what are the different types of microscopes

What are the different types of microscopes?

Describe each microscope and function.

Who invented?

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i need help crafting a narrative problem scenario

This paper will be a creative effort. You may need to talk with others who have experience with the issue you’re writing about or do some reading to ensure that your description of the problem is accurate. Your personal experience with the problem is very important, but you want to make sure it is typical of the problem you are describing. What you want to produce in this section will be similar to the first act of a play or the first part of a short story. You don’t have to resolve the issues you raise in your description. Instead, you will leave the people you describe in the midst of a dilemma they can’t seem to solve. Your major characters will probably be unhappy, stressed, frightened, or anxious.

For example, you may describe the struggles between a young girl with eating disorders and the conflicts it creates in her family. You want your description to capture the essence of what it is like for both the young girl and her parents as they struggle with this problem. You may have personal experience with this situation or you might have observed other individuals and families who have struggled with this issue. If you need to go to other sources, you can find published case studies that will help you tell an accurate story of a family in this situation. 300 to 400 words. Use APA formatting

Problem Scenario

(10 pts) Believability: Does the scenario capture the essence of the problem?

(10 pts) Complexity: Does the scenario go beyond a superficial understanding?


(10 pts) APA professional appearance (margins, font, headings, etc.)

(10 pts) Structure, organization, and flow

(10 pts) Grammar and spelling

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disc personality assessment

For today’s workforce, collaborating with colleagues is essential for success. Your organization wants you to take a DISC assessment to learn more about your personality style. DISC is a personality assessment tool that focuses on behavioral characteristics that are grouped together into four personality styles. People with similar personality scores tend to exhibit specific behavioral characteristics common to that profile. Each of these personality styles has unique preferences for communication, behavior, and leadership. Being aware of your preferences allows you to better understand how you might react in certain situations. Being aware of others’ preferences allows you to better communicate with those personality styles.

  • Conduct an Internet search for a free DISC personality test; take the test and save your results, including the web site’s URL
    • You will use these results for reflecting on how your personality can affect your decisions in a professional environment.
  • Summarize the feedback you receive.
    • Define the four personality types and how they relate to you.
    • How will you use the understanding of different personality styles to better communicate and lead?
    • How could your personality affect your decisions in a professional environment?
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scholar activity on it and mis

In this unit, you have learned about management information systems (MIS) and the importance of it. For this assignment, compose a paper that discusses the key differences between data, information, information technology (IT), and information systems (IS). Your paper should address the components listed below.

Define what is meant by information.
Define what is meant by data.
Create two matrices (one for data and one for information) that illustrate the key differences between information and data, place the matrices into your paper, and briefly discuss the differences in one or two paragraphs. Each matrix should contain characteristics and/or facts about the subjects (data and information) that show how they are different. Define IT.
Define IS.
Using the five-component model as an example, discuss some differences between IT and IS.

If you are using Microsoft Word, you can develop a matrix using this program. For an example of how to create a matrix using Microsoft Word, see the Microsoft.com explanation by clicking the link below.

Microsoft. (n.d.). Create a matrix. Retrieved from https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Create-a-matrix-0E74423D-2E28- 4DEB-9223-A30C2312CC22

You may use another computer software program that you are familiar with to create the matrices. However, you must submit your assignment in a Microsoft Word document, and the matrices should be included in the body of your paper.

Your paper must be a minimum of two pages in length (not counting the title and reference pages), and you must use at least two resources as references. Any information from these resources must be cited and referenced in APA format.

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mini ethic case

Discussion 200 words

During the preparation of the bank reconciliation for Regal Concepts Co., Misty Watts, the assistant controller, discovered that Windsor National Bank incorrectly recorded a $15,750 check written by Regal Concepts Co. as $1,575. Misty has decided not to notify the bank but wait for the bank to detect the error. Misty plans to record the $14,175 error as Other Income if the bank fails to detect the error within the next three months.

Prompt: Discuss whether Misty is behaving in a professional manner.

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outline of the final paper week 4

For this assignment you are to examine a topic of lifespan development connecting research and life. Below is a list of topics from which you are to select one for the Outline of the Final Paper and the Final Paper. Make sure that the topic you select is different from the topics you selected for the Week Two and Week Three assignments.

  • What do twin and adoption studies tell us about the effects of nature (i.e., genetic influences) and nurture (i.e., environmental influences) on human development? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (i.e., physical, cognitive, or social-emotional).
  • How much credit or blame do parents deserve for the way we are? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (physical, cognitive, or social-emotional) for your answer.
  • To what extent are the lives of adolescents and young adults shaped by parental and peer influences?
  • Why do we have a need to belong (to affiliate with others)?
  • How do our bodies and minds change from early to late adulthood?
  • What are the factors that affect our well-being as middle aged and older adults?
  • Why are some people attracted to members of their own sex whereas others are attracted to members of the opposite sex?
  • How do memory and intelligence change as we age?
  • Does an infant’s temperament shape his/her cognitive and socio-emotional development?
  • Are babies pre-wired for survival?
  • Are adolescents more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than older adults?
  • Can physical exercise affect cognitive performance in old age? Consider the time of occurrence of physical exercise (i.e., earlier in life or during old age) in your answer.
  • Are there personality traits related to longevity?
  • Does bilingualism improve brain functioning?
  • Why do students in the United States tend to under-perform in math and science?

Once you have chosen your topic, examine the various theories of human development learned in the course and choose one or two that best assist you to understand the issues involved in your topic.

