Biomes, Development, Pollution, And You

Assignment 1: Discussion—Biomes, Development, Pollution, and You

Each part of the United States has at least one ecological crisis based on location, biome, and industrialization pattern. For example, the Midwest was once a prairie with very fertile soil. However, when people realized that with the right watering and drainage system this area could become productive farmland, there arose ecological problems. The conversion of the prairie to farmland is the root cause of many ecological problems in this region.

Regardless of what biome you consider, humans have likely had an impact on the ecology of that area.

For this assignment, identify the biome in which you live. The following are a few examples of biomes:

  • Tropical rainforests: This biome has high average temperatures, high moisture levels, and high species diversity.
  • Prairies: The prairies have grassland-variable temperatures, variable moisture levels—depending on proximity to mountain ranges—and are mainly dominated by grasses and ungulate herbivores.
  • Deserts: These biomes have hotter average temperatures, low moisture, lower species diversity, and a composition of species limited mainly to those that are adapted to hot temperatures.
  • Temperate forests: The temperate forests have variable temperatures, high moisture levels, and higher species diversity.
  • Taigas: These biomes have colder average temperatures, lower moisture levels, and lower species diversity.
  • Tundras: The tundras have cold average temperatures, low moisture levels, and low species diversity.
  • Coral reefs: These biomes have high average temperatures and high species diversity.
  • Open oceans: These biomes have a wide range of temperatures and species diversity varies.
  • Chaparrals: The chaparrals have higher average temperatures, lower moisture levels, and are dominated mainly by grasses and shrubs.
  • Alpines: These biomes have low average temperatures, low precipitation, and receive high ultraviolet (UV) rays due to high elevation.

Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • Explain how humans have impacted the biome in which you live. List the types of environmental damage that have been caused and the species that have been impacted.
  • Describe the major pollution issues for your biome, and elaborate on the sources of this pollution.
  • List any species that have become extinct in this biome.

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

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Instructor’s Name:

Assignment: SCIE211 Phase 2 Lab Report

Title: Speciation

Instructions: You will need to write a 1-page lab report using the scientific method to answer the following question:

· What would happen if a species within a population were suddenly split into 2 groups by an earthquake that creates a physical barrier like a canyon?

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

Part I: Use the animated time progression of speciation to help you write up your lab report.

Part II: Write a 1-page lab report using the following scientific method sections:

· Purpose

· State the purpose of the lab.

· Introduction

· This is an investigation of what is currently known about the question being asked. Use background information from credible references to write a short summary about concepts in the lab. List and cite references in APA style.

· Hypothesis/Predicted Outcome

· A hypothesis is an educated guess. Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures.

· Methods

· Summarize the procedures that you used in the lab. The Methods section should also state clearly how data (numbers) were collected during the lab; this will be reported in the Results/Outcome section.

· Results/Outcome

· Provide here any results or data that were generated while doing the lab procedure.

· Discussion/Analysis

· In this section, state clearly whether you obtained the expected results, and if the outcome was as expected.

· Note: You can use the lab data to help you discuss the results and what you learned.

Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used in the Introduction section.

Give your paper a title and number, and identify each section as specified above. Although the hypothesis will be a 1-sentence answer, the other sections will need to be paragraphs to adequately explain your experiment.

When your lab report is complete, post it in Submitted Assignment files.

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Discussion 2

Biomes, Development, Pollution, and You

Each part of the United States has at least one ecological crisis based on location, biome, and industrialization pattern. For example, the Midwest was once a prairie with very fertile soil. However, when people realized that with the right watering and drainage system this area could become productive farmland, there arose ecological problems. The conversion of the prairie to farmland is the root cause of many ecological problems in this region.

Regardless of what biome you consider, humans have likely had an impact on the ecology of that area.

For this assignment, identify the biome in which you live. The following are a few examples of biomes:

  • Tropical rainforests: This biome has high average temperatures, high moisture levels, and high species diversity.
  • Prairies: The prairies have grassland-variable temperatures, variable moisture levels—depending on proximity to mountain ranges—and are mainly dominated by grasses and ungulate herbivores.
  • Deserts: These biomes have hotter average temperatures, low moisture, lower species diversity, and a composition of species limited mainly to those that are adapted to hot temperatures.
  • Temperate forests: The temperate forests have variable temperatures, high moisture levels, and higher species diversity.
  • Taigas: These biomes have colder average temperatures, lower moisture levels, and lower species diversity.
  • Tundras: The tundras have cold average temperatures, low moisture levels, and low species diversity.
  • Coral reefs: These biomes have high average temperatures and high species diversity.
  • Open oceans: These biomes have a wide range of temperatures and species diversity varies.
  • Chaparrals: The chaparrals have higher average temperatures, lower moisture levels, and are dominated mainly by grasses and shrubs.
  • Alpines: These biomes have low average temperatures, low precipitation, and receive high ultraviolet (UV) rays due to high elevation.

