Communication And Effective Persuasion

LASA 1: Personal Power, Communication And Effective Persuasion

(Communication And Effective Persuasion)

The purpose of this assignment is for you to think about personal power type and how it can influence our ability to negotiate, communicate and persuade others during a negotiation.

In this assignment, you will write a research paper (5-6 pages) which will examine communication techniques, the use of power, and how the concepts of effective persuasion are applied to a specific situation.

Consider a scenario you have experienced or observed which involved a negotiation, persuasive techniques and balance of power. This could be a situation you experienced at work, home, school, shopping for a big ticket item or even negotiating at a yard sale or flea market. You may also choose a video clip found on the Internet which involves a negotiation as the basis for this assignment. There is a link to a sample video scenario in the webilography entitled: Workplace Communication.

  1. Describe the scenario you are using as the basis for this assignment. The scenario must include elements of negotiation, persuasive techniques, and balance of power. If your selected scenario does not contain certain elements, then use what you have learned from your studies in this course, along with your research, to expand the scenario to include these elements. Provide a rationale for your choices. If you are using a video, please include the URL in your description.
  2. Describe what you believe to be the top three communication issues presented in the scenario. Explain your choices.
  3. Identify the sources of power used in the negotiation and explain whether the sources of power were perceived or real. Use examples to justify your response.
  4. Describe the relative balance of powers between the parties in the scenario.
  5. Assume you were the mediator in the chosen scenario and recommend strategies which might reduce the conflict between the parties.
  6. List and describe the top 5 factors you believe should be considered when building an effective negotiation strategy. Explain your rationale for choosing the factors you included.
  7. Discuss how persuasion differs from negotiation and describe how each was used in the scenario. Explain if persuasion or negotiation was more effective in the scenario. Justify your response.

Use the following file-naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc. For example, if your name is John Smith, your document will be named SmithJ_M3_A2.doc.


By Wednesday, August 6, 2014, deliver your assignment to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

Remember to include the link to the video or the article you have chosen for writing your essay.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points
Described the scenario used as the basis for this assignment.
Described three communication issues presented in the scenario.
Identified the sources of power used in the negotiation and explained if the sources of power were perceived or real using examples to justify response.
Described the relative power balance between the two parties.
Recommended strategies for reducing conflict.
Analyzed top 5 factors to be considered while building an effective negotiation strategy.
Discussed how persuasion differs from negotiation and explained which was more effective in the scenario.
Applied current APA standards for editorial style, expression of ideas, and format of text, citations, and references.
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English Essay homework help

English Essay homework help

(English Essay homework help)

Question description

use the same thesis statement from midterm essay.(attached in previous question)

  • For this assignment, you will be simply expanding upon the Midterm argumentative essay from Week 5. You will be adding interesting and pertinent quotations to your completed argument essay. Make sure you edit and revise your essay according to the grading comments from Week 5 before you begin to add quotations to your essay.
  • You are required to write an APA style research paper of at least 700 words and no more than 1000 words that is developed in 5 paragraphs.
  • Include a running head in this essay. For directions, please use the following source: (Links to an external site.). There is also a template in the Writing Resources of the Student Portal.
  • You will not write an ABSTRACT for this assignment. In this paper, your title page will be page one and the text of your essay will begin on page two. Please see the sample APA paper to see how to format the title page. Notice that your title will be repeated on the first line of page two—right above the first line of the text of your paper.
  • Your paper must be double spaced. Use the double space feature in your word processing program to set your spacing. Do not manually double space your work by hitting Enter at the end of each line–this can alter formatting.
  • Your paper must contain information from ONLY three outside sources. These sources should come from the Virtual Library. (attached 3 files in previous question)
  • Most of the information in this paper will come from your own knowledge and opinion; however, be careful to avoid the use of the first and second person voice. The research you locate will be used to support various assertions made in each paragraph. In most cases, one short direct quote of only one sentence should be used per body paragraph to support the main sub-topic being explored in each body paragraph. Remember that direct quotes must be used sparingly. The direct quote needs to be in quotation marks and accompanied by an appropriately cited APA in-text citation. A signal phrase should be used to introduce the direct quote.
  • You must use ONLY direct quotations from your sources in this assignment. Paraphrasing will not be used in this assignment. In other words, you may not take another writer’s or speaker’s words and put them into your own words. In other papers in other classes you may do this, but remember that paraphrases must always be documented with in-text citations and References list entries just like quotations. If you do not document a paraphrase, you are committing plagiarism. Only direct quotes that are appropriately cited should be used in this essay.
  • Always “lead up” to a quotation with information telling your reader where the quotation comes from:. . . Michelle Weil and Larry Rosen (2012) enhanced the definition of technostress to include “any negative impact on attitudes, thoughts, behaviors, or body psychology caused directly or indirectly by technology” (p.Notice how this tells the reader, first, that your words have stopped and you are about to use another’s words and ideas. It also tells the reader where to look on the References list page to find publication information for the source. The information at the end of the quotation will be different depending on the type of source you are using and depending on how you introduce your quotation. Please read the sample APA research paper on pages 402-406 or the Week 7 Sample Essay (attached) to see many different examples of how to incorporate quotations into your essay. Also, review pages 425-436 for more examples.
  • You will write a References list at the end of your essay. Please refer to page 406 to see how your References page should look. Yours must be formatted exactly like this. Notice the running header at the top of the page, that References is capitalized and centered at the top of the page, that the page is double spaced, and that each entry is formatted with a “hanging indent.” See pages 415-425 to see how each entry should be written for each type of source. Since you are using the Virtual Library, however, this work is done for you. Please just click on the proper prompt, and the Virtual Library will generate the citation for you. You must then simply place it on your References page and be sure that it is formatted with double spacing and a hanging indent. Notice also that References page entries are listed alphabetically on the page.
  • You will have only three entries on your References list. The three should be from the Virtual Library. (attached 3 files in previous question)As a general rule in research, avoid beginning or ending paragraphs with quotations. Write strong topic sentences in your own words, and end each paragraph with a strong concluding sentence in your own words. Also always lead up to quotations with your own words and follow up quotations with your own words. This helps to ensure that your research paper remains “yours.” It also helps your reader understand how your quotations tie back to your thesis.

