Environmental Engineering

Name: _______________________________________

Page 1 of 8

Final Exam – CE 2633: Environmental Engineering Due December 11 noon, 2009

NO DISCUSSION, NO TEAM WORK Multiple Choice (50 points – 5 points per question, circle all that apply)

1. Which of the following statements are true concerning the Safe Drinking Water Act secondary standards?

a. They are enforceable. b. They are for compounds which make drinking water aesthetically pleasing

to consumers. c. They enable drinking water to be potable. d. They enable drinking water to be palatable. e. All of the above.

2. A pollutant which degrades according to the equation dC/dt = -kC is said to react

according to? a. Zero order kinetics. b. First order kinetics. c. Second order kinetics. d. None of above. e. All of the above.

3. Recarbonation is necessary in drinking water treatment because:

a. The chemicals added during water treatment reduce the pH. b. The chemicals added during water treatment increase the pH. c. The chemicals added during water treatment consume carbon dioxide. d. All of the above e. None of the above

4. If the current mineral reserve of iron is 65,400 Tg, the annual demand is 1060 Tg

and we assume the demand increases 1.2% annually, how long will the reserve last?

a. 62 years b. 73 years c. 55 years d. 46 years e. None of the above

5. A solution that has a [OH-] concentration of 10-3 M has a pH of

a. 11 b. 7 c. 3 d. 10 e. -3 f. 12



Name: _______________________________________

Page 2 of 8

6. A dual media rapid sand filter used what two types of porous media for screening

of small-sized particulate matter a. Anthracite coal b. Garnet c. Gravel d. Sand e. Clay

7. The unit process that is used primarily for the removal of settleable solids such as

coffee grinds and sand is: a. Comminutor b. Primary settling tank c. Grit chamber d. Secondary clarifier e. Bar screen

8. The hardness of water is most commonly due to the presence of

a. CO3 2-

b. HCO3 –

c. Ca2+ d. Mg2+ e. Cl- f. All of above g. None of the above

9. The single-most important purpose of secondary treatment is

a. Removal of suspended solids b. Removal of suspended BOD c. Removal of soluble BOD d. Denitrification e. Nitrification f. All of above

10. The purpose of disinfection in drinking water treatment is/are concentration of 10-

a. Kill pathogens b. Keep residual chlorine to the end point of the consumer c. More palatable water d. Prevent disinfection by-products e. Reduce the turbidity




Name ____________________________Student No. ____________________________

Page 3 of 8

Short Answers (10 points – 10 points per question) 1) Below (in problems I-VII) are listed the abbreviations for several of the major regulations discussed in CE 2633 and the major topics covered by these regulations. Match the regulation with its description.

___I. SARA A) established primary regulations for the protection of public

health and secondary regulations related to the esthetic properties of drinking water

___II. RCRA B) provides for liability, compensation, cleanup and emergency response for hazardous substances released into the environment and for the cleanup of inactive hazardous waste disposal sites

___III. HSWA C) control of waterborne toxic substances and formation of NPDES permits

___IV. CAA D) directed the US EPA to establish hazardous waste regulations which define, classify and regulate the generation and disposal of hazardous wastes

___V. SDWA E) created, in part, in response to concerns that existing methods of hazardous waste disposal were not safe; sets restrictions on the land disposal of specific wastes (commonly referred to as the “Land Ban”)

___VI. CERCLA F) reaffirmed previously enacted legislation; clearly a preference for remediation technologies that rendered a waste nonhazardous (rather than just transferring it from one disposal site to another or simple containment on site)

___VII. CWA G) established the NAAQS, required states to submit SIPs that would show how they would meet these standards; required NSPS to be established which would limit emissions from certain types of industrial facilities.

2) Define the following terms


a) Steady state condition b) Conservative pollutant




Name ____________________________Student No. ____________________________

Page 4 of 8

3) Draw a schematic of a typical secondary wastewater treatment plant using activated sludge treatment. Indicate where sludge are produced and where gases are added

4) What is “purple pipe”? (Guest speaker lecture) 5) What is nitrification and denitrification? (List chemical reactions too)




Name ____________________________Student No. ____________________________

Page 5 of 8

6) List five of six major air pollutants for which the US EPA has designated air quality standards.

7) Identify the water treatment process (from the list below) that is most likely to be used to (hint: you only need to pick 4 out of 12 choices):

i) protect the general public from dental caries _____ ii) remove turbidity _____ iii) protect the general public from waterborne diseases ____ iv) reduce the pH following softening ____

A) softening B) flocculation/ coagulation C) alkali addition D) recarbonation E) disinfection F) bar screens G) low-lift pumps H) high lift pumps I) fluoridation J) distribution K) filtration

L) activated sludge

8) There are two sludge treatment processes, one use sludge retention time of 3 days (θc=3 days), they other use sludge retention time of 10 days (θc=10 days), which process cost more for sludge proposal? And why?




Name ____________________________Student No. ____________________________

Page 6 of 8

9) If a hazard index is 0.001 (HI=0.001), what does this number mean to you as an environmental engineer? (For example, is there any potential healthy effect?)

10) Among alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray, what are the most dangerous internal radiation

hazards? Why?



Name ____________________________Student No. ____________________________

Page 7 of 8

Part III – Problems Problem 1 – Alkalinity (40 points) A water has a pH of 5.66 and the concentration of HCO3

– is 0.658 mg/L. What is the exact alkalinity of the water in units of mg/L as CaCO3?



Name ____________________________Student No. ____________________________

Page 8 of 8

Problem 2 – Water quality in river (60 points) Using the data given below: a) calculate the DO deficit just after mixing of the plant waste water with the water in the river. b) calculate the time (days) required for the deficit to reach its maximum value Deadly Chemical Plant Babbling Run (upstream from outfall) Flow, m3/s 0.33 5.67 ult-BOD at 20 oC, mg/L 450 1.05 DO, mg/L 0.0 8.3 kd, at 20

oC, day-1 N/A 0.22 kr, at 20

oC, day-1 N/A 0.78 speed, m/s N/A 0.55 T, oC 20 20 DOsat, mg/L, 20

oC N/A 9.17 N/A = not applicable

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Accident Prevention Plan (2 Diff Copies For 160)



You are to complete an accident prevention plan for a company. The Complete list of content/sections to be covered is listed in the contents section below. The company profile, which you need to match to the content/sections, is listed in the company profile section below. The expected finished length of this assignment is from 75 to 100 pages.


templatePreview the documentView in a new window has been provided to help you organize your Accident Prevention Plan.




Body Text Size: All of the body text in this assignment needs to be set in 12-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes.


Header Text Size: All of the header text in this assignment can be set in 14-point or 16-point size. Please resist the temptation to mix and match point sizes. Pick your text size and use it consistently throughout the assignment.


Double Spacing: For this assignment select all of your text and set it for double spacing. This includes the headers and body of your work. This allows space for marking up or making notes while I am reviewing what you have written. This also helps to make the document more readable. (The exception to the double spacing is the text on the title page.)


Page Margins: Set your pages to one-inch margins. One-inch margins mean one (1”) on all sides. The only text that ends up on the outside of the one-inch margin is the page number.


Title Page: This page will contain the title, “Accident Prevention Plan”, and the name block. Place the title in the center, right to left and about one-third the way down the page.


Name Block: Place the name block in the center, right to left and about two- thirds the way down the page. Put your name first, then the class title and then the date. Example:


Your Name

TECH 462 –Industrial Safety Engineering



Spelling/Grammar Checking: Remember to do your spelling and grammar checking before turning your assignments in. When doing the spelling/grammar checking keep in mind that some words such as mush and must, woods and words, or here and cow, will not be caught by either check. To correct these problems, you will need to proofread your work.


Page Numbers: Any assignment that has more than one page, needs to have page numbers on it. Please place your page numbers on the bottom of the page. In MS Word, use the footer selection and place the page number in the bottomcenter or bottom right of the page.


Content: (Major Contents/Sections Check-Off List)


___      1. Title Page

___      2. Table of Contents Page

___      3. Divider Pages

___      4. Introduction

A. Purpose & Intentions

B. Company Presidents Statement

___      5. Management Responsibilities

A. Manager Responsibilities

B. Supervisors Responsibilities

___      6. Employee Orientation

A. How and When

B. Emergency Action Plan

C. Emergency Shutdown Procedures

___      7. Injury and Illness Procedures

A. Procedures

B. Record Keeping

C. Supervisor Responsibilities

D. Report Form

___      8. Incident/Accident Investigation Procedures

A. Procedure Steps

B. Worksheet Form

C. Incident/Accident Table

___      9. Safety Guidelines

A. Guidelines

B. Equipment Specific

C. Individual Specific

___      10. Safety Disciplinary Policy


___      11. Safety Awareness Program

A. Safety Committee

B. Safety Meetings

C. Safety Training and Forms

D. Safety Award Program

___      12. Appendices


B. State & Federal Posters

C. OSHA Forms and Instructions


Company Profile:


Company Size: 350 employees


Company Product: Custom manufacture of industrial hardened computers (CPU, Keyboards, etc)


Processes at factory include:

Circuit board assembly

Circuit board production

Metal case production

Plastic forming processes

Plastic pellet storage and transport to machines



Specific equipment in factory:

Air compressor


Electric forklift


Metal punch presses

Metal bending and cutting machines

Plastic injection molding machines

Plastic sheet forming equipment

Shearing machine for sheet plastic


Safety Promotion Budget: $8,000 annually


Saving/Naming Your File:


When you save your file, make sure that your name and the project number are included in it.


