PSYC325 Midterm Exam.

PSYC325 Midterm Exam.

(PSYC325 Midterm Exam.)

Answer this test’s questions in a minimum of two substantive paragraphs totaling 300 words, completely and fully for full credit. Source credits and the required Reference list attached at the end of each answer do no count toward its word length.  Answers are to be based on the course textbook and outside academic sources (excluding other course textbooks, encyclopedias such as Encarte and Wikipedia, and type websites that synthesize source information for users, magazines, news websites, blogs, etc.).

Course Materials:

Pinel, J. (2014).  Biopsychology (9th edition). Pearson Publishing.

Describe the recent finds on the “Nature-Nurture Controversy.” How does evolutionary theory (evolutionary biology and evolutionary psychology) and the study of genetics fit in to this discussion? What are the implications for the biopsychologist? And finally, is there a controversy at all?

Describe the process of action potential conduction and neurotransmission from one neuron to another, both electrically (including saltatory conduction) and chemically. Describe how a cell fires an action potential and be sure to address which structures are involved in neurotransmission. Discuss reuptake and enzymatic degradation (breakdown) in the context of the appropriate neurotransmitters.

Trace in detail the structure and function of the visual system from the physical stimuli (light waves), to the structure of the eye and through the corresponding brain structures until it is processed as visual information. You will need to compare photoreceptors in darkness to photoreceptors receiving light and describe how light energy is transduced into neural signals. Describe how the trichromatic and opponent-process theory explain how light of different wavelengths is converted into color information.

Discuss some of the methodological approaches that can be used to examine the influence of multiple genes on behavior. Then discuss what transgenic animals are and how they are produced.

What is the medial forebrain bundle? Discuss the evidence for and against its involvement in reward. In addition, review the evidence showing that the brain’s dopamine pathways are critically involved in pleasure and reward.

What is the monoamine theory of depression? What evidence supports this hypothesis as a cause of affective disorder? It generally takes 2-3 weeks of chronic treatment before an antidepressant begins to have a clinical benefit, yet the drug’s pharmacological effect (for example, its inhibition of MOA, or reuptake) is immediate. What synaptic mechanisms may underlie this time lag?

Critically evaluate the roles of the lateral hypothalamus and ventromedial hypothalamus in hunger and satiety. What other brain sites are known to be involved in eating behavior? How can this be explained in terms of a homeostatic model? What evidence shows that non- homeostatic mechanisms also contribute to feeding?

How is the brain capable of “seeing” a spectrum of fine color when the eye contains only three different types of color detectors? What evidence supports the existence of dorsal (“where is it?”) and ventral (“what is it?”) visual systems in the cerebral cortex?

Describe the main structures of the brain stem, the midbrain, and forebrain, including the basal ganglia, the limbic system and the cerebral cortex. What functions and behaviors are these regions known to control?

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Parenting Styles and Influence

Parenting Styles and Influence

(Parenting Styles and Influence)

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Broderick and Blewitt (2015). I need this completed by 12/17/17 at 6pm. Please respond to these posts from my classmates. I will post their work and respond according to the instructions

Respond to at least two of your colleagues using one or more of the following approaches:

· Expand on a colleague’s post by providing an authentic example from your own observations and/or work with clients.

· Offer and support additional cultural and environmental influences by referencing authentic examples from your own observations, your work with clients, and/or the current literature.

· Share an insight into why a parent from a certain culture or environment might choose to parent his or her child using a certain style. Support your insight by referencing authentic examples from your work with clients and/or the current literature.

Classmate post:

1. (A. Wit)

· As a parent of three young children, I have always appreciated learning about child development.  My shelves are well stocked with books on various parenting styles.  In this post, I will briefly describe the influence that parenting style and cultural context has on a developing child’s identity.

