economics w6 dq1 1

What are government’s fiscal policy options for moving the economy out of a recession? Speculate on which of these fiscal options might be favored by (a) a person who wants to preserve the size of government and (b) a person who thinks the public sector is too large. How does the “ratchet effect” affect anti-inflationary fiscal policy?

Note: Answer should be minimum of 300 words excluding references. Responses are original in content and with minimum of one external reference. Reference are used properly and cited properly.

Requirements for the Discussion Question:

Forums Guidelines Criteria


Quality Guidelines (50%):

  • All discussion questions are answered completely.
  • Responses are original in content with a minimum of one external reference.
  • All posts demonstrated analysis of the topic.

Participation Guidelines (30%):

  • Main response is no less than 300 words.

Clarity, Organization & Professionalism Guidelines (20%):

  • Responses were organized and logical.
  • No spelling or grammatical errors.
  • References were used and cited properly.
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need help with team assignment 2

Week 3 Mini-Strategy

Create a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation for a Mini-Strategy using the Mini-Strategy Outline.

Include the following in your outline:

  • Evaluate the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and values’ statement.
  • Discuss the organization’s current goals and objectives.
  • Assess the organization’s current status:
    • Leadership
    • Board members
    • Structure
    • Number of employees
  • Conduct a basic SWOTT analysis and discuss the implications of those results.
  • Report the most recent financial results including annual revenues, annual after tax earnings, and five years of year-end stock prices.
  • Perform competitor analysis.
  • Develop strategic recommendations that are designed to realize growth.
  • Create a profile of the current CEO including the following:
    • Background and accomplishments
    • Education and educational experiences
    • Length of time in the current position
    • Major career accomplishments
    • Leadership and management styles
    • Vision for the company
    • Innovative accomplishments
  • Conclusion.
  • Reference page at end of slide deck.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

We broke it down for each person part.

I have take the lead for this week team assignment. I have put together the presentation. Is required a 12-15 slide presentation, so far I have 12. Here is each of us contribution for this project. Please let me know if you have any problems or issues getting this done. The company chosen is Southwest Airlines. Is only us 3 in this Team, that means we will have a lot to complete on our plates for this assignment.


  • Evaluate the organization’s mission statement, vision statement and values’ statement.
  • Discuss the organization’s current goals and objectives.
  • Assess the organization’s current status:
    • Leadership
    • Board members
    • Structure
    • Number of employees
  • Reference

Kiara- This is my part of the assignment.

  • Conduct a basic SWOTT analysis and discuss the implications of those results.
  • Report the most recent financial results including annual revenues, annual after tax earnings, and five years of year-end stock prices.
  • Perform competitor analysis.
  • Reference


  • Introduction
  • Develop strategic recommendations that are designed to realize growth.
  • Create a profile of the current CEO including the following:
    • Background and accomplishments
    • Education and educational experiences
    • Length of time in the current position
    • Major career accomplishments
    • Leadership and management styles
    • Vision for the company
    • Innovative accomplishments
  • Conclusion
  • Reference

If you need to add more slides for you portion please do so, but please take in consideration we don’t want to go over 15 slides. By last, please have you slides complete by EOBD Friday July 20, 2018. I have to make any formatting and this takes a little a time also I have the individual assignment to complete

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family recovery movie study

required reading:

  • Alcoholic Family in Recovery, all chapters

( Pick one of this let me know your pic and a short summary of it by Tuesday night )Watch one of the following movies:

  • Rachel Getting Married
  • 28 days
  • When a Man Loves a Woman

Write a 4- to 5-page paper discussing your analysis and observation of the family in the movie. Apply what you have learned in this course so far, as well as in your previous MFT courses.

Address the following topics in your paper: Do a page for each bullet point please do 4-5 full pages

  • What assessment questions would you ask this family in order to determine the severity of the problem? Include questions that relate to the topics of environment, the family system, and individual development, as outlined in Ch.5 of The Alcoholic Family in Recovery.
  • What is your conceptualization of the problem? Provide a systemic summary of what is happening with this family system, including specific data from the movie case study to backup your conceptualization.
  • Discuss the family’s recovery stage, including behavioral evidence for your assessment of their stage. Include information about how you ruled out other stages.
  • Discuss your recommendations for therapy. What are the primary tasks for therapy in order for this family to move into ongoing recovery?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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topic presentation

For this discussion, present the topic that you chose in Unit 1 Study 2.

After identifying your topic, describe the victim or victims of the crime. Present the name of the victims, the nature of the crime, and some details of the criminal action. Be sure to cite any sources, such as online newspaper articles that you consulted in developing your post.

Describe the job role—victim advocate or law enforcement officer—and setting with which you as the hypothetical professional have come into contact with the victim. Explain the professional’s responsibilities to the victim. To what needs of the victim does this professional attend? Hint: Search the Internet for descriptions of job roles and cite them along with describing your understanding of the role. In other words do not simply list the job responsibilities.

