Red Tides

What’s going on with Red Tides?

Review the videos and the links provided in the Homework Assignment content folder.

Explain what is going on in Florida with the Red Tides. Be sure to include:

  1. What are the organisms involved? Are the red tides natural or unnatural? Why or why not – support your answer with facts. DO NOT GOOGLE THIS QUESTION AND PASTE INTO YOUR DOCUMENT
  2. What environmental pollutants cause the outbreaks? What are the sources of these pollutants? Include information on how the pollutants relate to the nutrient cycles (chapter 4 of textbook)
  3. How do you think Florida should address this issue? Give examples of how it can be addressed using the 5 stages in addressing environmental problems (page 15-16). Provide specific examples for each step.
  4. What can YOU do immediately to reduce the effects of red tide? Give specific examples.

5 references using MLA or APA citation.

A good answer should be 2-3 page long (double-spaced) AND SHOULD BE IN A WORD DOCUMENT SO I CAN EDIT/ADD COMMENTS







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Your Science Toolkit for

M2A2 Short Answer: Evidence for Climate Change


Student name:



Enter the following information about the article you are to analyze:




Note: All responses must be supported by information from your readings. Provide specific quotations or data to validate your position in each response. Use APA (American Psychological Association) style in-text citations and references.


Part 1

1. Where did the author of the Brookings Blog get the scientific information he/she is reporting (the “source”)? (Give the full name of the journal or publication, website, etc.)

2. Does this source have a special purpose or goal? (Go to the website of the journal/publisher and see who publishes this (i.e., what organization or government agency), and check their stated objectives or goals. Is this a “peer reviewed” scientific journal?)

Use the EC (Excelsior College) Library resource, Evaluation Criteria, to help you evaluate a source.







Part 2

1. Is there a difference in the information/data you find in the blog compared to the information provided in the module resources, the WHO (World Health Organization) Fact Sheet, and the Policy Brief that published the research?

2. Is there a difference between what you learned from this article and what you thought before? Do you think the American public would agree with the findings reported in the news article? Why or why not?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.







Part 3

1. Do all the scientific sources you have examined on this topic provide data or information that supports the premise of the blog?

2. Did the blog reporter find any scientists who disagree or use key words that indicate these are theories or possibilities instead of proven facts? Give specific quotations and examples to support your response.

3. What two questions do you wish you could ask the author of the blog and/or the authors of the reports provided in the module readings?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.






Part 4:

1. Does the evidence suggest correlation or causation? In other words, do the data suggest that two factors are correlated with one another, or that changes in one actually cause changes in the other?

2. Is the evidence based on a large sample of observations or just a few isolated incidents?

3. Does the evidence in the scientific literature, provided in the module readings and other sources you have located, support the claims made by the author in the blog?

4. Does the reporter exaggerate or overstate the findings in any sensationalized manner?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.







Part 5: Now, answer the following concluding questions:

1. Do you trust this Brookings Blog story to provide accurate evidence of the health concerns associated with climate change?

2. Is the data and analysis in the Brookings Blog supported by the data used in the Original Policy Brief from the Future of Children and the WHO Climate Change and Health Report?

3. Based on your answers to the Tool Kit questions and everything you have read on this topic, do you think the Brookings Blog is an accurate report of the impact of climate change on our health?

Give concrete examples from your readings to support your positions on each question.






Use this space to provide complete APA style references for any and all informational sources you used, including the news article. Refer to the EC Library Tip Sheet on writing references in APA style [PDF, file size 46 KB].

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Two Article Reviews 1 1/2 Pages Each APA Format And Intext Citations

Unit 3 Article Review _____________________________________________________________________________

Unit III Article Review APA FORMAT in-text citations. Two citations per article and 1 ½ pages per article review.

