statistics in health

If a regression analysis was to be completed on body mass index (BMI), what could be an independent variable in that analysis? Why? If we could, what other independent variables should be included in the analysis? What statistic(s) would show the value of that regression in understanding BMI?Alternatively, find an article that uses regression analysis to study a medical concern. In that study, what was the dependent variable and what were the independent variable(s)? Further, how would you use this study to highlight the difference between correlations and causation?Two references required.

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High-Risk Nutritional Practices Paper

Examine the high-risk nutritional behaviors associated with different cultures. Identify the historical perspectives, belief systems, and other factors associated with these high-risk nutritional behaviors for each culture. Write a 1,500-3,000-word paper on your findings in which you accomplish the following:Summarize the high risk-nutritional behaviors practiced among two or three different cultures.Discuss the historical perspectives and belief systems of these cultures that influence the high-risk nutritional behaviors.Discuss the role of the health care provider in caring for individuals with high-risk behaviors for each culture. These may include, but are not limited to (a) education, (b) family roles, (c) spiritual beliefs, (d) health care practices, and (e) drug and alcohol use.This paper requires minimum of two outside resources in addition to the textbook. Be sure resources are current within the last five years.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

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To Prepare:Revisit the website provided in the Resources and consider the role of RNs and APRNs in policy-making.Reflect on potential opportunities that may exist for RNs and APRNs to participate in the policy-making process.Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy-making. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities to participate in policy-making. Be specific and provide examples.

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Nutrition assignment

Risk & benefits of 4 macronutrientsApa format with citation

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Soap Note( Chronic Conditions)( GASTRITIS)

Soap Note 2 Chronic Conditions (GASTRITIS)Must use the sample template for your soap note, keep this template for when you start clinicals.Late Assignment PolicyUse APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)Turn it in Score must be less than 15% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 15%. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated.Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.The use of templates is ok with regards to Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, The Assessment and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made up patient.

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Organizational behavior is often intertwined with organizational theory, organizational development, and human resource processes. Although they all share common traits, they are distinctly different.In a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (PPT), discuss the difference between organizational behavior, organization theory, organizational development, and human resources management in health care.SLP Assignment ExpectationsConduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your PPT.Limit your response to a maximum of 12 slides, not including the title or reference slides.Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: University Library (n.d.) Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from

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Weekoseveno Responda

Response to the following with APA referencesThe state that I live in, New Hampshire, has had a long history of struggles with opioids and other drugs of abuse. When looking at the country as a whole, the year 2018 marked the first decrease in deaths secondary to opioids by 4.1% (NIH, 2021). In New Hampshire, the rates have remained steady since about 2015 (CDC, 2020). Approximately 33% of overdose deaths in New Hampshire are attributed to opioid overdoses.  In New Hampshire, the primary drug that is attributed to the incidence of overdose is Fentanyl (Meier et al., 2020). Fentanyl is dangerous because it takes a very small amount to induce and overdose, and often it is laced into other substances which leads to an unknowing overdose from the user of the substance. Opioids are obtained through either legal means and are misused by those who they are prescribed to, or by people who are able to obtain them through illegal means. Opioid abuse is also the result of, or the causative factor of many other negative disease processes such as chronic pain, self-harm, suicide, homelessness, hepatitis C and HIV (DHHS, 2016). There are several resources available to people in New Hampshire who are struggling with opioid use or addiction. The New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Resources has two tools to help find services available in the state. The first is a locator of Treatments Centers. The second is resource that serves as an informative resource for people looking to obtain Narcan kits (DHHS, 2016). Dartmouth-Hitchcock Hospital in Lebanon, NH has access points to several available statewide resources (Dartmouth-Hitchcock, 2021). Because Dartmouth-Hitchcock is on the New Hampshire Vermont border, they spearhead efforts in both states to find resources related to drug and alcohol treatment options.

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Discussion response

I took the Gender-Career implicit bias test. This test is designed to see whether people associate female with family and male with career.What did you discover about yourself?My results showed that I moderately associate women with families and men with careers. This is not too surprising to me. I was raised in a two-parent household where my mother was the primary care giver. Both of my parents worked, but my mother was still the caregiver for me and my brothers. My father took on a secondary role. I think I associate women with family and men with careers because of the structure of the family I was raised in.I am also very convinced that popular culture and media had an effect on how on view gender roles. It starts early, children are 2-3 years old when they start to notice gender roles (Eagly et al., 2018) I think back to all the toys I played with, baby dolls, Barbie dolls, kitchen playsets. These all play a role in a child’s development of gender norms. Both my family and the culture I was raised in had an influence on my perception of male and female roles.Were you aware of the implicit bias you had toward the characteristic you selected?No, I really was not aware. I have never associated myself with ideas of family. I am in my 30’s, I do not have any children, nor do I think I will end up having children. I have always been more focused on planning my career than with planning for a family.How will you use this information to guide your nursing practice?More than anything, I need to remember that if I have an implicit bias about gender roles, then I probably have implicit biases about other things too. Things like race, sexuality, age, and class. I feel the best way to deal with biases is to admit that you have them in the first place. When I am nursing, I will do my best not to immediately pass judgment on others and make sure I acknowledge and deal with my biases.

