Pathophysiology of Arthritis Explained

Pathophysiology of Arthritis Explained

(Pathophysiology of Arthritis Explained)

Arthritis is a term encompassing various joint disorders, primarily characterized by inflammation, pain, and dysfunction. The most common types are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease caused by the breakdown of cartilage, the smooth tissue that cushions joints. This cartilage deterioration leads to bone-on-bone friction, causing pain, swelling, and decreased joint mobility. OA primarily affects weight-bearing joints like the knees, hips, and spine.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder where the immune system erroneously attacks the synovial membrane, which lines the joints. This immune attack results in chronic inflammation, swelling, and eventual joint damage. Over time, RA can lead to joint deformity and loss of function. RA typically affects smaller joints, such as those in the hands and feet, and can also impact systemic organs.

Both types of arthritis result in joint pain and stiffness, but their underlying mechanisms differ. OA is driven by mechanical stress and wear-and-tear, while RA involves an autoimmune inflammatory process. Early diagnosis and management are crucial in controlling symptoms and preventing joint damage.

Pathophysiology of Arthritis Explained

While arthritis impacts nearly 50 million adults in the United States, it is not a disease that is limited to adulthood. Consider the case of Ashley Russell. At the age of 14 months, Ashley was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. As a baby, her parents noticed that her knee was always swollen and that she often wanted to be carried instead of walking on her own (Cyr, 2012). After seeking medical care, Ashley’s underlying disorder was discovered. Arthritis in children is not uncommon. According to the CDC (2011), an estimated 294,000 children under age 18 have some form of arthritis or rheumatic condition. Due to the prevalence of the disorder in both children and adults, you must understand the pathophysiology and symptoms of arthritis in order to properly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

To Prepare

· Review Chapter 37 in the Huether and McCance text and Chapter 24 in the McPhee and Hammer text. Identify the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Consider the similarities and differences of the disorders.

· Select two of the following patient factors: genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, or behavior. Reflect on how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology of the disorders, as well as the diagnosis of and treatment for the disorders.

Post a description of the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, including the similarities and differences between the disorders. Then explain how the factors you selected might impact the pathophysiology of the disorders, as well as the diagnosis of treatment for the disorders.

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Evaluating Social Theories Effectively

Evaluating Social Theories Effectively

(Evaluating Social Theories Effectively)

Evaluating social theories involves assessing their explanatory power, empirical support, and practical applicability. Start by examining how well the theory explains the social phenomena it addresses. Consider whether it offers a comprehensive framework for understanding complex social interactions and structures. Next, evaluate the empirical support by reviewing research studies and data that test the theory’s predictions. This involves checking the robustness and reliability of the evidence supporting the theory. Additionally, consider the theory’s practical applicability—how it informs real-world practices or interventions. Assess whether the theory provides actionable insights or solutions for social issues. Finally, consider the theory’s relevance and adaptability to contemporary social contexts and changes. This holistic evaluation ensures a thorough understanding of the theory’s value and limitations in explaining and addressing social phenomena.

social theories and annotated bib practices, sociology homework help

Question description

Please do both with answers under the questions please.

There are three primary social theories (functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism) which are used to evaluate social problems.  In this discussion board, you are to evaluate the chosen issue/problem that you identified for your Capstone Project from these perspectives.  Describe how a functionalist, a conflict theorist, and someone ascribing to symbolic interactionism would explain the key issue and the factors that have led to this issue.

Remember that you can draw on what you have learned from your previous courses as well as acceptable academic sources to refresh your memory on these theories and then apply them to your selected issue.


As you approach the end of your academic journey, think back to all the research that you have put into this accomplishment.  You have been writing and honing your communication skills throughout your academic tenure.  This week your assignment is to create an annotated bibliography.  In this discussion board, please present the five most important things you have learned about research in your field of study over your time at Ashford.  These factors could include study tips, time saving techniques, ideas about the best attitudes for research, methods for reviewing articles and resources, tips for formatting, ways to structure your physical learning environment and temporal learning periods, or any other categories that you find important.  Explain how you learned those methods and techniques and how you have honed your ability to do research as you progressed through the social science major.

