Reword Assignment Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Discussion

Question-How has your geographic background or your ethnic heritage influenced your food preferences? Are there food norms from your home that you no longer share? What food norms or preferences would you find difficult to change or give up?

Answer-My ethic heritage is deeply rooted in southern culture. Growing up I typically eat most of the foods the were provided to me by my mother. The foods being prepared the way they were wouldn’t be considered as “healthy” by standard means. Now that I am older I can say that I’m more conscience of how my food is prepared and try find healthier food options to consume. Currently there are no food norms or preferences I would find difficult to give up.

Question-Are there specific foods that you believe should or should not be eaten when a person is sick? What foods are critical for maintaining health? What are the sources of your beliefs?

Answer-I believe that a plant-based diet is the best to aid those the sick. Fruit and vegetables particularly provide the body with the essential nutrients to combat disease, illness, and sickness. People whether they are sick or feeling well should be more aware of the nutritional content of the foods they consume. I’ve had relatives that have died from stroke, and cardiovascular disease, and I feel that if they proper lifestyle changes were made longevity in terms of their lives would have been increased.

Question-Who was in charge of food in your household when you were young? Why? Did other adults or children in the household affect food decisions? How?

Answer-My siblings and I grow up in a single parent home. My mother was in charge of the food in the household, because she supported the family. There were no other adults or children in the household that affected food decisions.

Question-What types of interventions could be developed to help households avoid processed convenience foods when faced with fatigue and time constraints? What variables might influence the success of such interventions?

Answer-There are many programs, research, and documentaries that explain the benefits of eating natural and wholistic foods. Majority of working adults deal with fatigue and time constraints, however one’s physical health should be a priority. I made a decision to reduce my intake of processed convenience foods because of the effects these types of food were having on those I cared about. Being able to link the issue of the over consumption of processed foods to a personal level I believe will help influence the success of inventions.

Question-Consider movies, TV shows, or advertisements that you have recently seen. How is the act of eating depicted, particularly among ethnic, regional, or socioeconomic groups? Similarly, how is being thin depicted? How is being overweight depicted? How could these depictions influence young persons’ views of food?

Answer-I feel that there a many people the have ethnic and cultural food items in which they like to indulge in from time to time. With that being said, there has be a huge shift in how people now view health, and the foods they consume. Size in relation to someone being thin or overweight has been subjective. There has been a shift in that people are focused on being healthy rather than solely being focused on their size.

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Can The Construction Of Sponge Cityies Be The Framework For The Development Of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems? Case Study: Case Study: One Or Two Sponge Cities In China

1. Generic structure for dissertations

1. an introduction to the study, outlining: (a) background to the topic, in terms of key policy and/or research questions, issues and debates; (b) the shape and scope of the dissertation, outlining for the reader the broad purpose of the study, where you can choose to introduce the overall aim and the objectives of the research (more frequent in quantitative research); (c) an outline of the structure of the dissertation.


2. a literature review, which provides an overview of a range of literature relevant to the topic chosen, including appropriate policy documents and technical reports as well as other academic work detailing research findings in your chosen field of study. The purpose is to identify gaps in the overall body of research and to outline the (modest) ways in which your research can fill those gaps and expand the larger body of knowledge. It is not simply a summary of everything written on a particular topic; rather, it is an attempt to locate your research within the broader array of knowledge on a particular subject. This, in turn, provides a detailed justification for, and explanation of, the research questions or hypotheses around which your work will be structured.

In summary, then, a literature review should synthesise others’ work, highlighting the key themes to emerge from other studies and applying these to your own research. You should not treat the literature review as simply a summary or précis of policy documents, journal articles and books: it should not be, for example, ‘everything I know about housing land’, or ‘everything I know about transport policy’. Instead, the literature review must be related to the tightly defined research questions or hypotheses which your study is intended to address. In other words, it requires your own assessment of the key findings of earlier work which relates to your topic. A literature review has to be comprehensive, covering policy debates as well as theoretical and conceptual issues (i.e. academic literature). It is also important that you concentrate on literature which is of direct relevance to your work; skip-read related material of only marginal relevance.