Go to the Online Library, choose Databases, and click on the Opposing Viewpoints database. Choose the Energy and Environmentalism category. Within this category, you will review two articles. One should be on global warming, and one should be on the use of fossil fuels. You will find a global warming category and several categories related to fossil fuel use (offshore drilling, energy crisis, foreign oil dependence, fracking, gasoline). For each article, write a 1 ½ page article review for a total of 3 pages. Each of your reviews should address the following topics: Discuss the article’s premise. Analyze how the article supports the arguments made by Goreham or the AAAS Science Panel (for the global warming topic) and Weiss or Perry (for the fossil fuels topic). Discuss the potential vested interests of the author(s) of your chosen article. Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions of your chosen articles and the policies supported by those conclusions? Why, or why not? For each review, be sure to reference the article you are reviewing, and include another source to support your review. You should have a minimum of two references for each article review. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, in-text citations, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Title page and reference page are not included in the page length requirement

Article #1 –Global warming


Gaffin, S. R. (2002). Global Warming Will Cause Sea Levels to Rise. In J. Haley (Ed.), Opposing ViewpointsGlobal Warming. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. (Reprinted from High Water Blues: Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Selected Coasts and Islands,, n.d.) Retrieved from

Shankman, Sabrina, and Bob Berwyn. “Polar Ice Is Disappearing, Setting Off Climate Alarms; Extreme Arctic Melt Is Raising Sea Level Rise Threat; New Estimate Nearly Twice IPCC’s.” InsideClimate News, 27 Dec. 2017. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 11 Mar. 2018.

Article #2 fossil fuel use


Pew Charitable Trusts. “Energy Innovation Needed to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Save Money.” Foreign Oil Dependence, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 11 Mar. 2018. Originally published as “Energy Innovation Seen As Needed to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Save Money,”, 24 July 2012.

Weissmann, Jordan. “The United States Cannot Attain Energy Independence.” Foreign Oil Dependence, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 11 Mar. 2018. Originally published as “The Myth of Energy Independence: Why We Can’t Drill Our Way to Oil Autonomy,” Atlantic, 9 Feb. 2012.

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How Much

Perform an analysis of an environmental issue.

Prepare a 8- to 16 slide PowerPoint® presentation with detailed speaker notes.  If you first discuss options with your faculty member, you are also welcome to use a tool such as “Voice Thread” to add audio to your presentation.

Include the following:

  • A description of an environmental issue including the cause of the issue and its effects on the environment and people.
  • An explanation of how economics and personal lifestyle choice are involved in this issue.
  • An explanation of how individuals, communities, and/or governments are working to address the environmental issue.
  • Your opinion as to whether the issue is being adequately addressed and suggestions of ways it could be better addressed.

Include at least 3 outside resources for your presentation.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

  • For online and directed Study students, these are Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentations with notes.
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Stem Cells

Hospitals, clinics, and even private doctor’s offices and laboratories now offer stem cell treatments, making claims about what stem cells can do.  Our understanding of the science and the discoveries so far does not support some of these claims. Currently, the only stem cell therapy that has strong support for its effectiveness is the therapy referred to as bone marrow transplant, which is commonly done for lymphoma, leukemia, and other blood cancers. The material studied in this activity should clarify some of the misinformation that is widely circulated. You will apply what you have learned so far and be a critical consumer of information.

Completing this activity will assist you in mastering Module Level Outcome 3.


Review these assigned readings; they will serve as your scientific sources of accurate information:


  • Use a standard Google search for this phrase: “stem cell therapy.” Do not go to Google Scholar. Select one of the websites, blogs, or other locations that offer stem cell therapies.
  • Save the link for your selected site.
  • Read the materials provided on your selected site and find out who the authors and sponsors of the site are by going to their “home” or “about us” pages.

Finally, submit your responses to the following in an essay of 500-750 words (2-3 pages of text—use a separate page for a title and for your references):

You are going to prepare a critique of the site you located and compare it to the scientific information available on this therapy.

  • Give the full title of the website, web blog, or other site that you selected, along with the link.
  • Describe the therapy that is being offered and what conditions it is designed to treat.
  • Who are the authors and sponsors of the site you selected?
  • Compare the claims about the therapy offered to what is said in the assigned readings about this type of therapy. You may have to use our library, as well, to determine what scientists and researchers have to say about the use of stem cells to treat this condition.
  • Would you say that the therapy you found is a well-established, proven technique for humans, or more of an experimental, unproven approach?
  • What about the type of language discussed in the Goldman article? Is the therapy you found using sensationalist claims and terminology that are not supported by the scientific research?
  • Would you recommend that a patient with this condition go ahead and participate in this treatment? Why or why not?

You are also encouraged to do your own research through our library on the topic. Do not forget to include in-text citations and complete APA style references for all sources.

