Nursing Health Promotion/Reply/Wk2(influenza)

Nursing Health Promotion/Reply/Wk2(influenza)

Nursing Health Promotion/Reply/Wk2(influenza)

Topic 1 Influenza


Natural History of Influenzas

The influenza virus was once called the Spanish Flu. This was because at the end of May 1918, the King of Spain, King Alfonso XIII, was the first to openly admit that a new disease had emerged in their country (Mamelund, 2017). But the disease did not originate in Spain. Other countries during that period throughout Europe including the United States were experiencing the so called “Spanish” Flu. Since World War I, much has changed in terms of understanding the flu and the origination of infectious disease. It is now known that the Flu is caused by a virus. Statistical studies since 2000 have found that higher mortality rates occur among the poor in comparison to the more affluent (Mamelund, 2017). People who are more susceptible to influenza are those who have poor nutrition, live in overcrowded areas, have secondary infections like pneumonia and other diseases (Mamelund, 2017).

Presenting Symptoms of Influenza

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness and even cause death (Influenza, 2018).

  • Fever or feeling feverish/chills
  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea (More common in children than adults)

Outbreak characteristics(Nursing Health Promotion/Reply/Wk2(influenza))

According to the CDC, people who have the flu are most contagious in the first 3 to 4 days after infection. People who are healthy can start infecting others, 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after getting sick (Influenza, 2018). In addition, some people can have the virus, have no symptoms and spread it to others.

The World Health Organization’s Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System was established in 1952 (Influenza, 2018). The purpose is to reduce the spread of infection by vaccines.  Based on the surveillance system, Influenza activity in the United States remains low throughout the summer months and early October. Outpatient illness surveillance: The proportion of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness remained low and was 1.4% which is below the national baseline of 2.2%

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developing a plan, addressing goals and intentions

developing a plan addressing goals and intentions

(developing a plan addressing goals and intentions)

Question description

Planning Your Goals, Intentions, and Approach:

The options in how you can present your final project: This is the option below that I would like for the assignment down.

As a Paper
Your paper should be creative and interesting, and demonstrate what you have learned. It should be a minimum of 5-7 pages in length and you will use APA style formatting with a title page and reference section. You should use Times New Roman, 12pt. font, double-space your lines, and set your page up with one inch margins (See the APA Template included in the Course Resources folder)

If you haven’t done so recently, review the “Preview of Your Final Project” criteria sheet. For this assignment, you will develop a plan that addresses your goals, intentions, and approach for the Final Project.

Identify the role of the Community Organization for your project. You should utilize all the information you collected since the beginning of this course. Your plan should cover the information listed below. (developing a plan addressing goals and intentions)

  • Title Your Project: Be concise; be catchy. Use your title to both draw your readers/audience in and to demonstrate what the project is about.
  • Introduction: Describe the organization, the work they do, any key players within the organization, and why it may be interesting to your readers/audience. Include your thesis statement (a short description of the purpose of your work).
  • Readers/Audience: Describe the readers/audience you will be directing your project toward. Consider what they know, what they might need from your work, and what they will expect. Briefly discuss how you will meet the needs of your readers/audience.
  • Methods: Include a description of how you plan to gather and analyze your data (i.e. reviewing websites, reviewing related articles, interviews, analyzing similar organizations, and so on).
  • Results: You likely haven’t found any results yet, but provide a description of what you hope to find or what you think you might find.
  • Conclusion: Based on the information you have gathered so far, start identifying how what you’ve learned connects to your thesis and how it falls under the scope of service-learning and civic engagement. Write up a brief description of those connections.
  • References Page: Include an APA style citation list of the sources you have used or are considering using in your project (this should appear on its own page at the end of your outline). If you summarize or quote sources in your text, make sure you also include correct in-text citations.
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choosing a topic Psychology Assignment!

choosing a topic Psychology Assignment!

choosing a topic Psychology Assignment!

