English Comp 1

The Final Essay in this course should consist of the following elements: Your essay must be at least five pages in length and should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font. There must be a title to your paper. If block quotes are used, the block quotes should be appropriately indented, and no quotation marks should be placed around the block quotes. Your essay should be about an intriguing concept that you are interested in. You need to dissect something intriguing about your topic. Remember, the more focused you are, the more impactful and powerful your essay will be. At least two outside sources should be included in your essay; in-text citations and properly formatted references should be present. Click here for more information on how you are expected to cite and reference sources in academic papers. Make sure your references are reputable—a good place to search for reputable sources is the Waldorf Online Library. A strong, solid thesis (the argument that ties your paper together) should be present. The thesis CANNOT be an obvious statement. There is no point in writing a paper if you are merely reiterating facts that you already know. You need to be intriguing and insightful in your paper. There should be a strong development of your thesis, as well as strong and solid claims. Your essay should take a careful and focused examination of your topic, and fluid transitions between paragraphs should be used. Think of the questions: Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Answer these questions within your essay. Make your Final Essay as objective as possible by eliminating pronouns such as “I,” “me,” and “you.” These will make you stray toward opinion. Do not add your personal opinion on the topic; rather, focus the argument or illustration of your thesis. Also, do not back out of your claims by including phrases such as “possibly,” “probably,” “I believe,” or “in my opinion.” A strong conclusion should touch base with the claims you have made, and reinforce the significance of your thesis. Make your essay powerful! Assert your claims, but always back them up with sources and evidence. Believe in yourself and what you have to say. Have confidence in your paper! Be very detailed, as well. The more focused and detailed you are, the stronger your essay will be. So again, carefully present your topic, and analyze the situation in detail. Back up your claims with evidence. Analyze that evidence. Immerse your reader in your topic and research. Make your reader as excited as you are. Reminder: NO slang or jargon should be used. Also, this is not a standard five-paragraph essay. You will definitely have more than five paragraphs. Make sure to PROOFREAD!

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Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

This unit has presented the regulatory environment related to industrial and hazardous wastes. The required unit resources and unit lesson presented aspects of the historical and current regulatory environment, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) requirements, and the impact of nonuniform international environmental laws.

For this assignment, review the case study that was in the required unit resources “Hidden Externalities: The Globalization of Hazardous Waste” concerning the Colbert brothers’ hazardous waste business.

In your case study, discuss the Colbert brothers’ business and how they were able to conduct this business operation.

In addition, address the following items:

  • Assess the historical and current regulatory environment on this case.
  • Summarize RCRA requirements regarding this hazardous waste case.
  • Appraise the impact of nonuniform international environmental laws concerning this case.
  • Assess the ethical standards for the Colbert brothers and if their punishment fit their crime.
  • State your opinion on how the case was handled.

You do not need to write your case study in the order of the above items. Weave the items into your paper to create a flowing, readable document with smooth transitions.

Your case study must be at least three pages in length with a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement).

Besides using the source from this article in your case study, locate an additional peer-reviewed article from the CSU Online Library that centers on RCRA requirements and the current regulatory environment regarding hazardous waste. The article must be no more than five years old. Also, it may be helpful to utilize the Environmental Protection Agency websites listed under References.

Because this assignment requires you to reference peer-reviewed articles, you may find it helpful to review the library’s tutorial on How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources. (Transcript for How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources video)

Adhere to APA Style guidelines when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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Research Paper For Mass Wasting

Research paper

Subject: Mass Wasting

Word count: 1100 words

Consider the following questions:

1) What is the current history of the theme of Mass Wasting? What is special?

2) Is Mass Wasting the main participant in this study? For example, the history and evolution of the theme?

3) What main processes (physics and/or chemistry) are involved in Mass Wasting?

4) How does Mass Wasting affect the world today? And how will it affect our thinking and ease our survival on this planet?

5) What impact does Mass Wasting have on the human environment and economic significance?

