Physical Science


1. Which statement about the elements in the first column of the periodic table is not true? (a) they all have one electron in their outermost shell (b) Except for hydrogen, they are all active metals. (c) Except for hydrogen they all form positive ions. (d) They are all nonmetals.

2. Iodine, which is in the next to the last column of the periodic table (a) is a very active metal (b) has seven electrons in its outermost shell (c) tends to form positive ions (d) is very unreactive

3. The theory of evolution was proposed by (a) Charles Darwin (b) Alfred Wegener (c) Lord Kelvin (c) Ernest Rutherford

4. The number of major plates into which the lithosphere is divided is (a) 3 (9) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9

5. When light is directed at certain metal surfaces, the emitted electrons

(a) Are called photons (b) have random energies (c) have energies that depend on the intensity of the light (d )have energies that depend on the frequency of the light

6. The speed of a photon (a) is less than the speed of light (b) is equal to the speed of light (c) is greater than the speed of light (d) any of the above, depending on the frequency

7. A proton and an electron have the same de Broglie wavelength. (a) The electron has a higher speed. (b) The proton has a higher speed. (c) They have the same speed (d) Any of the above is true, depending on the wavelength.

8. A photon is emitted by an atom when one of the atom’s electrons (a) leaves the atom. (b) collides with another of its electrons. (c) shifts to a lower energy level. (d) shifts to a higher energy level.

9. The fact that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of quantum numbers is known as the (a) Bohr principle (b) de Broglie principle (c) exclusion principle (d) uncertainty principle

10. The largest number of elements are classified as (a) metals (b) inert gases (c) nonmetals (d) liquid

11. The most active of the following metals is (a) copper (b) lead (c) potassium (d) gold

12. The least active of the following gases is (a) chlorine () oxygen (c) hydrogen (d) helium

13. An atom whose outer electron shell is filled is a halogen (b) an active metal (c) an active nonmetal (d) a noble gas (inert gas)

14. The number of hydrogen atoms in a molecule of ammonium sulfide, (NH4)2S, is (a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8



15. The number of atoms in a molecule of Ca3(PO4)2 is (a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 13 (d) 16

16. A fracture surface in the earth’s crust one side of which has moved relative to the other is called a (a) fault (b) fault scrap (c) sill (d) dike

17. It is believed that India (a) was always part of the Asian landmass (b) rose from the Tethys Sea (c) was once separated from Asia and later migrated to its present position (d) is movin away from the Asian landmass

18. The age of the earth is approximately (a) 6000 years 12 million years (c) 4.5 billion years

19. Which column on the periodic table has nonmetals at the top and metals at the bottom. (a) Group 1A (b) Group 2A (c) Group 4A (c) Group 7A

20. Which element will form an ionic bond with Potassium (a) Ca (b) Al (c) Kr (d) I

21. Of the four elements listed below, which is the smallest (a) Be (b) Mg (c) Sr (d) Ba

22. How many valence electrons does Phosphorous (P) have (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 7

23. Of the four elements listed below, which is the smallest? (a) Na (b) Al (c) P (d) S

24. Of the four elements listed below, which has the highest ionization energy? (a) Ca (b) Ge

(c) As (d) Br

25. Of the four elements below, which has the lowest ionization energy? (a) Be (b) Mg (c) Sr

(d) Ba

For questions 26–34 Fill in the table below with the person who made the described contribution. Use only people covered ion this unit.

26. First to place electrons in orbit around nucleus

27. Developed the first periodic table

28. Said particles could have a wavelength



Use the Periodic Table Below for Questions 35-40 Use the letters in the periodic table below (A, B, C . . . ), and not actual elements.


35 . The least reactive element?

36. Has four valence electrons?

37. The most active non- metal?

29. Developed the first model of the atom

30. Developed a particle model of light

31. Determined atoms are mostly empty space

32. First to treat the electron as a wave

33. Indicated that it was not possible to determine the position and velocity of an electron at the same time.

34. Discovered the electron



38 Has the highest ionization energy?

39. Has two valence electrons?

40. A very reactive metal?

41. Compare and contrast the Rutherford atom with the Bohr atom. How are they the same? How are they different

42. Compare and contrast the Bohr atom with the quantum mechanics model of the atom? How are they the same, how are they different?

43. Compare Wegener’s theory with plate tectonics. How are they similar? How are they different?

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EDMG230 Week 3 ICS System


Research an emergency incident of your choice that has occurred in the past twenty years and describe how the incident was handled in regard to incident command.

Did they follow the ICS system? What were some mistakes? Make some recommendations.

With as much detail as possible answer the following questions as they apply to that event. Be sure to include a summary of the event.

Describe the Command and Control Process.
Describe the role of the Incident Commander.
Define the term “Span of Control.”

(If you are having trouble finding an emergency incident to use, think of something like the Graniteville, South Carolina train derailment and chlorine leak, or the Howard Street Tunnel Fire in Baltimore.)

For this assignment, write a 2 page APA formatted paper and submit in Microsoft Word (no other formats are acceptable). Use your textbook, the internet as well as professional journals, articles and other academically recognized sources. You must use a minimum of two sources. All sources used must be properly cited. Your references should be formatted in APA style.

