nursing assignment.

Assignment: Journal EntryPhoto Credit: Image by Free-Photos from PixabayCritical reflection of your growth and development during your practicum experience in a clinical setting has the benefit of helping you to identify opportunities for improvement in your clinical skills, while also recognizing your strengths and successes.Use this Journal to reflect on your clinical strengths and opportunities for improvement, the progress you made, and what insights you will carry forward into your next practicum.To PrepareRefer to the “Population-Focused Nurse Practitioner Competencies” found in the Week 1 Learning Resources, and consider the quality measures or indicators advanced nursing practice nurses must possess in your specialty of interest.Refer to your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted in Week 1, and consider your strengths and opportunities for improvement.Refer to your Patient Log in Meditrek, and consider the patient activities you have experienced in your practicum experience and reflect on your observations and experiences.Journal Entry (450–500 words)Learning From ExperiencesRevisit the goals and objectives from your Practicum Experience Plan. Explain the degree to which you achieved each during the practicum experience.Reflect on the three (3) most challenging patients you encountered during the practicum experience. What was most challenging about each?What did you learn from this experience?What resources were available?What evidence-based practice did you use for the patients?What would you do differently?How are you managing patient flow and volume?How can you apply your growing skillset to be a social change agent within your community?Communicating and FeedbackReflect on how you might improve your skills and knowledge, and communicate those efforts to your Preceptor.Answer the questions: How am I doing? What is missing?Reflect on the formal and informal feedback you received from your Preceptor.

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Module 11 Live Classroom – Community/Global Nutrition Module 11 Live Classroom – Community/Global Nutrition

Assignments not turned in by Friday 6/18 at 11:59 PM will be given a grade of 0APA FORMATTo prepare for the live classroom session and your written submission, use your chapter readings and course materials, and any other pertinent evidence-based source.The focus for this live classroom is a discussion about resources and community/global nutrition as well as course closure.Be prepared to discuss the following:What types of resources are available to communities in terms of learning about nutrition and healthy eating?What types of resources are available to global populations in terms of learning about nutrition and healthy eating?What are three challenges communities and global populations have in accessing these resources and how can these be overcome?What specific nutritional knowledge and skills that you learned about in this course had the most impact on you personally?Were there any areas that you wished you could have learned more? If so, what were they?After the live classroom, submit your completed assignment to the drop box below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:Jstudent_exampleproblem_101504

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Sustaining change can be difficult, as there are many variables that can affect implementation. One critical component of EBP is to ensure that practice change is part of an organization’s culture so it will continue to impact outcomes over time. Name two potential barriers that may prevent your EBP change proposal from continuing to obtain the same desired results 6 months to a year from now, and your strategies for overcoming these barriers.

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Deliverable 1 – Attracting the Eyes of Viewers

CompetencyIdentify and create sensory elements of visual media communication to attract viewer attention.ScenarioYou are a member of a committee at your child’s school. The committee has been assigned the task to design a flyer for the students to take home to their parents. The purpose of the flyer is to notify parents about the upcoming Field Day for all students. They have specified that it can only be one-page in length, and they have encouraged creativity to catch the eyes of the parents.Several parents wish to participate, so the leader of the committee creates a fun flyer competition. She asks that each person creates his/her own flyer and create a screen share to persuade the committee to choose your flyer. The screen share should visually show the flyer and include a verbal explanation regarding why your flyer will best attract the eyes of the parents.Since you are extremely creative, you know that in order to capture the parents’ attention and win this competition, you will need to use color, lines, balance, and contrast visual elements.In your video presentation, be sure to defend your visual choices to the other parents and members of the committee. You know that if you clearly explain why you chose each of these visual elements and how it best attracts the eyes of the parents, you could win this fun competition!Your presentation should be a maximum of 5 minutes.InstructionsThe presentation must include a visual and an audio recording using Screencast-O-Matic®, a free audio recording software compatible with PC and MAC computers. Follow these instructions to download and use this software to create your presentation.Access the Screencast-O-Matic® homepage by clicking on the box in the upper right-hand corner titled, “Sign Up” to create your free account.Create a free account (be sure to write down the email and password created for account access.)Once logged in, click on the “Tutorials” link at the top of the homepage and view Recorder Intros.Create your presentation by clicking on the “Start Recorder” box.Once finished recording click on the “Done” button.Next, choose, “Upload to Screencast-O-Matic®”.Select “Publish”.