(English Essay homework help)

Remember that this is supposed to be a learning experience so you will know how to write research papers in other classes. You are not expected to already know how to write an APA style research paper.

Rubric: Argumentative/Persuasive Essay

Criteria Ratings Pts
Written using a third-person objective point of view.

10.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

10.0 pts
There is a clear introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and concluding paragraph.

10.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

10.0 pts
The introduction contains an engaging hook, background information, and a clear decisive thesis statement.

15.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

15.0 pts
Each body paragraph contains a clear topic sentence that relates to the thesis statement, support sentences, and a concluding sentence.

15.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

15.0 pts
The concluding paragraph restates the thesis and main points and effectively wraps up the essay. No new ideas are presented.

10.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

10.0 pts
Proofreading is evident to remove sentence-level errors, punctuation errors, spelling errors, and all other grammatical concerns.

20.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

20.0 pts
Draft of essay was submitted to SmarThinking and feedback was submitted as a separate attachment along with the final essay.

20.0 pts

Not Submitted – Assignment not attempted

0.0 pts

20.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
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Assignment 1: Policy Identification

Assignment 1: Policy Identification

(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)

The Cortez Family

According to the Counsel on Social Work Education, Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice:

Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by policy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and they actively engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings. Social workers recognize and understand the historical, social, cultural, economic, organizational, environmental, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation.

To prepare: Identify a social problem that is common among the organization (or its clients) and research current policies at that state and federal levels that impact the social problem. Then, from a position of advocacy, identify methods to address the social problem (i.e., how you, as a social worker, and the agency advocate to change the problem). You are expected to specifically address how both you and the agency can effectively engage policy makers to make them aware of the social problem and the impact that the policies have on the agency and clients.(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)

The Assignment (2-3 pages):

· Identify the social problem

· Explain rational for selecting social problem

· Describe state and federal policies that impact the social problem

· Identify specific methods to address the social problems

· Explain how the agency and student can advocate to change the social problem

References (use 2 or more)

Assignment 2:(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)
Comprehensive Assessment

A comprehensive understanding of a client’s presenting problems depends on the use of multiple types of assessment models. Each model gathers different information based on theoretical perspective and intent. An assessment that focuses on one area alone not only misses vital information that may be helpful in planning an intervention, but may encourage a biased evaluation that could potentially lead you to an inappropriate intervention. When gathering and reviewing a client’s history, sometimes it is easier to focus on the problems and not the positive attributes of the client. In social work, the use of a strengths perspective requires that a client’s strengths, assets, and resources must be identified and utilized. Further, using an empowerment approach in conjunction with a strengths perspective guides the practitioner to work with the client to identify shared goals. You will be asked to consider these approaches and critically analyze the multidisciplinary team’s response to the program case study of Paula Cortez.(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)

For this Assignment, review the program case study of the Cortez family.

In a 2- to 3-page paper, complete a comprehensive assessment of Paula Cortez, utilizing two of the assessment models provided in Chapter 5 of the course text.

· Using the Cowger article, identify at least two areas of strengths in Paula’s case.

· Analyze the perspectives of two members of the multidisciplinary team, particularly relative to Paula’s pregnancy.

· Explain which model the social workers appear to be using to make their assessment.

· Describe the potential for bias when choosing an assessment model and completing an evaluation.

· Suggest strategies you, as Paula’s social worker, might try to avoid these biases.

Support your Assignment with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

References (use 3 or more)

Congress, E. (2013). Assessment of adults. In M. Holosko, C. Dulmus, & K. Sowers (Eds.), Social work practice with individuals and families: Evidence-informed assessments and interventions (pp. 125–145). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Cowger, C. D. (1994). Assessing client strengths: Clinical assessment for client empowerment. Social Work, 39(3), 262–268.

Mental Measurements Yearbook. (n.d.). Lincoln, NE: Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].

· The Cortez Family (pp. 23–25)

(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)
The Cortez FamilyPaula is a 43-year-old HIV-positive Latina woman originally from Colombia. She is bilingual, fluent in both Spanish and English. Paula lives alone in an apartment in Queens, NY. She is divorced and has one son, Miguel, who is 20 years old. Paula maintains a relationship with her son and her ex-husband, David (46). Paula raised Miguel until he was 8 years old, at which time she was forced to relinquish custody due to her medical condition. Paula is severely socially isolated as she has limited contact with her family in Colombia and lacks a peer network of any kind in her neighborhood. Paula identifies as Catholic, but she does not consider religion to be a big part of her life.

Paula came from a moderately well-to-do family. She reports suffering physical and emotional abuse at the hands of both her parents, who are alive and reside in Colombia with Paula’s two siblings. Paula completed high school in Colombia, but ran away when she was 17 years old because she could no longer tolerate the abuse at home. Paula became an intravenous drug user (IVDU), particularly of cocaine and heroin. David, who was originally from New York City, was one of Paula’s “drug buddies.” The two eloped, and Paula followed David to the United States. Paula continued to use drugs in the United States for several years; however, she stopped when she got pregnant with Miguel. David continued to use drugs, which led to the failure of their marriage.

Once she stopped using drugs, Paula attended the Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) in New York City. Upon completing her BA, Paula worked for a clothing designer, but realized her true passion was painting. She has a collection of more than 100 drawings and paintings, many of which track the course of her personal and emotional journey. Paula held a full-time job for a number of years before her health prevented her from working. She is now unemployed and receives Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) and Medicaid.

Paula was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She experiences rapid cycles of mania and depression when not properly medicated, and she also has a tendency toward paranoia. Paula has a history of not complying with her psychiatric medication treatment because she does not like the way it makes her feel. She often discontinues it without telling her psychiatrist. Paula has had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations but has remained out of the hospital for at least five years. Paula accepts her bipolar diagnosis, but demonstrates limited insight into the relationship between her symptoms and her medication.

