Open Course Library ENVS&100 Learning Activities

READINGS FOR Module VI: The Atmosphere: Air, Weather and Climate

Week 1 of Module VI: Atmosphere, Weather, & Air Pollution

Before you do the usual readings:

1. Take National Geographic’s Pollution Quiz: http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/pollution-quiz/ 2. Tour the EPA’s Indoor Air Quality House (IAQ): http://www.epa.gov/iaq/IAQhouse_working.html 3. Read about the EPA’s Air Quality Index (AQI): https://www3.epa.gov/airnow/aqi_brochure_02_14.pdf 4. Read 3 sections of the ALA’s State of the Air 2014 Report: http://www.stateoftheair.org/2014/assets/ALA-SOTA-2014-Full.pdf

a. The State of the Air 2014 (pp. 5-11); b. Health Effects of Ozone & Particle Pollution (pp. 29-37); c. Washington State Table (pp. 166-167) ➢ Key Findings: http://www.stateoftheair.org/2014/key-findings ➢ You can use the Report Card to see what “grade” your local air has earned: http://www.stateoftheair.org (enter your ZIP code) ➢ You can download a State of the Air app here: http://www.lung.org/healthy-air/outdoor/state-of-the-air/app.html

The Habitable Planet Textbook http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/

• Unit 2 : Atmosphere The atmosphere is a critical system that helps to regulate Earth’s climate and distribute heat around the globe. In this unit, discover the fundamental processes that cause atmospheric circulation and create climate zones and weather patterns, and learn how carbon cycling between atmosphere, land, and ocean reservoirs helps to regulate Earth’s climate.

1. Introduction 2. The Structure of the Atmosphere 3. Radiative Balance and the Natural Greenhouse Effect

4. Major Greenhouse Gases 5. Vertical Motion in the Atmosphere 6. Atmospheric Circulation Patterns 7. Climate, Weather, and Storms

8. The Global Carbon Cycle 9. Feedbacks in the Atmosphere 10. Further Reading

• Unit 11 : Atmospheric Pollution Many forms of atmospheric pollution affect human health and the environment at levels from local to global. These contaminants are emitted from diverse sources, and some of them react together to form new compounds in the air. Industrialized nations have made important progress toward controlling some pollutants in recent decades, but air quality is much worse in many developing countries, and global circulation patterns can transport some types of pollution rapidly around the world. In this unit, discover the basic chemistry of atmospheric pollution and learn which human activities have the greatest impacts on air quality.

1. Introduction 2. Chemicals in Motion 3. Primary Air Pollutants 4. Secondary Air Pollutants 5. Aerosols

6. Smog 7. Acid Deposition 8. Mercury Deposition 9. Controlling Air Pollution 10. Stratospheric Ozone

11. Air Pollution, Greenhouse Gases, and Climate Change 12. Major Laws and Treaties 13. Further Reading

Supplemental • Environmental Science: A Self-Teaching Guide, by Barbara W. Murck – Ch.14: Air Pollution • Earth Science CK12 Flexbook (http://www.ck12.org and linked in Canvas)

o Ch.15: Earth’s Atmosphere (The Atmosphere; Atmospheric Layers; Energy in the Atmosphere; Air Movement) o Ch.16: Weather (Weather and Atmospheric Water; Changing Weather; Storms; Weather Forecasting) o Ch.22: Human Actions and the Atmosphere (Air Pollution; Effects of Air Pollution; Reducing Air Pollution)

• Our Ocean Planet: Oceanography in the 21st Century (http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/oceanography-book/contents.htm) o El Nino and the Role of the Ocean in Weather

1. El Niño and Tropical Heat 2. Equatorial Currents 3. Observing the Tropical Pacific

4. Forecasting El Nino 5. El Nino Teleconnections 6. El Nino Policy Issues

7. Ocean’s Influence on North American Drought

• Environmental Science in the 21st Century (http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/environment-book/contents.html) o Air Pollution and Ozone Depletion

1. Atmospheric Structure and Pollution Sources 2. Atmospheric Pollutants 3. Stratospheric Ozone and the Ozone Hole

4. Acid Rain and Acidic Deposition 5. Case Study: Texas Air Quality

• Air Pollution resources – http://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/agents/air-pollution/index.cfm • Indoor Air Pollution – http://indoorair.lbl.gov • Indoor Air Pollution Resources – http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/enviro/indoorairpollution.html • Outdoor Air Pollution Resources – http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/enviro/outdoorairpollution.html • Air Pollution Causes, Facts, and Solutions – http://www.nrdc.org/air/ • Air Pollution Facts, Effects, Solutions, Causes – http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/pollution-overview/ • Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) – http://www.epa.gov/iaq • Care for Your Air: A Guide to Indoor Air Quality – http://www.epa.gov/iaq/pubs/careforyourair.html • Coord. Fed. Action Plan to Reduce Racial & Ethnic Asthma Disparities – http://www.epa.gov/childrenstaskforce/federal_asthma_disparities_action_plan.pdf • Air Pollution and Cardiovascular Risk – http://www.niehs.nih.gov/about/congress/impacts/cardiovascular/index.cfm


