Life Cycle Assessment (Plastic Spoon)

Write a report in APA format using a minimum of 700 words excluding cover, reference page and any appendices to address the following. A minimum of five reliable sources are required (see Note below).


In general peer-reviewed sources should be used. However in certain cases it may be acceptable to use sources that are not peer-reviewed but otherwise reliable or relevant. Examples include governmental websites or those of organizations affiliated with governments, annual reports and websites of organizations relevant to the work, or reputable trade journals. Dictionaries, Wikipedia, and Blogs are not acceptable.

Use section headings for each area discussed.

Part A:

  • Discuss the processes for the following phases and explain the energy inputs and outputs involved:
    • Use
    • Recycling/Reuse
    • Disposal
  • Include a graphic showing the flow of processes for the following phases:
    • Use
    • Recycling/Reuse
    • Disposal

Part B:

Reflecting on your work in Parts 1, 2 and 3 for the product and the whole process from “Cradle to Grave” or “Acquisition of Raw Materials to Disposal”:

  • Evaluate the impact on the Environment, Economy & Society
  • Recommend technological innovations that could reduce the Environment, Economy &
  •  Society impact of manufacturing this product.

PART 1&2 is done in the file attached below. Please take in reference of the document while writing the part 3. 

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1. A Federal Agency Wants To Create A Disposal Facility For Nonhazardous Waste. A Site Has Been Selected, But Agency Officials Refuse To Prepare An EIS. The Officials Argue That There Will Be No Significant Impact On The Quality Of The Human Environment

1. You work as a paralegal at a prestigious environmental law firm. One of your clients, Kevin Lomax, who owns a facility that generates and transports hazardous waste, calls to inform you that he just received a letter from the EPA. The letter states that an EPA representative will be on-site to perform a detailed inspection of the premises within a couple months. Mr. Lomax is very concerned about this letter and asks your law firm to help him understand what he should expect during the inspection. Specifically, Mr. Lomax wants to know what the EPA representative can inspect and what punishment may be imposed on the facility if problems are found.


2. Tom Transporter is unemployed, and in order to make some money, he decides to use his pickup truck to haul away garbage for any local business that will pay him. Tom’s customers give him large tips for hauling away hazardous waste. As a “transporter” of hazardous waste, what does RCRA require of Tom?

3. Harriet Homemaker likes to use her barbeque to make dinner for her family. Harriet, however, uses lighter fluid and wastes a lot of it. She disposes of half-full lighter fluid bottles in her kitchen garbage, and the garbage men take them away when she puts her trash out for collection. Harriet’s ex-husband reports her to the EPA for violating the provisions of the RCRA. What is the likely result?


4. You are working as a paralegal for the law office of Daniel Kaffe. Nathan Jessup, a local entrepreneur who is in the business of transporting various flammable liquids, calls to set up an immediate appointment to discuss a potential issue. At the time, Mr. Kaffe is out of town and will not be returning for a couple days. Later that day, Jessup comes in to speak with you about the situation. Jessup tells you that one of his trucks that was transporting 1,000 gallons of highly flammable liquids overturned near a local school. He is not sure what to do and asks you for your advice. Given the urgency of the matter, what should you instruct Jessup to do?

5. Gary Gasoline owns a gasoline filling station called “Gary’s Gas.” Gary’s Gas sells gasoline and nothing else. It does not offer services such as oil changes. Gary’s gas tanks are located near the pumps, underneath the concrete, and they have started to leak. Does CERCLA apply to Gary’s Gas?


6. Nancy P. Lovely, in search of a tract of land to build her estate on, finds exactly what she is looking for. Curious why the tract has been abandoned for many years, she contacts the local tax assessor’s office and is told that the property is on the National Priorities List (NPL), and other potential buyers have been discouraged from buying the property as a result of this. Assuming that the NPL is a list of the most desired properties in the nation, she begins taking steps to purchase the property. What is the NPL? Is there automatic liability under CERCLA and other statutes for owners of the property on the NPL?

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EVIRO- Climate Change Question

150 + words

Uses at least APA cited reference

Answers all aspect of question thouroughly

Due 5/3/15 EST 8pm


Actions for Climate change

During a debate on climate change legislation in 2009, a U.S. congressman declared that human-induced global warming is a “hoax” and that “there is no scientific consensus.” (a) If you were a member of Congress, what points might you raise in the debate to demonstrate that global warming is real? (b) What points might you raise to demonstrate that global warming has been influenced by humans? (c) What actions might you propose in the United States to reduce CO2 emissions?

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Review Project 3. Radiation Report

OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 1


Course Description A comprehensive overview of the occupational safety and health field to include the application of quantitative problem solving related to workplace safety and health. This course is also designed to be helpful for students in preparation for the ASP and CSP exams.

Course Textbook Yates, W. D. (2011). Safety professional’s reference and study guide. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Recognize safety, health, and environmental hazards dealing with ergonomic, electrical, natural, biological,

radiological, physical, mechanical, and other relevant sources.

2. Apply appropriate measurement and evaluation techniques to safety, health, and environmental hazards.

3. Explain important laws, codes, and regulations related to occupational safety and health and the environment.

4. Recommend appropriate means for controlling safety, health, and environmental hazards.

5. Perform appropriate calculations in relation to measurement, evaluation, and control of safety, health, and

environmental hazards.

6. Recognize and discuss safety, health, and environmental training and management techniques.

7. Recognize and discuss fundamental business principles, practices, and metrics commonly applied to safety,

health, and environmental practice.

8. Explain scientific facts and concepts important to the occupational safety and health professional.


Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit.

