Concept Map

Create a Concept Map for each of the following types of drugs: An Adrenergic Agonist, an Adrenergic Blocker, a Cholinergic Agonist, and an Anticholinergic Agent; there should be FOUR concept maps submitted for this assignment.Each section of the map MUST BE COMPLETED IN FULL.All written assignments (Concept Maps, Lab logs, antidote assignments, insulin table, case studies) must be accompanied by a Reference List in APA 7th edition format. Points will be deducted for missing Reference ListsRubricConcept MapCriteriaThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nursing Interventions. Must include 7 interventions. Your nursing interventions will consist of assessments and interventions based on the disease process and medication: What will you want to assess or implement with a patient with this disease process taking this medication. Be sure to incorporate the interventions necessary to prevent injury related to side and adverse effects of the medication.This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Nursing Diagnosis This is based on your Assessment. Each student is to identify one nursing diagnosis per care plan. The diagnosis should be the highest priority for the patient. Use your reference book for identifying your nursing diagnoses. Make sure your nursing diagnosis statement is complete, include R/T (related to) and S/T (secondary to) and AEB (as evidenced by).This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Mechanism of Action-Pathophysiology Summary. You are required to complete a pathophysiology summary of your patient’s health issues (acute or chronic) as it relates to the medication. This includes a brief summary of the surgical procedure or the medical condition AND the DRUG Class, as well as evidenced-based practice nursing care for this type of patient.Cite your reference(s) using APA format. The summary should be written in your own words. DO NOT cut and paste from your reference(s). It is important to understand what is happening to the body related to this disease process.This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Patient Teaching. Describe the teaching you will do with this patient and family.This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Indications & Contraindications . List the most common indications and contraindications for the drug/classThis criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Side & Adverse Effects. List the common, and most lethal, side and adverse effects. Remember, your nursing interventions will include teaching, monitoring, and preventing injury related to these effects

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Please answer every question- Not answering all questions will result in a reduction of your grade.Case Study, Chapter 8, Anti-infective AgentsA student nurse has to administer a broad-spectrum anti-infective medication to a patient. The patient develops nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea while taking the medication. The student nurse has to teach the patient about the anti-infective medication.a. The faculty member asks the student nurse to identify the difference between a broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum anti-infective medication.b. The patient asks the student nurse what it means to develop resistance to anti-infectives. When the student nurse is teaching the patient about the anti-infective agent, it is important to include what general points to minimize bacterial resistance?c. The faculty member asks the student nurse to identify the three common adverse reactions associated with the use of anti-infectives. This patient is complaining of what common adverse reaction?Case Study, Chapter 10, Antiviral AgentsA patient is being treated with combination antiviral drugs for HIV and locally active antiviral drugs that include zidovudine and acyclovir. The student is preparing a 5-minute presentation on antiviral agents for clinical preconference. The student has to prepare medication information about the antiviral medications that are being administered to the client.a. What are the key characteristics of common viral infections?b. What are the common adverse effects of zidovudine?c. What key nursing considerations should the nurse focus on for the patient receiving a locally active antiviral agent?

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1)   In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 1. Cite references to support your positions.Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.2)  In a short essay (500-750 words), answer the Question at the end of Case Study 2. Cite references to support your positions.Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

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Qualitative Research Article Critique

Conduct a critical appraisal of literature that demonstrates an understanding of qualitative research. Write a critique of a qualitative research article that you have read related to your clinical practice.Incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.2 pages and plagiarism free

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health disease

This assignment must be in APA format.The assignment should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and avoiding bullet points and numbered list.Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 47 of the APA Publication Manual).Title and reference pages do not count toward the total word or page count.Textbook and outside sources need to be referenced and cited in the paper.Essays: (at least 300 words per prompt)1. How is the Gram stain used to classify bacteria? How do antibiotics inhibit the growth of bacteria? Explain how carriers play an important role in the transmission of pathogens. Jan acquired a MRSA infection during a stay at a rehabilitation facility. Jan’s physician tells her that her MRSA was caused by S. aureus. How would you explain to Jan what S. aureus is and how it can cause diseases?2. Lou had abdominal surgery. During his stay at the hospital a catheter was inserted into his bladder. After returning home Lou was diagnosed with a nosocomial infection. What are the principle routes of transmission of nosocomial infections? What can be done to prevent nosocomial infections? What are three reasons why rates of nosocomial infections are markedly higher in developing countries? What are five things that increase the risk of nosocomial infection?3. What is the difference between a neoplasm, benign tumor, and malignant tumor? Identify four chronic infections that may cause cancer, and what cancer the infection might cause. Mr. Brown age 63 and Mrs. Brown age 61, are being seen in for a routine check-up. What cancer screenings should Mr. and Mrs. Brown receive (name at least 3 and why)?4. In Western societies, why is colorectal cancer the most common cancer, but yet there has been a decline in the incidence and mortality of cervical cancer over the last 40 years? Identify and discuss four nonspecific warning signs of cancer and which cancer the warning sign is linked to. Aaron is a 28-year-old who had an EBV infection during high school. He noticed one of his lymph nodes in his neck is swollen but is not painful. He is also experiencing night sweats. What is a possible diagnosis? Give some possible treatments for this diagnosis?

