animal farm by george owell

Writing Activity #1: Review your notes on the questions posed in the ‘before reading’ activity. Use your responses as the basis for writing a short essay in response to the questions below.

a. How is Orwell’s Animal Farm an allegory? Be specific and provide examples from the text to support your statements.

b. What are the rhetorical components of this allegory?

c. How is the use of allegory as a rhetorical device different from simply laying out a non-fictional account, or an historical or statistical analysis of the period and the rise of the Communist Party?

d. Do you think that Orwell’s use of allegory rhetorically is successful? Explain.

Writing Activity #2:

Step 1: Read the introductory paragraph about Martin Niemoller.

Step 2: Read his poem.

Step 3: Write a response to the question that follows this poem.

Martin Niemoller was a church pastor in Germany during Hitler’s rise to power. An early supporter of Hitler, his philosophy changes and he became very critical of the Nazi agenda and practices. He was arrested and held in concentration camps throughout World War II, and barely escaped execution. He is perhaps best known for his cautionary poem:

In Germany they came first for the Communists,

and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
and by that time no one was left to speak up.

* Hint: Compare Niemoller’s cautionary poem with Orwell’s allegorical story of the Manor Farm. How are their messages similar or different? How is the method of delivering those messages similar or different?

Read Animal Farm available from this site:

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english argument essay 1

I want you to do an assignment for me. It is an argument about the California and support your claim and tell us the positive and native about it

Tell us why the people live in California even is expensive state

4 pages

APA format

including citations and references


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how dialysis works as kidney treatment

How does the process of Dialysis work to resolve kidney problems? Please explain comprehensively how the process works and do cite medical references when possible.

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strategic plan environmental scan 2





You will perform an environmental scan for your target company.

For this 2,800-word to 3,500-word assignment, you will be completing an environmental scan and economic analysis on your organization (for which you are creating your strategic plan), including the remote, industry, and operating environments. Your environmental scan should describe the situation completely and accurately. You should identify any major changes that you expect to affect your remote, industry, or operating environments in the next 5-10 years. This will include the following subcomponents:

  • Analysis of the forces and trends affecting your organization.
  • Utilize a macroeconomic forecast of economic indicators that will affect your chosen organization in the future and should be considered part of strategic planning.
  • Analyze the non-economic factors in the remote environment:

1) Social and Cultural

2) Political

3) Technological

4) Demographic

  • Complete a competitive analysis of your organization’s position from a microeconomic perspective. Ex. based on the pricing of the organization’s primary product or service line, an assessment of its cost structure, and an assessment of the market in which the organization competes. (Note: This should be an analysis, not a spreadsheet.)
  • Develop a summary of the organization’s current situation, including its mission or business overview, its current competitive position, and the forces and trends in its industry. Based on this situation, you will identify three to six current opportunities and issues you believe should be addressed through your strategic-planning process.
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses in the organization’s operating environment that can be leveraged to capitalize on the emerging opportunities or minimize threats.
  • Create three strategic long-term objectives that can be measured to determine the success of the strategic plan. Explain the measurement/metrics intended and their viability.
  • Revisit the mission and vision statements. If necessary, modify or improve them further to align with your expressed long-term objectives.

To recap your assignment goals:

  • Determine how to create value and sustain competitive advantage using an environmental scanning strategy.
  • Evaluate the company’s external environment.
  • Assess the company’s general external operatingenvironment.
  • Evaluate the organization’s industry operating environment.

Format your paper according to APA 6th guidelines.

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legislation impact

Select a health care facility or service (e.g., hospital, physician practice, long-term care facility, ambulance service, pharmacy, or skilled nursing facility).

Identify and read one recently proposed or enacted state or federal legislation that has an impact on your selected health care facility or service.

Write a 800 word policy brief on the effects the legislation will have on your selected facility or service and on the state’s population. Use the following structure when putting together your policy brief:

  • Title
  • Executive Summary (225 words)
  • Recommendations
  • Introduction
    • State recommendation again
    • Body
      • Overview of problem
      • Review of relevant research
      • Application of research results
      • Policy Implications
      • Conclusion

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format APA guidelines.