Example:                     YourName462APP

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Pollution Prevention And Fire Protection And Prevention

BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 1


Course Description Review of the foundations in pollution prevention concepts and methods. Provides specific information on improved manufacturing operations, life-cycle assessment, design considerations, economics, sustainability issues, fugitive emissions, and material and resource conservation.

Course Textbook Bishop, P. L. (2000). Pollution prevention: Fundamentals and practice. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.

Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Discuss pollution prevention and the topics involved with the pollution prevention hierarchy. 2. Describe the importance of industrialized environmental ethics and the impacts concerning the environment as

they relate to air pollution, solid waste, hazardous waste, water pollution, energy usage, and resource depletion. 3. Explain the procedures involved with the regulatory process and the relevant laws pertaining to environmental

regulation. 4. List and describe the important stages involved with the manufacturing process along with the relevance of

improved manufacturing operations as it relates to product changes and management. 5. From historical to application, evaluate and describe the various aspects of the life-cycle assessment. 6. Evaluate and solve problems concerning pollution prevention economics. 7. Summarize the concepts involved with environmental management systems. 8. Discuss an emissions inventory environmental audit and the important processes involved with a toxic release

inventory. 9. List and explain the important concepts involved in disassembly/de-manufacturing.

10. Discuss the importance of minimized packaging as it relates to the concepts involved with pollution prevention. 11. Describe the basis for regulatory pollution prevention as it relates to municipal programs. 12. Explain the various POTW pollution prevention programs and the processes involved with municipal type source

control and pretreatment programs. 13. Describe a desirable municipal P2 program and contrast a publicly administered P2 program vs. an internal P2

publicly owned treatment works program. 14. Discuss the history and problems involved with the development of a sustainable society and steps involved

concerning the adoption of sustainability.

Credits Upon completion of this course, the students will earn three (3) hours of college credit.

Course Structure

1. Unit Learning Outcomes: Each unit contains Learning Outcomes that specify the measurable skills and knowledge students should gain upon completion of the unit.

2. Unit Lesson: Each unit contains a Unit Lesson, which discusses unit material. 3. Key Terms: Key terms are intended to guide students in their course of study. Students should pay particular

attention to key terms as they represent important concepts within the unit material and reading.

BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention Course Syllabus



BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 2

4. Reading Assignments: Units I-III and V-VII contain reading assignments from one or more chapters in the textbook.

5. Discussion Boards: Discussion Boards are a part of all CSU term courses. Information and specifications regarding these assignments are provided in the Academic Policies listed in the Course Menu bar.

6. Assessments: This course contains six unit assessments, to be completed at the end of Units I-III and V-VII. A grading rubric is included with the Unit I Assessment. Specific information about accessing this rubric is provided below.

7. Unit Assignments: Students are required to submit for grading Unit Assignments in Units IV, and VIII. Specific information and instructions regarding these assignments are provided below. A grading rubric is included each Assignment. Specific information about accessing these rubrics is provided below.

8. Ask the Professor: This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content related questions.

9. Student Break Room: This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates.

Unit Assignments Unit IV Article Critique The Article Critique is required to be a minimum of two pages to a maximum of four pages, double-spaced, APA style, from the journals and articles available in our CSU Library Databases. The article should deal with any of the material presented in the first three units of this course. The article itself must be more than one page in length. The article critique should include the following components:

 A brief introduction of the article

 Analysis of the key points in the article

 Application and comparison of some points in the article that might be applied to the company you work for, or have worked for

 Summary of the article’s conclusions and your own opinions The Ebsco Database (Business Source Complete) is the best source of journals for environmental and safety related articles. Students can access the CSU Online Library resources through the My Library button on the course menu under Resources. Unit VIII Case Scenario Students may choose ONE of the TWO scenarios listed below for the Unit VIII Case Scenario Assignment. After selecting one of the two case scenarios below, students should provide a response that is a minimum of three to four pages (approximately 900-1100 words), double spaced, and following APA style guidelines. References should be provided for all resource material. Information resources can be gathered from the journals and articles available in our CSU Library Databases or from the students own research of peer reviewed journals and/or internet based regulatory support material (i.e. EPA’s website). The Ebsco Database (Business Source Complete) is a very good source of journals for articles related to the subject matter. Students can access the CSU Online Library resources through the My Library button on the course menu under Resources. Scenario #1 You are the owner of a public marina and boatyard in Florida. Your marina is quite large and, along with being a marine retailer, it rents slips to small and large power boats and yachts, sailboats, and houseboats. It has a Yacht Club and popular restaurant/bar on the property. A portion of the property also is set aside for a small commercial fishing operation and boat repair and maintenance facility. This facility houses outdoor pressure washing areas, material handling and storage areas, blasting and painting areas, engine maintenance and repair areas, welding and fabrication areas, and dry-dock facilities. Recently there have been complaints to you and the state about pollution in the waterways leading into and around your marina. There are scattered gasoline and oil slicks in the waters, loose trash around the docks and in the water adjacent



BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 3

to the restaurant, a large number of seagulls that create a nuisance around the restaurant facility (mostly around the old, cracked, garbage containers at the back of the restaurant). The boat repair and maintenance facility is generally well run but there is evidence of open and exposed 55 gallon drums of dirty spare parts and discarded items outside the facility, greasy looking trails of muck outside the warehouse doors, and un-diked areas for liquid storage tanks of paints, solvents, resins and other materials. Rainwater washes these areas directly into either the marina waterways or offsite to the city stormwater system. The state has contacted you and requested a response from you regarding these complaints. It is indicating that you need to file for a SWPPP (Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) under a generic NPDES permit (Sector Q and R). What would you include in a comprehensive, multimedia pollution prevention education program for your employees, the owners of boats that rent slips, and the general public that utilizes your docking facilities? Your focus should be on best management practices that support environmentally friendly practices intended to protect and preserve Florida’s natural aquatic environments. You should also focus on the requirements for the SWPPP. Scenario #2 You are the newly appointed, and first, Environmental Manager of a major home products manufacturing plant in a major southern U.S. city. Your facility manufactures a wide range of household cleaning products and is a three shift operation that employs over 300 workers. The plant ships out finished products in all sizes of containers from household spray and liquid bottles to industrial sized 55 gallon drums and 500 gallon totes. There is a shipping and receiving warehouse facility with 20 bays for tractor trailer trucks. There are 6 large diked outdoor storage tank farms for raw materials and finished products. There is a private railroad car spur that unloads raw material hazardous chemicals into 5-10,000 storage tanks. There is also an attached $1 million dollar enclosed building used to unload the gas chlorine (approximately 20 million tons per year) that is utilized in many of your products (this facility is fully sealed off with protective alarms and gas scrubbers in case of a chlorine leak). You have a TSD permit that allows you to operate a wastewater recycling operation on site that treats both your aqueous and solvent based wastewaters. You utilize these recycled waters in both cleanup operations around the plant and in the actual product manufacture when quality control permits. The TSD was secured by the corporate environmental engineering department and the recycling operations themselves were run by the production department. There has never been a full time environmental manager on site. Recently a survey and audit has determined that your VOC emissions from the manufacturing plant floor operations have jumped above the 50 ton mark for the first time. There have been persistent leaks that have allowed small amounts of sodium hydroxide and other hazardous chemicals to migrate outside the plant into the sewer system that adjoins the property. It appears that these leaks have come from the caulking materials that are at the base of the wall and floor of your unlined raw material tank farms. There have also been problems with the air emissions from older designed ink production date coders and the blow molding presses where the plant makes its own polyethylene bottles. Finally, the number of spills on the bottle filling lines has increased dramatically over the past six months and caused a measurable amount of finished product (both solvent based and water based) to be swept into the floor drains that are on the production floor. These drains lead to the city water treatment systems and not to your recycling operations. The plant manager is tired of hearing of all of these problems and the loss of product. He is irate about the repeated visits from the local city water treatment plant official (who he hates and is a fan of a rival SEC football team); along with the most recent annoying visit from the state water permitting authority. That is why he requested corporate headquarters to allow him to hire a full time Environmental Manager. Here is where you enter the scene – as you arrive for your first day at work he lays out the litany of problems, spills, and complaints. He wants to know your plan for addressing these issues and how you can put a halt to all this mess and institute a full Pollution Prevention plan for the plant. And he wants it – Yesterday! He finishes his mini-tirade with a warm “Welcome to the Big Time World and, remember – I don’t ever want to be part of the six o’clock news – you get my drift!” In your response, please identify and be specific about what you would do, what programs would you address and implement to remedy the problems. Where would your priorities lie for creating the complete Pollution Prevention Program for your facility? You do have support from corporate environmental engineering and in-house production engineering staff along with a reasonable budget, but the plant employees themselves are rather cool to the idea of any extra work that might be created for them. Aside from his initial gruffness, the plant manager has subsequently and sincerely pledged his support for all your programs. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.



BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 4

APA Guidelines CSU requires that students use the APA style for papers and projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. A document titled “APA Guide” is available for you to download from the APA Guide link, found in the Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal. It may also be accessed from the Student Resources link on the Course Menu. This document includes examples and sample papers and provides links to The CSU Success Center and the CSU Online Library staff.

Blackboard Grading Rubrics Unit Assessment Rubrics One or more “written response” questions in this course utilize a Blackboard Grading Rubric. A rubric is a tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to meet the requirements of the written response question. Your professor will use the Blackboard Grading Rubric to assign points and provide feedback. You are encouraged to view the rubric before submitting your response. This will allow you to review the evaluation criteria as you prepare your response. You may access the rubric by clicking on the “View Rubric” icon next to the written response question within the assessment. Upon receiving your assessment grade, you may view your grade breakdown and feedback in the rubric within the assessment. Assignment Rubrics One or more assignments in this course utilizes a Blackboard Grading Rubric. A rubric is a tool that lists evaluation criteria and can help you organize your efforts to meet the requirements of an assignment. Your professor will use the Blackboard Grading Rubric to assign points and provide feedback for the assignment. You are encouraged to view the assignment rubric before submitting your work. This will allow you to review the evaluation criteria as you prepare your assignments. You may access the rubric in “My Grades” through the “Tools” button in your course menu. Click the “View Rubric” link to see the evaluation criteria for the assignment. Upon receiving your assignment grade, you may view your grade breakdown and feedback in the rubric.

CSU Grading Rubrics for Papers/Projects, Discussion Boards, and Assessments The Learning Resource area of the myCSU Student Portal provides the rubrics, and information on how to use them, for Discussion Boards, written response questions in Unit Assessments, and Research Papers/Projects. The course writing assignments will be graded based on the CSU Grading Rubric for all types of writing assignments, unless otherwise specified within assignment instructions. In addition, all papers will be submitted for electronic evaluation to rule out plagiarism. Course projects will contain project specific grading criteria defined in the project directions. To view the rubrics, click the Academic Policies link on the Course Menu, or access it through the CSU Grading Rubric link found in the Learning Resources area of the myCSU Student Portal.

Communication Forums These are non-graded discussion forums that allow you to communicate with your professor and other students. Participation in these discussion forums is encouraged, but not required. You can access these forums with the buttons in the Course Menu. Instructions for subscribing/unsubscribing to these forums are provided below. Click here for instructions on how to subscribe/unsubscribe and post to the Communication Forums. Ask the Professor This communication forum provides you with an opportunity to ask your professor general or course content questions. Questions may focus on Blackboard locations of online course components, textbook or course content elaboration, additional guidance on assessment requirements, or general advice from other students.



BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 5

Questions that are specific in nature, such as inquiries regarding assessment/assignment grades or personal accommodation requests, are NOT to be posted on this forum. If you have questions, comments, or concerns of a non- public nature, please feel free to email your professor. Responses to your post will be addressed or emailed by the professor within 48 hours. Before posting, please ensure that you have read all relevant course documentation, including the syllabus, assessment/assignment instructions, faculty feedback, and other important information. Student Break Room This communication forum allows for casual conversation with your classmates. Communication on this forum should always maintain a standard of appropriateness and respect for your fellow classmates. This forum should NOT be used to share assessment answers.


Discussion Board (8 @ 1% each) = 8% Unit Assessments (6 @ 10% each) = 60% Unit IV Article Critique = 16% Unit VIII Case Scenario = 16% Total = 100%


Course Schedule/Checklist (PLEASE PRINT)

The following pages contain a printable Course Schedule to assist you through this course. By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted.



BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 6

BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention Course Schedule

By following this schedule, you will be assured that you will complete the course within the time allotted. Please keep this schedule for reference as you progress through your course.


Unit I Introduction to Pollution Prevention and Industrial Activity and the Environment

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 1: Introduction to Pollution Prevention  Chapter 3: Industrial Activities and the Environment


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Assessment by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit II Environmental Regulations and Improved Manufacturing Operations

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 4: Environmental Regulations  Chapter 5: Improved Manufacturing Operations


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Assessment by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit III Life-Cycle Assessment and Pollution Prevention Economics

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 6: Life-Cycle Assessment  Chapter 7: Pollution Prevention Economics


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Assessment by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)





BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 7

BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention Course Schedule

Unit IV Mid-Course Summary – Article Critique

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  None


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Article Critique by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit V Pollution Prevention Planning and Design for the Environment

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 8: Pollution Prevention Planning  Chapter 9: Design for the Environment


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Assessment by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit VI Municipal Pollution Prevention Programs

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 13: Municipal Pollution Prevention Programs


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Assessment by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)





BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention 8

BEM 4001, Pollution Prevention Course Schedule

Unit VII Toward a Sustainable Society

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  Chapter 14: Toward a Sustainable Society


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Assessment by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)



Unit VIII Course Summary – Case Scenario

Review:  Unit Study Guide

Read:  None


 Discussion Board Response: Submit your response to the Discussion Board question by Saturday, Midnight (Central Time)

 Discussion Board Comment: Comment on another student’s Discussion Board response by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)

Submit:  Case Scenario by Tuesday, Midnight (Central Time)


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Environmental Health Unit I

Since risk cannot be reduced to zero, the ALARP concept is often applied. What might be some pitfalls to applying this concept?

Your response must be at least 75 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


Review the summary of the ANSI/AIHA Z10 sections in Chapter 1 of the course textbook. From these descriptions, discuss what you think might be roadblocks to implementing the standard in a typical manufacturing organization. Which sections might prove to be the most challenging?


Your response must be at least 75 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


The course textbook states that �Management Leadership and Employee Participation� is the most important section of ANSI/AIHA Z10. Review the descriptions of the other sections of the standard in your textbook, and provide your opinion as to which section might be the second most important. Support your discussion with examples from personal experience and/or additional research.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.


The stated primary purpose of Z10 is to reduce the risk of occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. As noted in the course text, zero risk is not likely to be achievable, so acceptable risk levels must be defined. What about a goal of zero injuries? Is that achievable? How does �acceptable� risk affect injury reduction goals? Support your discussion with at least two references.

Your response must be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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need by tommorow


Question 1




Research shows that the most effective supervisors and managers spend __________ more time listening than speaking.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”1″,name:”mc-ans-_101772793_1″})); [removed] 40%
[removed] 60%
[removed] 50%
[removed] 55%


5 points


Question 2




Which of the following is NOT one of the common critical mistakes to avoid when you try to influence change?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”2″,name:”mc-ans-_101772794_1″})); [removed] Acting without seeking input
[removed] Discussing the situation with your co-workers
[removed] Becoming impatient
[removed] Trying to change too much too fast


5 points


Question 3




Which of the following is NOT one of the nine elements of a safety management system?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”3″,name:”mc-ans-_101772795_1″})); [removed] Management leadership and commitment
[removed] Analyzing the work and the workplace periodically
[removed] Hazard recognition, evaluation, and control
[removed] Training and orientation


5 points


Question 4




Communications can be classified via four methods. Which of the following is NOT one of these methods?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”4″,name:”mc-ans-_101772796_1″})); [removed] Listening
[removed] Verbal
[removed] Nonverbal
[removed] Written


5 points


Question 5




What form of communication is best to use in the majority of situations that will arise on the job?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”5″,name:”mc-ans-_101772797_1″})); [removed] Filter free interaction
[removed] One-on-one, positive reinforcement
[removed] Oral, then written, followed by feedback
[removed] One-on-one and face-to-face


5 points


Question 6




Incidence rate is calculated by multiplying the number of injuries and illnesses by __________.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”6″,name:”mc-ans-_101772798_1″})); [removed] 50,000
[removed] 100,000
[removed] 150,000
[removed] 200,000


5 points


Question 7




The typical manager spends about __________ of the workday communicating.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”7″,name:”mc-ans-_101772799_1″})); [removed] 40%
[removed] 50%
[removed] 60%
[removed] 70%


5 points


Question 8




In the discussion on “Communication Filters,” the author of your textbook lists three of the most common filters. Which of the following is NOT one of these filters?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”8″,name:”mc-ans-_101772800_1″})); [removed] Knowledge
[removed] Bias
[removed] Mood
[removed] Feedback


5 points


Question 9




Most safety experts agree that most mishaps in the workplace involve human errors of __________ or commission.


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”9″,name:”mc-ans-_101772801_1″})); [removed] planning
[removed] omission
[removed] involvement
[removed] attitude


5 points


Question 10




Which of the following is NOT a possible format to communicate information?


formCheckList.addElement(new Check_Answer({ref_label:”10″,name:”mc-ans-_101772802_1″})); [removed] Formal report
[removed] Meeting minutes
[removed] Television
[removed] Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)




Question 11




Discuss the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Did it accomplish what it was meant to do? What documentation is there to either prove/disprove your answer? Be specific and provide examples.

