Restrictions roles of nurse practitioners

Restrictions of roles of nurse practitioners and advanced practice nurses in certain states

(Restrictions roles of nurse practitioners)

Question description

I need to write an essay on this topic and here are the instructions:

For this Assignment, Abstract and Position Paper, you will search for a scholarly journal to publish to. You will follow your selected journal’s guidelines for creating a position paper, except that your word count (for the body section of your paper, which excludes the abstract, title page, and references sections) will be 1200-1800 words. You will write an abstract for your paper as if it were going to be published. (The abstract is not the type of abstract you would submit in a paper but one you would write if submitting a paper for publication.) If your selected journal has guidelines for the abstract, follow those guidelines.

You must support your work with at least eight scholarly peer reviewed articles. Your literature review must evaluate quantitative and qualitative data from research articles. In addition, you must gather and analyze data and make a valid assumptions based on reasoning.

You must also link to the journal’s publishing guidelines, at the bottom of your paper. If there is no link, include a copy of the publishing guidelines in an Appendix to your paper.

You will write your position paper on your chosen policy change as if you were writing for your chosen journal. Your paper must include the following topics:

  • Abstract per instructions
  • Current situation necessitating the change
  • The proposed policy change
  • Agenda setting
  • A model or theory that can be used to bring about the change
  • Design strategies
  • Implementation strategies
  • Evaluation strategies
  • Conclusion

This Assignment presents a great opportunity for you to hone your writing skills and collaborate on working on an article for publication. You do not have to actually publish the article, but you may want to continue working with your group and your instructor to do so.

To view the Grading Rubric for this Assignment, please visit the Grading Rubrics section of the Course Resources.

Assignment Requirements

Before finalizing your work, you should:

  • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
  • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Resources) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
  • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.

Your writing Assignment should:

  • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.);
  • be well orderedlogical, and unified, as well as original and insightful;
  • display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics; and
  • use APA
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Unified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical Response

Reply to 2 post, simple masters level:Unified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical ResponseUnified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical Response

(Unified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical Response)

Question description

classmate #1- 460 words, apart style, biblical and scholarly references need be included in reply(Unified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical Response)

Improving LGBTQ Health: Nursing Policy Can Make a Difference” discussed the strategies that can be taken by nursing organizations and individual nurses to address the needs of this minority population. LGBTQ consists of people that identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning/queer. There has also been an addition of inter-sex with a multitude of other identities that comprise this population. Organized advocacy for the LGBTQ population started in the 1950s, however the most prominent event that propelled this movement into the spotlight was the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City. This sparked an outrage in response to discrimination in housing, employment, health care, and other social institutions. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the early 1980’s was also a pivotal moment for this population, which initially caused a pointing of fingers, but then subsequently gained support for fair treatment. As of today, same-sex marriage is legal in all states within the United States. Despite the increasing social acceptance of homosexuality, the evidence suggests that the LGBTQ population continue to face significant health disparities (Lim & Hsu, 2016).

Nurses were very active in advocating for the HIV/AIDS crisis, which they supported funding, care, and a call to the end to discrimination against people with HIV/AIDS. Despite the many tactics that nurse’s and nursing organizations have undertaken to impact the HIV/AIDS crisis, the profession has been inconsistent with supporting this population’s issues in practice, education, research, and organizational policy (Keepnews, 2011). The most important and initial task of any organization is to develop anti-discrimination policies. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Joint Commission, and Institutes of Medicine have all implemented anti-discrimination initiatives to ensure equal rights for the LGBTQ population.

The impacts of politics on policies in associations, interest groups, and the LGBTQ community is very important. The rights of these individuals were the result of policy formation, support from interest groups and people in the community creating awareness. Decisions that are made in the United States are fueled by politicians and other support groups. We have gone from illegal same-sex marriage to legal same-sex marriage for the United States. This was unheard of in year’s past, so the changes in the world continue to evolve as all people are striving to be created equal.

There are challenges to this advocacy from a Christian perspective because of our beliefs. Our Christian principles and values are more geared towards heterosexual relationships; however, our views are needed in this world today. Participation is imperative to be that voice from a Christian perspective. All nurses should be aware of the biases and stereotypes for this population and ensure that these biases and stereotypes are not interfering with the quality of care for these patients. God has called us to be good stewards and to avoid judgement. You never know when you may have the opportunity to change someone’s life and help them experience the agape love of God. I will continue to apply the same principles to my area of practice, treating others as I would like to be treated (Luke 6:31). When I am working with patients, I am treating a person, not a race or sexual orientation. We are all God’s children and should be treated as such.

