Hemodialysis and Ethnicity

Hemodialysis and EthnicityWhat is the difference between peritoneal and hemodialysis? What are the nutrition recommendations for individuals with Chronic Kidney Disease? How do these recommendations change once an individual with end stage renal disease (ESRD) begins dialysis? Use the material in the text and lecture to support your response. Use proper APA citation.

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Reply 1 and 2 ,150 words each by 06/26/2021 at 2:00 pm

Reply 1The financial aspect of the change project will have little to no impact on the finances of stakeholders and the healthcare organization. With the availability of internet service, many older adults have phones with internet access. With this internet, health-related applications can be downloaded on the phones, and reminders can be set up on these phone apps that will remind the patient to take their medications. Another financial aspect of the change project will focus on the Healthcare organization; this may cost the organization some financial implications as the organization develops and sends out short messaging services (SMS) to patients to remind them about taking their prescribed medications.Quality aspects promote health education on setting reminders for medications to improve medication adherence and prevent the exacerbation of chronic illnesses commonly seen among older patients. Improving quality encompasses quality of nursing care and quality of patient life. Quality improvements involve a continuous process of collecting and analyzing data to improve nursing care delivery (Risch, n.d).The clinical aspect is assessing the patients’ reasons for medication nonadherence and monitoring patients’ medication intake. The steps of evidence-based practice involve multiple processes; this requires nurses to have sufficient time to identify clinical problems that evidence-based practice can be implemented. Also, nurses need to research relevant literature, perform a necessary appraisal of the retrieved information, frame and utilize an intervention and evaluate the efficacy of the applied intervention (Majid, Foo, & Mokhtar, 2011).ReferencesRisch, S. (n.d). Evidence-based practice in a clinical setting. https://resources.nurse.com/evidence-based-practice-clinical-setting-nnwMajid, S., Foo, S., Mokhtar, I.A. (2011). Adopting evidence-based practice in clinical decision making: nurses’ perceptions, knowledge, and barriers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3133901/#:~:text=As%20EBP%20is%20a%20multistep,the%20retrieved%20evidence%2C%20formulate%20andReply  |  Quote & ReplyReply 2Delivering high-quality patient care involves the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP). (Kueny, et al., 2015). When speaking with my preceptor, we discussed the financial, quality, and clinical aspects of developing the change proposal. When implementing my project, one important financial aspect is budgeting for more staff and interventions to help support nurses. One of the biggest causes of nurses’ mental health issues is burnout caused by inadequate staffing ratios. To show the value of the importance of providing appropriate interventions to aid nurses is to show the savings the facility will generate, having decreased staff turnover and increased patient and staff satisfaction and safety.One quality aspect is to provide interventions that promote a healthier work environment. These interventions need to show nurses they are supported by the facility and to improve their mental health. Improving nurses’ mental health should increase staff morale, retention, give them the tools to improve their mental health, and decrease the long-term effects of depression, anxiety, and insomnia on nurses.The clinical aspect is the time and resources available to help support the EBP project. Gaining managerial support to implement the project is extremely important in its success. Nurse burnout can lead to poor mental health amongst nurses causing emotional exhaustion and apathy, which can cause long-term effects. Amongst the nursing shortage, facilities need to work on supporting and retaining nurses. According to the AACN, nurses who left the profession were 40,000 in 2010 to nearly 80,000 by 2020, and most nurses have left due to inadequate staffing and a stressful work environment. Two states that have shown the lowest nurse burnout rates were California and Massachusetts, which have legislation regulating nurse staffing ratios. So facilities need to work on preventing burnout and using resources within their health care systems to help their patients and nurses, i.e., mental health counselors, spiritual health, etc.Reference:Kueny, A., Shever, L., Lehan Mackin, M., & Titler, M. (2015). Facilitating the implementation of evidence-based practice through contextual support and nursing leadership. Journal of healthcare leadership, 7, 29–39. https://doi.org/10.2147/JHL.S45077AACN. (2020). Nursing shortage. https://www.aacnnursing.org/news-information/fact-sheets/nursing-shortage

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Discussion post

What are some of the pros and cons of the Managed Care Plan options?

