humanities prehistory to 16th century 3

Answer the 10 questions, if you would like to use my e-textbook. Ask me for the login to my chegg account. Chapters 10 & 12.

  • Describe what Anglo-Saxon art and literature tell us about Angle-Saxon culture.
  • Discuss Charlemagne’s impact on medieval culture and the legacy of his rule.
  • Define the Romanesque and its relation to both pilgrimage churches and the Clunaic abbey.
  • Discuss the changes in the Christian church from the late Roman basilica plan to the Romanesque style and finally, the Gothic style. How did pilgrimages aid in some of the architectural changes?
  • Examine the motivations for the Crusades and appraise their outcome.
  • Explain the courtly love tradition as it manifests itself in the literature of the period.
  • Explain the symbolism inherent in a Gothic cathedral, citing as examples specific cathedrals in your response.
  • Explain why the University of Paris was preeminent among medieval institutions of higher learning.
  • Define the Radiant style.
  • Describe how the Gothic style manifested itself in Italy.
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family health assessment 6

Select a family to complete a family health assessment. (The family cannot be your own.)

Before interviewing the family, develop three open-ended, family-focused questions for each of the following health patterns:

  1. Values, Health Perception
  2. Nutrition
  3. Sleep/Rest
  4. Elimination
  5. Activity/Exercise
  6. Cognitive
  7. Sensory-Perception
  8. Self-Perception
  9. Role Relationship
  10. Sexuality
  11. Coping

NOTE: Your list of questions must be submitted with your assignment as an attachment.

After interviewing the family, compile the data and analyze the responses.

In 1,000-1,250 words, summarize the findings for each functional health pattern for the family you have selected.

Identify two wellness problems based on your family assessment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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short writing 6 1

Answer the following questions/questions set in approximately one paragraph each.

  1. How would you distinguish love from liking? What do you think is the most important difference between the two? Why?
  2. Liking: Liking is characterized by affection (or enjoyable interactions) and respect (admiring positive qualities about another).
  3. Loving: Loving typically includes affection and respect as well as caring (making sacrifices for the relational partner) and passion (feeling sexual desire and being captivated by the relational partner). Knapp et al. (2013) add that attachment (desire to be around one’s relational partner) and intimacy (a combination of attachment and caring) are also part of love
  4. According to attachment theory, parent-child communication forms the basis for personality development, including the capacity to have close, intimate adult relationships with others. To what extent do you agree or disagree that early communication with parents shapes a person’s life? What other events and interactions have shaped your attachment style? Additional info:


    People with secure attachment styles are just that – secure in their relationships. Knapp et al. (2013) state that these individuals recognize that relationships ebb and flow, and are comfortable enough in the relationship to handle these changes. This comfort also leads to them being comfortable expressing their feelings. Guerrero, Anderson & Afifi (2014) add that individuals with this attachment style also work to maintain a good balance of autonomy and connection (one of the dialectics we discussed in a previous module) because they don’t feel as if time apart will damage the relationship. This type of individual, then, would be very comfortable developing intimacy with their relational partner and would be happy to both initiate and receive intimacy enhancing behaviors.


    Unlike people with secure attachment styles, those with avoidant styles are more pessimistic and uncertain about relationships. Knapp et al. (2013) state that these individuals are uncertain that love is possible and believe that it will be short lived if it doesn’t happen. This leads to avoidant individuals being uncomfortable getting close to a relational partner and feeling an uncertainty on the ability to depend on their partners. Unlike secure individuals, those with an avoidant attachment style are likely to value autonomy over connection (Guerrero et al., 2014). Individuals with this attachment style are less likely to initiate significant amounts of intimacy enhancing behaviors.

    Anxious – Ambivalent

    The final adult attachment style is the anxious – ambivalent. Guerrero et al. (2014) describe individuals with this attachment style as “overinvolved, demanding and dependent” (p. 206). This type of individual desires close relationships but is uncertain that they will continue or be successful, so they may constantly seek reassurance from the relational partner, leading to emotional extremes (Knapp et al., 2013). Essentially an individual with this attachment style desires a significant amount of intimacy developing behaviors. This uncertainty also leads them to favor connection over autonomy (Guerrero et al., 2014). Knapp et al. (2013) are quick to point out that, although the secure attachment style might seem the most appealing at first, that most individuals tend to prefer to have relational partners with a similar attachment style. They mention that it is also possible that a relational partner may impact another so much that their desire for intimacy enhancing behaviors may change.