References:(Unified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical Response)

Keepnews, D. M. (2011). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender health issues and nursing:

Moving toward an agenda. ANS. Advances in Nursing Science, 34(2), 163-170. doi:10.1097/ANS.0b013e31821cd61c

Lim, F. A., & Hsu, R. (2016). Nursing students’ attitudes toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

transgender persons: An integrative review. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(3), 144-152. doi:10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000004

Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F.H., & O’Grady, E. T. (2016). Policy & politics in

nursing and health care (Seventh ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

classmate #2- 460 words, apart style, biblical and scholarly references need be included in reply(Unified Nursing Advocacy: Biblical Response)

The Taking Action Chapter selected is “The Nursing Community builds a Unified Voice” by Suzanne Miyamoto and Lauren Inouye. The authors open the chapter with a very profound quote, “Advocacy is a dish best served unified” (Mason, et al., 2016, p. 614). It serves to set our expectations very quickly with the clear message that nurses must stand together in order to be heard or to effect change. Regardless of the issue, if only one person takes a stand, very little if anything changes. However, if you bring together a group of likeminded individuals – a coalition – who present in an organized fashion, who present the same message and back it up with the needed evidence, changes are more likely to happen. This chapter gives guidance and suggestions on how nurses should create coalitions, so they can influence public healthcare policies.

Bringing groups together with similar ideas and goals is just one step toward creating coalitions. Most of us understand that the whole is greater than its individual parts. Even though we may not all agree, many groups have similar goals and when the groups come together, they have a better chance influencing an outcome. Once the coalition is formed, it is important to set and communicate goals within the group. Not only does this create a plan of action, but it allows for all members of the group to understand the direction. Most importantly, the group gains credibility so they can move into the competition of policy making.

Nurses are among the most trusted professions in the U. S., and from the time of Florence Nightingale, they have been engaged in the improvement of healthcare conditions (Staebler, et al., 2017). Her legacy continues today as nurses practice advocacy for their patients and healthcare environments daily, which extends “to social injustice and environmental sustainability (Walker, et al., 2015, p. 66). There is much to be done. In fact, all facets of health care, involve policies and the opportunities are almost endless. Regardless of our setting, nurses must advocate for proper levels of staffing, improved work environments, effective education, and recognition. But there are also challenges. Many of us don’t understand the need to be involved, or the importance of bringing the right people together so there is strength in numbers.

We cannot effect change by sitting on the sidelines. We must get involved in some way and on some level. Our Christian worldview requires this – we must be responsible for our fellow human beings, and do whatever is in our power to improve the human condition. “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Strive for full restoration, encourage one another, be of one mind, live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Corinthians, 13:11, NIV).

Nurses must look to the future and accept responsibility for the outcomes we’d like to see achieved. There is more that I could do, but I’ve always been involved in affecting change in my local hospital. It is the form of advocacy most comfortable to me. However, my plan is to pay closer attention to healthcare issues before the public and make it a point to understand how our representatives think and vote. I can write letters after reviewing my stance on an issue.


Mason, D., Garner, D., Outlaw, F., & O’Grady, E. (2016). Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO 63043: Elsevier.

Staebler, S., Campbell, J., Cornelius, P., Fallin-Bennett, A., Fry-Bowers, E., Kung, Y., . . . Miller, J. (2017). Policy and political advocacy: Comparison study of nursing faculty to determine current practices, perceptions, and barriers to teaching health policy. Journal of Professional Nursing, 33(5), 350 – 355. doi:

Walker, D., Barton-Burke, M., Saria, M., Gosselin, T., Ireland, A., Norton, V., & Newton, S. (2015). Everyday advocates: Nursing advocacy is a full time job. American Journal of Nursing, 115(8), 66 – 70. doi:DOI: 10.1097/01.NAJ.0000470409.04919.0f

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Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

(Needs and Health Screening Initiative)

Question description

Directions: See detailed directions below also attached assignment and rubric. 3-4 pages in length with 4 scholarly sources in APA format.

For this Assignment you will pick one recommended screening from AHRQ section 2; an A or B Grade:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality [AHRQ]. (2014). Guide to clinical preventive services. Retrieved from

An initiative is a project, an event, so something in the community is ideal. Workplace location for employees is fine too. Please include the following suggested level one headings so content is clear and easily identified.

Conceptual Model

Choose a conceptual model that you think might work for your initiative and explain the model here. Appendix 2 in the document at the link below will help you understand community approaches. Appendix 3 in this same document will help you with conceptual model selection. Note: This project is about screening, not physical activity evaluation. Use the appendix as a resource for models:

Physical Activity Evaluation Handbook. (2002). Retrieved from

You may choose to independently research your model to help you explain its application to your initiative. If you have found another model you will like to use, not listed, contact your instructor.

