discussion review all of the instructor material for module 6 including videos

Review all of the Instructor material for module 6 including videos.

Contemplate everything that’s included in one of the procedures shown in this week’s videos. Many of the procedures include multiple steps. Review guidelines for multiple procedures in your PCS book as needed for this discussion board.

Then post your understanding of what is included in one of the given procedures in the videos this week. You may choose one of the videos that only shows a part of the full procedure. If you do have a procedure that would have multiple parts, Research and explain the next or previous steps that might have occurred.

Indicate in your post which video you are referencing, and what code you believe should be used and/or codes. Post should include a minimum of 5 to 7 sentences explaining your answer.


Here’s an example of a heart tran which would actually code under root operation Transplantation. Take notes as you follow along, and try to code this if you made. As a warning this is an open procedure.

Make sure to use both your codebook 3M to check your work

Go to 3M.ahima.org
Log in is:

Username: CNM001



There are a lot of surgical videos on YouTube for limb reattachment which you may watch if you choose.

From experience for myself and from students these tend to be the hardest to watch as they can be quite gruesome. For that reason I’ve posted a follow up video of a little girl who had a reattachment surgery. There are some details regarding the surgery but nothing to watch that is gruesome. This is a heartbreaking story with a good ending in the case of her arm. Watch this and see if you can code from the information given to you.

If interest is intriguing enough, you may search arm reattachment surgery in your YouTube browser.



This particular procedure is done for the root operation transfer. Skin graphs can be rather difficult to watch so for that purpose the main link is an automated example. If you would like to see an actual surgery click the second link below.


Actual surgery link:


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paper 1 000 to 1 500 words

Submit a 1,000- to 1,500-word your Final Paper that addresses the following:

Your Final Paper should include:

  • A summary of the importance of stock performance in attracting investment capital for companies.
  • Your summary of the guidelines used for making stock investment decisions.
  • Your investment objective for each of your five stocks.
  • Your initial prediction of what you predicted would be the best and worst performing stocks (as viewed in the first week of class), and the actual performance at the end of four weeks. Be sure to include a table that shows your initial performance ranking (from 1 to 5) and the final performance ranking for each stock.
  • A summary of the performance of each of your stocks during the four-week study period.
  • The reasons for the four-week performance of each of your stocks.
  • Your predictions for future performance of each of your stocks.
  • Your list of references used to prepare your report.

You must use at least three authoritative references to support your summary of the importance of stock performance and guidelines for individual investors. Your paper must be presented in APA format.

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hi i need someone to do my homework 4

How does the Constitution describe this Article; what are the specific and implied powers of the Presidency; what are the challenges facing a 21st century U.S. President?

And i will upload the article since you bid the question

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creative thinking and problem solving cunit vii

Unit VII Project

Read the scenario described in Application 14.1 on page 225 of the course textbook. You will use the information
presented in Application 14.1 for the Unit VII Project. Select a persuasive format (white paper, newspaper Op-Ed piece, or
blog post) to present your response.
The following components should be included:

Your response should be a minimum of 3 pages.

Write the document for a specific target audience and with a clear goal and purpose that is evident from the

Present a clear opinion and position on the issue illustrated in Application 14.1.

Use logical and sound evidence to support your viewpoints.

BSL 4080, Creative Thinking and Problem Solving 5
See the grading rubric for additional guidelines. It is recommended that you use the rubric as a checklist as you draft the
opinion piece. Refer to the rubric often, and be sure to fulfill the requirements for all criteria listed.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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which formula should be used to determine the total cost

The wedding photographer for the Smith/Jones wedding charges $1,000 for her preparation and first 60 prints. The cost is $2.00 per photo for photos beyond the first 60. Which formula should be used to determine the total cost, C, as a function of the number of photos, p, that are purchased, assuming at least 60 are purchased? 

a. C = 1000 p + 2 

b. C = 1000(2p – 60) 

c. C = 1000 + 2(p – 60)

Please explain your answer. Thanks! 

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ecology assignment 3 pages


Answer the 4 questions in details

  1. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction? Under what circumstances would you expect an organism would evolve to use asexual reproduction?

    b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction? Under what circumstances would you expect an organism would evolve to use sexual reproduction? (6 marks)

  2. Describe three properties of a population that may vary among age classes. (6 marks)

  3. Compare and contrast the exponential and logistic models of population growth. Under what ecological conditions does each occur? (8 marks)

  4. In your words, explain why Bellinger et al. (2003) suggested that some prairie chicken populations were headed for extinction while others appeared to be doing better. (10 marks)
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humanities prehistory to 16th century 4

Answer the 12 questions, if you would like to use my e-textbook. Ask me for the login to my chegg account. Chapters 13 & 14.