Course Structure

1. Unit Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit.

2. Unit Lesson: Each unit contains a Unit Lesson, which discusses unit material. 3. Reading Assignments: Each unit contains Reading Assignments from one or more chapters from the

textbook. Suggested Readings are provided in Unit I, II, IV, and V Study Guides to aid students in their course of study. The readings themselves are not provided in the course, but students are encouraged to read the resources listed if the opportunity arises as they have valuable information that expands upon the lesson material. Students will not be tested on their knowledge of the Suggested Readings.

4. Learning Activities (Non-Graded): These non-graded Learning Activities are provided in Units I-VIII to aid students in their course of study.

5. Discussion Boards: Discussion Boards are a part of all CSU term courses. Information and specifications regarding these assignments are provided in the Academic Policies listed in the Course Menu bar.

6. Unit Quizzes: This course contains eight Unit Quizzes, one to be completed at the end of each unit. Quizzes are used to give students quick feedback on their understanding of the unit material and are composed of multiple-choice questions.

OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management Course Syllabus



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 2

7. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Assignments in Units II-VIII. Unit VIII contains two Assignments. Specific information and instructions regarding these assignments are provided below. Grading rubrics are included with the Unit II-VIII Assignments. Specific information about accessing these rubrics is provided below.

8. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content related questions.

9. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates.

CSU Online Library The Library is available to support your courses and programs. The online library includes: databases, journals, e-books, research guides, and other support services. The eResources are accessible 24/7 and can be accessed through the Online Portal. To access the library, log into myCSU Student Portal and then click on CSU Online Library. The CSU Library offers several reference services. E-mail ( and telephone assistance is available (1.877.268.8046) Monday – Thursday 8 am to 5 pm, and Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. Ask Librarian! is available 24/7: look for the chat box on the online library page. Librarians can help you develop your research plan or to assist you in any way in finding relevant, appropriate and timely information. Reference requests can include customized keyword search strategies, links to articles, database help and other services.

Unit Assignments Overview of the Unit Assignments In this course, you are asked to prepare a Comprehensive Report as the Unit VIII Final Project, which is made up of various scenarios throughout each unit. Units II through VIII each contain a scenario for you to solve and to provide recommendations. By the end of the course, you are asked to collect all of the individual responses from each scenario and to insert them into a Comprehensive Report as the Unit VIII Final Project. Theme and Setting for Unit Assignments You are employed by Be Safe Consulting, Inc. (BSCI), as an entry-level safety consultant. You report directly to Bob Sanders, the supervising Certified Safety Professional (CSP). For the last two months, you have been assigned to conduct a comprehensive safety evaluation for Acme Manufacturing Co. Based on the observations, calculations, and recommendations in Unit II through Unit VIII, prepare a Comprehensive Report to Bob Sanders, who will in turn use this information to prepare a final report to Acme Manufacturing Co. Board of Directors. While the Board of Directors may be looking for detailed business implications, Bob Sanders is looking for a detail of potential employee-hazard exposures and your recommendation rationale (calculations, observations, and/or regulations). Unit II Project Ventilation Report You are employed by Be Safe Consulting, Inc. (BSCI) as an entry-level safety consultant. You report directly to Bob Sanders, the supervising Certified Safety Professional (CSP). BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to various particulates and gases. In addition, your company has been contracted to determine if the current ventilation systems that are in place are adequate to protect employees from an over exposure to these chemicals. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report that Bob Sanders can utilize to prepare a final comprehensive report for the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the following field observations: Welding Room The company has six welding booths, or areas that are partitioned only for the use of welding curtains. The booth is open to mixing in the front and top. The company is worried about the welder’s exposure to iron oxide (PEL 10 mg/m3). For a valid sample, you must have a minimum of six hours of sampling (The remaining two hours of the work day is considered



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 3

to be equal to or less than the sampled exposure. As a result of your air sampling over an eight-hour time period (i.e., the work schedule), you receive the following analytical report:

Name Location Conc. 1 Time 1 Conc. 2 Time 2 Conc. 3 Time 3

Anne Welding

Booth #1 4.3 mg/m3 150 min. 3.7 mg/m3 150 min 2.2

mg/m3 240 min

Frank Worldly

Booth #2 2.1 mg/m3 180 min 2.8 mg/m3 120 min 3.1

mg/m3 240 min

Jim Young Booth #3 1.7 mg/m3 205 min 1.25

mg/m3 125 min

1.03 mg/m3

150 min

Betty Johnson

Booth #4 12.8

mg/m3 165 min

11.2 mg/m3

72 min 9.8

mg/m3 123 min

Jack Jones Booth #5 7.8 mg/m3 190 min 14.2

mg/m3 149 min

8.8 mg/m3

140 min

Joey Apperton

Booth #6 3.9 mg/m3 155 min 4.6 mg/m3 90 min 2.1

mg/m3 46 min

Based on this information, determine the employee’s actual exposure to iron oxide, whether the samples were valid, and if not, why? Show your work either in the report or as an appendix. During further evaluations of the welding booths, you determine that each booth utilizes a local exhaust system to remove the iron oxide and other contaminants prior to mixing with the breathing air. You take the following measurements:

Location Air Velocity


Work distance from exhaust opening (in


Duct Diameter (in inches)

Flow Rate (cfm)

Booth #1 683 18 8 Unknown

Booth #2 Unknown 16 8 12,375

Booth #3 710 16 12 Unknown

Booth #4 184 26 8 Unknown

Booth #5 Unknown 22 8 9721

Booth #6 Unknown 18 12 11421

After taking the air samples for employee exposures to iron oxide, then measuring and calculating the performance of the local exhaust ventilation (paying particular attention to the specifics), what recommendations would you make to reduce the employee’s overexposure, if any, to the ventilation systems? Hazardous Materials Storage Area As part of your assessment, you have been asked to evaluate and determine if the hazardous materials storage area has adequate ventilation. In addition to the federal requirements, Acme’s insurance carrier requires that they have a minimum of 12 air changes per hour. In your evaluation, you collect the following information:

Area Width (ft.)

