In this assignment, you will write a personal plan specifically for your career situation and goals.

Option 2: Advance Your Health Care CareerCreate a 1,050- to 1,400-word plan for advancing your health care career. Include the following in your plan:Skills you will need to develop for future opportunitiesStrategies you will employ to gain the required skills needed for future opportunitiesExplanation of how you currently project a professional image and how you can continue to build your brand, considering the effect of professionalism and etiquetteStrategies you will employ to advance your careerHow you will measure the effectiveness of your strategies to advance your careerStrategies you can be employ for continued professional growth and advancementYour top 5 practices for career success, with descriptionsSubmit your assignment as a Microsoft Word® document.

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Journal Entries

For each day that you volunteer, create a new journal entry in which the first line is the day, date, and time period that you worked that day. Please put this information in bold font. Write a paragraph that describes the type of duties you carried out that day (what you did, who else was there, whether you were a part of a team or were working alone, etc.). Once each week, focus on one particular event or aspect of your work that week and describe why you found this particular task or event to be unusual or of special interest. In a 250-300-word entry, relate this aspect of your volunteer experience to some specific knowledge that you have previously gained in your coursework to this point.APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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i need 10 drug cards

Lesson 1: Using the drug reference book or websites such as or, prepare 10 Medication cards based on 50 most prescribed drug listing in the drug card template provided (above).  Cite your sources in APA format.Start with the following 10 medications for Lesson 1:Hydocodone/APAPNorco/Vicodinhydrocodone/APAP1Levothyrone SodiumSynthroidlevothyroxine Sodium2LisinoprilPrinivil/Zestrillisinopril3SimvastatinZocorsimvastatin4AzithromycinZithromaxazithromycin5CrestorCrestorrosuvstatin6NexiumNexiumesomeprazole7Atorvastatin CaLipitoratorvastatin Calcium8IbuprofenMotrinibuprofen9Metoprolol TartrateLopressormetoprolol tartrate10

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State Health Policy Reform Innovation

Select a state health policy reform innovationDiscuss the rationale for the policy, how it was adopted (e.g., federal waivers, passage by state legislature), the funding structure, and (to the extent statistical data are available) its impact. ethical outcome based on evidence.Examples of state innovations include Maryland’s hospital rate setting, Vermont’s single payer system, and Massachusetts’ health reformsSubmission Requirements:The paper is to be formatted per current APA style, 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style.MUST have an ABSTRACT.

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power point cannot be plagiarized

