
Topic: “Not in My Backyard” and Environmental Justice — Your Specific Geographic Area

In the last unit, you discussed natural resources and how important it is to manage them wisely and in a sustainable manner. Many countries have implemented regulations to protect these resources and the environment. This can often involve huge investments in infrastructure such as wastewater treatment facilities. Communities face a number of challenges such as what to do with wastes, how to provide energy to citizens and businesses, and how to regulate industries that might pollute the environment. This is often done on a limited budget and politicians are under a lot of pressure to please a lot of different interest groups as they create the policies and make these decisions.

How does a community decide where to locate a facility such as a wastewater treatment plant or a new factory that could potentially bring many jobs into an area? Consider all of the factories and industrial processes that are needed to support a modern lifestyle. The wastes generated have to go somewhere. Often, people can agree that a new power plant, an oil refinery, or waste disposal site is needed. People have a much harder time agreeing where these facilities should be located within their communities. A common phrase used to describe these phenomena is “not in my backyard” or NIMBY.

Because no one wants to live near certain types of facilities, they traditionally have been concentrated in communities where people have the least influence, power, and/or money to prevent their construction. Once constructed, if these facilities negatively impact public health, the environment, and/or the quality of life, the surrounding communities have fewer resources to monitor the effects and/or demand reparation. Many people are now fighting for what is termed “environmental justice” to ensure that the burdens of dealing with pollution are handled in a manner that is fair to all citizens. For additional background on environmental justice, visit this site:

Environmental Justice: EPA. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/

In 1994, former president Bill Clinton launched a presidential order to address environmental justice in minority and low-income populations. For further information on the presidential order, visit:

Executive Order 12898. (1994, February 11). Federal Register, 59(32). Retrieved from http://www.archives.gov/federal-register/executive-orders/pdf/12898.pdf

Although environmental regulations are set in place, it is often difficult to ensure that those regulations are being followed or enforced. Citizens should be aware of pollutants that might be in their communities. To learn more about what is in your area, you can start looking here:

Superfund Sites Where You Live: EPA. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/

The idea of NIMBY is not limited to one community or country. Rich and powerful countries often impose restrictions and regulate industries and other polluting operations. Complying with environmental regulations can be very costly, so many corporations have moved facilities to countries that either has less stringent environmental practices and/or have fewer resources in place to enforce environmental policies.

This week, please answer the following questions for Discussion:

  1. What facilities (current or historical) might be responsible for the release of pollutants into your community?
  2. Are they spread throughout your community or located in one area?
  3. If you were in charge of setting policies, how would you ensure that the burden of pollution was shared equally or fairly amongst all citizens?
  4. Do some research on your own to find information about a conflict either between communities within the U.S. or abroad that involves NIMBY or any other environmental justice-type issues. Share what you find with the class and provide the source. Be sure to include:
    1. The country, region, and/or state.
    2. What the conflict was.
    3. Was there a resolution or not? Provide a brief overview.

Be sure to address all Discussion Board topics in an original, well-thought-out, respectful manner. Main posts should fully and completely discuss each question posed and make frequent, informed references to this unit’s material. Engage in ongoing, productive conversation by responding to a minimum of two classmates per topic.

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Non-Profit Organization Research Paper

Research Assignment 5

EVR 1001 Fall 2020

This document includes the fifth research assignment worth 20 points. Follow the directions below for the assignment and submit to the BlackBoard drop box by the due date of Monday, Dec. 14.

For this project you will be researching a “NGO” (non-governmental organization) or interchangeably called a “NPO” (non-profit organization). NGO/NPO’s are often referred to as “grassroots” organizations as well and exist to support or advance a certain cause. The Red Cross, for instance, is a very large NGO/NPO having much political influence and helping millions of people during times of crisis. Others are much smaller and work peacefully while others may be quite radical in their actions. If you further wish to know what constitutes a NGO/NPO consult with either of these two links: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/non-profitorganization.asp or https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonprofit_organization. The NGO/NPO you choose must relate to the goals and objectives of this course as part of working towards an environmentally sustainable society and/or environmental conservation or protection. Here is what you need to do:

1) Find an NGO/NPO to research. Remember, it must be related to the goals and objectives of EVR 1001.


