Domestic Water Use

A lab must be completed! Below are the data, A new graph must be created to fulfill the rubric and a 2 page analysis must be written, giving the back ground of the South Florida, the Biscayne Aquifer and then analyzing the data and giving a final result.


15.0 pts

Excellent (Must have 8 of 9 criteria in Lab Report)

(1) Data compares more than 3 fixtures/appliances. (2) Table(s) are presented in multiple ways to display different comparisons between the before and after water calculator. (3) Graph(s) show the water use volumes before and after water calculator. (4) Graph(s) type chosen is the best way to represent the data and contain a key, all relevant numbers, a title, and all labels. (5) Water use and scientific background is used to support main ideas of the lab and shows a depth of knowledge about water use. (6) Data is analyzed to discuss water uses and how it relates to specific issues revolving around domestic water use. (7) Student discusses why changing fixtures and behaviors conserves water. (8) Lab report is cohesive and easy to understand. (9) Report is well organized and contains no spelling or grammatical mistakes.

Link for some background information. Attached are also some extra information.

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Project 3 –

2018 Fall Term Project Three Instructions and Scenario

You are to assume the role of the emergency coordinator, safety officer, or loss prevention manager of a chemical plant responsible for the safety and health of employees and the control of hazardous materials and wastes in the facility and the local community. You are to develop two emergency plans for the industrial facility as set forth in the following scenario. One plan must be an OSHA compliant Emergency Action Plan for the facility and the second one must be an EPA compliant Contingency Plan for the facility and its surrounding community. There are specific OSHA and EPA regulations that are found in the respective Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) for each of the agencies. Part of the exercise for this project is for you to show that you can identify and use the appropriate regulations from the CFR. Since some of the requirements in these regulations are duplicative between the agencies, you may choose to develop and generate one comprehensive plan that contains the required elements for each agency, as long as you comply with all of the elements found in both of the agency requirements.

It is expected that your plan(s) contain a cover page, a table of contents tied into page numbering, the body of your plan(s), and a bibliography. You will be provided with drawings of the plant site and surrounding areas and a building plan for the facility. Your plan(s) must address the hazards of the facility’s site and building structure.

Since this is a hypothetical scenario, you may use your imagination to name the facility, the staff members playing a role in the plan, and any other information that is not formally identified. The chemical’s involved are specifically identified and their hazards must be identified and addressed.

Good luck, let your imagination take you where it may. There are no restrictions on the length of your submission. But to get full credit, you must make sure you address each element of the OSHA Emergency Action Plan requirements and the EPA Contingency Plan requirements. Please submit your completed paper in MS Word format and place it in your assignment folder.


Your facility is a chemical plant that manufactures a viscous, flammable, toxic end product called Methyl-Ethyl-Peanut Butter. Raw materials are shipped in, mixed into the final product, and shipped out to customers via multiple modes of transportation. The plant is located on a site in a light industrial park adjacent to an Interstate Highway and is surrounded in the park by similar facilities. Outside the park are private, residential buildings and a town with multiple commercial properties. The town has a Level One Trauma hospital and care facility along with a paid fire department including a hazardous material response unit. The town also has a paid local police department supported by a local State Police substation. Please address the hazards of these conditions and the use of these outside resources. If you have questions, please contact me, but you are basically on your own.








Office Building



Rail Line

Storage Tanks

Waste Tanks

Manufacturing Building

Interstate Highway

Entrance Road

Parking Lot



Figure 1- Layout of Plant Facility



QC Labs

Mixing and Production


Shipping & Receiving

Mixed Storage

The manufacturing building contains five mixing/processing tanks connected in-line to the packing machinery. Final packages are moved to shipping and receiving for final distribution. There is a mixed material storage area at the end of the plant as well as offices and quality control labs.


Sulfuric Acid

Magnesium Powder

Mixed Wastes

Finished Product

Tank Contents


Figure 2 – Manufacturing Building Layout

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Advanced Toxicogly

Research a carcinogen that can be classified as either an environmental or   occupational toxicant that has had relevance in the news within the last five   years.