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Evaluating Forensic Report Analysis

Evaluating Forensic Report Analysis

(Evaluating Forensic Report Analysis)

This course has provided you with a foundational knowledge of forensic psychological assessment. Successful integration of your skills is a significant aspect of this course. Throughout this course, you have learned about the variety of forensic psychological assessments.

In this assignment, apply what you have learned in this course to analyze a report of a recently paroled offender.


You are working as a forensic mental health professional in a parole outpatient clinic, which has received a forensic psychological and risk assessment report on a paroled offender. You have been asked evaluate the report and present it to the Board of Parole.


Evaluate the forensic psychology and risk assessment report and create an 8- to 10-page essay in a Microsoft Word document addressing the following:

  • Identify and describe the role and purpose of the report. Comment on whether the evaluation was or was not necessary. State the reasons for your opinion.
  • Apply considerations of any information or sections that you found missing in the report as well as information that you found to be not relevant, i.e., elements that should have been omitted. In other words, what could have been added to or excluded from the report?
  • Discuss the ways in which cultural sensitivity and aspects of diversity were addressed in the report, including any ways in which the report could be made more culturally sensitive and include greater considerations of elements of diversity.
  • Identify and describe at least two additional psychological assessments or measures that you would have administered to obtain additional relevant information for the report. Feel free to list more than two as appropriate. Be sure to also consider cultural implications of the tests which you select.
  • Explain how you would use the recommendations in the report to assist in the development of a treatment plan.
  • Discuss in what capacity the report may be used in alternative venues. For example, can this report be utilized by other professionals in the future? If so, in what capacity?
  • Discuss the overall quality and readability of this report, including a scholarly critique of the writing.

As you evaluate the report be sure to avoid using the word “I” in formal writing. Remember, the reader of your assignment will know it is your voice since you are the author of your paper. Also, consider the difference between the following two statements, “I think the report needed to have included . . .” and “The report needed to have included . . .” The first statement has some redundancy by the writer’s use of the word “I,” whereas the second statement displays greater confidence.

Your essay should rely upon at least seven scholarly resources from the professional literature that are cited in APA format. The literature may include online library resources; relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu or .gov).

Evaluating Forensic Report Analysis

The assignment will be graded according to the following rubric:

Assignment Component Proficient
Maximum Points Possible
Identify and describe the role and purpose of the report. Comment on whether the evaluation was or was not necessary. State the reasons for your viewpoint. The role and purpose as well as the necessity of the report were stated and considered ethical considerations. The reasons for their viewpoints were fully articulated.
Apply considerations of any information or sections that should be added to or removed from the report Considerations of any information or sections that should be added to or removed from the report are complete, detailed and accurate.
Discuss the ways in which cultural sensitivity and aspects of diversity were addressed in the report, including any ways in which the report could be made more culturally sensitive and include greater considerations of elements of diversity. Analysis of the ways in which cultural sensitivity and aspects of diversity were addressed in the report and improvements for cultural sensitivity were complete, detailed and accurate.

Several outside resources were utilized.

Identify and describe at least two additional psychological assessments or measures that you would have administered to obtain additional relevant information for the report. Feel free to list more than two as appropriate. Be sure to also consider cultural applications of the tests which you select. Two psychological assessment instruments were identified and discussed. Cultural implications of the selected measures were considered.
Explain how you would use the recommendations in the report to assist in the development of a treatment plan. An explanation of how the recommendations in the report could be used to assist in the development of a treatment plan was complete and accurate.
Discuss in what capacity the report may be used in alternative venues by other professionals in the future and in what capacity A discussion of how the report can be used in alternative venues by other professionals in the future and in what capacity was complete and accurate.
Discuss the quality and readability of this report; include a scholarly critique of the writing. A discussion of the quality and readability of the report and a scholarly critique of the writing were complete and detailed.
Academic Writing
Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.