Goals: The goal of this assignment is to research an interesting topic in psychology and to develop a creative way of researching that topic.


Assignment Overview: 

  • Think of a topic that interests you in psychology (it can be ANY topic in ANY discipline of psychology)
  • Research the existing literature on the topic
  • Develop a research plan for investigating a novel question on the topic
  • Develop hypotheses about the results you expect to obtain if you were to implement your research proposal

The topic that I told my professor was cyberbullying, or buylling in general. 


Assignment Specifics:

  • 2-3 pages long
    • 1-1 ½  page(s) of literature review; must cite at least TWO scholarly sources (with proper APA-style citations)
    • ½ page describing topic and its importance
    • ½ – 1 page of methodology (including specifics on sample, procedure, stimuli, measures)
    • ½ page of hypotheses (including description of independent and dependent variables)
  • Follow APA formatting and style throughout (will be weighted heavily)


How to Choose a Topic:

  • Your topic can be from ANY area of psychology (choose something that interests you)
  • Your topic can be a direct response to a criticism you provided in your article review
  • It can be an attempt to modernize a topic from one of the chapters in the Forty Studies book
  • It can be a topic that you’ve learned about in one of your other psychology classes


Grading and evaluation: This assignment is worth 10% of your grade in this course. Your grade will be based on the following:

  • Appropriateness of the topic (from ANY discipline of psychology)
  • Quality of the literature review
  • Appropriateness of the research plan
  • Thoroughness of research plan description
  • Sensibility of hypothesis(es); description of IV and DV
  • APA formatting/citations
  • Timeliness of your submission (you will lose 1% of the maximum 10% for every 24-hour period that the assignment is submitted late; papers will not be accepted beyond a week past the due date.
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Assessment Of Community-Level Barriers

Assessment Of Community-Level Barriers

For the second written assignment of the course, you will continue in the design of your proposed model program by demonstrating your understanding of your selected population’s challenges, which negatively impact this group’s health and well-being. Based on this week’s research, conduct an assessment of the barriers, limitations, and other distinguishing features, as they exist within your community. (Assessment Of Community-Level Barriers)

  • Prepare a recap of the model program for your community that you originally shared in the week 2 written assignment.  As stated in the Week Two directions, changes to the potential program can be made as you research and develop the focus of the program.
  • Analyze and discuss at least three critical barriers that impact the health and well-being of your chosen group; one must be a micro-level (individual) barrier that is financial, one must be a macro-level (community/state) barrier that relates to access and funding for care, and  the third barrier may be one of your choosing.
  • Discuss at least one proposed solution for each barrier. Your solution for the micro barrier must include an analysis of various potential funding options (both independent and integrated). Your solution for the macro barrier must include an analysis of financing resources for health care.
  • Research and analyze the regulatory, legal, ethical, and accreditation requirements and issues for the service(s) offered in your proposed program.  Discuss how each will impact the management of the program. (Assessment Of Community-Level Barriers)

Your assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and should include a minimum of three scholarly sources cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Please note: All assignments in this course are progressive; therefore you should use the same population selected in your Week Two assignment. The Week Two assignment’s contents do not need to be re-submitted with this assignment.

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Compare And Contrast: A Person Or The Writings

Compare And Contrast: A Person Or The Writings


Pick one person among the 3 faiths and describe one key event or teaching that makes them stand out and why. (Compare And Contrast: A Person Or The Writings)


Pick the writings of one of the following: O.T. Jewish; or, O.T and N.T for Christianity; or Quran. And tell me what they believe for salvation. Then critique your view on it as to it being true or not.

So you may either do a paper of 1000 words (4 pages).  Or, you may do a PowerPoint presentation of 6 slides, with details in the note section, critiquing the topic there.

Remember, I want a ‘critique’ of your views and not just description, whichever method you present. I want your judgments to the best position that should be taken.

