Outline how we might apply the sociological imagination (in its historical, cross-cultural and critical dimensions) to a current social problem like poverty, unemployment, domestic violence, suicide or environmental degradation?
(1000-1250 Words)

It is an expectation that students will consult at least six scholarly sources in writing this particular assignment, which should be evident in the referencing and reference list. Please avoid quoting directly from the sociological dictionary, as this is a thinking exercise requiring research. It is also inadvisable to quote the lectures directly as these are based on a variety of extant sources and you should ask the lecturer to direct you to the relevant source for a particular study or theory referred to in the lectures if you want to use this material.
Assessment Criteria:
As a general rule, the marking of all written assignments and essays will be informed by the following criteria, which are offered as a guide to students in developing their work.
NB: Please note that the following criteria are not ranked in any order of importance:
1. Structure:
How effectively is the material presented, organised and logically ordered?
Does the presentation of material indicate evidence of careful reading in its planning, preparation and writing?
Does your essay have an introduction, body and conclusion?
2. Introduction:
How well does the introduction identify and formulate an argument or main claim for the discussion?
Does it state the aim of the essay and introduce the topic?
Does it give the reader an overview of what is to follow?
3. Argument:
Is the main claim or thesis, presented in a logically coherent manner?
Is the argument adequately supported through the use of properly referenced and appropriate evidence?
4. Content:
Does the substantive content of the discussion indicate that the analysis is detailed and critical?
Are all major issues considered?
Is there recognition of conflicting theories and explanations?
Is the material presented relevant to the topic or essay question?
5. Originality:
Does the discussion indicate originality and independence of thought?
Does the student raise their own questions and develop their own arguments?
6. Conclusion:
Have the main points been summarised?
Has a conclusion been stated?
Are the concluding statements justified on the basis of what has been presented in the body of the assignment?
Page 6
Course Outline: Introduction to Sociology: Society, Culture and Change (SCS110)
Date of original approval: 26.11.02 Date of most recent change: 14/7/2010
Date of discontinuation:
Current form version: 23 Sept 04
7. Referencing:
Is all the research material adequately referenced and documented by the use of citations, quotations and a reference list?
Has the Harvard style of referencing been used correctly?
8. Clarity of Expression and Presentation:
Is the quality of the expression clear?
Is the grammar, punctuation and spelling correct?
Is the question clearly identified?
Are the pages numbered?
Are the font size (12 point) and line spacing (double) correct?
Is the coversheet attached?

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For A-Plus Writer Only

Lewis, M.A., & Tamparo, C. D. (2012). Medical law, ethics, and bioethics for the health professions. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis.

Codes of Ethics

1. Hippocratic Oath, Classical and Modern Version 2. American Association of Medical Assistants (AMAA) 3. Principles of Medical Ethics: American Medical Association


I swear by Apollo Physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panaceia and all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfil according to my ability and judgment this oath and this covenant:

To hold him who has taught me this art as equal to my parents and to live my life in partner- ship with him, and if he is in need of money to give him a share of mine, and to regard his offspring as equal to my brothers in male lineage and to teach them this art if they desire to learn it without fee and covenant; to give a share of precepts and oral instruction and all the other learning to my sons and to the sons of him who has instructed me and to pupils who have signed the covenant and have taken an oath according to the medical law, but to no one else.

I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.

I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody if asked for it, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect. Similarly I will not give to a woman an abortive remedy. In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art.

I will not use the knife, not even on sufferers from stone, but will withdraw in favor of such men as are engaged in this work.

Whatever houses I may visit, I will come for the benefit of the sick, remaining free of all inten- tional injustice, of all mischief and in particular of sexual relations with both female and male persons, be they free or slaves .

What I may see or hear in the course of the treatment or even outside of the treatment in regard to the life of men, which on no account one must spread abroad, I will keep to myself holding such things shameful to be spoken about.

*From Ludwig, E.: The Hippocratic Oath. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Universi ty Press, 1943; and Lasagna, L.: A modern version of the Hippocratic Oath. Tufts University Medical School, 1964. Available at:




Appe ndix 1 Codes of Ethics

Ifl fulfil this oath and do not violate it, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and art, being honored with fame among all men for all time to come; ifl transgress it and swear falsely, may the opposite of all this be my lot.


I swear to fulfill, to the best of my ability and judgment, this covenant:


I will respect the hard-won scientific gains of those physicians in whose steps I walk, and gladly share such knowledge as is mine with those who are to follow.

I will apply, for the benefit of the sick, all measures which are required, avoiding those twin traps of overtreatment and therapeutic nihilism.

I will remember that there is art to medicine as well as science, and that warmth, sympathy, and understanding may outweigh the surgeon’s knife or the chemist’s drug.

I will not be ashamed to say “I know not,” nor will I fail to call in my colleagues when the skills of another are needed for a patient’s recovery.

I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters oflife and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awe- some respo n sibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.

I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, ifl am to care adequately for the sick.

I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure. I will remember that I remain a member of society, with special obligations to all my fellow

human beings, those sound of mind and body as well as the infirm. Ifl do not violate this oath, may I enjoy life and art, respected while I live and remembered with

affection thereafter. May I always act so as to preserve the finest traditions of my calling and may I long experience the joy of healing those who seek my help.