  1. Dante designed his Inferno so that sinners were assigned progressively worse levels based upon their sins and punishment not for, but by, their sins. This concept is known as divine retribution. Explain his rationale for this design, citing specific examples of his sinners, their placements, and their punishments. If Dante were writing this work in our modern period, what example from popular culture might he use? Be sure to match the punishment with the crime.
  2. Compare and contrast depictions of David by the following artists: Donatello, Michelangelo, and Bernini (look this one up). Your discussion should identify the style of each and historical backgrounds that may have influences each work of art.
  3. Compare and contrast civic life in Siena and Florence
  4. Outline how an increasingly naturalistic art replaced the Byzantine style in Italy
  5. Describe the distinguishing characteristics of Dante’s Divine Comedy
  6. What was the Black Death and how did it impact the arts?
  7. Examine how sculpture and the use of scientific perspective were instrumental in the early development of the Italian Renaissance.
  8. Discuss the influence of the Medici family on Florentine art and the development of humanist thought.
  9. Describe how other Italian courts followed the lead of the humanist court in Florence.
  10. Explain the symbolic significance of Michelangelo’s David.
  11. What does the term “Renaissance” mean?
  12. What does “Humanism” mean?
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physics renewable energy sources

1. In 2015, the US produced electrical power at the scale of 1.2 terrawatts. Calculate the per capita electrical power in the US (this is equivalent to the amount of power required per individual at any given time)

2. Energy = power x time; Power is measured in units of watts (kilowatts, megawatts, gigawatts, terrawatts) and is instantaneous. Power used over time is energy. Based on your calculation in question 1, and assuming an average energy cost of 12 cents per KWH, what is the monthly electricity cost to a US citizen.

3. One gallon of gasoline has an energy density storage equivalent of about 35 KWH. In Eugene the price of electricity is 7.5 cents per kwh. You have two options on what kind of car to buy – a new gasoline powered car or a plug-in electric vehicle. Your plug-in EV uses 1 KWH for every 2 miles driven. Your gasoline powered car gets 40 miles per gallon. Finally, your plug-in EV has a charging efficiency of 85% (meaning for each KWH stored in the battery you have to deliver 1/.85 ~ 1.2 KWH of electricity).

If gas is $3 per gallon, what is the total cost of going 120 miles for your EV compared to the gasoline powered car.?

4. A company called First Solar is currently the leading producer in the world of PV panels and are frequently cited as a good company to invest in.

    a) Research and describe what technology FirstSolar uses in making its panels (they are not silicon based)

b) Find out the production costs of their Panels compared to crystalline silicon Panels that are the more traditional ones

c) What might limit First Solar’s ability to continue to make and deploy their panels?

5. Do some research on the Ivanpah Solar Facility located in California near the Nevada border.

a) What kind of facility is this and what is its overall power capacity?

b) Describe some of the production problems of this facility since it opened and what steps have been made to try and correct this problems.

c) Discuss whether or not you think this was a wise facility to construct, given its price tag of 2.3 billion dollars.

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assignment reflection journal

Assignment: Reflection Journal

Project Management Course

Reflect on the past eight weeks and on the St. Dismas Assisted Living Facility case study. Then:

  • Look back on your work on the St. Dismas case study, and create a list of lessons learned. What went well during the development of the project plan? Is there anything you would have done differently?
  • Reflect on your personal experience with project management. What ideas excited you during the past eight weeks? What did you learn about your interest in project management and what are your thoughts about your future? What did you learn about your learning style and how effective you are in learning online?


Meredith, J.R., Shafer, S.M., Mantel, Jr., S.J., Sutton, M. (2014). Project management in practice (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Project Management Institute. (2017). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). Sixth edition. Newtown Square, PA: Author.

Develop a 2- to 3-page paper with appropriate APA formatting, a title page, and an abstract.

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two part questions about what does agility mean to you

Part 1 7/5

Each student will post a list of at least three words and phrases which best describe the meanings of the words “agile” or “agility” in the context of work done by a business or organization. Students are also expected to respond to other students’ posts, as described in the following criteria section.

Part 2 submitted by 7/9

Each student will submit a one to two “executive summary” (a double-spaced paper, using the designated assignment template) as an individual assignment based on the Module 1 forum discussion. For the paper, students will draw upon the list of words and phrases which exemplify “agile” and “agility” which were posted in the forum and select three different words or phrases to write about. Each student has the option of writing exclusively about the words he or she chose to write about, or to select words or phrases selected by classmates. The key is to write about three words or phrases, and to describe how you see them relate to the concepts embodied by the words “agile” and “agility”. List an example of a work process or project which exemplify one or more of the words or phrases you chose to highlight in your paper. You may select a process or project from your own work experience, or select a project described in a source you select from a trade journal, newspaper or magazine article, book or web-based source. If you do reference a third-party source, please be sure to list its name and provide a link to it if it is available on the Internet or in the Bobst Library’s digital archives.

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