That would include your opinion in an introductory paragraph or the first slide that states your purpose for your choice, your thesis view (overall judgment of your topic, and areas that will be addressed). (Compare And Contrast: A Person Or The Writings)



Have a purpose statement: what do you intend to achieve with your selection.

Have a thesis comment, also known, as your judgment on the topic; that is to say, your viewpoint. If contrasting two faiths, which stands out and impressed you the most.

List your supporting evidence, or areas that will be addressed that support your thesis view. Do not tackle a broad topic but narrow it down.

The paper should have a thesis comment and just the areas that will be addressed. No need to amplify in the introductory element. The paper intro needs to include some idea of your topic when you submit it.

The paper should have transitional elements that are important and include some ‘certificate of origin’ indicating your work.


Describe your content. Use it only to form the basis a critique on each key idea. What is your view of it; does it support your overall, thesis. Do you agree or disagree and why? It may even be wise to use the term, ‘ critique’ in a paragraph or two as a sub header in your paper. This is important. I want your view and not just a bunch of information describing the paper. (Compare And Contrast: A Person Or The Writings)

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Final Paper Proposal and Outline

Final Paper Proposal and Outline


Final Paper Proposal and Outline

To prepare for your Final Paper, review the Final Paper instructions in Week Five. The paper must be formatted according to APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and include a title and a reference page.

There are two parts to this assignment: a proposal and an outline. See the instructions below for details on what those parts should include:


The proposal should be on a separate page from the outline, and it should consist of one or two paragraphs that describe the society selected for your paper. This society must be a nation other than the United States that has large ethnic groups within it. In the proposal, you must explain why you believe this is an appropriate society for your Final Paper.


Using the sample below as a guide, provide an outline for your Final Paper. The outline should be in basic APA outline format.

Select a particular country and analyze the ethnic stratification within that society. For this paper, you must focus on ethnic stratification and conflict, including evidence of prejudice and discrimination. In addition to a description of the selected society and its ethnic groups, your paper should include an analysis of similarities and differences the society’s ethnic stratification system as compared to the United States. (Final Paper Proposal and Outline)

You may select one of the countries on the CIA World Factbook website for comparison to the United States in terms of the ethnic stratification system.

The following information should be included in your outline:


•Describe the selected country’s society, focusing on ethnic groups, stratification, and conflict.

•Provide examples of the ethnic problems in that society, including evidence of prejudice and discrimination.

•Discuss what the experts say about ethnic problems (or ethnic harmony) in the selected country’s society.

•Compare the selected country’s society to society in the United States. Evaluate similarities and differences related to ethnic groups, stratification, and conflict, using specific examples gathered in your research. (Final Paper Proposal and Outline)

•Conclude with reflections and thoughts about ethnic groups and the societies in which we live.


Provide at least five of the seven sources that you plan to include in the Final Paper. No fewer than three of the sources that you list in this assignment must be from the Ashford University Library.

While the following example can be modified to suit your needs, this outline is likely to result in a high quality Final Paper.

I.Title of Paper

A.Selected Country

1.Description of country

2.Ethnic groups in country

3.Ethnic stratification system in country

B.Ethnic Problems or Harmony

1.Prejudice and discrimination

2.Examples of ethnic problems

3.Consequences of discrimination for ethnic group members

4.Examples of consequences

C.Research on Ethnicity in Selected Country

1.Experts on ethnic problems in selected country

2.Findings of studies on ethnic discrimination in selected country

D.Comparison with the United States

1.Ethnic groups in the United States

2.Ethnic stratification system in the United States

3.Ethnic conflict and discrimination in the United States

4.Similarities between selected country and the United States

a.Similarity among ethnic groups

b.Similarity in ethnic stratification

c.Similarity in terms of ethnic conflict

d.Examples of the similarity garnered from research

5.Differences between selected country and the United States

a.Differences among ethnic groups in selected country and the United States

b.Differences in ethnic stratification systems

c.Differences in ethnic conflict in selected country and the United States

d.Examples of differences garnered from research

E.Conclusion (Final Paper Proposal and Outline)








Final Paper

A sociologist must be able to analyze racial and ethnic differences in different national contexts. Race and ethnicity are constructed differently in different places and at different times. For example, in the United States, race is defined in a way such that two children with the same biological parents cannot possibly be of different races. In contrast, some countries, such as the Dominican Republic, define race in a way that would allow for siblings (born of the same parents) to be placed into different racial categories. In order to develop this skill, you will select a particular country and analyze the ethnic stratification within that society.