Paula was diagnosed HIV positive in 1987. Paula acquired AIDS several years later when she was diagnosed with a severe brain infection and a T-cell count less than 200. Paula’s brain infection left her completely paralyzed on the right side. She lost function of her right arm and hand, as well as the ability to walk. After a long stay in an acute care hospital in New York City, Paula was transferred to a skilled nursing facility (SNF) where she thought she would die. It is at this time that Paula gave up custody of her son. However, Paula’s condition improved gradually. After being in the SNF for more than a year, Paula regained the ability to walk, although she does so with a severe limp. She also regained some function in her right arm. Her right hand (her dominant hand) remains semiparalyzed and limp. Over the course of several years, Paula taught herself to paint with her left hand and was able to return to her beloved art. In 1996, when highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) became available, Paula began treatment. She responded well to HAART and her HIV/AIDS was well controlled.

In addition to her HIV/AIDS disease, Paula is diagnosed with hepatitis C (Hep C). While this condition was controlled, it has reached a point where Paula’s doctor is recommending she begin treatment. Paula also has significant circulatory problems, which cause her severe pain in her lower extremities. She uses prescribed narcotic pain medication to control her symptoms. Paula’s circulatory problems have also led to chronic ulcers on her feet that will not heal. Treatment for her foot ulcers demands frequent visits to a wound care clinic. Paula’s pain paired with the foot ulcers make it difficult for her to ambulate and leave her home. As with her psychiatric medication, Paula has a tendency not to comply with her medical treatment. She often disregards instructions from her doctors and resorts to holistic treatments like treating her ulcers with chamomile tea. Working with Paula can be very frustrating because she is often doing very well medically and psychiatrically. Then, out of the blue, she stops her treatment and deteriorates quickly.

I met Paula as a social worker employed at an outpatient comprehensive care clinic located in an acute care hospital in New York City. The clinic functions as an interdisciplinary operation and follows a continuity of care model. As a result, clinic patients are followed by their physician and social worker on an outpatient basis and on an inpatient basis when admitted to the hospital. Thus, social workers interact not only with doctors from the clinic, but also with doctors from all services throughout the hospital.

After working with Paula for almost six months, she called to inform me that she was pregnant. Her news was shocking because she did not have a boyfriend and never spoke of dating. Paula explained that she met a man at a flower shop, they spoke several times, he visited her at her apartment, and they had sex. Paula thought he was a “stand up guy,” but recently everything had changed. Paula began to suspect that he was using drugs because he had started to become controlling and demanding. He showed up at her apartment at all times of the night demanding to be let in. He called her relentlessly, and when she did not pick up the phone, he left her mean and threatening messages. Paula was fearful for her safety.

The Cortez Family

David Cortez: father, 46

Paula Cortez: mother, 43

Miguel Cortez: son, 20

Given Paula’s complex medical profile and her psychiatric diagnosis, her doctor, psychiatrist, and I were concerned about Paula maintaining the pregnancy. We not only feared for Paula’s and the baby’s health, but also for how Paula would manage caring for a baby. Paula also struggled with what she should do about her pregnancy. She seriously considered having an abortion. However, her Catholic roots paired with seeing an ultrasound of the baby reinforced her desire to go through with the pregnancy.

The primary focus of treatment quickly became dealing with Paula’s relationship with the baby’s father. During sessions with her psychiatrist and me, Paula reported feeling fearful for her safety. The father’s relentless phone calls and voicemails rattled Paula. She became scared, slept poorly, and her paranoia increased significantly. During a particular session, Paula reported that she had started smoking to cope with the stress she was feeling. She also stated that she had stopped her psychiatric medication and was not always taking her HAART. When we explored the dangers of Paula’s actions, both to herself and the baby, she indicated that she knew what she was doing was harmful but she did not care. After completing a suicide assessment, I was convinced that Paula was decompensating quickly and at risk of harming herself and/or her baby. I consulted with her psychiatrist, and Paula was involuntarily admitted to the psychiatric unit of the hospital. Paula was extremely angry at me for the admission. She blamed me for “locking her up” and not helping her. Paula remained on the unit for 2 weeks. During this stay she restarted her medications and was stabilized. I tried to visit Paula on the unit, but the first two times I showed up she refused to see me. Eventually, Paula did agree to see me. She was still angry, but she was able to see that I had acted with her best interest in mind, and we were able to repair our relationship. As Paula prepared for discharge, she spoke more about the father and the stress that had driven her to the admission in the first place. Paula agreed that despite her fears she had to do something about the situation. I helped Paula develop a safety plan, educated her about filing for a restraining order, and referred her to the AIDS Law Project, a not-for-profit organization that helps individuals with HIV handle legal issues. With my support and that of her lawyer, Paula filed a police report and successfully got the restraining order. Once the order was served, the phone calls and visits stopped, and Paula regained a sense of control over her life.(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)

From a medical perspective, Paula’s pregnancy was considered “high risk” due to her complicated medical situation. Throughout her pregnancy, Paula remained on HAART, pain, and psychiatric medication, and treatment for her Hep C was postponed. During the pregnancy the ulcers on Paula’s feet worsened and she developed a severe bone infection, ostemeylitis, in two of her toes. Without treatment the infection was extremely dangerous to both Paula and her baby. Paula was admitted to a medical unit in the hospital where she started a 2-week course of intravenous (IV) antibiotics. Unfortunately, the antibiotics did not work, and Paula had to have portions of two of her toes amputated with limited anesthesia due to the pregnancy, extending her hospital stay to nearly a month.

The condition of Paula’s feet heightened my concern and the treatment team’s concerns about Paula’s ability to care for her baby. There were multiple factors to consider. In the immediate term, Paula was barely able to walk and was therefore unable to do anything to prepare for the baby’s arrival (e.g., gather supplies, take parenting class, etc.). In the medium term, we needed to address how Paula was going to care for the baby day-to-day, and we needed to think about how she would care for the baby at home given her physical limitations (i.e., limited ability to ambulate and limited use of her right hand) and her current medical status. In addition, we had to consider what she would do with the baby if she required another hospitalization. In the long term, we needed to think about permanency planning for the baby or for what would happen to the baby if Paula died. While Paula recognized the importance of all of these issues, her anxiety level was much lower than mine and that of her treatment team. Perhaps she did not see the whole picture as we did, or perhaps she was in denial. She repeatedly told me, “I know, I know. I’m just going to do it. I raised my son and I am going to take care of this baby too.” We really did not have an answer for her limited emotional response, we just needed to meet her where she was and move on. One of the things that amazed me most about Paula was that she had a great ability to rally people around her. Nurses, doctors, social workers: we all wanted to help her even when she tried to push us away.