Area Length (ft.)

Area Height (ft.)

Ventilation Supply #1

(volume – cfm)

Ventilation Supply #2

(volume – cfm)

22 30 14 874 993

Determine if the current hazardous materials storage area is adequate and meets the requirements of Acme’s insurance carrier. What recommendations would you make to correct the discrepancies, if any?



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 4

Foundry Room Acme has a foundry room, which is nearing the point of being outdated in terms of engineering controls. For example, one employee stands near an operation that has a canopy hood exhaust and routinely puts his face in the flow of the hood, causing him to inhale particulates and gases that are directly being drawn into the hood. Part of your evaluation is to make a recommendation for a new type of exhaust system. Which one would you recommend, and why? Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work). Unit III Project Radiation Safety Report The executives at Acme Manufacturing Co. were impressed by your first report, and they have asked you and BSCI to return for more work. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to radiation. In addition, your company has been contracted to determine the effectiveness of engineering controls, including shielding. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the following field observations: Test Equipment and Repair Facility The company has an on-site test equipment and repair facility. Much of the test equipment contains a radiation source. Normal practice inside the facility is to limit the time of exposure of employees working on this equipment as a method of control. However, the company is looking at the possibility of installing lead shields or increasing the distance from the source, thus increasing employee time working on equipment. Based on the following information determine the employee’s exposure:

Location Employee Distance (Initial)

Distance (Proposed)

Intensity (Initial)

Intensity at proposed distance

Bench #3 Rita Ray D’Ashun 0.5 ft. 2 ft. 110 mrem/h Unknown

Bench #5 Robert Long 1 ft. 3 ft. 137 mrem/h Unknown

Bench #6 Paul Row 0.75 ft. 1.5 ft. 102 mrem/h Unknown

Based on this information, determine the employee’s actual exposure rate to the radiation source. Show your work (either in the report or as an appendix). The second option under consideration is to install lead shields in order to reduce the employee’s dose rate. Using the information provided in the table above, determine the intensity at the same distances listed above if a 5 cm lead shield was placed between the source and the detector. [µ for lead, (662 keV gamma ray) = 1.23 cm-1] Radar Testing Facility As part of your assessment, you have been asked to evaluate the estimated power density levels for both near and far fields. You have conducted your assessment and measurements with the following data:

Location Diameter

(cm) Antenna Power


Power Density (Near Field)


Power Density (Far Field) (mW/cm2)

Radar Unit #1 48 in 50,000

Radar Unit #2 26 110,000




OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 5

Laser Laboratory Acme Manufacturing is currently considering constructing a laser laboratory, which will contain Class III, IIIA, and IIIB lasers. Identify the safety control measures that the client must consider before proceeding to the design phase of the project. Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work). Unit IV Project Hazardous Noises Report After receiving good remarks from your previous work, you hear that Acme Manufacturing Co. has asked you and BSCI to return for some additional work. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study to determine employee exposures to noise. In addition, Acme Manufacturing Co. has requested that while on site, you conduct a needs analysis to determine the development of a new safety training program. Explain your methodology and the steps in conducting this needs analysis. After conducting a field assessment, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigation, you find the following field observations: Machine Shop #1 The company has an on-site maintenance and repair facility. Inside Machine Shop #1, there are five employees that operate a variety of machines, ranging from stationary and portable grinders, drill presses, and metal shearers. Based on the information provided in the following table, determine the individual employee’s exposure: (DO NOT COMBINE NOISE LEVELS)

Location Employee Sample

#1 Sample Time #1

Sample #2

Sample Time #2

Sample #3

Sample Time #3

Stationary Grinding Wheel

Robert Jones 82 dBA 90 min 91 dBA 125 min 83 dBA 265 min

Drill Press #4 Clara Tucker 89 dBA 135 min 79 dBA 249 min 81 dBA 96 min

Metal Shear #2 Rick Starnes 75 dBA 283 min 94 dBA 39 min 84 dBA 158 min

Metal Shear #3 Jennie Gump 83 dBA 114 min 73 dBA 239 min 95 dBA 127 min

Bench Press #7 Bernie Edwards 73 dBA 203 min 79 dBA 172 min 83 dBA 105 min

Carpentry Shop #2 Inside Carpentry Shop #2, there are six machines operating almost continuously, including table saws, planers, exhaust systems, jointers, with 10 employees working in this area. To determine whether this table should be designated as a hazardous noise environment, thus requiring employees to be entered into the hearing conservation program, you must calculate combined exposures and treat the entire area as one noise source. The following table indicates the recorded measurements that you collected during your on-site assessment. Does the data from this table indicate a hazardous noise environment, and do you recommend entering employees into a hearing conservation program?

Machine Noise Level (dBA)

Table Saw #3 92 dBA

Jointer #4 87 dBA

Table Saw #5 90 dBA

Exhaust Ventilation System 80 dBA

Planer #2 84 dBA

Drill Press #1 79 dBA



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 6

Electronic Communication Repair Shop Acme Manufacturing is currently considering remodeling this shop in order to install a new noise absorbing wall and floor insulation. They have asked that you review the previous history of noise level exposures in this area and provide your recommendations. However, this data is given in measurements of N/m2, but the Project Engineer is requesting the information in W/m2. Given the following data, convert N/m2 to W/m2 and include it in your report:

Date Location SPL (N/m2)

4/12/10 East Wall 0.0683 N/m2

4/12/10 West Wall 0.0742 N/m2

4/14/10 South Wall 0.0813 N/m2

4/14/10 North Wall 0.0699 N/m2

Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work). Unit V Project Thermal Stressors Report Bob Sanders (your supervisor) has another job for you. Acme Manufacturing Co. was impressed by your last report, and they have asked you to return to complete another job. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a study at one of its facilities to determine employee exposures to various thermal stressors at different times. You are to conduct this study in January and July of 2012. After collecting and recording data from the field assessments, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the following field observations: Security Personnel The security personnel, while contracted by Acme, are still employees that need to be monitored. There are three main entries that are staffed with security personnel. These entries have a booth, which is roughly 5’x5’ with no heating or cooling. Each security officer works an eight hour shift, with two separate fifteen minute breaks (one during the first half of the shift, and the second during the second half of the shift) and one 30-minute meal break. The only opportunity to rehydrate is made during the break or meal periods. There are no drinking fountains or coolers in the security booths. Calculate the wind chill factor and wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT) for each location.

