Job Identification And Plan

Job Identification and plan

Community and public health professionals work in a variety of settings.  Examples of these settings are:

  • Federal, state, and local health departments
  • Voluntary and community-based agencies
  • Colleges and universities
  • Schools
  • Consumer advocacy organizations
  • Consulting firms
  • International organizations

In this assignment get a glimpse of what kind of careers are available in community and public health. Visit the following sites:


Write a two-page double spaced typed paper on the following aspects: What kinds of jobs interest you?  What kind of education is required for those jobs? What kinds of skill sets are required for those jobs?  How can you acquire those?  Were there any volunteer or internship positions that were available and those that you liked?  Make a plan as to how you will realize your dream job.  The grading of the paper will be done using the following rubric:

Style Issues (20 points)

  1. APA Style references (with close attention to comma, space, period etc.) (5 points)
  2. Correct grammar (5 points)
  3. Correct spelling (5 points)
  4. Adherence to specified page limit (5 points)

Content Issues (80 points)

  1. Identification of appropriate job(s) in community and public health (20 points).
  2. Delineation of appropriate education for that job(s) (20 points)
  3. Description of appropriate skills for that job(s) (20 points)
  4. Specificity, measurability, realistic nature, and appropriate timeline of the plan. (20 points)

For help with formatting check out the Purdue OWL

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Accident Investigation Unit VI Quiz 4 Questions

Question 1


Explain the three steps in the fault tree process. What does each level represent?


Your response should be at least 75 words in length.


Question 2


What are some of the problems associated with using cause and effect analysis?


Your response should be at least 75 words in length.


Question 3


What are the three types of tree analysis? Briefly describe each.


Your response should be at least 75 words in length.

Question 4


What are the three types of cause and effect analysis? Which one do you think you would choose for an accident involving a forklift striking a worker who was walking across a warehouse? Briefly explain your choice.


Your response should be at least 75 words in length.


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Enviro Science Help

2-3 pages



You will write an APA-style research paper about pollutants, their impacts, and mitigation of harmful effects. Include the following:


Use the following pollutant



    • DDT pesticide use
  • Answer the following questions about the pollution problem that you chose:
    • Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable.
      • Is this a point-source pollutant or nonpoint-source pollutant? Explain.
    • What are the harmful impacts of the pollution?
      • Describe impacts to both humans and to ecosystem structure and function.
    • What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant or to mitigate harm from the pollutant?
      • Describe examples of laws or regulations that apply to the pollution and its sources.
      • Also, describe educational programs, technology, or other initiatives that are used to help control the pollution.
    • Have the programs, best management practices, or regulations been effective in resolving harm from the pollutant?
      • Give examples of progress, or explain with examples what more could be done.
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Environmental Science Homework

Land Subsidence


Of all water that reaches the surface of the earth from all types of precipitation, some runs off as stream

flow, some is evaporated from land and water surfaces, and some is transpired by vegetation. It is the

purpose of this exercise to consider some aspects of what happens to the rest of the water – that which

enters the ground. The water may remain in the ground from a period of days to thousands of years.

Because of increased demand on groundwater supplies, many places in the world today are

experiencing groundwater related problems.

What is Groundwater?

Some precipitation infiltrates the ground and percolates downward through voids (pores, fractures,

crevices, and other spaces) in the soil and rock. The water in these voids is called groundwater. Porous,

water-saturated layers of sand, gravel or bedrock through which usable groundwater flows are called

aquifers. Any area of land through which water passes downward or laterally into an aquifer is called a

recharge zone. Some materials are very impermeable to water infiltration, such as clay, shale or dense

igneous bedrock, and are called aquicludes. (See figure 1)



Figure 1





There are two types of aquifers: confined and unconfined. An unconfined aquifer forms when

groundwater collects above a layer of relatively impermeable rock or compacted clay, and the top of the

water represents the water table. A confined or artesian aquifer forms when groundwater is

sandwiched between two aquicludes. This type of aquifer is completely saturated with water under

great pressure and when a well is drilled into the confined aquifer, sometimes water is able to rise to the

surface without pumping. This type of well is called a flowing artesian well system. It is the confined

aquifer that is associated with land subsidence.

