project 1 memorandum


World War II brought a significant increase of employment to manufacturing in the United States. Once the war ended, the economy slowly returned to one with more jobs in the service industry. Employment in the service industry began to accelerate in the 1960 and although employment in the manufacturing industry peaked in the 1970’s the recession of 1980 saw manufacturing flat line with little recovery. Employment in the service industries continue to rise.

There has been a movement to bring manufacturing back to the United States. The ‘Made in America’ movement is currently underway and is a critical initiative in the business world and one that has received attention by President Donald Trump.

In this project, you will learn about the ‘Made in America’ label, what it means for businesses, consumers and the economies of the United States and other countries.

Skill Building:

You are also completing this project to help you develop the skills of research, writing and developing a memo. Writing is critical because in business it is important to convey information clearly and concisely and to develop a personal brand. Developing a personal brand is important because it is the ongoing process of establishing an image or impression in the minds of others especially those in positions above you. Having a strong personal brand can lead to opportunities that include promotions.

Skills: Research, Writing, Writing a Memo, Developing a Personal Brand.

Outcomes Met With This Project:

  • discuss the financial, economic, regulatory, sociopolitical, and technological factors as they relate to a dynamic business environment
  • identify the critical business functions and how they interact in order to position the organization to be effective in the current business environment

This project is the first of two projects. You will read a case scenario related to ‘Made in America.’ This project requires you to research ‘Made in America’ and using the research and the course material, write a memorandum (memo) addressing the required elements of the project. A memo is an internal written communication.

Read the following:

Leanne Marshall is the owner of Nouveau Fashions, a small apparel manufacturing business. As of late, Marshall has been watching ABC World News Tonight with David Muir and just this morning read, Remarks at a “Made in America” Roundtable Discussion.

Marshall called you into her office for a meeting and during the meeting, she shared a statement that President Trump made during the Roundtable Discussion – “Made in America” is more than a label or a product. The ‘Made in America’ movement intrigues Marshall. She wants to know more. Marshall admits to not knowing very much about the label. However, she believes Nouveau Fashions is eligible to use the label because the majority of the fabric used in Nouveau Fashions’ products are made in-house. What is not made in-house comes from the Massachusetts Cloth Roads Cooperative for of the company is a member.

Marshall asked you to research the standards and requirements of ‘Made in America’ and to provide answers to the elements below. Marshall wants you to send her a memo with your findings. Marshall has provided you with the following articles about ‘Made in America’ so you can become familiar with the movement. You will review these articles as well as do additional research on ‘Made in America.’ Marshall has stressed that she wants you to thoroughly research the topic and provide her with a complete explanation of each element so she can make the best decision for the company.


Step 1: Research

Read the scenario and articles provided above to gain an understanding of ‘Made in America.’ Then, start your research at the UMUC library. You may use the Internet but it is important to use caution in ensuring you obtain valid information.

Research thoroughly so that you can completely address all requiredelements. For example, there is more than one requirement to sell products with a ‘Made in America’ label.

Step 2: Write an Introduction

Write an introduction that is between 3 and 5 sentences that thoroughly explains in a clear and direct manner the purpose of the memo as it relates to ‘Made in America.”

Step 3: Elements to Address

Answer whether ‘Made in America’ is more than a label or a product by thoroughly responding to required items below. You must use research, the course material and the case scenario facts to support the reasoning for what is presented. If you do not understand how to support what you write, then go to Content in the classroom and read the module, Learn How to Support What You Write. The support provided is a key element to the memo.

  • Identify and discuss the requirements for Nouveau Fashions to sell its products with a ‘Made in America’ label;
  • Discuss the implications for Nouveau Fashions if it sells its products with the ‘Made in America’ label.
  • Discuss the implications for current customers if Nouveau Fashions moves to this label;
  • Explain why manufacturing is important for the U.S. economy.
  • Discuss the implications of ‘Made in America’ on the economy of other countries.

Step 4: Set Up the Memorandum

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document (no pdf files allowed) using 12-point font. A memo is left-justified with no indentations of paragraphs. A memo is single-spaced with a double space between paragraphs to make the memo easy to read.

The memo will be no longer than one and a half (1.5) pages in length excluding the title page and reference page. In business, writing must be concise, easy to read and free of writing and grammatical errors.