6) Is Mass Wasting a topic worthy of human attention? If it is the reason and explanation, if not, the explanation

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Ocean Week 2

Assignment Content

  1. Prepare a 350- to 700-word paper describing the basic theories associated with the creation of the ocean floor.

    Week 2 Rubric.pdf

    Include the following in your paper:

    • Identify three different plate boundaries and list the outstanding features of each boundary.
    • List one natural event that occurs as a direct result of plate boundary interactions.
    • Compare and contrast ideas behind plate tectonics and the theory of continental drift. Does one idea seem more plausible than the other? If so, why? Base your findings on the natural event you identified earlier in the paper.
    • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Reference a minimum of two outside sources, other than your text, such as credible websites and articles that support your findings.

      Submit your assignment.


    • Center for Writing Excellence
    • Reference and Citation Generator
    • Grammar and Writing Guides
    • Learning Team Toolkit
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Course Project

UNIT VIII Course Project


  1. Conduct an audit of the following safety management      system elements at your organization or an organization with which you are      familiar and have access to the required information:






1. Occupational Health and Safety   Management System




2. Occupational Health and Safety   Policy




3. Responsibility and Authority




4. Employee Participation




5. Review Process, Assessment, and   Prioritization

4.1, 4.2



6. Risk Assessment




7. Hierarchy of Controls




8. Design Review




9. Management of Change




10. Procurement




11. Monitoring and Measurement




12. Incident Investigation




13. Audits




14. Corrective and Preventive   Actions




15. Feedback to the Planning   Process




16. Management Review

7.1, 7.2


  1.       Below, you will find some suggested sources      for the objective evidence to support your evaluation:
    • Documents: Organizational safety manuals and       instructions, safe operating procedures, and job hazard analyses
    • Records: E-mails or letters from management to       employees, safety meeting minutes, mishap logs, audit reports,       Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) citations,       inspection reports, risk assessments, and training records
    • Interviews: Management personnel, supervisors, and       employees
    • Observation: Walk through some workplaces to observe       conditions for yourself.
  2. For each management system element, discuss the      objective evidence you found or were unable to find. Evaluate the      effectiveness of the organization’s implementation of each element against      available reference sources and best practice information. Use the      following four-tier evaluation scheme to rate each element:
    • World Class:       OHS performance
    • Strong:       Conforming/complete, may have minor gaps with action plans
    • Moderate:       Scattered non-conformances need to be addressed, positive trends/major       elements in place
    • Limited:       Multiple or significant systemic non-conformances exist.

Appropriate references include the course textbook; textbooks from other college-level courses; ANSI/AIHA Z10-2012; other published consensus standards like ANSI, ASSE, AIHA, ISO, and NFPA; OSHA standards and voluntary guidelines; and articles published in professional journals. Blogs, Wikipedia, About.com, Ask.com, and other unmonitored Internet resources are not considered scholarly references and should not be used. Please contact your professor if you have any questions about the appropriateness of a source.

  1. If an element is found to be less than World Class,      provide recommendations for improvement. Be sure to use appropriate      scholarly sources to support your recommendations.
  2. Provide a summary of the overall status of the      organization’s safety management system, and comment on the degree of      alignment between the safety management system and other management system      efforts utilized at the facility.

The Unit VIII Course Project must be a minimum of seven pages and a maximum of 10 pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. A minimum of five professional sources must be used.

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ENV100T Week 2 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1

Keystone species:

are only found in aquatic habitats.

are always found at the top of the food chain.

are vital to the soil balance of an entire ecosystem.

are usually not the most abundant species in the ecosystem.

Question 2

All of the following traits are characteristic of the adaptations of prey EXCEPT:

producing toxins.

having the appearance of twigs or leaves.

warning coloration.

all of the above are characteristic prey adaptations

Question 3

The nitrogen cycle is one of the most important and complex of the biogeochemical cycles. Why is nitrogen important?

It’s an Ozone depleting gas

It’s an essential part of biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids (DNA)

It’s the most toxic element to living organisms

Nitrogen dilutes the oxygen in the atmosphere causing respiratory problems

Question 4

What important process might be severely impacted by colony collapse disorder?

nutrient cycling




Question 5

What is the step in the nitrogen cycle in which gaseous nitrogen is converted into ammonia?




nitrogen fixation

Question 6

The mushrooms seen growing here gets its nutrition from:

Decomposing dead organic material that is the dead tree.


Capturing earthworms and other soil invertebrates.

The living tree itself.

Question 7

How does the phosphorus cycle DIFFER from the carbon cycle?

There is little or no human impact on the phosphorus cycle.