Writing is generally clear and in an organized manner. It demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and generally displays accurate spelling, grammar, punctuation. Errors are few, isolated, and do not interfere with reader’s comprehension.

Citations in text and at the end of the document are in correct APA format.

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Nursing Health Promotion/Discussion.

Nursing Health Promotion/Discussion/Wk1.

(Nursing Health Promotion/Discussion.)

Public health nursing involves working with communities and populations as equal partners, and focusing on primary prevention and health promotion (Kulbok, Thatcher, Park, Meszaros, 2012). There are many types of public health nurses in the area I live in including home health nurses, health department nurses, free clinic nurses, and home hospice nurses. Community based nursing involves collaboration and partnerships with communities and populations to address health and social conditions and problems.  The nurse I interviewed for this discussion, Jennifer, is a registered nurse who takes home call for Community Hospice, a locally owned hospice service in the Vidalia area.  I have dealt with this facility on a personal and professional level and there is no greater community centered facility in our area more so than Community Hospice.

Q: What are your job responsibilities?

A: As an on-call nurse, my main job is new patient intakes after business hours.  This includes going into the homes of patients who are admitted under hospice care.  During these intake assessments it is my job to record and take vital signs, educate families and patients on the disease, prognosis, treatments, and hospice care, and to ensure that families and patients understand and agree with the plan of care.  On routine visits it is my responsibility to again assess patients, record vital signs, as well as monitor any changes from previous visits and report changes to our providers on staff.

Q: Does a correlation exist between your job description and your practice?

A: Although she has a very clear job description laid out for her, she explains that her duties go far beyond the typical hands on patient care the typical nurse sees in the office or hospital setting.  She explains hospice is a special kind of job where you not only care for the patient but patient’s families as well.  She explains sometimes the care for the patient includes caring for them family and helping them cope with the prognosis of death.

Q: Are you involved in policy formulation that affects client services?

A: Jennifer describes her work environment and boss as exceptional.  All staff are seen as equals and their opinions valued to the fullest.  Each day they have a meeting where all staff who reports to the Hospice House that day go through reports as well as ideas to make their jobs successful.  She states having supportive staff members makes it easy to help policy implementation and change.

Q: Do you belong to a professional organization related to your current job position?

A: Currently Jennifer explains she is not involved in an organization related to hospice care. However there is an organization that several of her fellow employees are members of which is the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). This organization’s mission is the largest nonprofit membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United States. The organization is committed to improving end-of-life care and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly enhancing quality of life for people dying in America and their loved ones (NHPCO 2018). This organization helps support and update hospice based nurses on any advances in their area of nursing as well as provide support.

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Project Scope Analysis Discussion

Project Scope Analysis Discussion

(Project Scope Analysis Discussion)

project management, management homework help

Question description

Primary Discussion Response is due by Friday (11:59:59pm Central), Peer Responses are due by Tuesday (11:59:59pm Central).

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Please note: This course requires use of the Microsoft Project 2010 (or later) software application. The 2010 version and those released later are similar and suitable for the assignments. Please note the software is not compatible with Mac computers. The course requires a project management software application and in alignment with industry standards, CTU uses Microsoft Project. If you are using a Mac, you must find a comparable project management software tool such as Project Libre or OpenProject. Students who use a Mac should consider the best option to alternative software or use a PC with Project. An internet search for “Project alternatives for Mac” can provide many of these options. Students are expected to review the options and determine the best for success in the course deliverables. Communication with your faculty member early in the course regarding this issue or any others is strongly recommended.