Screening Purpose

Discuss why it is important to screen for this condition. This is where you address your community assessment and the reason for this need in your community/ population choice. Support your stance with statistics and information, ideally related to the location and population.


Clearly address the demographics that are being screened; where they live, state, county, ages, races included etc.

Screening Activity

This section is what you are doing at the screening and should completely align with the screening guideline above for the condition. Also all health promotion screenings include some brief prevention education component.

Outcome Goals

Bullet a few specific goals here. What do you hope to accomplish with your screening?


Briefly explain where you are doing this. It should be very specific. Senior Citizen Center in Monroe Co on Saturday. Local church- name, malls, fair etc. Think about what facility type, area you will need. Add comments on why this location meets the needs of your target population and screening choice.


This is the cost for you to develop and conduct the initiative. It is best displayed as a brief Word table showing what it costs you do develop and conduct the screening; paper, equipment, rental s etc. Volunteers are fine, but everything is not free. Students must demonstrate they can develop a cost estimate for screenings that is realistic and takes into account financials. If there is a cost for the attendees that should go here as well.


Provide a summary of your screening, general benefit to the community and why it is important.

This should be a 3–4 page paper, excluding title page, and references. A person should be able to read your paper and understand fully what you are screening, where, when, the costs and how it is supported in the guideline. Ideally a person would be able to duplicate your screening initiative, based on the clarity you present. This paper should adhere to appropriate 6th edition APA format. A minimum of 3-4 sources should be used.

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When Should Mixed Methods Be Used?

When Should Mixed Methods Be Used?

(When Should Mixed Methods Be Used?)

Week 5 – Discussion

No unread replies.No replies.

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

When Should Mixed Methods Be Used?

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 2 of the Hesse-Biber e-book, Mixed Methods Research: Merging Theory with Practice, and the two required articles for this week. Mixed methods is a current popular methodology. While this type of methodology is useful for some studies, because of its dual nature as both quantitative and qualitative, it is not effective or appropriate for all research.

For this discussion, you will consider the use of This methods for the topic you have chosen for your Research Proposal. In your initial post, apply the scientific method to your research topic by defining your research question and determining the method(s) necessary to answer that question. Compare the characteristics and appropriate uses of the different methods and explain if your research question could best be answered through qualitative or quantitative methods, or a mix of both. Identify the dominant method (quantitative or qualitative) for your proposed study. Explain whether or not a mixed methods approach is the best way to study the topic, demonstrating that the second method is not added as an afterthought or merely to impress journal editors who favor mixed methods. If you have decided not to use it, explain why the study is best completed with either a quantitative or qualitative focus. Justify your design choice and support your position with scholarly sources. Include a discussion explaining how you would apply ethical principles to your design to address concerns which may impact your research.

Guided Response: Review several of your colleagues’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week. You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful interactive discourse in this discussion.

Comment on the suitability of your peer’s explanation(s) of his or her topic with regard to research design. Regardless of your peer’s choice of design, explain whether or not you believe a mixed methods design is called for to research this topic. If your peer has chosen a mixed methods design, explain whether or not you believe it is the most appropriate mixed methods design to address the research question. Identify other design option(s), besides the one you selected for your own post, you would recommend to study the proposed research question. Review the ethical issues your colleague raised in his or her post and suggest other issues which he or she should consider when conducting this research.

Continue to monitor the discussion forum until 5:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) on Day 7 of the week and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

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Psychology381 Course Project Assignment


(Psychology381 Course Project Assignment)



Assignment 2: Course Project Part I: Interview and Background Research

Refer to the Course Project Overview. Early in the course, you selected a specific disorder. Research it using your textbook and Argosy University online library resources. A minimum of 5 sources in addition to your textbook should be used. At least three of those sources should be peer-reviewed journal articles. The remaining 2 sources may be books, journal articles, or reputable web sites (like those from professional organizations or governmental agencies, not Wikipedia or similar sites).

Review the rubric, as it provides detailed instructions on how best to succeed on this assignment. In the rubric, you will find that you need to address the following in a paper:

· Description of the selected disorder (Identify the DSM diagnostic category for the disorder and distinguish between diagnostic and commonly used terminology.)

· Causative factors of the disorder

· Diagnosis of the disorder

· Treatment of the disorder

· Survey of current research on the disorder

Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Remember to use the rubric as you write your paper. Apply APA standards to citation of sources, and include an APA style  title/cover page and reference page. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.

By the due date assigned, post your assignment to the Submissions Area.

Working ahead using the feedback provided to you by your peers and instructors, finalize your interview questions and conduct the interview with a mental health professional in preparation for the paper due in Module 5.


Assignment 2 Grading Criteria(Psychology381 Course Project Assignment)

Maximum Points


Description of   selected disorder.