3. the methodology , which details your research plan. You can introduce your overall aim and objectives here, instead of the introduction (more frequent in qualitative research). Here you introduce your methodological framework and justify its rationale. You detail how you have implemented the different methods in order to generate and collect data that are used to address the research questions.


4. a results chapter, outlining the findings of research undertaken (e.g. review of policy and technical documents, interviews with key actors, questionnaire-based surveys, or analysis of data collected from secondary sources such as the Census). (In some cases it may be more appropriate to collapse this chapter with the subsequent one. Your supervisor will advise you on this).


5. an analysis and evaluation chapter, exploring the significance of the results, relating them to the ‘bigger picture’ issues outlined in your literature review and highlighting the implications in light of the research questions or hypotheses. This chapter can be combined with the results chapter.


6. a concluding chapter, where you demonstrate how you have met your overall aim and the research objectives, discussing the main findings presented in the previous chapters, and highlighting the implications of your work for policies, practices, theories or techniques, and setting out the ways in which your research has advanced or reinforced knowledge of your chosen subject area.


7. a full reference list, covering all works cited in the main text.


8. any other relevant reference materials, which may be presented in the appendices。


2. Word count


15,000 words in total


Introduction 1000

Literature review 3500


Fieldwork/Results 4000

Analysis and evaluation 3500

Conclusion 1500



3. The theme and the research plan and method adopted



Can the construction of sponge cityies be the framework for the development of sustainable urban drainage systems? Case study: One or two cities in China

2. The aim of this research is:

Aim: To study whether the construction system of China’s sponge cities can promote the development of sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), thereby solving various “water issues” in cities (urban floods, waterlogging, etc.)


3.The objectives of this research are






4. The general idea of Intro and literature review:

background introduction (for example: due to the increase of extreme rainfall and weather due to climate change, various water problems in cities, especially urban floods and waterlogging); causes of urban water problems (invalidation of traditional urban drainage systems) Even paralyzed); China’s traditional drainage system (deficiencies, defects); sustainable drainage system (concept, function (solving urban water crisis, flood disaster), importance); China’s existing (common) sustainable drainage system and development Current status, shortcomings; sponge city (definition; characteristics; advantages and usefulness); new direction: the development of urban sustainable drainage system in the construction of SC system (considering the special characteristics and functions of SC can be used to promote the development and development of sustainable drainage system Participate in the construction of a sustainable drainage system; current authors’ research status and deficiencies in this new direction).


5.Proposed Methodology

1)Document analysis

Through documents, literature, reports, books and urban planning documents related to specific research topics, the feasibility, development status (results), research progress, deficiencies and challenges of developing sustainable urban drainage systems under the construction concept of sponge cities are obtained , Improvement, new development trends and research directions, etc. This information includes: definitions, data, charts, The core content of specific research, etc. Analyze and review the documents related to the research theme, and finally use it to evaluate the theme and draw conclusions.

2)Secondary data analysis

All secondary data from network datasets (literatures, documents, reports, papers). The analysis and research of Secondary data can draw the status quo of the development of the drainage system in the sponge city and under the concept of sponge city, how to improve the deficiencies and shortcomings of the development of urban drainage systems, so as to better promote the development of sustainable drainage systems and ecological cities.


3)Case studies technique

Through the analysis of typical cases of “sponge cities” (one or two cases) that have developed better sustainable drainage systems in China, studying their impact on sustainable drainage systems and the development of ecological cities. Understand the urban water problems (waterlogging, water shortage, black and odorous water bodies, destruction of natural landscapes and ecosystems) that occurred under the traditional urban drainage system in the past. Today’s achievements in the development of sustainable urban drainage systems include whether the pressure on urban drainage systems has been basically eased and controlled, whether urban flood and waterlogging have been basically resolved, whether water resources can be recycled, whether urban natural landscapes have been restored, etc.