· The influence of parenting style on a child’s identity and emotional stability

·             Parenting style is arguably an essential factor in the development of a child’s identity.  The two major dimensions of parenting style are warmth/parental responsiveness and control/parental demandingness (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  Along these two axes, four styles are identified; 1) authoritative, 2) authoritarian, 3) permissive, and 4) neglecting (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  Although there are many factors involved in identity development, positive child outcomes are correlated with the authoritative parenting style (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  Traits of children raised by authoritative parents are adaptability, competence, good social skills, high self-esteem, and reduced aggression (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  Negative child outcomes for the other three styles (authoritative, permissive, and neglecting) may include increased aggressive behavior, low self-esteem, impulsivity, and reduced self-regulation (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  Research supports the link between authoritative parenting and increased self-esteem (Firouzkouhi, Validad, Rakhshani, & Assareh, 2017).  One hypothesis for increased self-esteem is that authoritative parents accept their children’s strengths and weaknesses and set acceptable and reasonable standards for behavior (Firouzkouhi, Validad, Rakhshani, & Assareh, 2017).

· Culture and environmental influences

·             Despite the influence of parenting style on a child’s development, it must be considered in conjunction with genetics, temperament, and cultural factors.  Culture undoubtedly helps to shape a child’s values, self-regulation, and behavior (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  For example, broadly speaking, European American children typically have a developed sense of autonomy and individualism, while Latino American children have a developed sense of interdependence (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  Other cultural differences that forming identity are the way children play (Cote & Bornstein, 2009).  European American parents tend to follow the child’s lead when playing together, perhaps developing autonomy (Cote & Bornstein, 2009).  Latino parents are likely to direct the child’s play to foster obedient behavior (Cote & Bornstein, 2009).

· Summary

·             Although several factors that contribute to identity development in children, parenting style is quite influential.  Authoritative parents raise children that are likely to be confident, adaptable, and productive (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).  One consideration for future research is the influence of two or more parenting styles on a child.  For example, an authoritative mother (step-mother) and a neglecting father (step-father).    A multidimensional approach is the best way to understand childhood development (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015).

· References

· Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

· Cote, L. R., & Bornstein, M. H. (2009). Child and mother play in three U. S. cultural groups: Comparisons and associations. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(3), 355–363.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

· Firouzkouhi Moghaddam, M., Validad, A., Rakhshani, T., & Assareh, M. (2017). Child self-esteem and different parenting styles of mothers: a cross-sectional study. Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 19(1), 37-42. Doi:10.12740/APP/68160

2. (H. Men)

3. I personally think that parenting style influence children during each stage of their lives.  Parents interact with their children and choose make decisions for them when they are infants.  Parents also determine whom their children interact with, play with, and even how their children also manage their emotions throughout childhood.  According to Broderick & Blewitt (2015), it is almost necessary for a child to develop not only physically but emotionally in a healthy manner for them to grow up in order to be a healthy person that can not only handle difficult experiences but also stressful situation in the future.  Parents also play a big role in the formation of their children’s regulation of emotions and behaviors, as well as their children’s self-esteem and identity.  The emotional development of the child may include all the aspects of personality and identity development. The ability to control emotions and emotional responses stems from the level of response and involvement of the children parents in their lives.  For example, the parents normally act as a resource for their children in social referencing.

4. Cultural and Environmental Influences

5. The type of parenting style the parents used sometimes may also be determined by the parents’ own culture.  Also, children’s environmental influence is largely dictated by where their parents live, take them, go to church and even send them to school.  Under normal circumstances the environment that the parents put their children determines whom their children also form social relationships with. The environment that we live in now plays a major role on parenting style from difference in social and economic classes and family structures.
6. Reference:

7. Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

3. (B. Smith)

4.  The four parenting styles are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglecting-uninvolved. Each style is a cross or mix between another with variations between responsiveness and demandingness. This week’s post will discuss how a parenting style impacts a child’s identity and emotional stability.

5. Influence of Parenting Styles

6.          The authoritative parenting style is seen as the most effective as it allows for autonomy, encourages communication, displays affection, and provides clear expectations and standards to the child (Brodercik, 2016, pg. 181). The Authoritarian Style is not as responsive as the Authoritative parent, creating a less positive environment. These parents operate moreso on a “because I said so” level, are less affectionate, and utilize power assertion. Children of these parents have less freedom to expression emotions, are at a high risk of being bullied, and tend to experience low self-esteem (Broderick, 2016, pg. 182). The Permissive Style of Parenting is less demanding of maturity but overall more affectionate. Finally, the Neglecting-Uninvolved Parenting Style involves parents who are less affectionate, less demanding, less responsive, and more focused on their own needs.  These children often display impulsiveness and can exhibit both depression and aggressiveness.

