, is about 100 trillion U.S. dollars. How would you determine how much is owed?

How would you determine who deserves this compensation? What criteria would you use? Is this all too difficult?

How would Kant view this issue? Bentham? Libertarians? Marx? Adorno?

Would a libertarian think of this as a basic infringement of life liberty and property that that state should correct?

Many slaves were killed and worked to death before they could have children, and thus they have no descendants to receive reparations. What should be done in these cases?

Is money the best way to pay this debt, or is something like free education and/or healthcare preferable?

Is it fair for contemporary U.S. citizens to have to pay this debt via taxation? Does it matter if your family owned slaves or not? Should the nation collectively pay this debt, or should it fall more narrowly on the descendants of slaveowners?

President Ronald Regan signed into law the Civil Liberties Act 1988, which provided 20,000$ to survivors of Japanese internment camps in the U.S. during World War II. Is that a good model for reparations for slavery?

David Horwitz argues that given that the U.S. is so comparatively wealthy, contemporary African Americans better off living in the US than they would be if they were still in Africa had their ancestors not been enslaved. Evaluate.

Would the process of determining and providing racial reparations make race relations in the U.S. better or worse?

Is the idea of reparations racist and/or reinforcing racial divides?

Should the U.S. apologize for slavery? What would that entail?

Some history refresher:

Emancipation Proclamation 1863/1865 13th Amendment making Slavery Illegal in US

Jim Crow Laws between 1876 and 1965: de jure racial segregation (school, public transportation, military), “separate but equal”

***Note segregation in the US during WWII***

Browne vs. Board of Education 1954

Civil Rights Act 1965 outlawing various forms of discrimination in education, employment, transportation, restaurants, hotels, etc.

In 2013, the net worth of white households was $144,200, roughly 13 times that of black households, according to Pew Research Center analysis of data from the Federal Reserve’s Survey of Consumer Finances. 13 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The wealth gap between black and white households has widened since 1983, when the median wealth of white households ($98,700) was eight times that of the wealth of black households ($12,200). The gap narrowed in the 1990s and early 2000s but increased in the years following the Great Recession. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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check uploaded file 2

Solve all parts of the assignment. First question has a, b, and c. Second question has a,b,c, and d! Solve them all accurately.

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can you help me with this graphic art research paper 1

Please do not use Abstract Expressionism as a movement because that was used in the last paper. Put the references in MLA format to include in text citations. Do not exceed 4000 words and include pictures. The instructions are listed in the attachments. Thank you