Project management software such as Project 2010 allows project managers to input data related to the project and monitor the project’s progress. One of the first activities a Project Manager performs is to determine the project scope, which is the description of the final deliverable of the project. Once the scope has been defined, project managers can determine the work breakdown structure based on the work needed to the performed in the project. The tasks to get the work done are input into the project’s schedule. In Project 2010, the tasks can be input prior to creating the work breakdown structure.

Read the following scenarios and choose 1 to be used throughout the course. You will be the project manager for your selected project.

Scenario 1: Information Technology (IT) Project

You are a new project manager working for a small college in the Western United States called Western Technological College (WTC). Your manager, the IT department director, has asked you to develop the project management plan using Project. The IT department director knows that you are taking a class on Project in your undergraduate program and thought this would be an excellent opportunity for you to learn how to manage a project using the software.
The project has a deliverable of upgrading all the classroom computers in the business department. The college has 5 classrooms in the business department, and each classroom has 25 computers. All 125 computers will be replaced with newer all-in-one desktops with touchscreens. The vendor has been determined, and you will work with this vendor upgrade the computers.
The scope of the project involves replacing these computers and getting new desks to accommodate the new desktops. Newer software will be added to the computers, including an updated operating system. College staff members will have to be trained on the use of the new computers and the software. The training will include live training and hardcopy training materials.

Scenario 2: Construction Project

You are a project manager in a small construction company in the Eastern United States called Eastern Construction Company (ECC). The company is overseeing the development of a storage building for a state road maintenance agency. Your manager, the program manager at ECC, wants you to manage the project of the storage building construction using Project. The program manager knows that you are in a class and are learning how to use Project.
The project deliverable includes the construction of a 50’x50′ storage building shell. The building will have a foundation, four walls, and a roof. Electricity will be added to the building to include overhead lights and 5 outlets on each wall, for a total of 25 outlets. A 20-foot-long rollup door will be on the building. Each of the 3 other walls will have a regular door and a set of windows.
ECC will perform all of the construction, to include the concrete foundation, the walls, roof, doors and window installation, and electricity and lighting. The scope includes all of these components. The project will not include interior painting or flooring; these items are outside the scope of this project and will be added later.

Assignment Details

Identify the scenario that you have chosen for this class, and then answer the following questions relative to the scenario you have chosen:

  • Describe the scope of your selected project and what the final deliverable will look like.
  • What work packages will be needed to complete your project?
  • What tasks will be needed to get the work done in your project?

Responses to Other Students: Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

  • What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?
  • What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
  • What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
  • What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.

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Expectations From Genders.

Expectations From Genders.

Expectations From Genders.
Expectations from genders often stem from deeply ingrained cultural, societal, and historical norms that dictate roles and behaviors considered appropriate for males and females. Traditionally, these expectations have assigned men roles of leadership, strength, and provision, while women have been expected to fulfill nurturing, domestic, and supportive roles. Such stereotypes reinforce a binary view of gender, limiting individual freedom and perpetuating inequality.In contemporary society, there’s a growing recognition of the need to challenge and redefine these expectations. Efforts to promote gender equality advocate for a more flexible understanding of gender roles, where individuals are not constrained by traditional norms. This shift aims to ensure that opportunities and responsibilities are based on personal interests and abilities rather than gender. However, achieving true equality requires ongoing dialogue and action to dismantle stereotypes and support diverse expressions of gender identity. By encouraging a more inclusive approach, society can better support individuals in pursuing their personal and professional goals without the limitations imposed by outdated gender expectations.

Expectations From Genders.

The foundations of courtship are vast and complicated, regardless of cultural practices and environments. In this assignment, you will focus on Sternberg’s triangular theory of love which depicts the relationships between intimacy, passion, and commitment. You will also explore the impact society has on each of these variables.

Using the module readings, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, research Sternberg’s theory.

Complete the following:

  • Describe Sternberg’s triangular theory of love.
  • Apply Sternberg’s theory to examine social norms and roles expected of your stated gender. Focus on social roles and norms including, but not limited to, the following areas and origins of adult relationships:
    • Dating practices including social media sites such as
    • Family planning
    • Daily parenting practices and changing roles related to career(s) and education

Support your assertions using valid research. Be sure to integrate your personal experiences and examples in your paper.

