write an essay about business policy

Need to write an essay for business policy class. There are two parts in this essay, you need to write the Part I first and should be 22 pages. The Part II I will open the new question for you to continue.

You need to read the requirement and project outline which I uploaded. For the first requirement show you that you need to choose the company first, and there are a lot of companies you cannot choose. I choose the company called “Dyson”, it is is a British technology company and they are designs and manufactures household appliances. If you can find better company, let me know first before you start to write this essay. If you cannot find one, please use “Dyson”.

The second requirement is “project outline”, you don’t need to write every points on the list, but please write those points as much as you can, and please highline those point which you choose.

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humanservices attitudes

Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the Reading and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Best practice is to include citations and a reference list.

In Chapter 3 of your textbook, you read about how the human service professional’s attitudes and behaviors might influence the helping process. Often times, the human service professional encounters conflicts in the helping process. Therefore, it is imperative that the professional pay attention to how they address those conflicts so that they can address the challenges that may influence working with clients. Understanding your values involves self-assessment. The chapter also explored the role of values in the helping process. They allow for exploration to self-assess and define major stages in life span as they pertain to developmental issues. Increased self-awareness will encourage you to make a self-assessment, thus acquiring an understanding of the possible impact that your values may pose on your client. In your professional career there might be situations where you, the human service professional, will not have the same values as your client; however, this does not prevent you from working with the client.

  • How might you as a human service professional be accepting of clients with different beliefs and values than your own?
  • Discuss one of your personal values that may pose as a difficulty when working with clients.
  • Discuss how your development of self-awareness, advocacy, and conflict resolution skills will help clients.

Please remember to cite your work using APA format when referencing from the text or outside resources.


Title: Becoming a Helper Edition: 7th (2015) Author: Marianne Schneider Corey and Gerald Corey Publisher: Cengage Learning Book ISBN: 978-1-305-08509-1

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quality programs and family communication plans

Now that you have learned about organizations that measure quality in early childhood education programs and about family-educator communication, you will combine these topics to complete your next assignment.

This project consists of two parts. In Part 1, you will design a program outline for an early childhood facility. In Part 2, you will design and discuss a communication plan to distribute to the families of the children in your program.

Part 1: Program Outline

Use your knowledge, experience, and research skills to envision and design an outline for your own early childhood program. You will envision a program that you would like to open one day. You may even choose a name for your program/facility!

In a one-to-two-page document, describe each of the following:

  1. The licensing standards for your state including: (STATE FLORIDA)
    1. Type of facility (preschool, group day care, home day care, etc.)
    2. Age ranges (must be between the ages of birth/newborn through age 8, but can be limited to a certain age/ages)
    3. Staff-child ratios
    4. Staff educational qualifications
    5. Group size
    6. Physical space requirements

This information must come directly from your state’s licensing website or licensing handbook. Be sure to include this as a source in your reference list.

  1. Describe the quality aspects of your program, including the following features:
    1. Type of curriculum used and why you have chosen this methodology. How will children benefit from the chosen curriculum?
    2. Accommodations for diverse needs. Discuss how you will communicate and collaborate with families to accommodate their diverse needs, such as different cultures, languages, and abilities.
    3. Observation, documentation, and assessment measures used.
    4. Additional services provided such as therapeutic interventions or family support.

    Part 2: Communication PlanUse your knowledge and experience with appropriate communication practices to design your own early childhood family-educator communication plan. You will fill out a template that serves as a Communication Plan, which you would distribute to each child’s family. This will include communication methods and three topics to share about. You will then write a two-page rationale that explains your reasons for choosing those three communication methods and discusses how you will approach any disagreements or lapses in communication.First, download the template for this part of the assignment below:Module 02 Communication Plan Template (ATTACHED)Using the template, provide the following information:

    1. Three communication methods you will use to communicate with families. Examples might include face-to-face conversation, daily or weekly written notes, phone calls, a traveling communication log via notebook or folder, private conferences, and daily or weekly interactions by way of applications such as mobile apps or social media). Use your assigned readings, lectures, videos, and existing personal practices to determine your preferred methods. List and provide details about each method, including:
      1. How you will communicate (by phone, folder/notebook, email, software application, etc.)
      2. Any specific time of day that each method will be utilized
      3. Frequency of communication for each method
    2. A list of three specific topics related to children’s development, behavior, or care that you will communicate with the family about. Be mindful of which topics might be important to families.
    3. At least one personalized goal for the child, based on the topics chosen. Include one follow-up measure that can be used to check progress.

