assignment 1 not all companies are viewed as equal 2

Assignment 1: Not All Companies Are Viewed as Equal

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment, you will choose one (1) industry to write about. Possible industries to research could be tobacco, soda, alcohol, casinos, or candy companies, just to name a few.

Write a one and a half to two (1½ – 2) page paper in which you:

  1. Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.
  2. Explain the role capitalism plays in corporate decision making.
  3. Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
  4. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  5. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, your name, your professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.
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discussion questions accounting 1

Hi there, there are 6 discussion questions that I need to have answered. Just a detailed paragraph or two will do for each questions. Make sure that you follow the order of the questions and these are individual questions, so the references should be included at the end of each answer. Let me know if you have any questions.

Accounting Ethics: Please keep your answers in the order seen below and include the references used for each question under their respective answer.

Discussion Question 1

Many management theorists believe that most instances of insider trading in organizations occur because top managers did not establish a strong enough ethical tone. Others believe insider trading is based on poor leadership from top managers, which then trickles down to employees. What does cheating by insider trading information say about the ethical environment or leadership of a firm? How could virtue ethics provide a solution to cheating? Provide at least three examples in support of your view. Describe how virtue ethics education might be applied to a situation of insider trading cheating?

By Sunday of this week, respond to two or more of your classmates, or your instructor, in one of postings in any of the following ways:

  • Build on something your classmate said.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share an insight from having read your classmate’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Expand on your classmate’s posting.
  • Your posts must be formatted according to the APA

Refer to the discussion grading rubric for more information on expectations of class discussions.

Discussion Question 2

Look at the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct; how do these set of guidelines relate to mitigating breakdowns of ethical reasoning? Provide at least two examples of how the AICPA guidelines work towards strengthening the business climate of a firm and preventing breakdowns within its system. What ethical theory underpins the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct?

By Sunday of this week, respond to two or more of your classmates, or your instructor, in one of postings in any of the following ways:

  • Build on something your classmate said.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share an insight from having read your classmate’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Expand on your classmate’s posting.
  • Your posts must be formatted according to the APA

Refer to the discussion grading rubric for more information on expectations of class discussions.

Discussion Question 3

A common ethical failing in cases of fraud occurs when the management of a firm decides to make financial results look the way they want them to look rather than in accordance with GAAP. Conduct some research and provide at least 2-3 internal and external measures which work to prevent such accounting issues.

By Sunday of this week, respond to two or more of your classmates, or your instructor, in one of postings in any of the following ways:

  • Build on something your classmate said.
  • Explain why and how you see things differently.
  • Ask a probing or clarifying question.
  • Share an insight from having read your classmate’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Expand on your classmate’s posting.
  • Your posts must be formatted according to the APA

Refer to the discussion grading rubric for more information on expectations of class discussions.

International Accounting: Please keep your answers in the order seen below and include the references used for each question under their respective answer.

Discussion Question 1

This module covered a variety of topics related to foreign currency translation and related financial statement and financial reporting issues. There are many U.S.-based multinational firms:

  • those listed on a stock exchange;
  • and those not listed or privately-owned, which have to deal with and manage these foreign- currency translation and financial reporting issues on a daily basis.
  • Find a recent press release (issued within the last two fiscal year ends, depending upon the respective financial year end of your chosen company) from a publicly-listed company of your choice and/or personal interest that mentions that the firm has been affected by foreign currency translation, either in the reported earnings or other important aspect of the firm’s recent business performance. Firms will generally mention any significant favorable or unfavorable impact of changes in foreign exchange rates on their most recent reported earnings in the press release.
  • You can also find discussions about the impact of foreign-currency translation in the firm’s latest Annual Report associated with the press release that you decide to use if the impact was significant. You can find your chosen firm’s Annual Reports in the Investor Relations portion of the company’s website. You can also check Management’s Discussion and Analysis.
  • Cut and paste into your initial response what the company disclosed about the impact of foreign currency translation on the company’s reported financial results. Please check the Summary of Significant Accounting Policies for any footnote disclosures your chosen Company makes related to Foreign Currency Translation and cut and paste that information, too, in your initial response.
  • Additionally, in your initial response, show any Accumulated Translation Adjustments included in the Stockholders’ Equity section of the most recent balance sheet. Note that these should be Translation adjustments that result from the translation of your chosen firm’s foreign subsidiaries financial statements into US dollars only, not Transaction adjustments. Looking ahead, we will cover foreign currency transaction adjustments that affect the balance sheet and the income statement in Module 4.
  • Include hyperlinks in your posting to where you found the information on the Internet for your chosen company (press release[s] or the annual report or the financial statements or Form 10K).
  • Then, describe in your own words what must have occurred regarding the impact of foreign- currency translation on your chosen company’s income statement and balance sheet during the period you are analyzing.
  • In other words, overall, did the U.S. dollar strengthen or weaken during the reporting period for your chosen company and how did the change in the value of the U.S. dollar impact reported revenues and profits for your chosen company?
  • How did changes in foreign currency impact the Accumulated Translation Adjustments account included in Stockholders’ Equity during the reporting period? Be specific as to why the balance in that account increased or decreased during the period.
  • Did your chosen firm have any reported foreign exchange gains or losses during the reporting period? If so, how much were the gains or losses and where were they reported, on the Income Statement or in Other Comprehensive Income? If there were reported gains and losses, what does that mean with regards to the movement(s) of foreign exchange currency rates during the respective reporting period?
  • Are there any other important or unusual items on the Income Statement or the Statement of Comprehensive Income for the reporting period related to foreign currency translation? If so, what does or do the item or items mean in plain English? Again, focus on translation items, not foreign currency transaction items. If none, indicate in your response.

Be sure to support your statements with logic, arguments, and examples, citing any academic sources referenced and following APA format. Post your initial response early in the week, and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ and your instructor’s posts (or questions on your initial response), as well. Please review the Discussion Grading Rubric so you understand how your instructor will grade your discussion participation.

Discussion Question 2

Address the following, which cover the main objectives for this module:

  • Define and differentiate the differences between a cash flow hedge and a fair value hedge, including when (in or under which particular or specific circumstances) a U.S.-based firm would consider using one hedge vs. the other type of hedge. Be specific.
  • Summarize the differences that exist, if any, between the US GAAP and IFRS on the accounting for derivatives designated as hedges at the current date you are answering this question.
  • Prepare an example of a U.S.-based firm managing an exposed foreign currency net liability position including the journal entries required from the date the U.S. firm purchases goods on account from a foreign-based supplier until the date the purchase is settled, including all journal entries required over a 3-month period of time.

Be sure to support your statements with logic, arguments, and examples, citing any academic sources referenced and following APA format. Post your initial response early in the week, and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ and your instructor’s posts (or questions on your initial response), as well. Please review the Discussion Grading Rubric so you understand how your instructor will grade your discussion participation.

Discussion Question 3

In your Required Readings this week, you have a specific and detailed example of the use of foreign exchange options to hedge an anticipated purchase of inventory using a cash flow hedge (Case 3 on pages 575-578) and a specific and detailed example of the use of foreign exchange options to hedge available-for-sale securities using a fair value hedge (Case 2 on pages 571-575).

It is important for you to demonstrate your understanding of the accounting rules and resulting journal entries that surround these concepts, especially for multinational corporations. Corporations face determining the impact on their financial statements of these types of foreign currency related transactions on almost a daily basis.

  • Create your own specific and detailed example of either one of these types of foreign exchange options from the beginning of the use of an option to the end of the use or the settlement of the option over a three-month period of time.
  • Show the required journal entries required at each respective date during the three-month period, including an explanation of the basis of each of your journal entry calculations and the authoritative support for each entry following the US GAAP.
  • Make sure your journal entries are clear with regards to which financial statement account is affected by each of your journal entries (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Other Comprehensive Income, etc.).