Causative factors   of the disorder



Diagnosis of the   disorder



Treatment of the   disorder



Survey of current   research on the disorder



Organization (12   points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions, Conclusion

Usage and   Mechanics (12 points): Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure

APA   Elements (16 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations

Style (4   points): Audience, Word Choice







Assignment 1: Course Project Part II—Practice(Psychology381 Course Project Assignment)

You have researched the theoretical writings related to your selected mental disorder. You have also conducted field research about practice related to the disorder—an interview with a mental health professional. Based on all of the information you have gathered, develop a paper that includes the following:

· Describe the cause, extent, and nature of the disorder, such as number of people diagnosed and under treatment, demographics, and other factors of interest.

· Explain how the selected disorder is diagnosed.

· Explain how the selected disorder is treated. Be sure to include all the views on appropriate treatment and comment on diversity of views or dissent.

· Differentiate the diagnosis of this disorder from those of the other disorders within the same diagnostic category.

· Comment on culturally bound syndromes, cultural biases, or the interplay between assessment and diagnosis and culture.

· Provide data from the professional interview completed relevantly and substantively integrating this information into the body of the paper. Provide the name of the interviewed professional with his/her credentials. Written transcripts of the interview should be recorded and submitted with the assignment (e.g. in paper as an appendices).

Write a 4–5-page paper in Word format. Make sure to review the rubric so as to address all necessary criteria. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

By the due date assigned, post your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Submissions Area.


Assignment Criteria

Maximum Points


Describe the cause,   extent, and nature of the disorder, such as number of people diagnosed and   under treatment, demographics, and other factors of interest.



Explain how the   selected disorder is diagnosed.



Explain how the   selected disorder is treated. Be sure to include all the views on appropriate   treatment and comment on diversity of views or dissent.



Differentiate the   diagnosis of this disorder from those of the other disorders within the same   diagnostic category.



Comment on   culturally bound syndromes, cultural biases, or the interplay between   assessment and diagnosis and culture.



Professional   interview completed and interview data relevantly and substantively   integrated into the body of the paper. Name of the interviewed professional   with his/her credentials are included. Transcripts of the interview were also   submitted (e.g. in paper as an appendices).



Organization (16 points): Introduction, Thesis, Transitions,   Conclusion

Usage and Mechanics (15 points): Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure

APA Elements (22 points): Attribution, Paraphrasing, Quotations

Style (7 points): Audience, Word Choice


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Discussion #1.In the language of social psychology, prosocial behaviors are those that promote the well-being of members of society and society as a whole, such as cooperation, fairness, helping, and forgiveness. Antisocial behavior is behavior that is dismissive or harmful to others. Aggression and violence are part of antisocial behavior; however, antisocial behavior also includes behaviors such as cheating, lying, littering, and stealing (Baumeister & Bushman, 2014).

search for and select one recent advertisement (from television, billboard, or other advertising media) that depicts prosocial behavior and one that depicts antisocial behavior. Use these ads as the foundation for your discussion.

· Describe or identify the advertisements you selected. You can provide a link to them if they are accessible from the Internet.

· Describe the prosocial behaviors you observed in the video clips and the ad you selected. Describe the antisocial behaviors you observed in the video clips and the ad you selected. Apply at least one theory or concept from social psychology to explain the factors (individual and social) that influence a person’s decision to behave prosocially or antisocially. Examine how media can play a role in promoting prosocial behavior.

Discussion #2.Elizabeth Loftus (2003), a memory researcher from the University of California, Irvine, is interested in repressed and false memories, especially those related to eyewitness testimonies. She says:

The malleability of memory is becoming increasingly clear. Many influences can cause memories to change or even be created anew, including our imaginations and the leading questions or different recollections of others. The knowledge that we cannot rely on our memories, however compelling they might be, leads to questions about the validity of criminal convictions that are based largely on the testimony of victims or witnesses. Our scientific understanding of memory should be used to help the legal system to navigate this minefield (p. 231).(PSYCHOLOGY DISCUSSSION QUESTIONS)

According to Huff (2002), every year 7500 Americans are convicted of crimes they did not commit.

Loftus (2003) offers two anecdotes to make the point:

· Ronald Cotton, a North Carolina prisoner who was convicted in 1986 of raping a 22-year-old college student, Jennifer Thompson, puts a human face on these cases. Thompson took the stand, put her hand on the Bible, and swore to tell the truth. On the basis of her testimony, Cotton was sentenced to prison for life. Eventually, DNA testing—which began 11 years after Thompson had first identified Cotton—proved his innocence.