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unit 4 project 1

Integral to this course will be the ability to read, understand, brief, and discuss the cases of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). The following information, “How to Brief Case Law,” discusses how to master these tasks. This information will be referenced and used throughout the course, including in the unit assessments. The official site of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is a useful and beneficial tool. Some cases even provide the ability to listen to the oral arguments. This site could be used to supplement any additional information the student might need. Note: There are numerous sites on the internet that provide case briefs. If any student case briefs are copied, there will be an automatic score of zero for the respective unit. Howto Brief Case Law A court uses the following components in case law. You should use these components when you brief, or summarize, case law. Each component is detailed below: 1. Proper and full legal citation 2. Procedural history 3. Facts 4. Issue(s) 5. Holding, including vote 6. Rule(s) of law, Legal principle that was used/created 7. Rationale reasoning/analysis use by court 8. Significance—What do we have now, that we did not have before this case? Case Brief Explanation Proper and full legal citation List the title of the case and the case’s legal reference according to APA standards. Example: Miranda v. Arizona, 384 U.S. 436 (1966) Procedural history Typically, there is a section that covers the judicial history, that is a very short summary of what happened at each preceding stage: trial court of XX found the defendant guilty (as described in the “Facts” section), (party name) appealed based upon (specify legal issue), and the appellate court affirmed or reversed, it was then appealed to the (State) Supreme Court which reversed or affirmed, and based upon the Constitutional issues of 1,2,3, (these are enumerated in the “issues” section) the case was appealed to the (name the federal court), that affirmed or reversed, and then (party name) appealed to the USSC on the grounds of (very specific constitutional grounds); the court granted certiorari (agreed to hear the case on this specific basis). Facts of the case Facts of the case should be the ABSOLUTE fewest words possible to convey the legally relevant issues. No details are needed unless they are specifically related to the particular legal challenge bringing us to the United States Supreme Court (USSC). It takes discipline and practice to keep this to a few lines while still capturing the essentials. This section ends with a conviction and provides a segue to the next section. Issues Issues are answered using yes or no question(s) that identify the larger constitutional question that will be considered by the USSC and is typically quite specific in terms of a legal issue, but not necessarily specific to the set of facts in this case. It is MCJ 6230, Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice 3 possible that a single case has more than one issue, but each should be posed in a yes or no question in the issues section, and answered as a yes or no question in the “Decision” section. This is the shortest section; one line per issue. EXAMPLE: 1. Are “statements obtained from an individual who is subjected to custodial police interrogation” admissible against him in a criminal trial? 2. Are “procedures which assure that the individual is accorded his privilege under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution not to be compelled to incriminate himself” necessary? Holdings Decisions or “Holdings” always start with an answer to the yes or no question: EXAMPLE 1. Yes, “statements obtained from an individual who is subjected to custodial police interrogation” are admissible against him in a criminal trial; 2. Yes, it is necessary to have “procedures which assure that the individual is accorded his privilege under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution not to be compelled to incriminate himself.” That question is then followed by the vote count. After the court vote, include a statement about the vote and which justices sided together. EXAMPLE: In a 5-4 decision, the Court reversed the judgment of the Arizona Supreme Court. Justice XXX, writing for the majority, joined by Justices M2, M3, M4 & M5; Dissenting opinion was written by Justice (joined by name of D2, D3, & D4 dissenting Justices). If necessary: Concurring opinions were written by (name of concurring justices). Legal Principle What legal principle was in question, and was it upheld, modified, or reversed (not the case, but the concept of stare decisis) Reasoning (Rationale) Reasoning or rationale is simply the explanation of the legal reasoning used to reach the decision. This typically contains precedence; that is, case law that has already been decided. It will usually modify/expand/curtail, or occasionally, outright reverse previous doctrine. This could be quite extensive for students in law school, but for our purposes, should probably capture only the essentials — what were the main points of reasoning. Relevant doctrine and primary case law upon which these decisions relied should be identified by name (with proper legal citations). Analysis/Significance Analysis or significance is a section that basically answers the question “What does this all mean?” and “Why is this important?” Or, more pragmatically, “What do we have after this case that we did not have before this case?” This is a place for students to provide some critical thinking and application of the concepts or legal principles from the case law. EXAMPLE: Brown v. Board of Education reversed the separate but equal doctrine, making racial segregation of any kind unacceptable. Gregg v. Georgia reversed the ruling in Furman v. Georgia, reinstating the death penalty in this country four years after Furman found it unconstitutional. A court’s analysis combines: key facts, law, and the court’s explanation. Remember, the point of a case brief is to provide some consistent format by which someone could pick up the brief and find the relevant facts in a predictable order such that one could make a quick reading and know the salient points of the case, as well as the ruling. Use the structure provided for all case briefs to provide that consistency. A reader must understand which facts are most important or key. A reader must understand which law was relied on or followed by the court. A reader must understand the court’s reasoning. Part 1: Using the “case brief document instructions,” found in Unit I, prepare a brief on each of the following cases: Chicago, Burlington, and Quincy R.R. v. City of Chicago, 166 U.S. 226 (1897) United States v. Carolene Products Co., 304 U.S. 144 (1938) Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council, 505 U.S. 1003 (1992) Kelo v. City of NewLondon, 125 S. Ct. 2655 (2005) Each brief should be approximately one page, 12-point Times New Roman font. After each brief, concisely discuss the importance of each case and the evolution of the case law over the 90-year span of these decisions. Within the discussion, include all dissenting and concurring opinions. This part of the assignment should be a minimum of four pages total. All outside sources should be properly cited in APA format. Part 2: Using ONLY the case law for your analysis—cite only the case law, but you can access and read the case at sites such as Oyez ( and Cornell Law Institute ( Do NOT use Wikipedia, Answers,, or any unverifiable or unreliable sources. Discuss the evolution of the Takings Clause using detailed and thorough discussion of relevant and important case law. MCJ 6230, Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice 4 Your essay for Part 2 should include a discussion of a minimum of two cases and be at least two pages in length. Your completed assignment, both parts one and two, should be a minimum of six pages in 12-point Times New Roman font. All outside sources should be properly cited in APA format. You must submit Parts 1 and 2 of this assignment as one document. Do not email your paper directly to your professor. By uploading your assignment using SafeAssign, your university record will automatically be updated to indicate you have submitted your paper, and it will be provided to your professor for grading. U

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discussion board 422

You will need to watch a short video and talk about it. A. You are required to post one thread of at least 350 words, then reply to 2 peers using 200 words.

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