Week 2: Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health Application PowerPointSubmit AssignmentPoints 175  Submitting a file uploadThe purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as an educator. You are to prepare a guide that will serve as a handout to assist a specific patient that you identify. Your guide or handout should help this patient find and evaluate a reliable mobile health, or mHealth application (app) that is already developed. This may be related to the patient’s disease process or diagnosis or may be an app that can help a patient maintain or improve good health and prevent illness.You will develop the guide using Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a versatile application that lets you design slideshows and handouts. For this assignment, you will be using PowerPoint to create a guide or handout that you may print and give to patients and families. You will be submitting this PowerPoint file for grading.Course OutcomesThis assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.CO1: Describe patient-care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO1)CO5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. (PO5)PointsThis assignment is worth a total of 175 points.Due DateThe Patient Education Technology Guide to a Mobile Health Application PowerPoint assignment is due in Week 2. Submit your completed assignment. You may consult the Policies section in the Introduction & Resources module for details regarding late assignments. Late assignments will result in loss of points. Post questions about this assignment in the Course Q & A Forum.DirectionsYou are required to complete this assignment using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.pptx” format. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. Click on the envelope at the top of the page.You are required to cite your source(s) as it relates to your application slide. Other citations are permitted, but this is not a requirement for the assignment.Title slide (first slide): Include a title slide with your name and the title of the presentation.Scenario Slide (one slide): This slide should include a brief scenario, then identify a patient who is experiencing a specific disease process or diagnosis who would benefit from an already developed and reliable mHealth app. Or it could identify a person who is currently healthy and would like to maintain or improve health and prevent illness. Be sure to include the nurse’s assessment of the patient’s learning needs and readiness to learn. Be specific.Example:Scenario for Ms. EllisJane Doe (your name here)Jennifer Ellis, a 62-year-old African American woman, has been recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). She has been prescribed several medications she must take every day.The nephrologist has stressed the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle to slow or stop the progression of CKD.She is interested in ways in which she can better track her health and make healthier choices.She is a high school graduate and iPhone user, mostly to send text messages to family and friends.She is eager to learn how to use an app that can help her manage her CKD.Prepare the following slides as if you are presenting them to the patient.mHealth application slide (one to three slides): Identify a developed and reliable mHealth app that could benefit the patient. Describe the app, including the following.NamePurposeIntended audienceMobile device(s) upon which it will operateWhere to download or obtain it (include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website)Any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situationBe sure to cite all sources you use.Teaching slides (one to three slides): Prepare slides that contain important points about the app that you want to teach to the patient, such as how to use the app safely and effectively (including how to interpret and act on the information that is provided).Evaluation slide (one to three slides): Describe how you would determine the success of the patient’s use of this app. For example, include ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan that are a good fit for the type of app or focus on specific ways that this app benefits the patient’s health and wellness.References (last slide): List any references for sources that were used or cited in the presentation.Writing and design: There should be no spelling or grammatical errors. Writing is concise and clear. Avoid words that the patient may not understand. Slides are visually appealing, incorporating graphics, photographs, colors, and themes.Review the section on Academic Integrity Policy found in the RNBSN Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited.Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint SlideshowsBe creative but realistic.Incorporate graphics, color, themes, or photographs to increase interest.Make it easy to read with short bullet points and large font.Review directions thoroughly.Cite all sources within the slides with (author, year), as well as on the reference slide.Proofread prior to final submission.Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy.Tutorial: For those not familiar with the development of a PowerPoint slideshow, the following link to the Microsoft website may be helpful. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. The Chamberlain Student Success Strategies (CCSSS) offers a module on Computer Literacy that contains a section on PowerPoint. The link to SSPRNBSN may be found in your student portal.**Academic Integrity Reminder**values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment. Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.NOTE: Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.RubricNR361 Patient Guide – Sept 18NR361 Patient Guide – Sept 18Criteria  RatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scenario SlideScenario is clear and concise, including a disease process or diagnosis, or identify a patient with a desire to maintain good health and prevent illness. Include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.40.0 ptsScenario is a clear and concise description of patient with a specific disease or diagnosis, or someone who is healthy and wants to prevent illness and maintain good health. Makes clear that the person is seeking information, including a detailed assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.35.0 ptsScenario is clear but not concise as it exceeds more than one slide. It includes a description of the patient with specific disease or diagnosis, or desire to maintain good health. Scenario generally describes the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn.32.0 ptsScenario includes a description of the patient with specific disease or diagnosis, or desire to maintain good health. Scenario lacks the nurse’s assessment of learning needs OR readiness to learn.15.0 ptsScenario is missing the description of disease process OR diagnosis OR desire to maintain good health Scenario lacks both the nurse’s assessment of learning needs AND readiness to learn.0.0 ptsScenario fails to describe the patient’s situation The nurse’s assessment of learning needs and readiness to learn are lacking.40.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome mHealth Application SlideIdentify a mHealth app that could benefit the patient. Describe the app including its: • Name • Purpose • Intended audience • Mobile device(s) upon which it will operate • Where to download or obtain it. Include a working link if it is to be downloaded from a website. • And any other information you believe would be pertinent to this situation. • Citation50.0 ptsDescribes the mHealth application in detail including its: Name, Purpose, Intended Audience, Mobile device upon which it operates, Download or where to obtain, Other pertinent information, and Sources that are used are cited.44.0 ptsDescribes the mHealth application but is lacking one of the elements in the first column.40.0 ptsDescribes the mHealth application but is lacking two of the elements in column.19.0 ptsDescribes the mHealth application but is lacking three of the elements in the first column.0.0 ptsProvides a poor or confusing description of the mHealth application that lacks most of the elements in the first column.50.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Teaching SlideInformation on slides to be taught to patient about the mHealth app including any safety guidelines, and how to interpret and act on the information that is provided.40.0 ptsPrepares slides that teach all pertinent details about how to use the app safely and effectively including how to interpret and act on the information that is provided.35.0 ptsPrepares slides that teach most information about how to use the app safely and effectively including how to interpret the information that is provided.32.0 ptsPrepares minimal information that the patient needs to know to use the device, for example, lacking safety guidelines that may need to be followed.15.0 ptsPrepares slides that are confusing and does not convey useful information that the patient needs to know.0.0 ptsTeaching slides are not included in the presentation40.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Evaluation SlideDescribe how you would determine the success of the patient’s use of the mHealth app.20.0 ptsDescribes in detail ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan that are a good fit for the type of app or focus on specific ways that this app benefits the patient’s health and wellness.18.0 ptsDescribes general or universal ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan that considers the nature of the app.16.0 ptsDescribes limited ways to evaluate the effectiveness of the teaching plan, which does not reflect the nature of the app.8.0 ptsDescribes an evaluation plan but it is unlikely to determine if the patient has learned what is necessary.0.0 ptsDoes not include an evaluation plan.20.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Writing and DesignWriting contains no spelling or grammatical errors. Bullets should be used instead of long sentences or paragraphs. Reading level is appropriate for patient described. Slides are visually appealing incorporating graphics, photographs, colors and themes. Sources that are used are cited.25.0 ptsSlides have the following elements: Name of student appears on the Title Slide; Themes of slides are clearly identified; Bullets are used instead of long sentences or paragraphs; Reading level appropriate for patient; Slides are visually appealing incorporating graphics, photographs, colors and themes; Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are correct; Citation present for application.22.0 ptsGood mechanics considering the elements listed in the first column.20.0 ptsFair mechanics considering the elements listed in the first column.10.0 ptsPoor mechanics considering the elements listed in the first column.0.0 ptsVery poor mechanics such that assignment is difficult to read.25.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Topic Use/Use of Power Point0.0 pts0 points deductedCorrect Topic/Power Point used for the assignment results in 0 points lost.0.0 pts17.5 (10%) points deductedIncorrect topic used or NO power point used results in a deduction of 17.5 (10%) points. 17.5 point deduction0.0 ptsTotal Points: 175.0