You are required to use in-text citations with an associated reference list. (on a separate page).

Use headings for each element. It is suggested that you set up the memo with all of the required headings and then fill in each section of the memo.

Use a memo format:





Remember, you are sending this memo to your boss so proof the memo carefully for typos, grammatical errors and ensure the memo conveys the points you have been asked to address. Why? Because your work products is a reflection of who you are – it is your brand! A good brand can lead to future opportunities in an organization such as a promotion.

Make sure the memo is audience appropriate, concise, coherent, readable, uses appropriate terminology, is professional, provides a factual tone (no opinion and no recommendations), and is visually appealing.

Step 5: Write the Memo

When writing the memo, it is important to:

  • organize the document clearly in a manner that promotes understanding and meets the requirements of the assignment. Use headings.
  • develop coherent paragraphs or points so that each is unified with good transitions so that each function as part of the whole document.
  • tailor the communication to the audience.
  • use sentence structure appropriate to the task, message and audience.
  • follow conventions of Standard Written English. Therefore, how the memo is written is a critical part of this project. This memo is informational so there should be no recommendations made and no opinion offered. Also, avoid posing questions and following the format for a memo is a must!

The expectation is that you provide a robust use of the course readings and research to support the ideas, reasoning and conclusions presented. This means that you will present an idea or provide reasoning, and then use your research or the course material to explain the idea, reasoning or conclusion made. Stringing one sentence after another using the course readings or research does not meet the requirement and does not demonstrate critical thinking. Critical thinking is demonstrated when the “why and how” and the “who and what” are thoroughly explained.

Step 6: Review the Memo

You are going to send this memo to Leanne Marshall (your boss) Read the memo to ensure all required elements are present. Make sure not to talk about Marshall but inform Marshall. You also need to use facts from the case scenario in writing the memo.

It is highly encouraged that you use the Effective Writing Center (EWC), which can be found by clicking on Resources on the Main Navigation Bar on Resources.

The following items are required in writing the memo. Check off to ensure compliance to the following requirements.

  • Use the grading rubric while completing the project to ensure all requirements are met that will lead to the highest possible grade.
  • Third person writing is required. Third person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second person writing).
  • Contractions are not used in business writing, so do not use them.
  • Students will not use direct quotation marks but will instead paraphrase. What this means is that you will put the ideas of an author or article into your own words rather than lifting directly from a source document. You may not use more than four consecutive words from a source document (including the case scenario) or change words in a passage as doing so would require direct quotation marks. Use a passage from a source document by putting into your own words (paraphrase) and attribute the passage to the source document. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having to have quotation marks.
  • Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contain a reference associated with each in-text citation.
  • Provide the page or paragraph number in every in-text citation presented.
  • You may not use books other than the e-book provided in the classroom. You will depend on the course material, the article provided above and research. Research is necessary to do well on this project.
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organisation leadership and decision making 2 2


Read the CRM at Minitrex Case Study on pages 243-245 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.


Read the Customer Service at Datatronics Case Study on pages 246-250 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.

text book:

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topic 5 dq 1 12

Please write a paragraph with your opinion based on the text bellow. Please include citations and references in case you need to used for the question.

In the United States, giving care to an aged parent is the commonest type of informal caregiving arrangement. Available data shows that almost 24 million families are involved with this. (Views on Aging, n.d). Caring for an aged parent can be so challenging that if not handled appropriately, it may lead to serious psychiatric concerns like mental stress, depression or even suicide for the caregiver.(Kikuzawa, 2016). This student believes that caregiver burnout and stress may be triggered by factors ranging from assisting a chronically ill family member with Activities of Daily Living (ADL) to dealing with a drastic change in the day to day activities of the caregiver. In the case under review, Susie and her entire nuclear family are about to experience a big change occasioned by the enormous responsibility of caring for Mrs. Jones, her mother.