January findings

Location Temperature


Wind Velocity (mph)

Wind Chill Factor (Calculated)

North Entrance -3 20

South Entrance -4 26

East Entrance -6 17




OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 7

July findings

Location Wet Bulb

(0F) Dry Bulb


Globe Temp (0F)

Calculated WBGT Index

North Entrance 98 89 92

South Entrance 102 91 94

East Entrance 99 88 87

Based on this information, determine which category each security location is exposed to and make a recommendation as to what changes, if any, you would make. Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work). Unit VI Project Hydrostatics and Hydraulics Report BSCI has another job for you at Acme Manufacturing Co., and Bob Sanders (your supervisor) has asked you to complete it. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to collect measurements of various industrial storage facilities and certain aspects of its fire suppression system. After collecting field measurements and calculating values, prepare a written report for Bob Sanders (CSP) to present to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the following field observations: Piping System Repair A piping system repair must be made to a vertical piping system. The pipe is 60 ft. long prior to its turn to a horizontal direction. There is a repair that must be done at 35 feet above the floor. The pipe is filled with a liquid having the same properties as water. Due to operational considerations, the pipe cannot be drained. The fluid is considered non-hazardous due to its chemical properties. Before the repair can be completed, a decision has to be made about the material to use and the method in which the repair can occur safely. At the location of the pipe repair, what is the pressure of the fluid? (NOTE: the height of the cylinder is the length of the pipe minus the height of the repair from the floor.) Water Storage Tank Some repairs have been made to the existing water storage tank. New valves and piping systems are to be installed in the distribution system. You have been asked to calculate the velocity of the fluid through the bottom drain opening and prior to entry into the distribution system. This velocity will help to determine the specific valve that must be installed prior to the distribution system. The tank at its highest point is 24 feet. Determine the velocity of the fluid at fluid heights of 24 feet, 18 feet, 12 feet, and 6 feet. Fire Suppression System In a horizontally installed piping system, water flows through a 10 inch pipe. The head loss in a 500 foot section is 40 feet. The residual pressure at Point A is 55 psi and the velocity at Point A is 7 ft./s. If the velocity at Point B is 8.5 ft/s, what is the residual pressure at Point B? Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 8

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work). Unit VII Project Fire Prevention and Protection Report Acme Manufacturing Co. has another job for BSCI, and Bob Sanders (your supervisor) asks you to complete it. BSCI has been contracted by Acme Manufacturing Co. to conduct a fire protection and prevention inspection. During the inspection, you make several notes, which you use to prepare a written report. Later, Bob Sanders (CSP) intends to utilize your report as he presents the details to the Board of Directors. During your field investigations, you find the following data: Welding Shop In the welding shop, you collect measurements of the floor space which measures 125 ft. x 80 ft. In the center of the room, near a column, you notice that there is one fire extinguisher, which is a 2A10B:C rated extinguisher. Determine if this is an adequate number of extinguishers for this area. Explain. Molding Shop In the molding shop, employees prepare resins to shape the molds used in creating one of the products manufactured by Acme. The area has a strong odor of acetone, which is used significantly in the preparation of the resin molds. In this area, you notice that there is a sprinkler system, and the sprinkler head is green. What is the maximum ceiling temperature for this area? As mentioned, employees in this shop use a significant amount of acetone in the preparation process. Also while conducting the inspection of this shop, you notice an overhead gas space heater with an open flame. What are the UEL/UFL and LEL/LFL of acetone? What actions would you take immediately in this area? Explain. Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work). Unit VIII Project Ergonomics Report Bob Sanders (your supervisor) has another job for you to complete for BSCI. This time, you have been asked to examine the ergonomic details at Acme Manufacturing Co. Specifically, Acme Manufacturing Co. has asked you to conduct an ergonomic evaluation of the packing line. Given the following worksheet (see the link below to download the worksheet), calculate the (1) RWL and (2) the Lifting Index. Using the data and results, provide your written recommendations for corrective action. Click here to download a copy of the job analysis worksheet included with data. Your report should be in APA style and be at least one page in length, double-spaced (not including title, references, and appendix pages). Respond to the details in each section and be sure to include at least each of the following sections in your report for this unit:

 Introduction: Briefly describe why the studies were performed (why you started the study).

 Report details: Briefly discuss the details of the scenario (what you found from the study).

 Conclusions and recommendations: Briefly describe your recommendations based on your findings (what you recommend to resolve any deficiencies).

 Appendix: Provide measurements and calculations (show your work).



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 9

Unit VIII Final Project Comprehensive Report For the Final Project, you are asked to prepare a Comprehensive Report, which is made up of various scenarios from previous units. Units II through VIII each contain a scenario for you to solve and to provide recommendations. For this assignment, you are asked to compile your responses from each scenario and frame them into a Comprehensive Report. The Comprehensive Report requires each of the following:

I. Title page: Use APA style for the title page and all other components of this report (be sure to cite and reference any outside sources).