The Code of Ethics of the AAMA shall set forth principles of ethical and moral conduct as they relate to the medical profession and the particular practice of medical assisting.

Members of AAMA dedicated to the conscientious pursuit of their profession, and thus desiring to merit the high regard of the entire medical profession and the respect of the general public which they serve, do pledge themselves to strive always to:

A. render service with full respect for the dignity of humanity; B. respect confidential information obtained through employment unless legally authorized or

required by responsible performance of duty to divulge such information; C. uphold the honor and high principles of the profession and accept its disciplines; to continually improve the knowledge and skills of medical assistants for the benefit of

patients and professional colleagues; E. participate in additional service activities aimed toward improving the health and well-being

of the community. Creed I believe in the principles and purposes of the profession of medical assisting. I endeavor to be more effective.

**American Association of Medical Assistants, Chicago, IL, 1996-20 11. Reprinted with permission.



252 Appendix 1 Codes of Ethics

I aspire to render greater service. I protect the confidence entrusted to me. I am dedicated to the care and well-being of all people. I am loyal to my employer. I am true to the ethics of my profession. I am strength ened by compassion, courage, and faith .


Preamble The medical profession has long subscribed to a body of ethical statements developed primarily for the benefit of the patient. As a member of this profession, a physician must recognize responsibility to patients first and foremost, as well as to society, to other health professionals, and to self The following Principles adopted by the American Medical Association are not laws, but standards of conduct that define the essentials of honorable behavior for the physician. Principles of Medical Ethics

I. A physician shall be dedicated to providing competent medical care, with compassion and respect for human dignity and rights.

II. A physician shall uphold the standards of professionalism, be honest in all professional interactions, and strive to report physicians deficient in character or competence, or engaging in fraud or deception, to appropriate entities.

III. A physician shall respect the law and also recognize a res ponsibility to seek changes in those requirements which are contrary to the best interests of the patient.

IV. A physician shall respect the rights of patients, colleagues, and other health profes sionals, and shall safeguard patient confidences and privacy within the constraints of the law.

V. A physician shall continue to study, apply, and advance scientific knowledge, maintain a commitment to medical education, make relevant information available to patients, col- leagues, and the public, obtain consultation, and use the talents of other health profes- sionals when indicated.

VI . A physician shall, in the provision of appropriate patient care, except in emergencies, be free to choose whom to serve, with whom to associate, and the environment in which to provide medical care.

VII. A physician shall recognize a responsibility to participate in activities contributing to the improvemen t of the community and th e betterment of public health.

VIII. A physician shall, while caring for a patient, regard responsibility to the patient as para- mount.

IX. A physician shall support access to medical care for all people.

t From th e American Medical Association, adopted by the American Medical Association’s House of D elegates June 17, 2001. Reprinted with permission from American M edical Associatio n, Code of Medical Ethics, Copyright 2001.

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Reply To Discussion

discussion 1


Conducting business via the Internet offers numerous advantages; however, it is associated with other numerous privacy and security issues. The advancement in technology allows small businesses to operate online and on a global level since communication is instantaneous. Many clients can purchase their desired products just by a click of the mouse. However, one of the drawbacks is the major concerns relating to law and the Internet. Although the Internet offers incredible opportunities for conducting business globally, it has resulted in various risks for both consumers and businesses.

One of the major challenges that online business faces today is the issue of balancing the free flow of communication and data with the protection of privacy. It is noteworthy that the new world of electronic communication presents numerous challenges for the law. This affects the main categories of cyber laws that include contracts, tort law, criminal law, and intellectual property. Some of the legal concerns raised by security and privacy issues include fraud, hacking, phishing, identity theft, cookies, and privacy issues, commercial email and privacy, computer crime and privacy, and the constitution and privacy among others. Issues such as phishing, spamming, tracking of cookies cause numerous problems that are harmful, and in a global framework, computer and the Internet has made identity theft a major threat in the business world.

In addition, technology has also impacted the contemporary areas of law such as torts and contracts. Many people use social media and webcams in a torturous manner through the invasion of privacy. Additionally, many people are likely to consent to contracts online by just a click of the mouse even without reading the contracts. More so, sales of goods have become more complicated because the manner in which taxes are assessed is very different. In the future, it will be necessary to align technology with issues of safety to ensure that there is a level playing ground.

It is evident that the law has struggled to catch up with technological advancement, particularly, conducting business online. Even where regulations exist, implementation remains a major challenge. As the global business continues to embrace technology through electrical communication, societies must find a balance between technological advancement and security or privacy issues.

discussion 2


Internet domain names are linked to trademark issues. Technology makes it easy to copy and distribute music and movies without paying royalties. Business conducted on the internet raise security and privacy issues. What legal concerns are raised by these issues?