Write a 2–3-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to the formatting of your paper and the citation of sources. Remember to include a cover page and reference page in APA format. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.

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Leadership learning experience.

Leadership learning experience.

(Leadership learning experience.)

Question description

Nursing is a practice discipline that includes direct and indirect care activities that affect health outcomes. As a baccalaureate nursing student, you are developing new competencies in leadership, and in order to achieve mastery, you must apply those competencies to live practice experiences and situations. This Leadership Learning Experience (LLE) is designed to allow you to choose a clinical focus (e.g., practice, policy, education, population) in which you apply your leadership problem–solving skills. The LLE requires engagement with other people within the setting to complete.

You will develop a project within a practice setting that allows you to develop these leadership skills. You will identify a problem area in a practice setting that you specifically want to address (e.g., practice, policy, population, education) that aligns with organizational priorities. Example sources for the problem area may include the following:

• Practice: joint commission standards, core measures as quality indicators, other data

• Policy: legislation, staffing ratio, regulations from state boards

• Population: children with diabetes, adult obesity

• Education: future of nursing, Benner’s recommendations about nursing education

You will focus on a real-life solution for the problem. You should choose a topic that is timely, manageable, and realistic to the current healthcare environment. An external resource person (i.e., manager, clinical leader, clinical educator, policy expert, or population expert) must confirm the relevance of the selected project and your engagement in the setting as part of project completion. As with all projects, you should think how you, as a nurse, function in the following roles: detective, scientist, and manager of the healing environment.

Project Requirements:

Note: Any information that would be considered confidential, proprietary, or personal in nature should not be included. Do not include the actual names of people, stakeholders, or other personally identifiable information. Fictional names should be used. Also, agency-specific data, including financial information, should not be included but should be addressed in a general fashion as appropriate.

Note: Your submission may be in a variety of formats (e.g., report, multimedia presentation).

A. Develop a written proposal by doing the following:

1. Identify a problem or issue related to practice, policy, population, or education that aligns with the organizational priorities you seek to solve.

Note: You may need to meet with the organization/practice setting, your manager, and/or supervisor to help choose a current problem or issue.

a. Explain the problem or issue, including why it is applicable to the area of practice you chose and the healthcare environment.

2. Discuss your investigation of the problem or issue.

a. Include evidence to substantiate the problem or issue (e.g., organizational assessment, national source documents, evidence from a stakeholder).

3. Analyze the state of the situation using current data.

a. Analyze areas that might be contributing to the problem or issue.

4. Propose a solution or innovation for the problem or issue.

a. Justify your proposed solution or innovation based on the results of your investigation and analysis.

5. Recommend resources to implement your proposed solution or innovation.

a. Include a cost-benefit analysis of your proposed solution or innovation.

6. Include a timeline for implementation based on your proposal.

7. Identify key stakeholders and/or appropriate partners that are important for the implementation of your solution or innovation.

a. Discuss why each key stakeholder and/or appropriate partner is important for the implementation of the solution or innovation.

b. Summarize your engagement with the key stakeholders and/or appropriate partners, including the input and feedback you received.

c. Discuss how you intend to work with those key stakeholders and/or appropriate partners in order to achieve success.

8. Discuss how your proposed solution or innovation could be implemented.

a. Discuss how the implementation could be evaluated for success.