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Bhopa, India – Case Study

Journal ofRisk and Uncertainty. 12:257-269 (1996) © 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers

Union Carbide’s Bhopal Incident: A Retrospective

MICHAEL J. FISCHER Marsh & McLennan, Inc.. 1166 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036-2774


This article examines the actual events ofthe Bhopal gas disaster as a prelude to considering the social treatment of catastrophic risks of this variety. In the context of the conference. Bhopal is held out to be symbolic of man-made catastrophes having sudden impact and is therefore the contrasting episode to an examination of the symbolic episode for gradual man-made catastrophes, asbestos liability. Bhopal is then connected to the cir- cumstances which created a shortage of commercial catastrophe liability insurance in the 1980s. Its influence on the restructuring of the market is then discussed. A commentary on the buying habits of large industrial corporations is also included.

Key words: MIC. Excess Liability, Bhopal Act, ACE, XL

It has been nearly ten years since “Bhopal” entered our lexicon and came to symbolize a worst case industrial catastrophe. It ranks with Exxon’s Valdez as an event which came to embody many of our worst fears about the catastrophic risks we incur every day.

Nevertheless, Bhopal is also perhaps one ofthe least understood episodes in the history of industrial accidents. Its occurrence involved a combination of many factors, some of which were unique to the Bhopal plant. The primary purpose of this article, therefore, is to provide some insight into what actually happened, and, in so doing, to provide a factual basis from which the factors contributing to the event can be properly evaluated.

I will then link the Bhopal incident with developments in the market for commercial liability insurance in the mid-1980s. This market suffered a severe contraction and was significantly restructured after Bhopal. My secondary purpose is to demonstrate the im- pact which Bhopal had on the changes the excess liability market underwent and, in so doing, to describe the current market for catastrophic liability risks.

As a final point, I offer some views conceming the present demand for high levels of excess liability insurance and what this may mean in terms of social poiicy towards catastrophic risk and how this contrasts with other catastrophe exposures treated in this conference, specifically asbestos and hurricanes.

1. The event

Early on December 3, 1984, a chemical reaction in storage tank 610 at the Union Carbide India pesticide plant in Bhopal, India caused the tank’s safety relief valve to open. Inside




tank 610 were some 41 metric tons (equating to 90,000 pounds) of methyl isocyanate (MIC), a toxic intermediate chemical used in the processing of Carbide’s SEVIN-brand carbaryl pesticide.

A vigorous exothermic reaction occurred when a large quantity of water (believed to be between 1,000 and 2,000 pounds) was introduced into the tank and mixed with the 90,000 pounds of stored MIC. A concurrent exothermic trimerization of MIC (catalyzed by iron resulting from corrosion of the stainless steel tank walls under the high temperatures, produced by the initial reaction) kept the safety relief valve open for approximately two hours. During that time, more than 50,000 pounds of MIC in vapor and liquid form were discharged into the atmosphere (UCC Team Report 1985). The magnitude of this release overwhelmed the vent gas scrubber and fire hoses employed to contain minor leaks, allowing a toxic cloud of MIC gas to escape over the plant gates into the area surrounding the plant. This surrounding area was a densely populated and impoverished district where thousands of people lived in makeshift huts.

This overview of the incident was pieced together by investigators from Union Carbide Corporation, which owned 50.9% of the company that operated the plant (Union Carbide India Limited), and engineering consultants Arthur D. Little Inc. Together they conducted a painstakingly detailed investigation of the events that led to the deaths of between 1,500 and 4,000 people and injured thousands more in what has been called the world’s worst industrial accident.

The Bhopal tragedy has many dimensions. It is foremost a human story, given both the terrible loss of life and the human element that proved to be the catalyst for the disaster. But it is also a political story, a detective story, and a story about the consequences which the disaster had on one of the largest chemical companies in the world. Any one of these facets can be explored in great depth, but that is not the focus of this article. There is, however, an element involving the investigation of the disaster that resembles a good detective story and is critical to understanding the event in the context of social policy relating to catastrophic risks.

MIC is a key ingredient in the manufacture of agricultural pesticides, which incidently played a significant role in India’s “green revolution.” Estimates are that pesticides saved about 10% of the annual food crop in India at the time of the Bhopal incident—enough to feed over 70 million people (UCC Annual Report, 1984).

LL MIC chemistry

The raw materials used to make MIC are monomethylamine (MMA) and phosgene. In Bhopal, phosgene was produced on-site by reacting chlorine and carbon monoxide (CO). CO was produced at an adjacent production facility within the plant. MMA and chlorine were brought in by tank truck from other parts of India, stored in tanks, and used as needed. Chloroform was used as a solvent throughout the process. A vapor phase reaction system converted the phosgene and MMA to methyl carbamoyl chloride (MMC) and hydrogen chloride (HCL).




The reaction products were then quenched with chloroform and fed to a phosgene stripping still where the unreacted phosgene was removed and recycled. The product was then fed to a pyrolyzer to separate the MIC from the hydrogen chloride.

The MIC was then refined in a still where it was purified through separation from chloroform, MMC, and other residues. The refined MIC was then stored in two of three 15,000-gallon stainless-steel tanks. The third tank was used for emergency storage of MIC and for temporarily holding off-specification MIC prior to reprocessing. The contents of tanks were circulated through heat exchangers cooled by a 30-ton refrigeration system which maintained the MIC at a temperature of about 0° C (UCC Team Report, 1985).

Extensive precautions were taken throughout the chemical process to avoid contami- nation of the stored MIC. Of particular concern was the risk of water contamination, since MIC reacts with water. Tanks and lines were dried with high-purity nitrogen, and the refrigerant used to cool stored MIC was nonaqueous to eliminate the possibility of water contamination. In a nutshell, it was well known among plant operators that water and MIC should not be mixed (Kalelkar, 1988).

L2. The actual cause

This brings us to the central story of what really caused the Bhopal disaster. It is not possible to consider Bhopal in the context of managing catastrophic risks without a clear understanding of what actually happened.

Original press reports seized on a theory embraced by India’s Central Bureau of In- vestigation (CBI), that an improper water-washing of the relief-valve vent header in the MIC manufacturing unit had caused water to enter the tank, initiating the reaction. It was believed that an MIC operator had failed to insert a slip-bind, as called for by plant operating procedures, to prevent water from backing up into the process vent line and contaminating the system of pipes, tubes, and valves throughout the unit. This early theory of the disaster’s cause was widely reported and accepted. There are many reasons why this happened, not least the phenomenon of reporters drawing hasty conclusions to “scoop” the story. But the theory gained popular appeal in part due to its plausibility^—that a minor inadvertence, forgetting to insert a slip-blind, precipitated a terrible tragedy. The theory also fit with the view suggested by some that perhaps practices at the Bhopal plant—and at other plants throughout the developing world—were not up to the high standards of plants operating inside the United States. Proponents of this view suggested that some countries were not able to absorb the technology brought in by sophisticated multinational firms.

Although Union Carbide investigators (including A. D. Little) arrived at the site within days of the event to provide assistance and conduct an investigation, they found that the plant had been sealed and placed under control of the CBI (Kalelkar, 1988).

Prior to beginning their investigation, both Carbide and the CBI determined that 20 tons of MIC that remained in a second tank (tank 611) had to be disposed of and that the best way to accomplish this was to process it into pesticide (Kalelkar, 1988). The processing of the MIC was done jointly by Union Carbide India Limited and the Goverrunent of




India, with the assistance of the Carbide technical team, in an activity labeled “Operation Faith” by the Indian government (Kalelkar, 1988).

After this process was successfully completed, the Carbide team was permitted to begin its investigation, but encountered numerous obstacles placed by India’s CBI, which had taken control of the plant and its records. CBI also placed Warren Anderson, Carbide’s chairman at the time (who went to Bhopal to offer assistance and relief immediately afrer the incident), under arrest, along with seven other UCIL officers and employees (Kalelkar, 1988). This activity further impeded the investigation, as plant employees, fearful of criminal sanctions, became less forthcoming.

Despite all of these handicaps. Carbide investigators ultimately determined the precise cause of the disaster. Through extensive interviews and experimentation, investigators determined that the following sequence of events had taken place (UCC Team Report 1985).

• At 10:20 PM. on the night of the incident, the pressure in tank 610 was at 2 psig. (This is significant because no water could have entered the tank prior to that point; other- wise, a reaction would have begun, and the resulting pressure rise would have been noticed).

• At 10:45 PM., a shift change occurred. The unit was shut down, and the shift change took at least a half hour to be accomplished.

• Investigators believe it was this point—during the shift change—that a disgruntled employee entered the storage area and hooked up a rubber water hose to tank 610, with the intention of contaminating and spoiling the tank’s contents.

• At 11:00 PM., the control room operator noticed that the pressure in tank 610 was at 10 psig. This pressure was not thought to be unusual, because the tank was normally operated at a pressure between 2 and 25 psig.