Most of today’s business is done via the Internet; online schooling, online banking, virtual meetings, video streaming, etc. As the rise of Internet use increases, so does cyber crime. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, someone created an online music streaming service, called Napster, that allowed users to download and share music illegally. This was a huge problem because Napster violated many copyright laws. As a result, President Clinton signed into law the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (or DMCA) in 1998. There was a previous law protecting copyright infringement; however, the DMCA amended that previous law and applied to the digital world as well (Rogers, 2012). Lately, movie piracy has become a worldwide problem, and movie apps that allow the illegal use of free movie downloads give users the option to hide anonymously behind VPNs (virtual private networks) for free or sometimes for a small monthly fee. For example, the Popcorn Time movie app allows its users to download and watch movies illegally that are newly released in theaters.

Predict which of these issues will be of major concern in the future in regard to the law and business practices.

As long as the hackers responsible for these cyber crimes are around, these issues will not cease. People rely so much on the Internet that it’s almost impossible to keep any personal information off the Internet. In addition, so many rely on technology to protect their personal information. For example, Google Pay is an app that provides a service to its users to store their credit or debit card information on their phones without having to use the physical card in public to make purchases. Furthermore, many people have had their iClouds hacked on their iPhones after storing personal photos of themselves. As a result of the hacking, there were some celebrities that had those specific photos released online for the world to see.


Rogers, S. (2012). Essentials of Business Law. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc

discussion 3


Controlling foreign businesses operating within a country’s jurisdiction is vital in keeping the sovereignty of a given nation. Many governments try managing such operations through imposing legislation, rules, and regulations, which control the importation of goods as well as services. Most of the laws are violations and infringements of the provisions stipulated in the World Trade Organizations’ (WTO’s) framework. Some of the approaches are genuine attempts aimed at monitoring foreign business reliability with policies imposed on local firms. However, other policies are meant to shield domestic companies from unwarranted international competition (Robbins, Bergman, Stagg, & Coulter, 2014).

Apart from imposing tariffs and policies on entry requirements, nations further try to manage the conduct or behavior of the multinational firms once they inaugurate within their borders. Their behavior control is vital to management since it entails practices, which impact on national economic gains or performance, as well as national control. Issues like taxation, labor laws, capital movements, alongside competition regulations are controlled easily (Spero & Hart, 2010).

Issues faced by U.S. firms while operating in other jurisdictions   

Just like any other multination corporation operating in foreign countries, U.S. companies face myriad of challenges venturing abroad. Obstacles such as hiring the right people for the jobs are unavoidable. Talent acquisition while starting a business is difficult since the hiring team may not be cognizant of the prevailing factors. They also encounter employee management alongside training hitches. That is, effective workers management is essential to bolstered productivity and lowered risks, though, operating overseas may amount to technical difficulties in getting the right people for the job (Grosse, 2005). Besides, identifying the exact market need is cumbersome. The preferences and tastes vary from country to another. Determining the true individual needs of a broad cross-section of the population is not easy (Ristau, 2011).

There are some legal as well as ethical issues, which international businesses should follow. Issues such as variations in the employment laws affect the operations of foreign firms especially U.S. based. Their wages, as well as working environments, are usually superior compared to overseas locations (Adamson, 2010). Therefore, it is imperative to develop the organization’s standards that shield employees while decent into the native economy. Additionally, foreign corporations experience corruption challenges, which is an ethical issue. The U.S Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits malpractices in business operations. Firms which make payments to acquire business are guilty of illegal practices punishable by law. Other ethical issues include pollution alongside environmental concerns, human rights policies, and political factors (Bowie, 2013).


Adamson, J. E. (2010). 21st Century Business: Business Law. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Bowie, N. (2013). Business Ethics in the 21st Century. Berlin, Germany: Springer Science & Business Media.

Grosse, R. (2005). International Business and Government Relations in the 21st Century. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press

Ristau, R. A. (2011). Intro to business. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Robbins, S., Bergman, R., Stagg, I., & Coulter, M. (2014). Management VS. Sydney: Pearson Education Australia.

Spero, J. E., & Hart, J. A. (2010). The politics of international economic relations. Boston, MA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

discussion 4


How do governments attempt to control foreign businesses operating within their borders?

When a business of foreign origin comes to operate within its borders the attempt at controlling this business is through agreements or even treaties. International law cannot be applied to these companies as it is not as simple as one person broke their agreement on a contract, it’s an entire country with not only one company at stake but several.

When U.S. companies do business in other countries, what issues do they face?

The U.S. based companies face many challenges operating in other countries. The rules as well as regulations on things such as exporting, importing, and waste management must be followed. Other countries have different bans on certain products being sold within their country. The contracts on an international scale are completely different, there are language and cultural barriers that must be crossed.

Describe the responsibilities and ethical concerns that you feel are important for U.S. companies to consider when doing business in other countries

There are many responsibilities as well as ethical concerns for U.S. companies in other countries. The laws protecting the environment are very different in other countries and must be followed. Another ethical concern for U.S. companies in other countries is the working conditions, what we as working citizens in America is very different from other countries and the U.S. based companies should not only follow their rules and regulations regarding labor but should also attempt to incorporate some of the luxuries workers are used to in the United States such as mandated breaks would be a great one as well as overall improving the working conditions all together for some workers in some countries. Show the employees respect is the most important thing for any business nowhere there are operating.