While Paula was in the hospital unit, we were able to talk about the baby’s care and permanency planning. Through these discussions, Paula’s social isolation became more and more evident. Paula had not told her parents in Colombia that she was having a baby. She feared their disapproval and she stated, “I can’t stand to hear my mother’s negativity.” Miguel and David were aware of the pregnancy, but they each had their own lives. David was remarried with children, and Miguel was working and in school full-time. The idea of burdening him with her needs was something Paula would not consider. There was no one else in Paula’s life. Therefore, we were forced to look at options outside of Paula’s limited social network.

Key to Acronyms(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)



Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome



Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy



Human Immunodeficiency Virus



Intravenous Drug User



Skilled Nursing Facility



Supplemental Security Insurance


WIC:(Assignment 1: Policy Identification)

Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and   Children

After a month in the hospital, Paula went home with a surgical boot, instructions to limit bearing weight on her foot, and a list of referrals from me. Paula and I agreed to check in every other day by telephone. My intention was to monitor how she was feeling, as well as her progress with the referrals I had given her. I also wanted to provide her with support and encouragement that she was not getting from anywhere else. On many occasions, I hung up the phone frustrated with Paula because of her procrastination and lack of follow-through. But ultimately she completed what she needed to for the baby’s arrival. Paula successfully applied for WIC, the federal Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, and was also able to secure a crib and other baby essentials.

Paula delivered a healthy baby girl. The baby was born HIV negative and received the appropriate HAART treatment after birth. The baby spent a week in the neonatal intensive care unit, as she had to detox from the effects of the pain medication Paula took throughout her pregnancy. Given Paula’s low income, health, and Medicaid status, Paula was able to apply for and receive 24/7 in-home child care assistance through New York’s public assistance program. Depending on Paula’s health and her need for help, this arrangement can be modified as deemed appropriate. Miguel did take a part in caring for his half sister, but his assistance was limited. Ultimately, Paula completed the appropriate permanency planning paperwork with the assistance of the organization The Family Center. She named Miguel the baby’s guardian should something happen to her.

(Plummer 23-25)

Plummer, Sara-Beth, Sara Makris, Sally Brocksen. Sessions: Case Histories. Laureate Publishing, 02/2014. VitalBook file.

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Assessment Guide

Assessment Guide

(Assessment Guide)

Psychological assessment guides are created by psychology professionals to provide the public with accurate and authoritative information appropriate for their current needs. Information available to the public about psychological testing and assessment varies widely depending on the professional creating it, the purpose of the assessment, and the intended audience. When professionals effectively educate the public on the howwhat, and why behind assessments and the strengths and limitations of commonly used instruments, potential clients are in a better position to be informed users of assessment products and services. The Assessment Guides developed in this course will be designed to provide the lay public with accurate and culturally relevant information to aid them in making informed decisions about psychological testing. Students will develop their Guides with the goal of educating readers to be informed participants in the assessment process.

There is no required template for the development of the Assessment Guide. Students are encouraged to be creative while maintaining the professional appearance of their work. The Guide must be reader-friendly (sixth- to ninth-grade reading level) and easy to navigate, and it must include a combination of text, images, and graphics to engage readers in the information provided. Throughout their Guides, students will provide useful examples and definitions as well as questions readers should ask their practitioners. To ensure accuracy, students are expected to use only scholarly and peer-reviewed sources for the information in the development of their Guides.

Students will begin their Guides with a general overview of assessment, reasons for assessment referrals, and the importance of the role of each individual in the process. Within each of the remaining sections, students will describe the types of assessments that their readers may encounter, the purposes of each type of assessment, the different skills and abilities the instruments measure, the most valid and reliable uses of the measures, and limitations of the measures. A brief section will be included to describe the assessment process, the types of professionals who conduct the assessments, and what to expect during the assessment meetings.

The Assessment Guide must include the following sections:

Table of Contents (Portrait orientation must be used for the page layout of this section.)
In this one-page section, students must list the following subsections and categories of assessments.

·         Introduction and Overview

·         Tests of Intelligence

·         Tests of Achievement

·         Tests of Ability

·         Neuropsychological Testing

·         Personality Testing

·         Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment

·         Forensic Assessment

·         Special Topics (student’s choice)

·         References

Section 1: Introduction and Overview (Portrait or landscape orientation may be used for the page layout of this section.)
Students will begin their Guides with a general overview of assessment. In this two-page section, students will briefly address the major aspects of the assessment process. Students are encouraged to develop creative titles for these topics that effectively communicate the meanings to the intended audience.

·         Definition of a Test (e.g., What is a Test?)

·         Briefly define psychological assessment.

·         Types of Tests

·         Identify the major categories of psychological assessment.

·         Reliability and Validity

·         Briefly define the concepts of reliability and validity as they apply to psychological assessment.

·         Role of testing and assessment in the diagnostic process

·         Briefly explain role of assessment in diagnosis.

·         Professionals Who Administer Tests

·         Briefly describe the types of professionals involved in various assessment processes.

·         Culture and Testing

·         Briefly describe issues of cultural diversity as it applies to psychological assessment.

Categories of Assessment (Portrait or landscape orientation may be used for the page layout of this section.)
For each of the following, students will create a two-page information sheet or pamphlet to be included in the Assessment Guide. For each category of assessment, students will include the required content listed in the PSY640 Content for Testing Pamphlets and Information Sheets (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Be sure to reference the content requirements (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. prior to completing each of the information sheets on the following categories of assessment.

·         Tests of Intelligence

·         Tests of Achievement

·         Tests of Ability

·         Neuropsychological Testing

·         Personality Testing

·         Industrial, Occupational, and Career Assessment

·         Forensic Assessment

·         Special Topics (Students will specify which topic they selected for this pamphlet or information sheet. Additional instructions are noted below.)

