Required Readings is located at the bottom of the homework assignmentAccording to Brokowski (2016), “organizational behavior is an applied behavioral science that emerged from the disciplines of psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, and economics” (pg. 3). Why is organizational behavior important to you as a health care leader? The U.S. health care system employs over 18 million individuals of various departments and sectors (Brokowski, 2016). Each department and sector has a diverse structure, which makes it vital that health care leaders possess the skills to communicate effectively with, motivate, and lead diverse groups of people within a large, dynamic, and complex industry (Brokowski, 2016).Borkowski, N. (2016). Chapter 1 – Overview and history of organizational behavior. Organizational behavior in health care (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA. Available in the Trident Online Library.Case AssignmentUse the online library, required reading, and other resources to research the following:Hawthorne StudiesMcGregor’s Theories X and YLewin’s Behavioral StudyIn a 3- to 4-page paper, complete the following:Define and rationalize organizational behavior as it applies to health care.Explain in detail the Hawthorne Studies, McGregor’s Theories X and Y, and Lewin’s Behavioral Study.Discuss how the Hawthorne Studies, McGregor’s Theories X and Y, and Lewin’s Behavioral Study relate to the health care field.Length: 3-4 pages, not including the title or reference page(s).Assignment ExpectationsConduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.Limit your response to a maximum of 4 pages.Support your proposal with peer-reviewed articles, with at least 3 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: University Library (n.d.) Evaluating internet resources. Retrieved from, N. (2016). Chapter 1 – Overview and history of organizational behavior. In Organizational behavior in health care (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA. Available in the Trident Online Library.Borkowski, N. (2016). Chapter 9 – Trait and behavioral theories of leadership. In Organizational behavior in health care (3rd ed.). Jones and Bartlett Learning: Burlington, MA. Available in the Trident Online Library.Emma, L. (2019). How to explain the importance of organizational behaviors. CHRON – Small Business. Retrieved from link:, S. S., & Shay, P. D. (2014). Chapter 7 Remember it is a workplace: Health care organizations as sociological artifacts. In Advances in healthcare organization theory. (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons: San Francisco, CA. Available in the Trident Online Library.VideosEPM. (2019). Blake Mouton Managerial Grid Explained. Retrieved from ReadingCunningham, T. R. & Geller, S. E. (2008). Organizational Behavior Management in Health Care: Applications for Large-Scale Improvements in Patient Safety. Retrieved from

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Topic 5 DQ 2

Technology is integral to successful implementation in many projects, through either support or integration or both. Name at least one technology that could improve the implementation process and the outcomes of your capstone project change proposal. Do you plan to use this technology? If not, what are the barriers that prevent its use?Remember the project change proposal is based on after discharge patient’s follow up

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MD3 module 2 discussion

Jose is a 55-year-old Hispanic, male, migrant worker who speaks limited English. He presented to the emergency room with complaints of edema of the scrotum, urinary retention, and hematuria. He does not have any pertinent past medical history. He is married and has five young children. He states he has been having problems for a while but delayed seeing the doctor because of his work schedule and limited money. The doctor performs a digital rectal examination in the office and finds that Jose’s prostate is enlarged.Initial PostMale reproductive disorders can make a great impact on the patient’s life. Based on the case study, answer the following questions in your discussion post.Discuss the potential disease processes and signs and symptoms related to the disease process that Jose may be exhibiting?How would you provide multidimensional care to include cultural, psychosocial, spiritual, physical, and emotional needs for Jose?Reply PostDiscuss three potential barriers that you would anticipate when providing care to Jose based on his age and culture.Provide an example of how you would overcome each of the three barriers through the implementation of multidimensional care strategies.

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Nursing discussion

You are interested in working for a full-service facility that focuses on prevention and wellness, and you become very excited when your most desired facility contacts you via e-mail expressing interest in your resume and requesting a preliminary telephone interview.  During the preliminary telephone interview, the talent acquisition specialist asks whether you believe you could make the transition from the traditional approach of hospital care to their model of care. How should you respond?One initial post and One substantial response is necessary to receive the full credit on the weekly discussionCite your sources in APA format within 5 years

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#1) Name two expected outcomes to promote optimal infant growth and developmental needs.#2) Pick two typical developmental milestones in the toddler and discuss them.#3)What are a couple of ways that the nurse can promote the health of the preschooler and family?#4)  Make a list of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes for the following clients:A mother brings her son to a clinic for a checkup. She tells the nurse that she is concerned because her 4-year-old son is having trouble with his speech and is repeating words and syllables in his sentences.Parents of a 3-year-old girl bring her to their pediatrician for a visit. They tell the nurse that they are concerned because their daughter will only allow her father to take care of her and wants to be near him all the time.

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Health Policy Analysis

What impact do court decisions have on policy issues related to nursing and health care?”

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Mental health

The human face produces the most visible, complex, and sometimes confusing nonverbal messages.Discuss how facial expression may affect the listener’s response during communication.

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Week 8 Discussion 2

Discussion Topic  two Week  8:  How can information technology be used to enhance patient safety?The Discussion:Must address the topic.Rationale must be provided.May list examples from your own nursing practice.150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the references.Minimum of two references (the course textbook must be one of the references) in APA format, must have been published within last 3-5 years.

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Finish Paper

Please finish paper below answering these 3 questions1. How HIPAA improves health care.2.  HIPAA and preexisting conditions.3.  HIPAA and electronic transference of health care data.*****Paper must be at least 2 pages one page is already complete****

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2-3 pg paper

The Health Insurance Portability and Protection Act (HIPAA) of 1996  was monumental in the push for privacy with healthcare records.Please answer the following questions in 2-3 pages (12 point font, double spaced) with a minimum of two academic sources:What are the five rules pertaining to HIPAA, and how do they factor in the purpose of the Act?For the security rule, elaborate on the safeguards which make it up. What are the contributing factors to each safeguard?Please use proper APA formatting. You do not need an abstract or a cover page.

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