· Another man, Bobby Poole, pleaded guilty to the crime. Faulty memory is not just about picking the wrong person. Memory problems were also evident during the sniper attacks that killed ten people in the Washington, DC area in 2002. Witnesses reported seeing a white truck or van fleeing several of the crime scenes. It seems that a white vehicle might have been near one of the first shootings and media repetition of this information contaminated the memories of witnesses to later attacks, making them more likely to remember white trucks. When caught, the sniper suspects were driving a blue car. Were we observing unwitting memory contamination on a nationwide scale? (p. 231).

Discuss whether or not a person should be sent to prison based on eyewitness testimony alone. What are the pros and cons of eyewitness testimony?

What are your thoughts on influences on memory including suggestibility and repressed memories

Discussion #3.Without memory, learning is impossible. As we have discussed, memory helps you recall important events, what you ate for dinner, your childhood favorite songs, and what your best friend looks like and sounds like. Memory makes us who we are.

For this discussion, apply and integrate your knowledge by identifying strategies involving memory that you have found helpful in studying for exams (such as mnemonic devices, elaborative and maintenance rehearsal, or sufficient sleep):

· Describe your specific memory strengths and weaknesses related to studying and give an example.

· Describe the tasks you used to test your memory after studying for the exam.

· What affects your ability to retrieve information from memory on exam day?

Please include the following in your response:

· Refer to and integrate ideas presented in the text and any supplemental readings.

· Cite outside resources if necessary to make your point.

· Follow APA style guidelines for citations and references.

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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal, health & medical homework help

(Evidence-Based Practice Proposal)

Question description

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal – Section C: Literature Support


To begin, work through the reference list that was created in the “Section B: Problem Description” assignment in Topic 2. Appraise each resource using the “Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklists,” available in the textbook appendix. The specific checklist you use will be determined by the type of evidence within the resource.

Develop a research table to organize and summarize the research studies. Using a summary table allows you to be more concise in your narrative description. Only research studies used to support your intervention are summarized in this table. Refer to the “Evaluation Table Template,” available in the textbook appendix. Use the “Evaluation Table Template” as an adaptable template.

Write a narrative of 1050-1,200 words (not including the title page and references) that presents the research support for the projects problem and proposed solution. Make sure to do the following:

  • Include a description of the search method (e.g., databases, keywords, criteria for inclusion and exclusion, and number of studies that fit your criteria).
  • Summarize all of the research studies used as evidence. The essential components of each study need to be described so that readers can evaluate its scientific merit, including study strengths and limitations.
  • Incorporate a description of the validity of the internal and external research.

It is essential to make sure that the research support for the proposed solution is sufficient, compelling, relevant, and from peer-reviewed professional journal articles.

Although you will not be submitting the checklist information or the evaluation table you design in Topic 3 with the narrative, the checklist information and evaluation table should be placed in the appendices for the final paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Upon receiving feedback from the instructor, refine “Section C: Literature Support” for your final submission. This will be a continuous process throughout the course for each section.

Note : must add 5 references not older than 5 years

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Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies

Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies

(Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies)

Discussion 1: Social Learning, Exchange, and Behaviorism Theories in Social Work Practice

Why do you feel connected to some individuals and not others? What knowledge could you gain about an individual’s behavior that might draw you toward or away from that individual? An individual’s behavior often is influenced by prior learning, how that learning is processed, and the social context that contributed to the learning. By observing behavior, you can gain insight into how an individual thinks, which likely can help you identify if there is a benefit or a cost to interacting with an individual. These concepts are supported by behaviorism, social learning, and exchange theories. How might understanding these theories help you to identify the reasons for your clients’ behaviors? How might these theories apply to specific populations?


For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Select one of the following theories: social learning theory, exchange theory, or behaviorism theory as the focus of this discussion. Then, select a specific population and think about how the theory you selected might contribute to social work practice with that population.


·      Post a brief description of the theory and the population you selected.


·      Then explain how that theory might contribute to social work practice with the population you selected.


References (use at least 2)


Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.


Collett, J. L. (2010). Integrating theory, enhancing understanding: The potential contributions of recent experimental research in social exchange for studying intimate relationships. Journal Of Family Theory & Review2(4), 280–298.

Kalischuk, R. G., & Nixon, G. (2009). A transpersonal theory of healing following youth suicide. International Journal Of Mental Health and Addiction7(2), 389–402.



Discussion 2: Transpersonal Theory


Social work practice recognizes that there is more to being you than your physical self, your personal identity, and your intellect. Once the physiological and safety needs are met, why might some individuals still find themselves in need of guidance? The absence of basic physical needs is not the only concern that social workers help clients solve. Transpersonal theory speaks to the needs that individuals share as human beings, including love, creativity, belonging, meaning, and purpose. Understanding transpersonal theory prepares social workers to respond to presenting concerns that inhibit clients’ personal peace, empowerment, and self-esteem.