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Business Ethics Chapter 7 – Marketing Ethics: Product Safety And Pricing

Multiple Choice Quiz



Which ethical question is not relevant to the process of marketing a product?
A) What responsibility do producers have for the quality and safety of their products?
B) Who is responsible for harms caused by a product?
C) Is the customer’s willingness to pay the only ethical constraint on fair pricing?
D) Can producers discriminate in favor of, or against, some consumers?
E) All of the above.
F) None of the above.


Identify the statement that fails to reinforce the idea that the purchases made by consumers may not be truly voluntary:
A) The more consumers need a product, the less free they are to choose.
B) The consumer may experience anxiety and stress, e.g., when purchasing an automobile.
C) Price-fixing and price-gouging may restrict the consumer’s freedom.
D) There may be marketing practices aimed at vulnerable populations such as children or the elderly.
E) All of the above.
F) None of the above.


Select the statement that represents a situation where informed consent is not operative:
A) The complexity of a product has been fully explained to a consumer.
B) The customer is not clear about the calculation of the interest rate on a leased product transaction.
C) The extended warranty conditions on a product have been fully disclosed to a consumer.
D) Warning labels on a product have pointed out any potential hazards associated with operating it.
E) All of the above.
F) None of the above.


Choose the statement that does not challenge the assumptions commonly found in economic textbooks that customers are benefited, almost by definition, whenever their preferences are satisfied in the market:
A) Impulse buying cannot be justified by appeal to consumer interests.
B) The exchange is prima facie ethically legitimate because it assumes that the individuals involved in the transaction act as free, autonomous agents capable of pursuing their own ends.
C) The ever-increasing number of bankruptcies suggests that consumers cannot purchase happiness.
D) Empirical studies provide evidence that greater consumption can lead to unhappiness.


Select the question that is most likely never relevant to the examination of business’ responsibility for its products:
A) What caused an event to happen?
B) Who is to blame for any harms caused, who is liable?
C) What was the agent’s motive?
D) Who was responsible for “caring for” a situation, accountable without any suggestion of culpability, fault, or blame?


The strict products liability standard requires a manufacturer to compensate injured consumers:
A) Only if it can be shown that the manufacturer was at fault in causing or failing to prevent a harm.
B) Even if the manufacturer was not at fault, even if there was nothing the manufacturer could have done to prevent the harm.
C) Only if the manufacturer used fraud or coercion at the time the contract for the product was agreed to by the consumer.
D) Only if the product’s features were described in a deceptive manner in advertising copy.


Select the statement that doesn’t challenge the claim that producers should not be held strictly liable for harms not caused by their negligence:
A) Strict liability adds significant hidden costs to every consumer product.
B) Strict liability places domestic producers at a competitive disadvantage with foreign businesses.
C) If it is unfair to penalize businesses for harms they couldn’t prevent, it is equally unfair to penalize consumers for harms they could not prevent.
D) Strict liability discourages product innovation and encourages frivolous and expensive lawsuits.


Identify the statements that George Brenkert claims represent justifications that juries use to hold manufacturers strictly liable but that are not fully convincing:
A) The consumer who is injured by a product is unfairly disadvantaged in the economic competition and is denied an equal opportunity to compete in the marketplace.
B) Manufacturers are best able to pay for the damages caused by their products.
C) Compensation returns the parties to equal standing and the economic competition can continue as a result.
D) Strict liability creates an added incentive for producing safe products.
E) Answers A and C are correct.
F) Answers B and D are correct.


It is alleged that markets fail, in some situations, to insure a fair price and thereby limit consumers’ freedom. Which statement does not support that allegation?
A) Sellers extract extraordinarily high prices in situations where consumers have few options for obtaining a needed product.
B) From the utilitarian perspective, consumers are always benefited by low prices and balancing the benefits to buyers from low prices with the benefits to sellers of high prices is the only ethical pricing issue.
C) Monopolistic pricing limits the variety of products available to consumers.
D) The more uniformity of prices one finds within an industry, the less likely it is that competition exists.


Select the statement that is at odds with the idea that pricing strategies may be unfair:
A) Large stores in competition with smaller stores can absorb losses from undercutting the smaller stores on price, an option not available to the smaller ones.
B) Distribution systems are established that reward large retailers with lower costs per unit than the cost per unit smaller stores must carry. As a result, the smaller ones may be driven from the market.
C) A competitive market should drive out uncompetitive firms by driving prices down.
D) Government subsidies of one industry may keep alternative industries from competing on price.

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Discussion: Employment Law (200-300words) This week’s discussion on the topic of employment law is a little different.  The idea is to watch an episode of the American version of The Office and identify a legal issue related to employment law (Title VII, sexual harassment, ADA, ADEA, etc).  I find The Office not only a very entertaining television program but also a source for legal issues that could arise in an employment setting.  Therefore when undertaking the assignment provide the fact pattern which you identified in the episode and then analyze the situation using the IRAC method which we have used for the discussions in this course.  The Office may still be in syndication on a few television channels and many of the episodes may be seen on  Additionally NetFlix and Amazon subscribers will find it in those platforms, “” is a way to look for availability and most public libraries should have multiple seasons available.  I am sure that there are other ways to view the show as well.  In the first portion of your discussion provide the fact pattern to a degree that other students who may not be familiar with the scenario will be able to provide comments to your post.