7. Culture and Environment

8.       Broderick (2016) indicates that race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status can influence parenting styles. Research reports there is a direct correlation, within the European-American samples, between physical discipline and aggressive behavior in children. The evidence concludes that the harsher the punishment, the more aggressive the child is likely to be. However, the opposite was found for African-American families. “…they found that based on parent report that corporal punishment is related to less aggressive outcomes” (Broderick, 2016, pg. 189).  The same could be conceptualized for environment or SES. A parent that is struggling to make ends meet could present as less responsive but more demanding.

9. Conclusion

10.   Parenting styles have a large impact on the outcomes of their children’s identity and emotional stability. However, other influences include culture, environment, and SES. I do not believe there is one, specific way to rear a child. Therefore, it is perfectly fine if a parent crossing parenting styles to borrow a technique or characteristic. I believe that children are a reflection of what they are given. A child that receives love, support, and proper guidance will reflect that.

11. References

12. Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

13. Laureate Education (Producer). (2013l). Perspectives: Working with young children [Video file]. Retrieved from


· Broderick, P. C., & Blewitt, P. (2015). The life span: Human development for helping professionals (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

o Chapter 4, “Emotional Development in the Early Years” (pp. 124-167)

o Chapter 5, “The Emerging Self and Socialization in the Early Years” (pp. 168-201)

Cote, L. R., & Bornstein, M. H. (2009). Child and mother play in three U. S. cultural groups: Comparisons and associations. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(3), 355–363.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

De Young, A. C., Kenardy, J. A., & Cobham, V. E. (2011). Trauma in early childhood: A neglected population. Clinical Child & Family Psychology Review, 14(3), 231–250.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Gould, K. (2011). Parenting theAsperger’s child: Extraordinary demands and pitfalls. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 31(3), 320–333.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Gullone, E., Ollendick, T. H., & King, N. J. (2006). The role of attachment representation in the relationship between depressive symptomatology and social withdrawal in middle childhood. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 15(3), 263–277.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Mercer, S. H., & DeRosier, M. E. (2010). Selection and socialization of internalizing problems in middle childhood. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 29(9), 1031–1056.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.


· Laureate Education (Producer). (2013n). Young childhood [Video file]. Retrieved from CDN Files Database. (COUN 6215/COUN 8215/HUMN 8215)
This media presentation continues your exploration of the client family assigned to you by your Instructor. This week, you will focus on the young child, aged 4–10, in your Discussion post.

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Ethical Dilemma in Informed Consent

Ethical Dilemma in Informed Consent

(Ethical Dilemma in Informed Consent)

Informed Consent – Whose Interpretation Of It?

Researcher X collected data from a group of women over the age of 40.  The focus of his study was on estimating the ‘risk of developing depression after age 40.’  Prior to data collection, the researcher explained that the results of the study would be made available to participants when the study was completed.  He explained that only aggregate data (group data) not individual results, would be available.  Participants signed ‘informed consent’ forms and the study was conducted. Participants completed a number of different questionnaires along with a structured interview.  The researcher’s goal was to determine if he could estimate risk of depression on the basis of a number of different variables including age, marital status, history of depression, physical health, and job satisfaction.  When the study was completed, one of the participants wanted to see her results.  The researcher provided her with aggregate data, as stated at the onset of the study.  The participant insisted on seeing her individual data, claiming that she had a right to know her own personal risk of depression.  The researcher refused, claiming that she had signed the ‘informed consent’ agreement prior to participating and that the procedure was clearly explained to her in advance of the study. Has researcher committed an ethical violation? Explain.

  • Critically Review the APA Code of Ethics
  • Explain your ideas about the discussion scenario with support from concepts found within the APA Code of Ethics and our e-book by Cozby
  • Use the Citation below for the APA Code of Ethics
  • Copy and paste the APA citation below underneath your message to our discussion
  • Then, copy the URL from the APA web page on which you are pulling the Code of Ethics concepts to paste it after the “Retrieved from” phrase to complete the citation
  • If also using concepts from Cozby’s e-book to support your opinion about the scenario, write a citation then, include it underneath the APA citation
  • Let me know of questions by submitting a Class or Private Message

American Psychological Association (APA). (2014). Ethical Principles of Psychologists

and  Code of Conduct: Including 2010 Amendments.