In addition, through the study of the sustainable drainage data of these sponge cities, the advantages and disadvantages of the sustainable drainage systems of these cities are evaluated and compared, and improvements and suggestions are made to the shortcomings and shortcomings. Finally, based on the concept of sponge city construction, after adopting a reasonable and correct innovative research plan to improve the sustainable urban drainage system, predict the possibility of water problems in the city in the future (waterlogging, water pollution, water shortage, lack of groundwater level, etc).

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Week 5 Discussion

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 9 of the Contemporary Envrionmental Issues text.  Also, view these two short videos on reducing waste:  Disposability Consciousness and Two Adult, Two Kids, Zero Waste/ Bea Johnson/ TEDxFoggyBottom.

In this week’s discussion, you will recalculate your ecological footprints from Week 1 and determine whether or not your actions taken over the past five weeks have made a difference in the size of your footprints.  You will also have the opportunity to discuss additional actions one might take to live more sustainably.  In particular, you encouraged to focus on techniques for reducing the amount of waste that we generate in our everyday lives.

Complete the follwong:

First, redo your three footprint calculations from Week 1:  your ecolgical (What is your Ecological Footprint) your household carbon emissions footprint (Carbon Footprint Calculator), and your daily water footprint (Water Footprint Calculator).

Compare your new answers from the ones you obtained back in Week 1.  How did the footprints change, if at all?  Do you suspect that nay changes are the result of actions you took?  Why or why not?

In a well-crafted discussion post of at least 200 words, report on the results of all five weeks of the Ecological Footprint Reduction Project.  Did you meet with success?  If so, what activity or activities do you think made the biggest difference?  What additional actions would you consider taking to reduce your footprints in the future, particularly in terms of lessening the amount of materials you consume and wastes you produce?  What did you learn from this experience?  Do you think that individual efforts to live more sustainably matter?  Why or why not?

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Review the video on the Colorado River delta restoration and do your own research to address this question


Restorations are expensive, can take years to implement, and involve many partners and stakeholders. Take the example of the Colorado River Delta Flooding project, and explain to your reader why restorations are both important ecologically and important to local communities.

Restorations are expensive, take years to implement, and involve many partners and stakeholders. Take the example of the Colorado River Delta Flooding project, and explain to your reader why resotrations are both important ecologically and important to local communities.


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NSCI Essay

Term Paper



1.     Identify a Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis.


2.     Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles.


3.     Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic


4.     What is the reason for your interest or analysis?



5.     What changes or recommendations should be made?



6.     Would you try to influence your area of interest?

Why or why not? How?



Note: The 6-8 page paper must be typed (12-14 point font), with separate reference (scholarly using MLA, APA or Scientific) and title page.



1) Term Paper for Health; Water or Air Quality(Indoor), Asthma, Food Safety, Nutrition , GMO’s vs Organic, Obesity, Drugs and addictions

2) Term Paper for Human Ecology; Poverty, Housing, Wastes, Sanitation, Food Security and, Human Hazards (Radiation, and Pesticides); or School Dropouts, Juvenile delinquency and Crime

3) Natural Hazards (Fire, Flood, Freezing, Earthquakes), and Disease epidemiology (Ebola, malaria etc.)

4) Science information/data/research can be used for advocacy of a special interest group, showing differences of expert s, contrasting positions and taking-sides or showing the trade-offs.


How are Impacts or hazards measured or assessed? i.e. cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, or health/ecological thresholds/indicators.

What are the time frames for decisions? Emergency, Law Enforcement procedures, planning process

Is there an environmental health strategy; Health Education/Promotion, Design with Nature, pollution prevention, or environmental enhancement.

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Week 1

Industrial Ecology

SUS/310 Version 3


Industrial Ecology

Part 1: Understanding Green Industrial Ecology Concepts

Industrial ecology introduces a wide array of new concepts that are important to understand as we move forward in the course.

Research the following concepts within Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering.