Phosphorus is not a critical component of living organisms.

The hydrosphere plays a role in the phosphorus cycle.

The atmosphere does not contribute to the phosphorus cycle.

Question 8

Approximately what percentage of the atmosphere is CO2?





Question 9

How are temperate rain forests and the boreal forest similar?

Both have mild winters

Both are dominated by conifers

Both have tree species that are drought adapted

Both experience dense fogs

Question 10

The biomes that commonly have fire-adapted species and are known for supporting herds of grazing animals are:

temperate grassland and temperate deciduous forest.

temperate grassland and savanna.

chaparral and boreal forest.

boreal forest and temperate deciduous forest.

Question 11

Individuals within a population each have a unique combination of traits, which is known as:

Genetic variation.

Reproductive capacity.


Differential reproductive success.

Question 12

Which of the following biomes is NOT known for its wood and lumber production?

temperate rain forest



temperate deciduous forest

Question 13

What is the main difference between short and tall grass prairies?

One is dominated by grasses and the other is dominated by forbs.

Tall grass prairies receive more rainfall than short grass prairies.

Short grass prairies occur in warmer latitudes than tall grass prairies.

Tall grass prairies typically have colder winters than short grass prairies.

Question 14

Which biome has considerable organic material in the soil, annual precipitation of 10-30 inches, and periodic wildfires to maintain the dominant vegetation?

temperate deciduous forest.


temperate grassland.

boreal forest.

Question 15

What biome is most likely to have the following temperature and rainfall profile?


boreal forest

tropical rainforest

temperate deciduous forests

Question 16

Which of the following is a biological control that is used to suppress wild fires in chaparral?

viral diseases


introduced species

insect herbivores

Question 17

All of the following apply to estuaries EXCEPT:

There provide very valuable breeding grounds for commercially important fish and shellfish.

There is no salinity in estuarine ecosystems due to large supply of fresh water from a river.

Plants and algae that grow here have high tolerance for changing environmental conditions like salinity and light penetration.

These coastal ecosystems provide a barrier against the ocean during storms.

Question 18

The graph below is a record of the population size of reindeer on one of the Pribilof Islands off the coast of Alaska where they were introduced in 1911. If it is known that the availability of winter forage determines the carrying capacity for reindeer, what can be interpreted from this graph?

The population crashed due to overgrazing by the reindeer.

An environmental resistance factor like disease caused the population to decline somewhat.

Some reindeer were lost to predation by wolves.

Some reindeer emigrated to another island.

Question 19

The young age structure of urban areas can be attributed to:

high birth rates in urban areas

influx of young people from rural areas

high death rates in urban areas

the presence of more females than males in urban areas

Question 20

Which factors eventually cause birth rates to decline during a demographic transition?

Birth rates decline due to improved health care and modern medicines.

Birth rates decline due to increased education of women.

Birth rates decline due to increased contraceptive use.

All of these choices ultimately contribute to declining birth rates.

Question 21

According to the demographic transition model, an improving economy in a country is generally correlated with which of the following?

Increased birth rate and increased population growth rate

Increased death rate and decreased population growth rate

Decreased birth rate and increased population growth rate

Decreased birth rate and decreased population growth rate

Question 22

What change in human population growth is predicted by the United Nation’s population models?

Population will double by 2100.

Population will begin to level off by 2100.

Population will continue to grow exponentially.

Population will level off by 2525.

Question 23

What is probably the single most important factor affecting high total fertility rate in human populations?

Limited access to family planning services.

The low status of women in many societies.

The economic status of large families.

Cultural traditions.

Question 24

Who was the first scientist to sound the alarm about the growth of the human population and the ability of the earth to handle a large population of humans?

Charles Darwin

Paul Ehrlich

Thomas Malthus

Rachel Carson

Question 25

What do population ecologists study?

How animal communities form and interact

How groups of animals of the same species respond to their environment

The impact of humans on the environment

How ecosystems fit into the landscape

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ENV100T Week 3 WileyPLUS Weekly Exam

Question 1

How are San Francisco, California, and Mount Saint Helens, Washington related?

Both lie on a geological plate boundary.

Both are part of the same mountain range.

They were formed by the same volcanic event.

Both are regions of upwelling.

