project implementation 8

This week, you will be expected to produce some type of prototype for the application. Prototypes help demonstrate progress to the stakeholders, and they also help you measure your team’s progress against the design and the project plan. Although a lot of coding work must be done on these projects that is not visible to anyone outside of the project, it is also important to be able to show something visual to less technical people because that is how they view the application.

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discussion television viewing habits 100 200 words

Reply to this thread in 100-200 words, and discuss your own television viewing habits and reaction to the articles you read. If you decide to include a specific example from one of the articles, be sure to properly cite anything you quote or paraphrase. Use at least two templates from Chapter 1 of your textbook to help you “enter the conversation.” Underline these. Include a word count in parentheses at the end of your thread. You will not be permitted to view other students’ threads until you post your own. You will also not be able to edit or delete your thread once it is posted, so be sure you have followed directions carefully and proofread your work.

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developing a needs problem statement

A problem/needs statement is often a required part of a grant proposal. A human service organization needs to demonstrate that it is serving an important, documented need in the community.

This week, you will develop a needs/problem statement for the same organization that you discussed in your Assignments for Units 2 and 3. My organization is Art Feeds (

You may use the Unit 6 Assignment Template to organize your work. Do not submit your answers directly on the template, as the Assignment needs to be in essay format. The template is a guide for you to use to ensure that you include all of the required components of the Assignment. The different components of the template should appear as headings and subheadings in APA style in your paper. Please be sure to write in complete sentences and to utilize the strategies for effective grant writing. You need to use a total of five references in your Assignment, with at least two of them being peer-reviewed journal articles. Examples of other references that you can use, in addition to the two required peer-reviewed journal articles, are reputable websites and books. The references need to appear as in-text citations in your paper, and in the references page at the end. They need to be cited using APA style.

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historical crime data analysis 3


As you learned in Chapter 2 of The Mismeasure of Crime, data was first measured in this century, and the measurement of social phenomena and crime has grown and evolved over time into a much more sophisticated process of data collection and analysis. For example, the first known form of data collected was from censuses. This data collection originally began as a form of tax and military assessment thousands of years ago. The type of data and methods of data collection have since evolved into the more sophisticated examples seen today, such as the development of the UCR, which has resulted in a comprehensive database of crime statistics.

For this assignment, you will use the data in Exhibit 2.5 of Chapter 2 in your Mismeasure of Crime text as a basis for your submission. Exhibit 2.5 provides you with the homicide rate data for a sample of large U.S. cities for the years 1880–1915. Choose any three cities represented to perform a comparative analysis of the historical data.


  1. Based on your reading of the Hernon and Schwartz article What Is a Problem Statement?, draft a narrowly focused problem statement that can be examined using appropriate criminal justice research methods for the data presented.
  2. Compare the 1880 and 1915 homicide rates in Exhibit 2.5 of Chapter 2 in your Mismeasure of Crime text to the most recent UCR homicide rates for the cities chosen. Retrieve the rates from the FBI’s UCR site, linked in the Resources.
  3. Analyze whether the current rates are higher or lower.
  4. Explain factors that might account for the differences.


  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to APA guidelines.
  • Required page count: 3–5, not including the cover page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
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answer the following questions 70

The Swift Corporation has 5,000 sales representatives and employees in the United States who drive company cars. The company’s risk manager has recommended to the firm’s management that the company should implement a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.

  1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a partial retention program to the Swift Corporation.
  2. Identify the factors that the Swift Corporation should consider before it adopts a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.
  3. If a partial retention program is adopted, what are the various methods the Swift Corporation can use to pay for physical damage losses to company cars?
  4. Identify two risk-control measures that could be used in the company’s partial retention program for physical damage losses.
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human service professional 1


Title: Becoming a Helper Edition: 7th (2015) Author: Marianne Schneider Corey and Gerald Corey Publisher: Cengage Learning Book ISBN: 978-1-305-08509-

Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the Reading and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Best practice is to include citations and a reference list.