2) Describe the purpose/goals/mission of the NGO/NPO explaining why the NGO/NPO was founded. (4 pts)

3) Who (individual or group) founded the NGO/NPO and when? (2 pts)

4) How many members represent the NGO/NPO? (2 pts)

5) How is the NGO/NPO funded? (2 pts)

6) Explain how members go about accomplishing their purpose/goals/mission, that is, how do

they conduct their activism? Do they conduct outreach education, demonstrations, physical

labor, etc.? (4 pts)

7) Describe specific examples or instances of the groups’ activism to accomplish their goals.

You may have to do a little searching for this one; look for news stories, articles, web sites,

etc. that may describe specific examples, instances, dates. (4 pts)

8) Would you consider joining this organization? Explain why or why not? (2 pts)

Type this information up in a question/answer format as above and submit to the Blackboard drop box by Monday, Dec. 14.

Complete your own work. For people that may incidentally choose the same NGO/NPO, I will carefully be scrutinizing those using similarity indexes such as the SafeAssign software and/or manual comparison. Finally, as always, be aware of plagiarism and cite any sources that you may quote or closely paraphrase.

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One of the cornerstone concepts in environmental science is global warming and climate change. Throughout the term, you learned numerous ways in which human behaviors can modify ecosystems. For your Unit 9 Assignment, you will put together a Final Project report that describes how you attempted to reduce your carbon footprint.

Use the progress report logs from Units 3, 5, and 7 and the background research (with references) you conducted in Unit 8 to help you write your summative paper. Be sure to include your original hypothesis, methods used (from Unit 2), and your final results. You should include actual numerical data (and respective units) where appropriate (i.e., before and after usage of water/gas/oil). Assess the influence this change had on your carbon output, and the attendant effect this had on the environment.

Include a minimum of three outside references, all from reliable sources, and one direct reference to your text.

The paper should be between 750–1,000 words (approximately 3–5 pages) in APA format. Your paper should be in writing in your own words. You may not copy text from any resource, except within quotations, and they may not make up any more than 10% of your paper. Include appropriate references and follow the guidelines of APA formatting. Proper citation, syntax, and spelling are the basic requirements in mechanics.

If you have any questions or require additional assistance in writing this Assignment, please work with your instructor and/or the Academic Success Center early in the term (preferably before Unit 4).

Basic Writing Expectations:

  1. Your report should be between 750–1,000 words, not counting the title or reference pages, or progress reports.
  2. Include a title page, double-space your paper, and use font size 10 or 12.
  3. Include a highly developed viewpoint/thesis, purpose, and exceptional content.
  4. Demonstrate superior organization — use logic.
  5. Make certain that your paper is free of grammar and spelling errors.
  6. Avoid plagiarism.
  7. Use the APA style for all citations.
  8. Always include an introduction and conclusion.
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Research Methods


Insert Title Here


Insert Your Name Here

Insert University Here

Course Name Here

Instructor Name Here



Table of Contents

Include the table of contents here. There is a tool for creating a table of contents in the References tab of the Microsoft Word tool bar at the top of the screen. Delete this before you begin.


Executive Summary

The executive summary will go here. The paragraphs are not indented, and it should be formatted like an abstract. The executive summary should be composed after the project is complete. It will be the final step in the project. Delete this before you begin.


Title of Paper

Note: The following introduction should remain in the research project unchanged. Delete this note before you begin.

Senior leadership at Sun Coast has identified several areas for concern that they believe could be solved using business research methods. The previous director was tasked with conducting research to help provide information to make decisions about these issues. Although data were collected, the project was never completed. Senior leadership is interested in seeing the project through to fruition. The following is the completion of that project and includes the statement of the problems, literature review, research objectives, research questions and hypotheses, research methodology, design, and methods, data analysis, findings, and recommendations.

Statement of the Problems

Note: The following statement of the problems should remain in the research project unchanged. Delete this note before you begin.