For this Discussion, review this week’s resources. Consider what it means to be a transpersonal social worker. Then, think about how transpersonal theory and your own belief system might affect your approach to social work practice. Finally, reflect on how you might help clients with belief systems that differ from your own.


·      Post a brief explanation of what it means to be a transpersonal social worker.


·      Then, explain the influences of transpersonal theory and your own belief system on social work practice.


·      Finally, explain how you might help clients with belief systems that differ from your own.


References (use at least 2 or more)

(Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies)

Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., & Canda, E. R. (2012). Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Allyn & Bacon.


Collett, J. L. (2010). Integrating theory, enhancing understanding: The potential contributions of recent experimental research in social exchange for studying intimate relationships. Journal Of Family Theory & Review2(4), 280–298.

Kalischuk, R. G., & Nixon, G. (2009). A transpersonal theory of healing following youth suicide. International Journal Of Mental Health and Addiction7(2), 389–402.



Discussion 3: Controversy in Psychopharmacological Intervention to Treat Substance Abuse Disorders

Controversy surrounding the treatment of substance abuse disorders with other substances extends from the most basic to the philosophical. Some health care providers focus on the removal of all substances to address the addiction and argue that complete abstinence is the only real option. They believe that no medications should be given (except to save one’s life) during treatment for substance abuse. Many mental health professionals, particularly in America, hold these views. In contrast to removing all substances, others focus on the ability of the client to function. Many programs support the belief that addicts can live normal lives with controlled use of substances.

How do these opposing views in the treatment of addiction clients affect the addiction mental health practice? How does the mental health professional working with addiction prepare and support the mental health care team and the client? How do programs like the 12-step Narcotics Anonymous program compare with other approaches as far as research results?

For this Discussion, select a medication used in treating substance abuse disorders. Then, conduct a search for any controversy surrounding the use of this medication in treating substance abuse disorders and prepare to defend its use.


·       Post a description of the major actions, intended effects, and side effects of your selected medication.


·       Explain controversy surrounding the use of this medication in treating substance abuse disorders.


·       Defend the effective use of this medication and support your defense with evidence from the Learning Resources or from your personal research.



References (use at least 2 or more)

(Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies)

Lichtblau, L. (2011). Psychopharmacology demystified. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.


Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.





Discussion 4: Evaluating Substance Abuse Client Cases(Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies)

Jerry has been a daily heroin user for the last 7 years. He is HIV positive and has recently been diagnosed with hepatitis C. Jerry believes that both of these illnesses were contracted through the use of shared needles. As a condition for treatment of hepatitis C with interferon, Jerry must agree to undergo treatment for his heroin addiction. He is considering the “methadone cure,” which includes daily doses of methadone to replace the heroin. He is not sure that he is willing to give up his heroin use. In fact, he used immediately before coming to his most recent counseling session. Jerry feels torn, but he knows that his life depends on this choice. What might be some compelling information for a client in this situation to know? What is your role as a mental health professional in advocating for treatment? 

For this Discussion, review the case studies in the Learning Resources and select one case study. Consider the factors used to determine the appropriateness of the medication used to treat a client’s substance abuse.

Post by Day 4


o   An explanation of the factors that indicate the appropriateness of the medication in potentially treating the client’s substance abuse

o   An explanation of the expected side effects of the medication and the mental health professional’s role in monitoring these side effects

o   A justification of the medication to advocate for its use to encourage the client to continue with treatment 


References (use at least 2 or more)


Lichtblau, L. (2011). Psychopharmacology demystified. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.


Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.



Substance Abuse Case Studies(Medicating Addiction: Debates and Strategies)

Constantine is a 28-year-old Turkish immigrant. He has been told that he must stop drinking or his life will be in jeopardy. Constantine moved to the United States at 18 to study economics. During his first year of college, he tried alcohol for the first time and was quickly “hooked.” He drinks nightly and cannot recall how many drinks he has had. Constantine says that he drinks, “at least a bottle of scotch” every night. Over the past 10 years, he has come to realize that he has a problem. This was not an urgent issue until recently, when he developed pancreatitis. His doctor informed him that his drinking has already caused some damage to his liver, which is very “fatty.” In fact, there are some areas of his liver that may never recover, even if he stops drinking. If he does not stop, though, he will eventually either need to have a liver transplant or he will die from complications of cirrhosis.

Constantine decided to take his doctor’s advice and will be participating in a day- treatment program at your counseling clinic. He tried to quit drinking once in the past, and his blood pressure skyrocketed. Constantine worries that this might happen again.

