Research Paper

Research question:P (Population)- Nurses taking care of patients in the healthcare settingI (Intervention)- Safety interventionsC (Compared-to)-No intervention0 (Outcome)- Reduced medication errorThe paper will include the following:§ Clinical Question§ Describe problem§ Significance of problem in terms of outcomes or statistics§ Your PICOT question§ Purpose of your paper§ Level of Evidence§ Type of question asked§ Best evidence found to answer question§ Search Strategy§ Search terms§ Databases used: Chamberlain Database§ Refinement decisions made§ Identification of most relevant article§ Format§ Correct grammar and spelling§ Use of headings for each section§ Use of APA format (7th edition)· Required to write the paper based onPAPER FORMATRefers to Grading Rubric in page 3

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Homework watching the video in that link answer the following questions for each video.Lecture 1b: Syllabus ReviewLecture #2a: Community Health Nursing LectureLecture# 2b:- QEP Paper (Community Needs Assessment)Lecture # 3: Civic Engagement Lecture- iCEDLecture #4: Healthy People LectureLecture #5: Nutrition LectureWhat did I do? (brief description of activity)What did I learn from this activity?How did this activity impact my development as a future nursing professional?How did this activity address a specific Healthy People topic & objective?How did this activity address the community health nursing course competencies and programlearning outcomes?

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Nursing leadership 5

According to Marquis, socialization and clarification of role expectations can be facilitated by role models, preceptors, or mentors. In your initial posting clarify these roles and discuss their use in socialization and re-socialization. Assume the role of a nurse manager and discuss how you would employ one of the above roles to augment the re-socialization of an experienced nurse in a new role. Provide examples from your own practice setting where possible.

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Nursing Research 6

Forum Post #6 – Data AnalysisRead the article, “An Exploration of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs Toward Organ and Tissue Donation Among Adult Hatian Population Living in the Greater Montreal Area.” Did the researchers provide sufficient discussion of how the data was analyzed? Support your position.Chapters 11 & 12Reliability & ValidityData Analysis·      Read Boswell & Cannon Ch. 11 & Ch. 12·       Review PowerPoints for Ch. 11 & Ch. 12Please, answer question fully answering questions, remembering this has been leading up from all the chapters prior in Nursing form

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Five ways to assess validity of research instrument in your own words.

Describeoneof the following five ways to assess validity of a research instrument in your own words (see image below). How would you assess for this type of instrument validity in a published research study?Include at least 1 reference (APA format).Validity: the extent to which an indicator really meassures the concept.

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Promoting Positive Outcomes through Targeted Communication within Cultural Groups

Describe the chosen Healthy People 2020 topic area and specific health issues.Contrast causes of disparities related to this health issue within populations.Propose a public health communication strategy to reduce disparity and promote health.Outline a plan for the communication.Describe an evaluation plan for the communication.Create targeted communication for each population.Reflect on learning through this project.Submission Instructions:The paper is to be formatted per current APA, be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.The paper is to be 7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract, and references page.Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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Healthcare Management

Choose 3 of 6 theories to compare and contrast *DUE Sunday 1/16*1. The management process school of thought2. The empirical school of thought3. The human behavioral school of thought4. The social systems school of thought5. The decision theory school of thought6. The mathematical school of thoughtSUPPLEMENTAL ARTICLE OF VENN DIAGRAM

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What are social determinants of health? Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease.

2 DQ 1Socioeconomic factors are to blame for a large portion of statistics. Limited access to resources will affect the social and physical aspect of health promotion. Stressors that include economics, family stressors, single parent households, poor education, low income and unemployment leading to little or poor health care play a role as social determinants of health. Some barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn may be past experiences, culture, socioeconomics, learning disabilities, fear of change, fear of the unknown, physical and mental conditionsHealth Promotion is an essential component of nursing care for varying and diverse patient populations. Health promotion goes beyond education and management of disease and encompasses the social determinants of health that have an effect on health and wellness overall. Nurses are educating from the minute that patient is in our care, just like how we learrned that the discharge process begins at the admission, this includes assessing, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. Substance abuse is a global issue that affects families as well as the addict. People living in low income areas are more likely to use dirty needles to get high. I would encourage the patients to have screenings done, specifically for hypertension and diabetes and any other disease’s such as HIV, Hepatitis and mental status. Educate them on how the dirty needle is a a mehod of transmission of disease and how taking appropriate precautions can prevent breaking the chain of spreading disease. By maintaining proper health it makes them less suceptible to disease.Using 200-300 words APA format with references to support the discussion.What are social determinants of health?  Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease.  Describe the fundamental idea that the communicable disease chain model is designed to represent. Give an example of the steps a nurse can take to break the link within the communicable disease chain.