Using the readings for this module, the Argosy University online library resources, and the Internet, respond to the following:

  • Explain how humans have impacted the biome in which you live. List the types of environmental damage that have been caused and the species that have been impacted.
  • Describe the major pollution issues for your biome, and elaborate on the sources of this pollution.
  • List any species that have become extinct in this biome.

Support your statements with appropriate examples and scholarly references.

Write your initial response in approximately 300–350 words. Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

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Soils Assignment – Environmental Science

Please let me know if the assignment can be completed by 10:00 am tomorrow!  Requirements below!


Use the Natural Resources Conservation Service web site (Web soil survey to gather soils data from five (5) different locations across Louisiana. Make sure you sample from across the state.
For each of the sampled associations, record in an Excel spreadsheet the following data (each should be in column, each column should be labeled):

o o o o o

Name of the soil or soil association
Average elevation where soil is found
Average slope where the soil is found
Depth to water table (if it says “more than 80 inches” use 120) Typical soil profile depth (do not include bedrock in the depth)

Hand in your spreadsheet with your observations.


Use your data to make scatter plots of the relationships listed below. Do not

connect your points with a line. Include a best-fit linear regression in all of your plots. Make sure that you also include on the graph the R2 value for the best-fit line. Remember to label your axes (include units). Hand in each of your plots. (14 points)

o Depth to water table (y-axis) vs. average elevation (x-axis) o Depth to water table (y-axis) vs. average slope (x-axis)
o Depth to water table (y-axis) vs. soil profile depth (x-axis) o Soil profile depth (y-axis) vs. average slope (x-axis)


Type your answers to the following questions. Use complete sentences (but you can probably answer all of these in a paragraph or two).
You can answer these in a paragraph or even a few sentences.

1. Which two relationships have the highest R2 values? Do these relationship make physical sense to you? Explain why you think there is a correlation between these variables. (2 points)
2. Which two relationships have the lowest R2 values? Explain why you think there is less


of a correlation between these variables. (2 points)
3. The depth to the water table is important for growing crops. If you were planning to start a farm, what other soil variables would you like to know about that are not included in the spreadsheet you compiled above? Why? (2 points)

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Directions: Be Sure To Save An Electronic Copy Of Your Answer Before Submitting It To For Grading. Unless Otherwise Stated, Answer In Complete Sentences, And Be Sure To Use Correct English, Spelling And Grammar. Sources Must Be Cited In A

assignment 04

SC260: Introduction to Ecology

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the “Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

1. Describe global patterns of atmospheric heating and circulation. What mechanisms produce high precipitation in the tropics? What mechanisms produce high precipitation at temperate latitudes? What mechanisms produce low precipitation in the tropics?

2. Use what you know about atmospheric circulation and seasonal changes in the sun’s orientation to earth to explain the highly seasonal rainfall in the tropical dry forest and tropical savanna biomes.

Grading Rubric

Please refer to the rubric on the next page for the grading criteria for this assignment.



20 points15 points10 points5 points

The student provides a

complete and

comprehensive description

of global patterns of

atmospheric heating and


The student provides a

mostly complete and

comprehensive description

of global patterns of

atmospheric heating and


The student provides a

partially complete and

somewhat comprehensive

description of global

patterns of atmospheric

heating and circulation.

The student provides an

incomplete and


description of global

patterns of atmospheric

heating and circulation.

25 points20 points15 points10 points

The student provides a

complete description of the

cycle and describes the

mechanisms involved in high

AND low precipitation in the


The student provides a

mostly complete description

of the precipitation cycle

and describes the

mechanisms involved in

high AND low precipitation

in the tropics.

The student provides a

somewhat complete

description of the

precipitation cycle and

describes some of the

mechanisms involved in

high AND low precipitation

in the tropics.

The student provides an

incomplete description of

the precipitation cycle and

describes one or none of

the mechanisms involved

in high AND low

precipitation in the tropics.

15 points10 points5 points 3 points

The student provides a

complete description of the

cycle and describes the

mechanisms involved in high

precipitation in the

temperate latitudes.

The student provides a

mostly complete description

of the cycle and describes

the mechanisms involved in

high precipitation in the

temperate latitudes.

The student provides a

somewhat complete

description of the cycle and

describes some of the

mechanisms involved in

high precipitation in the

temperate latitudes.