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understand correlation and other basic research concepts

Extra Credit 2: Understand Correlation and Other Basic Research Concepts

Activity to do:

  • STEP 1 – THE RESEARCH IDEA: Studies exploring the relationship between certain personality characteristics and aggressive driving often focus on the traits of anger, hostility, and aggression (e.g., Deffenbacher, Huff, Lynch, Oetting, & Salvatore, 2000; Lajunen & Parker, 2001; Matthews & Norris, 2002). But what about competitiveness? Could it be that some people who drive aggressively are very competitive, and just want to “to win,” “get ahead,” or “be first?”?
    • Share your experiences with aggressive driving, either as the target of an aggressive driver or as an aggressive driver, themselves. Think about the kinds of personality traits that might covary with the tendency to drive aggressively.
  • STEP 2 – TURNING THE IDEA INTO AN EMPIRICAL QUESTION: Is there a relationship between competitiveness and aggressive driving?
  • STEP 3 – DOING LIBRARY RESEARCH: I will start you off with some useful descriptors (driving behavior, highway safety, personality) and a full text review article on the topic (Sharkin, B. (2004). Road rage: Risk factors, assessment, and intervention strategies. Journal of Counseling and Development,82Preview the document(2),191-198Preview the document.) You must then find one more primary research articles from peer-reviewed journals to include in your report. So here, have the two citations and a 1-2 sentence summary of what they did/found
  • STEP 4: Take the “Aggressive Driving Survey,” and rate on how much you feel it describes you. Do you think there are other and perhaps more valid ways of measuring it, such as by actually observing someone driving. What are the trade-offs that we often must make when we conduct research, where it is sometimes not feasible to conduct a study in the manner we would like. This raises the issue of methodological limitations, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of field and laboratory research.So here, I’d take the AGGRESSIVE DRIVING SURVEY – 1) note your score and rate on how much you feel it describes you. 2) Do you think there are other and perhaps more valid ways of measuring it, such as by actually observing someone driving?3) What are the trade-offs that we often must make when we conduct research, where it is sometimes not feasible to conduct a study in the manner we would like?

Each answer should be about 3-4 sentences. Aim for a paragraph. Feel free to use your textbook and any other sites you may have access to. Please include a reference page in APA format at the end.

Please include a reference page in APA format

Submission: Your paper will be submitted via the Assignment feature in Webcourses. When you submit your assignment it will immediately be run through, an automated system that instructors can use to quickly and easily compare each student’s assignment with billions of web sites, as well as an enormous database of student papers that grows with each submission. Turnitin will send me a report that states if and how another author’s work was used in the assignment. That is, it checks for plagiarism. As stated in the Course Policies plagiarism is a violation of the Golden Rule and is therefore completely unacceptable. Thus any plagiarized work will result in a 0 for that Assignment. This assignment will not be dropped from the calculation of your overall course grade.

For a more detailed look at the Turnitin process please visit Links to an external site.

Grading: Scores will be posted / unmuted once all submissions have been scored and reviewed. I will post an announcement after all assignment submissions have been scored.

Help for writing:

If you have difficulty writing and need assistance please contact the university center for writing excellence. They have the resources to help all UCF students with writing. You can take them the assignment & a rough draft & they can help with grammar & syntax and is a great resource. They even help with resumes! The UWC webpage is:

  • Paper should be original work that has been both grammar and spell checked. You can answer the question directly (meaning include question or just have the number) and responses should be about 6-8 sentences each. Work should be double-spaced and should have plenty of citations in APA format! It should also have a reference page attached.
  • All submissions will be run through Turnitin so please do not plagiarize at it is a violation of the university honor code. If you are confused about plagiarism, please see files under module “ancillaries” for assistance

If you need more help on how to summarize an article:

Best APA site out there: Links to an external site.

Andrews University: Guidelines for Writing an Article Summary Links to an external site.

UConn: How to Summarize a Research ArticleLinks to an external site.


Any direct quotation MUST be placed within quotes and cited. Citing alone does not make it not plagiarized! As I am not allowing ANY quotation this should not even be an issue!

Citing merely tells the reader where the information is coming from – using direct quotations “” tells the reader it is a direct quote from someone else. Why is this important? Well chiefly, it’s not your words or work. Secondly, if you have the reader feels the information is wrong they can seek out the original source to verify that information a) wasn’t taken out of context or b) is indeed wrong.

Remember, you are typically better off loosing points for having nothing in your own words that plagiarizing someone else.

Course policy is that any plagiarism results in an automatic 0 on the assignment.

University policy is that this is a violation of the university honor code and as such must be reported!!!

So please do NOT plagiarize!

I have a have a guide for you at: Plagiarism & Citing

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lily pad problem

27 lily pads exist in a pond.

The pond’s area is 6000 square feet

The lily pads occupy 1 square foot area-wise.

each individual lily pad doubles in size every day.

How long until the pond is covered in lily pads.

Need an elegant solution.