Review the following APA Sample Outline Handout for information on creating an outline.For this outline, address the following:

  • Examine various theories of human development, describing relevant terminology, and addressing how the theory assists in the understanding of issues involved in the selected topic.
  • Identify and describe at least two domains of human development (physical, biological, emotional, cognitive, and/or social) and how they are impacted by the chosen topic.
  • Identify and describe the stages of development that are affected by the chosen topic.
  • Describe the cultural and historical perspectives of the chosen topic, demonstrating an understanding of how the topic has been perceived over time and by other cultures. Provide relevant examples.

Writing the Outline for the Final Paper

The Outline:

  1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    1. Title of paper
    2. Student’s name
    3. Course name and number
    4. Instructor’s name
    5. Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
    1. Begin with an introduction to the selected topic in which you define all concepts that will be discussed in the paper.
    2. For example, if you select “How do memory and intelligence change as we age?”, as your topic, then you will need to define the terms memory, intelligence andaging.
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
    1. Conclude with an answer to the selected question. Did the evidence you surveyed answer the question satisfactorily? Include your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the available evidence.
    2. If possible, suggest the course that future research should take if answers to the selected question are less than conclusive.
  6. Must use at least five scholarly sources, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library or Google Scholar.
    1. It is important that you ask yourself if the articles specifically address the selected topic. It is not always easy to find the right articles. Thus, give yourself some time to search before you finalize your selection.
    2. You may reference your textbook and other required materials from the course; however, these will not fulfill the resource requirement.
  7. Must include an annotated bibliography which briefly summarizes each article including the purpose of the investigation, its methodology, and results.
    1. If possible, select peer-reviewed articles that summarize the evidence available in a given field of study (e.g., meta-analysis combines the findings of different studies to uncover trends, commonalities and differences).
    2. Order the articles in the way you think you will discuss them in your paper. Then develop a summary of the scientific evidence that answers the question you selected.
  8. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  9. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
    1. The reference section will be the final page of the paper.
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complete assignment below 35

Use the following chapter to help complete the Assignment. (NO REPEATING OF INFORMATION) (NO PLAGIARISM) (FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS BELOW) please cite and add references from the book. & Speaker Notes)

Imagine your learning team is the human resources management team at the Patton-Fuller Community Hospital virtual organization. The new chief executive officer (CEO) of your hospital has asked your team to prepare a presentation about human resources at the hospital.

Prepare a 4
-5 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for the new CEO.

Include the following in your presentation:

Describe HRs due diligence of progressive discipline of employees.

  • For each employee listed below, describe the details of the progressive discipline, determine if due diligence is followed and explain why or why not.
    • Bennie Bellamy
    • Alva Branham
    • King Lovell
    • Louise McFate

  • To find this information on the employee’s you will need to follow the steps in the attachment below.
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review an article 1

Critically review the article below:

Article Review

Vanderberg, A., & Capodagli, B. (2015). The “Ottawa way” thrives. Public Management, 97(6), 14-18.

In the review, be sure to include an analysis of the article. Provide details and evidence to back up your analysis from the article. What are some of the significant points used in the article to support the premise? Why are these points significant to the way communication affects strategic planning?

Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The article review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.

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comprehensive tax project

Read the Background and the Issues in the attached file. Then provide answers to each of the Issues presented.

Your submission must be in Memorandum format and must be 4 to 7 pages, properly organized and cited (not counting cover page, exhibits and references), single-spaced, 12 pt. Arial or Times New Roman font.

Analyze ONLY the Issues set forth. Do not deviate from the questions asked.

All references must be set forth in APA Format or proper legal citation format.

Write your answer in Memorandum format addressed to your boss, Carolyn. There is no need for an Abstract.

Submit your Assignment in a Word or PDF file.

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research methods 4 1

  • My assignment has three parts, are separates
  • part one has two questions which answer them from the book:
  • Part one: answer two question in 250 words: you can any two of them choose :


  • According to Creswell and Poth (2018) the intent of a case study is to develop an in-depth understanding of a single case or explore an issue or problem using the case as a specific illustration. How could you incorporate a case study approach into your dissertation? How would you collect data using this approach?
  • Creswell and Poth (2018) identify common features or defining characteristics of case studies. Consider one of the case studies assigned in this week’s readings presented in Merriam’s (2002) text and critique the study within the context of identifying these characteristics. Explain your analysis.
  • In chapter 19, Merriam (2002) indicates that a major research concern is the validity, trustworthiness, or authenticity of the study. As a qualitative researcher, how would you ensure the validity, trustworthiness, or authenticity of your study?


Creswell, J. W., and Poth, C.N. (2018). Qualitative inquiry & research design: Choosing among five approaches (4thed.). Thousand Oaks,

CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Merriam, S.B. (2002). Qualitative research in practice: Examples of discussion and

analysis. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

  • part two : make two comments on my collegues . your comments should be on research base or from the book what I will uploaded. it is your each comments should be in many sentences.

  • Part three: answer this in 3- to pages:

Both Merriam (Chapter 9—The role of the school in the assimilation of immigrant children)

and Creswell (Appendix F: p.337–Campus response to a student gunman) explore with the

reader the case study approach to qualitative inquiry. Scrutinize either of these readings as

examples of case studies. Write 3-4 pages about what makes either a case study? What

frameworks and methodologies do their authors use? How do they employ the ideas of the

researchers on case study? What is the case—the entity for the study? What is it bounded

by? What type of case study does the author propose? What are their findings or themes?

How do they draw their conclusions?

Reminder: this assignment is an X-ray of the chapters in the Merriam or Creswell texts—it is

NOT meant as a summary of the chapter or as another explanation of the findings of each of

the chapters. Rather it is an analysis of the process used by the authors to demonstrate the

characteristics of writing a case study, and it is precisely those characteristics I am interested

in you analyzing. For example, your assignment may simply answer the questions I have

raised in this assignment, or you may develop your own structure to analyze their structure.

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