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Genetically Modified Bt Corn: The Risk Of Gene Flow In The Environment

Given the case study of gene flow of genetically modified corn, if you were an environmental decision-maker in your nation, would you decide to allow Bt corn planting? Why or why not? Would it make a difference if your nation were in America, Asia, Europe, or Africa?


Guidelines for Project Submission:

1. The Student must write 3-5 pages

2. The Project file should be in “MS Word” document

3. The font size should be “12”

4. The font type should be “Times New Roman”

5. The “Heading” and “Sub Heading” should be Bold

6. The text color should be “Black”

7. The text line spacing should be “1.5” 

8. The running text should be “Justified” and “Proper Alignment”

9. The answers and text should not be repeat and copy from other students. It should be follow the “Plagiarism Rules”

10. The Text concerned proper ”References”

11. The text should be presented in three parts: Introduction, Discussion and Conclusion

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Discussion Form Question

Culture & Environment: Anthropological Approaches to Environmental Issues ANT3CAE

MODULE 4.2: Case study: local communities and glacial retreat in Peruvian Andes



Jacamba Glacier, Peruvian Andes, 1980 and 2000 (Photos by Tim Helwig-Larsen)

Case study: Glacier hazard zones Cordillera Blanca, Ancash region, Peru (Carey 2014)



Cordillera Blanca; Ancash region, Peru



Summary: Culture and climate change • Anthropologists have an important role to play in understanding and

highlighting the human dimensions of climate change; • Climate change mitigation and adaptation projects are unlikely to

succeed without close understanding of the societies in which they are to be implemented; • Resilience in communities is embedded in historical, social, and

cultural constructions that govern social interactions and the material development of communities. • Climate change practitioners can promote resilience to the physical

and material components of a socio-ecological system; • However the cultural side of resilience requires that livelihoods that

fulfil material, moral and spiritual needs in the context of major environmental or political change need be maintained to ensure sense of continuity of meaning and coherence.



References • Batterbury, S. 2008. “Anthropology and Global Warming: The Need for Environmental Engagement” The Australian Journal of Anthropology Vol. 19 No.

1, pp. 62-68.

• Bolin, I. 2009. “The Glaciers of the Andes are melting: Indigenous and Anthropological knowledge merge in restoring water resources” in S. Crate & M. Nuttall. (eds.) Anthropology and climate change: from encounters to actions, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California, pp.228-239.

• Carey, M. 2013. “The Politics of Place: Inhabiting and defending Glacier Hazard Zones in Peru’s Cordillera Blanca” in M. Dove (ed.) The Anthropology of Climate Change: An Historical Reader, Wiley, Hoboken, pp.247-257.

• Crate, S. & M. Nuttall (eds.), 2009. Anthropology and Climate Change: from encounters to actions, Walnut Creek., California: Left Coast Press.

• Hassan, F. 2009. Human agency, climate change, and culture: an archaeological perspective. In Anthropology and climate change: from encounters to actions (eds) S.A. Crate & M. Nuttall. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.

• Haraway, D. N. Ishikawa, S. F. Gilbert, K. Olwig, A. L. Tsing & N. Bubandt 2016, ”Anthropologists Are Talking – About the Anthropocene”, Ethnos, 81:3, 535-564

• Hassan, F. 2009. ‘Human agency, climate change, and culture: an archaeological perspective”, in S. Crate & M. Nuttall. (eds.) Anthropology and climate change: from encounters to actions, Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, California, pp. 39- 69.

• Orlove, B.S. 2009. ‘Glacier retreat: reviewing the limits of human adaptation to climate change’. Environment Vol. 51, pp. 22-34.

• Rockstrom et al 2009. “Planetary Boundaries; exploring the safe Operating space for humanity”, Ecology and Society, Vol. 14 No. 2, p. 32

• Roncoli, C, T. Crane & B Orlove. 2009. “Fielding Climate Change in Cultural Anthropology”. In Anthropology and climate change: from encounters to actions, S. Crate & M. Nuttall (eds.) Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press, pp. 87-115.

• Wilk, R. 2002. Consumption, human needs, and global environmental change. Global Environmental Change vol. 12, pp. 5-13.

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The IPAT Model

he IPAT model is a formula used to calculate the environmental impact on the environment caused by humans.  It is described as I = P x A x T.  The environmental impact is represented by the (I) in the equation.  There are three main factors that influence the impact, and those factors include the (PAT) portion of the equation, which stands for Population, Affluence, and Technology.  For this assignment, you will research a country of interest and use the country’s data to make an argument for which would have the highest Environmental Impact or (I), as part of the IPAT model.

