Revision/ Cretique Paper.

Public Health 8920 – Social and Behavioral Sciences in Public Health

Paper #1: Article Critique:


To “gain experience in locating and critically evaluating social and behavioral science research in order to better assess the empirical support for intervention programs of different types” this assignment requires that you locate, summarize, and critically evaluate 1 article that meet the following criteria:


Your choosen article must:

(1) be from a peer-reviewed journal

(2) report on an intervention that

(3) addresses a public health issue

(4) and is based on one of the theories or models discussed in class.


The issue can be any aspect of public health, for example: infant nutrition, environmental lead, smoking cessation, AIDS prevention, vaccinations, highway safety, tuberculosis control, physical activity, etc.


By intervention I mean some program or campaign or educational activity designed to change

(a) a determinant of health

(b) a health outcome, or

(c) a particular health behavior.


Thus, the article must go beyond a research study examining aspects of these theories and models. It must report on a theoretically-based intervention. An intervention could be a program to improve sidewalks or parks in a city to increase outdoor physical activity. An intervention could be a policy to provide nutritional supplements to pregnant women to improve newborn health outcomes. An intervention could be an education and peer-support program to encourage smoking cessation, or an advertising campaign to encourage physical activity among adolescent girls.


Your critique should include:

• A brief introduction to the article: which theory or model did the authors employ? What was the public health issue that was addressed?

• A brief summary of the theory (in your own words). This should be roughly one paragraph, and should demonstrate that you understand the basics of that theory or model.

• A summary of the intervention program, including target population, goals of the intervention, methods used to make the desired change, and the results of the intervention.

• The two most important pieces of this critique will be:

1) Your evaluation of the adequacy with which the theory or model was employed. For example, did the researchers/practitioners use all components of the theory? Did they operationalize (measure or create) theoretical constructs in a way that was true to the theory?




2) Your evaluation of the success of the intervention. Did it accomplish the intended goals? Could it have been improved in any way? What were the particular strengths of this intervention, or of this theoretical approach to the problem? What drawbacks do you see?



Your article critique paper is worth 25 points. Follow all APA guidelines (e.g., cover page, in-text citations, reference list). The following website is a great resource to help you follow APA guidelines:

Make sure to provide citations for any statement you make that warrants a citation—when in doubt, cite! The reference for the journal article used should be provided using the following APA format:

Fredriksen-Goldsen, K. I. Kim, H., Barkan, S. E., Muraco, A., & Hoy-Ellis, C. P. (2013). Health disparities among lesbian, gay, and bisexual older adults: Results from a population-based study. American Journal of Public Health, 103(10), 1802-1809.


NOTE: Please keep your paper less than 3 pages and as double-spaced with 1 inch margins via Word document. (APA, formatting, citations is worth 10 points). When you have completed your paper, please upload it to the appropriate assignment folder on Blackboard via Turnitin.

Turnitin will provide you with feedback on % of paper ‘plagiarized’, however, you are allowed to revised and resubmit if prior to the due date. Less than 15% is required. I advise you to submit your paper 24 hours before the due date so you have time to revise and resubmit if need be. Below are links to tutorials on using Tunitin:

Submitting a paper:

About originality check:

Viewing originality reports:

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Environment Of Orgs Quiz

According to the California supreme court in Foley v. Interactive Data, employer handbooks:

Select one:

a. Never create contractual limits to employment-at-will

b. May provide grounds for a breach of employment contract

c. Are valid only if negotiated beforehand with employees

d. Are invalid due to the management power to write them


Adam enters into an oral agreement with Tushar that Tushar will sell Adam’s house for him. A week later, the house burns down. Adam and Tushar’s agency is now:

Select one:

a. Terminated by operation of law

b. Still in place

c. Illegal in some states

d. Fraudulent in all states


An agency may be established by:

Select one:

a. Operation of the law

b. Means of the doctrine of estoppel

c. Ratification

d. All of the above


Barbara, a purchasing agent for UTA, was fired for good reason. Being angry about her dismissal, she calls one of UTA’s suppliers and orders 1,000 purple widgets UTA does not need. If UTA, the principal, is held liable for this transaction, it is because Barbara had:

Select one:

a. Express authority

b. Implied authority

c. Apparent authority

d. Actual authority



Employees among the 10 percent highest paid, whose leave would cause “substantial and grievous economic injury to the operations of the employer”:

Select one:

a. May not receive FMLA coverage

b. May not be denied FMLA coverage

c. Should receive twice as much FMLA leave as other employees

d. Are entitled to extra benefits under the FMLA



Employers may use the E-Verify program to check employee eligibility status.

Select one:

a. True

b. False



For a union representation election to be called, 50 percent of the workers at a workplace must sign authorization cards requesting the election.

Select one:

a. True

b. False


If at least 30 percent of workers vote to get rid of a union, the union is decertified.