Write 20- to 50-word responses to each definition in your own words.

· Sustainability –

· Master equation –

· Green engineering –

· Sustainable engineering –

· Modern technology –

· Biological ecology –

· Industrial ecology –

· Metabolism –

· Technological evolution –

· Risk evaluation (assessment) –

· Risk communication –

· Risk management –

· IPAT equation –

· Sustainable development –

· Social ecology –

· Green accounting –

Part 2: Case Study Question 1

Read Section 1.2, “The Tragedy of the Commons,” of Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering.

Write a 350- to 700-word response in total to the following case study questions:

· How could perfect freedom of action adversely affect common shared property?

· How was sustainability quantified? How is industrial ecology related to biological ecology in this case study?

· Was there any risk evaluation done in this case?

· What is a corollary example of “The Tragedy of the Commons” that you witness in modern life?

Part 3: Case Study Question 2

Read Section 2.1, “Is Humanity’s Path Unsustainable?” of Industrial Ecology and Sustainable Engineering.

Write a 350- to 700-word response in total to the following case study questions:

· What are some sustainable practices that would have prevented the island’s permanent population collapse?

· Was risk evaluation used to assess any environmental impacts? If yes, how? If not, what do you think should have been assessed to begin with?

· What were some possible social, legal, and ethical concerns with sustainable development in this case study?

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Paper About 《A Plastic Ocean》

Natural Science : Health and Human Ecology

Note: The 6-8 page paper must be typed (12 point font), with separate reference (MLA) and title page.

Term Paper Guidelines


1.     Identify a Health, Human or Ecological Topic for Analysis.


2.     Describe the topic and how it relates to the Course, Course Concepts and/or principles.

3.     Analyze the Decision-Making Process (Human) or the Environmental (Ecological) application that is used for your topic


4.     What is the reason for your interest or analysis?


5.     What changes or recommendations should be made?


6.     Would you try to influence your area of interest?

Why or why not? How?




Term Paper for Health; Water or Air Quality(Indoor), Asthma, Food Safety, Nutrition, GMO’s vs Organic, Obesity, Drugs, and addictions

Term Paper for Human Ecology; Poverty, Housing, Wastes, Sanitation, Food Security  and, Human Hazards (Radiation, and Pesticides); or School Dropouts, Juvenile delinquency and Crime

Natural Hazards (Fire, Flood, Freezing, Earthquakes), and Disease epidemiology (Ebola, malaria etc.)

Science information/data/research can be used for advocacy of a special interest group, showing differences of experts, contrasting positions and taking sides or showing the trade-offs.


How are Impacts or hazards measured or assessed? i.e. cost-benefit analysis, risk assessment, or health/ecological thresholds/indicators.

What are the time frames for decisions? Emergency, Law Enforcement procedures, planning process

Is there an environmental health strategy; Health Education/Promotion, Design with Nature, pollution prevention, or environmental enhancement.

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Instructionsneed 8 power point slides

Assume the role of an environmental safety expert who is presenting to a     group of undergraduate college students about the application of toxicology in     the field of environmental health and safety. Your presentation should address     the following key points.

  • Explain how dose-response data are utilized for risk assessment.
  • Discuss the relationship between risk assessment and risk management.
  • Identify and explain how at least three fields of toxicology contribute to              areas of environmental safety and health.
  • Research and discuss one current event (within the last six to eight              months) that exemplified the relationship between toxicology and      environmental         safety and health.

The assignment should be completed as a PowerPoint presentation and should     meet the following requirements:

  1. The length should be at least eight slides, not including your title and              reference slides.
  2. Key points only should be entered on slides. Full paragraphs should not be              included on presentation slides.
  3. Voiceover or speaker notes should be included for details of the              discussion. This should not be an exact replica of the slide information but              an expansion of information to fill in the blanks and provide    additional           details to the audience.
  4. Include least three visual aids and/or graphics.
  5. A minimum of three credible sources should be used for this assignment,              and the references should be properly cited in a reference list at the      end   of       the PowerPoint. The CSU Online Library is a great place to    find     credible       sources. If you need any assistance, we have a full    staff of     librarians       available to help you get started with research.    If you need     any assistance       creating your PowerPoint, click here for a Writing Center tutorial   that covers   best          practices for creating effective PowerPoint presentations.   All references            and citations used must be in APA style.
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Give   a basic definition of biodiversity.