In  your paper, analyze and briefly summarize the situation that brought the   carcinogen to newsworthy status. Discuss the exposure limits of this   carcinogen, and how individuals were exposed. Also, discuss the toxicological   effects that were not only observed, but all of the possible effects of this   agent. In referencing  Chapter 23 from your assigned reading, briefly discuss   the models used for assessing cancer risks.

Your analysis should be  at least three pages in length. The title  page and   reference page are not included in the required paper length. Your  paper must   contain at least three references and may  include reliable internet sources,   books, and professional journals or  resources related to the profession. All   sources used, including the textbook,  must be referenced; paraphrased and   quoted material must have accompanying  citations.

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Intro To Environmental Science

Unit 1 Graphing Exercise (watch lecture 1.0 first)

Global Population Growth and Energy Consumption

For a variety of reasons that will be covered later in the course, the number of human beings on Earth has been rising extremely quickly for many decades. In fact, over a period of 50 years, from 1960 to 2010, the human population grew from 3 billion to 6.9 billion. This means that the population doubled in that time – plus and additional 900 million people.

Let’s put this population growth into perspective. The world’s population increased by 3.9 billion people from 1960 to 2010, and the entire U.S. population is about 325 million. Therefore, that’s the same thing as adding the entire population of the U.S. to the Earth twelve times, and in just 50 years! Try to imagine how many more people that is that need to be housed, fed, clothed, etc.

So, there are far more people on Earth than just a few years ago, but that’s not the only “problem”. To add to this population explosion, there has also been a rapid growth in global wealth and consumerism. In other words, there are more people, and they use/own a lot more stuff. Of course, there are still billions of poor people around the world, but overall, humans use/own a lot more things, and we must use natural resources to create, transport, maintain, and run these things, etc.

A good example that makes this clear is the increase in the number of cars, trucks, and buses on Earth relative to population growth. From 1960 to 2010, the human population grew from 3 billion to 6.9 billion, but the number of cars, trucks, and buses grew from 130 million to about 1,000 million (1 billion). This means the population increased about 2.3 times, while the number of cars, trucks, and buses increased about 7 times. It takes a lot natural resources to create, transport, maintain, and run these cars, trucks, and buses.

More people with more money means we make and use more lights, air conditioners, washing machines, clothes dryers, hair dryers, water heaters, TVs, stoves and ovens, microwave ovens, refrigerators, computers, phones, boats, motorcycles and scooters, chainsaws, lawnmowers, swimming pools, clothes, and so on, and we make and eat a lot more food, too.

In this exercise you’ll visualize the growth of the human population and the increase of its energy consumption over 60 years. By doing so, you’ll be able to see that energy consumption has been growing faster than the population has been growing, especially since the late 1990s.

Note that world energy consumption is the total amount of energy used by all of human civilization, and includes all energy harnessed from every energy source. This is sometimes expressed as Millions of Metric Tons of Oil Equivalent (the amount of oil that we’d need to burn to produce a given amout of energy), but here it will be expressed as Thousands of Terawatt-hours (TWh). This would be the amount of electricty produced if we converted all the energy we use into electricity.

Note that 1 TWh is the same thing as 1 Billion Watt-hours, and that 1,000 TWh is the same thing as 1 Trillion watt-hours. That’s enough electricity to run a 100 watt light bulb for 1,141,552 years. Yes, over a million years!

Now, use the data on the next page to complete the blank line graph on the third page, and submit the graph by the posted deadline. Remember to watch video 0.6 (Making Graphs) before making yours, and to follow the submission guidelines. It can be found in the “START HERE” folder under course files.