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Bioethics Case Study

1. Bioethics Case Study: This assignment asks you to examine a current ethical controversy case study. The paper is informal, but should be in APA style, and does not need an abstract or cover page. With a minimum of two pages and a maximum of four pages A reference page is needed. In-text citations should be in APA format. Papers will be graded on a 0 to 25-point scale.Case Study in Primary care:One hypothetical case study involves Jim a 54, year old patient who has recently diagnose with hypertension and his Creatinine and BUN laboratory results are elevated, if left untreated, will result in kidney failure. The patient refuses to take the medication because he said it will affect his sex life The NP must work with the patient to respect the fact that he doesn’t want the medication (autonomy), and needs to find a solution that would prevent him from going into kidney failure and other complications, which is in his best interest (beneficence). Although medications are the best choice, forcing the patient to accept the medication will result in probably patient leaving the care (non-maleficence). Finally, the NP needs to consider the impact that the patient’s choices might have on others if he starts to go into preventable kidney failure, he’ll need dialysis, which affects other people who need the same treatment (justice). So before making the final decision the NP must consider all four principles of health care ethics, which will help the NP make the choice that will have the best possible benefits for both the patient and society.Questions?1. What are the skills necessary for the provider to identify, address, and assess this clinical ethical issue?2. What are the provider’s obligations when a patient discloses does he not intent to follow the treatment?3. What are the ethical considerations in evaluating a patient’s failure to adhere to a prescribed therapy?4. Will you terminate care for this patient? What are the implications?

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When You Don’t Speak the Patient’s Language

“Considering Culture BOX 12.1  The Challenge: When You Don’t Speak the Patient’s Language Mrs. Reyes gave birth by cesarean section to her first child, a baby boy she named Carlos, yesterday, and she is recovering well. She speaks Spanish only. On the previous shift, she had received a mild narcotic twice for incisional pain. Her nurse on that shift had learned Spanish through high school and then two semesters in college, so she felt that she was able to communicate very basic information with Mrs. Reyes, who will be your patient today. When you go in to take care of Mrs. Reyes, you find her lying on her side, weeping brokenheartedly. You know only a few words of Spanish, so you ask her if she has pain, and point to your lower abdomen. She replies, “No, no, aquí”and puts her hand on her chest. You are wondering if she is having some problem with breastfeeding or if she is having chest pain, so you take her pulse and blood pressure, which are both a little elevated but within normal limits. You know she is upset, and her pain appears to be emotional. You realize that she has said something about “mi niño”[my baby boy] and “cirugía”[surgery]; you decide it is time to call in a medical interpreter, because you know that her baby is healthy and is in the newborn nursery. The interpreter arrives and you explain briefly what you understand Mrs. Reyes to have said. Mrs. Reyes is still crying when you go back in her room with the interpreter, and you tell Mrs. Reyes through the interpreter that the interpreter speaks Spanish and will be assisting you in figuring out what is wrong. Mrs. Reyes begins a very animated narrative to the interpreter who tries to get her to slow down and let her tell you what she (Mrs. Reyes) has said. Mrs. Reyes tells you through the interpreter that the nurse on the previous shift had awakened her to sign a paper giving permission for a doctor to “do surgery—to cut”on her baby, and now she is afraid something is wrong with the baby and no one has told her. You realize the nurse had gotten Mrs. Reyes to sign a consent form for circumcision, a common procedure in newborn male infants, and that the nurse had not explained it properly, nor had she used an interpreter to help. You explain through the interpreter, carefully, about circumcision and Mrs. Reyes calms down quickly, because she understands what circumcision is. You realize that a serious, preventable communication problem has occurred. As you think about this situation, address these questions: 1. What were the errors that occurred in this situation? 2. How could they have been avoided? 3. What are the ethical considerations in this situation? 4. What are your next steps in helping manage this situation? 5. What should you do regarding your co-worker?”

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