Unit 8

Reviewing the Eight-Step Model Our textbook presented eight steps to completing a research report. While your final paper in the previous unit went through the research proposal step, it is still important to be familiar with the final steps in the process for future endeavors. For this assignment, take on the role of instructor and design a PowerPoint assignment explaining each of the eight steps in the process. Do not simply paste information from the textbook or any other source. Use text sparingly on each slide, and use the Notes section to further explain the bullet point material you have included on each slide. Please do not paste paragraphs in small font onto the slides. Include at least one slide for each of the eight steps. Remember to support your points with scholarly material and include citations where needed to show where the information came from. Include a full APA-style reference slide at the end. Do not forget to include a title slide with your name on it. For guidance in creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, review the following resource created by the CSU Writing Center:. http://columbiasouthern.adobeconnect.com/powerpointbestpractices/ For a simple guide on inserting speaker notes into your presentation, click here to view the document PowerPoint Speaker Notes.

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Environmental Science

FIU Online


Introduction to Environmental Science Lab


General Information | Important Information | Course Detail | Course Calendar

General Information

Professor Information

Professor Photo


Seema Sah




OE 234 (MMC)

Office Hours:

By Appointment


Please use Canvas Inbox

Course Description And Purpose

Global climate change is a unique issue in that it is biospheric in nature, meaning it will impact all people, all societies and all ecosystems. It also provides arguably the greatest challenge currently facing humanity over the coming decades. That challenge also represents unique opportunities for involving many individuals, groups and nations in coming up with innovative solutions that can help mitigate some of the most severe impacts climate change will impose upon humanity. This online laboratory course will use at-home investigations, Internet-based applications, data sets, and employ a variety of technology enabling features associated with Canvas learning management system.

Global Climate Change is a complex issue that blurs disciplinary boundaries in showing the interconnected relationship between humans and the structures/systems we have created and our natural environment and the structures/systems that underlie it.  Although this is a lab course, it will be different from others in covering and combining a number of disciplines including earth sciences, chemistry, physics, ecology, economics, biogeochemistry, environmental science as well as social science aspects.

This one credit laboratory course is an introduction to environmental science and sustainability. Students will have hands-on experience in identifying and analyzing different environmental problems related with air, water pollution and environmental degradation. Furthermore, students will learn about the interdependence of ecosystems such as the impacts of excessive fertilizer or nutrient usage in agricultural systems, which can result in both surface and ground water pollution. Students will also learn how individual consumption patterns can make a difference in energy use, diminishing waste and market influence, to differentiate between indoor and outdoor polution, and how to reduce these.

Course Objectives

Students will be able to:

· demonstrate knowledge of the interrelatedness of local, global, international, and intercultural issues, trends, and systems;

· understand the scientific information and key concepts that underlie climate change, and incorporate current events and new scientific information into what they have learned to foster critical thinking on future global climate change;

· develop a multi-perspective analysis of local, global, international, and intercultural problems;

· analyze climate change from multiple perspectives (different people, nations, cultures) including analysis of responsible parties and how impacts will affect both the natural and global systems; and

· demonstrate a willingness to analyze their own personal connection and responsibility regarding global climate change including exploring the range of possible solutions and take action.

Course Awards


Affordability Counts

This course has been awarded the Affordability Counts Medallion. The Affordability Counts initiative at FIU seeks to make learning more affordable by reducing the cost of course materials to $60 or less. Find out more by visiting the Affordability Counts website at lowcost.fiu.edu.

Important Information


Please review the FIU’s Policies webpage. The policies webpage contains essential information regarding guidelines relevant to all courses at FIU, as well as additional information about acceptable netiquette for online courses.

Grading for this course will be based on lab reports, two exams, environmental shopping, campus audit project paper and discussions. Be sure to follow the schedule of events in order to stay current in the course.

FIU Code of Academic Integrity

This Code of Academic Integrity was adopted by the Student Government Association on November 28, 2001 and reflects the values articulated in the Student Code of Standards.

Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of Florida International University. http://www2.fiu.edu/~oabp/misconductweb/1acmisconductproc.htm

Statement for Access

The Disability Resource Center collaborates with students, faculty, staff, and community members to create diverse learning environments that are usable, equitable, inclusive and sustainable. The DRC provides FIU students with disabilities the necessary support to successfully complete their education and participate in activities available to all students. If you have a diagnosed disability and plan to utilize academic accommodations, please contact the Center at 305-348-3532 or visit them at the Graham Center GC 190. http://drc.fiu.edu/.   It is the responsibility of each student to work with the Center and Instructor to make arrangements as needed for their accommodations.

Course Late Assignment Policy

All assignments submitted after the assignment due date are subject to the following deductions.

# of Days Late Deduction
1 – 2 10%
3 – 5 15%
7 – 10 20%
10 – 14 25%
> 14 Cannot be submitted

You must contact your instructor before attempting late assignments.

Online Assessment Issues Policy

If you encounter a problem when conducting an assessment (e.g., exam, quiz, discussion, etc.) and/or have problems uploading documents to the assignment dropbox, then you must contact FIU online for assistance.  They will contact me with additional instructions at which point a determination will be made regarding the next course of action.  There is no exception to this policy.

Technical Requirements and Skills

One of the greatest barriers to taking an online course is a lack of basic computer literacy. By computer literacy we mean being able to manage and organize computer files efficiently, and learning to use your computer’s operating system and software quickly and easily. Keep in mind that this is not a computer literacy course; but students enrolled in online courses are expected to have moderate proficiency using a computer. Please go to the “What’s Required” webpage to find out more information on this subject.

Please visit our Technical Requirements webpage for additional information.

Accessibility and Accommodation

Please visit our ADA Compliance webpage for information about accessibility involving the tools used in this course. Please visit Accessibility within Canvas webpage for more information.  For additional assistance please contact FIU’s Disability Resource Center.

Academic Misconduct Statement

Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly to demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.

Academic Misconduct includes: Cheating – The unauthorized use of books, notes, aids, electronic sources; or assistance from another person with respect to examinations, course assignments, field service reports, class recitations; or the unauthorized possession of examination papers or course materials, whether originally authorized or not. Plagiarism – The use and appropriation of another’s work without any indication of the source and the representation of such work as the student’s own. Any student who fails to give credit for ideas, expressions or materials taken from another source, including internet sources, is responsible for plagiarism.

Learn more about the academic integrity policies and procedures as well as student resources that can help you prepare for a successful semester.

Course Prerequisites

This course has a co-requisite(s). Review the Course Catalog webpage for prerequisites information.

This course serves as the lab for the companion lecture course and must be taken with it to fulfill the “Physical Sciences” category of natural sciences requirement for the University Core Curriculum.  The objectives of the lab are similar to those of the lecture course but in the lab students are offered laboratory based experiences with many of the topics covered in the lecture.

Life Science Core Curriculum Course Competencies:The lab course will help satisfy the UCC science core competency with respect to helping students apply the scientific method by conducting experiments to test scientific hypotheses.  Students will be assessed in this competency by answering embedded questions within their lab reports.

Proctored Exam Policy

This online section does not require an on-campus exam.


There is no textbook required for this course.

All lab manuals, class lectures, and background information will be posted in Canvas under each week’s tab. It is your responsibility to read the assigned material beforehand.

An Open Educational Resource (OER) is provided for reference.  It was created for an AP Environmental Science course; however, most of the concepts are covered in the appropriate chapters. Be advised, the course was not developed using this book.

1. AP Environmental Science, by University of California, University of California College Prep

Expectations of this Course

This is an online course, which means most (if not all) of the course work will be conducted online. Expectations for performance in an online course are the same for a traditional course. In fact, online courses require a degree of self-motivation, self-discipline, and technology skills which can make these courses more demanding for some students.

Students are expected to:

Review the how to get started information located in the course content

Introduce yourself to the class during the first week by posting a self introduction video in the appropriate blog

Take the practice quiz to ensure that your computer is compatible with Canvas

Interact online with instructor/s and peers

Review and follow the course calendar

Log in to the course at least five (5) times per week

Respond to discussion boards, blogs and journal postings within: Introduction, Procedures, and Hypothesis in three (3) days and hypothesis analysis by the seventh (7) day.

Respond to messages within no more than two (2) days

Submit assignments by the corresponding deadline

The instructor will:

Log in to the course at least five (5) times per week

Respond to discussion boards within two (2) days

Respond to messages within 2 days (48 hours)

Grade assignments within ten (10) days of the assignment deadline.