Respond in 500 words with three scholarly references. Use citations, cite your references. Please use chapter 3 

Each response requires ALL 3 of the following elements…

  1. A personal view on the concept of concern related to a learning objective/competency 
  2. A useful example from research about the concept that supports your view (# 1 )  
  3. A credible source showing from where your example from research came (# 2) * cited in both the summary and below it. Citations are located in the sentence describing the conceptual example within the summary, and below the same message’s summary.
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Diversity’s Impact in Nursing

Diversity’s Impact in Nursing

(Diversity’s Impact in Nursing)

Write a Paper Focused on Diversity in the Workplace

Question description

Diversity in the Workplace

The focus of this paper is on elements of diversity in the workplace that are important to nursing. You may examine diversity from the aspect of generational, ethnic, demographic, or gender. Also explore the issue of under-representation of minorities in nursing. Consider the impact diversity has had on the field of nursing and providing culturally competent nursing care. Summarize the impact of the various aspects of diversity and of under-represented minorities in the nursing profession. Based on the professional nursing literature explain the importance of diversity in the profession of nursing and on delivering culturally competent nursing care.

Write a 2- to 3 page paper using the following guidelines and evaluation criteria. Use the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of five references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references.

Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. The heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This will be about 2-3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins “The purpose of this paper is to ¨. This paragraph is worth 20 points.

Importance of diversity in the workplace – 20 points

Provide an overview of reasons why it is important for nurses to examine the impact of diversity on our profession and on our providing culturally competent nursing care. This is usually one paragraph.

Summary of one aspect of diversity – 20 points

Select one of the following aspects of diversity: generational, ethnic, demographic, or gender. Provide a review of the impact of the aspect you selected on the workplace. Provide specific information related to the aspect you select. This is 2-3 paragraphs.

Under-representation of minorities in nursing – 20 points

Provide a one-paragraph overview of the impact of under-representation of minorities in nursing. Provide specific information about under-representation of minorities rather than general statements.

Influence of diversity on nursing care – 30 points

Discuss your views on how diversity issues, including under-representation of minorities in nursing, impact the nursing profession and nurses’ ability to provide culturally competent nursing care. This is 1-2 paragraphs.

Summary – 20 points

End the paper with a one-paragraph summary of the main points of this paper.

.Use a minimum of five references, Select these articles and others from the professional nursing literature. You may use one or two professional web sites in addition to the literature references

Maier-Lorentz, M. (2008). Transcultural nursing: Its importance in nursing practice. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 15(1), 37–43.

Schim, S., Doorenbos, A., & Borse, N. (2006). Cultural competence among hospice nurses. Journal of Hospice & Palliative Nursing, 8(5), 302-307.

Kennedy, H., Fisher, L., Fontaine, D., & Martin-Holland, J. (2008). Evaluating diversity in nursing education: A mixed method study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 19, 363 – 370.

Norman, L., Willis, G., Donelan, K., Williams, M., Buerhaus, P., Ulrich, B. et al. (2005). The older nurse in the workplace: Does age matter? Nursing Economics, 23(6), 282-289.

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Comparing Human Services Organizations

Compare & Contrast Human Services Organizations
Comparing Human Services Organizations

Comparing Human Services Organizations

It is important to understand that human services are broad in spectrum and consist of many types of service delivery, including mental health, child welfare, medical care, public assistance, and corrections. In addition, human services organizations have varying organizational structures. There are different types of funding sources, legislation, and standards that influence how an agency will function to serve the clients in its community. For example, some agencies receive public funding to operate and must follow standards set down by those funding sources when providing services and running the agency. On the other hand, there are facilities that receive their revenues primarily from private funding, commercial insurance, or self-payment from clients and may not have to follow the same guidelines to operate the agency.

In this assignment, you will explore different types of human services organizations and select two types of organizations (for example, health, mental health, child welfare, or education) to draw comparisons between them. You will examine how the related funding sources, legislation, and standards interact with one another to influence service delivery.