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assignment child abuse and neglect

Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse can have a devastating impact on a child and his or her family members. Social workers need to understand how to recognize and respond to cases of abuse expertly and efficiently. With an empathetic and helpful social worker, victims/survivors of abuse can take their first step onto the long road toward healing. For this Assignment, read the case study Working With Survivors of Sexual Abuse and Trauma: The Case of Brandon and then consider what you would do if you were a social worker and had to report a parent of suspected child abuse.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 4-page paper in which you review the approach taken by the social worker in Brandon’s case. Identify how the social worker might have used the ecological model to understand Brandon’s situation based on a person-in-environment perspective. Explain the use of the ecological model in this case on micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Describe strengths the social worker may have missed in assessing Brandon and his mother. Review the challenges that the social worker identifies and explain the impact the abuse could have had on Brandon had his strengths not been identified and addressed. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

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discussion the recruiting process

As a nurse manager, it is critical that you consider the answers to questions such as these when designing your recruitment process. Identifying the approaches applicants use to find jobs can help you broaden your pool of applicants. In addition, knowing how to create accurate job descriptions to advertise for open positions can increase the chances of finding an applicant that is qualified and exhibits skills that you and your workplace desire.

In this Discussion, you examine the process in which a health care organization engages when attempting to recruit qualified and desirable job candidates.

To prepare

  • Review Chapters 4 and 5 from the text, Human Resource Management: Functions, Applications, Skill Development. What best practices can be used to identify, analyze, and describe positions within a health care setting? In addition, what considerations and factors should be taken into account when recruiting job candidates?
  • Reflect upon the recruitment process used in your current organization or one with which you are familiar. Then, select one setting to further investigate.
  • Consider questions such as the ones below to identify the recruitment methods and steps involved in searching for and attracting potential employees.
    • What is expected of the nurse manager in terms of recruitment?
    • What is expected of HR in terms of recruitment?
    • How are job openings posted and/or advertised?
    • What challenges or constraints have been experienced with regard to recruiting desirable and qualified applicants?

Submit a brief description of your selected organization’s recruitment process. Include an explanation of who is responsible for each step, how and where positions are advertised, and any unique methods used to recruit employees. Explain the effectiveness of these recruitment processes by citing authentic examples from the setting you selected .

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nursing pathophysiology case study on neuro endocrine

A fifty-nine (59) year old black American with hypertension and hypercholesterolemia is brought

to the emergency department. She has a history of tobacco use for 25 year; quit ten years ago.

Husband smoked one pack per day. She has a positive family history of heart disease.

Occasionally takes walks in the neighborhood with friends, but does not have a regular

exercise regimen.

In the emergency department, Mrs. Johnson is alert and oriented. Her vital signs are

temperature 98.2 F (36.7C), blood pressure 148/97, pulse 81, and respiratory rate 14. An

electrocardiogram (EEG, EKG) monitor shows a normal sinus rhythm. Mrs. Johnson is still

complaining of “numbness” of the right side of her face and down her right arm. Her mouth is

noted to divert to the right side with a slight facial droop when she smiles. Her speech is clear.

She is able to move all of her extremities and follow commands. Her pupils are round, equal,

and reactive to light (4mm to 2 mm) and accommodation. There is no nystagmus noted. Her

right hand grasp is weaker than her left. Mrs. Johnson does not have a headache and denies

any nausea, vomiting, chest pain, diaphoresis, or visual complaints. She is not experiencing

any significant weakness, has a steady gait, and is able to swallow without difficulty.

Laboratory blood test results are as follows: white blood cell count (WBC) 8,000 cells/mm,

hemoglobin (Hgb) 14 G/dL , hematocrit (Hct) 44%, platelets = 294,000 mm, erythrocyte

sedimentation rate (ESR) 15 mm/hr, prothrombin time (PT) 12.9 seconds, international

normalized ratio (INR) 1.10, sodium (Na) 149 mEq/L, Potassium (K) 4.5 mEq/L, glucose 105

mg/dL, calcium (ca) 9.5 mg/dL, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) 15 mg/dL, and creatinine (creat) 0.08

mg/dL. A head computed tomography (CT) scan is done which shows no acute intracranial

change and magnetic resonance imagery (MRI) is within normal limits. Mrs. Johnson is started

on an intravenous heparin drip of 25,000 units in 500cc of D5W at 18 ml per hour (900 units per

hour). Mrs. Johnson is admitted for a neurology evaluation, magnetic resonance angiography

(MRA) of the brain, a fasting serum cholesterol, and blood pressure monitoring. Upon

admission to the nursing unit, her symptoms have resolved. There is no facial asymmetry and

her complaint of numbness has subsided.

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