The student provides an

incomplete description of

the cycle and describes

one or none of the

mechanisms involved in

high precipitation in the

temperate latitudes.

20 points15 points10 points5 points

The student provides a

complete description of the

reason(s) why highly

seasonal rainfall occurs in the

dry forest and tropical

savanna biomes.

The student provides a

mostly complete

description of the reason(s)

why highly seasonal rainfall

occurs in the dry forest and

tropical savanna biomes.

The student provides an

incomplete description of

the reason(s) why highly

seasonal rainfall occurs in

the dry forest and tropical

savanna biomes or only

addresses one of the


The student provides a

poor description of the

reason(s) why highly

seasonal rainfall occurs in

the dry forest OR tropical

savanna biomes.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

Student does not make any

errors in grammar or spelling,

especially those that distract

the reader from the content.

Student makes 1-2 errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes 3-4 errors in

grammar or spelling that

distract the reader from the


Student makes more than

4 errors in grammar or

spelling that distract the

reader from the content.

10 points 8 points 5 points 2 points

The paper is written in

proper APA and

organizational format. All

sources used for quotes and

facts are credible and cited

correctly. Excellent

organization, including a

variety of thoughtful


The paper is written in

proper format with only 1-2

errors. All sources used for

quotes and facts are

credible, and most are cited

correctly. Adequate

organization includes a

variety of appropriate


The paper is written in

proper format with only 3-5

errors. Most sources used

for quotes and facts are

credible and cited correctly.

Essay is poorly organized,

but may include a few

effective transitions.

The paper is not written in

proper format. Many

sources used for quotes

and facts are less than

credible (suspect) and/or

are not cited correctly.

Essay is disorganized and

does not include effective


Format – APA

Format, Citations,



(10 Points)

Global patterns of


heating and


(20 Points)


(10 Points)

Precipitation in the


(25 Points)

Precipitation in

temperate latitudes

(15 Points)

Highly seasonal

rainfall in the

tropical dry forest

and tropical

savanna biomes

(20 Points)

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Sust-04 two pages discussion and two response letter

Discussion Title: Creating Greener Products


Share another strategy for sustainable design we have not touched on. In your responses to colleagues, give a specific example of how one of the design strategies posted by a classmate is supported by, or supports, ecological economics and/or systems thinking

Share another strategy for sustainable design we have not touched on. In your responses to colleagues, give a specific example of how one of the design strategies posted by a classmate is supported by, or supports, ecological economics and/or systems thinking.

Here we go!

Looking back to Module 3 we  reviewed the environmental regulations which surround the designing and production of products.  In modules 2 and 3 we addressed the importance of leadership initiative as well as compliance with environmental regulations.


We are now moving into Module 4!  Module 4 launches our review of green production. This module will explore specific green design and manufacturing frameworks.  Our three objectives this week include: •Discuss key sustainability design frameworks •Evaluate the changing nature of green products •Identify potential opportunities and liabilities in “greening” a company’s products


Assignment! This week you will review The article “Green Product Design”.  The article was written eight years ago, and while its key concepts are still correct, are all of its conclusions? Research one of its conclusions and share how it may have changed in the intervening years. Write a short analysis paper that summarizes your findings. (Check out the short paper rubric- aim for 2-3 pages of content in your words).

Team Project- Make sure to review the frameworks provided and work with your team to select an appropriate framework and suggest how your company can integrate the framework into their business. If the company has already integrated the framework, describe how they have done so and the results. Integrate the results of your work into Memo 2 of the project.

Check out this video to open the week:The Myth of “Environmental Sustainability” | Justin Mog | TEDxUofL. Retrieved from

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Environmental Science (SCIE210)

CHAPTER 5                  Assignment 5                Due: 11- 02 – 2015

Food Production

1. What are our viable options for increasing food production in the future? 4pts.

2. What are the major advantages and problems associated with using biotechnology in food
production? 4pts.

3.Discuss the causes of famine and severe hunger, and name the geographical areas most threatened by it. 4pts.


Land Use

1. Name and describe the properties of the three main components of soil texture. 4pts.

2. What are the different layers, or horizons, that compose the soil profile? What makes each one distinct from the others? 4pts.

3. Name and describe the four major soil orders listed in this chapter. Where are they mainly found? 4pts.

4. What are the main things that plant roots must obtain from the soil? Name and describe a process (natural or unnatural) that can keep plants from obtaining the amounts of each of these things they need for survival. 4pts.