• At 11:00 PM., the field operator reported a small MIC leak near the vent gas scrubber, but operating personnel did not discover the source of the leak. Since minor leaks occurred from time to time, it would not have been unusual for the field operator to conclude that there wasn’t major problem.

• The reaction of the water and MIC initiated the formation of carbon dioxide, which, together with MIC vapors, was carried through the header system and released into the atmosphere out of the vent gas scrubber.

• By 11:30 PM., workers downwind of the unit sensed MIC vapors and reported the leak to the supervisor. Workers began the search for the source.

• About midnight, field operators found what they believed to be the source—a section of open piping on the second level of the unit—and fixed a fire hose to spray in the direction of the leak, believing that they had successfully contained the leak. They didn’t realize that this relatively minor release was just the tip of the iceberg.

• Shortly after midnight, several MIC operators saw the pressure rise in tank 610 to a point where it was off the scale (over 55 psig).

• Control room operators ran to the tank, from which they heard rumblings, as well as a screeching noise from the relief valve, and also felt heat radiating. At that time, they also discovered the water hose connection to the tank, and realized that they had a grave situation on their hands. They activated the vent gas scrubber (which had been on




Standby mode) and attempted to remove the water from the tank—actions that were futile at this point. (Not knowing whether or not their attempts to remove the water had exacerbated the situation, those involved later participated in a “cover-up” of the actual events, giving rise to the original water-washing theory.)

• It was then, around 12:15 A.M. on Monday, December 3rd, that the major release occurred.

This conclusion as to the precise sequence of events is critical to understanding the Bhopal story and its effect on Union Carbide, a company that had an excellent record for safety. The fact that this tragedy was caused by an act of employee sabotage provided a counterpoint to the often overblown rhetoric that faulted Carbide for transferring sophis- ticated technology to a developing country lacking the infrastructure to absorb it. Carbide utilized this discovery to help restore some balance to the public debate and to its standing in the world business community, especially in the financial and insurance community.

2. The settlement

Following the realization of the full extent of the disaster. Carbide, which had provided immediate aid and relief to the Bhopal victims, pursued a quick and fair settlement of all claims arising from the disaster. However, negotiations with the Union of India, which had passed the Bhopal Act, making the govemment the sole representative of the victims, were repeatedly stymied by political dynamics in India. In 1989, unable to reach an accord directly with the government and faced with the prospect of endless litigation and a demand for $3 billion in damages (a sum exceeding Carbide’s entire net worth). Carbide agreed to accept a settlement of the Bhopal loss as ordered by the Supreme Court of India. The Court’s order, dated February 14, 1989 read: “Having given our careful consideration for these several days to the facts and circumstances of the case placed by the parties in these proceedings, the mass of data placed before us, the material relating to the proceed- ings in the Courts in the United States of America, the offers and counter-offers made between the parties at difFerent stages during the various proceedings, as well as the complex issues of law and fact raised before us and the submissions made thereon, and in particular the enormity of human suffering occasioned by the Bhopal Gas disaster and the pressing urgency to provide immediate and substantial relief to victims of the disaster, we are of the opinion that the case is pre-eminently fit for an overall settlement between the parties…” The price tag was $470 million, exclusive of legal fees, $420 million paid by Union Carbide Chemicals & Plastics, with Union Carbide India Limited paying the Rupee equivalent of $45 million. Carbide was credited with an additional $5-million amount, previously paid to the Red Cross at the suggestion of U S . Judge John F. Keenan. The Union of India accepted the settlement on behalf of all victims of the tragedy under the Bhopal Act, which the Supreme Court of India later upheld. Carbide Chairman Robert D. Kennedy (who succeeded W.A.) said in a February 14, 1989 news release, “we are pleased that this will now provide for the care and rehabilitation of the victims and their families and a fair resolution of all issues.”




3. Carbide coverage

The Bhopal loss far exceeded the catastrophe liability coverage which Carbide had in place at the time of the incident. The $200 million “umbrella” program that Carbide maintained in 1984 was fairly typical for a Fortune 100 company at that time. While some companies purchased higher limits (and some had less), $200 million was a seemingly fair and reasonable amount of coverage to carry, even for a large chemical manufacturer. But viewed against the magnitude of the Bhopal loss, it now seems almost preposterous to suggest $200 million of coverage was “fair and reasonable.” Certainly, in hindsight, it can be said that Carbide would have been better off if it had purchased every nickel of coverage which it could get, regardless of price. But even given the magnitude of the risks exposed by the tragedy, it must be pointed out that prior to the loss Carbide had a sterling loss record—they had never experienced any loss near even a small fraction of the Bhopal loss. Based on a long-standing record of process safety and no historical precedent in the way of catastrophic loss, I think it is fair to say Carbide had reason to believe that they were well protected.

4. The 1980s market

1984 was a “buyers” market for insurance in the U.S., as casualty premiums in particular dropped to exceedingly low levels under the “cash flow” underwriting philosophy that was then prevalent. Buyers of excess liability coverage tended to focus largely on price; security of the carders was a secondary issue. The market was soft, capacity was ample, and coverage terms were generally not a problem.

However, under the surface of the market, big problems were lurking. Underwriters were in fact losing a great deal of money; only investment income kept them in the black. The softness of the market masked the fiscal problems ahead. The market’s softness had persisted, due in large part to the questionable fundamentals of the catastrophe liability market in the early 1980s.

As Mr. Sinfield points out in his article on asbestos, the “second wave” of asbestos bodily injury claims were being triggered during this period and were beginning to be felt by the industry. Together with the first wave of environmental claims, property/casualty insurer results were beginning to be negatively impacted under the cumulative weight of these “long-tail” liability losses at the time of the Bhopal disaster. In 1984, the consoli- dated U.S. property/casualty insurance industry generated a net operating loss of $3.8 billion, as underwriting losses of $21.5 billion outstripped investment income of $17.7 billion. 1985 was an even worse year, as U.S. underwriters lost $5.1 billion, as losses grew to nearly $25 billion. But conditions before the close of the 1984 underwriting year did not, of course, reflect these dismal results. Thus, 1984 would prove to be the last year of the soft underwriting cycle.

Union Carbide’s excess liability insurance program in 1984 reflected this last round of softness and was fairly representative of the breed for major industrial risks, not only in terms of limit purchased but also in terms of structure.




Carbide’s coverage was organized in eight layers syndicated among 30 insurers, in- cluding syndicates at Lloyd’s of London. Most carriers wrote policies of $5-10 million, scattered throughout the layered “tower” of coverage. The pricing was very low—the rates above the first two layers of coverage (above $23.5 million) averaged just $2,000 for each $ 1,000,000 of limits provided (less than what an A-rated company pays for a letter of credit today), and the scope of coverage was worldwide.

The insurers who participated in Carbide’s and similar programs occupied an arcane comer of the property/casualty marketplace. Their premium writings were not a major source of revenue, and the markets relied heavily on reinsurance to provide the capacity needed. The underwriting process chiefly focused on an insured’s loss record, influenced somewhat by an element of “class of business” underwriting. Certainly, large chemical companies had a slightly more difficult time piecing together their programs, and paid somewhat higher prices than “plain vanilla” risks in the 1984 market. They were also more likely to have had to discuss their exposures more completely, particularly if a specific chemical was making headlines. But underwriters were generally more concerned with the possibility of having to “drop down” into a low (closer to loss) layer if underlying policies’ limits were exhausted by moderately large losses than they were of the “big hit.” Underwriters also tended to look mostly at U.S. exposures; overseas exposures were a throw-in in terms of the coverage provided.

5. Complexity of risk

In point of fact, chemical companies present complex risks, and the process technology involved is beyond the grasp of the average insurance professional. In the early 1980s the insurance market responded to this complexity with a crude instrument—the open or closed window. Carriers that concluded that the risks were too difficult to understand would simply not underwrite a chemical company at any price or on any terms. Those that did not prohibit the consideration of a chemical risk underwrote that risk in much the same way that any other risk was reviewed. In addition, many of the companies that provided capacity did so with little exposure, because they reinsured most of the risk.

6. lYansition

Prior to 1985, the chemical industry, and the Fortune 500 companies that comprised a large segment of the demand for excess liability coverage, had no problem obtaining capacity. But, in 1985, the market all but evaporated for high levels of coverage. There are a few key reasons why this happened.

Carriers who had provided this coverage relied extensively on reinsurance. Once rein- surers stopped accepting risks, the capacity dried up, and the market suddenly contracted. But something more insidious had a major role in the market contraction; that was the “defective” policy under which coverage had been provided (Clements, 1994). This de- fective policy is also central to the asbestos story.




The policy in question is called an occurrence policy* Essentially this insurance policy can be triggered at any time once a claim is reported alleging that something happened when the policy was in force. This meant that policies written years ago to cover basic accident risks were open to new claims under novel and often expansive theories of liability. The impact of this flaw was brought home in the Keene decision, which made it possible to make claims against policies written over an extended period of time to cover big, murky liability issues such as asbestos or pollution. By making claims against poli- cies written over many years, insureds could “stack” even modest single-year limits into a very large coverage pool. Once underwriters realized what was happening to the policies which they were routinely offering, and given the fact that the coverage was not a sig- nificant source of revenue, underwriters beat a hasty retreat from the excess liability market.

