Quadruple Aim

Crabtree, E., Brennan, E., Davis, A., & Coyle, A. (2016). Improving patient care through nursing engagement in evidence-based practice. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(2), 172–175. doi:10.1111/wvn.12126Kim, S. C., Stichler, J. F., Ecoff, L., Brown, C. E., Gallo, A.-M., & Davidson, J. E. (2016). Predictors of evidence-based practice implementation, job satisfaction, and group cohesion among regional fellowship program participants. Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 13(5), 340–348. doi:10.1111/wvn.12171Sikka, R., Morath, J. M., & Leape, L. (2015). The Quadruple Aim: Care, health, cost and meaning in work. BMJ Quality & Safety, 24, 608–610. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2015-004160Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:Patient experiencePopulation healthCostsWork life of healthcare providers

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journal 8 constructing nursing budget

Journal Article: Constructing a Nursing Budget using a Patient Classification SystemFollow the outline of the article and construct a Nursing BudgetTwo-page APA 7th  edition reflective response which summarizes what you learned from readings and modules, include at least one reference to support your response.

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Discussion #4

Challenges of the interview of the ARNP initial post due this weekListed below are the three most challenging interview questions you may experience during the interview process. To fully prepare the student for his or her future interview, please provide a clear and concise answer as to how you as the APRN will answer each interview question.What is your biggest Weakness?Describe how you resolved conflict with a co-worker or patient?Tell me about yourself?On your initial threat and peer response develops this topic and include current scholarly articles as your reference.

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Therapeutic Communication- Case Scenarios

Therapeutic Communication- Case ScenariosCase #1- The patient was admitted 2 days ago with a diagnosis of cancer.  She was informed by her doctor that a course of radiation and chemotherapy was her best option.  She became very upset and frightened about the proposed treatment and stated that she wasn’t sure if she would go through with it.  The nurse approaches her to discuss how she is feeling today.Nurse:  “How are you doing today, Miss Smith.  I was wondering how you were feeling about undergoing radiation and chemotherapy?”Patient:  “I don’t know.  I’m not as scared as I was when I got here, but I have a lot of questions about it.”Nurse:  “It sounds like you have given it some thought.  I’m sure Dr. Jones could talk with you and answer some of your questions.  Would you like to do that?”Patient: “I guess so.  What do you think?”Think of a few ways the nurse could respond. Provide references to support your statements. Please use your textbook.Case #2An elderly patient is sitting in bed taking a nap. A tray of uneaten food is on the bedside table.  The nurse comes into the room.Think of a few ideas of what the nurse could say to start a therapeutic conversation with this patient. Provide references to support your statements. Please use your textbook.Nurse:  “…………”Patient: “Oh, don’t bother with me.  I don’t have much time left in this world.And I don’t have much to live for anyway.”Nurse:  Think of a few therapeutic responses. Provide references to support your statements. Please use your textbook.

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Discussion Question

Nursing crisis interventionConsider the hurricane Andrew or Katrina, then put yourself in the role of the Local Emergency Management Agency Coordinator and answer the following questions.What helpful or positive role can the local media play in helping to resolve the crisis? How does one facilitate that to happen?What kind of training, education, and experience do you believe should be required to be an effective and competent manager of a crisis such as the scenario one described above?Given a natural disaster such as is contained in this scenario, how do you go about coordinating and communicating an effective response?

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Discussion 250 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric

WEEK 6 Section III: Conceptual Models/Grand Theories in the Integrative- Interactive ParadigmRead Chapter 12: Helen Erickson, Evelyn Tomlin and Mary Ann Swain’s Theory of Modeling and Role Modeling Chapter 13: Barbara Dossey’s Theory of Integral NursingDiscussion Post 3 Due Saturday Night at 2359How does the concept of Modeling & Role Modeling apply to nursing?How would the Theory of Integral Nursing benefit our community?Please remember to respond to two of your classmates this week and review the rubric. Thank you.