    In two additional pages, in a separate document, do the following:

    1. Explain your rationale for choosing each communication method, including the benefits to the:
      1. Child
      2. Family
      3. Educator
    2. Envision and describe a situation where two parties listed on your communication plan encounter a difference of opinion about the child’s education and care. Discuss how you would resolve or accommodate for those differences.
    3. Use at least one scholarly source to support your rationale for your communication methods. Make sure to include this source in an APA formatted reference page.
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within the discussion board area write 400 600 words 4

Discussion Board

Introduction to Software Testing

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

In this first week, you are starting to think about how to develop and conduct test cases that would occur throughout the software development life cycle. As a senior coder and experienced test engineer, you have been given a new software testing future key project where you were asked to develop and conduct test cases that would occur throughout the software development life cycle. To get started, you will need to decide on a possible software application to use as your scenario for your upcoming assignments. Your software application needs to be one of the following types:

  • COTS and Contract software
  • Data Warehouse software
  • Web-based software

After you make a selection you will decide specifically what the application will do. The functionality will be used as the basis of your test plan. In this discussionforum you will share how you will start to perform functional analysis needed to describe the required system functions, outputs, and input data Answer the following questions to assist in determining this test case functional analysis:

  • What major functions must your system/software provide?
  • Based on the identification of the functions, what outputs must be produced by the system/software to fulfill those functions?
  • What input data are required by the system/software to produce the outputs required for each function?

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write a response to the psychology discussion post

Write a 50-100 words response to each of the posts in one of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

    (See the example in the attachment)

Write a 50-100 words response to each of the following posts:

Post 1: Systemic Model of Processing

Attitudes is “the fundamental orientation to evaluate people, other living beings, things, events, and ideas along a good-bad dimension” (Fiske, Gilbert, & Lindzey, 2010, p. 382). Persuasion is when other individuals’ communication influences the attitudes and behavior of another person.

An example of persuasion is when I watch Youtube videos, the advertisement of getting your body back into shape is usually the advertisement that shows prior to me watching the video. Prior to watching these videos, I always wanted to get back into shape and preserve my body as I approach the next chapter of my life. The more times that I saw the video, the more I wanted to get started sooner rather than later. Eventually I began ordering merchandise from the ad and incorporating the merchandise into my everyday life. The consisent communication from the host of the commercial ad influenced me to get started on getting back into shape.

An example of a peer reviewed article regarding changing attitudes is Attitude change: Persuasion and social influence by Wendy Wood. Wood stated that there are three motives that influence attitude change. The three motives concerning attitude change are rewards and punishments that attitude change potentially could provided, a solid understanding of reality, and self-concerns (Wood, 2000). Wood’s article directly relates to how I felt when I consistently would watch the workout ad that appeared prior to me watching my Youtube videos. My physical appearance and health are very important to me, and the reward for getting back into shape motivates me to get started. The consequence is just as great as the reward due to the potential health concerns as I get up in age if I do not exercise. As a result of concerns about my self, the rewards and punishments, and reality, the ad had a significant role in motivated me to want to buy items from their website and begin my journey in getting my health back into order.


Fiske, S. T., Gilbert, D. T., & Lindzey, G. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of social psychology (5th ed.,Vol. 1). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons

Wood, W. (2000). Attitude change: Persuasion and social influence. Annual Review Of Psychology, 51539-570. doi:10.1146/annurev.psych.51.1.539

Post 2:
Moral Reasoning (Two culture comparison)

A definition of morality must include an acknowledgement of cultural variation. Matsumoto, 2001). There are universal norms of morality, such as a prohibition against killing of the innocent, but even within this variation there are different views of how to define morality. Matsumoto, 2001). Morality within a culture must apply to all persons in the group and cannot be altered for the sake of an individual. Morality surpasses the individual self and society and seeks out what is just and in the best interest of all. (Jensen, 2008). Morality can be conceptualised as social norms ingrained into the individual by means of example, reward and punishment, (Sundar, 2002) and defined as something that is regarded within natural laws.

Both African and Americans share similar views on aspects of morality, such as, it is wrong to steal. (Metz, 2007). In both cultures individuality, creativity and nonconformity are also encouraged. (Metz, 2007). According to Jensen, (2008), cultural studies found that children internalize moral rules passed onto them by their parents and those in authority, and move through their life span, growing from seeking self-interest, to seeking the interest of others, such as family and other groups, and showing autonomy. In these cultures, the adolescent is able to determine right from wrong through interaction with their peers. (Sundar, 2002, Jensen, 2008). By adulthood, Westerners are more likely to look to individual justice and rights, while the principles of the eastern cultures are based on social hierarchy and harmony. (Jensen, 2008).