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Download this module’s journalling assignment instructions here:

http://scidiv.bellevuecollege.edu/gj/OnlineENVS-Journal6.pdf (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

My global climate change links and resources list is here:

http://scidiv.bellevuecollege.edu/gj/ClimateChange.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This assignment is due in several parts — Each is due by 11:59 pm of the deadlines specified in the Course Calendar File in “Module Zero”:

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Question And Answer : Geosphere

Open Course Library ENVS&100 Learning Activities

READINGS FOR Module VIII: The Geosphere: Mining and Energy

The Habitable Planet Textbook http://www.learner.org/courses/envsci/

• Unit 10 : Energy Challenges Industrialized nations rely on vast quantities of readily available energy to power their economies and produce goods and services. As populations increase in developing countries and citizens demand better standards of living, global energy consumption will continue to rise, along with demands for non-fuel mineral resources such as iron and steel. Learn about new technologies that can produce ample supplies of energy without some of the environmental costs linked to current energy resources.

1. Introduction 2. Thinking About Supply 3. Fossil Fuels: Coal 4. Fossil Fuels: Oil and Gas 5. Unconventional Fossil Fuels and Technologies 6. Nuclear Power 7. Biomass Energy and Feedstocks 8. Hydropower and Ocean Energy

9. Geothermal Energy 10. Wind Power 11. Direct Solar Energy 12. Hydrogen Power 13. Material Resources: Metals 14. Other Material Resources 15. Increasing End-Use Efficiency of Energy and Materials 16. Further Reading

Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air (synopsis) http://www.withouthotair.com/synopsis10.pdf

• Read the short synopsis of the book “Sustainable Energy – Without the Hot Air”. (Also available: Videos & Downloadable Book)

Energy Literacy – Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts for Energy Education http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/09/f18/Energy_Literacy_Low_Res_3.0.pdf

• Read the guide “Energy Literacy – Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts for Energy Education”.


• Environmental Science: A Self-Teaching Guide, by Barbara W. Murck – Ch.10: Mineral Resources; Ch.11: Energy Resources • Earth Science CK12 Flexbook (http://www.ck12.org and in Canvas)

o Ch.5: Earth’s Energy o Ch.20: Human Actions and Earth’s Resources

• Life Science CK12 Flexbook (http://www.ck12.org and in Canvas) o Ch.25: Environmental Problems

• Environmental Science in the 21st Century (http://oceanworld.tamu.edu/resources/environment-book/contents.html) o Shared Resources

• Environmental Science Activities for the 21st Century (OER Commons) o e.g., Renewable Energy: Solar/Wind/Hydropower; Fossil Fuels: Oil/Coal/Natural Gas; Nuclear Decay/Energy/Power; Home Energy Audit/Analysis/

Capstone; Acid Rain; R-Factor • The Great Energy Challenge (National Geographic) – http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/energy/great-energy-challenge/ • Key Topics in Mining: Oil, Gas, and Mining Unit (World Bank) • Sustainability (University of Idaho) – Online course with video “docu-lecture episodes” Open University’s Open Learn: • Why Sustainable Energy Matters

o Present energy sources: Fossil Fuels; Nuclear Energy; Bioenergy; Hydroelectricity o What are renewable energy sources? o Renewable energy sources: Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Wave Power; Tidal Energy; Geothermal Energy o Sustainability of renewable energy sources

• Treading Lightly on the Earth o Carbon footprints; Lightening your carbon load; Treading lightly on the Earth; Who’s responsible for lightening carbon footprints?

• An Introduction to Energy Resources o Renewable and non-renewable energy supplies

• An Introduction to Sustainable Energy • Geothermal Energy • Petroleum • Nuclear Power: Friend or Foe?


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Module 05 Environmental Controversy – Ecosystems Biodiversity

Should we mount a massive effort to restore ecosystems that we have degraded even though this will be quite costly? For this weeks environmental controversy we explore this question. Using the textbook, and any additional outside resources, answer the questions below. Write a 1-2 paragraph response to the questions posed to you. Remember to cite your sources using APA.