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Discussion 250 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric

Section IV: Conceptual Models and Grand Theories in the Unitary Transformative Paradigm Section V: Grand Theories about Care or Caring Chapter 16: Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness Chapter 17: Madeleine Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality Chapter 18: Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Discussion 5Discussion Question: Our two-part discussion question for this week is the following: How does the theory of expanding consciousness apply to our healthcare society today? How does theory affect nursing profession to provide care to a diverse population of patients? Can you identify with any of these theories in your profession?

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Fill out the template

To Prepare:Review the agenda priorities of the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations.Select an issue related to healthcare that was addressed by each of the last three U.S. presidential administrations.Reflect on the focus of their respective agendas, including the allocation of financial resources for addressing the healthcare issue you selected.Consider how you would communicate the importance of a healthcare issue to a legislator/policymaker or a member of their staff for inclusion on an agenda.The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Comparison Grid, 1-Page Analysis, and 1-page Fact Sheet)Part 1: Agenda Comparison GridUse the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the two previous presidential administrations and their agendas related to the public health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected and the factors that contribute to it.Describe the administrative agenda focus related to the issue you selected.Identify the allocations of financial and other resources that the current and two previous presidents dedicated to this issue.Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.(A draft of Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid should be posted to the Module 1 Discussion Board by Day 3 of Week 1.)Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid AnalysisUsing the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:Which administrative agency would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected?How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the agenda for the current and two previous presidents? How does it stay there?Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor of the healthcare issue you selected for the current and two previous presidents?Part 3: Fact Sheet or Talking Points BriefBased on the feedback that you received from your colleagues in the Discussion, revise Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid and Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis.Then, using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page Fact Sheet or Talking Points Brief that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. You can use Microsoft Word or PowerPoint to create your Fact Sheet or Talking Point Brief. Be sure to address the following:Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.

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Week 5 Jean Watson

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human CaringStudents will select one nursing research article that focuses on a study that used Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring as a theoretical framework.Students should use as a guide, an appropriate Rapid Critical Appraisal Checklist found in Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt (2019; pp. 708-722).The critique should be informal include a brief description of the study that was reviewed and should address elements of the study relevant to critique.Students will provide critique on a critical appraisal of the elements relevant to the nature of the research study such as type of study, design, quality of the study; and rationale, as well as implications for practice and further research and/or evaluation.Examples of research articles incorporating Jean Watson’s theory  in USU online library:Durgun Ozan, Y., & Okumus, H. (2017). Effects of nursing care based onWatson’s theory of human caring on anxiety, distress, and coping wheninfertility treatment fails: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of CaringSciences, 6(2), 95-109.Rossillao, K. (2018).  Caritas education: Theory to practice…2018National Teaching Institute research abstracts presented at the AACNNational Teaching Institute, Boston, Massachusetts, May 21-24, 2018.American Journal of Critical Care, 27(3), e 14 – e15.Length: 4-5 pages (including title and reference pages)Format: Formal APA 6th ed formatCitations: If used (not required) cite references according to APA 7th ed.

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NURS 6231: HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS AND QUALITY OUTCOMES – Course Project Part 3(Grading Rubic and InstructionsAttached)