For this assignment, you must focus on ethnic stratification and conflict, including evidence of prejudice and discrimination. In addition to a description of the selected society and its ethnic groups, include an analysis of similarities and differences in the society’s ethnic stratification system as compared to the United States. (Final Paper Proposal and Outline)

You may select one of the countries on the CIA World Factbook website for comparison to the United States in terms of the ethnic stratification system.

The following information should be included in your Final Paper:


•Describe the selected country’s society, focusing on ethnic groups, stratification, and conflict.

•Provide examples of the ethnic problems in that society, including evidence of prejudice and discrimination.

•Discuss what the experts say about ethnic problems (or ethnic harmony) in the selected country’s society.

•Compare the selected country’s society to society in the United States. Evaluate similarities and differences related to ethnic groups, stratification, and conflict, using specific examples gathered in your research.

•Conclude with reflections and thoughts about ethnic groups and the societies in which we live.


Academic research papers must meet certain standards of quality recognized by the academic community. What constitutes quality, academic research?

•Primary (original) sources written by experts in the field of study.

•Secondary sources supported by research in primary sources.

•Credible sources (experts in the field; well-known theorists; sources which use primary and secondary sources to support claims).

•Relevant research (materials are pertinent to the area of study).

•In graduate work, the use of peer-reviewed journal articles (journal articles reviewed by recognized experts in the relevant field of study) is required.

•Educational and government websites (those ending with a web URL suffix of .edu or .gov) may be appropriate in some cases but should be evaluated carefully.

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper

•Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted according to APA style as outlined in theAshford Writing Center.

•Must include a title page with the following:

oTitle of paper

oStudent’s name

oCourse name and number

oInstructor’s name

oDate submitted

•Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

•Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

•Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

•Must use at least seven scholarly resources, including a minimum of three from the Ashford University Library, as well as the primary text.

•Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

•Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.




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Nursing Teaching Discussion Week4

Nursing Teaching Discussion Week4

Topic 2/T (Nursing Teaching Discussion Week4)

Identify an experience where you had to assess the needs, interests, and goals of a patient with an ethnic background, different from yours, that resulted in a positive learning experience. How did you turn the situation into a positive learning experience? Did you personally have to deal with any stereotypical beliefs?

When I was working in SICU (Surgical Intensive Care Unit), I was assigned to a patient who was admitted to ICU after an episode of bradycardia and loss of consciousness on the medical surgical floor. A rapid response was initiated and she was intubated and brought to our unit. She was Haitian and came from a very different ethnic background. At the time I was not familiar with their culture or beliefs nor did I know her health history and what originally brought her to the hospital or the reason for her admission. (Nursing Teaching Discussion Week4)

After a couple days of being assigned to her and taking care of her and her family, I began to understand a little more. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer the previous year and had undergone chemotherapy which unfortunately was unsuccessful. The cancer had spread throughout her body including her esophagus which was later found out to be the reason for the intubation. A tumor had attached itself to her airway and she was unable to breath on her own.

I instantly became attached to the patient and family and enjoyed learning about their culture and belief system. Many people including doctors, nurses and other medical professionals couldn’t understand why a patient who was terminal would want everything done and continue aggressive treatment. Many gave up on her and the family which is why I believe they requested that I take care of her every shift I worked. Special arrangements were made between the family and my director to accommodate their wishes.