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State of the Science Quality Improvement mobile apps monitoring CHF reducing readmissions

This assignment provides the opportunity for the graduate nurse practitioner student to become familiar with research processes which are specific to quality improvement.  The graduate nursing student will develop a State of the Science Evidence-Based Practice Project that is focused on quality improvement.Note: The process began in Week 2 with the formation of a PICO question. Week 4 was Part 1 of the paper which laid the ground work for the project. Part 2 of the Project in Week 6 adds the following elements:  Abstract, Review of the Literature (State of the Science), strengths and limitations of current evidence, and development of a quality enhancement (improvement) plan that addresses limitations of current practice evidence.Activity Learning OutcomesIntegrate evidence-based practice and research to support advancement of holistic nursing care in diverse healthcare settings (CO1)Integrate knowledge related to evidence-based practice and person-centered care to improve healthcare outcomes (CO2)Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies (CO4)Due Date:Sunday by 11:59pm MT at the end of WEEK 6Part 1 and 2 should be submitted as the final paperStudents are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.Total Points Possible:  200ptsRequirements:Preparing the Assignment:  Part 2 Criteria for ContentAbstract:The abstract should be succinct, comprehensive, and follow and include these APA components (accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable and concise).A description of the problem under investigation (one sentence), participants, and essential features of the quality improvement project which include setting, supporting theory, stakeholders and outcome measurements that would be used to determine efficacy of quality improvement project are included.(See APA 6th ed., for abstract examples and explanation; p. 25-26)State-of-the-Science Review of the Literature (ROL):See Polit & Beck, 2018, 9th ed., Ch. 7 for description of ROL.This section will describe the state of the science related to the PICO question and problem statement, purpose of the quality project.A minimum of 6 (six) appropriate research-based scholarly references (articles) must be used.  Required textbook for this course, dictionary and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information may be used but will NOT count as scholarly references for this assignment.  For additional assistance regarding scholarly nursing references, please see “What is a scholarly source” from the Chamberlain Library resources.  Be aware that information from .com websites may be incorrect and should be avoided.  References are current if within a 5-year time frame (3 years is best) unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to submission of the assignment.The evidence should be critically reviewed and synthesized.The strengths and limitations of the current evidence and current practice are described which provide evidence for practice change clearly supportedThe identified area of issue or gap in practice is made clear using evidence and is compelling and significant.No more than three (3) direct quotes are used.Quality Change Plan:In this section the writer will create an inter-disciplinary quality improvement plan for their future practice area.  The JH Action Planning Tool may be used as a guide but is not required to be submitted along with the project.  This section should be supported by scholarly in-text citations and include the following sections:Feasible plan for implementation: Select a model for use, such as the Plan/Do/Study/Act Model.Identification of key stakeholders with rationale for identification.Identification of appropriate interdisciplinary team members to assemble with rationale.A plan for outcome analysis (this should include independent and dependent variables as well as an overview of a method of statistical analysis (which statistics or outcome measures).Ethical considerations: Protection of Human Subjects.Criteria for Format and Special Instructions:Page length:  Part 2 of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be 10 pages maximum.Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific, scholarly writing.  First person writing should not be utilized.Remember:  All sections should have scholarly resources integrated as in-text citations that support the content.  APA current edition is required for all elements of the paper.Rubric Glossary of Achievement TermsComprehensive:Of Large Scope, Covering or Involving Much; InclusiveComprehending or thoroughly understanding with one’s mind; having an extensive mental range or grasp of aparticular subject.Thorough:Detailed, accurate, carefulAttentive to detail, accurate, but less than comprehensive in scope, depth or inclusivitySuperficial:Not thorough, on the surfaceOf little substance, lacking thoroughnessIll-Prepared / Un-structured:Inadequately prepared, lack of care for detailLacking organization, disorganizedSuccinctExpressed in few words, verbal brevityCompressed expressionWebster’s Online Dictionary:  Retrieved from https://www.dictionary.com/ASSIGNMENT CONTENTCategoryPoints%DescriptionAbstract4020%Abstract is succinct and comprehensive, follows and includes the APA (accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable and concise).A description of the problem under investigation (one sentence), participants, and essential features of the quality improvement project which include setting, supporting theory, stakeholders and outcome measurements that would be used to determine efficacy of quality improvement project are included.