In Chapter 11 in your textbook, you examined the skills you will need as a human service professional when working with various types of groups. You will engage in interpersonal communication daily. This includes talking with colleagues, responding to clients, and giving directions in group settings. You also examined the skills a human service professional should obtain in order to understand group dynamics and process. The professional needs to understand how various group settings can be useful when working with different work populations. The human service professional utilizes their interpersonal skills daily. These skills include the following:

  • Talking with co-workers
  • Giving or responding to a compliment
  • Making new friends
  • Asking for a date
  • Communicating via text, instant messaging, or email
  • Maintaining, repairing, or ending relationships
  • Applying for a job
  • Giving directions

As a human service professional, you will find yourself utilizing interpersonal communication skills both nonverbal and verbal. These skills allow you to be effective in forming successful personal and professional relationships.

  • How might your interpersonal skills be utilized to obtain valuable interaction in group settings?
  • How might your skills as a human service professional establish realistic and clear treatment goals for group members?
  • You have read the different stages of groups which include the pregroup stage, initial stage; transition stage, working stage, and final stage do not always provide easy transition. What tasks will you as a human service professional utilize to become an effective group leader?
  • What skills and/or strategies will you use for challenging and resistant group members?

Please remember to cite your work using APA format when referencing from the text or outside resources.

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i need help with a post

Ethics in Research

After reading Chapter 1 in your text, the APA ethical principles articles Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (paying particular attention to Standard 8) and Guidelines for Ethical Conduct in the Care and use of Nonhuman Animals in Research (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., as well as viewing the video Obedience and Ethics: Benefits and Costs of Psychological Conformity Studies, analyze and critique the principles introduced and applied in the various sources. Summarize what you feel are the ethical pros and cons of Milgram’s research. Include in your post definitions and a discussion of terms such as, informed consent, confidentiality, deception, debriefing, and institutional review board. Find an additional example of a past research study that has raised ethical concerns. Evaluate the ethical pros and cons of that study and explain your reasoning for each aspect.

Your initial post should be 250-300 words. Utilize a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last 10 years and are documented in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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lesson 15 book analysis radical candor be a kick ass boss without losing your humanity by kim scott

Lesson 15 Management Book Analysis (Book – Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity by Kim Scott)

Having completed the reading of a management book of your choosing, prepare an analysis of the book in approximately 1000 words.

  1. Compose the analysis as if you are critiquing it for other course participants.
  2. Summarize at least five main points of the book;
  3. Link at least three main points to strong human resource management; and
  4. Explain how you think the book is, or is not helpful to human resource professionals.

Be creative and resourceful. That is, links and applicability to human resource management may be direct or you may have to find indirect relationships.

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assignment 4 38

Management is responsible for creating and implementing different levels of internal controls over business operations and financial reporting. Complete the requirements for Chapter 7, Case Analysis 7-22 (Hammaker Manufacturing: Security Controls), on p. 230-231 of the textbook and submit via the course Dropbox by the final day of the unit (i.e., Tuesday midnight). Your deliverable needs to clearly identify each of the requirements and your respective answers.

Review the Unit 4 Assignment rubric for full details

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10 page paper about human resources internship

Paper Guidelines:

Write a 10-page paper including the following:

  1. The expectations of your Human Resources Internship (job experience) – what the assigned tasks, expected competencies, and what was your span of control (employees you supervised, responsibility for what operations, etc.). Indicate who was your supervisor and if you worked in a team setting or coordinated with other employees to accomplish tasks. What were your expectations about the most important areas of knowledge and skills that would lead to success for this internship?
  2. The next section should deal with what you’ve learned – particularly the skills or ideas that have been most valuable or useful. Indicate general skill (applicable to any finance position) as well as those that are specific to your internship. You should indicate where there are areas of uncertainty or where you might have done things differently (looking at on the experience) or where you might think you could make improvements in your skills, decisions, or attitude toward being a manager or supervisor. Indicate if you think you need further training (or different experiences or exposure in another industry). Be sure to address both technical skills as well as “soft” skills (oral presentations or negotiation skills) or capabilities for innovation.
  3. Indicate how the internship experience has influenced your career path, goals, or expectations. What would you do next – what would you be looking to achieve within the next five years or the next ten years? Are there areas of further training or experiences that might promote your career plans?
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