Nevertheless, there is still no question in my mind that Bhopal was a contributing factor in the demise of the excess liability market in 1985 and 1986.

Prior to Bhopal, it was difficult to even imagine a loss of such immensity. One need only look at the modest sums which underwriters were willing to accept to provide coverage in high excess layers to see that those writing the policies never believed that a Bhopal-like disaster could happen. Bhopal crystallized in everyone’s mind the reality of catastrophic potential. Clearly, the fragmented and undercapitalized excess liability spe- cialty carriers were ill-equipped to effectively underwrite complex, highly technological risks. Bhopal made it acutely clear that it was not sufficient to focus on loss records, because even companies with the highest safety record, such as Union Carbide, had the potential for a catastrophic loss.

In contrast to the changes in the tort system and other evolving social factors that are at the root of the asbestos catastrophe (as well as liability from pollution cleanup or more recently silicone breast implants), Bhopal represented a sudden, unexpected event defin- able at a precise moment in time. This type of loss, the “big hit,” has always been, and continues to be, something the private insurance market is prepared to cover. This is the fundamental difference between asbestos and Bhopal when considering social policy towards catastrophic risks. Whereas it can be argued that the insurance market never collected a premium to cover aggregated asbestos and pollution claims in the billions of dollars, underwriters theoretically price for the single major event.

The issue for the private market for risk transfer as it relates to Bhopal is therefore largely a structural one having two components:

1. The way in which the basic agreement between insured and insurer is struck (Clem- ents, 1994), and

2. The way in which the capital needed to absorb catastrophic risks is organized.

* r \ e elected to describe the policy as “defective.” as opposed to focusing on the litigioiisness in our society and the civil justice system which has wrecked haxoc with policy wordings. It certainly can be argued that the policies were not the problem. Howe\er. under the circumstances, it transpired that the policies were in fact defective, since they did not withstand the changes that tested the policy’s language.




In 1985, in response to the needs of clients who could no longer obtain levels of excess liability coverage higher than $100 million, Marsh & McLennan joined with J. P. Morgan to form A.C.E. Insurance Company, Ltd.

This new insurer, originally established in the Cayman Islands due to its favorable regulatory climate (not to mention the difficulty of organizing a new U. S. insurer and obtaining the approval of 50 state regulators), was initially capitalized with $285 million contributed by 34 large U.S. corporations (Redmond, 1992). As a policyholder-owned facility, A.C.E. was designed to provide up to $100 million of coverage above the first $100 million of risk (in other words, to cover losses that ranged between $100 million and $200 million). Later, the $100-million threshold served as a minimum point at which A.C.E. would begin its policy, and the amount of coverage offered expanded to $200 million.

This new facility represented a fundamental shift in the structure of the excess liability market. Among other things, it offered:

1. A fairer deal between insured and insurer, with the introduction of something called an occurrence-reported policy. Essentially this new policy eliminated the “stacking” of limits problem that plagued the so-called “occurrence” underwriters. The new policy also contained a “bad actor” exclusion, which removed from coverage losses involving, for example, the health effects of tobacco, the IUD, and any products containing asbestos. Finally, the policy put a specific time limit on pollution incidents to keep gradual pollution claims out of the policies.

2. A sizable capital infusion concentrated in one market. 3. A new underwriting discipline fostered by the concentration of many large risks

reviewed by the same underwriting team, quoting with the same terms and conditions. 4. Net capacity not subject to reinsurance.

In brief, all the flaws that had converged to create the liability crisis of 1985 were factored into the new facility. This gave A.C.E. a great opportunity to succeed in a market that had just collapsed.

Interestingly, Union Carbide was not one of the 34 original sponsoring organizations. Although Carbide offered to invest in the new entity, the A.C.E. selection committee declined to accept them as a sponsor. This declination was a direct result of both Bhopal and a much publicized incident at Carbide’s Institute, a West Virginia “Bhopal sister” operation, in March 1985. This incident, while not resulting in a serious loss, fueled the perception at the time that Carbide was an unfavorable risk.

Raising the capital commitments necessary to launch A.C.E. was not an easy task, largely because of the newness of the concept and the fact that most U.S. industrials were not comfortable getting into the insurance business. Most of the 34 original sponsoring companies had the heaviest exposures, especially the petrochemical and pharmaceutical sectors, and therefore were in most need of the coverage.

Dow, Du Pont, Shell Oil, and Tenneco were among the petrochemical sponsors. Car- bide’s absence from this group is an ironic footnote to the A.C.E. story—a silent reminder of the effect Bhopal had on the catastrophe liability market—on the one hand, giving




added impetus to the drive to start a new insurance facility and, on the other hand, keeping Carbide out of the original equation, so that potential investors wouldn’t be scared away.

Though not accepted as a sponsor. Carbide later applied for coverage and became an A.C.E. policyholder in early 1986. By then, the stigma of Bhopal had begun to fade. The A.C.E. policy provided Carbide with a level of protection which it had gone without since March of 1985.

A.C.E.’s launch did not solve all the problems of buyers of excess liability coverage. Whereas the market for coverage above $100 million collapsed in 1985, the market below $100 million imploded on January 1, 1986, with the expiration of many reinsurance treaties that were not renewed. Just as large companies were once again able to secure the high excess limits which they sought, the bottom fell out: companies now had severe difficulty insuring their risks in the first $100 million of potential loss. Many of the insurers who continued to provide coverage in the first $100 million of risk in 1985 ran into financial trouble in 1986 and ceased writing business. Some went into receivership and were later liquidated, such as Transit Casualty, Integrity Insurance, and Mission Insurance. Most simply withdrew from the market. This predicament gave rise to the “son of A.C.E.” concept.

Building on the success of A.C.E., Marsh & McLennan and J.P Morgan formed a second offshore facility, X.L. Insurance Company, Ltd., in May of 1986. X.L.’s mission was to write the layer of coverage immediately below A.C.E., with a maximum limit of $75 million and a minimum attachment of $25 million.

X.L.’s birth furthered the restructuring of the market for excess coverage that began with A.C.E. It reflected many of the same coverage features and a similar underwriting approach. This approach focused heavily on classes of business and the hazards associated with each class. Risks were assigned hazard ratings and measured against other risks within their class. This underwriting regimen represented a dramatic shift in practices, and was made possible by the large concentration of risks in one, well capitalized market.

This time Carbide was one of the sponsors. Carbide had just successfully defeated a hostile take over by GAF and was moving forward with a restructuring plan; the victory over GAF further repaired Carbide’s reputation in the wake of Bhopal. Carbide also had been working with other chemical firms to form their own industry insurance facility in early 1986. However, when the drive to form X.L. began to build momentum, the chemi- cal companies’ brainchild yielded to the X.L. concept, adding the critical mass necessary for X.L.’s successful launch.

6.7. Dramatic impact

The formation of A.C.E., and later X.L., has had a dramatic impact on the excess liability market. The concept of forming new insurance companies with a clean slate and substan- tial infusions of fresh capital has since given rise to the formation of many other new facilities. Most recently, the crisis in the property catastrophe market brought on by the




unprecedented frequency and severity of natural disasters has led to the formation of several new Bermuda-based reinsurers. Approximately $4 billion of new capital has flowed to Bermuda property/casualty insurers in 1993-1994 (ACE Annual Report, 1993).

7. Lessons of Bhopal

Bhopal shook both Carbide and the insurance industry to their very cores, and the rever- berations were felt for many years. What is interesting about the unfolding of the Bhopal story is its incredible timing, occurring as it did on the eve of an emerging crisis in the market for commercial liability insurance. Bhopal and the liability insurance crisis flowed together like a torrent, making it difficult to separate the two issues. The magnitude of the changes in the excess catastrophe market since 1986 is so overwhelming that it is difficult to find the legacy of Bhopal contained within those changes.

Under close scrutiny, one can find the unmistakable imprint of Bhopal. Among other things, the Bhopal tragedy:

• Precipitated, or at the very least, accentuated the collapse of the excess liability market in 1985 and 1986.

• Gave impetus to the formation of new insurers which drew in fresh capital to the industry unencumbered by the asbestos and pollution legacies.

• Ultimately transformed the Union Carbide Corporation. • Made chemical companies and the E.P.A. reassess the risks posed by the chemical

industry. • Focused debate on chemical company disclosure and a community’s right to know, with

respect to worst case scenarios at chemical plants in areas close to where people live.

7.1. Frequency versus severity

Bhopal, let us hope, is a one-in-a-million incident that will not happen again. Our society and our standard of living are in many ways tied to the products that the chemical industry provides. From plastics to pesticides, we’ve come to depend on chemicals for our every- day way of life.