Which of the following accurately reflects   the connection between science, decision-making, and environmental science?   a. Science and environmental science rely on evidence; good decision-making   only sometimes relies on evidence.

b. Science and good decision-making rely on evidence; environmental   science does not always rely on evidence.

c. Science relies on good decision-making and environmental science   relies on evidence.

d. Science and good decision-making relies on evidence; environmental   science relies on good decision-making.

e. Science and good decision-making rely on evidence; environmental   science relies on evidence.



Compare   the life history strategy of a deer mouse with that of a bear, and identify   each as either an r- or K-selected species.




Why are tertiary information sources considered less reliable than   primary and secondary sources? What is   a primary source?



What   is an environmental footprint? How is   this used to measure sustainability?



Scientists have studied the impact of clear cutting forests on   erosion and waterways. They know that clear cutting will cause erosion and   waterways will suffer the impact of sediment loading. Evaluate the situation   and choose the statement that best explains how humans may perceive the risks   involved.

a. Since the chance of disaster   is low humans will not have biases about this situation.

b. Although the seriousness of   the impact is well known people’s judgment may still vary dramatically.

c. All people understand this   situation and will work together on a solution. d. Both a and c

e.   None of the above



Why are some people more vulnerable to toxic   substances than other people, even if exposed to the same dose?



Explain how a composting toilet works. Use a   diagram to explain the cycling of water and organic matter.



Distinguish   between chronic and acute effects cuased by exposure to toxic substances.



List THREE abiotic   parameters and THREE biotic parameters: ABIOTIC










Which of the following best describes ecosystem capital? a. mineral   and living resources of the earth.

b. living organisms and other   renewable resources of the earth.

c. natural resources such as   forests and fisheries.

d. natural resources (goods) and   services provided by ecosystems

e. ecosystem services that support life on earth



Refer to the figure below to determine which country has the   lowest population size but the highest density?

a. Asia

b. South Africa

c. Eastern Europe

d. Western Europe

e. Oceania



List three of the things   you might measure to determine your ecological footprint?






Which of the following statements about biodiversity is false?

a. Ecosystem diversity is essential for evolution and natural   selection.

b. Keystone species greatly influence the abundance and distribution   of other species.

c. Genetic variation may provide the means to develop resistance to   disease.

d. Species evenness is the degree to which species have   representation in a habitat.

e. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth.



Gray wolves once roamed the western portions of North America from   Alaska to Mexico. Gray wolves prey on bison, deer, elk, and moose. These prey   had been depleted by hunting by settlers. Ranches and farms were built near   gray wolf habitat.

The wolves thus began to prey on livestock. When the federal   government set aside the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

(GYE)   as a national park in 1872, about 300–400 wolves were present, preying mostly   on elk and bison (Yellowstone Association 1996). Fearing the wolves’ impact   on elk and bison herds as well as livestock owned by area ranchers, the   federal government began eradicating the wolf population. Bounty programs   that continued until 1965 offered as much as $50 per wolf. By the 1930s,   wolves had been effectively eliminated from the 48 contiguous states and   Mexico and remained in high numbers only in Alaska. The elk population then   grew. Elk grazed on plants and soon plant populations declined. Plants such   as willow trees and aspen were negatively affected. Song birds depended on   the trees for habitat, river banks remain stable because of the trees, but   now the trees were not producing saplings (young trees). Which of the   following is the best conclusion to make based on this situation?


a. Keystone species are crucial   to the long-term sustainability of the ecosystems they inhabit.

b. Keystone species can   sometimes cause more harm than good and humans need to step in to solve the   problem.

c. Keystone species greatly   influence the abundance and distribution of other species. d. Both a and c

e.   All of the above



In human populations, crude birth and death rates enable one to   compare a. the natural increase or decrease of different populations.

b. relative rates of immigration   and emigration.

c. the proportions of fertile   women of different populations.

d. the causes of deaths of a   population.

e. age profiles of different populations.