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Soap note. Chronic Conditions. Gastritis

Use Chronic gastritis Disease.Follow the MRU Soap Note template as a guideUse APA format and must include a minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program).  Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated. Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.The use of templates is ok with regards of Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, Assessment, and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made-up patient.

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6053 Assignment 2

Assignment: Application: Planned Changein a Department or UnitHealth care organizations are continuously immersed in change from the emergence of new policies, to promote quality care and improve patient safety to keeping pace with the rapid growth in knowledge and best practices. Establishing a solid framework for planning and implementing change is a wise move, as it provides a foundation for the extensive coordination that will be needed to successfully facilitate the change.For this Assignment, you propose a change at the department or unit level and develop a plan for guiding the change effort.To prepare:Review Chapter 8 in the course text. Focus on Kurt Lewin’s change theory, and contrast it with other classic change models and strategies.Reflect on problems, inefficiencies, and critical issues within a specific department, unit, or area in your organization or one with which you are familiar. Select one issue as a focal point for this assignment, and consider a change that could be made to address the issue.Think about how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.Using one of the change models or strategies discussed in Chapter 8, begin formulating a plan for implementing the change within the department/unit. Outline the steps that you and/or others should follow to facilitate the change effort. Align these steps to the change model or strategy you selected.Determine who should be involved in initiating and managing the change. Consider the skills and characteristics that are necessary to facilitate this change effort.Write a 3- to 5-page paper (page count does not include title and reference page) that addresses the following:Identify a problem, inefficiency, or issue within a specific department/unit.Describe a specific, realistic change that could be made to address the issue.Summarize how the change would align with the organization’s mission, vision, and values as well as relevant professional standards.Identify a change model or strategy to guide your planning for implementing the change. Provide a rationale for your selection.Outline the steps that you and/or others would follow to facilitate the change. Align these steps to your selected change model or strategy.Explain who would be involved in initiating and managing this change. Describe the skills and characteristics that would be necessary to facilitate the change effort.

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ch 5 assn

Scenario – Jessica, a registered nurse (RN), and her husband are finally leaving on their vacation trip. They pull up at a red light as it is about to change to green. They watch in horror as a large truck, moving fast down a hill, in unable to stop before crashing into a van carrying a mother and her child. The van is thrown into the air and lands in a small park. Jessica runs over to offer aid. She finds a semi-conscious woman in the driver’s seat and an unconscious 4-year-old little boy in the back seat strapped into his car seat. The mother asks Jessica if Christopher is all right before she slips into unconsciousness. Christopher is unconscious and not breathing with his head down and touching his chest. He has a gash bleeding on the side of his head caused by his tricycle flying over the back seat during the crash. A truck driver, who also stopped to give help, yells in the window at Jessica, “Don’t move him!” Jessica knows that she has to get Christopher’s breathing started. Even though the truck driver is still yelling at her not to move the boy, she gently lifts his head off his chest. Christopher, still unconscious, starts breathing immediately. Jessica stops the bleeding on his head by applying pressure using a clean handkerchief from her husband. Emergency help arrives ten minutes later.Instructions:Read the scenario above and then, answer the following questions:In your opinion, even though Jessica knew that, in most cases, an injured victim should not be moved, did she do the right thing by moving Christopher’s chin up so he could breathe?Was Jessica covered by the Good Samaritan law or was she held to a higher standard since she had a nursing license?Would Jessica have been covered by the Good Samaritan law if Christopher had not started breathing when she moved his head and he had suffered further injury from the movement?Was Jessica, an RN, legally required to stop and provide aid? Was she ethically obligated to stop and provide aid?In your opinion, is it always a good idea to stop and give assistance at an accident site before medical help arrives?Your paper should be:One (1) pageTyped according to APA style for margins, formatting and spacing standardsTyped into a Microsoft Word document, save the file, and then upload the file