The manufacture of these chemicals often entails a considerable amount of risk, and we can all be thankful that the industry has such a strong record for safety and a dynamic safety culture. There is today a well capitalized private insurance market available to absorb the risks posed by the chemical industry, and industry generally. Today it is possible to obtain coverage of $500 million, perhaps somewhat more, at reasonable prices and terms. While much of the available capacity is centered in Bermuda, European insurers and Lloyd’s of London can also provide high amounts of coverage.




The fundamental reason that this capacity is available is the relative infrequency of truly catastrophic losses in the liability area. Whereas the frequency of large hurricane and earthquake losses has seen a dramatic rise, only a relatively modest rise is detectable when it comes to “moment in time” losses near the magnitude of a Bhopal.

7.2. Implications for social policy

An adequate mechanism for just compensation of victims in the event of accidental loss is already in place. Large industrial concerns have the opportunity to obtain substantial amounts of liability protection. It is not uncommon for high hazard risks to carry $300 million, or more, of coverage. The problem seems to be that many companies continue to spend their premium budgets on coverage in relatively low layers, say between $10 million and $50 million. It has taken some time for many companies to bring their level of risk retention up to the $10-$25 million range, and many are not comfortable with the idea of a higher level of risk retention. In fact, many large firms with the financial strength to absorb high levels of risk maintain retentions well below $10 million. Oftentimes, this is because the commercial market in many respects still prefers to write moderately high limits in low layers, which keeps premiums in this area attractive. But buyers also must recognize that, above a company’s last (or highest) dollar of coverage, companies are also retaining risk.

Many companies today pursue this strategy of buying coverage in the first $50 million and self-assuming anything above their maximum limit, usually between $200 and $300 million. This indicates that while an insured can imagine a $50-million loss, they have difficulty imagining a $500 million loss. Otherwise, they’d buy to protect against the $500-million loss and self-assume the first $50 million. A survey of A.C.E. policyholders confirms this.”* Since A.C.E. always writes at least a portion of its coverage as the top layer and writes more than half of the Fortune 250 companies, they provide a good picture of buying strategies (see chart).

A\erage limits purchased by A.C.E. insureds

I Oil class S374 Million 2. Pharmaceutical class S324 Million 3. Transportation class S3 I I Million 4. Chemical class S299 Million 5. Construction class S285 Million 6. Utilities class S273 Million 7. Other classes S256 Million

Some risk managers have concluded that they should insure against the truly catastrophic event and buy quality coverage as high as it goes, as long as it is priced reasonably. But there are some who simply won’t buy more, because they don’t believe that a monumental disaster can happen to them. Most will be correct in this assessment, but a few may end up misjudging their maximum exposure and will be underinsured. The financial conse-




quences to a corporation of a loss that is underinsured by several hundred million dollars can be severe—even for very large and profitable firms. The effect of a major charge against earnings may be felt by share owners, pensioners, employees, and communities. In this regard, the stabilizing influence of catastrophe liability insurance is an important social policy consideration.

Presently, the cost to obtain this insurance is not excessive, and, even in a zero-sum world, the savings produced by assuming a higher retention can often fund a sizeable increase in a company’s liability protection. Furthermore, the economics of high levels of catastrophe liability insurance are likely to be more favorable over the long term than the economics of insurance “trades” within the first $25 million of risk, due to the dynamics of the marketplace.

7.3. Aim of social policy

It would seem that the aim of social policy should be to support a free market for commercial liability insurance. Product liability tort reform (which would place con- straints on the amount of damages that can be awarded) and a two-tier regulatory climate (which permits federal chartering for insurance companies writing coverage for sophis- ticated commercial risks under federal regulation, limited to the solvency of the insurer only, while preserving state regulatory protection for individuals and small businesses) are but two initiatives that would support the flow of capital to the private insurance market.

The lasting lesson of Bhopal is that companies in hazardous industries should avail themselves of the high levels of coverage that are today attainable at reasonable prices and that the practice of purchasing commercial catastrophic insurance is socially desirable.


ACE Limited. (19931. ••Annual Report.”

Clements. R.. and R. Mendoza. (1994). -Risk is not a Font-Letter Word^^/>Vii/;r)/«/ (Marsh & McLentian Companies Quarterl)). Spring.

Kalelkar. A.S. (1988). ••ltnestigalion of Large-Magnitude Incidents: Bhopal as a Case Study.^’ Report presented at The Institution of Chemical Engineers Confetence on Preventing Major Chemical Accidents. May.

Redmond R.J. (1992). ••Stabilizing the Excess Liability Environment: How Scarcity was Turned into Capacity.” I’impoiiil (Marsh & McLennan Companies Quarterly). Fall.

Sinfield N. (1994).^^Asbestos—Human or Natural Disaster? Paper prepared for Conference on Social Treatment of Catastrophic Risk. Stanford Unixerslty. October.

Union Carbide Corporation. (19851. ••Bhopal Methyl Isocyanate Incident Investigation Team Report.” Danbury.

CT March.

Union Carbide Corporation. (1984). ••Annual Report.”

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Ergonomics Criticle Review

Unit IV Project

Perform a critical review of the following NIOSH Publication:

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2007). Ergonomic guidelines for manual material handling (DHHS [NIOSH] Publication No. 2007-191). Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2007-131/pdfs/2007-131.pdf

Click here to access a PDF of the NIOSH Publication No. 2007-191.

You must specifically summarize and analyze the following information in the indicated NIOSH publication:

 Engineering and administrative improvements

 Proactive action plan

 The three improvement options mentioned in the publication


However, you may also discuss any other topics you find interesting in publication.

The project must include, at minimum, the following components:

1. Introduction

2. Engineering and Administrative Improvements

3. Proactive Action Plan

4. Improvement Options

5. Summary of your own opinions and comments on what you learned from the publication.



Your answer to this assignment must be three to five pages, double spaced, and 12 point font (separate title page and reference page are not included in the page length). Waldorf requires that students use APA style for papers and projects. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed.

Click here to access a PDF of the Unit IV Project grading rubric.

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Milestone One And Two.Env.

Milestone one: Submit a three-page paper that discusses the issues you will address in your final project—an environmental problem and the effect this problem has on the use of goods and services

Overview: The final project for this course is a research and analysis paper on a relevant environmental issue. The final project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions.

Milestone Two: Submit a three-page paper on sustainability and economic valuation methods. Overview: The case studies in this course are designed to actively involve you in environmental economics reasoning and to help you apply the course principles to complex real-world situations. In the case studies, you will use data analysis to make informed recommendations and communicate in a professional manner


The Module Two Case Study focuses on an organization’s willingness to pay in terms of environmental impacts. In your submission, you will demonstrate the following skills:

1. Enter given data and create charts in Excel (or similar spreadsheet tool).

2. Generate graphs and tables using data. 3. Incorporate into your analysis recommendations that are designed to reduce pollution. Provide information on oil companies’ willingness to pay and incentive-based (IB) policies, transferable discharge licenses (TDP), and similar programs that are designed to reduce pollution. Write a short summary to a target audience of policy makers with the use of data and research from the textbook, the textbook website,

 Prompt: In this case study, you will use data, graphs, and tables to analyze an organization’s willingness to pay. The following headline is a reaction to the 2010 Gulf oil spill: (you had it one of the case study you can check it.)

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ENGR 202 Evaluation and Presentation of Experimental Data II – Summer 2016 Lab 4: Capturing Temperature Measurements with a

Thermocouple Original: Dr. Scoles, Dr Miller, Dr Chmielewski Rev: Dr. Marino


8/17/16 page 1 of 7


 Measure, plot, and record temperature measurements from a Type K thermocouple (TC)

 Correct the measured voltages with a calibration curve

 Find the time constants of the TC cooling curves Equipment/Software

 NI USB TC-01 Thermocouple Measurement Device

 Type K thermocouple, Omega KTSS-HH o Nickel-10% chromium (+) vs. Nickel-5% aluminum and silicon (-)

 Power resistor, 100 Ω, 25 Watt

 Hewlett Packard E3631A DC power supply

 Excel Reading or Viewing

• Review – Week 8 lecture notes Introduction

A thermocouple (TC) can be used to measure temperature over wide ranges in a variety of measurement environments and with fine spatial resolution. The sensing operation of the TC is based on the Seebeck effect: when two dissimilar metals are joined at both ends to form an open loop, an open circuit voltage is developed (Figure 1). The voltage is proportional to the difference in temperature at the two junctions. The measured voltage is on the order of tens of millivolts. To extract the temperature at the measuring junction (T1) from the measured voltage, we will want to keep the reference junction (T2) at a fixed, known temperature.


Figure 1. Two junctions, T1 and T2, formed by joining wire types A and B.1

The ice/water bath at 0°C (Figure 2) has become the standard for the reference

temperature, and published thermocouple voltage vs temperature tables are based on

1 Figures are from Analog Devices Application Note AN-369, Thermocouple Signal Conditioning Using the AD594/595, J. Marcin, 1998.



8/17/16 page 2 of 7

this value. This method of providing the reference junction temperature is impractical in field- and lab-measurement situations, so alternatives have been developed.


Figure 2. Thermocouple loop with the reference junction at 0 °C.