Land Subsidence

Mexico City, Tokyo, Houston, Las Vegas, several areas of Arizona and California are experiencing serious

problem as a result of land subsidence. Land subsidence or sinking of the land surface can be due to the

removal of underground water (groundwater mining). When many wells are drilled into the aquifer,

pumping removes water from the aquifer and lowers the hydrostatic pressure (water pressure). This

reduced hydrostatic pressure in the pore spaces of the sediments result in the compaction of the aquifer

and in the gradual lowering of the land surface. If the water is replaced in the aquifer the increased

hydrostatic pressure will return the beds of sands and gravel to their original form, but once compacted

the clays and silts of the confining bed will not expand to their original thickness resulting in a lower

surface elevation. (See figures 2 and 3.)


Figure 2



Land subsidence can cause problems such as flooding along coastal areas, as well as structural damage

to buildings, highways, and dams.

Subsurface mineral mining, petroleum mining, and a natural process called chemical (solution)

weathering of certain bedrock material can also result in land subsidence. Central Florida, Kentucky,

Tennessee, and a small area in Michigan have underlying limestone bedrock material. This limestone

bedrock is highly soluble and forms great underground caverns. In certain cases, the land surface

subsides until it reaches a point of failure and caves in. The resulting hole is called a sinkhole and can

reach great depths.

Although we can’t increase the earth’s supply of water, we can manage what we have more effectively

to reduce the impact and spread of water resource problems. Problems such as aquifer depletion, land

subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and groundwater contamination are growing concerns in the United

States as well as many developing countries.



Figure 3






Section number:

Subsidence in the Santa Clara Valley, California

The first place in the United States where land subsidence due to groundwater removal was recognized

was in the Santa Clara Valley in California. The valley is a large, structural trough filled with nearly 2,000

feet of fined-grained sands. Below the depth of 200 feet the groundwater is confined in these fine-

grained aquifers by layers of clay. In the past, wells near Santa Clara flowed (artesian wells), but

pumping for irrigation resulted in a lowering of the water pressure surface by 150 to 200 feet by 1965.

The water level decline and subsequent surface subsidence continued, and, except for a recharging of

the aquifer between 1938 and 1947 due to the construction of surface reservoirs, was an increasingly

serious problem until a groundwater recharge program brought it to a halt around 1971.

Table 1 Table 2



Year Water level in

well at San Jose



Year Subsidence (ft) of

benchmark at San Jose 1915 +8 1915 0.0 1920 -32 1920 0.3 1925 -40 1934 4.6 1930 -68 1935 5.0 1935 -100 1936 5.0 1940 -73 1937 5.2 1945 -50 1940 5.5 1947 -45 1945 6.0 1950 -125 1947 6.0 1955 -115 1948 8.0 1960 -120 1955 9.0 1965 -160 1963 11.1 1967 -195 1967 12.7



1. Plot the data in Table 1 on the graph paper provided showing the change in water level in the

well at San Jose.


2. On the same graph, plot the data in Table 2 showing the subsidence of the land surface as

recorded at the known benchmark in San Jose.


3. What was the total subsidence at San Jose from 1934 to 1967?


4. What was the average annual rate of subsidence from 1934 to 1947?


5. What was the average annual rate of subsidence from 1947 to 1967?




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6 . How do the subsidence rates compare A. During which time period was the average subsidence rate higher (land sinking quickly)? B. During which time period was the average subsidence rate lower (land sinking slowly)? C. How does the rate of subsidence correspond with the level of the water in the well during these two time periods?


Land Subsidence and Well Levels at San Jose, California 1915-1967


LS 0

-40 0

-80 2

-120 4


-160 6

-200 8


-240 10




1915 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970

Time period “A” 34-47 Time period “B” 47-67




7 . Impermeable materials such as clay, silt, shale, and dense igneous bedrock form confining

subsurface layers called?


8. Permeable materials such as sand, gravel, and porous sedimentary rock such as sandstone and

limestone form underground layers through which water flows are called?