(See APA 6th ed., for abstract examples and explanation; p. 25-26)State of the Science ROL5025%Review of the LiteratureA minimum of 6 (six) appropriate research-based scholarly references (articles) must be used.The evidence should be critically reviewed, compared and contrasted, and synthesized.The strengths and limitations of the current evidence and current practice are described which provide evidence for practice change clearly supportedThe identified area of issue or gap in practice is made clear using evidence and is compelling and significant.No more than 3 direct quotes are usedQuality Change Plan7035%Quality Change PlanInter-disciplinary Quality Plan Supported by Scholarly In-text Citations and include the following sections:Feasible plan for implementation: Select a model for use, such as the Plan/Do/Study/Act    Model.Identification of key stakeholders with rationale for identification.Identification of appropriate interdisciplinary team members to assemble with rationale.A plan for outcome analysis (this should include independent and dependent variables as well as an overview of a method of statistical analysis (which statistics or outcome measures).Ethical considerations: Protection of Human Subjects.Summary/ Appendix2513%The conclusion restates the main sections of the paper.  It should contain a few sentences from each section, sequentially representing the flow of the paper.  The last few sentences of the summary section should pull the paper together by addressing an overview for future projects or by stating the projects importance and implications for practice.The appendix includes the Johns Hopkins PICO question formation and ROL tools.18593%Total CONTENT Points= 185 ptsASSIGNMENT FORMATCategoryPoints%DescriptionAPA, Syntax, Grammar, Spelling1515Page length:  Part 2 of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be 10 pages maximum.Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the current edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific, scholarly writing.  First person writing should not be utilized.Remember:  All sections should have scholarly resources integrated as in-text citations that support the content.  APA current edition is required for all elements of the paper.157%Total FORMAT Points= 15 pts100%ASSIGNMENT TOTAL=200 pointsRubricNR505NP SOS Part 2_SEPT19NR505NP SOS Part 2_SEPT19CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAbstractAbstract is succinct and comprehensive, follows and includes APA components:Accurate, non-evaluative, coherent and readable, concise.Describes the problem under investigation (one sentence), participants, essential features of the quality improvement project to include setting, supporting theory, stakeholders and outcome measurements that would be used to determine efficacy of quality improvement project.40.0 ptsExcellentAbstract is succinct and comprehensive, follows and includes APA components: Accurate, non-evaluative, coherent and readable, concise. Describes the problem under investigation (one sentence), participants, essential features of the quality improvement project to include setting, supporting theory, stakeholders and outcome measurements that would be used to determine efficacy of quality improvement project.36.0 ptsV. GoodAbstract is thorough but not comprehensive in in general or in one or two areas: Accurate, non-evaluative, coherent and readable, concise. Describes the problem under investigation (one sentence), participants, essential features of the quality improvement project to include setting, supporting theory, stakeholders and outcome measurements that would be used to determine efficacy of quality improvement project.33.0 ptsSatisfactoryAbstract superficially addresses all APA components or may be missing two components (for example, setting, theory or stakeholders).20.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementAbstract is ill-prepared, unstructured, and is missing most of the major components per APA0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryAbstract is missing completely or is ill-prepared, does not address the APA abstract components.40.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeState of the Science: Review of the Literature (ROL)1. A minimum of 6 (six) appropriate research-based scholarly references (articles) must be used.2. The evidence should be critically reviewed, compared and contrasted, and synthesized.3. The strengths and limitations of the current evidence and current practice are described which provide evidence for practice change clearly supported4. The identified area of issue or gap in practice is made clear using evidence and is compelling and significant.5. No more than 3 direct quotes are used50.0 ptsExcellentComplete, comprehensive, and scholarly analysis that meets all elements of the requirements for the ROL Zero to three (0-3) direct quotes are utilized.45.0 ptsV. GoodThorough, but not comprehensive, analysis, scholarly, meets all elements of the requirements for the ROL Zero to three (0-3) direct quotes are utilized.41.0 ptsSatisfactorySuperficially presented, scant analysis, meets all or most elements of the requirements for the ROL or may be thorough in 2-3 requirements but be missing depth or content in other areas Zero to three (0-3) direct quotes are utilized.25.