  5. Do you think people’s love styles change throughout their lives and/or relationships? If so, what factors do you think account for this change?
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how to date

Write a short essay that responds to the following prompt. The rubric and requirements for this essay can the Grading Rubrics page under “Course Home.”.

Junot Diaz’s “How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, Halfie” uses the uncommon second person point of view. What effect does this decision have on the way the story affects the reader? What would the story have lost (or maybe gained) if the author had chosen a more traditional point of view?

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describing these chronologically through the period of creation to the post exilic period roughly 400 bc

You will write a 1500–2500-word paper that describes in narrative form a timeline of events through the Old Testament (from Genesis to Malachi). This timeline narrative must include important people, events, and dates, describing these chronologically through the period of creation to the post-exilic period (roughly 400 BC). The timeline must give special attention to dates and events that are significant to a study of the Old Testament. The assignment must include Scripture references that correspond to the people, events, and dates described in the narrative. Additionally, while focusing on Old Testament history, the narrative must include relevant correlation to ancient Near Eastern dates, events, and figures (especially as these impact the Old Testament). You should consult and cite sources other than the Bible for this assignment. However, it is important that you do not simply reproduce another Old Testament timeline; the narrative description of Old Testament history reflected by this assignment must be original work.

The following is a suggested layout of subheadings/divisions to mark out the timeline narrative. However, you may take liberty in adapting or augmenting these divisions as desired.

  • Creation/primeval history
  • The Patriarchal Period
  • Egyptian Bondage and Exodus
  • The Conquest and Period of the Judges
  • United Monarchy
  • The Divided Kingdom through the Pre-Exilic Period
  • Exile
  • The Post-Exilic Period

Prior to the final submission of the Old Testament timeline narrative at the close of Module/Week 6, you will submit a rough draft on the timeline narrative in Module/Week 4 for a grade of 50 points. This draft does not need to be complete or completely clean, although substantial effort must be reflected in the quality of work and research. The rough draft must reflect the basic content and requirements of the assignment through the Period of the Exodus. It must also reflect research material and the basic elements of the assignment, including Old Testament people, events, and dates, along with corresponding Scripture references and correlation to relevant Egyptian and ancient Near Eastern history. The purpose of this submission is to allow the instructor to suggest recommendations prior to the final/full submission of the timeline narrative assignment

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improve problem analysis project 1

Can u please use the comment and reply of the professor then improve it ?

here are some comment from my professor

Hi ,

Would you be willing to revise and re-submit your Problem Analysis report with complete and accurate documentation in the proper APA format? If so, I would be willing to re-grade it. You would need to email me the revised version before the end of the day on Tuesday. Would you be willing to do this? Just let me know.

If you have questions about how to provide parenthetical references in the APA documentation style, please ask me or refer to the APA section of Purdue’s Online Writing Lab.



Thank you for sending me your Problem Analysis report. I have attached a file containing your report and my comments in red. Please heed my comments and the assignment instructions and examples as you revise. Did you submit a draft to SVSU’s online Writing Center?

In your bibliography, you put that you retrieved some of your sources in November of 2017. Are you trying to submit a report that you or someone else wrote last year? If you retrieved the sources this month, then put “Retrieved June 2018 from. . . .”

Some of your sources are not properly documented. In some paragraphs, you clearly are drawing figures and statistics from published sources–but in some cases you have not used parenthetical references to identify the source or sources of the information.

In some sections of your report, you quote passages word-for-word from your sources without using quotation marks. You should use quotation marks and parenthetical references to identify direct quotes. Otherwise, you are plagiarizing, which can result in you receiving no credit for the assignment. Any time that you quote something word-for-word, you should enclose it in quotations marks and place a parenthetical reference after it identifying that author’s last name and the publication year. Please see my comments in the attached file. Also, please refer to the APA section of Purdue’s Online Writing Lab.

If you have questions, please let me know.

The document format may not be able to display the chart I’m looking for, but the PDF format is visible, which is why the document format may have large white space. Two intermediate charts are attached. Rui Wang, Jun 16 at 7:15pm
Hi , Thank you for submitting your Problem Analysis report. You analyze a range of causes and effects of this problem. Don’t focus on the solution in your Problem Analysis. You will propose a solution and a project plan in your Proposal. Pay attention to word choice, grammar, and sentence structure. Errors make parts of your report a bit hard to follow. Be sure to provide effective transitions and topic sentences for your paragraphs. Introduce your quotes by identifying the source. Try to avoid using long block quotes. Use short quotes, paraphrases, and summaries instead. Some of your information is not properly documented. Please see the comments that I wrote in your Problem Analysis report. Sincerely

1 day ago

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i need help creating an excel document for statistics

You manage Human Relations for your company. One of your sales managers has retired, leaving an opening. You are considering two different employees for the position. Both are highly qualified so you have decided to evaluate their sales performance for the past year.