9. Land subsidence can occur as the result of:

a. b.


c. d.


10. How does a sinkhole form?


11. Once subsidence has occurred, the land surface can be raised to its original elevation with

proper groundwater recharge. (Circle one)

a. True

b. False

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Penn Foster 501783RR Public Policy: Why We Do What We Do

501783RR Public Policy: Why We Do What We Do
1. _______ loss is a measure of inefficiency such that the loss of welfare of one party exceeds the gain in welfare of another party.
A. Absolute
B. Marginal
C. Deadweight
D. Relative

2. Regarding the law of supply and demand, which of the following statements is most likely to be true, all things being equal?
A. An equilibrium price is reached when demand outruns supply.
B. As supply decreases, prices will establish an equilibrium price.
C. As prices rise, demand will determine an equilibrium supply.
D. As prices decline, demand will increase.

3. The measure of the extent to which the rich pay more in taxes than the poor is called _______ equity.
A. progressive
B. internal
C. proportional
D. vertical

4. The budget is fixed. If more money is spent on project A, less money is available for project B. This scenario illustrates a/an _______-sum game.
A. zero
B. negative
C. average
D. positive

5. Perverse consequences can be defined as ______.
A. incentives that cause rational individuals and firms to behave in ways that are not consistent with the policy
B. consequences that are what were expected given how the policy was written
C. results that cause rational individuals and firms to behave in a virtuous manner

6. If you choose to adopt one of the most powerful tools for changing people’s behavior, you’ll probably focus on making changes in
A. human nature.
B. the market system.
C. human capital.
D. incentives.

7. Which of the following can said to be true of deadweight loss?
A. It measures inefficiency that occurs when the loss of welfare imposed on one party exceeds the gain in welfare afforded to another party.
B. Because resources are not really wasted, no one loses in this situation.
C. Minimum wages do not create deadweight loss.
D. When reallocating the resources more people are better off but others are worse off.

8. _______ economics examines the processes by which people make decisions.
A. Behavioral
B. Competitive
C. Contingency
D. Subjective

9. As illustrated by academic credentials, the process by which individuals or firms engage in activities with no direct value to convey intangible information to some other party is referred to as
A. branding.
B. screening.
C. signaling.
D. certification.

10. Your text states that public policy requires a delicate balance between honoring the wishes of the majority and respecting the rights of the minority. How is this is best shown in the Constitution?
A. Supreme Court judges unlike their Federal counterparts are not elected to their posts for life.
B. Federal judges are elected for life but are not immune to political vicissitudes.
C. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights guarantees freedom of speech even when a vast majority of citizens might find the content of that speech hateful.
D. The Constitution created the House of Representatives to help the most populated states and the Senate which evens out the votes by the states.

11. Which of the following best illustrates a collective-action problem?
A. The tragedy of the commons
B. Nondemocratic safeguards
C. Trade-offs among basic values
D. Disagreements over basic values

12. Prior to Robert Mugabe’s rise to power, Zimbabwe was
A. among the richest nations of sub-Saharan Africa.
B. a land wherein about half the children were suffering from malnutrition.
C. engaged in a civil war.
D. among the poorest nations of sub-Saharan Africa.

13. In many ways, public policy can be compared to
A. physics.
B. human nature.
C. medicine.
D. engineering.

14. Disagreements over basic values are most likely to arise in the context of _______ issues.
A. theoretical
B. monetary
C. imaginary
D. social

15. Wall Street brokers are compensated on the basis of how much money they make for the firm. However, in instances where individual brokers bet on big returns associated with significant risks and the investment goes sour, the firm, not the broker, will bear the full burden of financial loss. This scenario illustrates
A. a collective-action problem.
B. asymmetry of information.
C. incomplete information.
D. a principle-agent problem.

16. In any economic system, the allocation of resources is Pareto-efficient if it’s
A. possible to deprive some people in order to assure the welfare of some other people.
B. possible to make one or more persons better off without making anyone else worse off.
C. not possible to deprive any person of his or her private property.
D. not possible to make any one person better off unless some other person is

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This assignment requires you to write a report dealing with the issues listed and described below. Schedules and cost estimates are not required for the very good reason that they involve an imprecise process that is part of project management rather than an analysis and design activity.

