wite a essay about asia art choose one of it

Chinese Bronze Essay

Explain the significance of bronze in Early Chinese culture.

How are bronzes made and used in ancient China? What specific functions do ritual bronze vessels serve? How and why are they important to the Chinese?

Define and explain Max Loehr’s five phases in the development of Shang bronzes.

Discuss the significance of bronzes during the Shang, Zhou, and Han periods. How do the bronze objects of these periods differ in style and function?

Use specific examples to illustrate your points.

Ancient Asian Tomb Essay

Explain the cultural significance and symbolic meaning of ancient Asian burials.

Compare two Asian tombs/burials (from two different periods or cultures). Describe and compare the two burials. How do they represent the cultures and beliefs of their respective times and places?

Give specific examples of items placed in the tombs. What do these burials reveal about life styles and situations of their occupants?

Ancient Asian Traveler Essay

You are a traveler in ancient Asia. Describe yourself, your homeland and the time you live in. (Must start in Asia during a historical period.) Explain your motivation(s) for travel to a distant land.

Choose your final destination. Describe your journey. What do you encounter along the way? Upon arrival, what do you find? How does it compare to your native home? In what ways is it similar and different from home? What do you appreciate most there? What do you miss about home? How do you adjust to the new environment?

After a period of some duration decide to stay or return home. Give reasons for staying or returning home. If you stay, what aspects of your former culture would you bring to your new home? If you return home, what would you bring back? Why?

Qin Essay

Choose a role to play during the Qin dynasty. Advisor or Opponent to the First Emperor. Describe yourself. Give reasons for supporting or opposing him.

Advisor. How can you best serve him. What advice would you give him to succeed in his plans? How might he respond to your advices? How and why might you be punished or rewarded?

Opponent. How can you defeat him? How would you recruit forces to join you? What are his weaknesses and strengths? How can you use them to achieve your goals? How and why do you succeed or fail?

Include in the essay information about Qin Shihuangdi—his person, his achievements, his contributions to Chinese history and culture. What do his actions reveal about his personality, ambitions, and aspirations? Evaluate the successes and failures of his reign.

Hindu Essay

The lost temple of a previously unknown Hindu deity has been discovered in a recent excavation.

Fully describe and explain this Hindu god or goddess. What is his/her role?

Describe his/her distinctive physical characteristics. (Manner of dress; Attributes; Numbers of heads and arms; Vehicle) How are they related to his/her unique role or responsibilities

Explain some of his/her other forms. When and why does he/she take these other forms?

Who are his/her children/consorts? What are their physical forms and attributes.

Explain his/her relationship to other gods and humans.

Finally, explain how his god/goddess is important in the Hindu tradition.

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theory discussion question

Examine the arguments for and against euthanasia in the light of the different schools of thought and their theorist.

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profitability analysis case study and worksheet attached evaluate inventory levels bank loan req and profitability

This assignment allows students to view the impact of level versus seasonal production on inventory levels, bank loan requirements, and profitability. In addition, it allows students the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to apply profitability analysis activities used in financial decision making.

1. Reference tables 1 through 5 to complete the following:

A. Reproduce these tables if Tim’s suggestion were implemented; that is, change the Production This Month column in Table 2 from 400 each month to 150, 75, 25, and so on, to match Sales in the next column.

B. Recompute the remainder of Table 2, and Tables 3, 4, and 5 based on the new production numbers. Note: Beginning inventory is still 400 units. Beginning cash is still $125,000 and that remains the minimum required balance.

C. Write a one paragraph summary of what the new computations reflect and what you would suggest as a result of your findings.

2. Reference table 5 to calculate how much Tim’s suggestion would save in interest expense in a year.

A. Use your recomputed figures in Table 5 from question 1 to summarize what the change would offer as a savings from the total interest expense. Justify your perspective on whether those findings would be a positive point for Tim’s suggestion or a positive point for Roy (“Pop”).

3. Assume that there is an added expense for each sales dollar of .5 percent (.005). Based on this fact and the information computed in question 2, is seasonal production justified?

A. Compute the total sales using table 3 ( original or recomputed table can be sued)

B. Apply the added expense and identify what the expense amount will do (increase/decrease and by how much).

C. Compare the rate of the added expense burden to the interest savings computed in question 2 of table5.

D. Write a one paragraph summary of your findings. Include if you feel the seasonal production plan is justified or not and why you are making the formal recommendation to implement the change or not.

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microsoft word assignment 2


For the purpose of grading the project you are required to perform the following tasks:



Points Possible


Start Word. Download and open the file named go16_wd_ch03_grader_3e_as.docx.



For all the text, change the line spacing to 2.0 and the spacing after to 0 pt.