Use the Week 4 Data Set to create and calculate the following in Excel®:

  1. Determine the range of values in which you would expect to find the average weekly sales for the entire sales force in your company 90% of the time.
    • Calculate the impact of increasing the confidence level to 95%?
    • Calculate the impact of increasing the sample size to 150, assuming the same mean and standard deviation, but allowing the confidence level to remain at 90%?
  2. Based on the calculated confidence interval for weekly sales on the sample of 50 reps at a 90% confidence level:
    • Calculate both Reps’ average weekly performance and highlight if it is greater than the population mean.
  3. You want to determine whether there is a statistically different average weekly sales between Sales Rep A and Sales Rep B.
    • Create Null and Alternative Hypothesis statements that would allow you to determine whether their sales performance is statistically different or not.
    • Use a significance level of .05 to conduct a t-test of independent samples to compare the average weekly sales of the two candidates.
    • Calculate the p-value?
  4. Considering that individual you did not promote:
    • Determine whether this person’s average weekly sales are greater than the average weekly sales for the 50 sales reps whose data you used to develop confidence intervals.
    • Create Null and Alternative Hypothesis statements that would allow you to determine whether the new Sales Manager’s weekly average sales are greater than the sample of Sales Reps.
    • Use a significance level of .05 to conduct a t-test of independent samples to compare the average weekly sales of both.
    • Calculate the p-value?
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response to below to 2 dq

175 word response to each of the DQ below with 1 scholarly source with citation less than 5 years old in APA format

1.Lopez posted Jul 20, 2018 7:40 PM


A 21-year-old woman comes to your office with a 2-day history of right ear pain. She reports that the ear pain began shortly after taking scuba diving lessons. She describes the pain as “a pressure” and also notes “crackling” in the right ear and periodically feeling dizzy.

Ear pain (Otalgia) is a common problem faced by primary care clinicians. It can occur to patients across the age spectrum but is most associated with children. Otalgia that originates from the ear is known as primary otalgia, whereas pain that originates outside the ear is secondary otalgia (Earwood, Rogers, &Rathjen, 2018).

The time frame of the pain is an indicator of the potential differential diagnoses. For example, acute onset (pain less than 48 hours) may be due to injury, bacterial or viral infection, bulging of the tympanic membrane, frostbite, or burns (Rhoads & Jensen, 2014). A slow or gradual onset of pain may be due allergies, neuropathic conditions, activation of viral infection like herpes simplex or herpes zoster. (Rhoads & Jensen, 2014). Progressively worsening pain is most likely associated with infection and primary otalgia and intermittent pain is associated with secondary otalgia (Earwood, Rogers, &Rathjen, 2018, p. 20-21).

The age of the patient can help the clinician to narrow the diagnosis. “Primary otalgia is more common in children and secondary otalgia is more common in adults” (Earwood, Rogers, & Rathjen, 2018, p. 20). In adults, the absence of hearing loss with otalgia is a sign of non-otologic disease like pharyngitis, cavities, rhinitis, temporomandibular joint disease, cancer or cardiac emergency. Adults 50 or older with risk factors of coronary artery disease are more at risk for serious diagnosis; drinking 3.5 or more alcoholic drinks per day increases the risk of head, neck and esophageal cancers concerns by two to three times (Earwood, Rogers, & Rathjen, 2018).

To determine the cause and list differential diagnosis a SOAP format may be used.

Subjective: 28-year-old female, complains of an earache started 2 days ago after taking scuba diving lessons. Pain is “a pressure”, associated symptoms: “crackling” in the right ear and periodically feeling dizzy.