Course Detail

Course Communication

Communication in this course will take place via Canvas Inbox.

Visit our Writing Resources webpage for more information on professional writing and technical communication skills.

Course Labs (6 Total)

Individual Lab Report – Dropbox Assignment

Each student is required to compile data and summarize the results in a template. Each report will consist of a graph (e.g., pie chart, x-y scatter plot, histogram, etc.) and a written summary of any observable trends. The procedures for collection data and web content are provided in each weekly module.  All reports will be submitted to a dropbox in Canvas.

Individual Lab Quiz – Assessment

Each student is required complete a lab quiz that covers all material posted and/or collected during the lab activities.  The lab assessment will be completed in Canvas.

Discussion Forums

Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.


In order to mitigate any issues with your computer and online assessments, it is very important that you take the “Practice Quiz” from each computer you will be using to take your graded quizzes and exams. It is your responsibility to make sure your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements. Assessments in this course are not compatible with mobile devices and should not be taken through a mobile phone or a tablet. If you need further assistance please contact FIU Online Support Services.


Community Assignment

Each student is required to participate in an off-campus activity during the semester. Each student will identify an Open Space Resource (i.e., local park) and a shopping development (i.e., mall, corner shopping center, etc.) in the community and compare the land use practices.  The report shall focus on the vegetation coverage, uses of concrete asphalt, drainage, and the use of resources to maintain the properties. The goal of the project is to become familiar with the different land use practices in an urban setting.

Environmental Shopping Assignment

This exercise is worth 10% of your final grade. The student(s) will be required to analyze products at a “typical” grocery store and discuss the environmental significance of different sizes, packaging styles, and/or alternative products.  Instructions for this exercise will be given beforehand.

Exams and Quizzes

1. Exams (2) – Midterm and Final

1. Quizzes (8) – 6 Lab Quizzes, Safety/International Measurements, and Data Analysis/Graphs

In order to mitigate any issues with your computer and online assessments, it is very important that you take the “Practice Quiz” from each computer you will be using to take your graded quizzes and exams. It is your responsibility to make sure your computer meets the minimum hardware requirements. Assessments in this course are not compatible with mobile devices and should not be taken through a mobile phone or a tablet. If you need further assistance please contact FIU Online Support Services.

All exams are completed online. No make-ups will be allowed for exams without a written excuse from a doctor, parent, or legal guardian. For more information contact me.

Adobe Connect Pro Meeting

Adobe Connect is an online meeting room where you can interact with your professor and fellow students by sharing screens, sharing files, chatting, broadcasting live audio, and taking part in other interactive online activities. We will be utilizing this tool to conduct online office hours.

Meetings will be available on Wednesdays from 1pm – 3pm

Requirements for using Adobe Connect:

. Disable any window pop-up blocker.

Adobe Flash Player is required to successfully run your Adobe Connect meeting. You can test your computer to make sure your computer and network connections are properly configured to provide you with the best possible Adobe Connect meeting experience.

. Use of a combination headset and microphone with USB connection is recommended to ensure quality sound and reduce technical difficulties.

Reference Adobe Connect (Tutorials & Help) to learn about the tool, how to access your meeting rooms and recordings.


Introduce Yourself Video Blog 1 5%
Assessments (6 Lab Quizzes, Safety/Measurements & Data Analysis/Graphs) 8 25%
Lab Reports 6 30%
Exams 2 20%
Community Assignment 1 10%
Environmental Shopping 1 10%
Extra Credit 1 (Optional) Up to 5%
Total 13 100%


A 93% – 100% B 83% – 86% C 70% – 76%
A- 90% – 92% B- 80% – 82% D 60% – 69%
B+ 87% – 89% C+ 77% – 79% F < 60%


Course Calendar

Module Weekly Schedule

Unit 1 – Lab Orientation
  Introduction/Practice Quiz


. Course Syllabus

. Unit 1 Course Overview Videos


1. Upload Introduce Yourself Video

1. Complete Course Practice Quiz

Week 1 May 7 – May 13 Safety & International Systems of Measurement


. Safety Videos

. Introduction to OSHA

. EVR 1001L Laboratory Safety and Conduct Form


1. Safety & International Systems of Measurement Assessment

  Data Analysis and Graphs


. Data collection and analysis module


1. Data Analysis Assessment

  Group and Lab Preparation Material


. Read all information posted and review sample report.