Question 2

In soil formation, the parent material provides:



water-holding capacity


Question 3

What percentage of the earth’s land area is suitable for agriculture?





Question 4

Which of the following identifies a method used to separate impurities from molten metal?



mine drainage


Question 5

Which of the following statements about nutrient cycling is TRUE?

Bacteria and fungi are involved in nutrient cycling as they decompose detritus transforming large organic molecules into small inorganic molecules, including carbon dioxide, water, and nutrient minerals like nitrates.

Nutrient cycling is the pathway of various nutrient minerals or elements from the environment through organisms and back to the environment.

Nonliving processes are also involved in nutrient cycling, such as the weathering of the parent material replaces some nutrient minerals lost through erosion.

All of the above statements are true about nutrient cycling.

Question 6

Contour plowing, strip cropping, and terracing are soil conservation methods that are BEST suited to which of the following situations?

Arid soils prone to salinization

Nitrogen depleted soils

Reclaimed mine areas

Soils located on slopes

Question 7

In the diagram below, the horizontal layers are called ___ while the entire vertical section of the soil from surface to bedrock is called ___.

soil horizons…soil profile


soil profile…leaching

humus…soil horizons

Question 8

Which of the following minerals is INCORRECTLY paired with its use(s)?

aluminum – electrical wiring

iron – steel

sand – glass and concrete

sulfur – making plastics and wallboard

Question 9

The hill of loose rock produced as a by-product of strip mining is known as:


a spoil bank.

an open pit.

acid mine drainage.

Question 10

Fifty percent of all the wood that is harvested from the world’s forests is:

made into furniture

used in producing paper

burned directly as fuelwood

used to make children’s toys

Question 11

Public lands may be used for:

resource extraction

livestock grazing

wildlife habitat

all of the above

Question 12

What is the relationship of overgrazing to desertification?

Overgrazing is the destruction of a grassland ecosystem; desertification is the destruction of a desert ecosystem.

Overgrazing results in barren exposed soil; if erosion continues, it contributes to desertification.

Overgrazing is brought about by livestock operations; desertification is brought about by crop cultivation.

Overgrazing and desertification are both a result of the introduction of non-native species coupled with extended droughts.

Question 13

Sustainable forestry:

seeks to conserve forests for the long-term commercial harvest of timber and non-timber forest products by maintaining a mix of forest trees, by age and species, rather than imposing a monoculture.

due to the complexity of goals, is most effective when it involves cooperation among environmentalists, loggers, farmers, indigenous peoples, and local, state, and federal governments.

approaches vary from one forest ecosystem to another, in response to different environmental, cultural, and economic conditions.

is all of the above.

Question 14

Which of the following statements about forests in the U.S. is FALSE?

The majority (well over 50%) of U.S. forests are owned and managed by private individuals.

Forests in the eastern U.S. are holding steady or even expanding due to secondary succession on abandoned farmland.

One of the biggest threats to forests in the U.S. is their potential subdivision and conversion to suburban development like housing and shopping malls.

Projected conversion of forests to agriculture, urban, and suburban lands over the next 40 years will have the greatest potential impact in the south.

Question 15

Habitat corridors are intended to provide:

additional habitat fragmentation.

increase in species richness within forest monocultures.

a means for controlling insect pests and invasive species.

a means of migration so animals can interbreed.

Question 16

What is the reason that forests tend to be cooler and moister than surrounding open lands?



canopy cover


Question 17

A protected zone that connects isolated unlogged or undeveloped areas is called:

a habitat corridor

sustainable forestry

shelterwood cutting

a monoculture

Question 18

Which of the following is a benefit of pesticide use?

with repeated application of pesticide, pests develop genetic resistance

pesticides reduce the amount of crop lost through competition with weeds

pesticides exhibit persistence, degrading slowly

pesticides show mobility, moving other than where they were applied

pesticidesbioaccumulate in the food chain

Question 19

Which of the following statements about pesticides is false?

The prolonged use of a particular pesticide can cause a pest population to develop genetic resistance to it.

Most pesticides affect more species than the pests for which they are intended.

Pesticides applied to agricultural lands tend to stay where they are applied.

Most pesticides are chemically stable and do not degrade readily in the environment.

Pesticides reduce the amount of crop loss through consumption by insects.