According to Jarvis (2016), the following additional question are: Do you have problems with your sinuses, teeth or jaw? (looking for radiating causes: cavities, rhinitis, temporomandibular joint disease)

Have you ever been hit on the ear or side of the head? (looking for trauma e.g. rupture of tympanic membrane)

What have you tried to relieve pain? (looking for a medication e.g. aspirin, naproxen, furosemide, antibiotics, cultural related practice)

Any ear infection in the past? (looking for sequelae)

Are you having any discharge from your ears? (looking for infection or perforated eardrum)

Describe the ear drainage. (external otitis has purulent, sanguineous, or water discharge; acute OM with perforation has purulent discharge; cholesteatoma has dirty, foul order, yellow/gray discharge)

Do you have trouble hearing? Onset-did the loss come on slowly or all at once? (looking for sudden lose by trauma or gradual with infection)

Does the “crackling” seem louder at night? (tinnitus seems louder in quite room)

The dizziness, does it feel like you are spinning around, or the room seems to be spinning? (looking for dysfunction of the labyrinth)

Medical HX: What other medical conditions do you have? Looking for medical conditions, surgeries, allergies (seasonal, food or drug, other), current medication

Objective Data: outer and internal inspection of an ear (external otitis media or internal, tympanic rupture, redness, edema, exudate)

Eyes: inspection for drainage (looking for s/s of infection)

Nose: inspection for drainage (looking for s/s of rhinitis, infection)

Mouth: inspection of lesions, post nasal (infection)

Neck: inspection/palpation for swelling, masses, active ROM and thyroid (looking for infection, tumor)

Neurologic: Facial nerve assessment (cranial nerve damage due to disease) Hearing test


A diagnostic examination that needs to be ordered depending on the differential diagnosis you are trying to rule in or out.

According to Rhoads & Jensen (2014) the following diagnostic exams for ear pain are:

Otoscopy is primary exam done by a clinician to visualize the ear structures to assess for trauma, erythema, effusion, rupture or presence of a foreign body

Tympanometry measures the pressure behind the tympanic membrane. The normal level is 150 and +25 daPa.

Herpes simplex immunoglobulin G (IgG) test for the presence of herpes simplex virus consistent with neuropathic pain.

Rinne tuning-fork test can reveal bone conduction greater than air conduction (abnormal) (Jarvis, 2016).

Differential diagnosis:

Barotrauma is associated with scuba diving, on physical examination, you may be able to see tympanic membrane hemorrhage (Earwood et al., 2018).

Allergic conditions, such as seasonal and environmental can cause inflammation in the eustachian tubes. This can result in fluid accumulation in the middle ear resulting in pain. On assessment, you may see nasal congestion, nasal discharge and post nasal drip. You may see redness and drainage in the ear if there is an infection (Rhoads & Jensen, 2014).

Herpes simplex virus is a common STD and can go unnoticed or this may be the first physical presentation of the disease. According to Lyons & Ousley (2015), most of the herpes infections are transmitted by persons who shed the virus but are asymptomatic. You would see clear open blisters in the ear canal (Lyons & Ousley, 2015)

Otitis externa is associated with a history of recent swimming. Pain when pulling on the external ear is a primary sign. Drainage may be present but in all cases (Earwood, Rogers & Rathjen, 2018).

Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) is the leading cause of secondary otalgia in adults, risk factor includes biting lips/mouth and chewing gum all activities common to young adults (Earwood et al., 2018).


Earwood, J.S., Rogers, T.S., Rathjen, N. A. (2018). Ear Pain: Diagnosing Common and Uncommon Causes. American Family Physician, 97(1), 20-27. Retrieved from

Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical Examination & Health Assessment 7th edition. St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier

Lyons, F., & Ousley, L. E. (2015). Dermatology for the Advanced Practice Nurse. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company. Retrieved from

Mclntire, S., Boujie, L (2016). Inner Ear Barotrauma After underwater pool competency training without the use of compressed air. Journal of Special Operations Medicine: A Peer Reviewed Journal for SOF Medical Professionals, 16(2), 52-56. Retrieved from

Rhoads, J., Jensen, M. (2014). Differential Diagnosis for the Advanced Practice Nurse. Retrieved from

2.nobel posted Jul 18, 2018 1:53 PM



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Earwood, Rogers, and Rathjen (2018) organize ear pain as primary, in children and secondary in adults. Typically otitis externa and otitis media are seen in children; adult ear pain can be more complex and involve the cranial and sensory nerves. A thorough history and physical should include pain, what makes it better or worse, any other associated symptoms and also a medical history, including alcohol or smoking. When analyzing ear pain, if the pain is continuous or keeps getting worse then it is most likely an infection (Earwood, Rogers, & Rathjen, 2018).