Special Topics (Student’s Choice)
In addition to the required seven categories of assessment listed above, students will develop an eighth information sheet or pamphlet that includes information targeted either at a specific population or about a specific issue related to psychological assessment not covered in one of the previous sections. Students may choose from one of the following categories:

·         Testing Preschool-Aged Children

·         Testing Elementary School-Aged Children

·         Testing Adolescents

·         Testing Geriatric Patients

·         Testing First Generation Immigrants

·         Testing in Rural Communities

·         Testing English Language Learners

·         Testing Individuals Who Are (Select one: Deaf, Blind, Quadriplegic)

·         Testing Individuals Who Are Incarcerated

·         Testing for Competency to Stand Trial

·         Testing in Child Custody Cases

References (Portrait orientation must be used for the page layout of this section.)
Include a separate reference section that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.The reference list must consist entirely of scholarly sources. For the purposes of this assignment, assessment manuals, the course textbook, chapters from graduate-level textbooks, chapters from professional books, and peer-reviewed journal articles may be used as resource material. A minimum of 16 unique scholarly sources including a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles published within the last 10 years from the Ashford University Library must be used within the Assessment Guide. The bulleted list of credible professional and/or educational online resources required for each assessment area will not count toward these totals.

The Assessment Guide

·         Must be 18 pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

·         Must include a separate title page with the following:

o    Title of guide

o    Student’s name

o    Course name and number

o    Instructor’s name

o    Date submitted

·         Must use at least 16 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles from the Ashford University Library.

·         Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

·         Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

·         Must incorporate at least three different methods of presenting information (e.g., text, graphics, images, original cartoons).



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Causes Of Pelvic Pain

MN577 Discussion Board: Common Causes Of Pelvic Pain – Peer Response

(Causes Of Pelvic Pain)

Will need minimum of 150 words for each response, APA Style, double spaced, times new roman, font 12, and and Include: (1 reference for each response within years 2015-2018) with intext citation.

Peer Resp.#1


When it comes to women’s health, pelvic pain is a serious condition that needs to be examined carefully and seriously.  Pelvic pain is a common problem among women and in primary care office, and it is seen in approximately in one to two percentage of women (Dunphy et al., 2015).  The nature and intensity of the pain may fluctuate, and its cause is often unclear.  According to Dunphy et al., (2015) pelvic pain is characterized as acute, chronic or recurrent and reported in both pelvic or lower abdomen.  Speer, Mushkbar, & Erbele (2016) define Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) as a persistent, noncyclic pain perceived to be in structures related to the pelvis, lasting more than six months, and does not show any signs of improvement with treatment.  Due to the multiple possible causes to develop CPP, the diagnosis could be difficult and must be done with care.  The cause of the pelvic pain might stem from genitourinary, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal system disease or dysfunction which could cause sudden acute pain. (Dunphy et al., 2015).  CPP is not a direct diagnosis, but rather a condition that is caused by numerous factors or another medical disease.   The most prevalent and medically significant causes are cancers, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and general medical issues with the intestines and reproductive organs (Passavanti, Pota, & Sansone, 2017).  Ovarian cancer, chlamydia, and ovarian cysts are all potential causes that could be extremely serious for the patient and could even be life threatening.  On the other hand, it could be simple ache or pain caused by relatively benign reasons (Speer, Mushkbar, & Erbele, 2016).  Chronic or recurrent pelvic pain is less urgent; and recurrent pain could be associated or not with menstruation (Dunphy et al., 2015).  The origin of CPP could be related to benign or malignant neoplasms or characterized as psychogenic. (Dunphy et al., 2015).


Pain is a subjective symptom, and healthcare professionals cannot experience the pain that the patient is experiencing.  However, there are procedures that can help with assessment and diagnosis.  First, when assessing pelvic pain, a solid interview with the patient should be conducted, including the use of pain scales, questionnaires, and direct statements from the patient (Passavanti, Pota, & Sansone, 2017).  Severe persisting pain that has been present for an extended period should be evaluated and taken as a potential cause for professional diagnosis.  Due to the sheer amount of potential conditions that could cause pelvic pain, being able to narrow down possible causes is extremely important.  Therefore, other factors must be put into consideration to make a good differential diagnosis.  Lifford & Barbieri (2002) state that evaluating potential pre-existing conditions such as depression, narcotic dependency, and physical, sexual, or emotional abuse is crucial when diagnosing pelvic pain.   In the case that patients state that the pain is unbearable and severely affects their everyday life, referral to emergency department must be recommended to get promptly treatment.  Overall, the diagnosis and evaluation of pelvic pain cannot be taken lightly and should be done with caution to implement an adequate treatment with good health outcomes, which could give to the patient a better quality of life.  The determination when and why one would refer a patient for diagnostics and second opinions is based upon by the physical exam and tests, treatments might include medicines, surgical procedures, physical therapy and pain management techniques.


Peer Resp.#2


There are many different causes of pelvic pain in women. Pelvic pain is defined as pain that is felt in the lower part of the abdomen or pelvis and can be caused from urinary, reproductive/sexual, musculoskeletal, or digestive issues (Mayo Clinic, 2018). One of the causes can be due to uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids, also referred to as leiomyomas, are noncancerous growths in the uterus that can cause pain, abnormal bleeding, pelvic pressure, constipation, and back aches (Mayo Clinic, 2018). Uterine fibroids are most commonly seen in patients who are in child bearing years and they can vary in size, shape, and symptom severity. Fibroids do not generally interfere with conceiving; however, they can lead to placental abruption, preterm delivery, and fetal growth restriction if not managed properly. (Mayo Clinic, 2018).

This patient would be referred to a GYN specialist and surgeon, have a pelvic ultrasound obtained with results sent to both the primary and GYN. The GYN specialist, surgeon, and patient can discuss a treatment plan such as expectant management, laparoscopic myomectomy, or hysterectomy. (Mayo Clinic, 2018)

The steps to writing a referral involve the diagnosis and chief complaint, plan of care such as the ultrasound, and the NP should plan to see the patient in 2 weeks for ultrasound review and to discuss the patient’s plan going forward.