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One page non-formatted power point on:Prevention of oppositional defiant disorderCite at least one peer reviewed article within 5 years.

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Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness Criteria

Capstone ProjectEvaluation of Plan Effectiveness CriteriaYou spent the last two weeks implementing a portion of the comprehensive care plan you developed for the aggregate. An evaluation of plan effectiveness is now due.In the evaluation component of the Capstone project, you are expected to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.Some questions you should seek answers to are:What barriers might you anticipate when implementing the intervention as planned?What visible signs of success would you look for (for example, reduced health issues)? Describe them.The evaluation component of the final paper should describe your evaluation of the implementation. Include responses to points 1and 2 above. The evaluation component of the final Microsoft Word submission document should be a minimum of 2 pages.The complete summary document should use the Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) steps used in pulling together your project.Over the past nine weeks, you selected an aggregate and conducted a risk assessment of its health, developed a care plan to address those health risks, planned an implement one intervention in a small group from the aggregate, and considered the effectiveness of the intervention on the health of the small group. It’s time now for you to present your final submission of this Capstone project.Your final submission comprises the documentation of the work accomplished through your Capstone project, a Microsoft Word Document that contains the evaluation and summary, a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation highlighting the main aspects of the project including the key things learned during the 10 weeks of working with this project.The summary document should use the Mobilize, Assess, Plan, Implement, Track (MAP-IT) steps used in pulling together your project. The complete documentation of the work accomplished over the course of the project should contain a minimum of 6–7 pages in a Microsoft Word document and should include the following information:A detailed description of the aggregateA description of the aggregate’s strengths and weaknessesA risk assessment of the aggregateDiagnoses based on the risk assessmentA detailed care plan for the aggregateA description of how at least one intervention was implemented in the aggregate to address an identified issueAn evaluation of how you would identify the effectiveness of the interventionThe Power Point presentation should be concise and should include the highlights of the Capstone project and the key things learned over the course of this project, from developing, implementing, and evaluating the care plan. Your presentation should not exceed 15 slides.

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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 250-350 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.How healthcare services are provided is constantly changing.  While historically, emergency departments (ED) was physically located within the hospital building, the standalone Emergency Department also referred to as the Free Standing Emergency Department (FSED) has become a new model for delivery of emergency services within communities.   Consider yourself in the role of a consultant to a healthcare organization, financial manager, or ED administrative director. You have been asked to provide the CEO and leadership with pros and cons of establishing a Free Standing Emergency Department.  You are aware of the news stories about these types of facilities, and you will want to review The Washington Post article at thislinkas you prepare your review.Include in your discussion:Differences between off campus emergency departments (OCEDs) and independent free standing emergency centers (IFECs).  What would be the advantage to the healthcare organization of an OCED?How would services provided be reimbursed either by private insurance or Medicare/Medicaid?What are the advantages or disadvantages to the community of an FSED?  Would members of the community favor an OCED or an IFEC?Why are most of the FSEDs located in Texas, Colorado and Ohio?Based on your research and the news stories about FSEDs, what would you recommend to the CEO and Board of Directors?NOTE: Use at least two scholarly references and cite using APA format.

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NURS 6050 Discussion week 3

Regardless of political affiliation, individuals often grow concerned  when considering perceived competing interests of government and their  impact on topics of interest to them. The realm of healthcare is no  different. Some people feel that local, state, and federal policies and  legislation can be either helped or hindered by interests other than the  benefit to society.Consider for example that the number one job of a legislator is to  be reelected. Cost can be measured in votes as well as dollars. Thus,  it is important to consider the legislator’s perspective on either  promoting or not promoting a certain initiative in the political  landscape.To Prepare:Review the Resources and reflect on efforts to repeal/replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA).Consider who benefits the most when policy is developed and in the context of policy implementation.

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APRN Protocol Powerpoint PresentationStudents will develop a PowerPoint with  6 slides explaining the part of a APRN protocol or contract negotiation. The student will obtain a copy of the contract from preceptor or the internet and will demonstrated with examples their understanding of contract development.The power point is just to reflect what is a collaborative agreement or protocol , when to be completed , the persons involved ( NP and physicians), what must be included in the protocol, why it’s required/ important.Please APA StyleNo pliagiarism

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