Below is an example I put together from an episode of the show – this scenario would correspond to Chapter Twenty Two in our text, which we are not covering this term.  From the fact pattern I put together 2 IRAC analyses.  You only need to do 1.  I have seen every episode of The Office a number of times, so do not try and make something up, I will know.

THE OFFICE SCENARIO:  The workers in the warehouse of Dunder-Mifflin were considering forming a union.  Jan Levinson, an executive of the Dunder-Mifflin, a member of management, informed the employees, who were considering forming a union, that they should take into consideration what happened at another Dunder-Mifflin branch which formed a union.  That branch was shut down, implying that the employees all lost their jobs.

ISSUE (1):  What procedures must the employees follow to form a union?

RULE (1):  To form a union, organizers distribute authorization cards to the employees.  If a majority of the cards approve union representation, the employer may voluntarily certify the union.  Once a union is certified, the employer must bargain with the union regarding employment terms and conditions.

If the Employer does not voluntarily certify the union, union organizers can petition the NLRB for an election.  To authorize an election, a minimum of 30% of employees must support a union or an election on unionization and there must be an appropriate bargaining unit, consisting of employees that share a mutuality of interest.

APPLICATION/CONCLUSION (1):  If 50% or more of the warehouse workers state on their authorization cards that they want to be represented by a union, the organizer (let us say Darrel) may submit said results to Dunder-Mifflin for certification.  Dunder-Mifflin may choose to certify the union.

If Dunder-Mifflin does not recognize the authorization cards, then Darrel may petition the NLRB for an election.  If Darrel can demonstrate a minimum of 30% of the warehouse workers support a union and an appropriate bargaining union exists, the NLRB most likely will authorize an election.  Considering that the warehouse workers have a mutuality of interest:  they are all located in one location in Scranton, PA and their respective jobs are similar in nature, I believe the requirements for an NLRB election are met.  If a majority of the warehouse workers vote in favor, the union is certified and Dunder-Mifflin would be required to negotiate with the union rather than individual employees.

ISSUE (2):  Did Jan, as a member of management, commit an unfair labor practice by threatening the employees should they form a union?

RULE (2):  Considered unfair labor practices, under the NLRA, and deemed illegal activities, are employer’s actions that adversely affect the employees’ right to unionize and bargain collectively.  Though an employer may campaign against the formation of a union at its work place, an employer may not interfere with employees’ activities to form a union or threaten employees’ decision to join a union.

APPLICATION/CONCLUSION (2):  Pursuant to a case covered in the text a member of management informed employees forming a union that they (the employees) should read everything carefully before deciding to vote for a union and also told these same employees that the union does not always live up to its promises.  In that case, the court found the employer did not interfere or threaten the employees when deciding whether to have union representation.  In contrast, I feel that Jan’s actions go further than the aforementioned case.  In my opinion Jan’s comments that another branch shut down because the employees chose to form a union is a direct threat, implying that if the warehouse workers at Dunder-Mifflin, Scranton form a union their jobs will be eliminated, obviously impacting the warehouse workers economic well-being.  Therefore, I conclude that Jan, on behalf of the employer, committed an unfair labor practice whereby Darrel could file a complaint with the NLRB.



Article Analysis(150-200 words)

you will select an article from a business periodical which generally relates to this course and write a brief summary and analysis. When choosing articles for this weekly assignment, you should ask yourself “Would this article be interesting to a student in this course or to someone who is working as a business professional?”  This is an individual project.  Two points are deducted each day assignment is late.

Each article analysis assignment shall include four parts:

i. Title of the article, date of publication, and author (note: The Economist does not provide author’s names on articles) of the article that you selected;

ii. A paragraph(s) summarizing the content and context of the selected article;

iii. A paragraph (or more) of your reflections where you clearly and succinctly analyze the article, reflecting on its meaning as it relates to your coursework in this class and/or its usefulness for business professionals seeking to become legally-astute managers, entrepreneurs, government regulators, etc.  This analysis paragraph should include at least two references to the readings, resources, and/or discussions which are covered in the course; and,

iv. A link (URL) to the article

Recommended sources for your article:

· The Wall Street Journal (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· The Economist (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· Harvard Business Review (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· The Financial Times (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· National Public Radio U.S. News (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· The New York Times (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· The Washington Post (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

· The Guardian U.S. News (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

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My Cousin Vinny


Assignment 6: My Cousin Vinny: Trial Techniques and Procedures


· Typed- 12pt font

· Running Header-

Last Name, First Name

CJ252: A6

· Title Document (save as)-

Last NameFirst NameCJ252A6


1) Bill slips a can of tuna in his pocket and forgets to pay. Is this shoplifting? Please explain how mens rea, actus reus, and corpus delecti are involved in this assessment.

2) Stanley and Bill were interrogated at the police station. Both conceded they were advised of their rights. Name one possible 5th amendment issue with the interrogations.

3) Vinny is seen studying a book about Alabama Laws. His research will have to include both procedural and substantive law. Why does he have to study both types of law? What is the difference between procedural and substantive law?

