discussion b2b and b2c

Consider your favorite product and discuss the strategies, goals, and sensitivities of the customer from both the B2B and B2C perspectives. Hint: Most products are sold in a B2B fashion before being sold on a B2C basis.

In response to your classmates, discuss any needs and sensitivities that they did not identify in their posts.

Refer to the Discussion Rubric for directions on completing these discussions.

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please answer the attached questions

feel free to answer any 3 questions as instructed in the attachment. choose whatever u feel cinfident to answer.

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respond to the post with a paragraph

Please write a Paragraph answering to this discussion below with your opinion. Please include citations and references in alphabetical order in case of another source.

Cystic Fibrosis

This is a very well organized presentation. We don’t see CF too often in my department, so I was surprised to see just how far-reaching the symptoms of the disease can be. It is a terrible disease. Regarding the emotional impact of CF, it is worth noting that a large body of research points to the efficacy of mindfulness meditation in reducing stress and increasing a person’s sense of well-being (Tang & Holzel, 2015). This practice could lesson the emotional impact of the disease and provide an alternative to substance abuse, which you indicated is an unhealthy option sometimes selected by those suffering from the disease.


Tang, Y., & Holzel, B. (2015). The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation. Nature Reviews: Neuroscience. (16)213-215. Retrieved from

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photojournalist henri cartier bresson

The student will select a photojournalist of their choice and write a 1000-word critical essay on that person’s life and work. The focus should explain the main ideas, stories and experiences the photographer is trying to share with their audience and how they achieve that. Using critical photographical analysis and the context of visual storytelling that students have developed in class, the essay must select and discuss at least three different photos that serve as examples to your arguments. Properly captions are required for all photos


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discussion 2 leading organizational change

Reflecting on a government or nonprofit organization with which you are most familiar, describe one type

of change that has or may occur that might affect this public or nonprofit organization, and explain why.

Finally, describe at least two challenges that might arise during the implementation of change and how a leader might address these.

Post your answer by Day 4.


  • Entwhistle, T. (2011). For appropriateness or consequences? Explaining organizational change in English local government. Public Administration, 89(2), 661–680.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Lewis, A. (2012). Finding a model for managing change. Training & Development, 39(5), 6–7.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Packard, T., Patti, R., Daly, D., & Tucker-Tatlow, J. (2012). Organizational change for services integration in public human service organizations: Experiences in seven counties. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 34(4), 471–525.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Tummers, L., Steijn, B., & Bekkers, V. (2012). Explaining the willingness of public professionals to implement public policies, content, context, and personality characteristics. Public Administration, 90(3), 716–736.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.
  • Howell, E. (2013). Columbia disaster: What happened, what NASA learned. Retrieved from http://www.space.com/19436-columbia-disaster.html
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discussion board 11 reading literary criticism

You folks have had a few opportunities to learn about the various lenses and apply them to our previous works, but you have yet to read a healthy dose of literary criticism relating to our texts. Now’s a good time to really hunker down and observe how much professionals put into their analyses of graphic novels.

Choose one of the following articles to read and answer the questions below.

Here’s the deal: the first article is complex, and reading/answering questions for article #1 will start you in the A range

The second article barely qualifies as literary criticism (it is more review/journalism). So completing that one will be easier, but will only get a top grade of B-



The questions are the same, no matter which article you use. Answer them well.

Question #1: Well, it isn’t really a question. Summarize the article you read (be sure to identify which one you read in the title of your post as well). Five sentences minimum.

Question #2: What is the author’s central argument? (Do not tell me it is hard to say because so much is being said. Identify what you think the central argument is).

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help with question 70

My class discussion question needs to be answer with at least 150 words with example. I would like for it to be in your own words. If not please cite in text with reference, No plagiarism please. Doesn’t need a title page.

Class, how does your organization attract, recruit and retain a talented workforce? What sorts of recruitment activities does your organization engage in to ensure that the workforce is a diverse one? Please share your experiences with the us.

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examine the difference in artistic approach between the neo classicists and the romantic artists

The paper should be at least four pages typed, double-spaced and use a 12 point font. You must include at least three resources as evidence of your research in a bibliography (No Wikipedia please).

Using two artists as your examples, examine the difference in artistic approach between the Neo-Classicists and the Romantic artists of the late 18th and early 19th century.

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analyze two essays

In this discussion, you will practice summary and response writing by sharing your analysis of two essays with your classmates. Before you post to the discussion, carefully and thoroughly read the following articles from The Prentice Hall Essential Guide for College Writers. These essays are informal narrations of personal experience, yet they differ in style and subject:

  • “The Struggle to Be an All-American Girl,” page 19.
  • “How Male and Female Students Use Language Differently,” page 191.

Referring to specific passages in each essay, write a detailed, expansive post in which you:

  • State the thesis or main idea of each essay.
  • Compare the two essays in structure and style by considering the following:
    • What do you notice about the way each essay begins and concludes, the order of the paragraphs, and the vocabulary used?
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glinka russlan

Describing Glinka’s “Russlan And Ludmilla Overture”

Describing Glinka’s “Russlan And Ludmilla Overture”
see below for YouTube link

Similar to the Jackson 5 writing assignment, please watch the video of Glinka’s Russlan Andj Ludmilla Overture using the provided link and write a 300–400 word musical description of the piece using the Introduction to the Materials of Music in your textbook as a guide. Below are several questions that I would like you to answer briefly. Of course, you can expand upon these questions as needed and, while I don’t expect you to know all of the answers, I do expect you to make educated guesses and, most importantly, write in your own words.

Please write in full sentences and write more creatively than just providing simple answers. Begin the essay with an introductory sentence or paragraph and finish with a concluding sentence or paragraph.

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