Case 2: Joey

Joey is a 30-year-old Italian-American graduate student studying counseling at an online university. He was drawn to the program in hopes of learning more about himself. Joey eventually wants to help others after he first figures out how to help himself. He considers himself to be a “partier.” He began using ecstasy and cocaine during college. Joey considers his college years to be the best times of his life. Later, though, he tried heroin. He first snorted it but eventually agreed to “mainline” it (shoot it directly into his veins). He describes this event as singular in his life—nothing after it would ever be the same. At that point, everything was in the context of when he would use the drug next and with whom. He plans his most extravagant parties for weekends, but it seems that he is always “on the nod” now.

Joey is worried about a trip that he has coming up. He will be attending a counseling program “residency” in a city across the country. How will he score? He has to take the drug. He’ll get sick otherwise. In light of this, he decides it might be time to try to quit. But how? He doesn’t even know how to cut back. Joey is planning to take a “huge hit” on his way in. This way, he figures, he’ll be safe on his way in and he can have “one last hurrah.”

Case 3: Angela

Angela is a 41-year-old African-American woman from Durham, NC. She has been smoking cigarettes for as long as she can remember. Lately, though, she has noticed that her friends have all quit and seem to be coming around less often. She figures their absence is due to the cigarette constantly, firmly planted between the index and middle fingers of her right hand. It is time to quit.

Angela does not consider herself to be an “addict” because she does not use “drugs.” She does not drink alcohol and she does not take pills—“nothing.” She does, however, smoke between two and three packs of cigarettes per day. She has tried to quit once, using a nicotine patch, but “it didn’t even slow [her] down.” Angela thinks that cognitive- behavioral treatment might be something that she would like to try, but that she will most likely need some medication as well. “I just like smoking, I’m going to like it, and need it, and want it all of the time. If I’m going to quit, I gotta be able to get my mind off it,” she says.

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Role Of Assesment And Diagnosis In Treatmen

Role Of Assesment And Diagnosis In Treatmen

(Role Of Assesment And Diagnosis In Treatmen)

Week 3 – Discussion


Case Studies in Assessment

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the assigned chapters from the text. It is highly recommended that you review each of the brief Blumenfeld (2012) video clips demonstrating the administration of a mental status examination. These are listed in the recommended resources and may require that you download Quicktime in order to view them. Although not required, these videos show the administration of a mental status exam and may prove helpful in this discussion.

Access the Barnhill (2014) DSM-5 Clinical Cases e-book in the DSM-5 library, and select one of the case studies. The case study you select must be one in which the client could be assessed using one or more of the assessment instruments discussed in this week’s reading. (case study I chose is  Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders)

For this discussion, you will take on the role of a psychology intern at a mental health facility working under the supervision of a licensed psychologist. In this role, you will conduct a psychological evaluation of a client referred to you for a second opinion using valid psychological tests and assessment procedures. The case study you select from the textbook will serve as the information provided to you from the professional who previously evaluated the client (e.g., the psychologist or psychiatrist).

In your initial post, begin with a paragraph briefly summarizing the main information about the case you selected. Evaluate and describe the ethical and professional interpretation of any assessment information presented in the case study. Devise an assessment battery for a psychological evaluation that minimally includes a clinical interview, mental status exam, intellectual assessment, observations of the client, and at least two assessment instruments specific to the diagnostic impressions (e.g., attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorder, etc.). The assessment battery must include at least one approach to assessing your client which is different from the assessments previously administered. The assessment plan must be presented as a list of recommended psychological tests and assessment procedures with a brief sentence explaining the purpose of each test or procedure. Following the list of tests and assessment procedures you recommend for your client, compare the assessment instruments that fall within the same categories (e.g., intellectual or achievement), and debate the pros of cons of the instruments and procedures you selected versus the instruments and procedures reported by the referring professional.

Course material

Gregory, R. J. (2014). Psychological testing: History, principles, and applications (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Barnhill, J. W. (Ed.). (2014). DSM-5 Clinical Cases. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Association.


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Online assessment measures for the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (5th ed.).

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Predictive Office Memo

Predictive Office Memo

(Predictive Office Memo)

Predictive Office Memo (Predict How A Court Might Apply The Laws That Determine Whether A Writing Is Required To Enforce A Contract In This Situation)

Predictive Office Memo Instructions

Instructions: Write a 3–5-page predictive memo in current Bluebook format assessing the fact pattern below. Your memo must include 3 separate sections per question for each of the 3 questions posed at the conclusion of the fact pattern. The purpose of the memo is to predict how a court might apply the laws that determine whether a writing is required to enforce a contract in this situation.As you write your memo, be sure to identify the legal rule or rules upon which you base your prediction. For purposes of this memo, you may cite your textbook for propositions of law (either a reference to a case, a Restatement (Second) of Contracts provision, or a Uniform Commercial Code provision) that require citation, unless a more authoritative proposition is referenced in the textbook for the same proposition of law. Also, be sure to discuss all of the relevant facts and describe how the facts impact your prediction. Identify any weaknesses or uncertainty in your prediction; anticipate and evaluate the merit of any opposing arguments.