Project 1: Promoting Health Care QualitySection 3: Quality Measurement and AssessmentMeasuring and assessing quality provides a foundation for identifying needs for improvement, developing effective interventions, and then monitoring progress toward desired results.In the Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, and Shabot text, the authors assert that an effort to improve quality “calls for setting outcome and performance targets (goals and expectations) beginning with the end in mind, and then formulating initiatives and actions (processes) that can serve as a bridge to take the organization from its current performance to its desired performance” (p. 182).Having this “end in mind” can provide justification for dedicating valuable resources toward the effort, and help to lay a clear, concrete path that takes the organization from uncovering gaps between current performance and evidence-based targets to actually achieving those goals.In this section of the Course Project, you focus on what you would measure—and how you would measure it—relative to your previously identified quality improvement issue. Note: This section of the Course Project will serve as the Portfolio Assignment for this course.Through your work in previous weeks of this course, you have likely gained critical insights into the organization that serves as the focus for your quality improvement plan. Integrating this knowledge of the organization into your plan for addressing a quality improvement issue is essential for successfully facilitating change.As you deepen your analysis of your selected organization, consider how the information presented in this week’s Learning Resources relates to strategic priorities as well as to the uniquely collaborative and competitive dynamic that binds organizations in health care.To prepare:Review the Learning Resources. Also conduct a search of the literature related to your selected quality improvement issue and complete the Evidence Matrix (provided in this week’s Learning Resources).Evaluate the evidence presented in the research literature and the quality standards proposed by various organizations, including the IOM’s six aims for quality improvement.Based on this review and your knowledge of the organization that you have selected, determine appropriate measures and indicators of performance related to your identified quality improvement issue.Consider how you could gather and use historical evidence of the organization’s performance related to the quality improvement issue. Also consider methods for gathering and assessing current quantitative and qualitative data, including those currently in use by the organization (e.g., chart audit data, staff surveys, quality indicators that are monitored, observations). If possible, examine actual data to assess your selected organization’s performance related to the issue.Think about what, specifically, you would like to achieve related to this issue. Establish realistic, evidence-based quality performance targets.Analyze gap(s) between the organization’s current performance and the performance targets.As you do this, you may wish to create a graphic organizer/alignment chart for your own use that illustrates:The measures and indicators that you would evaluateCurrent and historical data related to this quality issue—either actual data or methods for how you would collect and analyze the dataMethods for collecting and analyzing data in the future (including when you would do this)Realistic, evidence-based targetsTo complete this Assignment, you will write a paper introducing your quality improvement plan.Think about the quality improvement issue that you are addressing and the associated plan that you are developing. Consider the following:What is the overall purpose, or aim, of doing this work?What would you hope to achieve for the organization by undertaking this project? What are the objectives of this initiative?What value would this work add to the organization?How would this work improve practice and create outcomes with impact?Review Chapter 7 of the Sadeghi, Barzi, Mikhail, and Shabot course text. Consider how addressing this quality improvement issue would align with the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategic goals and objectives. How does it relate to regulatory issues, and other matters that are significant for the organization? If you notice a misalignment, use this as an opportunity to refine your focus.With this in mind, continue to hone your development of this Assignment, integrating the concepts addressed here into Section 3.To complete:Write a 3- to 5-page paper that includes:An introduction to your quality improvement plan, including the overarching aim of this initiative and an explanation of how it aligns with the mission, vision, values, and strategic goals and objectives of the organization, as well as regulatory issues and other matters that are significant for the organizationAn overview of the current situation with regard to this quality improvement issue in the organizationA description of measures and indicatorsA presentation on data related to this issue, including:Actual historical and current data and/or a description of the methods that you would use to collect and analyze the dataMethods for collecting and analyzing data in the future, including when you would do thisA description of realistic, evidence-based targetsBe sure to cite evidence from the literature to justify your selection of the measures and indicators, as well as the performance targets. This section of the Course Project serves as the Portfolio Assignment for this course.Resources: Please use resources of Week 6 Discussion and Week 7 Discussion of 6231Link to part 1 – to part 2 – to week 7 disc – to Week 6 Disc –

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Bachelor’s Capstone in Health Care Administration

Answer one of the two questions below:State the importance of identifying risks and categorizing them as high, medium, or low probability. Explain why risks associated with the critical path of the project need special attention. Cite and reference your resources.A financial analysis affects management decisions. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is a rational choice framework for identifying the best or most profitable option a decision-maker can undertake. Given this information, how do you measure the net benefit of a project? Cite and reference your resources.

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Health Policy Analysis paper

Topic: Select Health Policy Analysis Paper on a local, state, or federal policy that you have explored along with recommendations based upon the analysis.-Analyze and evaluate the Health Policy.-Identify application of health policy into clinical practice.-Your paper must have an Introduction and a Conclusion.-Your paper must have 4 pages( not including Title and Reference pages)-APA format.-At least 5 references within 5 years.

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