II. Executive summary: Summarize the entire report by briefly identifying the main points of each individual report. III. Table of contents: Construct a table of contents for your report. IV. Reports: Provide each of the individual reports (with any necessary corrections or improvements). V. Appendix: Include each appendix from the individual reports (with any necessary corrections or improvements).

The purpose of this project and its constituent reports is to provide you with an opportunity to gather data, calculate data, make recommendations, and prepare reports as an advanced safety professional. Once complete, keep your Comprehensive Report as a demonstration of your ability to perform as an advanced safety professional, as well as a representation of your attention to detail. Bosses like that kind of thing, and so do future employers.

APA Guidelines CSU requires that students use APA style for papers and projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Students can find CSU’s Citation Guide in the myCSU Student Portal by clicking on the “Citation Resources” link in the “Learning Resources” area of the myCSU Student Portal. This document includes examples and sample papers and provides information on how to contact the CSU Success Center.

Blackboard Grading Rubrics Assignment Rubrics One or more assignments in this course utilizes a Blackboard Grading Rubric. A rubric is a tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to meet the requirements of an assignment. Your professor will use the Blackboard Grading Rubric to assign points and provide feedback for the assignment. You are encouraged to view the assignment rubric before submitting your work. This will allow you to review the evaluation criteria as you prepare your assignments. You may access the rubric in “My Grades” through the “Tools” button in your course menu. Click the “View Rubric” link to see the evaluation criteria for the assignment. Upon receiving your assignment grade, you may view your grade breakdown and feedback in the rubric.

CSU Grading Rubrics for Papers/Projects, Discussion Boards, and Assessments The Learning Resource area of the myCSU Student Portal provides the rubrics, and information on how to use them, for Discussion Boards, written response questions in Unit Assessments, and Research Papers/Projects. The course writing assignments will be graded based on the CSU Grading Rubric for all types of writing assignments, unless otherwise specified within assignment instructions. In addition, all papers will be submitted for electronic evaluation to rule out plagiarism. Course projects will contain project-specific grading criteria defined in the project directions. To view the rubrics, click the Academic Policies link on the Course Menu, or access them through the CSU Grading Rubric link found in the Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal.



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 10

Communication Forums These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to communicate with your professor and other students. Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged, but not required. You can access these forums with the buttons in the Course Menu. Instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing to these forums are provided below. Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and post to the Communication Forums. Ask the Professor This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content questions. Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course components, textbook or course content elaboration, additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general advice from other students. Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding assessment/assignment grades or personal accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non- public nature, please feel free to email your professor. Responses to your post will be addressed or emailed by the professor within 48 hours. Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant course documentation, including the syllabus, assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other important information. Student Break Room This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Communication on this forum should always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to share assessment answers.


Discussion Boards (8 @ 2%) = 16% Unit Projects (7 @ 4%) = 28% Quizzes (8 @ 3%) = 24% Unit VIII Final Project = 32% Total = 100%


Course Schedule/Checklist (PLEASE PRINT) The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to assist you through this course. By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted.



OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 11

OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management Course Schedule

By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted. Please keep this schedule for reference as you progress through your course.


Unit I Safety Regulations and OSHA Record Keeping

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 2: Regulations and OSHA Record Keeping  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit II Particulates, Gases, and Ventilation

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 4: Particulates and Gases  Chapter 7: Ventilation  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit III Radiation Safety

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 26: Radiation Safety


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)





OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 12

OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management Course Schedule

Unit IV Noise, OSHA’s Hearing Conservation Program, and Training

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 8: Noise and OSHA’s Hearing Conservation Program  Chapter 17: Training  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit V Thermal Stressors and Electrical Safety

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 11: Thermal Stressors  Chapter 14: Electrical Safety  Suggested Reading: See Study Guide


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit VI Hydrostatics and Hydraulics

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 16: Hydrostatics and Hydraulics


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)





OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management 13

OSH 4308, Advanced Concepts in Environmental Safety Management Course Schedule

Unit VII Fire Protection and Prevention

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 10: Fire Protection and Prevention


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit VIII Ergonomics

Review:  Unit Study Guide  Learning Activities (Non-Graded): See Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 22: Ergonomics


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Quiz by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)  Final Project by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)


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Suppose That A 2012 National Health Interview Survey Gives The Number Of Adults In The United States Which Gives The Number Of Adults In The United States (Reported In Thousands) Classified By Their Age Group, And Whether Or Not Respondents Have Ever Been

Suppose that a 2012 National Health Interview Survey gives the number of adults in the United States which gives the number of adults in the United States (reported in thousands) classified by their age group, and whether or not respondents have ever been tested for HIV. Here are the data:

Age Group Tested Never Tested
18–44 years 50,080 56,405
45–64 years 23,768 48,537
65–74 years 2,694 15,162
75 years and older 1,247 14,663
Total 77,789 134,767

Case Assignment

  1. Discuss probability. What is its history? What is the theory of probability? How is it calculated? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this technique?
  2. Identify and discuss the two major categories of probability interpretations, whose adherents possess conflicting views about the fundamental nature of probability.
  3. Based on this survey, what is the probability that a randomly selected American adult has never been tested? Show your work. Hint: using the data in the two total rows, this would be calculated as p (NT) /( p (NT) + p (T)), where p is probability.
  4. What proportion of 18- to 44-year-old Americans have never been tested for HIV? Hint: using the values in the 18–44 cells, this would be calculated as p (NT) / ( p (NT) + p (T)), where p is probability. Show your work.
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Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management 3

Running Head: Municipal Situation

Municipal Situation

Karen Crump

Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management


With a need to manage wastes safely and effectively, the need to assess the impacts of these wastes on human populations ought to be carried out. The relationships that exist between the industry and the industrial codes and waste classifications should be done. It has been found that 70% of the wastes especially hazardous are generated by the chemical industries using approximately 20% of the primary metal industry codes (Bahadori 2014).