B. Explain how you fulfilled the following roles during your process of investigation and proposal development:

1. scientist

2. detective

3. manager of the healing environment

D. When you use sources, include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section.

Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in a paper or project, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-

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Comparison of Assessment Tool Constructs

Comparison of Assessment Tool Constructs

(Comparison of Assessment Tool Constructs)

 In this assignment, you will be comparing the constructs of two assessment tools. Use the Resources provided and the University Library to complete the following:

  • Select an assessment tool from those listed in the Resources area and one additional assessment tool from the literature using the Capella University Library. The assessment tools should measure the same construct. For example, if you select the Beck Anxiety Inventory from the Resources area, you would want to select another tool from the literature that also measures anxiety.
  • Examine the key test measurement constructs of reliability and validity for each tool, and compare these constructs for each tool. You will want to describe the methods used to acquire reliability and validity for each assessment and also discuss how the constructs relate to each other between the two assessment tools.
  • Describe how results on each assessment are interpreted. For example, how are scores interpreted in comparison to group means and norms (for a standardized or norm-referenced test) or to cutoff scores (for criterion-referenced test)? How are scores on this assessment correlated with other tests that measure the same construct?
  • Incorporate a minimum of six scholarly research studies analyzing the effectiveness of each selected assessment tool in professional settings.
  • Based on the review of literature, evaluate which assessment tool has clearer application of measurement concepts.

Please use the Assignment Template listed under Resources to compose your Comparison of Assessment Tool Constructs paper.


Beck Anxiety Inventory.

Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress (DAPS).


Read Beier & Ackerman’s 2005 article, “Age, Ability, and the Role of Prior Knowledge on the Acquisition of New Domain Knowledge: Promising Results in a Real-World Learning Environment,” from Psychology and Aging, volume 20, issue 2, pages 341–355

[Unit and Assignment Title]

[Learner Name]



[Professor Name]


The abstract appears on a page by itself and is in single paragraph using block format and is double spaced. The abstract is a summary of your paper which allows the reader to quickly review what will be covered. Limit the abstract to 150–250 words.

Unit and Assignment Title

Start writing your introduction here (1–2 paragraphs). An effective introduction prepares the reader by identifying the purpose of the paper and providing the organization of the paper. Please double-space and remember to indent all paragraphs throughout your paper. (Not block form!) Aim to keep your writing objective using third person (see handout in the discussion board). Unless required for the specific assignment, please do not include a Table of Contents, as it is not APA style. Review paper guidelines on page requirements and number of sources required (if provided). Unless citing a classic work, aim to cite research articles and texts published within the past five years. Please use headings throughout your paper that are consistent with the paper’s scoring guide (that way you ensure you are adequately addressing all required areas.)

When you finish writing your paper, re-read it to check for errors and make sure your ideas flow well. A helpful tip is to read your paper aloud to yourself. If it does not sound right to your ear – it is not working on paper! Please submit your papers to Turnitin (link in the course homepage) to check for plagiarism. Also, remember as a Capella learner you have free access through iGuide to personal tutoring services with

Level 1 Heading: Centered, Boldface, Uppercase and Lowercase Heading

Review the evaluation categories in the scoring guide to ensure you are addressing the ‘Distinguished’ category for all sections of your paper.

Level 2 Heading (if needed): Flushed Left, Boldface, Upper and Lowercase Heading

For papers in this course, this will likely be all the heading levels you will need. You can review the APA Manual, 6th edition, section 3.03 for more guidance.


Please provide a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas of your paper.

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Personalized Pregnancy Care Plans

Personalized Pregnancy Care Plans

(Personalized Pregnancy Care Plans)


Discussion: Care Plans for PregnancAfter confirming and dating a pregnancy, you must collaborate with patients to develop a personalized care plan. These pregnancy care plans are integral to prenatal care as they help to ensure the mother and child’s well-being throughout the entire pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a wonderful, yet difficult time for women as a woman’s body goes through many physical, mental, and emotional changes that might be challenging or even overwhelming for some. Whether or not these women share their concerns, as the advanced practice nurse, you must routinely watch for signs and symptoms of any developing physical or mental health issues. By collaborating with patients and discussing concerns, you can modify care plans and often address potential issues before they become a significant health problem. For this Discussion, consider pregnancy care plans for the women in the following case studies:Case Study 1:On 1-15-13, you are seeing a 25-year-old Caucasian female in the clinic because she believes she’s pregnant. Her LMP was 12-1-12. Her home pregnancy test was positive, and she has been having nausea and breast tenderness.