In both cultures the moralistic element of helping others (Metz, 2007) and caring for them (Jensen, 2008) are important, though the moral reasoning may differ. According to Metz, (2007), the requirement of an individual to help others is heavier in Africa, where elements of the collectivist culture are still dominant. Westerners, on the other hand look at individual rights (Bedford & Hwang, 2003), as opposed to needs, where rights are based on the resources one possess. One deserves, for example, to be rewarded for one’s efforts, and sharing of one’s rewards and resources, especially with those to whom there is no obligation, is considered to be generous. In Africa though, there is a moral obligation to help others, particularly those who can offer nothing in return. (Metz, 2007). Here, the interpersonal relationship is emphasised. The owner of two cows, for example, who obtains sufficient milk from one, is obligated to donate the milk from the second cow to those less fortunate that himself. (Metz, 2007).

Another difference in moral reasoning is revealed in the manner in which the dispensation of justice is viewed. Westerners punish law breakers for wrong doing, demanding that law breakers “do the time” when they “do the crime,” with the justification being the individual deserves the condemnation for breaking the law. Africans, on the other hand believe it is appropriate to respond to crime with the expectation of a reconciliation and some mending of the broken relationship between the offender, the victim and the community. (Metz, 2007). This reconciliation is meant to appease the ancestors and protect the community from their wrath.

Western cultures, like America, are normally associated with the promotion of a degree of individuality that leads ultimately to autonomy. (Matsumoto, 2001). Upholding the ethic of autonomy means trying to fulfil the individual needs and desires, (Jensen, 2008) such as material possessions. The moral goal is finding the right way to achieve this, by considering the needs of others and not infringing on their rights or causing harm. In this scenario, the individual has responsibility for him/herself (Jensen, 2008), therefore guidance on violating these norms are mainly internalized. Violation of these norms usually trigger feelings of guilt in the individual. (Bedford & Hwang, 2003). According to Humphries & Jagers, (2009) when the focus is on acquiring things to satisfy one’s well-being or on one’s rights, (Bedford & Hwang, 2003), the emphasis may to a lesser extent focus on the needs of others. While one can certainly be empathetic to others, it is ultimately the responsibility of the others to work independently and achieve their own goals.

Another culture specific factor is community oriented values where members focus on the various roles and positions within the groups as a means of creating and sustaining harmony. (Jensen, 2008). There is an interrelated moral stance that emphasises the moral concern of utilising one’s role to help others. (Matsumoto, 2001). There is an inherent demonstration of loyalty to the group and its members in the execution of one’s role in service to the wider group. (Jensen, 2008). Conversely, an individual’s failure to fulfil the group’s expectations has the potential to engender feelings of personal guilt in the individual, and shame in having disappointed the community. (Bedford & Hwang, 2003). This fear of being publicly shamed by the community is incentive enough to undertake one’s roles and responsibilities always with the community’s interest at heart.


Bedford, O., & Hwang, K. (2003). Guilt and shame in Chinese culture: A cross-cultural framework from the perspective of morality and identity. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 33(2), 127–144. doi: 10.111/1468-5914.00210

Humphries, M. L., & Jagers, R. J. (2009). Culture: A possible predictor of morality for African American adolescents. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 19(2), 205–215. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-7795.2009.00590.x

Jensen, L. (2008). Through two lenses: A cultural-developmental approach to moral psychology. Developmental Review, 28(3), 289-315. doi: 10.1016/j.dr.2007.11.001

Matsumoto, D. (Ed.). (2001). The handbook of culture and psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Metz, T. (2007). Toward an African Moral Theory. The Journal of Political Philosophy, 15(3),321-341. Doi: 10111/j.1467-9760.2007.00280.x

Sunar, D. (2002). The psychology of morality. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes, & D. N. Sattler (Eds.), Online Readings in Psychology and Culture (Unit 2, Chapter 11). Retrieved from http://www.wwu.edu/culture/Sunar.htm

Post 3: Central Route and Peripheral Processing

The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion is broken into two routes, which are the central routes and the peripheral routes. The central routes (high elaboration likelihood) is when the receiver of the message is motivated by the message and is able to think about the message. The peripheral route (low elaboration likelihood) is when the receiver of the message is not motivated by the message, but the receiver is motivated cues peripherally such as physical attraction or verbal tone (Petty & Cacioppo, 1984).