The nurse caring for Susie’s family must evaluate the attitude of the entire family to healthcare and the promotion of health. The nurse must also ensure that his or her life or way of rendering care would provide a practical example for the entire Susie family. The nurse must in conjunction with Susie’s family, seek to improve identified deficiencies in the healthcare practices of the family. The nurse must help the family to take healthcare decisions which protect the development and welfare of the patient. The nurse must when practicable, be a veritable part of the family decision-making process. The nurse should endeavor to provide feedback to the family in order to reinforce safe and positive healthcare decisions. The nurse should provide necessary resources including but not limited to materials on disease prevention to protect Mrs. Jones and other family members. Finally, the nurse should also act as an intercessor between Susie’s family and other healthcare professionals. (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014)

Health education is the most important intervention which can enhance health promotion for Susie’s family. Health education in this instance should include the expected role reversal between Susie and Mrs. Jones and its ramifications for not just Susie and Mrs. Jones but other members of their family as well. The envisaged education in this instance will prepare Susie and other family members for the mental challenge of taking care of a sick and incapacitated family member. This will in turn, minimize caregiver stress and burnout. Incorporating other members of Susie’s family into the education process will also enable the nurse teach each family member ways in which the presence of Mrs. Jones in the family may affect such member. It will enable family members to voice and address any concerns. The nurse must teach Susie and other family members to as much as possible, involve Mrs. Jones in the decision-making process of her care. Mrs. Jones should be allowed as much independence as practicable in the circumstance. It has been suggested that involving the patient in decision making processes of such patient’s care and encouraging patient autonomy results in better outcomes for the patient. (Baas, 2012). Teaching Susie and other family members will enable them acquire skills like medication administration, repositioning Mrs. Jones to avoid pressure sores, giving Mrs. Jones bed baths when necessary and other nursing skills

The family structural theory is concerned with family composition and make up. It is also concerned with the relationship among the members of the family in contrast with the relationship with individuals outside the family. (Mantelo Cecilio, Sturião dos Santos & Silva Marcon, 2014.) The nurse can use the structural theory by seeking to involve family members who are closest to Mrs. Jones in her direct care. This is because it has been suggested that one of the ways of preserving an aged family member’s dignity and trust is by putting her direct care into the hands of family members with whom the patient shares the closest relationship.( (Mantelo Cecilio, Sturião dos Santos & Silva Marcon, 2014.)

On the other hand, the developmental theory focuses on the development through several stages by members of a family and the transition which occurs with such development. (Edelman, Kudzma & Mandle, 2014). Using this theory, the nurse may decide to apportion roles in the care of the patient based on the developmental stages of family members. Younger members of Susie’s family who have no stable means of income or jobs may get more roles in the care of Mrs. Jones. As they grow and transition into bigger responsibilities, the roles of such family members may mutate in accordance with their transition.


Baas, L. S. (2012). Patient- and family-centered care. Heart & Lung: The Journal of Acute and Critical Care, 41(6), 534-535.

Edelman, C., Kudzma, E., Mandle, C. (2014). Health promotion throughout the life span, 8th Edition. 174, retrieved from

Kikuzawa, S. (2016). Social Support and the Mental Health of Family Caregivers: Sons and Daughters Caring for Aging Parents in Japan. International Journal of Japanese Sociology, 25(1),

Mantelo Cecilio, H. P., Sturião dos Santos, K., & Silva Marcon, S. (2014). Calgary model of family assessment: Experience in a community service project. Cogitare Enfermagem, 19(3), 493-501

Views on Aging: How Caring for an Aging Parent Influences Adult Daughters’ Perspectives on Later Life. (n.d). Journal of Adult Development 20(1), 46-56.

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i need a making connections project

I need to write a paper about a book or story that was read in class also need to include literature, art, music, and film. Attached is the directions and a sample of what it should look like.

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what is tate s current online digital initiative

Next, take inventory of the channels that are currently being used by the company and how. Offer a brief background on the company based on the information provided to you in the case study, discuss its unique position, and detail the current online marketing initiatives outlined in the case as they relate to their digital channels.

Finally, do some research online to determine what two similar brands (i.e., competitors) are doing in regard to their online digital marketing initiatives. Compare the competitors’ actions to the Tate’s.

Your 2-to-3 page paper should address the following:

Overview: Provide a brief overview of the Tate and its unique position in the market.

Current Online Marketing Initiatives: What are the main online marketing initiatives of the Tate that are currently in play?


o Which two competitors did you identify, and how are they currently utilizing online marketing channels?

o Compared to the Tate, how are they using online channels similarly? How are they using them differently?

Be sure to reference the case study, your textbook readings, and other course resources—as well as your own outside research—to support your responses.