Part A should be set up as a report, with an introduction and appropriate headings

reflecting the topics and tasks below.

Before you proceed, read (if you have not already done so):

 “Activities of Core Process 1: Identify the Problem and Obtain Approval” on pp.

262–271 of the textbook.

 “Stakeholders” on pp. 46–48 of the textbook.

Also, download the files on the Car Sharing case study from the Important Resources block on the right of the course home page, and read through them.

Carefully review the definition of all terms and concepts in the detailed instructions below!

Your report should be set up as follows:

I. The Business Environment

This section of the report should provide sufficient background information to allow someone not familiar with the business situation to understand the justification for this project.

Start by addressing the following tasks:

1. Identify the business need for the Car Sharing IS project.

2. Consider the needed interfaces to other systems.

3. Analyze the system stakeholders, and briefly describe their “stakes.”

Stakeholders include the project sponsor and internal and external users. The textbook provides an example for the RMO case. See p. 49 of the textbook, and especially Figure 2-7.

Page 2 of 5

II. The System Vision

The system vision clearly describes how the information systems development

project and new system will contribute to the strategic direction of the Car Sharing

organization and pilot project (see Figure 9-5 on p. 264 of the textbook).

Specifically your report should address the following issues:

1. What are the system objectives for the Car Sharing IS?

2. What business benefits are to be obtained from the Car Sharing IS?

3. What system capabilities are required?

III. Risks and Feasibility

This section of your report identifies risks and confirms the feasibility of the

information systems development project. Project feasibility analysis verifies

whether a project may be started and successfully completed. Your report should

address the feasibility issues listed below. Start by clearly describing what issues

are addressed by each feasibility category (see the relevant definitions in the

textbook), and discuss the feasibility of the project with respect to each category.

1. Determine organizational and cultural feasibility. This evaluates organizational

and cultural issues to identify potential risks for the new system. See pp. 269–

270 of the textbook for examples of potential issues.


Note: the textbook does not provide an exhaustive list of possibilities!

Note: ‘organization’ in this context refers to the Car Sharing community—all

stakeholders, but particularly members and prospective members.

2. Assess technological feasibility. See p. 270 of the textbook.

3. Assess resource feasibility. See p. 270 of the textbook.

4. Assess schedule feasibility. See  pp. 270–271 of the textbook.

Part A is worth 55 marks. Marking criteria are

 completeness and correctness of the information presented (50 marks)

 organization of the report – structure, headings, etc. (2.5 marks)

 presentation – look, readability, etc. (2.5 marks)

The organization and presentation of information are part of the interpersonal and

communication skills required of systems analysts.



 Before you proceed, you should review “Use Cases and Event Decomposition” on

pp. 70–76 of the textbook.

Page 3 of 5

Virtually all approaches to systems development begin the modeling process with

the concept of the use case. The textbook recommends several techniques for

identifying use cases.

For this assignment, you are required to use the event decomposition technique to

identify use cases. Develop a table for all events relating to

 membership – from recruitment to termination.

 accounts and billing.

 reservations.

 inventory – vehicles and locations.

 vehicle usage (completed trips).

The table should include three columns:

 Event Name

 Event Type (external, temporal, state)

 Use Case Name

When creating the table, keep related events (e.g., all events pertaining to

membership activities) together.

Part B is worth 25 marks. Marking criteria are

 completeness and correctness (22 marks)

 presentation– look, readability, etc. (3 marks)


How do the report and table created in Part A and Part B of this assignment help in

the system development process of an information system for car sharing in

Futureville? What problems can occur if these documents are not created or are


Answer the questions above, using overall 200–300 words. Being able to answer

questions precisely is part of the interpersonal and communication skills required of

systems analysts; therefore, meeting the word limit is important.

Answers consisting of more than 300 words will be marked with 0 points, and

answers of less than 200 words will receive reduced marks proportionate to

the length of the answer.

