statistical analysis 17

Download the worksheet below and fill it out. Then you will click on the “homework Submission” link and answer the questions.

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genetic screening

Genetic Screening

Epigenetic influences mean that genetic expression can only be fully understood in the context of environment. Likewise, environmental influences may be quite different, depending on the particular genes that are present. The intertwined effects of experience and gene expression have implications far beyond the theoretical questions of how cells in the developing brain interact with one another. As society approaches the era when anyone might be able to have their entire genome decoded for a modest price, and scientists learn more about which genetic variants can increase or decrease the risk of mental health disorders, there is a greater need for understanding how genes can impact the human mind.

For this week’s Discussion, you examine the relationship between environment and gene expression, and consider ethical implications of genetic screening for medical and psychological disorders.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 4 a description of how environment and experience might impact gene expression. Explain why possessing a gene making one vulnerable to disease does not necessarily result in developing the disease. Finally, describe two ethical considerations when using genetic screening for medical and psychological disorders. Support your postings and responses with specific references to the literature and Learning Resources.

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microeconomics discussion at least 100 words not counting quotes and citations by thursday night

In 2002 a U.S. court of appeals imposed remedies relating to a lower court’s findings that Microsoft had a monopoly in personal computer (PC) operating system and had maintained its monopoly through illegal actions.

At the U.S. Justice Department’s Web site,,

Click on the Agencies on the top of the window,

Click on Antitrust Division and then on website

Click on Antitrust Case Filings

Find U.S. vs. Microsoft case filings.

Scroll down to District Court filings and find Findings of Fact

In the list of Findings of Fact find Court’s Findings of Fact (11/5/99).

In your initial response to the topic you have to answer all questions:

  1. On what basis did the court conclude that Microsoft was a monopoly (see “Market Share”)?
  2. What was Microsoft’s market share of Intel-compatible PC operating system? Of all operating system, including those of Apply computers?
  3. What evidence did the court cite in claiming that Microsoft charged above-competitive prices (see “Microsoft’s Pricing Behavior”)?

Your MILL?

The MILL is your “Most Important Lesson Learned”

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case study 664

Read the case study and submit a 4 page paper (excluding the cover page and reference page) answering the questions related to the case study “Data Security.” Incorporate theories and practices you learned during this course into your paper. Be sure to follow APA guidelines and write your paper in the proper format, not as a question and answer.


1. How would you communicate a data security

policy that required software checking of

employees’ emails?

2. What elements should a data security policy

for a bank include?

3. Employee data theft most frequently occurs

with new employees or when an employee has

given notice and is leaving. How would you

deal with these two very different issues?

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business assignment 8 ass

1.Discuss the reasons people resist organizational change and how change agents should view this resistance. 200 words

2.Discuss the importance of organizational culture and the conditions in which organizational culture strength improves organizational performance. 200 words

3. Compare and contrast four strategies for merging organizational cultures. 200 words

4. Describe the elements of Lewin’s force field analysis model. 200 words

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draft of needs and objectives

You will complete a draft of the Needs and Objectives section of your final project (an executive summary). In this section, you will conduct preliminary research of a company of your preference to determine its needs and mobile presence. Keep in mind that some assumptions will have to be made based on the information that is available (website, apps, responsiveness, social media, etc.).

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quantitative reasoning 11

One visual must be a scatter plot with trend line, equation, R2 value, and prediction value.

  • Two of the remaining required visuals can be of the following format: histogram, box and whisker plot, or pie chart.
  • Please note that the data set that you chose in Week 2 includes data that will not be needed to create your visuals. Quantitative reasoning requires critical thinking to decide what data is necessary.
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how do you know when you have made a morally good decision 1

How do you know when you have made a morally good decision?

Is anything besides conscience necessary for making a morally right decision?

How does the Gospel impose upon the Christian a responsibility to social justice?

answer each question individiually

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analysis of an organization you work or familiar with 2000 words

please check documents in attachments for more details.please use only three online references. please use other references from text books. use minimum 6 references. please strictly follow the instruction given in uploaded documents.copies of pages of book uploaded if in case you cant find the book

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english essay 144


Purpose:The purpose of this assignment is to read critically, contribute to a focused

conversation, and organize ideas into a logical essay structure that synthesizes sources

to produce a clear argument about your chosen topic. This assignment process

constitutes a set of practical research skills that may be used to solve other complex

problems as they arise in your life.

Skills: You will practice the following skills in completing this assignment:

ï‚· Practicing a writing process involving reading, analyzing, and responding to texts

ï‚· Assembling and synthesizing ideas using argumentative essay format

ï‚· Properly citing source texts to demonstrate an awareness of ethics and audience

ï‚· Forging a clear, understandable, argumentative thesis based in research

ï‚· Finding meaningful connections between texts

Knowledge: By completing this assignment you will better understand how to use the

essay format to solve complex problems and present those solutions to your reader in

the form of subjective arguments. You will read and attempt to understand some difficult

scholarly texts. At the end of this process, you should know:

ï‚· The role of inquiry in solving complex problems

ï‚· How finding connections between sources can proliferate useful information

 That information or “research” varies in reliability and accuracy

ï‚· How framing, inquiry, and careful conversation can produce practical results

ï‚· That some degree of certainty can be useful for furthering a conversation

ï‚· That, in an essay, such certainty might take the form of arguable claims

Task:Your first task will be to decide on an issue that’s relevant to you. You are

welcome to derive your issue from your previous essay, or from any of the previous

texts we’ve read. Choose an issue you want to write about. Then construct a research

question, or a set of research questions. These questions should frame and therefore

constrain the possible directions you can take in writing your essay, and they will not

appear in your essay. In short, these questions should define the purpose of your


After you’ve produced some decent questions, visit the library’s databases to find at

least four scholarly (peer-reviewed) sources to use in your essay. You will undertake the

difficult process of reading and comprehending these source texts. As always, read

them actively and take lots of good notes. Be able to summarize your source texts.

Next, you’ll need to do some serious thinking about these texts. Think about the

connections and differences between them. Think about how their ideas might fit

together in some clever or creative way. Your goal is to try to synthesize and use these

sources to produce possible answers to your question.

Once you’ve conducted your research and arrived at some research-informed

perspectives on your topic, you will construct an argumentative thesis statement

articulating your subjective viewpoint regarding your topic. You will use this thesis as the

foundation for an argumentative essay 4-6 pages in length, formatted according to MLA

standards (double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font, 1” margins). Your essay will

contain an intro paragraph where you introduce your issue, the context for your issue,

and your thesis (an arguable claim,not a question). Your essay will have multiple body

paragraphs, each of which will ideally synthesize information from multiple source texts

(not merely deal with a single text). You will construct these paragraphs according to the

citation package format. Your essay will have a conclusion paragraph where you

summarize the conclusion of your reasoning process. It would also be a good idea to

include in your conclusion paragraph additional questions for further research. You will

create a Works Cited page on a new page at the end of your essay, and you will format

it according to MLA standards.

Please keep in mind that you are not going to dramatically change the world with your

essay, so avoid your instinct to tie up all of your work into a nice easy answer at the

end. Also, please avoid clichés and generalizations. Please do not rant about your own

personal experiences in your essay—this essay is a space for logic and reasoning, not

storytelling. Avoid excessive summary—instead, you should favor critical thinking. Be

honest and responsible at all stages of producing this essay. Make the process useful

for you and for your reader.

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