Fact Pattern: Business Capital Solutions, Inc. (“BCS”) is a small lending institution that specializes in providing loans to small businesses. The loans are typically short-term loans designed to provide operating funds to small businesses in tight times, when they are short on the cash needed to pay operating expenses and generate profits. These short-term loans often take the form of a “line of credit.” The line of credit has a limit, but the borrower is allowed to borrow on the line of credit, as needed, up to a determined maximum loan amount. The line of credit often has a very short term, so that the entire loan has to be repaid no later than the end of the term, which might be, for example, 1 year from the date BCS extends the line of credit to the borrower.

On January 3, one of BCS’s commercial lending officers, Marie Klokov, meets with Louis Price, the president of a small construction company. Price’s company, HardHat, LLC (“HardHat”), generally pays out its annual profits as bonuses to key employees, and it also makes equipment purchases at the end of year; consequently, in the first few months of every year HardHat has very little cash in its bank account, and needs extra cash to pay employees and buy materials and supplies to perform contracts during the first months of the new year. Price talks to Klokov about getting a line of credit from BCS for the new year. Klokov and Price discuss a $250,000 line of credit. The two propose that the entire balance would have to be repaid on or before December 31. Price says, “That should be no problem. In fact, I think we’ll have anything we borrow repaid by June, when we’ll get paid on a couple of big projects we are working on.” At the meeting, Price provides a loan application, together with copies of HardHat’s annual financial statements and tax returns from the past 3 years.

After reviewing the application and supporting documents, Klokov tells Price that she expects that the Loan Committee, which is responsible for the final decision on whether to make the loan or not, will probably have some concerns about loaning that much to HardHat, which does not own any real estate or have any other valuable assets that could serve as security for the loan. Klokov says, to Price, “Would you be willing to personally guarantee the loan’s repayment?” Price says, “Absolutely, I would be willing to agree to guarantee that HardHat will repay the loan. If the company can’t pay it, I’ll do it. However, if BCS will loan the money to HardHat without a personal guarantee, I’d prefer that.” Klokov agrees that she’ll submit the loan application to the Loan Committee without any guarantee, and if the Committee rejects the application, she will resubmit it with Price’s promise to guarantee the loan.

The next day, Klokov submits the loan application and documentation to the Loan Committee. The committee, as Klokov anticipated, has grave concerns about lending so much money to HardHat, which leases, rather than owns, most of its equipment and has no other assets it can use as security for repayment of the loan. The committee rejects the application. Klokov resubmits the application, together with a personal financial statement dated January 3. The personal financial statement includes Price’s name and address and a list of all of Price’s personal assets and liabilities. At the end of the list is a statement: “The undersigned certifies that this Personal Financial Statement includes a complete, honest, and accurate statement of all of my personal assets and liabilities.” A signature line follows that statement, and Price’s signature is on the signature line. Klokov tells the committee that Price is willing to personally guarantee repayment of the loan. The committee grants the application.

Klokov calls Price to give him the good news. Price says, “Great. When can I get some money?” Klokov tells him that he just needs to stop by the BCS office. “I’ll need a representative of HardHat to sign the loan agreement, and I’ll need you to sign the personal guaranty. Once they are both signed, I can get you a check for whatever amount you’d like to borrow on the line of credit.” Price stops by the BCS office the same day. He signs the loan agreement “as president of HardHat, LLC.” The separate Personal Guaranty Agreement is ready for him to sign, but Price does not sign it, and the representative of BCS who was holding the loan documents fails to require that he sign it. Price leaves the office with a copy of the signed loan agreement, the unsigned personal guaranty, and a check drawn on the line of credit in the amount of $40,000.

BCS does not realize that the personal guaranty has not been signed until Klokov happens to review the file 1 month later. She then contacts Price and leaves several messages asking him to sign the personal guaranty, but Price refuses to take her calls and does not return her messages.

In your predictive memo, please address 3 questions:

1. Is the Personal Guaranty Agreement between BCS and Price an agreement that falls within any of the categories of the Statute of Frauds? Fully explain your answer.

2. For this part only, assume that the Personal Guaranty Agreement is an agreement that is within the Statute of Frauds. Is the writing requirement satisfied by any of the written documents referenced in the hypothetical?

3. For this part only, assume that the Personal Guaranty Agreement is within the Statute of Frauds, and that none of the written documents referred to in the hypothetical satisfy the writing requirement. Does BCS have any other argument for enforcing the personal guaranty against Price?

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