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Module 2 Case: Issues In Healthcare

Required ReadingACHE. (2016). ACHE code of ethics. Retrieved from, C. A., & Harman, L. B. (2013). Code of ethics: Principles for ethical leadership. Perspectives in Health Information Management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association, 10(Winter), 1d. Retrieved from (2011). NAHQ Code of ethics and standards of practice for healthcare professionals. Retrieved from, N., & Kirkhorn, L. C. (2016). Ethical grand rounds: Teaching ethics at the point of care. Nursing Education Perspectives, 37(1), 48-50. doi:, Michael D,M.D., F.A.C.O.G., Benson, Jordan B,C.P.A., J.D., & Stein, Mark S,J.D., PhD. (2016). Hospital quality improvement: Are peer review immunity, privilege, and confidentiality in the public interest? Northwestern Journal of Law and Social Policy, 11(1), 1-27.Brothers, K. B., & Rothstein, M. A. (2015). Ethical, legal and social implications of incorporating personalized medicine into healthcare. Personalized Medicine, 12(1), 43-51. doi:, K., Bamidis, P., Bond, C., Gabarron, E., Househ, M., Lau, A. Y. S., … Hansen, M. (2015). Ethical Issues of Social Media Usage in Healthcare. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 10(1), 137–147. Available in the Trident Online Library.Fiscella, K., Tobin, J. N., Carroll, J. K., He, H., & Ogedegbe, G. (2015). Ethical oversight in quality improvement and quality improvement research: New approaches to promote a learning health care system. BMC Medical Ethics, 16(63). doi: 10.1186/s12910-015-0056-2. Accessed from, K. (2015). Benevolent leadership in not-for-profit organizations. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 36(5), 592-611.Gillon, R. (2015). Defending the four principles approach as a good basis for good medical practice and therefore for good medical ethics. Journal of medical ethics, 41(1), 111-116.Healthcare Financial Management Association [HFMA]. (2016). HFMA’s code of ethics. Accessed from, Patty P. (2016). Who owns the fata? Open fata for healthcare. Frontiers in Public Health, 4(4), 7. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00007Kulshreshtha, P. (2015). Ethical leadership and contemporary organizational ethics: Principles and cases. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 12(1), 94-97.Mascone, C. F. (2015). Navigating ethical dilemmas. Chemical Engineering Progress, 111(2), 3.McLean, S. A. M. & Campbell, T.D. (Ed.). (2006). Applied legal philosophy: First do no harm: Law, ethics and healthcare. Abingdon, GB: Routledge.Assignment OverviewThere have been many cases of violations of ethical principles in medical and public health history. It is important to study these and understand not only what went wrong, but the implications of a failure to follow ethical principles, to ensure that these things do not happen again.**Case AssignmentFor this assignment, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation. Three cases are listed below. For each case, you will provide a background and then apply at least the 4 basic ethical principles reviewed thus far in the course; you may research and apply additional ones. For each principle, explain why it was violated in this case. If you do not believe that the principle was violated, explain why. This should not be opinion, but should be your analysis of the cases and the principles; do not use first person.*Your slides should be in presentation format and your text should be in your speaker’s notes. You must include speaker’s notes. Remember to cite your sources.*You will need to research the cases below. Be sure that you are using reliable sources for your information; peer-reviewed articles, academic books, government web pages and documents. You may use newspaper articles, but these should not be your principle and only source to discuss an individual case.The Tuskegee ExperimentHenrietta Lacks and the development of the HeLa cell lineNazi Medical ExperimentsAssignment ExpectationsConduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support your analysis.Your presentation should have at least 6 slides, as well as a cover slide and reference slide.Support your presentation with peer-reviewed articles, and use at least 6 references. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see may use the following source to assist in your formatting your assignment:

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week 4 dicussion

Post a brief reflection on how the commonly held sentiment “we are all born equal” may constrain how society thinks about early life. Comment on influences that this concept may overlook or mask. Then, explain two ways the use of concepts of the developmental origins of life and health can influence adult morbidity. Describe two challenges to addressing the upstream risk and protective determinants of health in current health policies and programs in the U.S. or in other countries. Also, explain why they are challenges. Finally, offer two suggestions for improving child health that can have a long-term benefit on population health for one chronic disease and explain why. Expand on your insights utilizing the Learning Resources.

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