Using your textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, complete the following:

  • In a 2- to 3-page report, address the following:
    • The history and scope of services of the selected human services organizations
    • The administrative operations of each agency
    • The legislation that has influenced the services and type of agencies selected
    • The major differences between the agency models of service delivery, organizational structure, funding sources, and how they evaluate their effectiveness (for example, outcome measures)
  • Identify two provisional factors (for example, performance outcome measures) that have direct implications on direct service.
    • Discuss their effects, positive or negative, on the agency as well as the service provider.
    • Provide your opinion on the costs and benefits of regulated operational standards on the effectiveness of services.

Submission Details:

  • By the due date assigned, prepare a 3- to 4-page report. Your response should rely upon at least three sources from professional literature. This may include the Argosy University online library resources, relevant textbooks, peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov). Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and use accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
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Sleep Journal & Reflection Project

Sleep Journal & Reflection Project

(Sleep Journal & Reflection Project)

During our forum in Week 5, we are discussing dreams. The meaning, origin, and analysis of dreams have fascinated psychologists since the inception of the field of psychology. Sigmund Freud, often referred to as the father of psychology, focused a great deal of his theoretical energy on trying to understand and interpret dreams.

Contemporary psychologists are beginning to recognize the interconnectivity of human physiology and psychology in a way not previously understood. This is in part because of new interest in holistic health and in part because of brain/body connections we are now able to see and understand for the first time due to enhanced technology. Yoga, mindfulness, healthy eating, meditation, holistic health – all of these practices are gaining more traction in mainstream society and among psychological circles as we recognize how the mind and body work together. In light of this growing area of interest in psychology, for this assignment you will maintain a sleep/dream journal during weeks 3 and 4, and complete an analysis and reflection on your experience in a summary reflection paper in week 5.

Specifically, for this assignment you will:

  • Keep a sleep/dream journal for at least 10 days throughout Weeks 3 and 4. In your journal make note of:
    • any dreams you had
    • any initial thoughts about the dream – events of the day that may relate, etc.
    • your general sleep schedule (if you have a tracker such as fitbit, include data on your sleep patterns as well – wakefulness, restlessness, times asleep/awake per night, total sleep, etc.)
    • your general eating habits by day
    • your general exercise habits by day
    • anything else of note in your psychological or physical health (stress, excitement, changes, etc.)
  • You may use any format you wish to record the data (notepad, computer, hardcopy spreadsheet, etc.).
  • Complete a 3-4 page reflection (not counting title or reference pages) in which you analyze the results of your sleep/dream journal. Consider how your psychological and physical health interacted. What patterns did you see? Discuss the impact that various factors such as fatigue, diet, stress and exercise had on your dreams and sleep patterns. Explain how this insight may impact your behaviors in the future to lead to better psychological and physical health.
  • Utilize at least 2 academic resources (your text can be one of these) to support your analysis and discussion.
          • Title page in APA format
          • Reflection minimum 3 pages, double spaced
          • Reference page in APA format
          • If desired (this is optional), a copy of the original data/journal

        Assignment Grading Rubric – Total 100 points:

        • Provided a thoughtful analysis of how physical and psychological health interact, particularly in connecting waking behaviors with sleep and dreams. Max. 30 points
        • Provided detailed evidence in the form of examples and data to support analysis and conclusions. Max. 25 points
        • Described how the information gleaned from the analysis will or will not impact future behaviors and awareness. Max 20 points
        • Incorporated references from at least two academic sources. Max 10 points
        • Writing was clear, focused, organized and grammatically correct with few to no errors in spelling, punctuation, or sentence structure. Max 15 points
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Exploring Personality Theories

Assignment1: LASA2: Exploring Personality Theories

(Exploring Personality Theories)



In this assignment, you will define and apply various personality theories to your personal life experiences. The assignment consists of two parts. Be sure to complete both parts.


In psychology, personality theorists have sought to understand the traits and other factors that determine our very nature. Some of these factors are innate, and others seem to be shaped by environmental forces. Each theory takes a different approach to understanding personality. Familiarity with theories of personality will help you to understand and organize behaviors that you observe in others and yourself.


Part I: Apply each of the four personality theories to your personal life experience by answering the following questions.