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analysis assignment-SWOT

What is a SWOT?A SWOT is basically a strategic analysis of some scenario in which a decision is needed. The acronym SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. What we want to do is develop a 4 box LISTING of all the factors in a situation that fit in the Strengths category, the Weaknesses category, the Opportunities category and finally the Threats category. Read the following excerpt and place all of the factors you can find in the proper category

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Resume and job interview

1. What are three questions you should ask yourself when you begin your job search?2. What are the most common mistakes people make in preparing their résumés?3. What should you know about your prospective employer before the job interview?4. What should the interviewee try to achieve during a job interview? What should you look for? What red flags should you watch for?5. What can you do in advance to prepare for the changes during the first year of employment?6. Create your own SWOT analysis. How would you respond to your personal strengths and weaknesses if you were a prospective employer? How can you enhance your strengths and improve in areas of weakness?7. Draw a career path for yourself, beginning with the present year and extending to the age of retirement. Be sure to include any “twists and turns” of the path you expect to experience along the way and any barriers you expect to encounter. How will you handle these experiences?Do an online nationwide search for information about current job prospects in nursing.Compare opportunities in various regions of the country. Why do you think these opportunities are the same or different?5. Develop a list of questions that you should ask a potential employer. What “homework” will you need to do to prepare for an interview?

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Health and Wellness

For further development of your knowledge base, you will choose a complimentary or an alternative healthcare practice to research. You will report on your findings in the Discussion Group section of the course. This should be an overview and limited to 350.Please cite your sources – Note: Include the reliable professional resource(s) which you used for your research – e.g. Wikipedia does not meet the criteria of a professional resource.In your research include:The history of the modalityThe education and licensing requirements of its practitionersThe basis of the healing traditionTreatment modesHas your alternative therapy been investigated and/or approved by any government or regulatory agency?Are there any federal, provincial, territorial, or local laws that regulate practice of the therapy?Is it used in conjunction or as a substitute for current medical treatment? Explain.Identify any trends of use in Canada or other countries particular to this therapyIs this therapy a controversial treatment? If so, why?Why should or shouldn’t this therapy be used? What are its limitations and benefits?Remember to post a response to at least two class member’s postings.Compare observations re: modes of CAM medicine and comment*****For this week’s posting each student will need to choose one Complementary Alternative Medication therapy and post it for your classmates to view. Please include your references as to where you have gotten your information. Remember each student is to choose a topic for this exercise, if there is something that is not listed here that you want us to know about please share as well.****Topics:  Massage, Accupuncture, Meditation, Yoga, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Tai Chi, Reflexology, Chiropractic, Herbal Therapies, Hypnotherapy, Osteopathy, Spiritual healing, Ayurveda, Chinese Medicine, Electromagnetic Therapy, Reiki, Qigong, Biofeedback, Native American/Canadian Healing practices, Cupping/Blood Letting.

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Servant Leadership

INDIVIDUAL PROJECT 4Topic: Leading Others as a Servant LeaderApplying Servant LeadershipDetails:Select and research a contemporary political, social, religious, or business, leader to learn about how the leader employs Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership to motivate, influence, and lead others. You may use the “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” handout in the Topic Materials if you need assistance locating potential leaders. Write a 500-750 word paper that addresses the following.1. Summary of the principles of servant leadership employed by the leader.2. Specific examples to illustrate the leader’s application of servant leadership principles.3. Information about the unique way the leader inspires followership.4. Discussion of what would you seek to emulate or see more of in your own organization from both the people who lead you and the leadership you provide to others?Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,LDR-630-RS-Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders.docx ATTACHEDRESOURCES6. ‘Servant’ Leadership Style Is Best for BossesRead “‘Servant’ Leadership Style Is Best for Bosses,” by Brooks, located on the Business News Daily website (2015).http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/7964-best-leadership-style.html7. 10 Tips on How IT Leaders Can Develop a Service-Oriented PerspectiveRead “10 Tips on How IT Leaders Can Develop a Service-Oriented Perspective,” by Tennant, located on the IT Business Edge website (2014).http://www.itbusinessedge.com/blogs/from-under-the-rug/10-tips-on-how-it-leaders-can-develop-a-service-oriented-perspective.html8. 9 Ways to Motivate People Using Servant LeadershipRead “9 Ways to Motivate People Using Servant Leadership,” by McCuistion, located on the About Leaders website (2013).http://aboutleaders.com/9-ways-to-motivate-people-using-servant-leadership/#gs.51M4nGk9. Being a Servant Leader in the Age of TechnologyRead “Being a Servant Leader in the Age of Technology,” by Hollis, located on the Huffington Post website (2015).http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-b-hollis/being-a-servant-leader-in-the-age-of-technology_b_8016290.html10. Recognizing Servant-Leaders – Not Drum MajorsRead “Recognizing Servant-Leaders – Not Drum Majors,” located on the Dreams InDeed International website.https://www.dreamsindeed.org/news/recognizing-servant-leaders-not-drum-majors/Other1. Individual and Corporate Servant LeadersThe “Individual and Corporate Servant Leaders” resource can be used as a reference for discussion questions throughout the course and for completion of some course assignments.