Make sure that your answer is written in your own words rather than being copied

either from the textbook or from another source! Cite the sources you use in your

answer, and provide references. There should be at least two references in your

answer, and at least one of them should not be the textbook. If you are not sure

how to list and cite sources, please read “How to Cite Correctly” in the Important

Resources block on the right side of the course home page.

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Perspectives On Animals

There are a variety of perspectives surrounding animal’s rights, many of which will be discussed throughout the week.

1. Discuss what you believe to be the best argument in support of animal liberation or animal rights backing your opinions with at least one scholarly or reputable resource.

2. Additionally, discuss at least two different perspectives concerning animals from this week’s readings.

3. Which perspective do you agree with the most?

4. Why?

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Utilize at least one scholarly or reputable resource to support your claims. Cite your sources in APA format.

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Unit IV Project


Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Project

Be sure to read all of the instructions. There are two documents to be prepared and submitted.

1. Following steps 1-11 of the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Guide in the course textbook (pp. 171-174), develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with which you are familiar, or use Addendum D to Chapter 11 (pp. 202-206) to help you select a hazard. Evaluate the hazard and its associated risks, and then complete the Hazard Analysis and Risk Analysis Project form (click here to access this form). To complete the Initial Risk Assessment and Post Control Risk Assessment sections, use the following codes based on the Risk Assessment Matrix in Table 11.10 (p.180) of the textbook:


1 – Catastrophic

2 – Critical

3 – Marginal

4 – Negligible


PROBABILITY (Likelihood of Occurrence):

A – Frequent

B – Probable

C – Occasional

D – Remote

E – Improbable



H – High

S – Serious

M – Medium

L – Low


All sections of the form must be completed. Note that the “Post Control Risk Assessment Measures” section reflects the risk assessment AFTER applying the additional control measures.


2. In a separate document of at least 500 words, explain the reasoning behind how you filled out each section of the form. Use references as needed to support the discussion.


Upload both the completed form and the discussion document. Be sure that the discussion document is in APA format with a title page and a reference page.

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Agissmemt Topic On Environmental Impact Assessment And Environmental Health Emergencies

Agissmemt Topic On Environmental Impact Assessment And Environmental Health Emergencies

Complete a 2- to 3-page reflection paper, including the following:

  • Explain how the topic you chose is an environmental public health issue.
  • Explain why people were, are, or should be concerned with this issue.
  • Identify relevant aspects of exposure to the population within the community, including who is exposed, the potential for contamination of environmental media (food, water, and air), and likely exposure pathways.
  • Explain whether the concern arises from a precautionary approach or established risk assessments, and why.
  • Consider your findings. Do you think that this is a major or a minor issue, and why? Are the public’s concerns justified, or does it seem that many people are actually unaware or unconcerned? Do you see this issue as personally affecting you—why or why not? What did you know about this issue prior to this assignment? Did your views about this issue change as a result of what you learned? If so, how?
  • The paper must be 2–3 pages, double-spaced, not including references.
  • Be sure to cite your sources, include your reference page at the end, and follow APA formatting throughout.
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Environmental Science 2-3 Pages

Environmental Science 2-3 pages Pollutants can harm ecosystem function and may also harm human health. You will write an APA-style research paper about pollutants, their impacts, and mitigation of harmful effects. Include the following: Select 1 example of an environmental pollutant from the following list: Acid precipitation/ Acid rain Smog DDT pesticide use Eutrophication Answer the following questions about the pollution problem that you chose: Describe the pollutant chosen and the source of the pollutants. Include both natural and human sources, as applicable. Is this a point-source pollutant or nonpoint-source pollutant? Explain. What are the harmful impacts of the pollution? Describe impacts to both humans and to ecosystem structure and function. What steps are in place to eliminate the pollutant or to mitigate harm from the pollutant? Describe examples of laws or regulations that apply to the pollution and its sources. Also, describe educational programs, technology, or other initiatives that are used to help control the pollution. Have the programs, best management practices, or regulations been effective in resolving harm from the pollutant? Give examples of progress, or explain with examples what more could be done.

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