  • The Five Factor Model of Personality: Explain where you fall on each of the five dimensions or traits in this theory. Discuss whether you feel you were “born with” this trait or if you feel this trait developed through experiences in your environment (such as family experiences or other learning experiences). Based on your experience, explain whether personality traits are primarily biological (innate) or environmental (learned) (Nature vs. Nurture).
  • Albert Bandura’s Social Learning Theory: Describe how social learning theory played an influence in your own personality development. Identify whose behavior you modeled and provide specific details to describe the ways in which their behavior influenced you.
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Identify which stage of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs you are currently experiencing. Explain which level you hope to experience in the future.
  • Freudian Theory of Personality Structure: Regarding your own personality functioning, provide an example of how your own Id, Ego, and Superego might all work together to help you meet your needs and have a successful life. Many contemporary psychologists disagree with Freud, and do not believe that the unconscious mind plays an important role in every day behavior. Based on your readings in psychology, as well as your own experiences, do you believe that the unconscious mind is important in everyday life? Why or why not?

Your response should be a 3–4-page Microsoft Word document written in a clear, concise, and organized manner. Be sure to demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA); and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. For help citing sources, click on Academic Resources under Course Home.

Part II: Psychological Autobiography

In this course, you have applied several theories and concepts from psychology to your own life. In this part, you will re-write the Autobiography submitted inModule 1 using the material you explored throughout the course.

  1. In your Psychological Autobiography, describe your life in a way that incorporates 12–15 terms and concepts you learned in this class. You do not need to analyze your struggles in this assignment, or disclose sensitive material. The purpose of the assignment is to simply apply the concepts we explored throughout the course to your own life history in an everyday manner.
  1. In your Psychological Autobiography, you may use any terms, research, concepts, or theories covered in class, however, you must use terms and ideas from at least five of the following theorists or perspectives:
    • Piaget
    • Erikson
    • Kohlberg
    • Eysenck
    • Bandura
    • Maslow
    • Freud

There is room for creativity in this assignment! What is most important is that you show the instructor how much you have learned in this course by applying several theories, terms, or concepts to your life story. At a minimum, you should use information from your lectures and readings in this portion of the paper. This portion of the LASA assignment should be 2–3 pages in length. Here are some suggestions for developing your Psychological Autobiography:


  • Write your life history according to one or more of the developmental stage theories.
  • Apply key concepts to your early development.
  • Explain how the concepts apply to your current life situation.
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eintegration Model Research Paper

eintegration Model Research Paper

(eintegration Model Research Paper)

Question description

Paper about Survey of Correction

Topic is Reintegration Model.

A model of correctional institutions that emphasizes maintenance of the offender’s ties to family and the community as a method of
reform, in recognition of the fact that the offender will be returning to the community.

Research Paper Requirement
Each will
complete a research paper on a topic covered in your textbook. This paper is to be typed, double-spaced and
3-5 pages in length of text. This paper must be written in the APA format,
which can be found on the TU Library homepage. Proper grammar and spelling is
required. *NOTE: the APA guide addresses
on-line materials
Paper Guidelines
1. may choose their own topic for the term paper, as long as it is a topic
relating to CORRECTIONS
and is discussed in depth within the textbook (while corrections and courts are
briefly discussed in the book, they are not law enforcement). If you are unsure if your topic is
appropriate for this course, please ask the instructor. You will receive a failing grade if you turn
in a paper with a topic that is not appropriate.
2. DO
3. This
paper is to have an introduction, body and conclusion.
4. Must
have at least one citation.
5. References
and citations are to be in APA format.
If you have questions concerning APA, please refer to the APA manual on
the TU library home page or contact the instructor for assistance.
6. Paper
is to be 3 to 5 pages, double-spaced (at least 900 words, not including the cover page and reference page.
7. Proper
grammar and spelling are required.
8. Paper
must contain a reference list of sources used.
9. Students
can select a topic of their choice.
Besides using your textbook as a source, you must also use two other
additional outside sources for your paper.
For example, you may use the internet, academic journal databases,
books, encyclopedias, videos, newspapers, etc.
Papers must be placed in the Assignments
Folder in blackboard.
Do not use is not a
credible source
Do not write in the first person
If you are
caught plagiarizing, you will not be allowed another opportunity to complete another paper.
There will be no proof-reading on the
instructor’s part. Also, what you turn
in the first time will be the paper graded by the instructor. There will not be any re-submissions allowed
for any reason. This includes turning in
the wrong paper, a rough draft or an incomplete paper.
If you have any questions, please do not
hesitate to contact me.