Unit 2 – Local Awareness
Week 2May 14 – May 20 Panther Lab


. Contact Lab Partners (See EVR 1001L Lab Groups)

. Read laboratory information.

. Get familiar with the location of Okaloacoochee Slough State Forest

. Watch Weekly YouTube Videos

Suggested Readings: Chapter 9 (Population Ecology) and Chapter 10 (Community Ecology) of the text.


1. Individual Lab Report  (Dropbox Assignment)  Due by Monday of following week

1. Individual Lab Quiz  (Assessment)  Due by Monday of following week 

  Domestic Water Use Lab


. Read laboratory information.

. Watch Weekly YouTube videos

. Contact Group Members

Suggested Readings: Chapter 14 (Freshwater Resources and Chapter 15 (Water Pollution) of lecture text.


1. Individual Lab Report  (Dropbox Assignment)  Due by Monday of following week

1. Individual Lab Quiz  (Assessment)  Due by Monday of following week 



Week 3 May 21 – May 27 Midterm Exam


1. Complete Midterm Exam. Exam is individually completed.


Community Assignment – Due in Week 6


. Read Laboratory Information

. Watch all unit videos (if applicable)

. Contact Group Members (if applicable)


Environmental Shopping Assignment – Due in Week 6


. Read Laboratory Information

. Watch all unit videos (if applicable)

. Contact Group Members (if applicable)



Unit 3 – Air Pollution
Week 4 May 28 – June 3 Air Quality and Pollution Lab


. Read laboratory information.

. Watch Weekly YouTube Videos

. Contact Group Members

Suggested Readings: Chapter 20 (Air Pollution) of the text.


1. Individual Lab Report  (Dropbox Assignment)  Due by Monday of following week

1. Individual Lab Quiz  (Assessment)  Due by Monday of following week 

  Acid Rain Lab


. Read laboratory information.

. Watch Weekly YouTube Videos

. Contact Group Members

Suggested Readings: Chapter 20 (Air Pollution) of the text.


1. Individual Lab Report  (Dropbox Assignment)  Due by Monday of following week

1. Individual Lab Quiz  (Assessment)  Due by Monday of following week 



Unit 4 – Energy
Week 5 June 4 – June 10 Renewable Energy Lab


. Read laboratory information.

. Watch Weekly YouTube Videos

. Contact Group Members

Suggested Readings: Chapter 23 (Sustainable Energy for Stationary Sources)


1. Individual Lab Report  (Dropbox Assignment)  Due by Monday of following week

1. Individual Lab Quiz  (Assessment)  Due by Monday of following week 

  Batteries Lab


. Read laboratory information.

. Watch Weekly YouTube Videos

. Contact Group Members


1. Individual Lab Report  (Dropbox Assignment)  Due by Monday of following week

1. Individual Lab Quiz  (Assessment)  Due by Monday of following week 



Unit 5 – Practical Experience
Week 6 June 11 – June 17 Community Assignment – Posted in Week 3


. Read Laboratory Information

. Watch all unit videos (if applicable)

. Contact Group Members (if applicable)


. Submit completed assignment to Dropbox


Environmental Shopping Assignment – Posted in Week 3


. Read Laboratory Information

. Watch all unit videos (if applicable)

. Contact Group Members (if applicable)


1. Go to the Supermarket

1. Complete Lab Activity in groups or individually


Final Exam


. All previous coures content


. Final Exam

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1. Compare and contrast aa and pahoehoe lava in appearance and how they form.

2. In your own words, briefly explain the four stages of caldera formation. Give examples of volcanoes associated with calderas.

3. Give approximate ages for the Dakota Sandstone and Wasatch Formations. Explain the evidence you used to determine the ages.

4. Volcanoes are generally not preserved in the geologic rock record because they are usually eroded away. However, the various materials erupted from volcanoes are often preserved in the rock record. Identify three different types of volcanoes. From what you have learned about the different principle types of volcanoes that you mentioned above, how could you infer what type of volcano erupted in a given area based on the type of volcanic deposits now found as layers of rock? Give specific examples and briefly discuss how some materials may be linked to different types of volcanoes.