Year 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
World Population

in Billions

3 3.3 3.7 4.1 4.5 4.9 5.3
Energy Consumption

in 1000 TWh

42 50 58 68 77 84 94
Year 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020  
World Population

in Billions

5.7 6.1 6.5 6.9 7.3 7.7  
Energy Consumption

in 1000 TWh

101 110 122 138 156 174  

image1.jpg Unit 1 Graphing Exercise

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OSHA Case Study

Consider the scenario below:

Workers need to enter a below-ground, concrete-lined vault to repair a leaking valve that controls the flow of wastewater from several buildings at your plant. The opening for the pit is outdoors and secured with a 36-inch diameter manhole cover. The pit is 12 feet deep, and the walls are 6 feet x 6 feet wide. The valve is at the bottom of the vault. You opened the cover, tested the atmosphere, and found oxygen levels to be at 16%. No toxic substances were detected. After ventilating the space for 15 minutes, the oxygen reading reached 18% and remained at that level.

Address the following items:

  • Using the flow chart in Appendix A of 29 CFR 1910.146, determine the classification of the space. Explain how you reached the decision.
  • Based on your determination, develop an OSHA-compliant standard operating procedure (SOP) for workers to follow when entering the space to repair the valve. Include the citation(s) from 29 CFR 1910.146 for each step of the procedure.

Your submission must be a minimum of two pages, not including title and reference pages, and follow APA guidelines. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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Enviromental Science

Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future

by Wright and Boorse, 12th edition

16 Multiple Choice Questions

1) The future worldwide use of irrigation:

A) is expected to double in the next 20 years due to increasing demands for food

B) is limited by the availability of freshwater, waterlogging, and salinization of soils

C) depends on new technologies to extract more groundwater

D) will require increased reliance on new hydrogen technologies to produce freshwater

16) The development of new varieties of grain crops increased productivity by increasing the:

A) surface area of the leaves of the plants

B) size of the roots and ability to absorb water

C) strength of the stems to support more grains

D) size and number of seeds

2) In the last 50 years, the greatest progress in addressing worldwide hunger and malnutrition came from the:

A) use of better transportation methods to export grain more efficiently

B) development and use of new varieties of high-yielding wheat and rice

C) reduced reliance on pesticides, herbicides, and chemical fertilizers

D) widespread use of sustainable irrigation methods

3) Although the Green Revolution has greatly reduced world hunger and malnutrition, it has:

A) doubled the amount of land used to raise crops

B) not significantly increased the productivity of modern agriculture

C) required high levels of increasingly expensive fertilizer and pesticides

D) contributed significantly to the destruction of the ozone layer

4) Radiation exposure immediately around a properly functioning nuclear power plant is about

A) less than 1% of natural background exposure.

B) double normal environmental background exposure.

C) 10 times higher than normal environmental background exposure.

D) 100 times higher than normal environmental background exposure.

5) Nuclear bombs rely upon:

A) a domino effect that causes the nuclear fission of uranium-235 in less than a second

B) a domino effect that causes the nuclear fusion of uranium-235 in less than a second

C) an instantaneous fission of uranium-235 under extreme pressures

D) an instantaneous fusion of uranium-235 under extreme pressures

6) Enrichment of nuclear fuel:

A) increases the relative concentration of uranium-235 to only 3-5% to avoid any possibility of nuclear explosion at higher percentages

B) increases the relative concentration of uranium-235 to 30-50% to avoid a nuclear explosion at higher percentages

C) decreases the relative concentration of uranium-235 from 60% to only 3-5% to avoid a nuclear explosion at higher percentages

D) decreases the relative concentration of uranium-235 from 100% to 30-50% to avoid a nuclear explosion at higher percentages

7) The actual fission reactions that release energy in a nuclear power plant are about:

A) two-thirds from uranium-235 and one-third from uranium-239

B) one-third from uranium-235 and two-thirds from uranium-239

C) two-thirds from uranium-235 and one-third from plutonium-239

D) one-third from uranium-235 and two-thirds from plutonium-239

8) A self-amplifying reaction and a nuclear explosion in a nuclear power plant are prevented in large part by:

A) the regular addition of uranium-239 to the fuel

B) control rods that absorb extra neutrons

C) the production of plutonium-239

D) fuel rods that absorb tremendous amounts of heat

Unit 3 Examination

9) Compared to a nuclear plant, a coal-fired plant:

A) releases more than 100 times more radioactivity because of radioactive elements in coal.