Each shift I worked, I took care of her. Her daughter and her husband never left her side other than for bathing or other emergent matters that couldn’t be handled without them. Eventually the primary physicians would stop rounding on her daily and healthcare professional started discussing her prognosis, treatment and plan of care. No one understood why we were continuing to treat this individual as they called the treatment “futile”.

As time went on, the hospital decided to call in Risk Management as they had a different belief and understanding regarding by patient’s wishes and medical management. This is when I realized I did, I understood her and her family and knew I needed to be her patient advocate and her voice. I fought for her treatment and plan of care which was aggressive not palliative. She expressed to me she wanted to live, even if it meant her last days were spent in the hospital. She would lay there and listen to her children laugh and tell stories about their day and her husband’s voice telling her how much he loved her. She was a mother of 10 and had the most beautiful family I had ever met.

Before I met her, I may have had the same thoughts and comments as the other healthcare professionals. However, once I got to know her and her family as well as their cultural beliefs and background, I understood her. This was more than a positive learning experience it changed my life, my outlook and opened my eyes to cultural diversity and understanding. (Nursing Teaching Discussion Week4)

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Week 1 discussion 4: Writing homework help

Week 1 discussion 4: Writing homework help

Question description (Week 1 discussion 4: Writing homework help)

Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction.

post most have 4 or more sentences .

you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the reading

The dissemination of research findings into nursing practice is essential to provides some strategies to improve our sharing of new knowledge and innovations, so that patients can experience the best high quality health care and nursing practices are based on timely knowledge derived from research. The dissemination process, and transforming research into practice is a very demanding process. It requires our intelligence, creativity, clinical judgment, knowledge and skills, organizational savvy and endurance if we are committed to making a difference to improving health and health care system.

To disseminate new knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention practice, the author would present her project in OJIN (The Online Journal of Issue in Nursing) “The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing is a peer-reviewed publication that provides a forum for discussion of the issues inherent in current topics of interest to nurses and other health care professionals. The intent of this journal is to present different views on issues that affect nursing research, education, and practice, thus enabling readers to understand the full complexity of a topic.

The interactive format of the journal encourages a dynamic dialogue resulting in a comprehensive discussion of the topic, thereby building up the body of nursing knowledge and suggesting policy implications that enhance the health of the public.” (OJIN, 2017) OJIN’s international readership includes nurses employed by thousands of healthcare organizations throughout the world, researchers, and educators and students in a variety of educational programs.

The conference that writer would prefer to present evidence based practice research project on pressure ulcer prevention would be NUAP Biennial Conference. This conference discuses everything on pressure ulcer. This conference provides excellent board to present new knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention. The primary mission of the NPUAP & this conference is to improve patient outcomes in pressure injury prevention and treatment. By incorporating the latest scientific evidence into the educational slide sets for teaching health care providers. (Week 1 discussion 4: Writing homework help)

A big problem in health care today is the research-practice gap, often caused by the failure to disseminate new knowledge from research and translate this into practice. Only a small percentage of research findings get translated into practice, due to three reasons: research results may not be disseminated at all, the findings are not disseminated to the right audiences, or the results are disseminated but are then not translated into practice. These problems occur in medicine, nursing and other health disciplines many countries. Today there is a movement around the world to try to overcome these problems, and the terminology of this movement includes knowledge translation, evidence-based nursing, or evidence based practice. Through OJIN and NUAP Biennial Conference author has great opportunity to disseminate new knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention into nursing practice. (Week 1 discussion 4: Writing homework help)

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Case Study Analysis Using Theory

Case Study Analysis Using Theory

Read the “Case Study Analysis.” (Case Study Analysis Using Theory)

Select one of the following theories that you feel best applies to treating the client in the case study:

  1. Bowen Family Systems
  2. Structural
  3. Strategic

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis of the case study using the theory you chose. Include the following in your analysis.