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nursing reserach

Lace tested the effectiveness of alternative types of messages in encouraging the elderly to come forward for a flu vaccination. All members of a senior citizens’ center in a middle-sized community (a total of 504 elderly men and women) were sent a letter advising them a flu epidemic was anticipated and the elderly were especially likely to benefit from an immunization. Half the members were sent a letter stressing the benefits of getting a flu shot (the benefit letter group). The other half were sent a letter stressing the potential dangers of not getting a flu shot (the danger letter group). To avoid any biases, a lottery-type system was used to determine who got which letter. Both letters advised the elders of free immunizations being available at a community health clinic over a 1-week period and free transportation would be made available to them. Rates of coming forward for a flu shot among the two groups of elders were monitored to assess whether one approach of encouragement was more persuasive than the other. Results revealed a higher percentage of elderly in the “benefit letter” group obtained a flu shot than the elders in the “danger letter” group.Discuss in one paragraph whether and how, this study addressed a research purpose linked to evidence-based practice. (10 points)In what ways could the researcher have enhanced this study by including a qualitative component? (One paragraph, 10 points)ANSWER:1. a.1. b.A group of nurses working in a community health center were unsure how to answer questions from patients about appropriate means of cleansing children’s wounds in home settings. Most nurses felt sterile saline should be recommended to minimize the risk of infection, but others believed tap water was adequate for cleansing acute wounds. The nurses decided to examine the evidence and located a systematic review in the Cochrane database. Among the studies conducted, the review concluded there were no differences in rates of infection or healing between the use of tap water and sterile saline in the cleansing of wounds. However, a few of the studies had involved children, and most had been conducted in health care settings. The nurses decided to initiate a new study to gather more focused and informative evidence about the effects of saline solution versus tap water in cleansing children’s wounds.Discuss which aspects of the Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care could be completed as part of this project. (One paragraph, 10 points)What activities could the nurses undertake to conform to the Iowa Model? (One paragraph, 10 points)ANSWER:2. a.2. b.In urban ghettos, active participation in the community’s social and economic life for elderly residents is dangerous and potentially life-threatening. This study explored how elders survived in the midst of crime-ridden, inner-city neighborhoods, and how they coped with the social isolation often resulting when public spaces and streets were unsafe. The study was undertaken over a 3-year period in a low-income Baltimore neighborhood known citywide for its “drug warfare.” Data were collected by observing elders in a senior center, by talking with them in-depth in the center and in their homes, by having conversations with the elders’ family members and with staff at the senior center, and by observing life on the streets. The findings indicated fear filled the lives of most elders, who almost never ventured from their homes without a specific (and local) destination. The center served as an important refuge from loneliness and was viewed as a critical ingredient in maintaining positive mental health, especially for elders who had no family living in the neighborhood.Several of the findings suggested concepts that could be operationalized and measured in a quantitative study.  Identify at least two concepts and explain in broad terms a possible strategy to operationalize them (one paragraph, 10 points).ANSWER:3. a.

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Wk 1 – Signature Assignment: Reference Chart

Assignment ContentYou have been recognized as an expert on the various types of businesses. A community college instructor has asked for your help. She wants you to create a reference document she can give to students as they study this topic.Create a chart containing the three forms of business organizations: proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.Identify key users of financial information, and briefly explain their roles.Describe how the key users within each organization use fundamental concepts of accounting in the health care environment.Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.Format your references according to APA guidelines.

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