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Ecs Final Reflection Paper

Basically, just talk about which reading you think is good and which one you think can be delayed for next semester. The professor wants to get some advice on re-choosing the readings.

can talk about the article:Hennchenproof-copy the culture so that there’s specific and detailed news that is easier to bring readers into the meaning of the topic.

requirement:Please write approximately 3 pages reflecting on the readings we did this semester.  Identify those that you think were most informative or helped provide you with a new or alternate perspective on environmental problems and decisions about how to address them. Explain what it was about those readings (style of writing, methodology, subject matter) that impressed you.

Did any of the readings strike you as not terribly valuable?  If so, what were their specific deficits (again, you can refer to writing style, methodology, or other aspects)?

Are there subjects that you would have liked to have more readings about?

What are some key takeaways from our semester’s worth of readings—ideas or learnings that you have connected to your other studies or to your broader understanding of the human-environment relationship?

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Virtual Water Footprint

Ecological Footprint



Amount of productive land and water a given population

requires to produce all the resources they consume and

assimilate all the waste they generate

Ecological Footprint



Growing crops Grazing animals

Catching fish

Harvesting timber Assimilating waste

Accommodating infrastructure Capturing carbon dioxide

Components of Ecological Footprint



Global footprint: Demand and supply



What about land for other species?



• People consume resources from all over the planet, so their

footprint can be thought of as the sum of these areas

wherever they are

• Approximately 20% of the global population consumes 80%

of resources

Global distribution of ecological footprint



Water Footprint



The Water Footprint is direct and indirect

freshwater use of a consumer/producer or


The Water Footprint



 Green water

 Blue water

 Black/grey water

Water footprint considers three types of waters


Presentation Notes
Grey water footprint is the amount of fresh water required to assimilate pollutants to meet specific water quality standards.


What are green, blue and black/grey waters?

• Green water – rainwater, which is temporarily stored and evaporates back

• Blue water – water flowing and stored in surface and groundwater sources

• Black/grey water – wastewater generated



Water footprint includes virtual water

Virtual water is ‘embodied water’ in a product or service. It refers to the water needed for the production of the product.

Global trade in goods and services brings along global trade in ‘virtual water’



Virtual water of crops and animals

Virtual water content of a crop

• Crop water use (m3/ha) / Crop yield (ton/ha)

Virtual water content of an animal

• Sum of the water content of their feed and the volume of drinking and servicing water consumed during their lifetime.

Virtual water:

1 kg wheat 1 m3 water

1 kg rice 3 m3 water

1 kg milk 1 m3 water

1 kg cheese 5 m3 water

1 kg pork 5 m3 water

1 kg beef 15 m3 water

Livestock products typically require more water per kilogram (or per calorie) than crop products.



The Water Footprint of a nation is the total amount of water that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the nation

The water footprint of a nation

National Water Footprint =

National water use + Virtual water import – Virtual water export



3649 Mm3/yr

Total water footprint Million m3/yr

1423 Mm3/yr

1216 Mm3/yr

6623 Mm3/yr

584 Mm3/yr

581 Mm3/yr

1277 Mm3/yr

395 Mm3/yr

425 Mm3/yr

625 Mm3/yr

Total impact of EU25 on the global water resources

Water footprint of EU’s cotton consumption

84% of EU’s cotton-related water footprint lies outside of the EU [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]



In Europe as a whole, 40% of the water footprint lies outside of its borders.

Source: Mekonnen, M.M. and Hoekstra, A.Y. (2011)



Assessing international virtual water flows

Virtual water trade flow (m3/yr) = Trade volume (ton/yr) X Virtual water content (m3/ton)

Trade Volume (billion m3/yr)


-Crops and crop products -Livestock and livestock products -Industrial products

987 276 362

61% 17% 22%

Total 1625 100 1997-2001.



Yann Arthus-Bertrand / Earth from Above / UNESCO

• Case of Aral Sea-the fourth largest inland sea (1960)

• The Aral Sea (68,000 km2), located in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan

• Due to cotton irrigation – began drying up in the 1960s

Virtual water trade – Main cause for Aral Sea drying



Aral Sea in 1989 Aral Sea in 2014

Yann Arthus-Bertrand /UNESCO

• Fisheries and the communities that depended on them collapsed • Water polluted with fertilizer and pesticides • Dust from the exposed lakebed became a public health hazard.