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementLimited analysis. Presents literature without connecting to quality project. Does not utilize a critical review to support project’s purpose. May also contain greater than three (3) direct quotes.0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryROL is missing completely or is ill-prepared, does not address any of the ROL components or is limited to a superficial discussion of 1-2 components of the Criteria for Content for the ROL. May also contain greater than three (3) direct quotes.50.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality Change PlanInter-disciplinary Quality Plan Supported by Scholarly In-text Citations and include the following sections:1. Feasible plan for implementation: Select a model for use, such as the Plan/Do/Study/Act Model.2. Identification of key stakeholders with rationale for identification.3. Identification of appropriate interdisciplinary team members to assemble with rationale.4. A plan for outcome analysis (this should include independent and dependent variables as well as an overview of a method of statistical analysis (which statistics or outcome measures).5. Ethical considerations: Protection of Human Subjects.70.0 ptsExcellentThe quality change plan has comprehensive depth that is evidence by integration of scholarly resources throughout all required sections which are comprehensively included. Content provides rationales for all sections with definitions, explanations, for decisions, planning.64.0 ptsV. GoodThe quality change plan is thorough but not comprehensive in depth that is evidence by either missing integration of scholarly resources throughout all sections or, two (2) sections (for example) may be vague. Content provides rationales for most sections and includes definitions, as well as explanations, for decisions, planning.58.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe quality change plan has superficial in depth that is evidence by a consistent lack of integration of scholarly resources throughout all sections. Content provides rationales that are superficial and/or inconsistently with inconsistent definitions, as well as explanations, for decisions, planning.35.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe quality change plan has limited depth that is evidence by an overall lack of integration of scholarly resources throughout all sections. Content does not provide rationales for sections with definitions, explanations, for decisions, or planning. Or, rationales, definitions, explanations for planning are brief without focus or clear connection to project question/aim.0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryThe quality change plan lacks depth and focus as evidence by an overall lack of representation in all sections.70.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary/ AppendixThe conclusion restates the main sections of the paper. It should contain a few sentences from each section, sequentially representing the flow of the paper. The last few sentences of the summary section should pull the paper together by addressing an overview for future projects or by stating the projects importance and implications for practice.The appendix includes the Johns Hopkins PICO question formation and ROL tools.25.0 ptsExcellentThe summary pulls the paper together comprehensively, including elements of each part of the State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper. The appendix contains both the PICO Question Formation Tool and the ROL Table which are complete23.0 ptsV. GoodThe summary is thorough, including elements of each part of the State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper. The appendix contains both the PICO Question Formation tool and the ROL Table which are complete or missing 1 or 2 components of the tool (for instance, one or two components of the ROL table)21.0 ptsSatisfactoryThe summary is brief including elements of each part of the State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper OR the summary is thorough but does not address all elements of each part of the SOS paper. The appendix contains both the PICO Question Formation tool and the ROL Table which are complete or missing 1 or 2 components of the tool (for instance, one or two components of the ROL table)13.0 ptsNeeds ImprovementThe summary is quite limited in all elements of each part of the State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper. The appendix contains both the PICO Question Formation tool and the ROL Table OR may be missing one tool OR both tools are present but are incomplete or unorganized.0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryThe summary is missing or incoherent. The appendix is missing.25.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA/Syntax/Grammar/ Spelling1. Page length: Part 2 of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) should be 10 pages maximum.2. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used.3. Ideas and information from scholarly, peer reviewed, nursing sources must be cited and referenced correctly.4. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific, scholarly writing. First person writing should not be utilized.Remember: All sections should have scholarly resources integrated as in-text citations that support the content. APA 6th edition is required for all elements of the paper.15.0 ptsExcellent1 error total in any area.13.0 ptsV. Good2-4 errors total in any area.12.0 ptsSatisfactory5-7 errors total in any area.8.0 ptsNeeds Improvement8-10 errors total in any area.0.0 ptsUnsatisfactoryGreater than 10 errors total in any area.15.0 ptsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate penalty deductionsStudents are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment.Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy.0.0 ptsManual Deductions0.0 ptsManual Deductions0.0 pts

