do the questions in excel

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problem 6 3 and 6 4

Problem 6.3 Hospital Cost Allocation – Cost Driver Problem 6.4 Hospital Cost Allocation – Alternative Cost Drivers

Book reference: Healthcare Finance, An Introduction to Accounting and Financial Management, 6th edition by Louis C. Gapenski & Kristin L. Reiter, Health Administration Press

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building a competitive advantage 5

The purpose of this assignment is to help students understand how manufacturing and service companies can maximize their competitive advantage. The Porter Model is discussed as a method to categorize and assess businesses and industries.

Assignment Steps

Write a 175 -word report in which you address the following:

  • Appraise costing and financial strategies for manufacturing and service companies.

Cite 3 scholarly references, including at least one peer-reviewed reference from the University Library.

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chapter 16 connect hw



password: Evangel2015…
Complete the assignment do not worry about getting questions wrong once assignment is complete it will give a 100 percent.

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big five factors

What are the Big Five factors of personality? Are the Big Five factors related to one another? Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the trait approach to personality. Due date and time are listed within Assignments on Blackboard. Please bring a hard copy with the rubric to class on the date specified. There will be an automatic 10 point deduction for no hard copy. There will be an automatic 5 point deduction for no rubric. You must use your textbook as a reference with in-text citation. You may use other references as well as long as they are cited in-text and appear on the references page. Generally online references ending in .edu, .org, or .gov are acceptable. Avoid using .com references.

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i have homeworks to do of calculus ii

i have homeworks of calculus to complete. There are 4 chapters of homeworks. Very limited try are available for each question

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comparisons of a smart person a clever person and an intelligent

Smart, Clever, and Intelligent

Lecture Five provided insight into intelligence: what it means, how we measure it, and the different types it can comprise. Intelligence, of course, ties closely to our memories and our language.

In the discussion, you were asked to define the words “smart,” “clever,” and “intelligent” in your own words. For the exercise, you’re going to take it a step further, comparing your definitions with those in the dictionary, providing examples of people who fit the bill, and tying these examples to what you’ve learned about IQ and memory.

Write a 1-2 page paper focused on the terms “smart,” “clever,” and “intelligent.
Provide examples for each terms.
Determine which of the terms best applies to a con artist.
Analyze how each type of person demonstrates IQ, types of intelligence, and types of memory.

For this exercise, you will write a brief (1-2 page) paper delving into more detail about these terms.

Begin your paper by comparing your original definitions to the “real” definitions in the dictionary. How close were you?

Continue on to give examples of people in your life that would be classified under each term and explain why. Additionally, use the “real” definitions to explain which of the three terms best describes a con artist. Is a con artist smart, clever, or intelligent? Why?

Finally, I would like you to relate your findings and examples to some additional questions about intelligence and memory. Consider the following:

  • Where might a smart person, a clever person, and an intelligent person fall on an IQ scale (below average, average, or above average)? Why?
  • What types of intelligence, such as those from Gardner’s list, would each person demonstrate?
  • Where does social intelligence and/or emotional intelligence figure in to each type of person?
  • What type of memory (sensory, STM, LTM) is most important to each type of person?
  • Are all people intelligent in some way, or are some people not intelligent at all?
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interpret synthesize and analyze what you are seeing on the map

Specifically for this assignment we will use an interactive map of westward expansion from 1860 to 1890. You can access it at this URL: (The interactive map will often not work with Google Chrome). Once you have the map open, click on the boxes for Major Cities, Railroad Networks, Improved Agricultural Land, and States and Territories. At the bottom of the map, you will notice the decades 1860, 1870, 1880, and 1890. Click on each of these decades in succession and you will see the ways in which the country changed.

You will make a well-organized argument, support that through research, and then write a conclusion for your findings.

Analysis is the process whereby the researcher separates something into its component parts. In an analytical essay, the writer examines a subject relative to its own terms, and explains the problem by studying the individual parts. In contrast, synthesis requires that the researcher examine individual unrelated parts in an effort to discover something new. A good essay will utilize both analysis and synthesis. Instead of examining the simple facts of a problem, the writer will go beyond the obvious, making connections between different pieces of evidence to discover something new.

I tried Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari on the Mac Book.

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statistics analysis and interpretation of research results type i and type ii errors 1

Type I and Type II Errors

Statisticians and researchers are human, and therefore, make mistakes in the conduct of their research. Type I and Type II errors are important to consider as they have real-world implications. A Type I error refers to rejecting a null hypothesis when it is true, while a Type II error results from failing to reject a null hypothesis when it is false. The following hypothetical situation illustrates these errors and the null hypothesis:

A forensic psychologist must decide whether to allow John Hinckley, Jr. to go to his parents’ house on a weekend pass. Mr. Hinckley, as you recall, attempted to assassinate President Reagan at the Washington Hilton in 1981, just to impress actress Jody Foster with whom he was obsessed. Mr. Hinckley has been writing letters to Miss Foster as recently as last month. The letters were found under his mattress during a routine inspection of his room at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. The hospital has convened a panel of seven mental health professionals, all of whom work at the hospital and with Mr. Hinckley. The votes are in: Three say let him go visit his parents and three vote to deny his weekend pass request. What should the forensic psychologist decide? The null hypothesis in this case would be that it is safe to send him home for the weekend. If he is denied the visit when in reality he would not have caused any problems, a Type I error (also called a false positive) would have been made. It was determined that he would be dangerous when he would not have been. A Type II error (or a false negative) would result if it was determined that he would not be violent and he was released, and he ended up assaulting someone on his weekend pass. In that case, it was believed that nothing would happen and it did.

Forensic psychology research also may exhibit Type I and Type II errors, use the following resources:

  • Review Chapter 8 in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay particular attention to the difference between Type I and Type II errors.
  • Review the web article, “ Type I and Type II Errors—Making Mistakes in the Justice System.” Pay close attention to the descriptions and examples of Type I and Type II errors. Article: Intuitor. (2001). Type I and Type II errors—making mistakes in the justice system. Retrieved from
  • Select and review a research article that addresses a forensic psychology issue or takes place in a forensic setting, and that reports or discusses a Type I or Type II error.
  • Think about the possible consequences to the research study of making each type of error.
  • Consider whether the resulting consequences of making each type of error would be tolerable or not and why.

With these thoughts in mind w

rite to address the following:
1) a brief summary of the study you selected. 2)Then, explain how and why the study reports the possibility of either a Type I or Type II error. 3) Finally, explain the potential consequence to the research study of making either a Type I or a Type II error and which is more “ tolerable” and why.

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english class short final essay


Welcome to your English 124 Final Exam.

Your final exam will be on a literature essay. The essay will be provided once the exam begins.

You will have 2 hours to complete this exam. Your time will start once you open the link.

Happy Writing,

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