4) Vinny visits Bill and Stanley in jail. What is this meeting called? Why is it important?

5) Lisa tells Vinny she doesn’t think he is cut out for this lawyering stuff. Do defense attorneys have to meet a certain level of competence?

6) Explain the following legal principles:

a. Competence

b. Due diligence

c. Communication

d. Confidentiality

7) Pretrial Steps

a. What crime are Bill and Stanley accused of?

b. What probable cause justified the arrests?

c. Explain “Initial Appearance”

d. Explain “Preliminary Hearing”

e. Explain “Grand Jury”

f. Explain “Arraignment”

8) What happened during the Arraignment of Bill and Stanley? What does Vinny plead for his clients? (Did you catch that the arraignment and the preliminary hearing were out of order, at least out of the order we discussed in class?)

9) Why is the case introduced as “The People of the State of Alabama” vs Bill and Stanley? Why is the victim not a party in the case?

10) Explain the discovery process.

a. What is discovery?

b. Why is it necessary?

11) Describe the part of the movie when Vinny claims he wants discovery (disclosure), but doesn’t know the process for it. How does he find about the discovery process?

12) The Prosecution askes the jury members “Can you participate in an endeavor in which the ultimate disposition might be execution?” What is this process called?

13) Explain the jury selection process.

14) Does trial proceed with a jury trial or a bench trial? Explain the difference.

15) What are the key points offered in the prosecution’s opening statement?

16) What are the key points offered in Vinny’s opening statement?

17) The Prosecution presents its case first and gets to present its witnesses first. When the Prosecution calls its witnesses they call them for Direct Examination.

a. What are the characteristics of Direct Examination?

18) Once the Prosecution calls a witness and goes through Direct Examination then Vinny, the Defense, gets to Cross-Examine the witness

a. What are the characteristics of Cross-Examination?

19) Summarize the following testimonies. What happened on the stand?

  Direct Examination Testimony Cross-Examination Testimony
Old Lady    
Fat Man    
“Redneck” Dude    
Deputy Sheriff    

20) What is impeachment?

21) Which of the prosecution’s witnesses were impeached? Explain.

22) What is an expert witness?

a. How are expert witnesses different from “regular” witnesses?

b. What do you have to demonstrate to present someone as an “expert”?

23) How does Lisa get introduced as an expert witness? What are Lisa’s qualifications for testifying?

24) What are the key points offered during Vinny’s last witness exchange (essentially, his closing statement)?

25) Were any jury instructions offered to the jury?

26) What was the ultimate verdict of the case in My Cousin Vinny?

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Assignment 2 – Researching Federal Codes


Using the Internet do a web search to find the Federal Government internet site for “United States Code”. Write a brief report answering the following questions:

(1) How many different titles are listed?

(2) Title 11 covers which topic?

(3) Title 15 covers which topic?

(4) Title 26 covers which topic?

(5) 29 U.S.C. Chapter 7 covers what subject?

Format: Answer questions 1-5. Your answers should be typed on 1 page of paper with answers numbered 1-5. Print the first page of each Title and U.S.C. chapter (1 page each as PDF) mentioned in each question (1-5). Turn in your answers together with copies of the first page of each Title in the assignment questions in PDF format (5 pages total). (Titles 11, 15, 26, and 29 U.S.C. Chapter 7).

Turn in your answers in PDF Format and uploaded to the CANVAS site for the course.

Due Date: This assignment is due by 7:00pm, Thursday, May 23, 2019.

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Week 5 Discussion Nature Experience Project

Go outdoors.  Find a place outside were you can be in nature, state, or local park, a city square with trees and gardens, and old cemetery, or even your own backyard. Be creative. For those of you who may think there is no nature whatsoever around you or you will not hae the opportunity to get out into nature, the podcast The Sound of a Snail:  A Patients’s Greatest Comfort will give you get a sense of creative ways to complete this assignment, particularly if you are living in a highly urbanized setting.

Observe:  Once you are outdoors, choose a comfortable spot where you can stand or sit quielty for a least and hour of uniterrupted solitude.  Turn off all electronic devices.  Quietly take in your surroundings.  What do you notice?  Use your senses of sight, hearing, smell, and feeling to take the world in.  Ge as still and quiet as you can.

Write:  Either while you are outdoors or as soon after your return as you can , set aside at least a half an hour of uninterrupted time to write about your nature experience.  It should include both what you directly experienced during your time outdoors and your feelings and reflections on the experience itself.  In our writing consider this question:  Are human beings a part of nature, or apart from it?

Create:  Choose a creative means of sharing your nature experience, and what you learned from it, with the class.  This could take the form of a series of photographs with captions, a poem, a song, a brief personal essay, a work of art, the design for a board game, a video of some kind, or any other creative avenue you can think of.  The work should be entirely your own product.

If your work is entirely visual or auditory (eg. fine art photgraphy, music, etc.  please include a brief statement of 100-200 words that (1) relate your work back to your original nature experience; and (2) relates your work to the question of whether you feel you are a part of nature or apart from it.

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Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

The steps in the lesson were accomplished by the required reading of an article describing laboratory adsorption tests for lead and zinc removal. The lesson used the article’s data combined with engineering principles to design a prototype lead treatment system, and a required article presented a novel method for reducing leather tanning waste.