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Ego Integrity Presentation

Ego Integrity PresentationBased  on what you have learned so far in this course, create a PowerPoint  presentation that addresses each of the following points/questions. Be  sure to completely answer all the questions for each bullet point. Use  clear headings that allow your professor to know which bullet you are  addressing on the slides in your presentation. Support your content with  at least two (2) sources throughout your presentation. Make sure to  reference the citations using the APA writing style for the  presentation. Include a slide for your references at the end. Follow  best practices for PowerPoint presentations related to text size, color,  images, effects, wordiness, and multimedia enhancements. Review the rubric criteria for this assignment.Imagine  you are working as a charge nurse in an assisted living facility. Your  unit houses twenty older adults. The residents of this unit are  cognitively functional without evidence of cognitive decline. The  residents are elderly and do require varying degrees of physical  assistance with ADLs. Create a PowerPoint outlining:Strategies  to incorporate in the assisted living facility to promote ego integrity  for the residents for group and individual activities to incorporate.Title Slide (1 slide)Objective Slide (1 slide)Strategies to Promote Ego IntegrityGroup Activities (2-3 slides)Individual Activities (2-3 slides)References (1 slide)Assignment Expectations:Length: 7-9 slides totalStructure: Include a title slide, objective slide, content slides, and reference slide in APA formatSpeaker Notes not requiredReferences:  Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all  resources utilized to answer the questions.  A minimum of two (2)  scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

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UNIT 8Topic: Leading Continuous Change and Establishing Permanent ChangeBenchmark – Change Initiative: Implementation, Evaluation, and SustainabilityDetails:You will utilize your change model for this assignment. Review the feedback submitted by your instructor on your previous change model assignment. Make any changes or modifications necessary for the submission of this assignment. (I will provide you with the feedback later)Evaluate the performance of your organization or department. Identify an area that would significantly benefit from initiating a change. Write a paper (1,500-1,750 words) in which you describe the particular area you propose to address through a change initiative. Include the following for your company:1. Discuss the issues in this area and the current outcomes as a result of the issues.2. Describe the external and/or internal driving forces, contributing issues, and the people affected.3. Evaluate the stakeholders involved and discuss how they will be affected by your change initiative.4. Clarify your role and responsibility as a change leader. Discuss the leadership theory (or theories) you will use to guide the change process.5. Discuss the change agents you need to recruit in order to successfully implement your change. Describe the roles of these change agents.6. Utilize your change model to develop strategies: (a) Explain the relevance of this model to your organization; and (b) Present the strategic aspects using your model. Be sure to clearly define the purpose of each aspect, the people involved, and the actions that need to be taken.7. Identify, or predict, the potential barriers to change. Discuss possible ways to overcome these obstacles, including methods for dealing with emerging or unforeseen circumstances that could impede implementation.8. Describe the evaluation methods you will use to determine the level of success of your change initiative. Discuss what metrics or measureable determinates you will use.9. Propose strategies to anchor change or support continuous change.10. Establish how your change plan supports the organizational mission/goal, genuinely addresses stakeholder concerns, and will serve as an equitable contribution for the community or society overall.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide.Plagiarism Free.Textbook1. The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their OrganizationsRead Chapter/Step 8 and the Conclusion in The Heart of Change: Real-Life Stories of How People Change Their Organizations.http://gcumedia.com/digital-resources/harvard-business-school-press/2012/the-heart-of-change_real-life-stories-of-how-people-change-their-organizations_ebook_1e.phpe-Library Resource1. A Proposed Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Continuous Change ProgrammesRead “A Proposed Model for Evaluating the Sustainability of Continuous Change Programmes,” by Brännmark and Benn, from Journal of Change Management (2012).https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=76170999&site=ehost-live&scope=site2. Complex Adaptive Systems and Improvisation Theory: Toward Framing a Model to Enable Continuous ChangeRead “Complex Adaptive Systems and Improvisation Theory: Toward Framing a Model to Enable Continuous Change,” by Ford, from Journal of Change Management (2008).https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=35582014&site=ehost-live&scope=site3. Managing Change Through Employee EmpowermentRead “Managing Change Through Employee Empowerment,” by Rothermel and LaMarsh, from Global Business and Organizational Excellence (2012).https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=67697925&site=ehost-live&scope=site4. Plan Do Stablise Repeat: How to Lead Change SuccessfullyRead “Plan Do Stablise Repeat: How to Lead Change Successfully,” by Andre, from Management Services (2013).https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.proquest.com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/docview/1348695756?accountid=73745. Transformational Leadership, Relationship Quality, and Employee Performance During Continuous Incremental Organizational ChangeRead “Transformational Leadership, Relationship Quality, and Employee Performance During Continuous Incremental Organizational Change,” by Carter, Armenakis, Field, and Mossholder, from Journal of Organizational Behavior (2013).https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bth&AN=90469965&site=ehost-live&scope=site

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who can answer this question.How are meta-analyses and systematic reviews different from primary research studies?Reference it as well.

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