Select one:

a. True

b. False


In Bearden v. Wardley Corp., where Bearden sued Wardley because one of its agents, Gritton, bought a house from her and then cheated her on the transaction, the court held that:

Select one:

a. Both Wardley and Gritton owed Bearden fiduciary duties and so both were liable

b. Neither Wardley nor Gritton owed Bearden fiduciary duties and so neither was liable

c. Only Wardley owed Bearden fiduciary duties and so only Warden was liable

d. Only Gritton owed Bearden fiduciary duties and so only Gritton was liable

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Ecology Due Now Please Exam Already Opened

1. Johnson & Johnson, a major health and beauty manufacturer, recently announced a commitment to eliminate forest destruction from its palm oil supply. (Points : 4)



Question 2.2. The authors of the HANDY model conclude that “if we continue to over-deplete nature, and if inequality continues such that the rich consume far more than the poor, the system eventually collapses.” (Points : 4)



Question 3.3. The most important behaviors of even very complex systems can often be explained in terms of feedback interactions between a relatively small number of key variables. (Points : 4)



Question 4.4. The overall conclusion of the HANDY model is that the collapse of civilization can be avoided and the human population can reach equilibrium if: (Points : 4)

mandatory birth control is required in all societies.

resources are distributed in a reasonably equitable fashion.

technological advances accelerate.

the per capita rate of depletion of nature is reduced to a sustainable level.

all of the above.

“b” and “d” above are true.

“c” and “d” above are true.

Question 5.5. Climate Change induced ocean acidity caused by CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels is dissolving the shells of important plankton in the Pacific. (Points : 4)



Question 6.6. Use this diagram (Dyball & Newell Figure 6.10; modified version Module 3, page 28 figures 6.10 a, b, and c) to explain Dyball and Newell’s concept of Convergence in your own words. In your essay, compare and contrast “a”, “b” and “c” as depicted in the diagram, and explain why the situation depicted in “b” is impossible. Which part of the diagram shows the greatest level of social justice?  Explain. Explain what must happen to achieve “c”? Which is the best human-ecological solution?  Why? 

(Points : 20)

Question 7.7. Describe and explain, in your own words, a human-ecological problem in your community, region or state.

Who are the various stakeholders?

What are their positions?

Describe some common ground between the stakeholders, which even they may not be aware of!

What are the social justice issues involved in this conflict?

What are some possible solutions? (Points : 20)

Question 8.8. Explain, in your own words, why the Paradigm of Unlimited Growth is wrong.

Include a discussion of limits in nature.

Include a discussion of why unlimited economic growth is impossible.

Refer to the “Footprint Analysis” that you completed.

Relate the concept of social justice to the paradigm of unlimited economic growth.

How could this paradigm be changed? (Points : 20)

Question 9.9. List “Six Impossible Things” that you do during the day.

Analyze each of these and explain how they affect the ecology of “distant lands” and how they affect the people who make or recycle the products that you use or grow the food that you eat.

For each of these, what could you do to lessen your impact and promote more social justice and equity in the world? (Points : 20)

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Natural Resources

Natural Resources Worksheet

SCI/256 Version 6



University of Phoenix Material

Natural Resources Worksheet

Complete the following table:


Fossil Fuel Alternative Energy
Identify 3 types of both energy categories and what they are most often used to power. 1.






Benefits to using these energy types    
Environmental impacts of using these energy types    
Are these energy types renewable? Explain.    

Using the textbooks, the University Library, or other resources answer each of the following questions in 150- to 300-words. Be sure to provide references for the sources you use.

Question Response
Explore water supply and management in your area using the internet. What is the source of your municipality’s drinking water? Describe any concerns related to the quantity and quality of this water source. Explain one thing you can do in your everyday activities to conserve water.  
Visit this Fish and Wildlife Service website ( ) and perform a search of endangered species for your state. Select one species and explain why it is endangered and what is being done to help it recover.  
What reason(s) for conserving life on Earth found in “A Closer Look 13.3”, pages 299-301, do you find convincing? Explain.  
Perform an internet search using the search term “agricultural sustainability article.” Read one of the articles you find and summarize it in 1-2 paragraphs. Based on this article and the readings in the text do you think that current large-scale industrial agricultural practices are sustainable? Why or why not? Give an example of a more sustainable agricultural practice.  


· APA-formatted citation

· APA-formatted citation

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Unit VIII Essay FIR 3303, Introduction To Fire Prevention

This final project paper will utilize many of the sections of material you have studied during the duration of this course. You will make use of your own personal observations and occupational experiences to enhance both quality and quantity of the final paper.


Whether you are employed in the public sector of safety or the private sector of safety and health management, your expertise and knowledge of dealing with other human beings will provide you with ample value in producing the finished paper.