B) requires much less mining and results in fewer mining deaths.

C) contributes to acid rain, and a nuclear plant does not.

D) emits much less carbon dioxide.

10) About how much of the sun’s radiation would strike the Earth if the Earth did not have its atmosphere?

A) about 10 times more

B) about twice as much

C) it would be about the same

D) about half as much

11) With all of the sun’s energy striking the Earth every second of every day, why doesn’t the Earth overheat and kill us all?

A) The Earth is so large and dense that it absorbs all of this heat.

B) The Earth is overheating regionally, melting rocks into the lava of volcanoes.

C) The Earth maintains a balance by radiating this heat back into space.

D) The atmosphere of the Earth prevents the solar radiation from reaching the Earth’s surface.

12) The thinning of the troposphere away from the equator is primarily a result of:

A) land masses moving towards the poles

B) shifting of the continental plates due to plate tectonics

C) differences in solar energy striking the Earth

D) the number of clouds in the mesosphere and thermosphere

13) The effect of the 2008 recession has

A) speeded up the flight from inner cities to suburbs.

B) made existing properties more valuable.

C) greatly slowed the suburban building boom and the purchase of new houses.

D) reversed the movement to suburbs, increasing the pressure to find housing in the inner city.

Unit 4 Examination

14) Over the past 60 years, as people moved from U.S. cities to suburbs, the people that were left behind in the cities were primarily

A) older, poor people representing ethnic minorities.

B) younger, wealthy people representing ethnic minorities. C) older and wealthy Caucasians.

D) younger Caucasians.

15) _________________ ranges from supporting and voting for particular candidates to expressing your support for particular legislation through letters or phone calls.

A) Lifestyle choices

B) Membership in nongovernmental organizations

C) Political involvement

D) None of the above

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OSHA Health Hazards Analysis

You have been tasked with identifying health hazards associated with a          production line at a manufacturing facility.

Employees at the beginning of the  line use a solvent to  clean the         surface  of medium-size auto parts, and then  they place the parts on a  moving    line. As  the parts move along the line, an  employee sprays them with a         powder  coating,  and the parts move through an oven.  Another employee removes    the   parts from  the line and places them in slots in a  cart for       transporting   to   shipping.

You have been provided safety data sheets  for the solvent used for cleaning    the parts (attached) and the  powder coating that is  used (attached). Use the JHA form to  identify the potential     health  hazards  associated with the process. Attached is the  Basic Job  Hazard  Analysis form. You  will use the Basic  Hazard  Analysis  form to  enter  your  responses and to     answer  the four questions   listed below.   Please   upload  this  completed     document to your instructor  for  grading.

Prepare  a  two-page homework assignment summarizing your health  hazard        analysis and   answer these questions from the Basic  Job Hazard         Analysis  form.

  1. What are the health       hazards associated  with  the operation?
  2. What are  the primary  exposure  routes  associated with  each health                           hazard?
  3. Are there  any  potential   acute or  chronic  health effects for any of                          the  health  hazards  you  identified?
  4. Are  special hazards   associated  with any of the   health   hazards?

You may  use the safety data sheets provided  above,   information from  the    OSHA or NIOSH  websites, or academic references from  the   Internet to answer     the questions.  Citations are not required for this   homework  assignment;      however you may want  to use them in order to answer the       questions.

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Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

The Unit VII Lesson presents strategies for solving industrial waste problems, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and proactive strategies in industrial waste.