Virtual water trade – Main cause for Aral Sea drying




WFP(m3/cap/yr) 600 – 800 800 – 1000 1000 – 1200 1200 – 1300 1300 – 1500 1500 – 1800 1800 – 2100 2100 – 2500 No Data

[Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

National total water footprint

National Water Footprint = National water use + Virtual water import – Virtual water export



Carbon Footprint



Carbon Footprint A carbon footprint is the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event or product. The Carbon Trust, 2012

GHG from average food consumption



Carbon footprint ranking

 Flight (LA to Spain): 4.6 tons CO2e  Road trip: SF to LA: 500 Kg CO2e  Light on for a year: 400 kg CO2e  $100 on groceries: 62 kg CO2e  Cell phone use (year): 47 kg CO2e  10 lbs of trash: 3.1 kg CO2e  Beef cheeseburger: 2.5 kg CO2e  A pint of beer: 500g CO2e search – 2g O2e




Carbon footprint mainly expressed as CO2 equivalent




The common Greenhouses Gases

Carbon dioxide Hydro Fluorocarbons

Sulfur hexafluoride PerfluorocarbonsNitrous Oxide Methane



Carbon footprint calculation for businesses and institutions



GHG estimation for communities, businesses, institutions


ClearPath (GHG calculator for Cities/communities) – ICLEI

Campus Carbon Calculator SIMAP (

EPA Simplified GHG calculator simplified-ghg-emissions-calculator

GHG protocol for businesses, reported to CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project)



GHG emissions at USF, 2014




Water and Carbon Foot print: USA vs Global

Water Foot print 2200 Gal/Person-day 1002 Gal/Person-day

Carbon Footprint 28 tons CO2e/Person-year 6 tons CO2e/Person-year



Personal footprint analysis


Use the three major footprint calculators:

Ecological footprint Global Footprint Network Carbon footprint Water footprint

Based on the results of your calculations answer the following: • What surprised you most in your own footprint? • What realistic actions can you take to reduce your footprint? • Compare your footprint against US and global averages


  • Slide Number 1
  • Slide Number 2
  • Slide Number 3
  • Slide Number 4
  • Slide Number 5
  • Slide Number 6
  • Slide Number 7
  • Slide Number 8
  • Slide Number 9
  • Slide Number 10
  • Slide Number 11
  • Slide Number 12
  • Slide Number 13
  • Slide Number 15
  • Slide Number 16
  • Slide Number 17
  • Slide Number 18
  • Slide Number 19
  • Slide Number 20
  • Slide Number 21
  • Slide Number 22
  • Slide Number 23
  • Carbon footprint ranking
  • Carbon footprint mainly expressed as CO2 equivalent
  • The common Greenhouses Gases
  • Slide Number 28
  • GHG estimation for communities, businesses, institutions
  • GHG emissions at USF, 2014
  • Water and Carbon Foot print:� USA vs Global
  • Personal footprint analysis
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Research PESTLE Political In Japan , Food Base.

Murdoch University – BUS343 International Marketing 15

Extensions will not be granted for situations for which you have direct control, such as:

 computer/printer failures

 car problems or other transportation difficulties

 employment commitments, other personal commitments and responsibilities

 other study commitments


Assessment details

Discussion Paper: Influence of Culture on International Marketing (25%)

 With increasing globalization, does culture in international marketing matter?

 The impact of culture on successfully conducting business internationally has

grown in recognition over time, but equally the world in which we live is converging

in the era of globalisation.

 Write a 1,000 word discussion paper highlighting the importance of culture in

international marketing.

 Use current academic literature (at least 5 articles) and theory to support your


 You may choose to focus on one particular aspect of culture in relation to

international marketing, or approach the subject in a broad fashion.

 Submission on the day of Session 3 online.

 A penalty of 10% per day (to a maximum of 25% which is the total allocated for the assessment) will be applied for late submissions.


Environmental Analysis Report (25%)

 Students will work in groups of 4 or 5 on the allocated project.

 The Group Project is a combination of theory and practical application.

 Students can choose a product and a country to review for potential launch.

 The group’s task is to complete a thorough Environmental Analysis, identifying

the key factors that would be considered prior to committing to an international

marketing strategy. Students need to demonstrate their research and analytical

skills. This involves collecting and synthesising data that would allow a company

to assess a proposed entry into a new international country.


The task is as follows:

The Brief: Your group is working as the Marketing Department for a company. Your task is to produce an Environmental Analysis Report which researches a potential overseas market, identifying and analysing all the external factors which will impact an organisation considering international expansion.