In this regard, it is very important to understand the processes that give rise to these hazardous effluents before embarking on the treatment of such wastes. Environmental engineers ought to understand the aspects of wastes that are given in an operation. This implies that the fundamentals of the operations of the chemistry and physics that are involved in an operation should thoroughly e understood( Hickman 2003).

In essence, the processes of the majority of chemistry mostly involved in waste treatments mainly occur within the matrices of the effluents from the industry. In treatment process, it is very important that one classify the wastes that are attributed to recognizing and understanding the key attributes that are to be considered industrial wastes and hazardous wastes. In addition to this, one must recognize the difference between the hazardous wastes and solid wastes that are generated by the industry. Most importantly, the relevant laws and standards should be considered so that the managing of these wastes can be done legally and safely Bahadori 2014).



Bahadori, A. (2014). Waste management in the chemical and petroleum industries. West Sussex, United Kingdom: Wiley.

Hickman, H. L. (2003). American alchemy: The history of solid waste management in the United States.

Santa Barbara, CA: Forester Press.

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MBA 6301 Unit 4 DB

Course Textbook APA Citation:

Stanwick, P. A., & Stanwick, S. D. (2014). Understanding business ethics (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Discussion Board.

Read Case 11: Interface: More Than Just a Carpet Company, and address one of the following questions. Respond with your own thoughts to a post by another student.

  1. Identify the companies that are part of the EnviroSense Consortium. Do you believe that any of these companies are as committed to sustainability as Interface? How so?
  2. Does Interface use relationship marketing? What are the pros and cons from an ethical perspective of this type of business practice?
  3. Define sustainability. What is so important about sustainability from a business perspective?
  4. Compare and contrast Interface’s environmental actions with a Fortune 100 company


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Final Project Assignment SCM 301 Consider Yourself A Consultant Assigned To Develop A Supply Chain Management Strategy For The Company Throx. You Are Tasked With Evaluating The Company

Final Project Assignment SCM 301  Consider yourself a consultant assigned to develop a supply chain management strategy for the company Throx.  You are tasked with evaluating the company’s recent performance and recommending changes (decisions) to improve supply chain management performance. You should use concepts and methods discussed in SCM 301 to undertake these two tasks.

Company Background Information

Throx sells higher-end custom-design socks in three-sock sets (rather than two).  The company operates from a small packaging and distribution facility in Richmond, CA from which it ships product to customers.  Given the company’s location and focus, 97% of sales are in California, primarily in the major urban areas of the San Francisco bay area, Los Angeles, Sacramento (and last but not least) San Diego.  The company sells exclusively via online sales, at an average price of $15/three-sock set, plus shipping costs charged to the customer.

The company currently orders its product from the Chinese sock manufacturer Zhejiang Datang Hosiery Group Co., Ltd in so-called “Sock City.”  It orders socks in packs of 20 three-sock sets, which are then broken down into individual three-sock sets at the Richmond facility for sale to customers.  Socks are shipped via truck to the port of Shanghai to the port at Los Angeles-Long Beach. Once offloaded in Los Angeles-Long Beach, the socks are shipped via truck to the Richmond facility.  On average, shipment from the manufacturer to the Richmond facility takes 4 weeks.  In addition to the transit time required for shipment, the lead time from when an order is placed with the manufacturer to when it is shipped from Zhejiang is 2 weeks. If the product ordered by a customer is in stock at the Richmond facility, it typically takes 1 day to process an order and ship it out, although the maximum units that can be shipped in a week is currently 1,500 given the facility’s minimal labor force and packaging equipment.


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Part 1 COCA-COLA COMPANY Coca-Cola Is A Soft Drink That Is Bought And Consumed In Households, Hotels, Offices And Shops. The Product Is Also A Wide Brand And The Product Is Sold Alongside Other Soft Drinks And Snacks. MISSION STATEMENT: “To Refresh T

Part 1


Coca-Cola is a soft drink that is bought and consumed in households, hotels, offices and shops. The product is also a wide brand and the product is sold alongside other soft drinks and snacks.

MISSION STATEMENT: “To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit, to inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions and to create value and make difference.”


to satisfy customer needs

to be the leader in production of soft drinks

to improve profitability

to increase the market share

to expand geographically


The has been continuous innovation and this has seen new products being introduced into the market. The use of advertising helps in promotion of the brand and informing consumers about the features of the product. This leads to increased sales because of increase in number of customers.



Coca-Cola is a product that is sold in more than 200 countries across the world. The presence of coca cola has therefore built the drink a brand name, therefore brand equity is Coca-Cola’s strength. “Interbrand in 2011 awarded Coca cola with the highest brand equity award.” with the highest brand equity.” (, 2014) . The product therefore has a large distribution network because of geographical dispersion. This has increased the market share of the product against that of its competitor, Pepsi. The product is also sold alongside other soft drinks. Customers are loyal to the product. “Because of the good taste of Coca cola, finding substitutes becomes difficult for the customer.” (, 2014)


The product has been in the news for not being a healthy product for consumption. Coca-Cola, being a carbonated drink has been attributed to causing obesity. This means that the consumption of the drink may decline as people strive to take healthy drinks that are noncarbonated.

There have been increased lawsuits that have been filed against Coca-Cola show that the company consumes large amounts of water even in water scarce regions. There has been blame that they mix water with pesticides to clear contaminants.


The supply chain throughout the Coca-Cola product is improved. This means that the company will be able to reach a wide number of customers and at reduced costs. Developing countries will also continue to buy Coca-Cola products because the countries are moving slowly towards healthy beverages. This higher consumption in developing countries can help capitalize Coca-Cola.


There are indirect competitors in the industry such as Starbucks, Café coffee day, Costa coffee who sell coffee which is healthier than carbonated Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola also faces the threat of shortage of water. This is because the main raw material in its manufacture is water, and there have been law suits against the company to the way in which they use water.