Question 20

What would a narrow-spectrum pesticide kill?

its target organism

indiscriminate organisms in the vicinity of its spray

thin-leaved plants

tapered insects such as wasps and ants

all organisms in a restricted range

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Industrial And Hazardous Waste

o you use any of the treatment technologies discussed in this unit at home or work? Please discuss. If you don’t use any at home or work, do an Internet search, and discuss one or more of the technologies being used to treat industrial waste.

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”


We have a new water treatment plant being built here on the Naval base which I am going to assume that the process will be sedimentation to treat the water.  Now from my understanding, this process uses a physicalwater treatment and gravity to help remove any type of solid that is suspended from the water.  However, the effectiveness depends solely on suspended solids that react to a specific gravity (AOS Treatment Solutions, 2018).

Because sedimentation is widely used throughout the world and is the preliminary step in this process, there are several advantages and benefits.  The first one is that there are fewer chemicals that are needed which makes the subsequent process much easier.  The biggest advantage is that it cost less than other treatments with minimal variations in the quality of water that passes through during the process (AOS Treatment Solutions, 2018).

How the process works is that it takes the wastewater within the sedimentation tank and removes the particles from the water which the accumulated solids or sludge that settle to the bottom are periodically removed.  I did not know this but there is coagulants which is added to the water before the sedimentation process starts. There is a second step in the process which is called the trickling filter that takes the activated sludge or another purification process which removes the impurities that has bacteria (AOS Treatment Solutions, 2018).

AOS Treatment Solutions. (2018, May 01). What is Sedimentation in Water Treatment. Retrieved from https://aosts.com/what-is-sediment-in-water-treatment-types-settling-tanks/

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Fire Protection Technology

Part 7: Scenario-Based Case Study

For this assignment, you will submit Part 7 of the scenario-based case study course project, which is due in Unit VIII. You should evaluate and revise the recommendations, as needed, during the process for each previous unit as you learn more during the progression of this course. Please continue to draw upon your imagination to think creatively on potential concerns with fire and explosive hazards, fire controls, and fire and emergency management. Look at fire protection technology in a holistic way that is significantly different from what was previously designed by thinking in isolation. You will evaluate and develop recommendations to resolve potential fires in the future.

Section I

As you make suggestions to improve the fire protection system, identify the components and accessories common to fire pump installations needed for the rebuild of the warehouse. Refer back to the background information, if needed, to provide you with the necessary material to identify the basic components common to fire protection for the City of Washington Distribution Warehouse. In addition, review the Points to Ponder Scenario in the Unit VII Lesson for additional information as well as Chapter 6 in the textbook.

This assignment is not looking for compliance with building codes nor expecting you to be a fire protection system designer. However, the purpose of this assignment is for you to apply the concepts and knowledge you learned in this unit as you begin writing your final project covering protection systems that will detect, contain, control, and extinguish a fire. In addition, this assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your skills, expertise, and experience to enrich your response.

Prepare a well-organized narrative addressing fire pumps and including your recommendations after reviewing the background information and the information above. Your discussion will consist of your evaluation of the previous fire pump and recommendations for the rebuild of the warehouse, based on information from the textbook and any additional research.

Section II

As we saw in the Points to Ponder Scenario in the unit lesson, electrical surge protection devices could have mitigated damage or even loss to the pump driver. Describe the benefits that surge protection devices provide for fire pump components and systems against the damages of voltage surges.

For this assignment, you will write a two-page narrative (one page per section) supporting your position. Use APA level one headings for each section. The heading should be indicative of the major section to follow. You must have a title page and references page. You may use information from reputable, reliable journal articles, case studies, scholarly papers, and other sources that you feel are pertinent. You should use at least three sources, one of which must be your textbook. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations following proper APA style.

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Choose a country of your choice other than the United States.

Using the Internet collect data about mortality and morbidity indicators about that country. A useful site that you will find helpful is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) World Factbook website:  https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ .

Now compare the five leading causes of death in the United States with the five leading causes of death in that country.

Also locate the agent, host, environment details and time, place, and person characteristics of any one of those.

Some of the websites that you will find helpful in doing this would be the World Health Organization http://www.who.int/en/, that country’s health department, PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/, and Google http://www.google.com/.

Summarize your response in a double spaced typed paper of 500 words.

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