Be sure to support your statements with logic, arguments, and examples, citing any academic sources referenced and following APA format. Post your initial response early in the week, and check back often to continue the discussion. Be sure to respond to your peers’ and your instructor’s posts (or questions on your initial response), as well. Please review the Discussion Grading Rubric so you understand how your instructor will grade your discussion participation.

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interview preparation

Detail :

Assignment: Interview Preparation

Part I

  • Use the Internet to locate a job posting that supports your career path or professional interest.
  • Create a one-page resume that highlights the knowledge, skills, and experience you possess that align to the job posting you located on the Internet.
  • Include this resume as a separate document in your assignment submission. You may format it in any way that you think is most appropriate for the position and industry.

Part II

  • Write a paper of approximately 3 pages on how one could implement strategies that will assist in the achievement of professional goals such as changing careers or trying to get a promotion.
  • Include the interviewing strategies that you would use and those you would avoid.
  • Provide a list of best practices and tools for searching, preparing, and securing new employment as well as promotional opportunities.
  • Format Writing Template enclosed.
  • Include a minimum of two sources.
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nuclear pollution essay

English 100: College Writing

Essay #3 Assignment


We have read four essays on the natural world discussing human’s appreciation, understanding, and attempts to

control it. However, despite environmental research and statistics, we are still in an environmental crisis:

For your essay, choose one environmental issue of your choice and discuss either how it can be resolved OR

why it is a non-issue. Use the readings and class discussions as support.

Do not try to discuss every possible aspect of the subject. Choose one or two key concepts. Avoid

generalizing. Focus and concrete on specific issues. Develop a Thesis Statement that clearly answers and

supports your response. Then, thoroughly respond to the question in a well-developed and thought-out essay.

(1200 words minimum – 5-7 pages)


1. MLA formatting. We reviewed this in class but please refer to the example page on Canvas if you have

any questions.

a. Outside research is a requirement – try to use 4-5 outside texts as support.

b. You will be required to quote and properly cite the texts you use.

3. Don’t lose your voice. Make sure that your voice is the predominant voice in the essay.

You Must Provide

The subject of the essay is the issues and effect behind radioactivite use , basically NUCLEAR POLLUTION . Please mention the incident of Fukushima powerplant in japan , I would love if research was provided about the powerplant incident. Also mention other examples that contribute to the issue .. I do not want most the essay research , I need you to have your own voice so it won’t be plagiarised.

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therapies used to treat psychological disorders


  • Describe psychological disorders and abnormal behavior and how they are classified.
  • Identify the five perspectives that psychologists use to explain psychological disorders.
  • Explain anxiety disorders, depressive and bipolar disorders, somatic symptom, dissociative, sexual, and personality disorders, childhood disorders and their causes.
  • Explain schizophrenia and its positive and negative symptoms.
  • Compare and contrast insight, relationship, behavioral, cognitive behavior, and biomedical therapies.

Conduct research on treatment options.

Explore the treatment options for the disorder you chose in Step 1.

  • Types of Psychological Treatment
  • What Is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy?
  • National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI)

Step 3: Report about treatment methods.

Write a 3-5 page paper to address the following points:

  • Describe the treatment used and what occurs during treatment.
  • Are there other treatment approaches that might also work? What are they?
  • Is the treatment approach supported by research? Describe, if you can, the results of the research done on this treatment approach.
  • Compare and contrast this therapy approach with at least one other therapy approach for this problem.
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analysis of cherry pink and apple blossom white by perez prado song link below

The principles of unity & variety apply to all music, regardless of compositional style or historical period.

Now that you are familiar with the concepts in the first section of the course (Basic Musical Concepts), and you have seen how they work on different pieces of music, try your hand, mouse, and ears at how they operate in a music selection that you may not have heard yet.