Rothaermel, F. T. (2015). Strategic management. McGraw-Hill.,. (2014). SWOT of Coca Cola – SWOT analysis of Coca cola. Retrieved 25 February 2016, from

(2016). Retrieved 25 February 2016, from http://Coca-cola’s mission

Part 2

Marketing Plan Part 2

This is the next step in creating your marketing plan. Please follow the directions in Week One and reference the marketing plan outline in Appendix A of your text.

Describe your target market.

Identify the consumers who are most likely to buy your product in terms of: (a) their demographic characteristics and (b) any other kind of characteristics you believe are important.

Describe (a) the main points of difference of your product for this group and (b) what problem these characteristics help solve for the consumer, in terms of the first stage in the consumer purchase decision making process in Figure 6.2 (page 190).

This section of your marketing plan should be one page. Perform and cite outside research on all individual work.

Figure 6.2 shows the six steps in the consumer decision process. First, the consumer recognizes a problem or unmet need, searches for appropriate goods or services, and evaluates the alternatives before making a purchase decision. The next step is the actual purchase. After buying the item, the consumer evaluates whether he or she made the right choice. Much of marketing involves steering consumers through the decision process in the direction of a specific product. FIGURE 6.2: Integrated Model of the Consumer Decision Process Source: Roger Blackwell, Paul W. Miniard, and James F. Engel, Consumer Behavior, 10th ed. (Mason, OH: South-Western, 2006).

APPENDIX A: Developing an Effective MARKETING PLAN OVERVIEW > “What are our mission and goals?” > “Who are our customers?” > “What types of products do we offer?” > “How can we provide superior customer service?” These are some of the questions addressed by a marketing plan—a detailed description of the resources and actions needed to achieve stated marketing objectives. Chapter 2 discussed strategic planning—the process of anticipating events and market conditions and deciding how a firm can best achieve its organizational objectives. Marketing planning encompasses all the activities devoted to achieving marketing objectives, establishing a basis for designing a marketing strategy. This appendix deals in depth with the formal marketing plan, which is part of an organization’s overall business plan. At the end of this appendix, you’ll see what an actual marketing plan looks like. Each plan component for a hypothetical firm called Blue Sky Clothing is presented. marketing plan Detailed description of the resources and actions needed to achieve stated marketing objectives. strategic planning Process of anticipating events and market conditions and deciding how a firm can best achieve its organizational objectives. COMPONENTS OF A BUSINESS PLAN A company’s business plan is one of its most important documents. The business plan puts in writing what all of the company’s objectives are, how they will be met, how the business will obtain financing, and how much money the company expects to earn over a specified time period. Although business plans vary in length and format, most contain at least some form of the following components: • An executive summary briefly answers the who, what, when, where, how, and why questions for the plan. Although the summary appears early in the plan, it typically is written last, after the firm’s executives have worked out the details of all the other sections. • A competitive analysis section focuses on the environment in which the marketing plan is to be implemented. Although this section is more closely associated with the comprehensive business plan, factors specifically influencing marketing are likely to be included here. • The mission statement summarizes the organization’s purpose, vision, and overall goals. This statement provides the foundation on which further planning is based. • The overall business plan includes a series of component plans that present goals and strategies for each functional area of the enterprise. They typically include the following: ○ The marketing plan, which describes strategies for informing potential customers about the goods and services offered by the firm as well as strategies for developing long-term relationships. At the end of this appendix, a sample marketing plan for Blue Sky Clothing is presented. ○ The financing plan, which presents a realistic approach for securing needed funds and managing debt and cash flows. ○ The production plan, which describes how the organization will develop its products in the most efficient, cost-effective manner possible. ○ The facilities plan, which describes the physical environment and equipment required to implement the production plan. ○ The human resources plan, which estimates the firm’s employment needs and the skills necessary to achieve organizational goals, including a comparison of current employees with the needs of the firm, and which establishes processes for securing adequately trained personnel if a gap exists between current employee skills and future needs. business plan Formal document that outlines what a company’s objectives are, how they will be met, how the business will obtain financing, and how much money the company expects to earn. “BRIEFLY SPEAKING” “A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation.” —Andy Grove Co-founder and former CEO, Intel Corporation This basic format encompasses the planning process used by nearly every successful organization. Whether a company operates in the manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, or service sector—or a combination—the components described here are likely to appear in its overall business plan. Regardless of the size or longevity of a company, a business plan is an essential tool for a firm’s owners because it helps them focus on the key elements of their business. Even small firms just starting out need a business plan to obtain financing.

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A+ Answers

Question: Diocletian attempted to prevent rebellion in the Roman Empire by
A Redistributing imperial defense among local militia
B Entering into treaties with bordering states
C Removing the distinction between “better people” and “humbler people”
D Separating civil and military authority in the provinces

Question: Roman morality primarily emphasized
A A personal relationship with the gods
B Virtue, faithfulness, and respect
C Power, status, and wealth
D Democracy, equality, and generosity

Question: Muhammad changed his attitude toward the Jews because they refused to
A Pay the zakat
B Recognize him as a prophet and convert
C Take part in the battle of Badr
D Resettle in either Mecca or Medina

Question: Concerns about national security and a desire for wealth led the Romans to
A Undertake expansionist campaigns against their neighbors
B Arrange foreign marriages in the hope of creating ties with their neighbors
C Negotiate defensive treaties with all of Rome’s major trading partners
D Establish temples to all the major gods of the most powerful foreign nations

Question: The Hijra was
A A tax levied on nonbelievers living in an Islamic state
B The chief religious official of Islam
C Muhammad’s departure from Mecca for Medina
D The religious court that decided cases of alleged blasphemy