Ecological restoration, which is discussed in your textbook, has a critical role in protecting and understanding the Earth’s environments. Unfortunately, even if personnel and financial resources are available, many sites are too damaged to be effectively restored. In such cases, alternatives to restoration must be pursued, including: rehabilitation, remediation, replacement, or the creation of artificial ecosystems.

Some individuals worry that large-scale ecological restoration could mislead the public into believing that any amount of environmental damage can be undone. Ultimately, a massive and expensive restoration program could be offset by weakened regulations and increased environmental damage in other areas. Furthermore, alternatives to ecological restoration may be able to repair more sites at less cost.

Based on what you have read and researched, do you believe that the loss of biodiversity is a concern for humans? Should the government not only preserve but restore ecosystems that we have degraded the biodiversity even though this will be quite costly?

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#6- Two Questions 550 Words Each Total 1100 Words Answering Questions A-D Below APA Format And Intext Citations

Question #1

Write an essay consisting of at least 550 words addressing all of the following topics (a through d):  Intext citations and APA format. At least two sources

a. Describe the U.S. Bureau of Land Management including when it was formed and its purpose.

b. What was the purpose of the Wilderness Act of 1964? Was the act effective?

c. How does the Clean Water Act impact wetlands?

d. How has implementation of the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968 varied from 1968 to the present?


Write an essay consisting of at least 550 words addressing all of the following topics (a through d):  Intext citations and APA format. At least two sources

a. Describe U.S. energy policy in the 1970s.

b. Discuss the 1992 Energy Policy Act.

c. Present similarities and differences in energy policy between the President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama administrations.

d. List at least three U.S. laws that affect offshore oil spills.

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Future Climate Changes

Assignment Content

  1. Review the following scenario:

    You are an environmental scientist reflecting on the climate changes that have and will occur throughout your lifetime.
    Write a 700- to 1,050-word letter to a colleague describing the environmental conditions that occurred during the last decade and how these conditions will affect future climate changes.

    • 1.Describe the environmental conditions that occurred during the last decade.
    • 2.Speculate about the future climate changes that may occur.
    • 3.Discuss how various aspects of the planet may look 50 years from now. What domino effect may occur because of continuous human impact on the environment?
    • 4.Consider the human connection to hydrologic changes, how global warming will affect the main components of the cryosphere, and the subsequent effects that will cause changes in drylands.
    • 5,Include details concerning what daily living may be like, available foods, effects on animal populations, and cultural changes.
    • *****Cite at least two references.

      ******Format your letter consistent with APA guidelines.

      Submit your assignment.

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“Evolution And Population Dynamics”

An adaptation is a characteristic of a population that develops over time and that proves beneficial to that population in surviving and reproducing in a new habitat. Describe one adaptation that modern humans have made that might not have been shared by our distant ancestors but that allows us to survive and reproduce better in our current habitat. Provide at least one reason as to why you chose that adaptation in your response.

  • Speculate one adaptation that humans might have in the future and the reason for it.
  • Population distribution can be random, uniform, or clustered. In your own words, describe one characteristic that helps define the distribution pattern of the human population in the United States. Next, decide whether or not you believe this pattern is optimum, from an environmental perspective; then, suggest two ways that we could change our population distribution to make it even less environmentally damaging.
    • Debate if population distribution or human intervention has the most impact on the environment. Support your answer with at least one quality resource.
    • Respond to at least one of your classmates. Do you agree or disagree? Support your position with at least one quality resource.
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Fire Sprinkler Systems

Your municipality is considering adoption of several modifications to the current fire code for all commercial buildings over 4,000 square feet. Specifically of interest to you, the primary modification will require the installation, maintenance, and inspection of the appropriate fire protection system for each type of commercial business. As the fire inspector, you have been asked to come to the next city council meeting to educate the members on the matter.

Prepare a 10- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation that includes information on the installation, maintenance, and inspection of each of the following types of fire suppression systems:

  • Automatic sprinkler systems
  • Wet-pipe sprinkler systems
  • Dry-pipe sprinkler systems
  • Preaction sprinkler systems
  • Deluge sprinkler systems
  • Dry-chemical extinguishing systems
  • Wet-chemical extinguishing systems
  • Clean-agent extinguishing systems (halogenated agents)
  • Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems

Remember that the city council members are laypeople, so be sure to include pictures and explain any technical information that may be confusing for them. You are encouraged to include information regarding the economic impact of this code adoption.

You may also use the information in your textbook. Your presentation should include at least two references to support discussion. Be sure to cite any sources used in a reference slide, using proper APA formatting. The title and reference slides do not count towards the slide-count requirement.