At the top of the document, insert a new blank paragraph, click in the new blank paragraph, and then by pressing ENTER, type the following four lines:

June Whitlock
Henry Miller
July 5, 2016
(press ENTER one time to create a new blank paragraph)



In the new blank paragraph, type Hazardous Materials Found in E-Waste



Center the title Hazardous Materials Found in E-Waste



Insert a header, type Whitlock and then press SPACEBAR one time. Insert a page number in the current position using the Plain Number Style.

Note, Mac users, to insert the page number, click the Field button, then in the Field dialog box, click Numbering on the left, and then click Page on the right.



Apply Align Right formatting to the header.



Apply a first line indent of 0.5 inches to the paragraph that begins Most people in the United States.



On Page 1, in the paragraph that begins One material, in the second line, click to position the insertion point to the right of the period following lead, and then insert the footnote In 2009 the U.S. government required that all television signals be transmitted in digital format resulting in many discarded TV sets. Be sure to type the period at the end of the footnote.



Modify the Footnote Text style so that the Font Size is 11, there is a first line indent of 0.5”, and the spacing is Double.



On Page 1, in the paragraph that begins Toxic effects, in the third line, click to the left of the period following learning, and then using MLA format, insert a citation for a Journal Article using the following information:

Note, Mac users, do not add a value for Medium.

Author: Robinson, Eliot
Title: EPA May Allow More Lead in Gasoline
Journal Name: Science
Year: 1982KL,.
Pages: 1375-1377
Medium: Print



On Page 2, at the end of the paragraph that begins Cadmium is another, click to the left of the period, and then insert a citation for a book with a Corporate Author using the following information:

Note, Mac users, do not add a value for Medium.

Corporate Author: American Cancer Society
Title: Cancer Source Book for Nurses, Eighth Edition
Year: 2004
City: Sudbury, MA
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Inc.
Medium: Print



Update the American Cancer Society citation to include 291 as the page number.



At the end of the document, insert a manual page break.



On the new Page 3, display the Paragraph dialog box, and then change the Indentation under Special to (none).



Insert a built-in Works Cited MLA style bibliography.



Select all the references in the bibliography, apply Double line spacing, and then set the spacing after to 0 pt. Center the Works Cited title.



Save and close the document. Close Word. Submit the document as directed.


Total Points


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essay carter reagan bush 1

Please reads this and watch video to complete assignment http://www.historyisaweapon.com/defcon1/zinncarebu…

Essay Guidelines

Copy and paste the numbered questions into a word processing program and answer each question in a full paragraph, 5-7 sentences. You can exceed the number of paragraphs per question but don’t write half page paragraphs! Your paper should be 1-1/2 pages long for credit. If you settle for the minimum expect a C.

1. What was the main theme or purpose of the readings? What problems or concerns were identified?

2. How do the Additional Sources support the chapter?

3. What were the interactions between “the powerful” and “the people?” What choices did “the people” have in response to “the powerful?” How did “the people” respond to these problems?

4. How are the problems identified in the reading similar to problems encountered by “the people” today? What actions can you take to address or solve these problems today? This is where you solve modern problems using history as a model. If you state “It can’t be solved” expect an F for the assignment!

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quantitative approaches

Must be 2 to 3 pages with reference sheet, correct grammar and spelling. APA guidelines. All parts of question must be answered.

a. What are the primary financial statements?

b. Describe the information that is found on each of the statements.

c. Identify the users of financial statements and explain why the information is useful to them.

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professional development activity 1

Professional Development Activity

Go to the American Payroll Association’s website at:


Explore the site and see what the Association has to offer. You should pay particular attention to the information regarding certifications, education, resources, and careers.

Discussion Topics:

  1. Discuss the potential benefits of membership in the American Payroll Association.
  2. Identify the benefits of the Certified Payroll Professional certification for payroll specialists in the accounting profession.
  3. Discuss opportunities for education and training, and the certifications offered by this professional organization.

American Payroll Association. Retrieved from http://www.americanpayroll.org

Can you make comment below # 1 to 2 ?

1 From: Tyler Cugino posted Jul 8, 2018 3:14 PM

I found the American Payroll Association site very informative and packed with a lot of good information. I feel that a membership with the American Payroll Association would be very beneficial because of the tremendous amount of information and tolls it offers. This membership will provide people with as much up to date payroll information that they will ever need. They also offer payroll conferences, seminars, payroll resource texts, and certifications. They take pride in their members as well by seeking recognition for their work and representing them.

The benefits of the Certified Payroll Professional certification for payroll specialists in the accounting profession is that it will allow you to do more in the accounting field. This certification will allow you more knowledge into being a payroll specialist and allow for your company and customers to see you have the capabilities to do their payroll. Being able and allowed to do these new tasks will open many more doors for you in the accounting field and will ultimately lead to more money.