In your role as victim advocate or law enforcement officer, how would you respond to the needs of the victims?

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ethics class weekly assignment

There are three questions! Each question has to have 2 double spaced paragraphs. Eeasy assignment. Does not have to be super well written. Teacher grades lenient.

Type answers to the following three questions in a word processor, then save and attach at the bottom. Please save in the following formats only: Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx), PDF (.pdf) Open Office (.ods), or text (.txt). I can’t read anything else and your paper will be late if you don’t get it in on time in the proper format!

Your answers should be about 2 double spaced paragraphs per answer. Please use 12 point font, 1″ margins, and BE SURE to put your name and “Assigment #3” on the paper so you can get credit.

1. Embezzlement is a white collar crime that is quite different from shoplifting. Define each of these, and gives examples of the kinds of criminal that would be a typical shoplifter and a more sophsticated embezzler.

2. Public order crime is a crime against public morality rather than a person. Taking a public order crime like prostitution, public display of pornography, drug abuse, illegal gambling, describe how society views your selected crime differently than they would murder or theft. How does the concept of moral entrepreneurship in the online lectre affect views of public order crime?

3. What is the concept of deterrence? Do you think it is possible to deter crime? Do you think that certain crimes are more deterrable than others? Compare violent crime to property crime and white collar crime. Which of these would be the most deterrable and the lest deterrable, and why?

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albert ellis

In your opinion, what irrational beliefs on Albert Ellis’s list have the most relevance, which might not, for future human service work? How can you help a client refute these beliefs?


150 world

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rewards and performance

Rewards systems can have a significant impact on individual behavior and performance and thus on organizational performance. Using your readings and research, discuss the rewards system in an organization with which you have experience. You may use this experience, input from others within the organization, or other sources of valid information to present the rewards system. Discuss the following in your initial post:

  • Describe the rewards system of the organization. How did the system impact employee commitment and performance?
  • How accurately did the rewards system represent the organizational goals, vision, and culture?
  • What improvements could be made to the rewards system? What will be the costs of your actions, and what challenges would the changes present?

Your post should directly address each question, providing references and examples to support your points. You should use at least two scholarly sources cited in APA format. Comment in a substantive manner on the posts of at least two classmates. You may include the following points in your response to others:

  • An alternative analysis of the rewards system presented
  • Other ideas for changes to the system
  • Additional factors that would influence the effectiveness of the system
  • Personal examples pertaining to the discussion
  • Additional research or scholarly sources that add perspective to the topic

Apply current APA standards for writing style to your work. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Submission Details:

  • Write your initial response in a minimum of 300–400 words. Cite the sources as per APA standards.
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ibm case study

Please use the following financial statement data to:

1. Decompose IBM’s ROE (by quarter) and discuss the factors (and trends) that contribute to Big Blue’s profitability

2. Evaluate IBM’s Revenue growth, Receivables, and Gross margins and over the period. Be sure to control for seasonality (e.g., compute the same quarter to same quarter change in these items).

3. Evaluate IBM’s Earnings per Share (basic), and Identify the factors most responsible for the increase in IBM’s earnings

Write your answers in Standard English. Be specific in your references, provide details of your computations, and be thorough in your explanations – I cannot read your mind.

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help with assignment 55

Long Term Strategies and Globalization

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of the learning team assignment is to offer students the opportunity to investigate their understanding of how globalization affects a company’s strategic plan. Additional objectives include allowing students to assess the effectiveness of strategic alliances in the growth process of a company and to understand the necessity for innovation to create a sustainable long-term organizational environment. The students will also identify how organizational structures facilitate company growth and controls in the global environment.

Assignment Steps

Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (excluding the title slide and references) with speaker notes and address the following topics:


  • Evaluate the effects of globalization on strategic management planning.
  • Assess how strategic alliances can facilitate global strategic growth.
  • Discuss the three types of innovation and how each type can contribute to long-term strategic growth.
  • Identify three Organizational Structures best suited for optimal global operations.
  • Conclusion
  • References

Cite 3 scholarly references, including at least one peer-reviewed reference the University Library.

Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines

No Plagiarism please

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please watch the video and read attached link to answer the question


School (or, more broadly, formal education) is a powerful secondary socialization force. It shapes how we see come to see ourselves, others, and other parts of social life in ways that we probably are not even aware. The two assignments in this module testify loudly to this reality.…


1. Name, describe, and comment on (based on personal experience) at least three of Gatto’s “Seven Lessons.”

(30 points out of a total of 60)

2. Summarize Sir Ken Robinson’s TED Talk, and then comment on the extent to which you believe his ideas would make a difference in contemporary education.

(30 points out of a total of 60)

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