  1. What concepts of the theory make it the most appropriate for the client in the case study?
  2. Why did you choose this theory over the others?
  3. What will be the goals of counseling and what intervention strategies are used to accomplish those goals?
  4. Is the theory designed for short- or long-term counseling?
  5. What will be the counselor’s role with this client?
  6. What is the client’s role in counseling?
  7. For what population(s) is this theory most appropriate? How does this theory address the social and cultural needs of the client?
  8. What additional information might be helpful to know about this case?
  9. What may be a risk in using this approach?

Include at least three scholarly references in your paper.


Case Study Analysis 

Client Name: Ana

Client age: 24

Gender: F

Presenting Problem

Client states, “I recently lost my job and feel hopeless. I can’t sleep and don’t feel like eating.” Client also reports she has lost 10 pounds during the last two months. Client states that she is a solo parent and is worried about becoming homeless. Client states, “I worry all the time. I can’t get my brain to shut off. My husband is in the military and currently serving in an overseas combat zone for the next eight months. I worry about him all the time.” (Case Study Analysis Using Theory)

Behavioral Observations

Client arrived 30 minutes early for her appointment. Client stated that she had never been in counseling before. Client depressed and anxious, as evidenced by shaking hands and tearfulness as she filled out her intake paperwork. Ana made little eye contact as she described what brought her into treatment. Client speech was halting. Client affect flat. Client appeared willing to commit to eight sessions of treatment authorized by her insurance company.

General Background

Client is a 24-year-old first-generation immigrant from Guatemala. Ana was furloughed from her job as a loan officer at local bank three months ago. Client reported that she was from a wealthy family in Guatemala, but does not want to ask for help. Client speaks fluent Spanish.


Client has completed one year of college with a major in business. Client states that she left college after her son was born as she found it difficult to manage a baby, college, and a full-time job.

Family Background

Client is the middle of four siblings. Client has two older brothers and one younger sister. Client’s parents have been married for 27 years. Client states that she has had a “close” relationship with her family, although she states that her father is a “heavy drinker.” Client states that all her brothers and sisters have graduated from college and have professional careers. Client states that her father is a banker and her mother is an educator. Client states that she has not seen her family for 1 year. Client has a 1-year-old son and states that she is sometimes “overwhelmed” by raising him alone.

Major Stressors

· Lack of family and supportive friends

· Financial problems due to job loss

· Husband deployed overseas

· Raising a baby by herself (Case Study Analysis Using Theory)

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Psychology Of Stress & Health

Psychology Of Stress & Health

The psychology of stress and health explores the intricate relationship between psychological factors and physical health outcomes. Stress, a natural response to challenging or threatening situations, can have profound effects on both mental and physical well-being. Chronic stress, in particular, is linked to a variety of health issues, including cardiovascular disease, compromised immune function, and mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression.

The impact of stress on health is mediated by a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors. For example, stress activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, leading to the release of stress hormones such as cortisol, which can have widespread effects on the body over time. Additionally, individual differences in coping strategies and resilience play a significant role in how stress affects health outcomes.

Understanding the psychology of stress and health is crucial for developing effective interventions to mitigate the negative effects of stress. Techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), and stress management programs can help individuals better cope with stress and improve their overall health and well-being.

Please read the following article (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. and answer the following prompts and/or questions: (Psychology Of Stress & Health)

A. Describe in a sentence or two what this article is saying about how food preferences are changing in Ghana and what people think of chains like KFC that have been introduced.

  1. Do they like this new food?
  2. What does the ability to buy food at places like KFC represent to many Ghanaians?
  3. What has been the result to the health and culture of Ghanian’s with these new options (like KFC) now being available?

B. The rise in obesity in Ghana may be unavoidable and carries many risks. This is true of many developing nations around the world.

  1. Do you think American corporations that open and operate new food chains overseas have any obligation to educate the public about the health risks of their food? Why or why not?
  2. If health scientists or the corporations selling the food wanted to do something to combat the rise in obesity in Ghana’s citizens what would you recommend?


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