Six business problems were identified:

Particulate Matter (PM)

There is a concern that job-site particle pollution is adversely impacting employee health. Although respirators are required in certain environments, PM varies in size depending on the project and job site. PM that is between 10 and 2.5 microns can float in the air for minutes to hours (e.g., asbestos, mold spores, pollen, cement dust, fly ash), while PM that is less than 2.5 microns can float in the air for hours to weeks (e.g. bacteria, viruses, oil smoke, smog, soot). Due to the smaller size of PM that is less than 2.5 microns, it is potentially more harmful than PM that is between 10 and 2.5 since the conditions are more suitable for inhalation. PM that is less than 2.5 is also able to be inhaled into the deeper regions of the lungs, potentially causing more deleterious health effects. It would be helpful to understand if there is a relationship between PM size and employee health. PM air quality data have been collected from 103 job sites, which is recorded in microns. Data are also available for average annual sick days per employee per job-site.

Safety Training Effectiveness

Health and safety training is conducted for each new contract that is awarded to Sun Coast. Data for training expenditures and lost-time hours were collected from 223 contracts. It would be valuable to know if training has been successful in reducing lost-time hours and, if so, how to predict lost-time hours from training expenditures.

Sound-Level Exposure

Sun Coast’s contracts generally involve work in noisy environments due to a variety of heavy equipment being used for both remediation and the clients’ ongoing operations on the job sites. Standard ear-plugs are adequate to protect employee hearing if the decibel levels are less than 120 decibels (dB). For environments with noise levels exceeding 120 dB, more advanced and expensive hearing protection is required, such as earmuffs. Historical data have been collected from 1,503 contracts for several variables that are believed to contribute to excessive dB levels. It would be important if these data could be used to predict the dB levels of work environments before placing employees on-site for future contracts. This would help the safety department plan for procurement of appropriate ear protection for employees.

New Employee Training

All new Sun Coast employees participate in general health and safety training. The training program was revamped and implemented six months ago. Upon completion of the training programs, the employees are tested on their knowledge. Test data are available for two groups: Group A employees who participated in the prior training program and Group B employees who participated in the revised training program. It is necessary to know if the revised training program is more effective than the prior training program.

Lead Exposure

Employees working on job sites to remediate lead must be monitored. Lead levels in blood are measured as micrograms of lead per deciliter of blood (μg/dL). A baseline blood test is taken pre-exposure and postexposure at the conclusion of the remediation. Data are available for 49 employees who recently concluded a 2-year lead remediation project. It is necessary to determine if blood lead levels have increased.

Return on Investment

Sun Coast offers four lines of service to their customers, including air monitoring, soil remediation, water reclamation, and health and safety training. Sun Coast would like to know if each line of service offers the same return on investment. Return on investment data are available for air monitoring, soil remediation, water reclamation, and health and safety training projects. If return on investment is not the same for all lines of service, it would be helpful to know where differences exist.

Literature Review

After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should include the literature review information here. Delete this before you begin.

Research Objectives

After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should include research objectives here. Delete this before you begin.







Research Questions and Hypotheses

After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should state the research questions and hypotheses. Delete this before you begin.
























Research Methodology, Design, and Methods

After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should detail the research design they have selected. Use the following subheadings to include all required information. Delete this before you begin.

Research Methodology

Research Design

Research Methods

Data Collection Methods

Sampling Design

Data Analysis Procedures

Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should provide the Excel Toolpak results of their descriptive analyses. Use the following subheadings to include all required information. Delete this before you begin.


Correlation: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Simple Regression: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Multiple Regression: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Independent Samples t Test: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Dependent Samples (Paired-Samples) t Test: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

ANOVA: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing

After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should provide the Excel Toolpak results of their hypothesis testing. Use the following subheadings to include all required information. Delete this before you begin.