For this assignment, locate a case study (do not use one that has been previously discussed in the course) that addresses solving industrial waste problems. Ensure you address the following issues:

  • strategies for solving industrial waste-related problems,
  • role of corporate social responsibility in waste strategies, and
  • proactive strategies for industrial waste management.

Your case study must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement). Locate a peer-reviewed article that centers on industrial waste strategies that is no more than five years old from the CSU Online Library. In addition, you must use the required unit resources article, “Determinants of Monetary Penalties for Environmental Violations,” for a total of two sources for your case study.

Ensure you follow APA Style guidelines for this assignment, and adhere to guidelines when creating citations and references since outside sources are used for this assignment.

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Advanced Industrial Hygiene

Traditionally, industrial hygienist sampling has primarily used calibrated sampling pumps and a sampling train. Advances in the field have added the option of using passive sampling badges for some chemical hazards. Discuss any personal experience you have using each type sampling method. If you do not have experience with the methods, discuss your opinions about the pros and cons of the methods based on your readings for this unit.

(Note: That means you will read the info in the text and in the Unit guide and form an informed opinion on choices of sampling train or passive sampling. Providing an example would help, check the literature and find a sampling badge to compare with the use of a sampling train, if you like. Reference the source of that info, if might be a manufacturer web page-SKC and 3M are examples of companies who sell passive dosimeters).

If you were performing sampling in a facility you are familiar with, which method(s) would you prefer to use, and why?

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”


Throughout my career I have been around both types of devices. I have not actually tested or calibrated the pumps we utilized in the volunteer department, but have watched the operator/captain calibrate and use them during drills and training sessions, They also were the ones to operate then bulb pump during any hazmat response. In my most recent job in the oil and gas industry, I worked with crude pipelines where it was a requirement to have constant monitoring via the passive hydrogen sulfide (H2S) monitor attached within our breathing zone. As to which device I would choose to utilize would be determined on what factors are needing to be monitored. With certain occasions the bulb pump and or the train sampling methods would be required, whereas other times passive monitoring would be necessary. The train and/or pump sampling would give me a more immediate test result in real time compared to the passive monitor badges which may have to be sent out to a laboratory for results and acquire an accumulative set of data.

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The Best Contraceptives

The Best Contraceptives?

It has been said that in nations seeking to reduce their population growth rate, a combination of sustainable economic development along with improved educational and socio-economic opportunities for women are the best “contraceptives” (i.e. ways to reduce a woman’s total fertility rate;don’t know this term? Look it up before posting).

A. How does improving educational opportunities for women help reduce population growth (in those nations seeking to do so)?  Cite specific scientific, demographic, socioeconomic and/or geopolitical evidence from one (1) nation that is working to reduce its population growth rate andwhere improving education for women has worked / is working.

Be sure to back up your explanations with some research before discussing this topic online with your classmates. Be sure to read relevant sections of your text (and supplementary readings from this Module) and look online.  Start with these background readings:

Organize your posting by using the letter/number combinations as follows to earn up to 12 points. Be specific and thorough. Cite statistics in A2, A3.

A1. Identify a nation that has been / is working to reduce its population growth. For how long? (2 points)

A2. What has this nation done to improve the educational opportunities for its women? (5 points)

A3. How have increased educational opportunities for these women changed their socio-economic status? (5 points)

B. After you have posted, you must respond to at least one of your classmates right there on the discussion thread. (4 points)

In your response posting, you must include

  1. a reply to your classmate; note, a response includes a significant statement/commentary/additional example on the classmates’ post that adds something significant to the conversation…not just “good job” or “I like your post.” (this is worth 2 points) and
  2. your own “beautiful question” – that is, a well thought out question that shows knowledge and understanding beyond an obvious question. Beautiful questions are clear, specific, relevant, and invite an open-ended response (i.e. not a yes/no question). They may be in response to another classmate’s question (you can’t reply to yourself Smile) or to something that they have written in their original post. Your beautiful question is worth 2 points.

Refer to your Weekly Schedule of Assignments or Online Course Calendar for due date.

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