Task Part I

In your Introduction to this essay please discuss what you learned after completing the first seven units to include a description of the relationship between the contents of this course and your present occupational position or your desired future occupational position.


Your relationship between concepts and knowledge to your present or desired future occupational position should be limited to a minimum of one page but should not exceed two pages.


Task Part II

Discuss how the concepts and knowledge, along with standards and professional qualifications, you have gained in this course relate to the following professional occupational positions:

 fire marshal,

 plan examiner, FIR 3303, Introduction to Fire Prevention

 fire inspector,

 life safety educator, and

 fire investigator.


Your explanation of the concepts and knowledge related to the five positions should be limited to a minimum of two full pages but should not exceed three pages.


Include specific references to specific topics found in the textbook (e.g., fire prevention and protection methods, fire protection systems, and record keeping and preservation). These are but a few of the possibilities. Do not limit your paper strictly to the example given.

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Penn Foster 250293RR Contrasting East And West

Penn foster 250293RR    Contrasting East and West
1.   Among the factors that brought about European colonialism, which of the following supported concepts of racial superiority?
A. Economic and trade opportunities
B. The introduction of the steam engine and the telegraph
C. The machine gun
D. Social Darwinism
2.   Under the Tokugawa peace, daimyo

A. were heavily engaged in foreign trade.
B. castle building was encouraged.
C. social status increased.
D. were prohibited from coining money.

3.   For the masses, which of the following statements about the significant consequences of the rise of science is false?

A. The methods of science gained great prestige and were seen as the only reliable path to verifiable truth.
B. As science progressively influenced popular thought, people came to view natural processes as determined by physical laws, not divine intervention or human will.
C. Faith in science completely displaced the importance of religion in most people’s lives.
D. Daily life experience and exposure to media impressed people with the importance of science.

4.   The German Reichstag did all of the following after Bismarck’s resignation in 1890 except

A. establish the world’s first social security system.
B. pass laws that legalized socialist political activity.
C. yield central power to Kaiser William II.
D. pass laws to aid workers.

5.   In the eighteenth century, the concept of liberty was, above all, a demand for

A. individual human rights.
B. universal suffrage.
C. national sovereignty.
D. economic equality.
6.   Regarding the Napoleonic Code, which of the following statements is false?

A. It was intended as a measure of reassurance for the aristocracy.
B. It assured the political equality of all adult males.
C. It was intended as a bargain with the French middle class.
D. It assured the absolute security of wealth and private property.
7.   In the context of African and Asian resistance to European colonialism, the nonconformists who became anti-imperialist activists were, above all, motivated by

A. the issue of human dignity.
B. the need to adopt Western technology.
C. the quest for economic justice.
D. the West’s failure to live up to their liberal ideals.
8.   One goal of Zheng He’s expeditions was to suppress piracy mainly from

A. China.
B. Philippines.
C. Korea.
D. Japan.

9.   The desire for modernization in Russia in the mid-nineteenth century was initially sparked by

A. strikes and peasant uprisings.
B. the Crimean War.
C. the assassination of Alexander II.
D. defeats administered by Japan.

10.   All of the following events were directly related to the eventual advent of British textile factories, except

A. the spinning jenny.
B. the water frame.
C. the growth of urbanization.
D. the putting-out system.
11.   Under Muhammad Ali and his grandson Ismail, the economic underpinning of modernization in Egypt was

A. emulating European bureaucracy.
B. the production of manufactured goods.
C. exporting cotton.
D. controlling the Suez Canal.
12.   Which of the following was the first western country to grant women’s suffrage in 1914?

A. Norway
B. France
C. Prussia
D. Russia
13.   The German journalist Friedrich List persuaded German states to enter into a customs union. List’s efforts expressed the ideology of

A. economic determinism.
B. economic nationalism.
C. tariff protectionism.
D. class consciousness.

14.   In the context of global migration, it often occurred that the movement of a business entrepreneur, a religious leader, or some admired person would encourage others to follow in what is called a/an

A. emulation chain.
B. “follow-the-leader” pattern.
C. collective emulation.
D. migration chain.
15.   In 1789, the National Assembly revoked the privileges of the aristocracy. This occurred in reaction to

A. the storming of the Bastille.
B. Louis XVI’s withdrawal of troops from Paris.
C. discontent among the poor people of Paris.
D. a peasant uprising.
16.   In 1557, the third Dalai Lama accepted an invitation to visit with Mongolia’s Altan Khan. As a result of that visit,

A. Tibetan Buddhism became the official religion of the Mongols.
B. the Mongols accepted Buddhism but continued the practice of blood sacrifice.
C. Tibetan monasteries were moved to Mongolia.
D. Tibetan monasteries became Mongol castles.
17.   During the international struggle over Saint Dominique, Toussaint L’Ouverture was made a _______ officer.