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Terrorism and Natural Piaster Preparations

Files ( 2 )Title:    Terrorism and Natural Piaster PreparationsPaper type    Essay,  Deadline  29th May 2016 @ 08:25:42 AMPaper format    APA,    Course level    Masterpages    5Spacing    Double Spacing,  sources  4Paper DetailsThe first attachment has the instructions and rubic to follow and the other one has the resources to useFor this essay I have provided all the sources to use and are the attachment. Please use the book in this paper chapter 20 and the rest provided are peer reviewed scholarly articles. The instructions and rubic are provided in the second attachment.Based on the Readings, write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that focuses on the issue of threats of terrorism and natural disasters. Address the following:1) The importance of incorporating a business plan contingency for addressing such threats.2) What the contingency plan needs to include, for example:a) Workforce training.b) Mitigation of confusion.c) Time management.d) Building a response capacity.e) Coordination of local health agencies.f) Mitigation of fear and panic.3) How the contingency plan’s particulars will be communicated to the various stakeholders (employees, consumers, local and national authorities, etc.).Using your present employer organization as a model, prepare the organization’s business threat evaluation (see pages 380-383 [Table 20-1 through Table 20-3] in the textbook).Complete two of the Sample Forms for Organizational Contingency Planning for Disasters and Terrorism (see pages 383-392 [Figure 20-2, Figure 20-3, Figure 20-5, and Figure 20-6] in the textbook).

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Critique part 2

Write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies. Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize. Successful completion of this assignment requires that you provide a rationale, include examples, and reference content from the study in your responses.Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this assignment.In a 1,000–1,250 word, summarize two quantitative studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

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Research related to how company utilizes information

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research related to how a specific company utilizes information related to consumer behavior, product mix or service processes, and pricing to create marketing plans that will meet business needs including their specified marketing objectives.Review:Review the following topic materials.Topic 3: “Consumer Purchasing Decisions”Topic 4: “What Is a Product?” “What Is a Service,” and “Service Delivery”Topic 5: “Pricing and Breakeven Analysis”Part 1:Continuing in the role of a marketing professional who has been tasked with completing a marketing plan for a client, refer back to the research you completed in the Topic 2 Part 1: Research as a starting point for the assignment. Conduct additional research related to consumer behavior, the company’s specific product or service, and the company pricing strategy, and use it to complete the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 2 – Research Template.”Part 2:Create a 15-20 slide PowerPoint presentation that summarizes your marketing plan analysis based upon the research you have conducted. Slides should address each of the key areas listed below and should include speaker notes that explain how the company could have used what it learned about consumer behavior, product or service, and pricing to help it develop a marketing plan in order to meet the company marketing objectives and business needs. Include a slide at the end of the presentation to cite your research sources.Company Background:Company name, vision, and mission.Company marketing objectives.Consumer Behavior:Describe the customer segments and target markets.Describe characteristics of the target markets that will affect product/service and pricing decisions.Describe how the company differentiates its product and positions its brand.Describe a consumer buying behavior model for this company and brand.Product or Service:Describe the product mix.Describe the product lines.Describe the service processes.Discuss physical evidence of service, service scape, and ambiance.Discuss the roles of company employees in service delivery.Price:Define the company’s pricing objectives and discuss whether the objectives are profit- or sales-oriented.Provide example of current company pricing strategies.Describe pricing tactics (discounts, etc.) that are used to drive short-term demand.General Requirements:Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.Submit the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 2 – Research Template” and PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes.While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.Benchmark InformationThis benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:BS Accounting; BS Business Administration; BS Business Analytics; BS Business Information Systems; BS Business Management; BS Entrepreneurial Studies; BS Finance; BS Finance and Economics; BS Hospitality Management; BS Marketing and Advertising; BS Sports Management; BS Supply Chain and Logistics Management2.1: Demonstrate appropriate research strategies for acquiring information necessary to meet specific business needs.

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