Question: The Umayyad caliphate’s (r. c. 661–750) policy toward Christians and Jews was
A Toleration and protection, but these groups had to pay a special tax
B Banishment from the lands of Islam
C A choice between conversion and death
D To kill males and sell females into slavery

Question: The First Triumvirate of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar formed in 60 BCE when
A The three men teamed up for an assault on Egypt
B Spartacus’s slave army threatened to overrun Rome
C The Senate’s challenge to Pompey forced him into a coalition with his two greatest rivals
D The Senate recognized that the empire had grown too large for only two consuls

Question: The poet Ovid (43 BCE–17 CE), fell out of favor with Augustus in 8 BCE when he
A Published the irreverent and bawdy Art of Love
B Refused to write a poem praising the first ten years of Augustus’s reign
C Became involved in a scandal with Augustus’s granddaughter
D Criticized Augustus’s transformation of government in Metamorphoses

Question: Which of the following is not a reason for the practice of iconoclasm?
A Icons violated biblical injunctions against graven images
B The Muslims believed they succeeded in battle because they avoided images of humans
C Monasteries holding icons undermined the emperor’s place in Christianity  ?
D They drained the economy by pouring money into art instead of useful commodities

Question: The Roman legend known as the “Rape of the Sabine Women” illustrates
A The Roman belief that one man can make a decisive difference in the course of his nation’s history
B Rome’s tradition of absorbing different peoples into its citizen body, a practice that helped make Rome a world power
C The Romans’ reverence for virtuous matrons and their dedication to justice
D The Romans’ wanton disregard for women, whom they treated little better than slaves

Question: What was the main tactic used by the plebeians to force the patricians to make political and economic concessions?
A They went “on strike,” withdrawing from the city and refusing to work or engage in military service
B They invaded patrician estates and freed their slaves
C They instructed their tribunes to veto every measure that the patricians strove to pass in the assembly
D They rioted, destroying a significant part of the Roman forum

Question: Augustus fulfilled his role as Rome’s patron by providing
A The first public fire department in Western history
B Free public baths for the poor
C Free medical care for all children
D A mail system for Rome and the Italian peninsula

Question: The Roman governor Pontius Pilate (r. 26–36 CE) executed Jesus of Nazareth because
A He felt offended by Jesus’ teachings, which criticized deeply held notions of social hierarchy
B He feared that Jesus harbored political aspirations and might incite a Jewish revolt
C Jesus had argued that the Roman Empire was fundamentally corrupt and that Jews should refuse to pay taxes
D All of the above

Question: During the Roman republic, the political career of a patrician typically consisted of
A Achieving success in business or agriculture, financing a shrine or other public building, then being elected, in succession, to the offices of aedile, consul, and, finally, pontifex maximus
B Military service, an appointment to the Senate, and then being elected, in succession, to the offices of censor, tribune, and, finally, consul
C Military service, and then being elected, in succession, to the offices of quaestor, aedile, praetor, and, finally, consul
D Military service culminating in a generalship, and then being elected, in succession, to the offices of quaestor, censor, and, finally, consul or pontifex maximus

Question: One fundamental difference between slavery in Rome and in Greece was that
A Roman men could raise their children by female slaves as legitimate children and heirs
B Greeks tended not to enslave other Greeks, but Romans preferred Italian-born slaves
C Roman slaves gained citizenship with their freedom, but Greek slaves did not
D Greek slaves had some legal protections against abuse, but Roman slaves did not

Question: The office of tribune differed from most other political offices because
A It was established to serve and protect the plebeian order, not all of society
B Former slaves who had served in the military could stand for election as tribunes
C It was the only official position that had been retained from the era of the monarchy
D Senators were eligible to be elected to the post

Question: Which of the following accurately compares Spain and Italy regarding ecclesiastical authority?
A In Spain, bishops supported their kings, whereas in Italy, the papacy was forever at odds with neighboring monarchs
B The Spanish bishops opposed their king, whom they blamed for the Muslim invasion, whereas the pope supported the Lombard king as a bulwark against Byzantine influence
C The Spanish were more receptive than the Italians to the teachings of the Catholic church, with its emphasis on asceticism
D The papacy consisted of a highly organized hierarchy, whereas the Spanish church was merely a loose collection of parishes

Question: Between 630 and 730, the Byzantine Empire
A Revived the urban lifestyle of the Roman Empire
B Lost much of its territory to invading Islamic armies
C Recognized the bishop of Rome as the leader of all Christendom
D Ordered all official documents to be written in Latin instead of Greek

Question: Roman Christianity’s organization was based on bishops’ and archbishops’ control of territorial units called
A Abbeys
B Shires
C Themes
D Dioceses

Question: Theodoric ruled from 493 to 526 over an Ostrogoth kingdom that
A Tried to maintain the Roman Empire’s prestige by retaining elements of its rule, such as the Senate
B Sought to eliminate all reminders of Roman rule in order to emphasize the power of the new king
C Was supposedly ruled by the puppet emperor Romulus Augustulus
D Forcibly converted its inhabitants to Arian Christianity

Question: When Diocletian came to power in 284, he indicated his autocratic intentions by
A Rreplacing the title princeps with dominus, the term that slaves called their masters
B Proclaiming himself the head of the state and of the Christian church
C Eliminating the Senate, consuls, and all other vestiges of republican rule
D Appointing only fellow Dalmatians to important positions

Question: Which of the following was not a reason that Christianity was attractive after the reign of Constantine?
A Christianity’s new official status attracted believers in the military, who no longer faced a conflict between serving the state and serving Christ
B Christian merchants, who could now be open about their faith, offered lower prices to fellow Christians
C Christianity offered people a strong sense of community with co-religionists
D Christianity’s adherents took up charitable works and philanthropy

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