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Financial Analysis: Dowling Sportswear NPV

Financial Analysis: Dowling Sportswear NPV

(Financial Analysis: Dowling Sportswear NPV)

Net present value calculation Dowling Sportswear, Accounting Assignment Homework Help

Question description

Question 1: (10 points). (Net present value calculation) Dowling Sportswear is considering building a new factory to produce aluminum baseball bats. This project would require an initial cash outlay of $4,000,000 and would generate annual net cash inflows of $900,000 per year for 7 years. Calculate the project’s NPV using a discount rate of 5 percent. (Round to the nearest dollar.)

a. If the discount rate is 5 percent, then the project’s NPV is: $

Question 2: (30 points). (Net present value calculation) Big Steve’s, makers of swizzle sticks, is considering the purchase of a new plastic stamping machine. This investment requires an initial outlay of $90,000 and will generate net cash inflows of $19,000 per year for 11 years. To answer Choose an item questions, click on the orange text and use the pull down menu to select the best answer.

a. What is the project’s NPV using a discount rate of 7 percent? (Round to the nearest dollar.)

If the discount rate is 7 percent, then the project’s NPV is: $

Should the project be accepted?

The project Choose an item. accepted because the NPV is Choose an item. and therefore Choose an item. value to the firm.

b. What is the project’s NPV using a discount rate of 16 percent?

If the discount rate is 16 percent, then the project’s NPV is: $

Should the project be accepted?

The project Choose an item. accepted because the NPV is Choose an item. and therefore Choose an item. value to the firm.

If the project’s required discount rate is 16%, then the project Choose an item. accepted because the IRR is Choose an item. Than the required discount rate.

c. What is this project’s internal rate of return? (Round to two decimal places.)

This project’s internal rate of return is:   %

Should the project be accepted? Why or why not?

If the project’s required discount rate is 7%, then the project Choose an item. accepted because the IRR is Choose an item. the required discount rate.

If the project’s required discount rate is 16%, then the project Choose an item. accepted because the IRR is Choose an item. the required discount rate.

Question 3: (15 points). (Related to Checkpoint 11.2) (Equivalent annual cost calculation) Barry Boswell is a financial analyst for Dossman Metal Works, Inc. and he is analyzing two alternative configurations for the firm’s new plasma cutter shop. The two alternatives that are denoted A and B below perform the same task and although they each cost to purchase and install they offer very different cash flows. Alternative A has a useful life of 7 years whereas Alternative B will only last for 3 years. The after-tax cash flows from the two projects are as follows:(Financial Analysis: Dowling Sportswear NPV)

a. Calculate each project’s equivalent annual cost (EAC) given a discount rate of 10 percent. (Round to the nearest cent.)

a. Alternative A’s equivalent annual cost (EAC) at a discount rate of 10% is: $
b. Alternative B’s equivalent annual cost (EAC) at a discount rate of 10% is $

b. Which of the alternatives do you think Barry should select? Why? (Select the best choice below.)

a.  This cannot be determined from the information provided.

b.  Alternative B should be selected because its equivalent annual cost is less per year than the annual equivalent cost for Alternative A.

c.  Alternative A should be selected because its equivalent annual cost is less per year than the annual equivalent cost for Alternative B.

d.  Alternative A should be selected because it has the highest NPV.


Question 4: (10 points). (IRR calculation) What is the internal rate of return for the following project: An initial outlay of $9,000 resulting in a single cash inflow of $15,424 in 7 years. (Round to the nearest whole percent.)

a. The internal rate of return for the project is:   %

Question 5: (10 points). (IRR calculation) Jella Cosmetics is considering a project that costs $750,000 and is expected to last for 9 years and produce future cash flows of $180,000 per year. If the appropriate discount rate for this project is 17 percent, what is the project’s IRR? (Round to two decimal places.)

a. The project’s IRR is:   %

Question 6: (10 points) (IRR, payback, and calculating a missing cash flow) Mode Publishing is considering a new printing facility that will involve a large initial outlay and then result in a series of positive cash flows for four years. The estimated cash flows associated with this project are:

If you know that the project has a regular payback of 2.9 years, what is the project’s internal rate of return?

a. The IRR of the project is:   %

Question 7: (15 points) (Mutually exclusive projects and NPV) You have been assigned the task of evaluating two mutually exclusive projects with the following projected cash flows:

If the appropriate discount rate on these projects is 11 percent, which would be chosen and why? (Round to the nearest cent.)

a. The NPV of Project A is: $
b. The NPV of Project B is: $

Which project would be chosen and why? (Select the best choice below.)

a.  Cannor choose without comparing their IRRs.

b.  Choose A because its NPV is higher.

c.  Choose both because they both have positive NPVs.

d.  Choose B because its NPV is higher.

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Global Economic Strategy and Leadership

Global Economic Strategy and Leadership

(Global Economic Strategy and Leadership)

business help please no plagiarized material

Question description

original work only no plagiarism

Please complete each part and follow each instructions for the parts

Please don’t use any plagiarizes materials

Part one

Resources: National Bureau of Economic Research

Develop a 2,100-word economic outlook that includes the following:

  • Using data from the above link to the NBER, and other sources, analyze the history of changes in U. S. GDP, Inflation, and Unemployment and compare to each of their forecasts for the next five years.
  • Discuss how government policies, such as fiscal and monetary, can influence economic growth.
  • Analyze how monetary policy could influence the long-run behavior of inflation rates, and other real or nominal variables.
  • Describe how trade deficits or surpluses can influence the growth of productivity and GDP.
  • Discuss the importance of the market for loanable funds and the market for foreign-currency exchange to our economic growth.
  • Recommend, based on your above findings, what the government should do to encourage economic growth

Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources from the University Library.

Use the university of phoenix library to set sources and also in text citations go to www.phoenixedu to find the library that have sources

Part 2

This part is a team collaboration so only write on what I highlighted and give me about one source and write about 300 words on my bulletin topic. The country will be japan.

Assignment Steps

Resources: National Bureau of Economic Research

Scenario: The organization’s strategic plan calls for an aggressive growth plan, requiring investment in facilities and equipment, growth in productivity, and labor over the next five years. It is your team’s task to determine where, outside the United States, your organization should locate its new manufacturing plant.

Write a 1,050-word report recommending an off-shore country and support your choice with the following data:

  • The factors determining the selected country’s productivity
  • How the selected country’s policies influence its productivity growth
  • How the selected country’s financial system is related to key macroeconomic variables: GDP, Unemployment & Inflation
  • How your organization can reduce the risks they would face in relocating
  • The selected country’s current and projected unemployment rate over the next five years

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources not including your textbook.