Two factors that may influence when the central route of persuasion occurs is ability and motivation. When the central route of persuasion occurs,the receiver is able to receive the message and is able to be motivated by the message without any distractions (Petty and Cacioppo, 1984). For example, while sitting in a quiet location, if I were to watch a commercial regarding the benefits of apple cider vinegar, and the commercial is backed by scientific labs to prove this information is valid regarding apple cider vinegar, I would be more motivated to buy the apple cider vinegar due to the information from the commerical.

Two factors that may influence when the peripheral route of persuasion occurs is peripheral cues and multiple arguments. These factors act as a shortcut. This means that the recipient of the information is unable to receive the message because the recipient is not motivated or does not have the ability to receive the message. An example of peripheral cues is if an attactive woman would advertise the best cologne to wear, the observer would be more likely to focus on her attraction level rather than the information regarding the cologne. An example of multiple arguments is when the recipient of the message is observing a debate but is not interested in the debate topic, but chooses the debater who places many arguments in one sentence.


Cacioppo, J. T., & Petty, R. E. (n.d). THE ELABORATION LIKELIHOOD MODEL OF PERSUASION. Advances In Consumer Research, 11(1), 673-675.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011). Attitudes. Baltimore, MD: Author.

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merger and acquisition strategies 1

  • Merger and Acquisition Strategies
  • Why are merger and acquisition strategies popular in many firms competing in the global economy?
  • What reasons account for firms decisions to use acquisition strategies as a means to achieving strategic competitiveness?
  • What are the seven primary problems that affect a firm’s efforts to successfully use an acquisition strategy?
  • What are the attributes associated with a successful acquisition strategy?
  • What is the restructuring strategy and what are its common forms?
  • What are the short- and long-term outcomes associated with the different restructuring strategies?
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review the balance sheet and income statement of gmc 2015 annual report

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to help students gain a better understanding of the financial statements used for corporate financial reporting and the key ratios used to make business decisions.

Assignment Steps

Select a Fortune 500 Company from one of the following industries:

  • Pharmaceutical
  • Energy
  • Retail
  • Automotive
  • Computer Hardware

Review the balance sheet and income statement in the company’s 2015 Annual Report.

Calculate the following ratios using Microsoft® Excel®:

  • Current Ratio
  • Quick Ratio
  • Debt Equity Ratio
  • Inventory Turnover Ratio
  • Receivables Turnover Ratio
  • Total Assets Turnover Ratio
  • Profit Margin (Net Margin) Ratio
  • Return on Assets Ratio

Analyze in 1,050 words why each ratio is important for financial decision making.

Submit your analysis as well as your calculations.

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scenario doesn t have to be long 150 200 words is fine

Describe a scenario or problem where a person is struggling with an issue from the population you would like to work with (PSYCHOLOGY). Determine if the client’s issue is truly a coachable issue or do they need to be referred to state board licensed counseling. Explain why.

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incident response ir revamp 3

Assignment 2: Incident Response (IR) Revamp

Imagine you have just taken over the manager position for your organization’s incident response team, after coming from another division in the company. Your first realization is that proper procedures, best practices, and sound technologies are not being utilized. You decide to revamp the team’s efforts.

Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you:

  1. Explicate the main efforts that would be included in the incident response efforts, including but not limited to personnel and team structure, tools and utilities, and proper procedures.
  2. Discuss in detail the role that an IDS / IPS would play in the IR efforts, and explain how these systems can assist in the event notification, determination, and escalation processes.
  3. Explain how the NIST SP800-61, Rev. 1 could assist the personnel in classifying incidents so each is identified appropriately and the proper incident-handling procedures are taken.
  4. Explain how the use of log management systems (e.g., Splunk) could be a legitimate and useful component of the IR efforts, and describe the potential issues that could arise if not utilized.5.Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Summarize the various types of disasters, response and recovery methods.
  • Describe detection and decision-making capabilities in incident response.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in disaster recovery.
  • Write clearly and concisely about disaster recovery topics using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
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business communications discussion 1

Discussion 1

Discuss an example of a time (or situation) when directness was appropriate in your response giving negative information. Why was it appropriate to use a direct response instead of an indirect response?

Discussion 2

Often times companies will explain an adjustment refusal simply by saying that company policy did not permit granting claims in such cases. Is this explanation adequate? Why or why not?

Discussion 3

Think about an ad that you have seen on television which grabs you. State what the ad is promoting and discuss if it focuses on emotional appeals, logical appeals, or character-based appeals? Does the chosen appeal seem appropriate given the product, service, or cause that is being promoted?

Requirement: I need two totally different short answers for each question (Total 6 answers)

no words limit

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