Four types of benefits that biodiversity   provides for humans would be a. direct use, indirect use, options, and   keystone value.

b. deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, options, and existence   value.

c. direct use, indirect use, options, and existence value.

d. deductive, inductive, direct, and indirect uses.

e. direct use, indirect use, organism use, and existence value.



What is doubling time? What   would be the doubling time for a population whose annual growth rate is   5%? Show your calculations.



Humans depend on biodiversity in many ways. Which of the following   is considered to be an “option value”? a. The future discovery of a cure for   cancer

b. Having clean air and drinkable water

c. Breeding strains of crops resistant to drought

d. The opportunity to experience the beauty of the natural world

e. Mangroves providing a natural buffer from hurricane-force winds   and floods



Explain   why habitat fragmentation may be just as serious a threat to a species   survival as total habitat destruction.



Which of the following   describes a biotic community?

a. all the plants, animals, and   microbes in a geographic area.

b. all the plants and animals in   a geographic area.

c. all the species of trees in a   forest.

d. all the trees and other   plants in a forest.

e. abiotic factors in a geographic area.



A   grouping of plants, animals, and other organisms interacting with each other   and their environment in such a way as to perpetuate the grouping more or   less indefinitely is called a/an a. ecosystem.

b. abiotic community.

c. population.

d. ecotone.

e. species




All of the following would contribute to declines in fertility   rates EXCEPT: a. availability of social programs to care for   the elderly.

b. low rates of infant   mortality.

c. mandatory childhood   education.

d. opportunities for higher   education.

e. use of children in farm work



Where   is most of the fresh water on the Earth’s surface? Where does your fresh water come from in   Miami-Dade County?



Abiotic   means a. toxic.

b. antibiotic.

c. nonliving.

d. desert.

e. microscopic.



The   process that photo-autotrophic producers perform that is not performed by   other organisms in most ecosystems is a. chemosynthesis.

b. metabolism.

c. photosynthesis.

d. cell respiration.

e. reproduction.



In most ecosystems, the producers are the a. green   plants.

b. fungi.

c. animals.

d. humans.

e. bacteria



The complete loss of all individuals of a   species is defined as a. extinction.

b. biodiversity.

c. hot spots.

d. aesthetics.

e. existence value.



Which of the following have removed limits to human population   growth? a. Medical practices

b. Agriculture

c. Sanitation methods

d. Both a and c

e. All of the above



Select   the best conclusion based on the data in the chart below.






Medical advances

Disease incidence or severity lessened

Humans live longer


Agricultural advances

Excess food is now grown

Humans have more food available


Waste management and sewage system advances

Less water pollution

Humans have access to safer water and fewer diseases

a. Human populations worldwide are healthy and have plenty of food   and clean water.

b. The effects of limiting factors that might stabilize populations   have been reduced.

c. There is now more healthy food than ever before so larger human   populations can be supported.

d. Advances lead to more resource consumption but human population   growth does not negatively affect the environment.

e. Agricultural advances have led to more nutrition so that the world   no longer has humans facing starvation.



The maximum number of individuals an ecosystem can support is   referred to as a. its carrying capacity.

b. density dependence.

c. its ecological footprint.

d. immigration.

e. emigration.



Draw a simple diagram for an group of 8th graders to   explain the Carbon cycle – Explain where the “extra” carbon is coming from in   the increase of CO2 in the Earth’s atmosphere.



What is the major limiting factor for humans? a. Immigration

b. Disease

c. Lack of adequate food supply

d. Lack of clean water

e. Natural disasters



The movement of individuals into a population is called a.   emigration.

b. maximizing the carrying capacity.

c. population density.

d. the limiting factor.

e. immigration.