For this assignment, prepare a PowerPoint presentation that assesses engineering principles applicable to industrial and hazardous waste management by evaluating steps for an adsorption system design using engineering principles and presenting engineering calculations for waste treatment.

Specifically address the following items in your PowerPoint presentation.

  • Provide a title and introduction.
  • Summarize the Durga, Ramesh, Rose, and Muralidharan Required Unit Resources article.
  • List the steps required for design of a prototype adsorption system.
  • From Required Unit Resources, use the Yusuff and Olateju article’s equation (7) for the Radke-Prausnitz isotherm to evaluate qe for a Ce lead concentration of 10 mg/L. Show your calculation.
  • Explain how your value of qe determined from the equation compares to the value in Yusuff and Olateju’s article exhibit 10a. Do you think there is an error in the equation? Explain.
  • In the unit lesson, if the prototype’s wastewater flow is 500 gpd instead of 100 gpd and the influent lead concentration is still 10 mg/L, what would be the lead inflow rate in units of grams per day? Show your calculation.
  • Provide a summary of your PowerPoint information.

Your PowerPoint presentation must be at least 15 slides in length with a title slide and reference slide (title and reference slides do not count toward the minimum slide count). You should utilize at least the two Required Unit Resources: the Durga et al. and the Yusuff and Olateju articles. Ensure you refer to the unit lesson as you are creating your PowerPoint presentation.

Please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. Do not include slide notes in your presentation. Be sure to use fonts that are large enough to view from a distance. This includes any fonts within images that you use. Be sure to cite and reference all information and images.

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Astronomy Lab

Name: ______________________ Collaborator(s): ______________________

Date: ______________________

The  Orbit  of  Mars

Big  Idea   Tycho Brahe made a number of observations of the positions of Mars during the latter part of the 16th century. Despite not having a telescope, Brahe was able to obtain the most accurate measurements of the positions of Mars of his time. His assistant, a young mathematician named Johannes Kepler, devised a method of triangulation to determine the orbit of Mars around the Sun.

In this experiment, you will:

• Recreate Kepler’s measurements using Tycho Brahe’s data; • Analyze the properties of Mars’ orbit, and; • Investigate a modern claim about Mars’ appearance in the night sky.

Setup   You will need:

• Ruler • Protractor • Compass • Pencil (tip: if you can use a colored pencil in addition to a regular pencil, that would be great) • Calculator (optional)

Part  I:  Brahe’s  data   Kepler knew from Brahe’s observations that the sidereal period of Mars is 687 days, so every 687 days, Mars would return to the same position among the fixed stars. He also knew that the Earth completes two orbits around the Sun in 730 days. That means by the time Mars completes one full orbit around the Sun, Earth will not quite have completed two full orbits. Below is a table of Brahe’s data, grouped into five pairs of dates, each 687 days apart:

Pair Date Pair (687 days apart) Heliocentric longitude of Earth Geocentric longitude of Mars

1 February 17, 1585 January 5, 1587

159° 23′ 115° 21′

135° 12′ 182° 08′

2 September 19, 1591 August 6, 1593

5° 47′ 323° 26′

284° 18′ 346° 56′

3 December 7, 1593 October 25, 1595

85° 53′ 41° 42′

3° 04′ 49° 42′

4 March 28, 1587 February 12, 1589

196° 50′ 153° 42′

168° 12′ 218° 48′

5 March 10, 1585 January 26, 1587

179° 41′ 136° 06′

131° 48′ 184° 42′



Name: ______________________ Collaborator(s): ______________________

Date: ______________________ Every Martian year (687 days) Mars returns to the same point in its orbit around the Sun, thus if we view Mars at these intervals we can, by triangulation, determine that point. You should follow the procedure below to get the first point, then repeat four more times to get the orbit.

Part  2:  Plot  the  orbit   Attached is a diagram of the Sun with the orbit of Earth drawn around it (the orbits of Mercury and Venus are drawn in as well, to help show their relative distances.) The dashed horizontal line indicates where the Sun would appear to an observer from Earth (on the opposite side of the Sun) on the March equinox (March 21). This position represents 0 degrees of heliocentric longitude.

1. With the protractor and Sun as the center, plot the heliocentric longitude of the Earth as a point on the Earth’s orbit as given in the table (159 degrees).

2. Now with the protractor and using the Earth as the center plot the geocentric position of Mars (135 degrees). You can use the horizontal lines to help make sure your protractor is lined up at 0 degrees longitude. Your drawing should be similar to Figure 1:


Figure 1

3. Now repeat for the Jan. 5th 1587 date. First mark the position of Earth from its heliocentric longitude, and from that point draw a line to the geocentric longitude of Mars. The point of intersection is the position that Mars had on these two dates. Draw a dot there to represent Mars. Label this as position P1. Your drawing should be similar to Figure 2:


Figure 2



Name: ______________________ Collaborator(s): ______________________

Date: ______________________

4. Repeat the above steps for the remaining four pairs of dates in the data table. Label the positions of Mars as P2, P3, P4, and P5.

Kepler chose the first two sets of data to represent aphelion and perihelion, respectively for Mars.