Link to song:

Your analysis should include:

1. The number of different musical ideas in the piece (for example, can we say that there are two ideas A and B? Or is there only one?)

2. The timings (start and stop times) of the different sections of the piece. (Hint: Listen for changes in musical ideas and timbre, for example, points when different instruments come in or give way to others.)

3. How unity and variety are exemplified in those sections through the use of:

a) Dynamics: Where does the music get louder or softer? Is there any apparent reason for those changes?

b) Timbre: Where do instruments take over the melody or a solo passage?

c) Pitch: What is the general pitch level of the piece? Are there wide variations in pitch level?

4. Although there are sections that feature one instrument over others, whether you think this is a piece for a solo performer or for an ensemble

5. A list of the characteristics of the musical style closest to the one this piece exemplifies.

6. Whether you think this piece serves (or could serve) a specific purpose.

7. Whether or not it has any specific connotation(s) for you.

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your choose 20

To get you started, it might be useful for us to address the question of the ring: if you had that invisibility ring, what would you do about all that money? And why? Also, as you see how Socrates answers the challenge, what do you think of his argument?

If you can’t find the appropriate articles and textbooks, please don’t accept this question.!!!

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economics of organization and strategy 1

Apple and Samsung are often mentioned together, as they are both world leading producers of smartphones. However, they are much different companies in a variety of ways. Carefully review the background readings concerning diversification and vertical integration. Then do some extensive research on Samsung and Apple concerning their diversification and vertical integration strategies.

Case Assignment

When you have finished your research, write a four- to five-page paper answering the following questions. Make sure to cite both the required background readings as well as articles on Samsung and Apple:

    1. To what extent does Apple engage in related diversification? To what extent do they engage in unrelated diversification?
    2. To what extent does Samsung engage in related diversification? To what extent do they engage in unrelated diversification?
    3. To what extent does Apple engage in backward (upstream) vertical integration? To what extent do they engage in forward (downstream) vertical integration?
    4. To what extent does Samsung engage in backward (upstream) vertical integration? To what extent do they engage in forward (downstream) vertical integration?
    5. Overall what major differences or similarities do you find between Samsung and Apple’s diversification and vertical integration strategies?

    Required MaterialHolden, P. (2011). Business integration – vertical, horizontal and conglomerate. St. Lawrence College., D. (2012). Economics of Organization. Managerial Economics Principles. Flat World Education, D. & Short, J. (2012). Chapter 8: Selecting corporate-level strategies. Strategic Management: Evaluation and Execution. Flat World Education.

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developing it compliance program 1

1: Developing IT Compliance Program

The IT compliance program cannot be conceived in isolation and devoid of the key links to non-IT and financial compliance. Effective IT compliance requires an aggregate vision and architecture to achieve compliance that goes beyond becoming infatuated with a given control framework. As a group, provide a detailed plan of action based on life cycle concepts to develop and deploy an ongoing IT compliance process.

Your plan should provide practical knowledge on what you should consider when developing and implementing an IT compliance program for key regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, GrammLeach-Bliley, PCI and others to achieve meaningful IT governance.

Your plan should include the following:

ï‚· Discuss the challenges IT divisions face in achieving regulatory compliance ï‚· Assess how IT governance will improve the effectiveness of the IT Division to attain regulatory compliance

ï‚· Develop a broad vision, an architecture, and a detailed plan of action that follows a life cycle concept

ï‚· Assess all key business processes and IT compliance factors and link to all business processes (financial and non-IT) to develop an aggregate vision of IT compliance

ï‚· Your detailed plan should include the following phases: initiate, plan, develop and implement.

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epidemiology 14

  • Describe the epidemiology of measles.
  • Identify three factors that have contributed to the global resurgence of measles.
  • Compare and contrast statistics regarding measles globally, in the United States, and in your state (identify the state about which you are writing).
  • Summarize continuing challenges to measles control in the United States.

Please read file for all information needed

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