• Research a country of interest and make a claim for its potential environmental impact. Use multiple pieces of supporting evidence in your claim considering Population, Affluence, and Technology advancements. You do not need to use actual calculations but should consider the data for your chosen country. • Use the data found to discuss the three factors that affect the country’s Environmental Impact (I), which are: Population of a Country (P), Affluence (A), and Technology (T). Include at least two (2) facts/evidence for each. • Discuss Population in terms of size, Affluence in terms of wealth or economy, and Technology as the country’s phase pf development or use and production of modern technologies. • Make a concluding argument for which of the three factors would have the highest Environmental Impact (I), as part of the IPAT model. Provide at least two (2) facts/pieces of evidence in your argument. Requirements: • Provide multiple pieces of supporting evidence in your claims, using at least two (2) scholarly resources. • Include all references and citations formatted correctly in APA. • Paper should be one to three pages in length, with additional Title and Reference pages. • Use complete sentences and appropriate grammar and spelling.

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3 Questions (200 Words Each)

Explain carpal tunnel syndrome. What structures are involved, and what pathology exists here? Recommend prevention tips and treatments for this syndrome. Explain the modified Allen test and Tinel’s sign.

Each of us reacts habitually when we see money on the ground; we bend over and pick it up. Describe how you would get employees to avoid improper bending to pick up items from the ground in situations such as this. Use the four Es: empowerment, encouragement, education, and enlightenment.

Imagine that you are leading a training event to help prevent back injuries, and you are teaching students the proper way to lift. Describe, in detail, your recommended steps for lifting a box from a tabletop and placing the box on the floor in a way that would not create any pain or ergonomics issue(s).

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Environmental Sustainability

Ques2on 1:

From a strictly sustainability point of view, explain succinctly the concept of “interdependence” among the environment, society, and economy. Use a real-world example to show these principles.

Ques2on 2:
What is the relationship between overfishing and the “Tragedy of the Commons”? Propose a solution for this dilemma.

Ques2on 3:
Explain in detail the concept of the “triple threat.”.

Ques2on 4:

A particular country A, in order to decrease its water insecurity level, decides to divert a significant part of the current of a river that crosses the territory of country B as well. Country B retaliates by increasing the rates of goods exported from country A. Provide an example of: 1) An economic conflict; 2) A social conflict arising from this diplomatic crisis. Do you consider that the shared building of water infrastructure (distribution and treatment) would be a good starting point for the talks between these two countries? Why? Justify your answer.

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Unit IV

Before -After Risk Matrix

Task or Condition LO FE DPH NP HRN Risk Level (Before)
Spillage along the conveyor belt creating a slip, trip and fall hazard. 0 Negligible
Task LO FE DPH NP HRN Risk Level (Before)
Spillage along the conveyor belt creating a slip, trip and fall hazard. (CONTROL – Re-routing employee route) 0 Negligible
Risk Levels:
>500 Extremely High
>250 and <500 High
>50 and <250 Medium
>5 and <50 Low
Less than or equal to 5 Negligble


Likelihood of Occurrence (LO)
0.033 Almost impossible – only in extreme circumstances
1 Highly Unlikely – though conceivable
1.5 Unlikely – but could occur
2 Possible – but unusual
5 Even Chance – could happened
8 Probable – not surprising
10 Likely – to be expected
15 Certain – no doubt that it will occur
Frequency of Exposure (FE)
0.5 Annually
1 Monthly
1.5 Weekly
2.5 Daily
4 Hourly
5 Constantly
Degree of Potential Harm (DPE)
0.1 Scratch/Bruise
0.5 Laceration or mild ill-effect
2 Break of a minor bone or minor illness (temporary)
4 Break of a major bone or major illness (temporary)
6 Loss of one limb, eye, hearing (permanent)
10 Loss of two limbs or eyes (permanent)
15 Fatality
Number of Persons at Risk (NP)
1 1-2 persons
2 3-7 persons
4 8-15 persons
8 16-50 persons
12 50 + persons
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Human Interaction With The Earth’s Features – 175 Words

When you think of the environment, what comes to mind? You might picture the Earth, which is made up of different features—land, water, and air. Each of these is unique in its behavior, characteristics, and properties.


Think about the land, water, and air on Earth and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What experiences do you have with each feature (e.g., land, water, air)? How do you think each feature interacts with the others? Use examples from your experiences.
  • What areas of science investigate each feature? What experience do you have with learning about these features in your past?
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5 Questions Each Answer 200 Words Must Use Attachment (Book)

Question 1




Describe the purpose of a preliminary hazard analysis. How is expertise beneficial when conducting this type of analysis? Why is cost-benefit analysis such a critical part of hazard analysis and prevention? Explain your answer.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




Question 2




Compare and contrast the following hazard analysis methods:

a. failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA),
b. hazard and operability review (HAZOP),
c. human error analysis (HEA),
d. fault tree analysis (FTA), and
e. technic of operations review (TOR).

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


Answer [removed][removed][removed][removed]


Question 3




When conducting an accident investigation, what are some of the more important techniques that need to be used in interviewing accident witnesses in order to ensure all information is objective and accurate? Describe these techniques in detail.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




Question 4




What are some examples of hazard control methods that are recommended in hazard prevention and reduction techniques? Do you feel that some of these methods are more important to use than others? Which do you believe reduces the possibility of a future hazard? Explain your answer.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.




Question 5




Explain the steps for conducting an accident investigation. What are the terms that should guide an accident investigation? What are some important things to remember while conducting and accident investigation?

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


Answer [removed][removed][removed][removed]

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