Rather than using ice, two methods can be used to do cold-junction compensation

– software and hardware. The temperature of the reference junction can be measured directly using a semiconductor sensor or thermistor. The T2 sensor can be chosen to provide a very accurate measurement in a narrow temperature span centered on the expected junction temperature. The measured T2 and the measured sensing junction voltage can be used in a calculation to remove the effect of the reference junction voltage and extract the temperature of T1.

The alternative to the software approach is to have the T2 sensing junction within

your measurement hardware, and have it used by a circuit that will generate a voltage equal and opposite to that of the reference junction (Figure 3). Once the effect of the T2 junction is removed, the circuit amplifies and scales the output voltage to represent the T1 junction temperature as 1 mV/°C or 10 mV/°C (the 10 mV/°C value is more common).


Figure 3. Electronic cold junction compensation




ENGR 202 Evaluation and Presentation of Experimental Data II – Summer 2016 Lab 4: Capturing Temperature Measurements with a

Thermocouple Original: Dr. Scoles, Dr Miller, Dr Chmielewski Rev: Dr. Marino


8/17/16 page 3 of 7


1. With the Hewlett Packard E3631A DC power supply off connect two alligator leads from the power resistor terminals to the + and COM terminals (under ±25V label) as shown in Figure 5).


Figure 4. TC inserted into the core of the bower resistor (not to scale)


1. Start your temperature measurement VI. Within the NI software, set the thermocouple type to, ‘K’ and set the units to ‘C’. Enable data logging in the NI software, collecting 1 sample/second.

2. Record the starting temperature as the ambient temperature, T∞, in the analysis discussion that follows.

3. Insert the Omega thermocouple into the center of the power resistor. The thermocouple should not touch the sides of the resistor, it must float at the center of the radius.

4. Set the power supply voltage to 16 V.

a. Turn on power supply by pressing the “Power” button. Press the “Output On/Off” button. Voltages are shown on the left half of the supply display, and currents on the right half. If a digit on the voltage side is not flashing, press the “Voltage/Current” button. Use the “Adjust” knob to set the voltage.

5. Observe the TC temperature as the resistor warms up to its maximum temperature, typically between 50 and 70°C (122 and 158°F). Collect data until dT/dt=0.0167, or one degree/minute, we will treat that as steady-state.

6. Remove the TC from the power resistor, hold it vertically without waiving it around and continue to measure the temperature until it returns to a value close



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to the ambient level. This is measuring the free convective cooling response of the thermocouple.

7. Stop your VI and save the data to a file.

8. Repeat this heating and cooling cycle two more times, saving the data into a new file each time.

9. Make sure you have three good cooling curves saved before you leave the lab. These curves should generally look alike.

10. Turn off the power supply.

a. Press “Output On/Off” on the supply, and turn off “Power”.

Data Analysis – this portion can be done outside of lab Part 1.

The shape of the curve you saw for the thermocouple cooling is characteristic of many physical phenomena, including capacitor discharging, radioactive decay, and others. A straight forward energy analysis of the thermocouple system identifies that the rate of change in energy stored in the thermocouple is equal to the energy lost to the room by way of convection.

The energy of the system is calculated with respect to the heat capacity of the thermocouple and is represented by the expression

E = m x cp x T (1)

Where E = energy content of the thermocouple, kJ m = mass of thermocouple system, kg (assumed constant) cp = the specific heat of the material from which it is constructed, kJ/(kg-K)

(assumed constant) T = temperature of the thermocouple, K, which varies.

Therefore the rate of energy change with respect to time is evaluated by taking the time derivative of this equation

dE/dt = m x cp x dT/dt (2)

Where t is time in seconds. The energy leaving the thermocouple is picked up by the air in the room. This

energy flow, driven by the temperature difference between the thermocouple and the air in the room is called heat transfer and in this case is primarily convective heat transfer (we will ignore conduction and radiation). As mentioned in lecture, this mode of heat



ENGR 202 Evaluation and Presentation of Experimental Data II – Summer 2016 Lab 4: Capturing Temperature Measurements with a

Thermocouple Original: Dr. Scoles, Dr Miller, Dr Chmielewski Rev: Dr. Marino


8/17/16 page 5 of 7

transfer is modeled based on the Newton Law of Cooling for a surface and is calculated with the expression

dE/dT = h x As x (T-T∞) (3)

Where h = Newton Coefficient for rate of convective heat transfer, kJ/(m2-K-s)

depends on the conditions As = surface area of the thermocouple, m2 T∞ = temperature of the room, K (this is the ambient temperature of the room) T = temperature of the hot surface, K, in this case the thermocouple


Equating the two expressions for rate of energy change produces a simple, first order ordinary differential equation between temperature and time

dE / dT = – m x cp x dT/dt = h x As x (T-T∞) (4) Note: the negative sign results from the fact that energy gain by the air is energy lost from the TC Take a look at the simple solution for this equation of temperature as a function of time, T(t). Determine the time constant, τ, for a first-order thermodynamic system:

Where T0 = temperature of thermocouple before cooling starts, K

 = m cp / (h As), s, represents the time constant for the first order system

T∞= ambient temperature

The next formal step is usually to collect terms in T and t, which yields

With the data acquired in this laboratory, T∞, T0, and T(t) the time constant for your TC can be evaluated. There are several ways to find these time constants.

    (5) /t 0

e TTTtT 

 



T t T T

0 T

e t /




8/17/16 page 6 of 7

The simplest technique is to take the natural logarithm of both sides of equation 1, which yields


This equation has the familiar form of y = mx + b, where the slope m equals -1/ and the intercept b is 0. The slope of the straight line you get when you plot the natural log of the fraction in parenthesis vs. time will be the time constant. The Excel LINEST function can extract the slope from straight-line data.

Computer tools such as MATLAB and LabVIEW have built-in capabilities to fit an exponential curve to a set of data. See the Exponential Fit VI in LabVIEW’s Mathematics: Fitting menu on the Functions Palette. Tab-delimited data can be read into LabVIEW with the Read From Measurement File Express VI.

Once you find your time constant, plot an exponential through your measured data. Describe in your report how well an exponential model fits the cooling data.

For each run, calculate:

o Rise time to steady state and dT/dt at mid-rise

o Time at steady state and dT/dt

o Fall time from steady state and dT/dt at mid-fall

Your Report

Prepare a written report following the guidelines in our grading rubric. This report is due one week after your lab. Required Graphical Results

Each of the three cooling curves should be included in the report Some Discussion Points That Must Be Covered

 From your readings and lecture, what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of using the Cold Junction Compensation circuit for temperature measurement?

 Why would you choose a differential input channel thermocouple for this application rather than a single-ended channel?

 Explain your reasoning behind the setup of your voltage measurement task.

 What are some of the sources of measurement error in this experiment? What is the Omega Type K thermocouple temperature accuracy? Can you use propagation of error to estimate the error in the temperature readings?

 How well did the exponential cooling model fit the temperature data?



ln T t  T T

0  T


 


  – t/ (7)



ENGR 202 Evaluation and Presentation of Experimental Data II – Summer 2016 Lab 4: Capturing Temperature Measurements with a

Thermocouple Original: Dr. Scoles, Dr Miller, Dr Chmielewski Rev: Dr. Marino


8/17/16 page 7 of 7

Required Printouts

 One page hardcopy of final temperature measurement front panel showing measured data for the three trials

 Excel, Labview, or Matlab analysis of your temperature measurements. Make sure all tables and figures are properly labeled in the body of your lab report or the appendix section.

 If you use Labview: one page hardcopy of final temperature measurement block diagram including the subVI. The diagram should have text documentation explaining the VI’s function and the team member names.


American Society for Testing and Materials (ATSM), Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement, ASTM PCN 04-470020-40.

Analog Devices AD594/595 Datasheet, http://www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/AD594_595.pdf, Rev. C, 1999. Viewed on November 3, 2007.

Omega TC wire spec sheet page

Analog Devices Application Note AN-369, Thermocouple Signal Conditioning Using the AD594/595, J. Marcin, 1998.

Doering, Ed. Create a SubVI in LabVIEW, http://cnx.org/content/m14767/latest/ Connexions. 17 Mar. 2008. Viewed on May 10, 2010.


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Reserved For Wizard Kim

DQ 5


1. How much of our global energy supply do nuclear power, bioenergy, and hydroelectric power contribute? How much of our global electricity do these three conventional energy alternatives generate?

2. Describe how nuclear fission works. How do nuclear plant engineers control fission and prevent a runaway chain reaction?

3. List several concerns about the disposal of radioactive waste. What has been done so far about its disposal?

4. Describe two biofuels, where each comes from, and how each is used.


CH 21.

5. What factors and concerns are causing renewable energy use to expand? Which two renewable sources are experiencing the most rapid growth?

6. Describe several environmental and economic advantages of solar power. What are some disadvantages?

7. How do modern wind turbines generate electricity? How does wind speed affect the process? What factors affect where we place wind turbines?

8. Define geothermal energy and explain the three main ways in which it is obtained and used. Describe one sense in which it is renewable and one sense in which it is not


9. Describe five major methods of managing waste. Why do we practice waste management?

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