5. What is organic food, and how is it now certified? 2pts.

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BOS 3525 Unit II Assignment

Unit II Assignment

You receive a follow-up call from the area director saying the employee filing the original non-formal complaint has provided additional information about the alleged health situation and submitted a formal complaint using the OSHA-7 form, making the complaint a formal complaint. A few days later, an OSHA compliance officer shows up at your facility to perform a comprehensive inspection. The compliance officer presents the proper credentials, and you verify that the compliance officer is employed by OSHA and assigned to the local office.

During the opening conference, the compliance officer provides you with the formal complaint, alleging that employees are exposed to hazardous concentrations of metal fumes in welding areas of the plant, that you have not performed any air sampling to determine exposure levels, that adequate ventilation is not present in welding areas, and that adequate respiratory protection has not been provided to welders. As a part of the inspection, the compliance officer requests the following documents:


 Chemical inventory list;


 OSHA 300 logs;


 Hazard Communication Program, including training records;


 any sampling data that you have;


 Respiratory Protection Program, including medical clearance letters and training records;


 written hazard assessment for personal protective equipment (PPE) used at the facility;


 Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) for the metals you use in the production process and any welding rods/wire used in the welding area; and


 any other written programs you have that are required by an OSHA regulation.


The compliance officer takes a walk-through tour of the facility, spending extra time in the welding areas. During the walk-through, the compliance officer points out several issues believed to be apparent violations. The issues are as follows:


 Heavy haze is present in the welding area.


 Individuals wearing half-mask air-purifying respirators have full beards.


 Employees are using chemicals that could be injurious to the eyes, and no emergency eyewash is present.


 Eyewash is present in another area of the plant that is covered in dust, and there is no indication of recent operation or inspection.


 Employees are using chemicals that could be absorbed through the skin and are not using any gloves.


 Employees are performing maintenance inside a press with no lock-out/tag-out applied.


 No written lock-out/tag-out program is available at the time of the inspection.


 Welding operation is performed near flammable materials, and no fire watch present.


 There is no record of training for fork truck drivers.


 Extension cords are stretched across walkways.


 Three containers are present in the plant with no label present on any of the containers.


 An employee could not find a SDS for the chemical he or she was using.


The compliance officer asks for a private conference room and a list of non-managerial employees. He tells you that he intends to interview four non-managerial employees before leaving for the day. He also states that he will return the next day to collect some air samples at the facility.

You are worried about the number of citations and penalties that you may face. Provide a document summarizing the steps you would take as soon as the compliance officer leaves, and the steps you believe you could have taken during the walk-through that may have resulted in a quick-fix penalty reduction.

Your document must be at least three pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. You must also include at least one reference using appropriate APA style.


Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

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1. Please solve the following problem, indicating your response on a Word document and submitting the document via File Upload.

Using the following formula, solve the problem below, and show your work.

TWA CaTa + CbTb + … + CnTn                                 8

TWA = Time-Weighted Average
Ca = Concentration of contaminant during the sampling period “a
Ta = Time of sampling period “a
Cb = Concentration of contaminant during the sampling period “b”
Tb = Time of sampling period “b
Cn = Concentration of contaminant during the sampling period “n“, where “n” is the last of a series of contaminants
Tn = Time of sampling period “n


Note: All concentrations are in parts contaminant per million parts of air or milligrams of contaminant per cubic meter of air. Air Sampling Problem: You are an industrial hygienist that is conducting personal sampling on a worker who is overseeing a production process involving use of toluene (Note: The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has established a Permissible Exposure Limit of 200 parts per million (ppm)). You are able to measure the following exposures:

500 ppm for 1 hour 100 ppm for 4 hours 225 ppm for 3 hours What is the calculated TWA? What would you tell plant management in terms of exposure to toluene and compliance with the PEL?


Haight, J. M. (Ed.). (2012). Recognition, evaluation, and control of workplace health hazards. Des Plaines, IL: American Society of Safety Engineers.

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White Paper


You are an industrial hygienist for a major pharmaceutical company. The CEO has contacted you regarding a new product line that will be produced in your facility. The new product involves the handling and use of an engineered nanomaterial. To date, your company’s health and safety program has not had to address any safety concerns associated with handling and use of these materials.


Using the NIOSH document from the required reading as your authoritative source

(, prepare a three- to five-page “white paper” that provides an overview of engineered materials and includes a discussion of the following:


 background and industry overview of engineered nanomaterials,


 exposure control strategies,


 nanotechnology processes and engineering controls,


 hazard control evaluations,


 health hazards associated with exposures, and


 conclusions and recommendations.


As you prepare your paper, keep in mind that this should be a high-level overview that is understandable to all employees in the organization: from upper management to production workers. All sources used, including your textbook, should be cited and referenced properly using APA format.

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