  • What other associated symptoms should you ask about?
    • Location of the ear pain
    • Is there pain when pushing on the ear?
    • Does the ear itch
    • Swollen lymph nodes?
    • The character of the pain? Does it throb or is it sharp?
    • Ask about pain in mouth, face, TMJ, headache.
    • Any recent trauma
    • What helps relieve the pain
    • Any ear infections
    • Discharge from the ear? Odor?
    • Hearing loss
    • Family history of ear problems
    • Ringing in the ears, cracking buzzing in the ear.
    • Current medications
    • How often they are dizzy

(Jarvis, 2016)

  • How does the time course help to distinguish among different causes of ear pain?
    • Ear pain can have a number of sources, but the time of outset of symptoms of ear pain helps differentiate if this is an infection. Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, and Thomas (2015) reports that the pain may be sudden or gradual onset and the pain will be severe. The timing depends on the extent of the infection and how sudden the pain.
  • How does the age of the patient help with narrowing the diagnostic possibilities?
    • The American Academy of Otolaryngology (2018) explain that otitis externa is termed swimmers ear, and affects younger people because that is usually the population that is swimming. This diagnosis usually affects children and teenagers. This case study presents a 21-year-old with a scuba diving history, this fits the swimming and younger individual description.
  • What diagnostic tests do you want to include to help you with your diagnosis?
    • Dunphy, Winland-Brown, Porter, and Thomas (2015) advise to culture the ear fluid and test for antibiotic sensitivity. Rarely lab tests are needed. The results of the culture can help rule out a fungal infection. Depending on the involvement of the bony structures of the ear, a CT or MRI may be needed.
  • Differential Diagnosis Flow Sheet: ATTACHED
    • This patient’s history of ear pain after swimming, combined with the pressure feeling and dizziness is indicative of otitis externa, swimmers ear. The water gets trapped in the ear and causes inflammation and infection from the bacteria from the water. Trauma and dental/TMJ diagnosis can be ruled out by further examination. Eustachian tube dysfunction would need to be investigated more due to similar symptoms seen above. American Academy of Otolaryngology (2018) advises treatment for swimmers ear in order to avoid hearing loss or chronic ear infections that could involve the bone. Treatment includes gently cleaning the ear and using antibacterial or antifungal eardrops; mild acidic solutions can be used as well 9American Academy of Otolaryngology, 2018).ReferencesAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (2018). Swimmers ear. Retrieved from, J. S., Rogers, T. S., & Rathjen, N. A. (2018). Ear pain: Diagnosing common and uncommon causes. American Family Physician, 97(1), 20-27.Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J. E., Porter, B. O., & Thomas, D. J. (2015). Primary care the art and science of advanced practice nursing (4th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.Jarvis, C. (2016). Physical examination and health assessment(7th ed.). Sydney: Elsevier/Saunders
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write a essay about chinese dragon

Work Sheet:

Research Paper Topic: Chinese Dragon

Thesis Statement:






References (4 sources, 2 must be published/printed):

Author, Title, Publisher, Date/Year or publication

If you take this work, please complete this Work Sheet first, I need it tomorrow before afternoon. 💡 Please give it to me first, I will give more tips after you done essay.

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can you write the essay and reflection 6 7 pages

Directions to Candidates:

Write an essay on the Principles of Educational Leadership I. Draw upon your experiences in education, research,

theory, and describe your content knowledge of the assessment tasks listed here:

1-Describe your ability to collaborate with faculty and community members by collecting and analyzing

information pertinent to the improvement of the school’s educational environment. (ELCC 4.1, ISLLC 4A, CF 2)(one page)


Describe a your ability to mobilize community resources by promoting an understanding, appreciation, and

use of the diverse cultural, social, and intellectual resources within the school community. (ELCC 4.2, ISLLC 4B, CF 2)(one page)

3- Describe your ability to respond to community interests and needs by building and sustaining positive school

relationships with families and caregivers. (ELCC 4.3, ISLLC 4C, CF 2) (one page)

4-Describe your ability to act with integrity and fairness to ensure that schools are accountable for every

student’s academic and social success. (ELCC 5.1, ISLLC 5A, CF3) (one page)

5-Describe your ability to model principles of self awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical

behavior as related to their roles within the school. (ELCC 5.2, ISLLC 5B, CF3) (one page)

6-Describe a your ability to safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity. (ELCC 5.3, ISLLC 5C, CF3) (one page)

7-Describe your ability to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning in a school environment. (ELCC 6.2, ISLLC 6B, CF2) (one page)

8- Describe your ability to anticipate and assess emerging trends and initiatives in order to adapt school-based leadership strategies.(ELLCC 6.3,ISLLC 6C,CF2)


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