essay in italian language

Write an essay about Rome in Italian; write about its history, culture traditions… etc. 2 Pages essay.

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english colonies located in the south middle and new england regions

Using the Webtext, briefly describe three (3) characteristics for each of the English colonies located in the south, middle, and New England regions. Next, state two (2) religious, business, agricultural, or political elements most likely to be found in south, middle, and New England colonies. Imagining you are a colonist, which region seems most appealing to create a new life in the New World? Provide a rationale for your response.


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assignment 2 t tests in practice 3

Assignment 2: t Tests in Practice

The practice of quantitative research not only involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the understanding of statistical techniques related to real world applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use statistical methods in your profession, but as a consumer, citizen, and scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily news.

For this Assignment, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to t tests.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Search for and select a quantitative article specific to your discipline and related to t tests. Help with this task may be found in the Course guide and assignment help linked in this week’s Learning Resources.

For this Assignment:

Write a 2- to 3-page critique of the article. In your critique, include responses to the following:

  • Why did the authors use this t test?
  • Do you think it’s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
  • Did the authors display the data?
  • Do the results stand alone? Why or why not?
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poster presentation 13

A poster presentation is the presentation of research information with an academic of professional focus; that is particularly prominent at scientific conferences. Select a nursing research already published and following the article information create a poster presentation following the attached outline. Reference page APA format, must be included, credible sources only. Please follow outline as a guide.

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case study on selina kyle 1

Selina just had her first baby a couple months ago and is determined to shed excess pregnancy pounds before summer. Selina has very limited exercise experience. She did not play high school or college sports. Prior to having her first child, she did like to hike, go out dancing, and take the occasional yoga class. She is eager to start a program to lose the baby weight. She can dedicate 3 or 4 days per week to exercise and is willing to sign on for 12 weeks to start.


Design a 12-week periodized training program for the client described in the Client Profile. Be very specific as you design the training programs as this is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your full comprehension of the information and concepts discussed throughout the course. List the types of exercise, duration, sets, reps, rest intervals, and so on.

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essay question 86

Essay Assignment

Chapters 7 and 8

There is an Essay to provide for this assignment. Having read the Lecture Notes and assigned chapters, complete the following: Complete the assignment in a Word Document, and then submit the file to the Drop Box provided, according to the due date on the Calendar.

1) Having read Chapter 7, discuss at least one law governing compensation (i.e. Fair Labor Standards, etc). Provide an example of (or experience with) a pay system that was fair and consistent.Explain the effects of organizational policies and procedures regarding fair and consistent pay systems.

2) Having read Chapter 8, discuss how compensation (incentives) and benefits impact human resource management differently. Explain the purpose of the ERISA.

There is no requirement with regards to length or word count, simply combine these topics in one essay, to simply convey a clear understanding of the chapter material and convey that understanding through the required response.

This assignment will be graded for understanding the topic, providing a clear discussion of such, as well as utilizing correct Undergraduate grammar. Grade: 20% of grade, including proper grammar.


Title: Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives

Author: Robert L. Mathis; John H. Jackson

Publisher: Cengage Learning

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financial mathematics writing assignment

You are an actuary providing your services as a consultant for a bank. The bank has an opportunity to make a package of loans totaling 500 million (500M). This package of loans will be repaid by level end of year payments totaling 50M for 30 years.

In order to o↵set some of the bank’s initial liability and generate capital for this invest- ment the bank asks you to structure a bond for them. The purchase price must be 200M and it will have annual coupons. It is your goal to set the face value (F) nominal coupon rate (↵(1)) and redemption amount (C).

Notice, if the bank had not packaged up the debt into a bond, and just made the package of loans through its own capital, then the bank’s APY would have been 9.3%. You should try and find a set of values for F, C, ↵(1) which get the bank’s APY as close to the original 9.3%, or higher. as you can. Also, to make the bond a worthwhile investment to the investor you should ensure that the APY to the investor is at least 1%.

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business policy and strategy assignment 1

Project Part 1: Project Proposal

There are four parts to the final course project. The first part of the project is the initial proposal, which will be submitted to the instructor for approval. The first part of the project will identify the company of choice that will seek an expansion opportunity to an overseas area of choice. Be sure to identify the country and mode of entry. In addition, provide and introduction and overview of selected company along with an initial analysis of the growth opportunity.

Steps to complete Part 1


Provide an introduction and overview of the selected company along with an initial analysis of the growth opportunity.

Identify the following:

  • Country of choice
  • Mode of entry

Submission Requirements:

Submit a two- to three-page Word document using 12-pt. font and APA format

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training plan 3

  • Identify the most appropriate and effective presentation method (e.g., lecture, on-the-job training [OJT], simulation, etc.) for delivering the training or learning intervention that you proposed based on the needs assessment conducted in week 2 (week 2 assignment attached) of this course, and detail why you believe this method or methods is the best choice for your plan.
  • Outline and Create specific instructional goals and objectives to incorporate in the training or learning intervention. What is it that the training plan should achieve and why are those goals important.
  • Detail the highlights of the content and agenda of your training or learning intervention.
  • Describe the training materials that will help you to deliver that training plan. Expand on their content, format, and how they will work with the delivery system(s) you identified (e.g., training materials, job aids, handouts, etc.).
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art 4 text questions


Review Questions

  1. What is Stonehenge? What is known about this monument (such as the date it was created and what the monument might have originally looked like)?
  2. What are portal tombs? How do they compare to passage tombs?
  3. What are finger flutings?
  4. What is prehistoric art?
  5. What is shamanism? How may it be related to cave paintings?

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Why do you think early humans created art? Were the reasons for creating art different from or similar to reasons for creating art today?
  2. Why is so little known about prehistoric art? Discuss some of the challenges in learning more about these pieces.
  3. What were some of the challenges that prehistoric people faced when creating megalith monuments?
  4. Choose one piece of art shown in the unit and write an art critique of the piece. Write at least two paragraphs for your critique.
  5. Choose one piece of art shown in the unit and identify three elements or principles of art used in the piece. Describe how each of the elements/principles is used in the artwork.

Discussion Questions

Unless otherwise instructed, you should submit at least one full paragraph for each question.

What do you believe cave paintings reveal about our ancestors that painted them?

Which piece of art shown in the unit do you like the best? Why?

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