week 4 interactive assignment

The company to be examined for this assignment is Walmart.

Prior to beginning this Interactive Assignment, review the sections of Chapters 5, 8, and 9 in the Abraham’s textbook on Assessing the Company and Operational and Budget Planning. Also read the online articles Analyze Investments Quickly With Ratios (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Elmerraji, 2017) and What Is an Annualized Budget? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Ashe-Edmunds, n.d.).

Using the same publicly traded company you used in the Environmental Scanning Interactive Assignment, and this downloadable Operating Budget Template., research the company online by accessing the Mergent Ashford University Library online database which offers company financials, descriptions, history, property, subsidiaries, officers and directors. Also, access the Business Insights: Global Ashford University Library online database which offers information on global companies, and industries. It includes SWOT reports, market share data, financial reports, case studies, business news, and company comparison charts. (View the Mergent tipsheet and Business Insights tipsheet documents for suggested methods of searching Ashford University Library databases generally as well as specific advice for searching these two databases). You can always conduct research using credible online sources of corporate financial information, just be sure that wherever you obtain financial information that you cite your source.

For this Interactive Assignment, you are going to look at the financial statements for the company you selected and, using the previous quarter’s financial data, interpret the data and propose a budget for the next Quarter based on your current and previous analysis of company performance. Complete the budget template using this Operating Budget Template:

  • List your current sales, discounts and allowances, net sales, margins, operating costs, and earning before and after taxes.
  • Choose a minimum of two financial ratios (below) and include in your analysis.
  • Prepare the next quarter’s budget based on your interpretation of past data.

Include at least two of the following types of relevant financial ratios in your analysis. Review the online article Analyze Investments Quickly With Ratios (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Elmerraji, 2017) and Chapter 5 in the Abraham’s textbook to help with this portion of the budget:

  • Profitability Ratio
  • Liquidity Ratio
  • Solvency Ratio
  • Valuation Ratio
  • Leverage Ratio

(NOTE: Incorporate the feedback you receive from your instructor and peers and save your work. It will be part of your Strategic Plan Final Project for this course).

Initial Post: In your initial post, provide a brief description of your company and provide a summary of your Operating Budget along with a rationale that supports suggested budgetary changes. Attach your Operating Budget Template to your initial post for review by your instructor and your peers.

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required assignment applying organizational behavior theory

In this assignment, you will apply organizational behavior theory to an organization with which you have past or present experience.

You are an organizational change consultant who has been hired to address a current problem within an organization. In addition to defining and justifying the problem, you must also apply organizational behavior theory to bring about positive change regarding the problem.

Complete the following:

  • Consider an organization with which you have past or present experience and for which you can make a case. Define a problem, past or present for that organization.
  • Using a combination of trade industry materials and/or personal communication with industry leaders/managers, justify the problem (i.e., provide enough detail to prove the existence and significance of the problem). Use appropriate academic peer-reviewed literature to support your argument.
  • Using organizational behavior theory, discuss how the theory might be applied practically to manage employee behavior to bring about positive, constructive change to the noted problem.
  • Explicitly include in your case a discussion of the following aspects of systems theory:
    • The climate and types of cultures likely to be encountered, and the types of systems to be considered based on the organization’s cultural climate
    • Employee motivation, including factors of motivation (such as planning and communication) and the types of motivation present within the organization
    • Possible employee satisfaction issues regarding development and implementation of a change plan to address the noted problem

Write a well-argued, 3–4-page paper in Word format. Note: The title page, references, and appendices are not included in the page count.

Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Click here to download the APA Guide. Use this guide to format your assignment. The course text, the trade journal(s) noting the problem, and peer-reviewed journal articles are to be used to support your position and theoretical constructs. General Internet sources will not be accepted as references.

Write your responses in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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strategic planning process 3

Assignment (2–4 pages in APA format): Describe the first three steps you would take to begin the strategic planning process for a human services organization. Be sure to include the key stakeholders—who should be involved in each step and why they need to be included in the process. In addition, include steps you would take to establish stakeholder support and confidence.

Note: Although you will base your strategic plan on what you know about an actual organization, do not include any identifying information about the organization or its stakeholders.


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car loans and insurance

The most common methods for financing automobiles are through car loans or car leases. Car loans are personal loans provided by banks and credit unions and can be repaid over a period of years. However, with a car lease, a person never owns the car. The bank or credit union selected purchases the car and rents it to you for a fixed period. Once the fixed period of the lease expires, the financial institution takes back the car and sells it. In this assignment, you will compare the differences between car loans and car leases.

A car loan is one of the most significant investments made by a typical American family. An alternative to the traditional auto loan is the auto lease.

Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • Examine the differences between a car loan and a car lease. Consider the following factors:
    • Advantages and disadvantages of both leasing a vehicle and purchasing a vehicle
    • The process you will personally follow in making a decision on taking a car loan or leasing your next car
  • Explain how leasing versus financing a new automobile changes your insurance options/requirements for the automobile. Consider that auto insurance requirements differ by state.
  • Describe the requirements specific to your state and whether insurance requirements differ on a financed purchase over a lease.
  • Identify other variables that influence one’s insurance premium.
  • Describe the actions one can take to ensure that auto insurance premiums are not unnecessarily high.