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Enhancing Treatment and Advocacy

Enhancing Treatment and Advocacy

(Enhancing Treatment and Advocacy)

5-8 Psychology Question

5.1 Describe the importance of having family involved in the treatment process for substance use disorders. How can you involve family in the treatment and recovery process? Include at least two inclusive strategies in your response.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

81) Recognize how, when, and why to use the client’s significant others to enhance or support the treatment plan.

84) Facilitate the development of basic and life skills associated with recovery.

88) Mentor the client’s identification, selection, and practice of strategies that help sustain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for maintaining treatment progress, relapse prevention, and continuing care.

101) Describe factors that increase the likelihood that an individual, community, or group will be at -risk for alcohol and other drug problems.

5.2 According to ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine), what are the different levels of care for the treatment of substance use disorders? Provide at least one example of a consideration in each level regarding working with individuals with disabilities.

(Enhancing Treatment and Advocacy)

6.1 As you know, social justice and advocacy are important aspects of counseling. As such, groups exist that are dedicated to advocating for specific cultural groups. Research and choose one of these advocacy groups that you connect with. What is the name of the group and what issue(s) are they advocating? How can you become involved with the group and why do you think it would be important to get involved? In the case of substance use prevention, how would you raise awareness for the need for substance use programs, what type of education would be appropriate? What process does the advocacy group you researched use to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients?

This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standards:

2.F.1.e. Advocacy processes needed to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients.

2.F.2.h. Strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

2) Appreciate the social, political, economic, and cultural context within which addiction and substance abuse exist, including risk and resiliency factors that characterize individuals and their living environments.

85) Adapt counseling strategies to the individual characteristics of the client, including (but not limited to): disability, gender, sexual orientation, developmental level, acculturation, ethnicity, age, and health status.

100) Design and provide culturally relevant formal and informal education programs that raise awareness and support substance abuse prevention and/or the recovery process.

6.2 Select two to three different cultural populations. What strategies would you use to address prevention, treatment programs, and positive change (staying abstinent) for each of the selected populations? What factors would contribute to these groups being at risk for increased drug or alcohol problems?

This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.2.h. Strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

2) Appreciate the social, political, economic, and cultural context within which addiction and substance abuse exist, including risk and resiliency factors that characterize individuals and their living environments.

82) Promote client knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to a positive change in substance use behaviors.

(Enhancing Treatment and Advocacy)

7.1 Select two to three different cultural populations. What strategies would you use to address prevention, treatment programs, and positive change (staying abstinent) for each of the selected populations? What factors would contribute to these groups being at risk for increased drug or alcohol problems?

This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 2.F.2.h. Strategies for identifying and eliminating barriers, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

2) Appreciate the social, political, economic, and cultural context within which addiction and substance abuse exist, including risk and resiliency factors that characterize individuals and their living environments.

82) Promote client knowledge, skills, and attitudes that contribute to a positive change in substance use behaviors.

7.2 How would you help promote an HIV/AIDS client’s knowledge and skills of positive health and recovery? How would you assist the client in maintaining those skills? What would be some high risk behaviors that would not promote positive health and recovery?

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

16) Recognize that crisis may indicate an underlying substance abuse problem, and may represent a window of opportunity for change.

83) Promote client knowledge, skills, and attitudes consistent with the maintenance of good health (as defined by both the client culture and the treatment culture) and the prevention of HIV/AIDS, TB, STDs, and other communicable diseases.

107) Understand the health and behavioral problems related to the treatment of addiction, including transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS, TB, STDs, and other communicable diseases.

108) Teach basic life skills such as stress management, relaxation, communication, assertiveness, and refusal skills.