Correlation: Hypothesis Testing

Simple Regression: Hypothesis Testing

Multiple Regression: Hypothesis Testing

Independent Samples t Test: Hypothesis Testing

Dependent Samples (Paired Samples) t Test: Hypothesis Testing

ANOVA: Hypothesis Testing


After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should discuss the findings in the context of Sun Coast’s problems and the associated research objectives and questions. Important Note: Students should refer to the information presented in the Unit VII Study Guide and the Unit VII Syllabus instructions to complete this section of the project. Restate each research objective, and discuss them in the context of your hypothesis testing results. The following are some things to consider. What answers did the analysis provide to your research questions? What do those answers tell you? What are the implications of those answers? Delete these statements before you begin.


RO1: Determine if a person’s height is related to weight.

The results of the statistical testing showed that a person’s height is related to their weight. It is a relatively strong and positive relationship between height and weight. We would, therefore, expect to see in our population taller people having a greater weight relative to those of shorter people. This determination suggests restrictions on industrial equipment should be stated in maximum pounds allowed rather than maximum number of people allowed.







After providing a brief introduction to this section, students should include recommendations here in paragraph form. This section should be your professional thoughts based upon the results of the hypothesis testing. You are the researcher, and Sun Coast’s leadership team is relying on you to make evidence-based recommendations. Delete these statements before you begin.


Include references here using hanging indentations, and delete these statements and example reference.

Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Sage.

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Environmental Science

SCI/256 v8

Energy Matrix

SCI/256 v8

Page 2 of 2


C:\Users\djshirey\OneDrive - University of Phoenix\F_Drive\Style Guides\UPX Logos\Horizontal format\UOPX_Sig_Hor_Black_Medium.png

Energy Matrix

Use your textbook to research each energy source in the matrix below.

Complete the matrix with 1- to 2-sentence responses for each prompt.

Energy source


(Where does the energy come from? How is it extracted?)

Renewable or non-renewable? Explain. Examples of use Limitations to using this resource Benefits to using this resource
Fossil fuels (gas, oil, coil, petroleum)          
Nuclear power          
Wind energy          
Solar energy          
Biomass energy          
Geothermal energy          






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Copyright 2020 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.

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Industrial And Hazardous Waste Management

This unit presented applications of the course material. The Unit VIII assignment is to write a report that addresses the following elements.

  • Write an introduction to your report. Be specific.
  • Assess the impact of industrial waste on human populations.
  • Examine the key attributes of solid and hazardous waste.
  • Evaluate technologies related to the minimization of industrial and hazardous wastes.
  • Assess engineering principles applicable to solid and hazardous waste management.
  • Formulate strategies for solving industrial waste-related problems.
  • Write a summary of your results and the findings from your report.

Ensure your paper is written coherently and that it addresses the requirements mentioned above.

Your course project must be at least four pages in length, and it must include a title page and reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the minimum page requirement).

In addition to using the required unit resources article by Mor et al. and the unit lesson in your course project, locate three peer-reviewed articles from the CSU Online Library that focus on applications of the course material. At least two of the three sources must not have been used in any of your other assignments for this course. The articles must be no more than five years old.

Because this assignment requires you to reference peer-reviewed articles, you may find it helpful to review the library’s tutorial on How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources. (Transcript for How to Find Peer-Reviewed Resources video)

Adhere to APA Style guidelines when constructing this assignment, including title page and in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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Events And Causal Factors Chart Project

Read the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) investigation report of the 2007 propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, WV. The final report can be read/downloaded at the following link: https://www.csb.gov/assets/1/20/csbfinalreportlittlegeneral.pdf?13741

Additional information on the incident, including a video summary, can be found at the following link: http://www.csb.gov/little-general-store-propane-explosion/

Complete the assignment as detailed below.

Part I: From the information in the report, create a chart listing events and causal factors for the incident in Microsoft Word, Open Office, or a similar word processing software. If you choose to use a program other than Microsoft Word, be sure to save and submit the document as a Microsoft Word document (i.e., .doc, .docx). The objective of this project is to provide you with an opportunity to use this important and very practical analytical tool. The chart does not have to be infinitely detailed, but the key sequence of events should be charted as should the key conditions surrounding the events. Keep in mind that the purpose of an events and causal factors chart is to aid in identifying which conditions could be causal factors.