5. Draw a line from the first position for Mars (P1) to the second position for Mars (P2). This line should pass close to the Sun (if your line passes nowhere near the Sun, your measurements for the Earth and/or Mars were off and you’ll need to try again). This line is called the major axis of the orbit.

6. Measure the major axis in centimeters to the nearest millimeter (tenth of a cm) ______________cm.

7. Find the middle of the major axis by dividing the length of the major axis by 2. Mark the center of the major axis and label it “midpoint”.

8. Measure the distance from the midpoint of the major axis to either end of it in centimeters. This length is defined as the semimajor axis.___________cm. Label this length a.

Part  3:  Kepler’s  third  law   Let’s calculate the value of Mars’ semimajor axis in Astronomical Units (AU). An Astronomical Unit is defined as the distance from the Sun to the orbit of the Earth.

9. Find the scale for astronomical units on your graph by measuring the distance from the Sun to the Earth in centimeters to the nearest millimeter (tenth of a cm). Scale: 1 AU = ______________________ cm

10. Using your scale, calculate the semimajor axis of Mars in AU: _______________________ AU


11. Now calculate the semimajor axis of Mars in miles. 1AU is 93 million miles, so multiply your answer from step 10 by 93: _________________million miles

12. Express your answer in scientific notation: _________________ miles

Now that we know Mars’ semimajor axis in AU (a), we can use Kepler’s third law to calculate its orbital period around the Sun in years (P). Recall:

𝑎! = 𝑃!

…which means we can solve for the period P like this:

𝑃 =   𝑎!

13. Using the above formula, calculate the orbital period of Mars in years:

___________! =   ________𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠



Name: ______________________ Collaborator(s): ______________________

Date: ______________________ Part  4:  Eccentricity   Kepler believed that the orbits of the planets were divinely constructed, and therefore must be perfectly circular. Using your compass, draw a circle centered on the Sun with a radius equal to your measurement of Mars’ semimajor axis in step 8.

14. Do the positions of Mars (P1, P2, etc.,) line up on your circle? ________________

Despite what Kepler wanted to believe, his data showed him that the orbits of Mars and the other planets were not circular, but elliptical with the Sun at one focus.

Eccentricity, e, is a number that tells us how elliptical an ellipse is. For example a perfectly circular orbit would have an eccentricity of zero and a flattened out orbit would have an eccentricity of 0.9. Eccentricities of all ellipses lie between 0 and up to, but not including 1.

To find the eccentricity follow this simple formula: The eccentricity equals the distance from the Sun to the midpoint (marked in step 7) divided by the length of the semimajor axis. You do not need to convert from centimeters to AU or miles before dividing.

15. 𝑒!”#!!!”#$% = _______________ / _____________ = ______________

Determine the accuracy of your measurement: The known eccentricity of Mars’ orbit is e = 0.09. How close is your value? Calculate the percent error in your result:

16. %  𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 = !”#$”  !!!”#$  ! !”#$”  !

𝑥  100 = !.!”!  ___________ !.!”

𝑥  100 =   _____________%

Part  5:  Mythbusting  Mars   A friend sends you the following email:

On August 27 at 00:30, lift up your eyes and look up at the night sky. On this night, the planet Mars will pass just 34.65 million miles from the earth. To the naked eye it will be twice the size of the full Moon! The next time Mars will be so close to the Earth as much as in 2287. Share the news with your friends, because no one living on this earth has ever seen this!

Using your plot of Mars’ orbit, what is the closest Mars and Earth could possibly get to one another (for this question, let’s assume that Earth’s orbit is perfectly circular) in miles? Express your answer in scientific notation.

17. Minimum distance between Earth and Mars _______________________ miles. Show your work:

18. Does Mars ever get to within 34.65  𝑥  10! miles of Earth? _____________




Name: ______________________ Collaborator(s): ______________________

Date: ______________________ Let’s investigate the claim that Mars will be twice the size of the full Moon at its closest approach.

On August 27, 2003, Mars made the closest approach to Earth in recorded history due to a near synchronization of Earth being at aphelion (furthest orbital point from the sun) and Mars being at perihelion (closest orbital point from the sun). The distance between the planets that day was a mere 55.8 million km.

Mars has a known diameter of 6790 km, which is about ½ the diameter of Earth, but still much larger than the Moon (3,475 km).

19. Let’s use the small angle formula to calculate the angular diameter, ∅  of Mars on this date. Express your answer in scientific notation:

∅!”#$%#&'($ = 206265 𝑑!”#$%&%’ 𝐷!”#$%&'(

= 206265 _____________________


=   ______________________𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠

Convert your answer in arcseconds to degrees. Recall that:

1  𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒 = 60  𝑎𝑟𝑐  𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑡𝑒𝑠 = 3600  𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠



20. Mars’ maximum angular diameter: ___________________________ degrees (use scientific notation)

21. The angular diameter of the full Moon is about ½ a degree in the sky. Does this value appear to

be larger or smaller than the full Moon? _________________

22. Given the email above, do you agree or disagree with the claim? Explain why or why not:








Name: ______________________ Collaborator(s): ______________________

Date: ______________________

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