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Advanced Air Quality





A Permit by Rule (PBR) Application for an Interior Surface Coating Facility

[Student name here…remove brackets, too]

Columbia Southern University



Block one full paragraph (no indenting the first line). Provide one full sentence each week as you complete a level 1 heading section, describing what material or calculations were presented in that section. By the time the week eight material is complete, you will have eight sentences in this abstract (one for each week).


A Permit by Rule (PBR) Application for an Interior Surface Coating Facility

General Considerations for Operation

Start typing here for Unit 2 in non-italicized font, citing with CSU APA Citation Guide p. 6 styled citations to defend what you state as fact. Follow the Study Guide calculation instructions carefully. Remove the remaining blank sections before submittal each week.

VOC and ES Content per Vehicle

Blank for Units 2-8. Fill this in for Unit 3. Be sure and show (illustrate) your actual mathematical calculations for Units 3-7 sections, rather than describe them. For example: 2.8 lbs/gal of VOC x 10.0 gal per vehicle = 28.0 lbs VOC/vehicle

Operational Air Emission Rates

Blank for Units 3-8. Fill this in for Unit 4.

Operational Face and Filter Velocities

Blank for Units 4-8. Fill this in for Unit 5.

VOC Content Minus Water and Exempt Solvents

Blank for Units 5-8. Fill this in for Unit 6.

Heater and Oven Combustion Emissions

Blank for Units 6-8. Fill this in for Unit 7.

Pollution Control Technologies

Blank for Unit 7. Fill this AND the next level 1 heading section in for Unit 8.

Process Flow Diagram

Blank for Unit 7. Fill this AND the previous level 1 heading section in for Unit 8.


Godish, T., Davis, W. T., & Fu, J. S. (2015). Air quality (5th ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. (2011). Surface coating facilities: A guide for

obtaining air authorization in Texas. Retrieved from

https://www.tceq.texas.gov/searchpage?cx=004888944831051571741%3Auk- 3yh4pey8&cof=FORID%3A11&q=Surface+Coating+Facilities%3A+A+Guide+for+Obt aining+Air+Auth orization+in+Texas


List additional references here alphabetically. Be sure and double-space and hang-indent each

subsequent line for each reference entry, formatting to CSU APA Citation Guide

pp. 8-12.

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A powerful earthquake struck Japan on March 11, 2011. The quake triggered a tsunami a short time later, which, in turn, set into motion the events leading to the failure of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. This resulted in the radioactive contamination of the local environment.

The health consequences will likely continue for decades and may well extend beyond the borders of Japan. Disasters frequently lead to such cascading events, though they are usually less dramatic and far-reaching. As Christians, our response to a disaster should be one of compassion, but as health planners, we must anticipate potential problems and communicate the associated risks of those problems without producing unwarranted fear.

By March 24, 2011, the concern of a radioactive cloud reaching the United States sparked debate on whether Californians should begin taking iodine tablets. Determine the realistic risk of radiation from food, water, or air, and write an advisory of the risk and actions to be taken by Californians to protect their health against the risk of radiation.

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Students will submit a developed outline that includes main ideas, key points of evidence, and preliminary analyses of their assigned sections of the Course Project. The outline should address an analysis of the chosen technology’s influence on society, considering all of the following components: social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental impacts. This is an individual assignment.

If you are working on the “ethical” implications, you do NOT have to address all the other components above. Just work on the ethical implications of the technology your team has chosen. If you have broken your team responsibilities differently, say various technologies as solutions to a specific problem, then you would have to address the various components from the perspective of your technology.

There are some parts that can be shared, like the introduction and the background on the technology. That’s fine. After that, it becomes an individual assignment.

Please use the template available in the Week 4 Course Project Overview. Please do not just answer the questions in the template. Please remove all the questions once you have explained each in complete sentences, expanding on your ideas. Be sure to address each question in a particular section with sentences of varying length and complexity.

With that said, these outlines should be very detailed and go through multiple levels explaining each element of your section of the paper.

TOPIC :  Other forms of ocean contamination –  discuss the common ocean contamination such as pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, detergents, oil, sewage, plastics, and other solids and how OTEC ( Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion ) can cause such contamination or how these contaminants may limit the efficiency of OTEC ( Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion ) facilities.