Timing and budget: The product is to be launched within 12 months. A budget and costings are not required.

The Product and Country: Your group will be given a product, however the group can then choose which country to investigate. The group should formulate a rationale to defend their choice of country.



Murdoch University – BUS343 International Marketing 16

Written presentation: Your report needs to be; clearly written, well structured, up to date and well researched. It should be a professional business document that is open to scrutiny and discussion.

Format: The report should include the sections as detailed in the marking guide and marking will follow the sections as detailed. It is to be presented as a formal business document.

Length: Minimum 10 typed pages (excluding the submission cover sheets and the plan cover page) plus appendices and other references. 12 point type, single line spacing, 2.5cm border all round. Exceeding 10 typed pages will not be penalized.

 Important Note: The report should not include any material developed or written for any previous units or projects studied at Murdoch University or elsewhere. The project must be original work and backed with appropriate theory and concepts. Any assumptions made throughout the proposal must be clearly justified with proper references.

 Refer to the following for referencing:

 Group Activity Records (Unit website / Help) should be completed for each group meeting and signed copies attached to the final submission of the group project.

 Prior to the submission date, the report is to be submitted to Urkund as a means to check the acceptable level of acknowledgement of other author’s work.

 The report should then be corrected as necessary and printed for submission. The submission should include the report with appendices, Group Activity Records and a Group Assignment Submission cover sheet. A soft copy of the report is also to be emailed to the Lecturer.

 Submission on the day of Session 4 (online).

 A penalty of 10% per day (to a maximum of 25% which is the total allocated for the assessment) will be applied for late submissions.

Group Project Presentation – Recommendations for the Marketing Mix (10%)


 Based on the Environmental Analysis Report, each group is required to make a

presentation detailing their recommendations on the marketing mix for launch into

the nominated country. These will be based on the findings of the analysis

contained within the Environmental Analysis Report.

 The presentation should include:

o Key findings from the Environmental Analysis Report (be brief, this is

simply to set the scene).

o Clear implications of the key findings identified.

o A recommended marketing mix strategy including the product, price,

place/distribution and promotion strategies that may be utilised by the


 The time allowed for each presentation will be 15 minutes per group followed by a

brief question session.

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Pros And Cons Of Fossil Fuel- Rough Draft

Running title: final project 5

To drill or not to drill in ANWR (PUT YOUR TITLE HERE)

Aisling Kane (YOUR NAME)

Rasmussen College

Author’s Note:

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the two-sided debate of drilling in the Arctic wildlife refuge. (YOUR TITLE) Written for Instructor Aisling Kane, on the date July 17, 2017 (your date) course G328, Human Uses of the Environment.

Title of your research (i.e Global warming: Fact or fiction)

The Controversy (please keep this heading for rough draft and final)

: Identify the controversy

Go into detail on what the two sides are and what you plan to research

(minimum one page you can remove this part once you have your one page minimum)

Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

The Major Players (please keep this heading for rough draft and final)

(minimum one page)

· Who is involved? Why are they involved?

· Go into detail on all the players involved in both sides of this debate

Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

Important Facts:

· (minimum one page)

· State relevant facts concerning the issue. Try to separate fact from opinion. Try not to show your own bias. Properly use APA citations

Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

Side One: (please keep this heading for rough draft and final)

· (minimum one page)

· Arguments; state briefly and cite your sources

Yellow HIGH light part can be removed once you have your research and information

Side Two: ((please keep this heading for rough draft and final))

· Arguments; state briefly and cite your sources

HIGH lighted part can be removed once you have your research and information

Your Opinion and Rationale (please keep this heading for rough draft and final))

(minimum one page)

· I believe that…, We should…, I feel that… Use supporting arguments and

· rationale. What arguments would you use to present to those who disagree with you? Cite all of your sources.

· This is where you can tell me which side you agree with and why

HIGH lighted part can be removed once you have your research and information


· Alphabetize your sources. Make sure there are sources representing both sides of the issue.

Your references must match your intext citations

Examples of how I want your references done

Lamb, G. (2005, September 27). Science and politics: a dangerous mix. Christian Science Monitor97(213), 11-13. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from Academic Search Premier database.

Link to article

Pielke Jr., R. (2006, Spring2006). When Scientists Politicize Science. Regulation29(1), 28-34. Retrieved April 10, 2016, from Business Source Complete database.