The American Payroll Association offers many opportunities for education, training, and certificates to their members. These opportunities allow their members to advance in their career and become more trust worthy with their clients. The American Payroll Association offers training programs, seminars, webinars and forums to discuss up to date information about payroll. Achieving these certificates and new knowledge will allow for their members to become more important to the company because they can offer more services for the company they are working for.


American Payroll Association. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.americanpayroll.org

2 From: Christina Watson posted Jul 7, 2018 6:58 PM

Hello Professor and class,

I have researched the American Payroll Association’s (APA) website previously and I find it to be a very informative and beneficial website. I have found there are many benefits of obtaining a membership. Some of these benefits include training for its members on the most efficient and effective ways of processing payroll as well as performing other duties within an organization that a professional may be assigned. It offers the opportunity to connect and network with numerous other individuals, including experts in the field. The association publishes articles and other resources that are useful to its members and are generally located in the library. There are forms and links located in the resource library that can be beneficial to members. APA assists its members in ensuring they are compliant with current laws and regulations.

The APA offers different levels of certification exams to its members. The two levels of certification include certified payroll professional (CPP) and fundamental payroll certification (FPC). Benefits of obtaining a certification by the association include being qualified to perform payroll duties as well as payroll management since they meet all the requirements. Becoming certified through the APA enhances your qualifications for performing payroll functions.

APA offers various education opportunities to its members to increase their knowledge on payroll operations as well as its management. The association provides training programs, seminars, webinars and forums to discuss the developments in payroll and its impact on their professional duties for its members. APA also offers training and exams on payroll to its members, in which passing the examination, a member can become certified by the association. APA members can utilize these benefits to gain more knowledge in payroll administration and management and improve their performance significantly, which contributes to their success and the success of any organization they perform duties for.


American Payroll Association. (2018). Retrieved from http://www.americanpayroll.org

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communicating with stakeholders

To Prepare:

Focus on and consider the evaluation needs for an institution.

Centennial Community AssociationCurrent Situation

Recently, the neighborhood and nearby businesses have experienced an increase in vandalism, resulting in costly repairs. The recent economic downturn has also reduced home prices within the Centennial neighborhood. A proposal to construct a teen homeless shelter at the New Harbor Community Center has residents angry that their home investments will further decline because of a potential influx of young homeless teens, who they suspect are the perpetrators of most of the recent vandalisms. The overall opinion of residents in Centennial is that they enjoy having the New Harbor Community Center nearby for its family recreation center, the early learning day care service, and senior club. However, they are not as enthusiastic about its food bank and counseling services.

  • You can base your evaluation proposal on a description of a program or initiative that already exists in that institution, or you can propose a different one that you are confident would be pertinent for it.
  • Think about what information you might need to communicate to each of the four stakeholders and the best methods to accomplish this.
  • Consider any ethical considerations that might apply to communication with stakeholders.

Submit a 4-page paper that addresses the following:

  • Identify the institution (See above description of Centennial Community Association) and write a brief (approximately 100 words) evaluation proposal for a need it may have. The goal is to be concise and yet specific.
  • Create profiles of four stakeholders that would be involved in or affected by an evaluation at this organization. Explain the level of contact or information that each stakeholder would need before, during, and after an evaluation project as well as each stakeholder’s familiarity with evaluation and its vocabulary.
  • Explain the optimal communication for each stakeholder (e.g., oral, written, face-to-face) and the considerations that would be best practices in any plan (e.g., reading level, linguistic diversity, physical impairments to communication).
  • Explain any methodology issues that would be pertinent to stakeholder communication in this setting. For example, if you profile stakeholders who are clients at a hospital clinic, you might identify data collection through anonymous questionnaires rather than a Delphi technique that requires repeated contact.
  • Finally, explain and address any ethical considerations for your communication plan with stakeholders.

Please use APA style format, at least 5 APA cited references, and Time Roman 12 font.

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nursing change project

Identify the change project topic and identify why it is a problem (provide details). i.e. something to change in nursing , like reduce falls or something like that. Identify the stakeholders (both internal and external) and summarize the benefits of the change project as well as the benefits and challenges associated with internal and external stakeholders.

All submissions must have a minimum of two scholarly references to support your work.

Examples of work to show mastery:

  • 1-2 page paper – APA format
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is scanner research attitude or behavioral research

Discuss the reasons for the growing importance of point-of-purchases scanners in marketing research along with the shift of power it has caused in marketing channels. Is scanner research attitude or behavioral research? Why? Describe two services offered by Symphony/IRI (marketing research company).

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