Format the assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Part 3

On this part I have highlighted what I need did. I need you to write at least 180 words on what I highlighted and add in text citation with reference this is a group assignment on this part so do only what I highlighted. I will submit another document to help get started on this assignment

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Write the Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship section for your Capstone project (a minimum of 500 words). Refer to Chapter 12 in the textbook for additional information. Be sure to address the following questions:

1.What is the leader’s sphere of influence in your organization? Based on this, what impact can the leader have on the implementation of your business plan?

2.What potential leadership bias could impact the development or progress of your organization’s development?

3.What hurdles do you anticipate?

4.What leadership style(s) will a leader in your organization have to demonstrate? How could you incorporate Servant Leadership?

5.What are potential strengths and weaknesses as they relate to your business?

6.How can the leadership in your organization impact and influence others and deliver the results you expect?

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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Virtual Versus Physical Conversations

Virtual Versus Physical Conversations: Analyzing Interaction Dynamics

(Virtual Versus Physical Conversations)



You are to gather and analyze conversations comparing virtual to face-to-face interactions.

  • Begin by creating a brief 5 question opinion survey/interview on a topic of interest. This should include open-ended questions so that the people surveyed can elaborate on their answers.

Please be mindful of using open questions in your survey. These are questions that require an explanation / more than a few words. Here are some examples: What are some of the things you like about this class?  What are the challenges of going to school while working full time?  How is an online class different from a face-to-face class?  What types of activities do you enjoy in your class?  Describe the consequences of getting behind.  Avoid closed questions. These are questions that can be answered with a couple words and offer no explanation. Here are examples:  How many classes are you taking this semester? What classes are you taking this semester? When do you have class? Do you think you are going to pass? Did you turn in all your assignments? Are the tests hard? When is the semester over?

  • Complete the survey/interview with 3 people face-to-face then complete the same survey/interview with 3 people using virtual communication such as email, text messaging, chat room, discussion board, or any other virtual means that you wish to use.
  • To prepare your essay, think critically about your results.

Determine what your thesis is and state it clearly and concisely. It should briefly introduce your topic but more importantly should indicate how virtual interaction compares and contrasts with face-to-face interaction.This will be the first sentence of your essay.

In the body of your essay, you should include your survey-interview questions but it is not necessary to include your participants’ answers. Focus on the answers to these questions and compare and contrast the 2 sets of information. Were your results what you expected? How were they similar; how were they different? Was it easier to interact virtually or face-to-face? What were the challenges? What were the advantages of meeting face-to-face verses meeting virtually? What were the disadvantages of each way? How did the differences in the following seem to influence the nature of the responses: physical distance, anonymity, richness of communication, visual cues, time? You will want to be very thorough in the body as this is a very large percentage of your grade on the essay.

Your conclusion should summarize how virtual interaction with people compares and contrasts with face-to-face interaction reaffirming your thesis without restating it. This is where you conclude with an overall summary describing your insight into what the findings mean to you and what you learned about yourself in reference to your psychological well-being and the method of communication that proves more effective.

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(HMLS495) Personal Leadership Portfolio

Homeland Security (HMLS 495) Personal Leadership Portfolio

((HMLS495) Personal Leadership Portfolio)

Question description

The final course deliverable, the Personal Leadership Portfolio, is created by incorporating targeted leadership knowledge development, self-assessment assignments, and homeland security or public safety leadership analysis. The portfolio represents a personal understanding and plan of public safety leadership based on the course research, module content, discussions, reports, simulation, and your leadership performance.

The process requires weekly demonstration of leadership knowledge development through conference discussion opportunities and leadership self-assessment assignments. The submissions are assessed for accuracy and completeness against project requirements and ensure that the development of leadership knowledge, assessment, and analysis provides a maximum foundation for the sequential portfolio development. The completed personal leadership portfolio correlates with professional homeland security and public safety leadership best practices, resulting in a tangible product that can become a base for future leadership development.

> Assessment Sequence

The project is made up of sequential steps that constitute the required actions of semester-long portfolio development. The process assessment utilizes a recommended portfolio document structure.

1. Gather—the gathering of course and outside leadership materials and resources.
2. Research—narrowing the focus of academic and anecdotal leadership topics to professional homeland security or public safety leadership topics.
3. Organize—establish an information-handling process in order to coordinate resources, sources, and gathered data. Monitor for policy topic research completeness through use of an information-handling and organization process.
4. Analyze and evaluate—compare, contrast, and judge resource material to develop cogent documentation.
5. Assess—assimilate personal leadership history report results with cogent documentation, demonstrating the nexus between personal leadership history and data with academic and anecdotal resources. This step may also include assessing past leadership opportunities for lessons learned.
6. Apply—based on steps 1-5, determine personal leadership styles and traits and how the determination can be applied in a professional homeland security or public safety setting. This step will also include personal leadership strengths and challenges for future development.
7. Create a personal leadership development plan for your future in public safety.

> Personal Leadership Portfolio Document Structure and Content Topics((HMLS495) Personal Leadership Portfolio)

The body of the Personal Leadership Portfolio shall be at least 12 pages, excluding other material such as the cover page, table of contents, abstract, graphics and tables, and references. The paper shall be presented in APA (6th edition) format, all margins should be 1”, 12 point font, and be in either Arial or New Times Roman font style. In the following descending order of preference, information sources must be either peer-reviewed articles, government reports, or other sources approved by your instructor. Internet information sources from other than authoritative sources are discouraged. See the Personal Leadership Portfolio grading rubric for more information. The personal leadership portfolio shall cover all of the following topics:

  • presentation and discussion of academic and anecdotal resource materials
  • deconstruction of current homeland security or public safety leadership
  • identification of acceptable and effective professional homeland security or public safety leadership principles
  • collation of data from personal leadership self-assessment assignments
  • comparison and contrast of self-assessment data, to include applicability, with best practices and identified leadership principles
  • presentation and discussion of future personal leadership development and opportunity

The completed personal leadership portfolio correlates with professional homeland security and public safety leadership best practices, resulting in a tangible product that can become a base for future leadership development.