Use the charting procedures on pages 72–76 of your textbook to help you with this assignment. In addition, refer to the example events and causal factors (ECF) chart in the Unit IV Lesson for an example of this type of chart.

Part II: On a separate page, discuss the potential causal factors that are revealed in the analysis. How do these causal factors compare to the causal factors found in the CSB’s investigation report? Do you think more analysis is needed? This part of the assignment should be a minimum of one page in length.

Upload Parts I and II as a single document. For Part II of the assignment, you should use academic sources to support your thoughts. Any outside sources used, including the sources mentioned in the assignment, must be cited using APA format and must be included on a references page.

Useful hints: In Microsoft Word, you can use parentheses for events (events), square brackets for conditions [conditions], and brackets for the accident {accident}; you may also use a similar convention, such as color-coded text or the shapes that are available within Microsoft Word. Whatever convention you use, be sure you provide some kind of key.

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Week 8 Environmental Science

Carbon dioxide is held responsible for much of global warming. For this discussion, conduct independent research on technological innovations that have been proven to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Note the following as you begin your research:

  • Good places to start your research include Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library, Google Scholar, or governmental websites such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) or the U.S. Department of Transportation.
  • You may also use the Internet to conduct your research. Wikipedia and personal blogs, however, do not qualify as quality resources.

In this posting, complete the following:

  • Describe one technological innovation that has been proven to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
  • Explain to your classmates why you selected this particular technological innovation as opposed to others.
  • Identify the two most useful resources you consulted about your selected technological innovation. Be sure to include the full citation for these resources and format them according to Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).
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For Professor Avril

Discussion 1

Calculate your personal ecological footprint using Global Footprint Network’s Footprint Calculator and briefly summarize your results. Were you surprised by any aspect of your ecological footprint?

Discussion 2

  • Select a pressing environmental issue that has personal relevance. You may find ideas from the textbook, from mainstream media, or from the list provided. Once you choose a large-scale issue, think about how the issue impacts you personally. For example, you may be interested in water quality (the larger issue). You could then consider how water quality impacts you in your daily activities such as drinking water that is contaminated with pharmaceuticals or agricultural waste (personal impact).


  • Compose a brief (1- to 2-paragraph) introduction to your topic by stating why it is a pressing issue. Be sure to support your statements with facts and details from credible sources.


  • State how the issue impacts you personally (1 paragraph) and include a summary of at least one local or regional problem associated with this issue (1 paragraph).

Discussion 3


Then, search Science Daily or a news story about a natural science topic that’s less than six months old. Make sure to choose a story that interests you, because you’ll use this news story for all the projects in this course.

Once you’ve chosen a news story, summarize the main ideas from the article. Then, draft two questions that a natural scientist might ask about the topic. Include both the summary and the two questions in your initial post. As you write your questions, think about what you’ve learned about the natural sciences and scientific thinking in the module overview. For instance, if you chose an article on volcanic eruptions, you might ask: what causes eruptions to happen and how do we predict when they’ll occur? Make sure to include the news story title and a link to it in your post.

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Environmental Science

This assignment consists of two parts: you will be declaring the topic for the Final Paper (in the abstract)

and finding ONE quantitative journal article to review that is related to the topic you have chosen for the

Final Paper. Your topic must be relevant to the field of counselling psychology.

The purpose of an article review is to communicate the main points of a study and to discuss both the

implications and strengths and weaknesses of the design. The review is not meant to re-iterate the

details of the study and paraphrase each and every point; rather, it should summarize and discuss the

study. These assignments should be seen as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding

of the course concepts, particularly in the Discussion section. Quotes should be used sparingly or not at

all. The JAR you will complete for this assignment should be about 1.5 pages in length. There are no

penalties for going slightly over this limit, but the final length should be close. As a rule of thumb, aim to

write about 1/3 page for each of the five main section headings in the template (Introduction, Method,

Results, Implications, Discussion). Use quotes sparingly, if at all; they will not be counted for content or



well cited

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