Which   of the following correctly describes I = P × A × T?

a. Population size, standard of living, and technology impact the   environment.

b. Population size, standard of living, and technology have no impact   on the environment.

c. Population size is impacted by the standard of living, technology,   and the environment.

d. Standard of living and technology impact the population size.

e. Standard of living, technology, and the impact they have on the   environment determine population size.



In   nature an oxygen free environment is termed a. aerobic.

b. anaerobic.

c. biotic.

d. complete.

e. organic.



A population with stable size is one in which a. death   rate is less than birth rate.

b. death rate is the same as   birth rate on the average.

c. death rate exceeds birth   rate.

d. birth rate equals   recruitment.

e. there are no deaths.



Explain how “Biotic potential” and “environmental resistance”   regulate animal populations in ecosystems. How do these terms apply to human population growth?



How   could it be possible that we are already living beyond the long-term carrying   capacity of Earth?



An increase in the   population of an herbivore is generally

a. preceded by an increase in   population of its natural enemies.

b. paralleled by an increase in   populations of its natural enemies.

c. followed by an increase in   populations of its natural enemies.

d. independent of populations of   its natural enemies.

e. dependent on an increase of its natural enemies.



A condition that would most likely result in the S-shaped   population growth curve is the a. introduction of a foreign species.

b. elimination of a   predator.

c. alteration of the   habitat.

d. removal or reduction of   competing species.

e. a stable abiotic and biotic environment.



The   IPAT equation is used to

a. mathematically figure out the exact impact humans have on the   environment.

b. determine how to limit population size.

c. provide a useful way to think about human population growth and   its consequences.

d. compute how immigration and emigration affect population size.

e. gather mathematical data to help governments make policies about   population sizes.



A species that has an essential role in maintaining ecosystem   structure is called a: a. keystone species.

b. critical species.

c. endangered species.

d. predator.

e. threatened species.



Human population growth before the 1900s was limited by all of the   following EXCEPT a. primitive medical   technology.

b. birth control   technology.

c. famines. d. disease.

e.   poor sanitation.



Provide a climate diagram for a Midwest tall grass prairie. Describe the patterns of temperature and   precipitation you would see, and the resulting vegetation.



Provide a climate diagram for a Montane forest in Yellowstone   National Park. Describe the patterns   of temperature and precipitation you would see, and the resulting   vegetation.



What   is ecosystem function, and how can people benefit from ecosystem   function? Give a specific   example.




Describe   the major groups of living organisms on earth based on the SOURCES of Carbon   and SOURCES of Energy used.



Which human activities can increase the   chances of diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, and other diseases carried   by vectors like mosquitos?

a. Changes in livestock management

b. Adding microbes to soil

c. Planting trees to have more carbon sinks

d. Clear-cutting, building roads, and mining in forests

e. Using bacteria to clean up oil spills



Living vegetation and the ocean are known as “carbon   sinks” because a. they are made   of carbon.

b. they create carbon.

c. they destroy carbon.

d. they store carbon.

e. due to gravity, carbon is found closer to the ground.



A condition that would most likely result in the S-shaped   population growth curve is the a.   introduction of a foreign species.

b. elimination of a predator.

c. alteration of the habitat.

d. removal or reduction of competing species.

e. a stable abiotic and biotic environment.



Biotic factors the influence ecosystems include all of following   except: a. Herbivory pressure

b. Predation

c. Competition

d. Altitude

e. Mutualism/ symbiosis

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Op-Ed (Your Decision)

ESPM 194b

Area of Concentration Op-Ed

Rachel Morello-Frosch

Advocacy writing is a critical tool for environmental policy-making, public education and effective activism. One of the purposes of this class is to encourage students to develop and frame arguments about technical issues in language appropriate to policy settings and public venues outside of academia.