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access and identity management

Before Good Foods can implement a cloud-based service, it must be sure its applications, company data, and employee and customer information is secure. The company is concerned with system access, both internally and externally. It is also concerned with its ability to review the health of a cloud-based system after implementation. The company has asked you to find what security measures and auditing methods are available with cloud-based services.

To complete this assignment, include the following information in a minimum of 5 pages (not counting title page and references page):

  • Describe the authentication procedures and related security concerns. Include a discussion of various identification methods.
  • Describe the authorization techniques and related security concerns. Include a discussion of user groups and application level access.
  • Describe security concerns as they relate to network connections. Include a discussion of each type of network connection currently in use.
  • Describe cloud computing auditing methods and related security concerns. Include a discussion of current industry audit tools and the role of the vendor in each cloud-based delivery model.
  • Review all of the following leading service providers from the list below and summarize their ability to address system and user security, as well as their ability to conduct security audits and minimize performance degradation as they relate to security measures:
    • Salesforce
    • Google
    • Hewlett-Packard
    • IBM
    • Rackspace
    • Microsoft
    • Amazon
  • Indicate which vendor(s) may be a fit for the Good Foods company, based on the vendor’s ability to address system and user security, as well as audit and performance issues. Justify your recommendation.

Use APA formatting style (title page, references page, in-text citations).

When this paper is complete you should have properly identified which authentication techniques and auditing methods you would recommend for the Good Foods grocery store. Your paper should include audit metrics the company should address with a vendor prior to the implementation of its cloud-based system, as well as a review all of the leading service providers. Lastly, you should have also identified potential cloud-based vendors who are a best fit for the company’s needs.

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integrated marketing communications 1

Research a product or service from a company with which you are familiar, as well as the methods used to market that product or service. Many well-known companies have marketing plan information available online that you can reference by searching for “[Company Name] Marketing Plan”.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you include the following:

  • Analyze the purpose, value, and components of an effective integrated marketing communications (IMC) plan.
  • Briefly introduce the company that you researched and its product(s) or service(s).
  • Describe the specific marketing communications tools that are currently included in the IMC.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of those tools in meeting the objectives of the IMC and in reaching the targeted market segment(s).
  • Provide a brief industry analysis that includes emerging trends.
  • Propose additional marketing communication tools (or changes to existing tools) that the company should consider, and explain the potential opportunities for improving overall brand management that can be gained by implementing these tools.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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literature review 155

my major research topic is that: health is relates and impact to income. So make some literature review about health and income relationship.

The literature review must have at least 3 journal articles and/or book chapters. If you refer to an entire book and discuss it extensively, then you must include at least one other source. Literature review must be at least 350 words. Remember to define the major concepts from the research question or/and hypotheses.

Introduction: This section should introduce the focus and the importance of the subject. It can briefly summarizes the key points of the topics or controversies. It can also include a brief history of the topic. The introduction should conclude with a purpose or thesis statement.

Body: The body can include headings or subheadings about various themes within the topic. The review should focus on making an argument that justifies your research. Thus, it should led to the research project’s main hypotheses or questions.

Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the evidence just presented in the body and unpack its importance. It should briefly review the introduction and previous research. Finally, the conclusion should led into your research contributions.

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i need help just half a page will help

In considering different motivational theories, define, compare and contrast the content and process motivational theories.

kindly noplagiarism

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ifrs of trinity industries

Submit your International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) report. You will determine whether Trinity Industries is incompliance within the industry standards and aligned functionally with both efficiency and effectiveness of controls through the use of current audit and internal control standards. State all assumptions and conclusions.

Prompt: Prepare a report on Trinity’s compliance with industry standards.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:


a) What are the implications of a change in accounting standards? For example, what kinds of changes to data calculation and information reporting

are likely to occur with a transition to a new standard?

b) What changes will be required for Trinity to improve internal control compliance?

c) What standards will affect Trinity as a result of IFRS?

d) Discuss each infrastructure’s role in supporting a compliance project like IFRS:

  1. What constitutes Trinity’s governance infrastructure?
  2. What constitutes Trinity’s IT infrastructure?
  3. What constitutes Trinity’s process infrastructure?

Guidelines for Submission: Your IFRS report must be submitted as a 1–2-page Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch

margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.

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