Hide Rubrics

Rubric Name: Personal Leadership Portfolio Rubric((HMLS495) Personal Leadership Portfolio)

Follows and exceeds expectations noted in instructions Follows instructions Follows some but not all instructions. Gestures toward instructions but demonstrates little comprehension or competency Disregards instructions
Can earn betwee 9-10 points. Demonstrates a high degree of originality, insight and/or problem-solving skill Shows some originality, insight and/or problem-solving skill Shows minimally acceptable originality, insight and/or problem-solving skill Demonstrates very little creative thought or insight; consists mostly of second-hand ideas Can earn betwee 0-5 points. Shows no original thought; all second-hand ideas
No APA style errors No more than three APA style errors More than four or five APA style errors More than six APA style errors No attempt at APA style
Can earn from 27-30 points. Thoroughly and insightfully explores, explains and supports each idea. Can earn from 24-26 points. Develops and supports key points. Can earn from 21-23 points. Inconsistently develops and supports ideas. Can earn from 18-20 points. Inadequately or ineffectively explains and defends ideas. Can earn from 0-17 points. Does not make a meaningful attempt to explain or support ideas.
Can earn from 9-10 points. Demonstrates comprehension of all source material; integrates sources appropriately and effectively Most source material is appropriate, but some if not fully explained or integrated into the paper Source material is not consistently appropriate or integrated into the paper Source material is rarely appropriate and/or rarely integrated into the paper Can earn from 0-5 points. No use of source material
Can earn between 9-10 points. Demonstrates comprehension of all source material; integrates sources appropriately and effectively Most ideas are presented clearly but sometimes too simplistically Wordy; some points require rereading to understand fully Unclear and difficult to understand Can earn from 0-5 points. Largely incomprehensible
Can earn from 18-20 points. Clear, specific linkages between course material and leadership style. Can earn from 16-17 points. Most points of leadership style are linked to course material. Can earn from 14-15 points. Partial links to course material. Can earn from 12-13 points. Vague links to course material. Can earn from 0-11 points. No linkages provided.
Can earn from 9-10 points. References from part 1 used in part 1, analysis from part 1 can be easily identified in part 2. No references from part 1 used, analysis only partly incorporated. 50% of history report used. Less than 25% of history report used Can earn from 0-5 points. No portion of history report used.
Overall Score
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Critical Thinking Assignment 1

Critical Thinking Assignment 1

(Critical Thinking Assignment 1)

Question description

The specific 6 elements and tasks of the ARC

The Assessment Rubric for Critical Thinking (ARC) Assessment Profile is a written demonstration of your competence to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a legal problem and create a bridge between theory and application.

A successful ARC project will demonstrate your ability to examine, question, critique, modify, and reflect on a healthcare issue associated with healthcare compliance. This will include utilizing your critical thinking skills to intellectually explore and critically examine a problem/issue, develop a perspective on this problem/issue and provide support in favor of your perspective.

ARC Assignment Profile

The ARC is a ‘tool’ to evaluate critical thinking. The specific 6 elements and tasks of the ARC that you will be graded on include:

1.Communication: Define the problem in your own words.

2.Analysis: Compare & contrast the available solutions within the scenario.

3.Problem Solving: Select one of the available solutions and defend it as your chosen solution.

4.Evaluation: Identify the weaknesses of your chosen solution.

5.SynthesisSuggest ways to improve/strengthen your chosen solution.

6.Reflection: Reflect on your own thought process after completing the assignment.

a.“What did you learn from this process?”

b.“What would you do differently next time to improve?”

Review the scenario described below.Then answer the questions in an APA style format utilizing your textbook, the internet and the information provided within the scenario to support your analysis. Make sure that you thoroughly respond to each goal as well as each of the questions posed within the goal to successfully complete the assignment.

Scenario #1:

The suspect in a robbery was fleeing from police, when he crossed into oncoming traffic and collided head on with John Doe’s truck, severely injuring Doe, and killing himself. Mr. Doe was airlifted to the local hospital burn unit.

Police investigating the robbery and the ensuing accident demanded that hospital personnel draw blood from the victim, John Doe.

The nurse told police that she was not allowed to draw blood from an unconscious patient. She further stated that police did not have a warrant and could therefore not collect blood samples from a badly injured patient. Furthermore, she reiterated that the patient was not conscious, so he could not give consent.

Choose your perspective for this assignment – you may decide to represent the hospital, nurse, victim, or the police.

ARC Assessment Profile
Goal 1: Communication: Define the problem in your own words.
Questions: a. Identify the main idea or problem in the scenario.
(If applicable, include a brief description of the policy and law that was violated).b. Support your choice of the main idea or problem with
details and examples.

c. Organize your findings (details & examples) in a logical and coherent format.

ARC Assessment Profile
Goal 2: Analysis: Compare & contrast the available solutions within the scenario.


Questions: a. Identify 2 possible solutions for the issue and/or problem.

b. Compare and contrast the pros and cons for each solution.

c. Choose one solution you believe is the best one for addressing/solving the issue and or problem.

ARC Assessment Profile
Goal 3: Problem Solving: Select one of the available solutions and defend it as your chosen solution.
Questions: a. Defend your chosen solution.

b. Back up your choice through facts and or evidence that support your solution.

ARC Assessment Profile
Goal 4: Evaluation: Identify the weaknesses of your chosen solution. 


Questions: a. Identify any areas of weakness within your chosen solution.

b. Identify hidden assumptions and beliefs you may harbor about your choice of solution.

ARC Assessment Profile
Goal 5: Synthesis: Suggest ways to improve/strengthen your chosen solution (may use information not contained within the scenario). 
Questions: a. Identify concepts and ideas from multiple sources that improve or strengthen your solution.

b. Identify any new information and the impact that new information may or may not have on your solution.

c. Identify potential missing information and the impact that missing information may or may not have on your solution.

ARC Assessment Profile
Goal 6: Reflection: Reflect on your own thought process after completing the assignment. 
Questions: a. Identify the strengths and weaknesses in your thought process with this project.

b. Was there bias in your thinking?

c. What did you learn from doing this project?

d. What would you do in a different manner to improve your critical thinking skills process?

Submit your completed assignment into the designated drop box.

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