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Ecosystem Structure And Function

Assignment Details

Ecologists group together the living things in an ecosystem by their feeding habits. Producers use photosynthesis to make food by harnessing the energy of sunlight. Consumers eat plants and each other. All organisms produce waste that is recycled by decomposers. The interactions of these organisms create a food web.

Humans often disturb ecosystems for their own benefit, either harvesting ecosystem resources or removing unwanted pests. Examples include logging in a tropical rainforest, hunting sea otters for their fur in Monterey Bay, exterminating prairie dogs in South Dakota or eradicating wolves in Wyoming. These disruptions disturb the food web, and they can have unforeseen consequences to abiotic and biotic components of the ecosystem.

Watch this video to see the changes in Yellowstone National Park with the reintroduction of wolves to the food web: Yellowstone National Park: Wolf Cascade.

Recommended: Click on the following links to review materials to enhance your knowledge of ecosystems, disturbance, and recovery:

Design an imaginary food web or describe a real one. Include at least 4 living organisms that interact in your ecosystem.

Answer the following questions about the food web you designed/described:

  1. Explain what would happen to the other members of the food web within your ecosystem (choose a, b, or c):
    1. if a top predator were removed
    2. if a key producer disappeared
    3. if a primary consumer were exterminated
  2. Explain possible effects to the abiotic components that result from the disruption of your ecosystem.
  3. How can the damage or change to your ecosystem be repaired?
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Stakeholders On Environmental Management Issue

Final Applied Project: Presentation to Stakeholders on Environmental Management Issue:

Addresses Outcomes #1, 2, 3, and 4

  • develop and implement management plans that incorporate scientific principles and that comply with environmental laws and ethical principles in a team environment
  • demonstrate quantitative reasoning and analysis of information obtained through literature review, sampling, field investigation, and monitoring
  • apply scientific knowledge and principles, quantitative methods, technology tools, and regulatory policies to think critically and make recommendations to address complex environmental problems
  • communicate orally and in writing on environmental issues, principles, and practices in a clear, well-organized manner so as to effectively persuade, inform, and clarify ideas, information, plans, and procedures to stakeholders and other interested parties

General Considerations for a Presentation to Stakeholders

What you should be sure to convey:

  • content is appropriate for the audience of stakeholders and is sufficiently detailed
  • show that your assessment/review of the issue has scientific rigor, and that it is an on-going monitoring and evaluation process
  • provide representative data and support as graphics, figures, and charts as often as possible
  • be clear about roles and responsibilities
  • address federal laws, regulations, and policies that govern the process as well as who ensures compliance and how compliance is achieved
  • be clear about which natural and treatment resources are involved and which stakeholders are impacted; e.g., processes that impact water or land use will necessarily involve specific jurisdictions
  • make stakeholders feel part of the team and that they will be heard; e.g., include direct quotes from stakeholders or explicitly address concerns that have been expressed
  • reduce unnecessary fears, suspicions, misconceptions
  • encourage the stakeholders to continue participating and working with you to work out fair and equitable solutions
  • make recommendations for maintained or improved health and safety compliance, or maintained or improved environmental sustainability

Possible Audience of Stakeholders:

  • elected officials
  • concerned citizens, especially those who feel directly affected
  • university professors and students
  • engineering consultants for the cities and counties
  • city and county resources personnel
  • county and state department representatives such as transportation, environment, or parks and recreation
  • facility and utility managers such as from industries that might be impacted
  • environmental groups
  • special interest groups such as agricultural growers

EXAMPLE 1: Pollutant Load Reduction for a Watershed

You are a Basin Coordinator working with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Watershed Planning and Coordination Section. It has been determined by scientists at FDEP that an excess of 500,000 pounds of Total Nitrogen discharged into this watershed each year is threatening fishing and recreation in the Caloosahatchee estuary. Although there are five treatment plants discharging effluent into the river, you have determined that pollution from these plants is minimal (represents less than 1 percent of total nitrogen pollutant load) and that most of the pollution is coming from local jurisdictions or upstream in the agricultural areas. The FDEP will not require the treatment plants to reduce their loads to the river because they already have the highest level of wastewater treatment. You are, therefore, going to require a reduction of nonpoint source pollution (generally from stormwater system) from the jurisdictions and from the agriculture. Keep in mind that reductions in nitrogen load will likely cost the jurisdictions millions of dollars.  As always, you should research what has occurred (in this case, the Caloosahatchee watershed) and determine how you should communicate what needs to get done and how for your target audience.