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Manzanares River (Colombia) Research Paper

Environmental Science

EVR 1009

Research Paper Requirements




· Papers are to be formatted in a modified Modern Language Association (MLA) format as follows. Additional guidance can be found at https://mlaformat.org/the-format-of-the-research-paper/

· Paper is to be standard 81/2’ by 11”; 20 pound bond

· Fonts will be 12 point Arial

· Margins will be one inch on top, bottom and sides

· Use block format and double spacing

· Use parenthetical citation format (Author’s Last Name, Page #, Citation #) when directly quoting material or paraphrasing someone else’s idea, place the author’s name and the page number(s) in which you obtained the information from in parentheses. For Example: (Casey, pg. 27, # 5)

· Pages are to be numbered and include the student’s name preceding the page number

· Paper must have a cover page with student’s name, Professor’s name, due date and course number




· Topic must be one from the approved list or one of your choosing and approved by the Professor

· See Professor at the end of Lecture Two, to register your topic

· Students must register their topic with the Professor by 17 January 2019

· Must be at least eight (8) typewritten pages of prose but no longer than ten (10) pages of prose

· Graphs, tables, illustrations and pictures are encouraged to be used to assure content is clear to the reader

· Graphs, tables, illustrations, and pictures do not count as part of the eight (8) page minimum. Note however that they may be very useful in the 3-5 minute presentation at the Environmental Forum

· Must have a Reference List containing at least seven references. If a website is referenced, provide the complete page address. For example:

www.epa.gov/dioxin is appropriate for a reference regarding dioxin; www.epa.gov is not an acceptable reference

· Must contain a Literature Cited Table if direct quotes or close paraphrasing of another’s work is incorporated



Plagiarism steals not only from others but mostly from you!


Environmental Science


Research Paper Topics




· Compare the Corporate Social Responsibility Plans and Sustainability Initiatives of two Corporations traded on a major a stock exchange (London, Tokyo, NY etc.)

· Sustainable Agriculture

· Conflict Minerals

· Sustainable Siliviculture

· Sustainable City Plan

· EMERGY (See Center for Environmental Policy)



Pollution Problems

· Plastic Ocean

· Ocean Acidification

· Emerging Pollutants of Concern (Sources, effects, solutions)

· Acid Mine Drainage (causes, effects, solutions)



Human Health

· Endocrine Disrupters and Developed Countries

· Indoor Air Quality

· Air Quality, Monitoring & Control in ________________ (Major City)




· Extinctions in the developing world (Causes, Effects, Solutions)

· Deforestaion in the developing world (Causes, Effects, Solutions)

· Wetland System & their Biology

· Biodiversity decline


Eco Business & Regulation

· Carbon Taxes (Concepts/Markets/Efficacy)

· Alternative Power Systems (Technology/Costs/Regulatory issues)

· Ecotourism

· Electronics Recycling

· Alternative Materials as Feedstock

· Solid Waste Recycling



Pollution Abatement Technologies

· Municipal Water Treatment

· Municipal Wastewater Treatment

· Industrial Air Pollution Control

· Petroleum Contaminated Land Reclamation and Clean up


Specific Pollutants in Atmosphere Sources, Sinks & Effects

· Ozone

· Sulfur Oxides

· Nitrogen Oxides

· Mercury

· Particulate Matter

· Methane

· Hydrogen Sulfide and Related compounds


Solid & Hazardous Waste Management

· Recycling

· Heavy Organics Collection

· Composting



Environmental Disasters Case Studies

· Flint, Michigan Water Supply

· Deepwater Horizon

· Love Canal

· Bhopal

· TVA’s Kingston Fossil Plant

· Donora Smog 1948 & Great London Smog 1952

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Look at the events from 1979–2001 in your textbook on pages 132–133. During this period, there were a multitude of events such as hurricanes, flooding, and earthquakes that required a Presidential Declaration for assistance in that particular state.

Create a table similar to that on pages 132–133 that includes events from 2002–current year. The table should include the following information:

You may use Word or Excel to create your table. Include at least five events in your table. You may find these websites helpful in your research:



Next, write a summary that coordinates with the five events in the table. In your summary for each disaster, you should cover the following information.

  • Correlate each disaster listed in the table to the implementation of disaster-focused improvement for that event. In other words, what did we learn as a nation when the event occurred?
  • Was the United States prepared for this event?
  • Did our disaster response meet the needs of the communities impacted by the event?
  • Were special programs, resources, or monies created to better prepare for another event similar to this one?
  • Describe how the stand up of FEMA changed emergency management and disaster response.

Your document should be at least three pages in length (including the table you have created). If you created the table in Excel, be sure to place that chart in your Word document. You may do this by using the Snip It Tool or taking a snap shot of the chart. You must include at least three sources in your research, and the information should be cited and referenced in APA format.

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