Op-ed pieces are written by people who are not staff members of a newspaper to present an argument or perspective on current issues. Op-eds are different from the columns by staff writers that also appear on the editorial pages, but are found on the page “opposite the editorials” (hence the term op-ed).

This assignment entails writing a concise and compelling op-ed piece (600 –800 words) that advances an argument for action on any issue in your Area of Concentration. In addition to handing in your op-ed piece and any newspaper stories related to it, you are asked to identify a media outlet and encouraged to submit your piece for publication. Possible venues include, online publications, national and local newspapers, and even radio commentaries.

Your piece should focus on one identifiable issue or question and advocate that a specific course of action be taken. Part of your argument should be based on technical or scientific information. You may wish to look at op-ed pieces in current newspapers to see examples of this form of writing. You may select any topic related to society and environment in your Area of Concentration. This includes a topic of interest to you or that’s relevant to your work. In selecting your topic, you need to define a question or issue that has a policy or advocacy solution. Your piece should identify the policy issue of concern, discuss the technical or scientific findings that illuminate the topic and support your position, and present an argument for action that should be taken to address the issue or question.

Make sure you put a one-sentence byline on your op-ed. A byline can be something as simple as: “John Doe is the co-founder and president of the UC Berkeley Environmental Action Network.” This ensures that readers know who you are and who you represent. You must also indicate at the end of your op-ed, the outlet for which you are planning your piece. I’ve had several students in the past get their work published, so please submit your work. You have nothing to lose.

Tips for writing good op-eds:

1) Op-eds are NOT short term papers—instead hammer home a single idea. Unlike your term paper assignment, the op-ed requires you write like an advocate for a diverse audience that may not have any knowledge about your topic. In other words, get to the point quickly, don’t cite, and immediately tell people what you think they should do. The key to a successful op-ed is to clearly explain what you are addressing and why people should care about it. Although you’ll have to make several points along the way to show readers you’re both knowledgeable and credible, those points should all support one opinion that you want readers to understand when they have finished reading. If you can’t state your op-ed’s main thesis in one clear, declarative sentence, stop writing and focus your energy there.

2) Be specific: In making an argument about a policy action, be specific about who should take the recommended action. In general, it is better to say that Congress should pass a law, or the governor should issue an order, or that residents of Berkeley should alter their behavior than to say that “society” should care about or address something. Specifics and details make writing compelling and interesting. 3) Be interesting first: (And remember: facts are not inherently interesting, so use them strategically and sparingly). You’ll need facts and data to back up your argument, but readers need to be interested before they will fully engage. Therefore, tell a story, ask a question, use a common phrase, or make it personal to draw in your reader. If you can introduce real people into your op-ed, do so before you dive into the data. Use accessible language and select arguments and evidence that are likely to be most persuasive to the readers of the newspaper to which you would like to send your piece. Neither jargon, nor abbreviations, nor technical terminology are appropriate for op-eds.

4) Know your audience: If you write for the New York Times, you have a national audience. If you write for the SF Chronicle, the Daily Cal, or the Berkeley Daily Planet, you have a local audience. One will know what the “East Bay” is; the other won’t have a clue.

5) Make it sound good: Like good speeches, op-eds should sound good when read aloud. They should have a cadence, intermingling short sentences with longer ones. If your piece reads smart but sounds boring, it is probably the latter. Say your piece and get off the stage. The longer and more complex your op-ed, the harder it will be to understand. Do not show off your UC Berkeley education with five-syllable words. Leave out anything that isn’t completely necessary. Less is more. Always.

5) Use a catchy title to capture readers’ attention.

Read some op-eds in a local or national newspaper in their entirety, looking closely at how the authors open their pieces (i.e. do they pose a question, make a shocking statement, make it personal, or use a blunt approach?). Look also at how they conclude their op-eds. These endings tend to be short and to the point. In many of these pieces you can read the title, introduction, and concluding paragraph and know what the piece says without having to read the whole thing. You should strive for that objective in your own op-eds as well.

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