For this case, please decided who your audience is and note that at the beginning of your talk. Will you be talking to farmers or homeowners in this watershed?  Or is this the first of a small watershed meeting you will be having in a specific area of this larger watershed?

EXAMPLE 2: Research Facility Using Nanotechnology

Assume that you are the environmental manager of the research labs at a relatively large university (have fun giving a name to the university). One of the new assistant professors has received a large grant to research methods to rapidly detect infectious disease using nanotechnology. The research has the potential to be the first step in eradicating infectious disease, particularly in the developing world, where detection of infectious disease often comes too late to prevent spread of the disease. The research will involve developing biosensors that use nanomaterials for detecting and signaling the presence of infectious disease, as well as delivering these nanomaterials to non-human research organisms as a model assay.

The president of the university has received telephone calls and e-mails from local residents and special-interest groups expressing concern about the nanotechnology research being conducted by the new assistant professor. The president has asked that you make a presentation that directly addresses safety and regulatory issues, and ethical concerns about the particular nanotechnological approach used in this research.  Note that regulatory issues center on human and environmental health so you will have to address those as part of regulatory issues. Your presentation will be made internally, but will be recorded and provided as a freely accessible presentation at the university website for public and stakeholder scrutiny.

Suggestions for Creating your Presentation

Create your presentation using PowerPoint or other presentation software and turn it in by the last day of class. This project replaces the final exam. Be sure to provide comments on what you would say for each slide in the notes section of the document, or add audio to the presentation using Jing or the software of your choice. If you choose to add voice or visual to your presentation, please make sure to attach your audio or video file so that it can be heard or viewed! You do not have to use voice, but it is a nice option if you want to get your point across with more than written words and pictures.

Project should include:

–  Overview of the environmental issue and a brief statement of its purported impact

–  Questions and concerns are clearly stated and addressed. Discussed which natural and treatment resources are involved and which stakeholders are affected; e.g., processes that impact water or land use will necessarily involve specific jurisdictions

–  Presentation is coherent and cohesive, appropriate for the audience of stakeholders and is sufficiently detailed (Your presentation should take no longer than 30 minutes to present or read, mainly to retain your audience’s attention.)

–  Supporting evidence reflects good library research skills and appropriate interpretation of scientific data and other resources

–  Representative data and graphics/figures/charts provide relevant, supportive information and evidence

–  Roles and responsibilities are clearly presented

–  Presentation incorporated stakeholder concerns and addressed their interests; allayed stakeholder concerns by providing strong recommendations.

–  Addressed federal laws, regulations, and policies that govern the process as well as who ensures compliance and how compliance is achieved

–  Made recommendations for maintained or improved health and safety compliance, or maintained or improved environmental sustainability

–  Overview of the next steps this team needs to take, including steps in communications and training

–  References and citations from reliable sources in the APA format

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Create 8-10 Sentence Paragraphs For Each Of The 7 Following Subjects

Creative 8-10 sentence paragraphs for the following subjects; cannot not have direct quotes from an organization (World Wildlife Fund or organizations).

Paragraphs need to establish how each company helped with the noted project and how well the outcome is. I’ve included some reference below the Company name and subject title.

Toyota Motor North America, Inc. — Establishing the Wolakota Buffalo Range with the Rosebud Sioux Tribe in South Dakota
(The  Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO), the  economic development arm of the Rosebud Sioux Tribal Government in South  Dakota,is partnering with WWF to establish the Wolakota Buffalo Range  with a herd of 1,500 bison. This will be the largest tribally owned and  managed herd in North America ranging on 27,680 acres of tribal land in  the South Dakota Sandhills. Together, we have a prime opportunity to  contribute to environmental and social justice for Rosebud tribal  members in Todd County South Dakota, which is among the 20 poorest  counties in the country. REDCO, the organization leading this project,  is the largest tribal employer on the Rosebud Reservation. Returning  bison successfully to tribal lands after more than a century since their  extermination is righting a social and environmental injustice, but  will require strategic investment rarely available to tribes’ who are  under served and suffer discrimination when seeking access to capital.  This project aligns with traditional perspectives, community interests,  economic development, and positive conservation outcomes)