(Enhancing Treatment and Advocacy)

8.1 Assume you are working at an agency with both inpatient and outpatient services. Mary is a client of yours in inpatient so you will be working with her one-on-one at least once a week in inpatient treatment then she will transfer levels (from level III to Level II.I) at which point you will also be her counselor in intensive outpatient. Using your knowledge of CBT (review Chapter 8), how could you integrate some CBT interventions that target triggers into both inpatient and outpatient treatment. Her diagnoses include Alcohol Use Disorder, Opiate Use Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Use headings: Inpatient CBT interventions, Outpatient CBT interventions.

This discussion question meets the following CACREP Standard: 5.C.2.c. Mental health service delivery modalities within the continuum of care, such as inpatient, outpatient, partial treatment and aftercare, and the mental health counseling services networks.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

49) Establish and maintain professional relations with civic groups, agencies, other professionals, governmental entities, and the community-at-large in order to ensure appropriate referrals, identify service gaps, expand community resources, and help address unmet needs.

52) Arrange referrals to other professionals, agencies, community programs, or other appropriate resources to meet client needs.

55) Evaluate the outcome of the referral.

8.2 How do coping strategies help clients prevent relapse? Present at least two examples of coping strategies and explain how they may benefit the client, their family, and the community in which they live and work.

This discussion question meets the following NASAC Standards:

5) Describe the philosophies, practices, policies, and outcomes of the most generally accepted models of treatment, recovery, relapse prevention and continuing care for addiction and other substance-related problems.

51) Differentiate between situations in which it is most appropriate for the client to self-refer to a resource, and instances requiring counselor referral.

Each question needs to be answered with 150-200 words and with a quote that will need to be cited in a APA formatted and reference correctly at the end of each answer. Each questions Has to be answer BY ITELF AND NOT IN A PAPER FORMATE. THEY MUST ALL PASS TURN IT IN WITH LESS THAN 5%

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Transforming Practice through Technology

Transforming Practice through Technology

( Transforming Practice through Technology)

Transforming practice through technology involves leveraging digital tools and platforms to enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall effectiveness in various fields. In healthcare, telemedicine enables remote consultations, improving patient access and reducing travel time. Education benefits from e-learning platforms, providing interactive and personalized learning experiences for students globally. In business, automation and artificial intelligence streamline operations, from supply chain management to customer service, allowing for data-driven decision-making and improved customer satisfaction.

Technology also fosters collaboration and innovation. Cloud computing and collaborative software enable teams to work together seamlessly from different locations, enhancing productivity and fostering a culture of innovation. In the legal field, digital tools like e-discovery and case management software enhance the efficiency of legal practices, ensuring timely and accurate outcomes.

Moreover, technology promotes sustainability by enabling smart practices. For instance, the Internet of Things (IoT) allows for energy-efficient systems in buildings, reducing environmental impact. In agriculture, precision farming techniques optimize resource use, enhancing crop yields while minimizing waste.

Transforming Practice through Technology

Before the digital revolution, health information technology supplied very limited support for evidence-based practice. If nurses wanted to be informed about cutting-edge research, their best bet was to either subscribe to leading journals or make periodic trips to the library. With the establishment of research databases, however, nurses became empowered to learn about and facilitate interdisciplinary and translational research. Databases are just one example of how health information technology supports evidence-based practice.

To prepare:

· Read the following scenario from the text (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2018, p. 506):

Twelve-hour shifts are problematic for patient and nurse safety, and yet hospitals continue to keep the 12-hour shift schedule. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine (Board on Health Care Services & Institute of Medicine, 2004) published a report that referred to studies as early as 1988 that discussed the negative effects of rotating shifts on intervention accuracy. Workers with 12-hour shifts realized more fatigue than workers on 8-hour shifts. In another study done in Turkey by Ilhan, Durukan, Aras, Turkcuoglu, and Aygun (2006), factors relating to increased risk for injury were age of 24 or less, less than 4 years of nursing experience, working in the surgical intensive care units, and working for more than 8 hours.

· Consider how the resources identified in the scenario above could influence an organization’s practice.

· Select an issue in your practice that is of concern to you. Using health information technology, locate at least three evidence-based practice resources that address your concern and that could possibly inform further action.

Post a description of your practice concern. Outline how you used health information technology to locate evidence-based practices that address this concern. Cite and include insights from the resources. Analyze how health information technology supports evidence-based practice.

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