To prepare:

  • Review Chapter 30 of the Schuiling and Likis text and Chapter 2 of the Tharpe et al. text.
  • Review and select one of the two provided case studies. Analyze the patient information.
  • Consider how to date the pregnancy and estimate the date of delivery for the patient in the case study you selected.
  • Based on the dating of the pregnancy, reflect on the appropriate clinical guidelines for procedures and screenings. Think about the implications of any missed procedures or screenings.
  • Determine a plan of care for the patient. Identify procedures, screenings, diagnostic testing, pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments (if appropriate), management strategies, and patient education.

Post the estimated date of delivery for the patient (EDD), in the case study. Include an explanation of how you dated a pregnancy and which of the patient’s factors led to your estimated date of delivery. 

Then, based on the dating of the patient’s pregnancy, explain the appropriate clinical guidelines for procedures and screenings. 

Explain implications of any missed procedures and/or screenings.

Finally, explain a plan of care for the patient, including procedures, screenings, diagnostic testing, pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, management strategies, and patient education.

Here are some recommended:

1.Schuiling, K. D., & Likis, F. E. (2017). Women’s gynecologic health (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

2.Tharpe, N. L., Farley, C., & Jordan, R. G. (2017). Clinical practice guidelines for midwifery & women’s health (5th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012b). Women’s health. Retrieved from

National Institutes of Health. (2012). Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH). Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2012a). Retrieved from



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Insanity Defense Legal Standards

Insanity Defense Legal Standards

(Insanity Defense Legal Standards)

The insanity defense is a legal standard used to argue that a defendant should not be held criminally responsible for their actions due to a severe mental illness at the time of the offense. Legal standards for this defense vary by jurisdiction, but they generally revolve around the concept that the defendant lacked the mental capacity to understand the nature of their actions or to distinguish right from wrong.

In the United States, two main tests are commonly used: the M’Naghten Rule and the Model Penal Code (ALI) Test. The M’Naghten Rule requires proof that, due to a severe mental disorder, the defendant did not know the nature of their act or did not understand it was wrong. The ALI Test, established by the American Law Institute, broadens this to include defendants who lacked substantial capacity to appreciate the criminality of their conduct or to conform their conduct to the law due to mental illness.

Successful use of the insanity defense often results in a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI), leading to commitment to a mental health facility rather than a prison. However, this defense is controversial and often subject to rigorous scrutiny in court.

3:2 Assignment 2: RA 1: Legal Requirements

The insanity defense is as old as it is controversial. There are times when insanity truly applies and times when it is not easy to determine. In either case, the documentation of services provided to these clients is typically heavily scrutinized by attorneys since documentation is the primary means used by courts to measure insanity as it meets legal standards. This assignment will allow you to examine the legal standards for insanity in your jurisdiction in addition to the requirements for the documentation of services provided to these individuals.


Search your state and regulatory boards, professional associations, state psychology boards, and state psychological associations. Use resources from professional literature to support your response. Professional literature may include relevant textbooks; peer-reviewed journal articles; and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, and .gov).

Write a 3- to 4-page paper, including the following:

· What are the legal requirements in your jurisdiction regarding the documentation of data provided by a forensic psychology professional? If not-guilty-by-reason-of-insanity (NGRI) and guilty-but-mentally-ill (GBMI) evaluations are not recognized by your jurisdiction, review the legal requirements in a jurisdiction where they are the standard.

· What are the specific laws and rules regarding the documentation of psychological services?

· What are the differences between the requirements for clinical work and the requirements for forensic work, if any?

· What standards are used in your jurisdiction for an insanity plea?

· Do the insanity standards identify mental disease or defect with any exclusions, such as substance use? Explain.

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