Facebook — Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online
(Coalition  to End Wildlife Trafficking Onlinee, technology, and social media  companies have joined forces to shut down online marketplaces for  wildlife traffickers. The Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online  brings together companies from across the world in partnership with  wildlife experts at WWF, TRAFFIC, and IFAW for an industry-wide approach)

UPS Foundation — EFN – Tropical Forests Restoration and Reforestation (2016 — )
(Forests  are vital to humans and wildlife, providing critical ecosystem  services. Nearly 1.6 billion people depend on forests and forest  resources as their source of livelihoods; yet, nearly half of the global  forests have been cleared or are degraded. When carefully planned,  forest restoration and reforestation activities can provide  environmental services to the local community and develop new habitats  in formerly bare areas. WWF supports local organizations to conduct  trainings for communities currently undertaking forest restoration and  reforestation programs and projects. For more than 20 years, the WWF  Education for Nature Program (EFN) program has been providing  Reforestation Grants to support non-governmental organizations,  community groups, national parks, and educational institutions to plant  500,000 trees)

Discovery — Project CAT/Bikin
( created a widget for use in conjunction with the  discovery.com/projectcat website and a text to donate platform to raise  funds for WWF’s Tx2 work.  The call to action for text to donate is  currently planned to be included on In Program Messaging (IPM) for  Animal Planet)

Johnson & Johnson — Advancing Forests, Climate and Human Health in Thirty Hills, Sumatra
(Through this collaboration in Thirty Hills, J&J will be securing the  effective management of the concession, protecting 38,665  acres of  rainforest that would likely otherwise be converted to oil palm, pulp or  rubber plantations, and maintaining an essential buffer zone for carbon  stocks and biodiversity in the neighboring Bukit Tigapuluh National  Park. Preventing further deforestation, minimizing human-wildlife  conflict, and supporting livelihoods that do not intensify  livestock-wildlife interactions all serve to reduce the risk of  spillover of zoonotic diseases and incidence of vector-borne zoonoses,  while increasing community resilience to climate change and previous  forest loss.)

The Kroger Co. Foundation —  Zero Hunger | Zero Waste – Wild Classroom – Food Waste Warrior  (school program aimed at providing environmental curriculum for  elementary school students. The program features a stand-alone food  waste curriculum that we believe is an excellent fit for the Kroger  Foundation)

Google — Leadership Summit for Climate, Wood & Forests Sponsorship
(​In convening a Leadership Summit for Climate, Wood and Forests,  WWF’s overarching goal is to advance forest stewardship, restoration and  conservation in North America. Google will publicly recognize Google as  a Summit sponsor at the event, on the Summit website, and in related  communications.)

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Population Pyramids

Population pyramids show the age structure of the population of a country or region. Different growth patterns caused by varying cultural values, war events or both help shape the pyramid. You will obtain the data (population pyramids) from https://www.census.gov/data-tools/demo/idb/informationGateway.php for three different countries. Once you’re at the site, you will need to locate the three countries of Ethiopia, Indonesia and UK:

  1. Click the drop-down menu under Select Report, and choose the last option “Population Pyramid Graph
  2. Under the Select one or More Countries area, hold down your control button and choose Ethiopia, Indonesia and the United Kingdom
  3. Leave all other selections as entered and click the Submit button at the bottom

Analyze the data: Each of the three countries will produce a population pattern that may be recognized as rapid growth, stable growth or growth decline. After you obtain the pyramids following the directions above, copy and paste them into your assignment and then identify which of the three patterns each country demonstrates.

Write a supporting essay: Please write a brief essay comparing the three pyramids. Consider historical events, the present global population structure and the influence, if any, of the past and the present on future population growth. Compare and contrast these pyramids. Which country will have the greatest population increase? Why? What problems might these countries be facing? You may use additional information from library sources or the Internet. Please cite any outside sources used to prepare your essay and provide a “References Cited” section at the end of your assignment.

Format: Your paper should be 3-5 pages long (excluding figures and references), double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around, and 12-pt font (Times New Roman or similar).

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