A. Haitian
B. British
C. Spanish
D. French

18.   All of the following were factors favoring British industrialization, except

A. increased agricultural production.
B. a decline in domestic demand for manufactured goods.
C. rising urbanization and higher wages.
D. immediate or canal access to ocean ports.

19.   After the defeat of Austria by Prussia in 1866,

A. The Magyars became an oppressed minority in Hungary.
B. Franz Joseph gave up in trying the “Germanize” the empire.
C. Franz Joseph was forced to establish a dual monarchy.
D. Conflicting nationalist interests were finally settled.
20.   The purpose of the Great Exhibition of 1851 was to

A. grant rights to women.
B. abolish slavery.
C. show off British industry and inventions.
D. end the revolutions of 1848.

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Interactions Of Hazardous Materials Question

Question 1

  1. Part A: You are the Environmental Coordinator at a nuclear facility. You are tasked with the compliant and safe transport of radioactive waste off site to the disposal facility. Identify the proper placarding, labeling, and shipping documentation of the transport vehicle as required by the DOT.

    Part B: The vehicle that was transporting the radioactive waste in Part A has been struck by another vehicle. Fuel is leaking at the scene of the accident. Identify the radioactive material that could be involved, and describe the chemical interaction that could be occurring as a result of the collision between the two vehicles. What immediate action should the EHS and FS responders take to protect human health and the environment?

    Your response should consist of at least 200 words.

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Two Questions 250 Words Each And One Page Paper

Your response should be at least 250 words in length for each question.  APA formatting using one reference per question.


#1 The Limits to Growth model examines five major trends across the globe: accelerating industrial development, rapid population growth, widespread malnutrition, depletion of nonrenewable resources, and a deteriorating environment. Choose one of these trends, and discuss how a shift to sustainable development would affect this trend.

#2 How does consumption relate to the Limits to Growth model? Is it more important for us to address global attitudes towards population or consumption when it comes to decreasing our resource consumption? Explain your position?

Unit 1 Essay  genetically modified organisms,

You are required to use at least four sources to support your essay. CSU requires that students use the APA format in writing course papers. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Title page and reference page are not included in the page-length requirement.  Write a one-page essay that addresses the following points: Describe the topic or issue. Why there is controversy surrounding it? What is your opinion on the efficacy of applying the precautionary principle in attempts to solve your chosen issue? Would you side with Khourey or Adler? Discuss your reasoning behind siding with Khourey or Adler.

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Envision The Sustainable City

The environment in which you grew up and the experiences in your life up to this point have shaped and molded your view of sustainability as it relates to cities and the built environment. Use this assignment to explore how you view and perceive neighborhoods, cities, and regions. As you ponder and answer the questions below, ask yourself what role your values play in perceiving sustainability, and what factors, if any, motivate you to develop or continue a green lifestyle?

Part 1: Briefly describe one of the places where you grew up.

Answering the questions below, write at least 250 words about the place where you grew up.

  1. Where did you grow up and what was it like?
  2. What elements in the human or natural environment were important to your daily life?
  3. With whom did you interact on a daily basis?
  4. Where did you go and how did you get around?
  5. What, if anything, about your life was sustainable?

Part 2: Describe your vision of a sustainable city or neighborhood.

Write at least 250 words describing the sustainable neighborhood or city that you would like to see in the future. Imagine the ideal community – a sustainable place where you would like to live (in whatever way you want to define the term sustainable).

  1. How is this place laid out in terms of streets, buildings, public spaces, parks, homes, workplaces, and shopping areas?
  2. How do people get around?
  3. What types of people live there and how do they interact?
  4. How does the built environment relate to the natural landscape?
  5. What makes this place sustainable, and do you think it is possible to achieve?

Part 3: Sustainability Theory (500 – 700 words)

  1. How does your unique past affect your vision of the future and the way you choose to live your life today?
  2. How do human values come into play when people think about sustainability?
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Discussion 6

· What Disease or Illness are you predisposed or do you think will cause your death someday?

· What Risks do you take or Risk factors are you concerned with?

· With your knowledge of your Risks to disease or illness, How could you change?


Discussion 7

· Do you drink tap water or bottled water? How much?

· Do you know what’s in it?

· Do you feel it’s safe to drink? Why?

· When you flush the toilet do you know where the wastewater goes?


Discussion 8

· Have you ever had foodborne illness? What do you think caused it?

· Of the foodborne pathogens what is the most common and why?

· What are the most contributing factors causing foodborne illness?


Discussion 9

· Why is air pollution a health threat? How is it measured?

· Why is global warming so controversial? What is causing it?

· What is acid deposition? How is it damaging?


Discussion 10

· What disaster is most likely to occur in your life?

· Why is disaster planning important?

· What are the immediate actions necessary during a disaster?

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