Write your initial response in 200–300 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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discussion 16 1

Reading: The Late Mattia Pascal, Chapters I-IX

Discussion: Who is Mattia Pascal? What do you think of Mattia Pascal’s action after winning the money at the casino? Would you have done the same thing? If not, what would you have done?

this should be no less then 200 words.

please take time little bit early to go over the reading becase it is little bit long


this work is two part… the first one is the one that you will do which is the main post.

the other part is commenting on other student post. (i will share that with you once student post their main post. don’t worry about it,,, this part should be so easy 🙂 )

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course work answer questions

Please read the uploaded files then answer the questions below:

1. From a Care Ethics perspectives, is Winston acting ethically? Why or why not? ( Please read the Housing Allowance and my care lecture)

2. The issue of Walmart, or, said differently, the issue of big business taking over market share form small business, is not an ethical issue according to the text. Why? (Please read the Walmart file and Justice lecture)

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zachs analysis

Much of the information on earnings surprises is supplied from Zacks.com. Each day, the largest positive and negative surprises are listed. Go to:


Identify the top positive and the top negative earnings surprises for a recent day. You will need to select day(s) to find examples. The table will list the time and date of the announcement. Do you notice any difference between the times of day positive announcements tend to be made versus negative announcements?

Identify the tickers for the top three positive surprises. Once you have identified the top surprises, go to https://finance.yahoo.com . Enter the ticker symbols and obtain quotes for these securities. Examine the 5-day charts for each of the companies and answer these questions:

  1. Is the information incorporated into price quickly?
  2. Is there any evidence of prior knowledge or anticipation of the disclosure in advance of the trading?

Choose one of the stocks listed on Zacks.com and click on its symbol to follow the link for more information. Click on the link for an interactive chart that appears under the graph. You can move the cursor over various parts of the graph to investigate what happened to the price and trading volume of the stock on each trading day. Do you notice any patterns?
Your paper must be in a Word document of two to four pages, not counting a title and references page. Include any calculations you wish to support your argument in a table within your paper and be sure to submit only one document to be graded in response to this assignment.

Cite a minimum of three outside sources, one of which may be your course textbook, in support of your responses. Your references and your paper must be formatted accordance with CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Examine the Critical Thinking grading rubric for this assignment, found in the Module 4 folder, to see how you will be graded.

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concentric zone theory and statistics 1

Write a 250- to 350-word paper Remember to explain what type of statistical data would be useful and how it relates to concentric zone theory.

Include at least two peer reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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critical thinking power point

In our text Our Iceberg Is Melting, Kotter provides a story-based scenario of a situation needing a change intervention.

Review the reading from our text and create a presentation about how Kotter’s first four steps were applied in the story and then reflect on an organizational change effort that you are familiar with from the past (failed, successful, or somewhere in between) using Kotter’s first four steps to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the change effort.

Make sure to include what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort.

Your presentation should be a minimum of 5 slides and a maximum of 8 slides.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Analysis Analyzes and clearly states how Kotter’s steps (1-4) applied to the story Analyzes and states how Kotter’s steps (1-4) applied to the story Analyzes and states how some of Kotter’s steps (1-4) applied to the story Does not analyze or state how Kotter’s steps (1-4) applied to the story 25 Evidence Clearly provides evidence of being able to lead a change effort Provides evidence of being able to lead a change effort Provides some evidence of being able to lead a change effort Does not provide evidence of being able to lead a change effort 25 Critical Reflections Clearly identifies strengths and weaknesses of what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort Identifies strengths and weaknesses of what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort Identifies some strengths and weaknesses of what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort Does not identify strengths and weaknesses of what was done well, what was done poorly, and what was lacking in the change effort 30 Writing (Mechanics) Presentation is easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations Presentation is easily understood using proper citation methods where applicable with few errors in citations Presentation is understandable using proper citation methods where applicable with a number of errors in citations Presentation is not understandable and does not use proper citation methods where applicable 20 Total 100%

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see details below 2


1) How did the peace settlement between the “big three” lead to the future conflicts of the cold war?

2) What was the Truman Doctrine according to the book and how did it influence Cold War policy?

3) How did Russia change between World War II and the end of the Cold War? (Hint” the answer to this question can be found throughout the chapter but look particularly at the sections between “Reform and De-Stalinization and “Foreign Policy and Domestic Rebellion”?

4) After watching the Duck and Cover video posted in this Module, what do you think the general mood of the United States was at this time?

5) What led to rapid decolonization after World War II when it came to the Middle East?

6) How did women’s Roles expand during the period of the Cold War?

7) The Cold War was primarily between the US and the USSR, but it still effected the world apart from those two countries. Do you think that this greater global connection would have been possible if the two World Wars had not preceded it? Use evidence from the book to support your answer. (Hint: This is an opinion question, you can’t get it wrong unless you do not provide enough evidence to support your conclusion).

Please come up with an outline of your essay and provide your sources at the end. Remember that you need at least three books (not your text book) and two other sources that can be whatever you want as long as it is a sound academic source (Wikipedia will not be accepted as legitimate).

Outline Template:

Outline for this topic-Topic: Critical Analysis of the social, political and economic impacts of the Atlantic Slave Trade

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