Link to article

Author last name is always first (this is how they are put in order)

Date of publication

Name of article and publication


From where it was retrieved and the link

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PHE5010 Environmental And Occupational Health (Final Paper)

Final Project: Final Paper

This week, you will describe the range of options that are available to address the problem. (Defining a core list of reasonable options is a critically important part of the process of developing a solution to a problem.) You will also formulate a concise argument for your recommendations for the problem

For this assignment:

· Review a reputable source of information on developing options and resolving conflicts when solving problems.

· Study the range of options that have previously been proposed or tested for solving your chosen environmental health problem. Create additional potential options based on your own judgment and knowledge. Identify potential advantages and disadvantages of each option.

· Write a 15- to 20-page, double-spaced paper in Word format addressing the following:

o  State the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement you submitted in Week 2.

o  Briefly introduce the topic of generating options when solving a problem. Describe a formal method by which the advantages and disadvantages of potential options can be evaluated by stakeholder groups to rank the potential options and to resolve conflicts when ranking options.

o  Describe and analyze several options to address the problem (options). Include solutions for populations with disparities, if applicable.

o  Limit your consideration to three to four major options. Briefly describe each option and the main advantages and disadvantages of each major option for solving the problem, including:

§  The likely effectiveness of the proposed solution

§  Costs in terms of dollars as well as effort and other resources (the exact costs are not needed but options should be described in semiquantitative terms ranging from “very expensive” to “relatively inexpensive” or ranging from “most expensive” to “least expensive”)

§  Time required for the option to bring about the desired result

§  Stakeholder issues (limit this section to the key stakeholder groups you identified in your Week 4 landscape paper. Discuss your three to four proposed options with regard to acceptability to certain stakeholders, lack of acceptability to other stakeholders, and common ground for all stakeholders)

§  Potential unforeseen consequences of the proposed solution or difficulties in implementing the solution

o  Summarize your three to four chosen options

o  Clearly identify which option is favored.

o  Describe why this option is preferred over the other options. Explain why, despite the drawbacks, this is the best action to take.

o  Identify what, if any, actions may be taken to mitigate or to overcome the negative aspects of your recommendations.

Submissions Details:

· Name your document SU_PHE5010_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

· Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.Final Project: Final Paper

This week, you will describe the range of options that are available to address the problem. (Defining a core list of reasonable options is a critically important part of the process of developing a solution to a problem.) You will also formulate a concise argument for your recommendations for the problem

For this assignment:

· Review a reputable source of information on developing options and resolving conflicts when solving problems.

· Study the range of options that have previously been proposed or tested for solving your chosen environmental health problem. Create additional potential options based on your own judgment and knowledge. Identify potential advantages and disadvantages of each option.

· Write a 15- to 20-page, double-spaced paper in Word format addressing the following:

o  State the 2- to 3-sentence problem statement you submitted in Week 2.

o  Briefly introduce the topic of generating options when solving a problem. Describe a formal method by which the advantages and disadvantages of potential options can be evaluated by stakeholder groups to rank the potential options and to resolve conflicts when ranking options.

o  Describe and analyze several options to address the problem (options). Include solutions for populations with disparities, if applicable.

o  Limit your consideration to three to four major options. Briefly describe each option and the main advantages and disadvantages of each major option for solving the problem, including:

§  The likely effectiveness of the proposed solution

§  Costs in terms of dollars as well as effort and other resources (the exact costs are not needed but options should be described in semiquantitative terms ranging from “very expensive” to “relatively inexpensive” or ranging from “most expensive” to “least expensive”)

§  Time required for the option to bring about the desired result

§  Stakeholder issues (limit this section to the key stakeholder groups you identified in your Week 4 landscape paper. Discuss your three to four proposed options with regard to acceptability to certain stakeholders, lack of acceptability to other stakeholders, and common ground for all stakeholders)

§  Potential unforeseen consequences of the proposed solution or difficulties in implementing the solution

o  Summarize your three to four chosen options

o  Clearly identify which option is favored.

o  Describe why this option is preferred over the other options. Explain why, despite the drawbacks, this is the best action to take.

o  Identify what, if any, actions may be taken to mitigate or to overcome the negative aspects of your recommendations.

Submissions Details:

· Name your document SU_PHE5010_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.

· Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

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